My friend Stefan Sharkansky and I will be appearing together tomorrow afternoon at the NW Journalism Conference, in a panel discussion on blogging moderated by conference organizer Barry Mitzman, 3:30 PM, Pigott 201, Seattle University. Huh. I didn’t know Stefan blogged?
The theme of this year’s conference is “The Future of News.” Registration is $50, but only $15 for students and the unemployed (which given the current state of “News,” probably covers most of the attendees). There are several interesting sessions at the daylong conference I might attend, not to mention a lunch with Seattle Times publisher Frank Blethen, if I weren’t otherwise engaged at my daughter’s soccer game. One must have priorities.
I think you are afraid of Frank Blethen…face-to-face. Here is the chance of a lifetime and you wimp out hiding behind your daughter’s soccer game. How many soccer games does she play every year?? Time to nut up and face the guy you have been ripping for years…face-to-face…man-to-???????
BTW, Perhaps Stefan will buy you a little treat with the money Don Ron Sims King blew by failing to respond to Public Records Requests.
King Kounty paid because of Sims recklessness.
Yeah, every time I wander over to the dark side, (admittedly not very often) I don’t seen anything put up by the minnow.
Either life sucks really bad for the fool after losing for so long or he’s just enjoying life out of the fray.
It’ll be interesting to see what gossip floats to the surface after tomorrow.
Mr. Cynical @1,
Unlike the hypocrites on your side, I live my family values, so I’ll choose my daughter’s soccer game over almost anything else almost any time.
@1: Well said. @3: Goldy ducks with a lame excuse. Pussy ass little worm.
I think you meant ” I live my family values”, but for a man that has none, that comment was very freudian.
As far as Stefan’s posting frequency, the last time I heard he was gainfully employed while you’re a sorry ass layabout, which of course affords you ample amount of time to “blog”.
It would be interesting to hear Blethen bluster on about all his problems are being caused by Google and bloggers using “his” news content.
Of course, his proposal that Google pay each time they link to his site has been superseeded now by the AP, which is insisting that the AP should be the one who gets any such payments. Since 3/4 of the Times content seems to be AP wire service stories anyway, that doesn’t leave much for Blethen to argue about.
Of course, in Blethen’s world view, advertisers should have to pay him on a pay-per-view basis, and anyone sending readers to his site should via a link should have to also pay Blethen on a pay-per-click basis.
I imagine also he’s trying to figure out how to get his salespeople to pay HIM for every subscription they get.
Little Ricky Dumbass @ 5
How did you become so bitter and resentful? There are a number of good therapies out there nowadays to help folks like yourself. Call me. I’d be happy to give you some references. After all that’s what us liberals live to do–make the world a healthier, happier place.
At least Stefan was willing to buy Goldy a friendly beer in the wake of the Republican election-night losses in 2006. That means that there is still some hope for civil discourse with some people on the right.
Sneer. Sneeeeeeeeeerrrr. Sneer. Twisted sick observation. Sneer, sneer , sneer.
I’m not sure what “I live my family families” means, but I like your view on what’s important.
Have you ever considered doing some parenting classes for ylb and few of the others on here?
using money taken from others by threat of force.
There, I finished it for you. No thanks needed.
re 11: …and none given.
Could you give us some examples of liberals taking money from people accompanied with a threat of force?
@ 7 Queefed:
I’m sure you’re more than qualified to speak on mental illness on a personal basis, but fortunately for me, I don’t suffer from this malady. Perhaps you should reach out to your fellow liberals whom assume the President has earned the nobel peace prize for being born half black.
@13 Marvin says that you have issues with women. What’s up with that?
Steve @ 14
Women don’t much like Little Ricky because he leers at them, then makes inappropriate comments to them. He just never got properly socialized, the poor bastard. A guy who gets along well with women can’t get as bitter and resentful as Little Ricky is. Our hearts should go out to him.
Yeah, RickyD, Marvin the Goatfucker says you have some issues with women. You wimp! Are you really gonna take that shit from him?
