Well, the vast right-wing conspiracy finally succeeded in shutting me up. It took knocking out power to half of SE Seattle, but I’m pretty much shut down for the moment.
I’m back, but in my absence our good friend Stefan blamed the govmint:
Ah, the advantages of having a government-owned electric utility.
Um… yeah… I suppose it could have been the govmint’s fault. Or perhaps we should blame the guy who knocked down a utility pole?
I suppose it’s possible Stefan was just joking, but either way it shows how tired the right’s anti-govmint rhetoric is getting. I mean, really.
William J Jefferson, DEMOCRAT, LA [hehe]
Ann Coulter is a babe!!! Helen Thomas is the typical Democrat bitch. Get the difference?
So Goldy…
Is the power outage your excuse on not following up why Duke Cunninghams seat was not filled with a Democrat?
Seriously, if a Democrat could not win that race, you guys have serious problems.
In a primarly Republican district? are you kidding?
William J Jefferson, DEMOCRAT, LA [hehe]
Commentby REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]— 6/7/06@ 12:05 pm
Ann Coulter is a babe!!! Helen Thomas is the typical Democrat bitch. Get the difference?
Commentby REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]— 6/7/06@ 12:06 pm
boring. get some new material moron
John Craig Herman @2
Why do you hate 9/11 widows? Why are you such an unpatriotic fuck?
Now Folks you all by now know I really beat up on the two Seattle Fish Wrappers and for good reason. Now one of the local papers knows when they getting snow job but step up to the plate and does the honorable thing and express from their point of view. Now Folks that is refreshing to see and thank you King County Journal.
I swear to do my duty … oh, never mind
An unnamed group has been sending e-mails to the media the past few days, alerting us that a U.S. Army lieutenant based at Fort Lewis “will become the first commissioned officer to refuse deployment to the unlawful Iraq war and occupation.”
The unnamed group has called a press conference, which means they want coverage to announce what they’ve already said they’re going to do — use Lt. Ehren Watada as a front man to promote their agenda, which is that President Bush is a bad person and that the war in Iraq is not only a bad idea but also is illegal.
We don’t know Lt. Watada, who is a member of 3rd Brigade, the Army’s first Stryker Brigade Combat Team, but his gesture smacks of grandstanding. A statement released by the unnamed group quotes the lieutenant as saying: “I wanted to be there for my fellow troops. But the best way was not to help drop artillery and cause more death and destruction. It is to help oppose this war and end it so that all soldiers can come home.”
We don’t know how long Lt. Watada has been in the Army, but we do know that he is an adult who enlisted in the Army and is a commissioned officer.
As such, when he took an oath of enlistment and the oath for commissioned officers, he swore to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic … and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed above me … that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion, and that I will and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter.
“So help me God.”
Apparently Lt. Watada had his fingers crossed.
rwb @ 4,
So you are basically saying that any district that is primarily republican has never been a target of democrats?
If that’s the case, then why all the talk about taking over The House & Senate?
Ah, the advantages of having a government-owned electric utility.
“Is the power outage your excuse on not following up why Duke Cunninghams seat was not filled with a Democrat?”
Because it’s a solidly Republican district, jackass! Cunningham beat Busby in this district by 58.4% to 36.5% only two short years ago.
Bilbray, a former congressman not tainted by scandal, couldn’t even get 50% — while Busby improved her results to 45%. Looks like the Crooks and Liars are in trouble, because obviously a significant number of their own voters voted for the Democrat!
If an experienced GOP candidate can carry a district where they normally have an 18-point advantage by only 4 percent, what do you think is going to happen in swing districts?
jch @ 2
we all know that you get off on guys dressing in women’s clothing!
Let the righties try to spin their horrible performance in the CA 50. Let them stick their heads in the sand. When Nov comes around, we’ll see how they eat crow then.
Just think, to not even win a majority in a district that HAS NEVER voted for a Dem? Man how much trouble are the wing nuts in? Plenty!
