Frightening as the two of us may find it, the Seattle Times editorial board and I are in complete agreement on electing King County’s elections director: opposed.
Should the King County elections director be chosen by voters? The correct answer is no, but this becomes a far more complicated question now that Initiative 25 has qualified for a ballot.
I-25 next goes to the County Council, which should do us all a favor and put this measure on the ballot in such a way that it changes the rules not for next year’s elections, but rather for elections in 2009 or 2010. King County switches to all-mail balloting in April 2008, in the middle of a huge election year, with a presidential contest, congressional races and legislative races on the ballot in the summer and fall.
The county does not need to make this change amid all of that. The county does not need to make this change, period.
I-25, if adopted by the council and approved by voters as a charter amendment this November, would hold a special election this February to name the first elections director, with no primary contest, and an abbreviated last minute campaign. I consider I-25 sponsor Toby Nixon a friend of HA and of my radio show, but I have to say that I find this provision at the very least ill-conceived if not downright sneaky. Republicans look at this as an opportunity to seize control of the county’s election machinery, but to do so, they have to win. And a rushed, low-profile, nonpartisan race where a sudden influx of cash can make all the difference, is just about the only way for Republicans to win a countywide election these days.
Much fuss has been made about how the elections director is not accountable to the public and how if the elections director had been directly accountable to the public in the 2004 governor’s race, election mistakes would not have been made.
This is by now trumped up hooey, and a judge in a Republican county said as much after a lengthy trial on behalf of Republican Dino Rossi.
The elections director currently is accountable to the county executive. Challenger David Irons tried to pin the foibles of the election on Ron Sims in the 2005 campaign for county executive. Voters didn’t buy it.
Unfortunately, this is one of those situations where rhetoric and reason aren’t on the same side of the debate. An appointed elections director is in fact more accountable than an elected one because the appointment must be approved by the council, and the director can be fired at any time. Likewise, it is hard to imagine how electing the elections director, rather than just hiring a qualified professional, is the obvious path toward keeping politics out of our elections.
That said, it is equally hard to imagine voters rejecting the deceptively simple appeal of “more democracy.”
My only hope is that Democrats wake up to the larger agenda of the GOP, which has focused relentlessly on controlling Secretary of State and Attorney General offices nationwide… and to possibly devastating effect in places like Ohio and Florida. As they did during the legal contest over the disputed 2004 gubernatorial election, WA’s Republican minority now controls the offices of the Secretary of State, the state Attorney General, the King County Prosecutor and the US Attorney. Should they control the elections office, they could have absolute control over elections in the largest and most Democratic county in the state, as well as all offices wielding administrative and legal oversight.
And just in time for a presidential election and the Gregoire-Rossi and Burner-Reichert rematches. How convenient.
Unfortunately we as a society have put far too much faith in direct democracy. It has risen to a status where we are now willing to go to war to install it in regions that are not worth dying over, it could currupt elections in King county even more (although I doubt the end result will be REpublicans getting more control as this article suggests)
It has also ruined federalism when we began directly electing senators. US senators need to be elected by state governments, not direct votes from people. This was one of the key checks and balances the founders instituted and we destoryed earlier last century.
Roger Rabbit Poll
Who would you rather have run King County elections?
[ ] 1. A professional administrator
[ ] 2. A partisan hack
[ ] 3. Roger Rabbit
(Note: Answers #2 and #3 are interchangeable)
Republican have to rig elections because they can’t win an honest election by campaigning on issues.
This is another example of the lack of leadership by our own party.
From the income tax to the initiative banning affirmative action and now ti this, there is a need for someone with the position and leadership to explain relaity to the voters.
For all their huge faults, the Rovians do this all to well. Bush and his ilk use their bully pulpits to promote an agenda. In contrast, “our side” seems wimpy.
One of the most telling examples is not Rovian at all but still Republican, the Schwarzenegger. Like him or not, Arnold promote rational policies he believes in. He uses his position well.
There are all too few demos with a similar level of commitment and, as far as I can see in our own state, essentially none.
I know my friends here are upset with my attitude towards Gregoire, but this lack of leadership is exactly whu she is imperilled, You all want a nightmare … instead of Rossi, imagine McKay running for Governor as a Schwarzenegger Republican (hmmm … does that mean a Black Republican???).
