No, I’m not turning gay, and God no, I’m not turning Republican, but as Michael has already reported on BlatherWatch, I’ll be filling in for Ken Schram on KOMO 1000’s The Commentators, Monday March 23 and Tuesday March 24th.
It’ll be a bittersweet moment for me, working for the competition. I got my start at 710-KIRO, when really, I didn’t deserve a shot at all. With zero radio hosting experience on my resume and a nasally tenor that makes Woody Allen sound like James Earl Jones, then PD Tom Clendening rolled the dice and plugged me in one evening as a last minute fill-in. A week later, I had my own Sunday night show, and six months after that they added Saturday night to my schedule.
It was great fun, and a tremendous honor, especially those days I got to fill in for the incomparable Dave Ross, and I would have been proud to have continued advancing my radio career at KIRO, but the station was sold, new management came in, and alas, they moved in a different direction. I was deeply disappointed when my show was canceled, but you can’t really ask for more in life than a chance to prove yourself, and that I had.
I hope Michael’s wrong when he writes that “there’s no going back to Bonneville to fill-in now that Goldy has gone to Fisher”—I figure, I’m not bitter, so why should they be?—but I’ve got to take the opportunities that come my way, and I couldn’t ask for a better opportunity to get back on the air than going toe to toe with John Carlson, arguably the preeminent conservative talker in the state. My first time in a radio studio was on John’s old show back on KVI, and both he and Kirby not only gave me tons of air time, they also provided a lot of off-air support when I decided to pursue a radio gig of my own.
So going up against John again, this time as a co-host, will be kinda like coming home for me. But don’t you worry about me getting all nostalgic like… I still plan to kick his ass.
Outstanding, Goldy. Do, please, kick some Republican ass on the airwaves. I guess, as I think about it, that’s quite the challenge. To kick Republican ass, you have to find some Republican ass. From what I can tell, that would require going to some place like Utah or Alabama. Aside from places like that, it’s hard to find a Republican ass to kick. Whatever. Sounds like a good gig.
Go Goldy!
Best of luck, Goldy.
Is this gonna be a paying gig, Goldy?
This will be interesting, David Goldstein vs John Carlson. I may have to bring in a radio.
Goldy here’s a topic for discussion. Since you represent her side why not enter into the ‘twilight zone’?
Or maybe Goldy you could discuss your support for all the tax cheats and lobbyists in the “messiah’s” administration.
Ooops… could be more trouble on the horizon. Even the tech blogs are curious over this.
Or Goldy I’m sure John will accept this discussion topic:
“We can no longer accept a process that doles out earmarks based on a member of Congress’ seniority, rather than the merit of the project. We can no longer accept an earmarks process that has become so complicated to navigate that a municipality or nonprofit group has to hire high-priced D.C. lobbyists to do it. And we can no longer accept an earmarks process in which many of the projects being funded fail to address the real needs of our country.” — Sen. Barack Obama, March 10, 2008.
Whoooooooops Puddy sees a flip-flop. I have John’s email address. So you can erase them here, but John will have them.
Maybe you and John could discuss this latest find by the LA Times. You know more SEIU union shenanigans which HAs clueless village idiot’s ‘wife’ turns a blind eye to.
“A spokesman for the SEIU local, Steve Stallone, said the union is reviewing the internal complaint against James Bryant, but declined to discuss specifics. A union member brought the complaint. “If wrongdoing is found, appropriate action will be taken,” Stallone said, adding that penalties could range from a reprimand to expulsion from the union.” What you gonna do, SMACK his pee-pee?
“In 2002, the San Francisco Public Housing Authority paid the institute more than $50,000, primarily to register low-income voters and to help stage community events, said Henry Alvarez, the executive director. That was three years before the nonprofit received its tax exemption. Joseph Bryant said the payment was reported on the tax return of the national institute. – Hey we all know that’s ACORN’s job.
SEIU, becoming as corrupt as Hoffa’s Teamsters in yesteryear and the clueless wonder is mum as always.
You’re gonna need some Divine Intervention Goldy. I suggest you get down on your knees today and repent for ALL your past sins and ask for the Lord to come into your heart.
Considering your intellect, slothlike-wittedness, dim-wittedness and that screechy, irritating Pee-Wee Herman voice that comes out whenever you get excited…being saved is clearly your only option.
Have fun Goldy…and control that screechy, irritating voice. Shrillness = Loser.
Might be difficult.
And NO ‘F’-Bombs!
One slip up and your fledgling career is toast.
Make a list of all the things you SHOULDN’T say or do and study it hard.
Goldy, my last suggested topic for you and John Carlson… The nomination of Tony West.
“Curiously enough, though, not one of these brief reports mention that Tony West was “American Taliban” terrorist John Walker Lindh’s defense lawyer. Another key bit of info left out of these announcements was that Tony West raised $65 million for Obama’s presidential campaign. Money well spent if it gets a cushy government job, I suppose.”
Wow clueless wonder, he raised a lotta large for the “messiah”. Who knew the Lindhs ran with the “rich” and West knew them!