@ 16 Sidesaddle steve queefed:
Wow, you cunts are funny in your projection. Last I heard you turds in the HA pool were demeaning Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman on a regular basis. Throwing stones at glass houses are we, kids?
Wow, what kind of life does Steve have that he’s archiving comments from months and years ago?
Survey says….None
Little Ricky
We demean Palin and Bachmann for their stupidity and absurdity, not because of their gender. And, we don’t call them cunts. I think, if the truth be told, Little Ricky, that when your curtains are closed and the lights turned out, you lope your mule to a vision of our good governor.
Damn, Marvin, that Empty Suit guy says you have no life because you post old comments here. Are you gonna take that shit?
Damn, there’s that “cunt” word again. Marvin will soon be all over your pathetic, woman-hating ass. Oh wait, you’re an America-hating wingnut loon – you’ll get the usual pass from Marvin on the hate you spew.
@18 Bye the bye, dumb fuck, that comment was made by Proud Leftist. You wingnuts can’t do anything without fucking up, can you?
No, you hate them because they are intelligent women, dumbass. You’re just too ignorant to realize it.
I only use it when appropriate. In the Governor’s case, it’s more than applicable. Oh, and my wife agrees.
“Oh, and my wife agrees.”
That she’s a cunt too? My, but don’t you two have issues.
“you hate them because they are intelligent women”
Well, at least you have a sense of humor. You were trying to be funny, weren’t you?
Family Values start with a husband & wife that live in harmony TOGETHER.
How many of you KLOWNS are divorced with kids out there??
Showing up for Soccer Games is commendable, but don’t kid yourself…kids want their parents to be together.
re 22: Your wife’s a cunt.
My Cynical @1
I’m friends with both Stefan and Goldy. They’re both devoted to their families.
I can’t imagine what would entice me to attend a panel on “The Future of News” hosted by a newspaper. What could they possibly say that was a) relevant or b) original?
Did buggy whip makers convene to discuss those new horseless carriages?
Unlike you, Blethen lives here. If he wanted to “nut up”, he could attend a local Drinking Liberally any time.
Plenty of righties come by. I’ve seen Don Ward and Toby Nixon there. It’s fun to spar over a beer.
Considering The Seattle Times’ torturous, extended circling of the bowl of oblivion, I might even buy Blethen a conciliatory beer. He spoke out against further media consolidation when the FCC was in town (that’s Seattle, for you non-residents), which I appreciated. So I’m sure we’d have some common ground to chat about.
If you don’t pay your federal income taxes and you have any assets, what do you think the government is going to do?
[A] Walk away and forgive your debt
[B] Take you money/property by threat of force to pay your tax bill
I’m impressed.
I didn’t think you had it in you to admit you’ve got issues with women.
That’s the first step towards healing.
Indeed, the IRS under Republican rule never collected taxes and if you refused to pay, they’d shower you with roses.
PS: Marvin’s dumber than a box of rocks.
Thanks for displaying your typical liberal outlook towards women, dumbass.
Well, at least Marvin admitted that he has issues with goats,
Personally, I think the odds of either Stefan “Waitress Abuser” Sharansky or Frank “No Editorial Is Too Disingenuous” Blethen winning a Nobel Prize are in minus numbers.
@1 I don’t recall there being any finding by a jury or judge that King County failed to respond to Stefan’s public records requests. My understanding is this was an out-of-court nuisance settlement.
@2 He probably contracted out his blogging activities.
@5 “I think you meant ” I live my family values”, but for a man that has none”
There’s no lie too low or mean-spirited for you wingnuts to stoop to, is there?
Goldy is a custodial single parent. Having done it myself, I know how demanding (and time-consuming) single-parenting is. I’ve seen Goldy with his daughter. He’s a fine parent and she’s a fine young lady. For you to say he has “no family values” is, well, it’s just conjuring. It’s empty words pouring out of the empty head of a troll with an empty heart. You may as well brush off evolution or global warming with a flick of your wrist. You’re so accustomed to lying that you’ve conditioned yourself to believe something is true just because you said it. You must have learned that in a North Korean brainwashing camp.