Yeah, klake, you’ve got a point — Seattle’s fish wrappers let Timmy Eyman pull snow jobs on them, too … repeatedly, and for years.
By the way, if and when you come up with a better way of wrapping fish, patent it.
Rumor has it that Lush Flimbaugh might have failed a piss test. That means his deal to get probation could be off and he could have to face the same justice anyone (other than Lush) would have to face for being a drug dealer.
Ahh Roger,
Funny, it seems to me you KLOWNS have been talking a whole bunch of smack about taking over all these districts.
In fact, wasn’t watching Duke Cunninghams seat go to a democrat on the menu for last nights, drinkng with dimwtted liberals @ Montlake?
I love how when you get slapped back into your position (fetal) suddenly the talk goes from “we are going to rule the world” to… Oh, that’s a strong republican district.
BTW, what do I think is going to happen in swing districts? The goddamn same thing, you’ll continue to lose….
So go change your shit stained diapers your out of touch, liberal, old hen.
Reminds me of a story a journalism professor told to his class of journalism students at a midwestern university many years ago.
An aspiring publisher bought a small town newspaper, and the first thing he did was replace the antiquated presses, which require expensive custom-made newsprint because the newspaper’s page size was non-standard.
Circulation immediately plummeted.
The new publisher started asking around to find out why everyone suddenly was canceling their subscriptions. Finally, one of the housewives explained it to him.
“For seventy-five years,” she said, “the people in this town have been using the newspaper to line their kitchen cupboard shelves. All the houses here have kitchen cabinets that were custom built to the exact size of the newspaper pages. When you changed the page size, we had no need for the newspaper anymore.”
The young publisher went to the wrecking yard and retrieved his old presses.
Hey Joel Connelly — if you’re reading this … I’m sure YOU will appreciate that story. Kinda puts things in perspective, doesn’t it?
what, you are using the PI for adult diapers and the capitol hill times is to small to fit your fat ass?
No, he’s saying winning with 49% to 45% of the vote in a district the GOP carry by 58% to 36% against the same Democrat only two short years ago isn’t much of a victory.
What it means, Jaybo, is that about 15% of the Republican voters abandoned the GOP and voted for the Democrat. That wasn’t disastrous in a district where the GOP has a 3-to-2 advantage, but if that pattern holds across the country this fall, it spells huge trouble for Republicans in swing districts.
Momus Pompous Assus @18
Just to clarify — I use your posts for toilet paper.
Got a couple questions for you, Stefan.
1) Why did you make a lifestyle choice to live in Seattle City Light’s service area, when you could have bought a house just a few miles farther north and been served by an investor-owned utility?
2) Have you been donating the difference between City Light rates and what Puget Power charges to your favorite charity?
3) Why didn’t you share the judgment in your lawsuit against King County Elections with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who helped pay for the lawsuit?
4. Did you plant CARROTS in your garden this spring? YUMMY!!! I LOVE CARROTS!!!
5. Why are you such a selfish, greedy prick, that you won’t share the proceeds of the lawsuit with your generous donors, or donate you utility bill savings to charity?
Let’s do this, Pompous Ass. I’ll save your post at #15, and if things don’t work out for you in November, I’ll repost it and rub your face in it until the end of time.
Roger…Will you still be alive come November?
I thought people forced to retire, typically are dead within a few shorts months….
Once again, you are GUILTY of attempting to OVER-extrapolate from the results of 1 mere Legislative District.
Here is a District where the previous Representative is in JAIL (where he belongs) and the D’s still can’t win!!!
You see, anyone can spin this thing a million ways til Sunday.
It’s one race…that’s it.
It doesn’t tell anyone that much as there are way too many factors/variables to consider. But keep analyzing if it floats yer boat Rog.
And LeftTurd–
You are an incompetent fuck! You angst and blind hatred make you and your ilk ineffective. Most people in America are not hateful people. I poke fun at you because…..well. I find your KLOWNlike behavior amusing at best.