You can also discuss todsay’s Rasmussen Poll and try to defend Obama’s plummetting ratings in his 1st 2 months:
Saturday, March 14, 2009
His Strong Approval was +32…now it’s +8.
His overall was it’s 57%.
Try to convince listeners that the #1 rated Polling Service (Rasmussen) is wrong and bring up #’s from the 21st rated poll. That’s always impressive.
Obama’s current support is also only about 1/4″ deep.
OBAMA is skating on mighty thin-ice…and Spring is coming!
Cynical, great idea about praying but it’s kinda hard to pray to something you publicly reject on your blog.
Now, honey, didn’t I ask you to clean the bathroom today? You keep on missing the target and the place is starting to stink to high heaven.
I know you like to make some extra money writing for Goldy’s blog. I’m glad we were able to buy that new car. But why do you say such silly things?
A 57 percent approval rating is extremely good for any president at this point in his tenure. There’s no “plummeting” going on besides the usual settling of numbers that happens to all presidents.
I get that your instructions were to emphasize Rasmussen’s credibility, but everyone inside the beltway knows that this poll’s methodology skews Republican. So why don’t you start showing a comparison between Rasmussen’s numbers and the rest of the leading pollsters?
Mrs Cynical, you forgot Newsweek at 58%. Why you do dat?
BTW Mrs Cynical, to prove you are the fakir you are… where is your favrit chair located in the Cynical house? What is your favrit activity? How many grand children do you and Cynical have? Puddy know all dem answers!
I’ll wait for yours!
Newsweek teamed to bail out Scare Amerikkka. And you know how de Moonbat!z luv Scare Amerikkka.
A whiner (Schram) replaced with a bigger whiner (Goldsheep). I didn’t listen then and I won’t listen now. Word of advice to John Carlson: Get your own show and I’ll tune in. Just can’t stand your crabby co-hosts.
I know you and Mr. Cynical have paired up but please think about your mom. She is less tolerant than I of gay sexuality and now will not even read HA when the two of you appear together.
As for Goldy and Johny, you know now Mr. Carlson is some sort of white guy from Ballard. I do not think you ought to put your trust in anyone who has horns on his head and thinks rotting fish are a delicacy!
Besides God is Jewish so He will be on Goldy’s side!
‘I still plan to kick his ass’
Funny! Wishful thinking for someone that can’t even fight his way out of a wet paper bag, get a woman, or keep honorable employment.
And let’s review:
I was listening to KOMO traffic reports last night — not getting run over by cars is important to us rabbits — when Carlson came on the air with one of his stupid, inane, vapid commentariess.
This time, Carlson attacked the lawyers who won a last-minute stay of execution for Cal Brown, a monster who could serve as a poster boy for why we need to keep the death penalty as an option for dealing with the most animalistic murderers.
Hey Carlson — that’s their fucking job, you idiot! It’s unethical for a lawyer to shirk the best interests of his client — especially when the client’s life is at stake.
The legal issue was straightforward: Two other death row inmates are getting hearings on whether our state’s lethal injection procedures constitute cruel and unusual punishment, so Brown’s objections to those procedures should be heard, too. It’s based on a simple principle: Treat everyone the same. Even a nincompoop like Carlson should be able to understand that.
If you don’t like what Brown did (and who does?), why didn’t you criticize Brown, instead of his lawyers, you stupid shit? What does whipping up public frenzy against lawyers for performing their ethical duties accomplish, dumbass?
Oh, and by the way, Carlson, when are you going to criticize the Bush administration lawyers who wrote the memos that said it’s okay to kidnap, imprison, torture, and kill innocent people? That’s legal malpractice if there ever was any! Every last one of those damn lawyers should be disbarred.
Carlson, evidently, doesn’t understand a fucking thing about legal ethics. That would be a good topic to nail him with, Goldy.
Japan murders whales and dolphins! Boycott Japanese cars and other Japanese products!
Save whales, not Republicans.
Hey, that could be a bumper sticker!
In all candor, good luck with the new venture, Goldy. I will be tuning in.
For the past couple of months Mr. Clynical has repeatedly held up this 8% as “plummeting”. However, his own insipid posts, week after week, reveal that support indeed holds steady at that 8% spread. The only shift to be gleaned from examining the Rasmussen poll internals is that treasonous Republicans bailed out early, showing America their rabid desire to see our nation and our president fail. The only point the shallow and inept Mr. Clynical succeeds in making with his vapid posts is that Republicans put party before country. We’ve long known that, Mr. Clynical.
Speaking of nutcase traitors, did Marvin have another breakdown?
Good luck with the show, Goldy. I’ll listen in.
Fool@17: Mom died long ago.
You are still a fool!
@25 My Mom being dead didn’t stop my late friend David from unleashing thousands of “yo mama” jokes on me. I’m pretty good at those but he’d get me every time. Funniest guy I ever knew. The “Amazing things yo mama can do with two cantalopes and a watermelon” one I threw your way once was one of his. But if I ever go off on yo mama and the 7th Fleet, those are mine.
