The folks at the Stranger have briefly rescued me from the Siberian gulag that is Slog (little known fact: “Slog” is a contraction of “Siberian” and “gulag”), giving me temporary refuge in their print edition. The result: this week’s feature story, “Dave Reichert’s Brain,” in which I take a slightly different whack at the three-term congressman’s head:
Seven years before whacking himself in the head with a tree branch, Dave Reichert was on the fast track to the governor’s mansion.
This was in 2003, nearly two decades since a Republican had occupied the residence, and in the silver-haired sheriff from King County, GOP muckety-mucks were convinced they had found their savior. Brawny and photogenic, with the kind of common-folk touch that could only come from being… well… very, very common, the self-proclaimed made-for-TV “hero” of the Green River Killer case would be the Republican party’s best shot at the governorship in years.
But at a meet and greet with the state House Republican Caucus, the Reichert Express quickly jumped off the rails. While the hair and the biceps were as dazzling as promised, once Reichert opened his mouth, it quickly became apparent that the candidate was not. Rambling and incoherent, unknowledgeable and unprepared, Reichert was so bad at answering even the softest of softball questions that he had his fellow Republicans literally shaking their heads in disbelief.
Then-Republican state representative Rodney Tom, now a Democratic state senator, recalls listening to Reichert in stunned silence on a caucus room couch with two colleagues when one of them leaned in and whispered, “If he’s running for governor, the three of us should run too.”
According to another caucus member present at the meeting, Reichert had walked into the room the presumptive Republican nominee for governor, but by the time he walked out, talk had already turned to recruiting eventual two-time loser Dino Rossi. And the rest is history.
[…] This depiction of Reichert as unstudied, confused, and bafflingly incoherent—if not, you know, kind of stupid—these are all testimonials from his fellow Republicans! So when longtime Reichert observers started speculating that his recent head injury may have resulted in permanent brain damage, the first question I had to ask myself was: “How would you know?”
Stupid or brain damaged? Read the whole thing, and then decide for yourself.
Thankfully, he came through the tree-branch incident unscathed.
Of the two, you would think that Reichert would be a bit smarter than Rossi.
@ Don
Intelligence is relative. I could show you an absolutely brilliant machinist, who will argue to the point of violence that Sarah Palin is the most intelligent person in politics, and Rush Limbaugh should be given the Nobel Prize.
A machinist would be skilled not brilliant. Brilliance is defined by intelligence, not by trade or skill.
a machinist can certainly be brilliant….a person’s occupation does not necessarily define their intelligence…
…one look at congress should tell you that.
and I would bet you there are plenty of machinists out there who are far more brilliant than many of the drones working at microsoft.
I dated one of those drones at Microsoft for a bit. Based on that experience, I’d say you’re probably right.
isn’t calling someone brain damaged or stupid “mean spirited”? or am i missing something from the liberal playbook?
Reichert, Rossi, Reicher, Rossi, Reichert, Rossi …
Sheep of the comment section, what is Goldy trying to distract you from?
Q: “Sheep of the comment section, what is Goldy trying to distract you from?”
A: The 6 R’s?
Goldy, Goldy, Goldy… We know you want a D in the 8th, but yikes, guy, you need to calm down! Reading the latest installment of your, uh, opus on Reichert’s worthiness, I kept seeing you as the Wicked Witch of the West after being dowsed by Dorothy (or Dave in this case), clutching your breast and screeching, in an ever-diminishing cry as you melted under your pointy hat, “Reichert’s brain, Reichert’s brain, Reichert’s br….”. Dude, chill! You’re looking a little demented!
From idiot trolls I hope.
If so thanks Goldy.
re 9: Yes. You have missed a thing or two from the liberal playbook. The playbook , though, is safely in the hands of Ben Stein — who is a card carrying Democrat (secretly) since he found out about Nixon’s “Jewboy’ comment.
@ Emily
Um, Ben wrote that statement. That was what his job was all about.
Wow. That is a scathing article. Very impolite, Goldy. Remember, lefties are suppose to be polite while the righties are airing ads calling Obama the Angel of Death.
But aside from being impolite, it was a very nicely written and well-presented exposition.
(Weren’t the comments about the environmental vote in 2010, not 2006?)
MoT @8,
Yes, the piece was mean spirited. But truthful. I think if Reichert could look Gary Ridgway in the eye, he can handle this article.
Kelly @11,
Reichert is poorly educated, unread, and uninformed. And judging from his numerous incoherent speaking appearances, just not all that naturally bright. Perhaps that’s what you look for in Congressman, but not me.
sarge @15,
That was indeed from 2006. He made similar remarks again in 2010, but I didn’t manage to fit those into the piece.