LeftTurd fails to realize that people want a well thought out concrete plan on issues that are important to them….
(Iraq, Health Care, Economy, Immigration etc.)
You KLOWNS have SURFACEY DREAMS that do not qualify as well thoughtout plans. Sound bites…with ZERO meat on the bones.
YOU KLOWNS have a golden opportunity but are blowing it because all you can do is spew hate. Maybe that flies in your little MORONIC Drinking Klub…but it doesn’t sell around America.
Wake up!
LeftTurd is hopeless however.
What a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSER! At least the Rabbit can think….although his head is on backwards!
MomoHomo and Cervical,
What it also means is that $11 million just got sucked out of the RNC coffers to eek out a victory in a “safe” district, while the Dems only spent $4.7 million.
If it takes running to the left and spending more than 2 to 1 for R’s to win a “safe” seat, wtf do you think it will take to retain a douce bag like Reichert?
Republican’s used to count on districts like CA-50 to finance other races. You can kiss that g’bye.
With Lobbyist Mike running around sucking all the loose change out of pay phones, Reichert and McMorris are gonna have to get in line with the rest of the caucus to sell their votes to the highest bidders.
LeftTurd the CONVICTED Plagarist—
Thank God you are on the other side!
Mark Twain had you LeftTurd clearly in mind when he said,
“Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed!”
See how you do it LeftTurd? When you quote someone elese, you CREDIT them AND use Quotation Marks!! It’s real easy….unless of course you are trying to impress us by STEALING the words of others and pawning them off as your own!!!
LeftTurd========Loooooooooooooser PLAGARIST!!!
Memo to Momus Assus:
This is a hen: http://www.northrup.org/photos/chicken/hens%20(1).htm
This is a rabbit: http://www.northrup.org/photos/Animals/nl-34.htm
How the hell do I know if I’ll still be alive in November?
But there’s gonna be one less Republican voter in November, because by then Ann Coulter will be a convicted felon.
Oh wait! I forgot! Felons can vote in Florida — as long as they’re lily-white and Republican.
Reichert beat Ross 55 – 45. CA 50th had a 9% swing toward the Dem. A similar swing in the 8th District will put Burner in office. So the CA 50th result is not as good as a win, but it certainly shows that the GOP has reason to be concerned this year and gives the Dems reason to hope.
Cynical, why would voters extrapolate (as you put it) Cunningham’s crimes to Mr. Bilbray? What I’m saying is 1 of every 7 voters in CA-50 who voted Republican in the last election are sufficiently fed up with Republicans that they turned their backs on a veteran GOP congressman who hasn’t been accused or convicted of anything, and voted for the Democrat. Can you tell me where the flaw is in my reasoning?
For the past five years, corporate lobbyists and bag-men have heard from DeLay that if they so much as hold a door for a Democrat they’ll be punished. Now, thanks to CA-50, all up and down K street calls are suddenly being returned!
Anyone can do the math. Spending by Republicans on the level of CA-50 cannot be sustained to defend not only swing seats but also safe ones.
This, for Republicans, is what is refered to as a hollow victory.
A wingnut complaining about plagiarism is like Satan complaining about sinners.
“This, for Republicans, is what is refered to as a hollow victory.” Commentby Had Enough Yet?— 6/7/06@ 1:50 pm
This, for Republicans, is what is referred to as a finger in a crumbling dike.
Young viewers just don’t watch The O’Reilly Factor like they used to. April marked Bill O’Reilly’s lowest-rated month in the 25-54 demographic since August 2001.
His 415,000 demo viewers in March was a new low, but O’Reilly managed to lose a few more in April, averaging 412,000 in the demo
In other news, Olbermann’s ratings keep going up in the money demo:
RR @ 36,
let’s hope so. All the more reason to pour money into the campaigns of Burner and Goldmark. If they can outspend their opponents, they stand a very good chance of taking one of those seats.