@26 Sorry, they’re not legally married. Washington doesn’t recognize liaisons between Republicans and goats.
@31 He wasn’t talking about women, idiot. See #37.
@ 36
translation: His batshit crazy ex-wife is even nuttier than an unemployed blogger.
…not sure if that makes Goldy’s case any more palatable.
What are you talking about?
Let me help you out…
19. Empty Suit Obama spews:
Wow, what kind of life does Steve have that he’s archiving comments from months and years ago?
Survey says….None
See, ESO never mentioned me, he mentioned you specifically. Did you miss your name steve in his original post? It’s the 7th word between does and have.
Another lame effort on your part. Just because I made it look so easy to push your buttons so you would write “faggot” and “cunt” all over the place, don’t think you can do the same to others. Well, maybe you could get over on manotruth if you tried hard enough. Why don’t you audition your material on him.
Mr. Klynical writes poetry,
Don’t you fret, Mr. Klynical, Marvin would never accuse you of being a gay-hating bigot piece of shit. He’s too situational with his ethics to ever do anything like that. Just like he never accused you of being a racist for sharing this gem,
So even though you’re an obvious gay-hating bigot (remember this one?) …
…Marvin will never call you out for it. That’s just the way hypocrite goatfuckers like him operate.
@40 Another lame post by the lamo goatfucker.
I suppose that since Marvin admits to being dumbed down from too much goatfucking that one shouldn’t expect anything but lame posts out of the guy.
36 Maybe Goldy will teach her how to tie dye some t-shirts and you could show her the finer points of a ponytail. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Hey, Mark, got any more thoughts on “jigaboos” to share with us?
Oh, don’t worry about that goatfucker, Marvin. He’s too dumbed down and situational to take any offence at your obvious wingnut racism. So go ahead and cut loose!
Why are you so obsessed with me calling people out.
I called you out.
You’ve been whining ever since.
Couldn’t even go 4 minutes without mentioning me again.
“Wow, you lasted a whole 4 minutes.” Damn, I wonder how many times you have heard someone amazed you lasted 4 minutes before. In this situation, it was 4 minutes before you couldn’t control yourself and hit submit comment.
You never explained why you thought it was okay to write-
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Do you talk like that with your friends and forgot you were in a public forum? Are those words you consider insults? Come on steve, explain to us how you justify using that kind of language.
So what were you saying dumbed you down, Marvin? Goatfucking? Damn. That’s just too weird.
6 minutes that time.
I can’t believe how obsessed you and x’ad are with me.
I understand her feelings, she now refers to penises as marvies. What part of me do you fantasize about?
Back down to 5 minutes.
Geez, Marvin, still fucking goats, are you? I really don’t think you can afford to be dumbed down much more than you already are.
Yup, dumbed him down, alright.
2 minutes.
1 minute.
Geez, why does Marvin ignore all the wingnut hate spewed towards gays and blacks by his wingnut friends. heh- Could it be because the goatfucker is himself a racist bigot who’s only recourse is to hide behind his false accusations of bigotry and racism? Does the goatfucker want to lower the bar on what constitutes bigotry and racism because he hates both gays and blacks? Or is he just too dumbed down from fucking goats? Hmm, maybe he’s a racist bigot who is also dumbed down by fucking goats? Heh, I bet that’s it. He’s got the full load going for him.
Poor Steve. Almost as dumb as giving Obama an award he doesn’t deserve.
Yeah, keep an eye on the clock, you stupid goatfucker. You’re so fucking stupid you don’t even know when you’re being played. Heh, it’s like you said, you were dumbed down from fucking goats.
Don’t you fret, Empty Suit, the goatfucker will never call you out for being a woman hater. He’s too situational a goatfucker to ever turn against his own.
That’s because, unlike you, I don’t hate women, dumbass. But thanks for the projecting…
The goatfucker can’t help but ignore the hate from the right.
Yeah, our Marvin is soooo concerned about bigotry and hate.