I saw the debates in the last two elections and how Reichert limped through them. Why did we have to suffer through 3 terms of this before even the question of competence is seriously entertained?
Slog would be a portmanteau, not a contraction.
Hey, you keep that frenchie surrender language to yourself.
Here is a real problem for Democrats–
I think women Democrat Candidates have been hung out to dry by their voting records. Democrats have taken women and Black voters for granted…and it’s backfiring. Women see the bleak job situation and don’t have confidence in Dems to fix it. And Dem Women candidates are taking the brunt for rubberstamping ImamObaMao’s BS. They give the impression of being coopted and weak..lead by a man. Unwilling to question anything ImamObaMao says. Murray is a classic example.
Always pro-ImamObaMao.
Your Democrat candidate Del-WTF is a classic example of someone who will not get the womens vote she needs to win. Your mean-spirited attacks are not well received by most women Goldy. You may rally your meager KLOWN base at HA…but outside here, it is harmful to your cause.
Aaannnd Mr Klynykal again comes in to demonstrate exactly why the Fascists stay on their message and somehow win so much.
“There are two things that are infinite. The Universe, and Human stupidity.
And I am not sure about the universe”
-Albert Einstein
In all the postings that Goldy has done on this subject he has not once been proven wrong on the facts.
Mean spirited, perhaps a little, but then it would all blow up in Goldy’s face if it was untrue.
Reichert suffered an injury that medical doctors say routinely causes diminished brain function. Recovery is possible but the brain doesn’t heal to pre-injury levels.
Members of his own party have had concerns about his political depth since he entered politics.
Recent interviews and taped speeches have been disjointed and incoherent.
He refuses to debate or have scheduled public appearances.
So trolls, what’s incorrect about any of Goldy’s statements?
Goldy is a more than a little mean-spirited.
You see what he has to resort to because the Democrats are losing on 8 out of issues that are most important to Americans, including jobs & the economy.
So let’s talk about Reichert’s brain instead of how he voted versus how his ObamaKlone opponent would vote?
Don’t want to discuss ObamaCare or the Porkulous Bill. Don’t want to discuss the National Debt which has risen under Obama and the Democrats from $10.6 TRILLION to $13.6 TRILLION in 21 months!!! A 30% increase.
And the last 2 years of Bush with a Democrat controlled Congress, it went from $8.6 to $10.6. Lots of blame to go around. Bush was gutless and didn’t use his veto pen. The Dems controlled the Legislation.
Who do you punish?
Bush is gone.
Your guy is in and it’s getting worse!
Lots of incumbents need to be fired.
I don’t see Reichert with a big spending voting record…especially compared to Murray, Dicks and what DelWTF would have done.
Some R’s have already paid the price in primaries…Murkowski, Castle, and GOP establishment candidates who got whacked by Tea Partiers.
The Dems hold no one accountable…because apparently you fools see no problem.
The die is cast for most of these elections.
I see the R’s controlling the House and being 1 or 2 votes short in the Senate. In 2012, there are 33 seats up of which 23 currently belong to Dems with 4-5 in deep trouble.
And Goldy throws meaningless shit are someone rather than talking voting records.
You were gloating over the so-called “progressive landslide”. Now your movement is in the shitter…as I expected.
And you are soooooooo angry all you can do is name-call.
You lose.
How appropriate. We have a brain damaged KLOWN posting on a thread that has “brain damaged” in the title.
re 25: Can you spell ‘veto’? I knew you could!
But what the hell kind of serious legislation could the Republicans possibly serve up?
More tax cuts?
The multi-nationals don’t even keep their money in this country anymore. But, then again, how difficult would it be to take over the Bahamas?
That Cynical…
He’s a brain dead, moronic, misanthropic, religionist fuck…
…but he’s OUR brain dead, moronic, misanthropic, religionist fuck.
This is the best the leftist progressives can do in response to facts.
It says it all, doesn’t it Puddy.
There ARE no “facts” to back up your absurd blatherings. You produce no FACTs. The bullshit you come up with is riddled with error, false assumption and deliberate obfuscation.
You fucking LIE and TWIST…like your asshole doppelganger the puddybitch.
You all can LIE all you want…but the FACTS and the TRUTH always win out. Just like the truths emerging aboout all your little Tea-Party shitheads.
I can’t wait for the wailing and gnashing of teeth when you snotty-nosed little hypocrites don’t get the present you ordered from Santa on Nov. 3rd.
Why do you, as an avowed “Christian” hate so many so much.
Where did the Christ espouse hatred for anyone…you hypocritical asshole,
re 29: The time for Republicans to fret over the national debt always seems to coincide with the times that Democrats are in power.
And that’s a fact.
Don’t let fucking FACTS get in your way Cynical…you lying freak…
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