And they stand a very good chance of outspending their opponents if folks continue to give. The more money they raise, the more “the K street initiative” weakens.
Speaking of Bill O’, did you hear the one where he blamed US Soilders in WWII of killing Nazi’s that surrendered when in fact it was the Nazi’s that killed Americans? Why does Bill O’ hate our troops so much:
Bill O’Reilly has — for the second time in just under eight months — slandered at least 84 dead American servicemen. He has turned them, again, from victims of the kind of atrocity our country has always fought, into perpetrators of that kind of atrocity. He has made these Americans into war criminals.
Other than Ann Coulter, any other trannys you think are “cute.”
If a liberal had made that remark, the Right would be all over him. When a righty icon does it, the wingy apologists trip over themselves to lie and deny. It proves these low-lifes always put party loyalty above everything else, including patriotism.
At any network but Fox, a remark like that would result in summary job termination.
The California district has been so solidly Republican for years that the Democrats had quite a bit of trouble talking candidates into serving as the “sacrificial lamb” in each election. Too many arch-conservative retirees in the district, and ex-military, most of whom were concerned about reducing taxes on their investments.
So when I heard that the GOP candidate had barely squeeked out a win, I wondered how long it would take for the GOP to try to spin it into a “stunning victory”. In truth, they were holding their breaths in what should have been a very safe election for them, and they were lucky not to have lost it.
In 1976 we saw lots of Republican congressmen lose their seats in an anti-Republican backlash which was a belated reaction to the Watergate scandals. This November is beginning to look a lot like 1976.
Rabbit @ 19,
It really must be tough to be a liberal nowdays.
You have to be a figurative “elastic-man” in order to constantly spin bad news and disappointment into something good for the liberal movement.
At least you will be able to say this November that you won the “moral victory” even if you failed to win the majority.
There’s nothing more pitiful than the rants of a self-righteous loser……LOL
Republican Train Wreck #859505948
Seven Confirmed Subpoenas in Lewis Probe
The San Bernardino Sun has confirmed the seventh recipient of a subpoena from federal investigators probing ties between House Appropriations Chair Jerry Lewis (R-CA) and the Copeland Lowery lobby firm: the desert town of Yucca Valley.
“Ah, the advantages of having a government-owned electric utility.”
Having lived in Britain in the early 1990s, I can tell you first-hand that there are few, if any advantages of having a privatized electric utility.
Goldy, look out the window and tell me if you see a white van with an antenna on the roof and the letters “DHS” painted on the sides.
“It really must be tough to be a liberal nowdays.” Commentby jaybo— 6/7/06@ 3:00 pm
It certainly is, Jaybo, but all things considered I’d rather be me than you. It sucks to be you.
Goldy, look out the window and tell me if you see a white van with an antenna on the roof and the letters “DHS” painted on the sides.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/7/06@ 3:14 pm
DHS is going to arrest a eunuch Rabbit, accuse it of being a terrorist, hold it for many months, tortured it, and finally release it to Rabbit Meadows Sanctuary.
Ann Coulter’s attack on the 9/11 widows is interesting. Her idea that Democrats use certain people because they are “unattackable” only makes sense if you plan to attack those persons personally.
In other words, Ms. [sic] Coulter in admitting that she has no ideas, only personal attacks. No one would care if she had some ideas to stand on but, much like Tim Eyman, it is all about her, and never about ideas, which are an anethma to her ideology.
The goodnews, if there is indeed a God, and people like Ms. [sic] Coulter make me hope there is, we know there is a very special place in hell for those who do nothing but issue personal attacks in the name of power.
You’re such a dumbass, Stefan. Puget Sound Energy customers lose power just as much, if not more often, than Seattle City Light customers.