Steve, there is a BIG Diff between your late friend David and the fool@17. There was a show my sons would watch on MTV called Yo Mama. Some of those were priceless.
The best one on the show was:
“Yo momma so fat she saw a yellow bus full of white kids and yelled,”STOP THAT TWINKIE!””
@27 “Stop that Twinkie!”
I’ll give credit where it’s due. That was fucking hilarious.
A long time ago, back when airline security was lax, 1982 to be exact, I sold John Carlson a plane ticket from Dulles International to Seattle (with my name on it). I don’t think it was exactly legal, but we got away with it.
(howz that for an irrelevant comment!)
Steve and Broadway Joe, glad you liked it.
Good luck Goldy.
A few things to remember. You’ll have to actually make sense to talk to someone who does, like John Carlson. The spoonfed leftist/socialist talking points that stand in for thought with liberals won’t work in a real debate. I know, this may be traumatic. Try reading something other than Das Kapital and it may help. I doubt it, but it may. As goofy and odd as Ken is he at least recognizes reality on the odd occasion and sometimes even admits it.
Try to actually practice that vaunted liberal tolerance for other opininions. Again, this goes against the liberal worldview. Hateful and violent speech from effeminate and foolish people is the norm in your circles. Don’t believe in Global Warming (because no conclusive evidence exists, and in fact the earth has cooled this past decade?) You’re just ignoring the consensus of scientists (read ‘UN hacks’ who couldn’t get jobs in the private sector). Socialism is not only bad economics and ridiculous on its’ face but simple theft? Well, you neocon goatfucker (hello Steve) you just hate the poor. Obama is turning out to be as bad as his critics thought, and worse? You must be rascist you decepticon. And so on.
Most people in the real America don’t agree with you or your ilk. You won’t be able to steamroll an entire audience with bombast. Especially with an actual argument to answer from someone used to dealing with a leftist crank. You might actually have to back up your assertions with facts and logic. I know, those silly conservatives are so outdated in still believing in facts and logic.
So, good luck. It will at least be entertaining to watch you spout irrelevancies and lunacies against reasoned argument and a rational worldview! Looking forward to seeing you crawl back here beaten to glory in the echo chamber supporting your nonsense.
That was beautiful!!
32 – What a pile of steaming horseshit!
Inspired by 32, by lostinaseaofblue.
Good luck John.
A few things to remember. You’ll have to actually make sense to talk to someone who like David Goldstein who actually knows a lot. Until now John, you have spoonfed radical rightist and religious talking points that work better for Rush Limbaugh than for real debate.
There are things you can do to help. Try reading Das Kapital or better a modern economics text so you do not sound utterly Luddite. A little Darwin, the Economist and some science might help too. There may even be a few true intellectuals wyo support your views. As goofy and odd as Goldy sometimes pretends to be, he respects reality and sometimes even admits it. You need to do the same thing.
Try to actually practice that vaunted Seattle tolerance for other opinions. Again, this goes against the rightist worldview. Hateful and violent speech from macho and self righteous people is the norm in your circles.
Here is one example of how you can catch Goldy. You and I know that o conclusive evidence exists for Global Warming. Ask Goldy how come it snowed last weekend in Seattle? Goldy will have no choice but to claim that you are just ignoring the consensus of scientists. Cite a few experts YOU ghave takled with and tell Professor Goldstein he is relying on ‘UN hacks’ who are driven by the same politics that puts Cuba in charge of the UN Human Rights Commission.
Go on to make it clear the real objective of Gore and his ilk is to undermine capitalism. If he responds that capitalism has failed, Ask him if he would rather live in Cuba or the Soviet Union. Appeal to America’s success and say that socialism is bad economics and ridiculous on its’ face but simple theft?
Do not hold back on Obama, the kid from Chicago running the US today. Obama is turning out to be as bad as his critics thought, and worse. Most people in the real America don’t agree with these lefties. Just be cool. Back back up your assertions with facts and logic. Make Goldy do the same, he is a would be intellectual and ne4eds to support his religious faith with “facts and logic.”
Of course, Goldstein will blame the current mess on Bush. Ask him wjho ran the Congress for the last years of Bush’s era and who ran it during the best years of Clinton. Then blame everything on Clinton’s failure to bomb the hell out of Sudan when OBL was there.
So, good luck. It will at least be entertaining to watch Goldy spout irrelevancies and lunacies against reasoned argument and a rational worldview!
Looking forward to seeing you crawl back here beaten to glory in the echo chamber supporting the Black Messiah and his Jewish apostles.
‘Black Messiah and his Jewish apostles”
Blacks and Jews. Hmm, kind of like a variant of manoftruth only with firing synapses.
uhh.. Hint? The Soviet Union no longer exists?
No one holds up Cuba as a model for goo-goo – good governance?
Right-wingers suck like totally?
Hint .. compare Puddy’s Dad with lostinaseaofblue