@58 Take it up with the goatfucker. He’s the one who insists that if you use the “cunt” word then you have issues with women. I’m pretty sure he was talking about you.
You just can’t stop, can you? It’s a Psych 101 thing. But you’ll never get it, RickyDumbass.
You want to know what’s sad, Marvin? This is sad…
A stupid troll admitting that he fucks goats.
Did I make Marvin cry again? I hate it when he cries.
Here’s another wingnut gay-hater for you to ignore, goatfucker,
Yeah, that Mark, he’s definitely not afraid of those “fags”.
Please feel free to continue to ignore the gay-hate spewed by wingnuts, Marvin.
That’s why I called you out dumbfuck, you are the goatfucker you seek.
You’ve got a funny way of showing you’re playing me.
Are you going to “play me” later when you write about me in your diary?
@37 “Washington doesn’t recognize liaisons between Republicans and goats.”
No, but they can still be brother and sister.
@64 heh- RickyDumbass obviously has some, um, issues.
@65 heh- That Marvin’s such a loser.
@66 “brother and sister”
Or, in the case of Marvin, Mr. Klynical and his goat, “John, pimp and whore”.
That reminds me, what does Marvin call mr. Klynical’s goat barn?
heh- “My favorite whorehouse!”
But seriously now folks, what does Mr. Klynical hate most about fucking goats?
heh- Kleaning his soiled KLOWN Kostume afterwards.
But seriously now folks, do you know how Marvin and Mr. Klynical go about practicing safe sex?
heh- They paint a big “X” on the goats that kick!
re 31: You wrote that you and your dumb cunt of a wife both agree that the governor is a cunt.
You need to get off your high horse long enough to realize you’ve got your dick in his ass.
Marvin is a racist who is afraid of black people.
Here’s what Marvin is afraid of:
8. “Marvin Stamn spews:
1. Michael spews:
‘The world just isn’t that scary of a place.’
I guess that all depends on where one lives.
Would you be scared to have your children playing in the front yard if you lived in comp[ton or detroit?”
10/09/2009 at 6:48 am
So, Compton and Detroit are a little bit different than playing trumpet for Gladys Knight and her Pips.
Palin and Bachmann??? Intelligent????
(jaw hits floor, stays stuck..)
I gotta remember this is the same right wing dumbass who said Limbaugh and Hannity are in the “news” business and waterboarding isn’t torture.
Well duh.
Have you heard of gladys or her pips killing any of their musicians? How many are murdered at her concerts?
And there’s something close to 1 murder a day in detroit.
Are you still living/working in issaquah? Is the makeup still 87.95% White, 0.88% African American?
That’s probably why it’s stressful for you to be around blacks 24/7. Not only don’t you not know any, you don’t even see any except on teev.
A google search shows that issaquah has quite the history with the kkk. I guess that explains why your city is so white.
If it is torture, how can you justify it being used against americans?
Nance (full disclosure, a TPMm pal) confesses that he “personally led, witnessed and supervised waterboarding of hundreds of people” — not detainees, of course, but would-be SEALs, so they could learn how (hopefully) to resist torture.
Why didn’t the democrats or the aclu stop the practice of waterboarding our own soldiers.
@73 If waterboarding isn’t torture, how come it’s used to train SEALs to resist torture?
The bottom line is that waterboarding is torture; and if someone did it to me, I’d hunt down and kill the motherfucker, even if it took the rest of my life.
73 – Totally dumbass. Using waterboarding once in SERE training is not against the law AFAIK.
Using torture like waterboarding against prisoners of war is illegal and ineffective to boot.
34. Roger Rabbit spews:
For $250,000??
It was settled because Sims was NAILED.
You really think King Kounty would pay $250k to settle a “nuisance”??
Nice try Rog
@76 “You really think King Kounty would pay $250k to settle a ‘nuisance’??”
A more precise rephrasing of this question might help bring a possible answer into clearer focus. What you really should ask is,
“Would a Republican prosecutor settle a civil suit brought by a Republican blogger against a county government otherwise run by Democrats by paying him $225,000 (sic; not $250k), in the same manner that a Republican federal administration shoveled billions of dollars of taxpayer money into the pockets of Republican cronies under the rubic of no-bid contracts?”