Mr. McCay could take obvious stands on economic reform, academic rigor, immigration, transportation that would blow Ms. Gregoire out of office.
Have the Republicans really “focused relentlessly on controlling Secretary of State and Attorney General offices nationwide” more than the Democrats? Do you have any evidence for this? Or is this just a conspiracy theory as unfounded as all of Stefan’s?
I’ve always assumed that the I-25 campaign is an effort by Republicans to feel like they’ve accomplished something, anything, in a county where their agenda is extremely unpopular. I doubt it would have much impact on the elections office, let alone on the county. And it’s telling that, with all the challenges to our county and society, this is their top priority. Oh well — at least it’s harmless.
Having said that, there are reasonable arguments both pro and con for electing the elections director, albeit not in 2008. But this topic doesn’t seem to inspire much reasonable debate.
This is much ado about nothing.
Gregoire and whoever the Democratic presidential candidate is are going to win WA state by such a wide margin in 2008 that it won’t matter who the KC Elections Director is. It could be Karl Rove or Karl Marx. No one will stop the blue landslide in this state.
And if the Dems get smart in D8 and run a candidate with some experience and a proven record in public service, Reichart will get slaughtered too. If Burner runs, it will be close. Then, Karl Rove might be able to swing it to Dave, but only then, and only someone like Rove. Irons or some other hack won’t have a chance.
#4 SeattleJew says:
I’ve been saying the same thing for weeks on this blog. Glad to see you are finally learning the truth. The democrats are publicans except with better table manners.
And yes, wimpy is a word commonly associated with democrats. Thanks for pointing it out.
When ASSIE Voice and The Seattle Times Editorial Board agree it’s time for:
@7 Faint praise from a self hating gay guy!
The differenc eis that by and large the Rperican leaders have led their troops in insane directions. Do yu really believe that Gingrich, Bush, Rove, etc REALLY believe in the shit they promote?
They are demagogues.
Arnold is a welcome exception. If the Repricans want to beat Gregoire, they will run an Arnold clone. Trouble is, having drunk the kool-aid, I am not sure Repicans can vote for any sane candidate. Look at what happened to McCain for his stand on immigration. Guiliani is runnign as if he were Hitler in 32. Romney has seven
draft dodger sonsKen dolls and stands seem as inconsistent as a bridge engineered by Karl Rove.Look my dear faux trumpetist, I have voted for Republicans and will do so gain if and only if they take a political enema. My stands vis a vis Sonny Jim and CG, are because I feel these are good people who could do a lot better job.
While we are on the subject, go to my Blog and contribute to Darcy. I linked a thermometer to the local boggers effort to raise $100,000 this weekend. Is there a message here?
Here is a case where Goldy is right. We used to have an appointed Sheriff and we had rogue, out-of-control deputies wreaking havoc (RODWH). Now we have an elected Sheriff with, guess what, RODWH. Unfortunately, the election of ’06 with 50,000 ‘enhanced’ ballots, absentee ballots distributed like confetti, late military ballots, etc. undermines any reasoned argument.
Travis Pahl makes the best point. Democracy arose in the west because people wanted more personal freedom, which they did not have under monarchy. Unfortunately it has often not worked. There is no more sancrosanct idea today than the unquestionable virtue of democratization.
#9 SeattleJew says:
Thank you dr freud for your in depth analysis.
Quite possibly not the level of Marvin Stamn, but not faux. But if it makes you feel better to think it, have a better day thanks to me.
SeattleJew says:
No, I don’t believe bush, I don’t believe publicans or democrats. No more than the shit hillary/edwards/etc. believes in the shit they promote. (Did you hear edwards talks about 2 americas while he’s profiting for the foreclosures of homes in the wake of katrina?) Teddy kennedy believes in alternate fuel sources, unless they are in his view. Need I mention the size of al gores house and his carbon footprint? How is it career politicians of both parties become so rich? Both parties are lying weasels out to profit at taxpayer expense. Cheny with haliburton, diane fienstein with Perini Corp. and URS Corp. No difference between parties except the constituents they pander to.
Care to disagree?