Roger and Gang please help me understand why Council of Europe investigator Dick Marty blames the CIA for doing their job to protect them from these loving terrorist? What constitutes unlawful inter-state (not country) transfers took place in Europe? Does that mean that every plane or mode of travel requires Marty permission to move the suspect onto his next destination or it is UNLAWFUL? Hell it would be more convenient to toast the terrorist instead of detaining them until they present no threat. None of the countries want these chaps in the first place so why not leave them in Marty office in chains. When comes to work the next morning he can have a great love fest with these outstanding fellows.
Europe colluded with CIA over prisoners – watchdog
Despite the lack of “smoking gun” evidence, Marty said there were a “number of coherent and converging elements (that) indicated that secret detention centres have indeed existed and unlawful inter-state transfers have taken place in Europe”.
Marty said 10 cases involving 17 individuals had come to light but many of the Council’s member states had been reluctant to provide information. More cases could follow.
Last month, EU investigators said they believed 30 to 50 people had been handed over to countries where they might face torture by the United States since the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Allegations of CIA abuses, first made by newspapers and human rights groups late last year, fanned concerns among many in Europe about U.S. anti-terrorism tactics.
The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee this month approved legislation that would require U.S. intelligence chief John Negroponte to report to Senate and House of Representatives panels about any secret prisons or detention facilities.
Roger did the CIA torture you when they came by asking questions?
YOU blamed the guvmint for your kids school closing!
I contend that was your own damn fault!!!
LeftTurd the CONVICTED Plagarist—
Thank God you are on the other side!
Mark Twain had you LeftTurd clearly in mind when he said,
“Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed!”
See how you do it LeftTurd? When you quote someone elese, you CREDIT them AND use Quotation Marks!! It’s real easy….unless of course you are trying to impress us by STEALING the words of others and pawning them off as your own!!!
LeftTurd========Loooooooooooooser PLAGARIST!!!
Ms Cynical – convicted sex offender. Thank God (even though God is a crock) that you are on the other side!
Guess you can’t find anything REMOTELY intelligent to say that could come close to defeating the argument. Too bad. And they thought that you were one of the bright spots on the troll patrol. Best keep attacking the person making the argument then since you have no answer. We understand Ms. Cynical. It’s the rethug way.
So will the treasonous liberal America haters be as quick to convict Lt Watada as they are the marines in Haditha?
“So help me God.”
Apparently Lt. Watada had his fingers crossed.
Commentby klake— 6/7/06@ 12:52 pm
So will the treasonous liberal America haters be as quick to convict Lt Watada as they are the marines in Haditha?
Commentby PBJ_returns— 6/7/06@ 4:23 pm
PBJ read the information again I think you miss something. Their is certain liberals who are using him to meet their own objects. Lets refer to Mr. Cynical point of view.
Mark Twain said,“Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed!”
Commentby Mr. Cynical— 6/7/06@ 1:39 pm
LeftTurd sez:
Best keep attacking the person making the argument then since you have no answer. We understand Ms. Cynical. It’s the rethug way.
Commentby LeftTurn— 6/7/06@ 4:21 pm
Ahhhhh LeftTurd, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you are the undisputed KING of attacking the messenger and launching ad hominem attacks. Everyone sees that….except YOU!
Take your fingers outta yer ears and open your eyes.
You have much to learn….starting with the FACT that there could never have been Creation without a Creator.
Philosophy 101………….you dipshit!
“Ah, the advantages of having a government-owned electric utility.”
Having lived in CA where our not-so-wonderful private electric company decided that Sunday, just before dinner, was the best time to turn off the power (without notice) and swap out a transformer. They looked suprised when people actually dared to yell at them.
Seattle Light does a great job in comparison to all the private companies I’ve had the misfortune to deal with.
You have to love it when a righties complains about ad hominem attacks since that’s all we’ve had from the right since President Clinton was elected. HE HE!