Marvin @ 73
False equivalence.
Using a logical fallacy to score rhetorical points.
Do you know you’re lying?
Please help me decide something. Should I pity you for your ignorance? Or dismiss you outright for trolling?
So what is it you’re saying…
That we don’t use the same torture techniques against our own citizens?
Or it’s okay to use the same torture techniques against our servicemen.
So there is one law that says it’s against the law to torture some people.
And a law that says it’s okay to torture other people.
And like a good democrat, you’re okay with torturing our servicemen but not someone trying to kill the same serviceman.
Marvin @ 79
Thank you. For helping me decide.
What you’re saying is that you don’t understand the difference between coercion and training.
@81 What the fucking idiot doesn’t understand is that in training, whether it’s waterboarding or tear gas, you get only a mild and non-harmful exposure to give you an inkling of what the real thing would be like, but you never get the real thing in training.
When I went through Army basic training they made us walk through a room filled with tear gas. You were in there only a few seconds, not long enough to have to take a breath, and when you came out they rinsed your eyes and you breathed fresh air. There’s a big difference between that and being in an actual gas attack.
Same with waterboarding. Trainees get just a taste of it, and no more, under very carefully controlled conditions, one reason being the real thing sometimes kills the interrogation subject. No training ever duplicates real combat conditions; it’s only to prepare you for what those conditions will be like.
But a fucking idiot like Stamn who’s never been in the military and knows nothing about the military wouldn’t have a clue about any of this. He learned everything he “knows” about the military from watching old John Wayne movies.
So this is what the dumbass is leading up to. Classic mendacity from the right wing.
Torturing prisoners has been shown to be ineffective. If the word gets out it only makes things worse: see Abu Ghraib for that. Torture as a policy is a loser all the way around.
American field soldiers have had an old-fashioned way of dealing with the abuses of the enemy: don’t take prisoners to begin with.
hmmm ……..
Gingrich, Foley, Miss Palin, Ms. Chaney, Mark Sanford, …………………………………………………………..
as opposed to what happens if you do not at for your mortgage, car payments, …
Us hook nosed kikes sho mlikes your honkey humor!
Troll Patrol (c) A free service of your public SJ.
You know when you have to change the quote around you automatically lost the argument.
Do you know of any law forcing me to have a mortgage or car loan? Those are voluntary agreements one enters into, did you voluntarily choose to be liable for income taxes? Just because the IRS says it’s voluntary compliance doesn’t mean it is.
Yo Stupes,
Another great video with the man in the street in Israel.
Pay attention to the words “cushi” and “gezan”.
Will the conference allow us to bring guns to your panel to help emphasize our points?
Ahhh ylb arschloch, trying to hide to location you originally downloaded the youtube again?
Does Puddy need to embarrass your arschloch again for the 1x10E345 time?
Puddybud @ 88
Scientific notation. Nice.
Hey, I owe you an apology.
I was confusing you with pudge, who spews over on soundpolitics. I don’t know why. Similar pseudonyms, incoherent rants, etc.
But then I kept seeing mention that you’re an African American. So I finally watched one of pudge’s “music” videos, to see what he looked like. Hot tip: Turn off the volume first, pudge is no Dwight Yoakam.
Turns out that pudge’s NOT African American. So I’ve tentatively concluded that puddybud (you) and pudge are two different people.
Again, I apologize. Mistaking someone for pudge is just about the worst insult I can imagine. I hope that you can forgive me as I work to forgive myself.
Asswipe @ 88
I got it from Blumenthal’s site idiot.
Whatdaya think of God’s chosen people priding themselves on being a “gezan” and calling Obama a “cushi”?
Give me your worst asswipe! You think I freaking care? It only makes you look like a douchebag.
Get a tag team from Sue while you’re at it. Heh.. That shit is too funny.
@85 Marvin Stamm
asserts he is involuntarily kept in America so he should not have to pay taxes.