@12 Marvin
First, there is a huge difference between the hypocrisy you cite and the bizar things the Repricans have pushed us into.
Second, if consistency is a criteria, join mje ans support Obama.
Sometimes a politician gets elected and reelected because they are doing a good job.Many Republicans vote for Auditor Brian Sonntag (D) because he does an outstanding job.
The fact that dems do not support voter ID initiatives is “prima-facie” evidence that they don’t want honest elections. I can’t blame them; the dead, illegal and criminal voter is a big part of their constituency. hehehe
Dan @15, I think you’re right here. It is telling that area Dems quickly moved to tighten ID requirements to obtain vehicle tabs for the Monorail people, but getting these Dems to tighten voter-ID requirements is like getting a 7 yr old to go to piano lessons.
@12 marvin
Hmmm I can’t find it either. This blog is not indexed.
Oh well. FWIW, I have a friend, Harvey, who is a pooka. While the number of pookas is small, as you may know, they are exceptionally insightful, perhaps because so often they around folks who do not notice them.
Anyhow, Harvey once spent time with Mike Webb. Though mike never introduced Harvey on the air, Harvey ran Mike’s gayometer. Really, that was a bit of a misnomer as the pooka insights go a lot further than that.
So, I had asked Harvey to run an analysis on you. I am sorry of you did nto know this but he is quite certain you are gay. He tels me a lot of men who were formerly married never do learn that this is true.
I did suggest to Harvey that he should be careful. When he worked with Mike Webb, he could get the caller’s phone number and, of course the voice. Here he just has your bob mot. Well, you know how enigmatic pookas are, my friend just smiled. BTW he also claims you use a Phillips electric razor. True? I think he was teasing me. How could he know that?
How do voters benefit by tightening voter ID requirements? Please be specific:
a- the elderly
b- the young
c- minorities
d- the poor
e- the middle aged
f- the Republican Party and by default, corporations and rich people.
“Did you hear edwards talks about 2 americas while he’s profiting for the foreclosures of homes in the wake of katrina?”
I’m not sure your statement here is factual. Is it an investment strategy that Edwards personally directs and follows or does he profit by owning some stock in a company that foreclosed on some New Orleans homeowners’ property? Was the foreclosure a direct result of Katrina, or was it due to some other cause.
Don’t you think you should know what you are talking about, or at least share what you do know before laying them down as incontrovertible facts?
@18 lucy
While I suspect you are correct that voter ID is another Rove maneuver, it really does not seem that onerous. In your list, most of the people will have state issued drivers licenses. This seems to em to be another faux issue raised as bait by the right
Frankly, I would raise them one. I favor a national ID card to replace a whole lot of shit I carry around now. I spect the only folks who would really object might be the aryan nation, black helicopter crowd.
Used well a national ID would solve other problems too:
a. Border control.
b. undoc. workers.
c. health care record portability.
d. oversight on illicit use of private info.
19. Lucy
Edwards worked directly for one of the culpit companies.
#17 SeattleJew says:
Analysis by a pooka. Good one, you got me.
#19 headless lucy says:
I know racists aren’t very smart, and you sure are proving that!! Google it for yourself. And them come back and tell everyone why it is stressful for you to be around black people 24/7.
#19 headless lucy says:
Read #21, SeattleJew can help you out with the incontrovertible facts.
When you teach little boys how to wrestle, do you touch them? Even the black ones?
I do not mean to intrude. Sometimes SJ goads me into things I probably should not do.
I do think you would benefit from meeting a Pooka. I am usually at DL, just look for an “empty” chair near the conversation (those big ears do help!). Just come by and introduce yourself and I will see if I can find a colleague with the time to “be” (so to speak) with you.
Hve you ever met one of us? We tend to hang around bars and family style restaurants. I am also at Vios a lot, love to sit at the counter and watch the kids. They smile a lot when they see me too! I would go down into the pit but I do not think it is proper for adults to mix with other species young ones.
Have you ever been to Vios? The food is good and Thomas is very generous with wine by the glass. (His own Pooka, Helen, is a fave of mine. She had these cute little tufts at the points of her ears and paints her toe claws the most wonderful shade of goldish pink!) You would like her! She taught Thomas how to cook!