“DHS is going to arrest a eunuch Rabbit, accuse it of being a terrorist, hold it for many months, tortured it, and finally release it to Rabbit Meadows Sanctuary.” Commentby Richard Pope— 6/7/06@ 3:29 pm
I certainly hope so! The last fascist asshole who tried to torture me is holding his balls in his hands.
“Roger and Gang please help me understand why Council of Europe investigator Dick Marty blames the CIA for doing their job to protect them from these loving terrorist?”
I give up — why? Is it because they arrest innocent people? Because they violate international and U.S. laws, and the Geneva convention? Because the CIA’s actions invite retaliation against future U.S. POWs and captured soldiers of the countries colluding in the CIA’s abductions, tortures, and murders? Or maybe just because, being a European, he’s sick and tired of people who behave like fucking Nazis? All of the above?
klake is a nazi
“Roger did the CIA torture you when they came by asking questions?” Commentby klake— 6/7/06@ 4:01 pm
Yes — they picked me up by my ears — but those particular assholes aren’t going to do it again.
I thought all the guys in the military were Republicans? When did they suddenly turn into liberals?
“I’m back, but in my absence our good friend Stefan blamed the govmint”
Hey…this shows that Stefan really does have a sense of humor. Twice now! I recall that he made a funny back on April 1, too.
Stefan is right now Censoring every one of my posts to his posts about Reichert/Burner. Almost the minute I post something saying that the Washington Eight Congressional Race will be a referendum on George Bush, off it goes.
I suppose it’s possible Stefan was just joking, but either way it shows how tired the right’s anti-govmint rhetoric is getting. I mean, really.
Fair enough. From now on I’ll try to say only good things about the Seattle School District and our collective success with relying on the political process to allocate funding for K-12 education!
Maybe Steffy would prefer to get his utilities AND his kids education in a third world country, say Alabama? How’s that Steffy. Then your kid can certainly grow up just as stupid as you and you’ll save tax money too! I read on Craig’s list that the Alabama Log Cabin Republicans are looking for a new leader. I’m sure you have all the right qualifications.
Almost the minute I post something saying that the Washington Eight Congressional Race will be a referendum on George Bush, off it goes.
Commentby Gus— 6/7/06@ 6:22 pm
The Burner/Reichert race could very well be. As for the Busby/Bilbray race, Busby was defeated by over 20 points in 2004, but only 4 points this time. The GOP has a 15 point edge in voter registration in the 50th CD in California. Despite all her negatives and lack of experience, Burner might be able to pull it off against Reichert, if voters are voting how they feel about Bush. I doubt that Bush’s approval in the 8th CD right now is any more than the low 30’s — if that.
Today’s P-I editorial on Tim Eyman’s failure to gather enough signatures to make the ballot with Referendum 65, which would repeal the state’s “gay civil rights law” that was enacted earlier this year: “Voters reject bias”
Oh, I get it. First Sharkansky claims that the reason Mayor Nickels switched to a hybrid limo came from his own obsessive ranting with the subject. Then he claims that public ownership of power was responsible somebody hitting a telephone pole? Just to make things even funnier, Stefan has come up with this delusion:
*The failure of proponents to garner enough signatures to put an anti-civil-rights referendum on the fall ballot says more about the sense of civility and fairness of Washington’s voters …Indeed. The fact that this petition drive could not summon a sufficient groundswell of anti-gay sentiment only confirms what I wrote back in January: “Gay rights bill passed, but is it really needed?” *
Right, Stefan. The failure of your American Taliban pals this week is due to the fact that the law you are fighting was never needed in the first place. That’s a strong argument.
How is it that these half-sane ideologues always pretend to place themselves at the center of the argument or discussion? Shark should know by now he is distinctively irrelevant.
Richard @ 71,
As it was with CA-50, the Reichert-Burner election will hinge on illegal immigration.
Be prepared for another disappointment.
I’m pretty sure that immigration is not as big of deal in Bellevue and Redmond as it is in Seattle. If that is what you are hanging your hat on, you are in a for a bad election night.