The 2005 Rolling Thunder Democracy Festival rolls into Magnuson Park next Saturday, Aug 13th from 12 noon to 8pm, and amongst the many notable speakers — including US Rep. Jim McDermott and special guest, Ed Begley Jr. — will be… me. I’ll be speaking from the main stage at 4:50pm, and I invite you all to join me for a day of live music, fiery speechifying, workshops, food, fun and good old fashioned, grassroots political agitation.
Tickets are $10 at the gate (kids under 12 are free), but you can save time and avoid the long lines by purchasing in advance from Brown Paper Tickets or Elliot Bay Book Company. Or if you don’t have the cash to spare, Seattle Thunder is still looking for volunteers on festival day; email Annarose Lilly for more information.
Bring the whole family and help us put the party back into politics.
Hmmm – sounds like fun. i wonder if i could clear my schedule for the 13th.
McDimwit and Dimwit…together at last.
You 2 are “birds of a feather”. A couple of great Angry Americans.
I’ll bet your audience is a bunch of real beauties. Probably the “worst of the Fremont District” crowd.
McDimwit always insists on having at least one Gay speaker at events he speaks at. I suppose they were desperate to find someone which is why they chose YOU.
And who in their RIGHT mind would pay $10 to watch a bunch of PINHEADED LEFTIST ASSHOLES blab the same old drivel?? Long lines of people to pay $10 to watch you Goldy??? Perhaps you have it wrong. With the losers in that crowd…it’s more likely that YOU have to pay THEM $10!! LEFTIST PINHEADS respond well to handouts.
Why, Mr. Cyn-Irr, I reckon I’d pay $100 to see you on that stage screaming “LEFTIS PINHEADS!” to the assembled crowd. Yeah, I think I would really enjoy that.
Me thinks it may be time for me to come out of the closet!
Those limp-wristed, pansy-asses can probably slap pretty hard though, huh???
LEFTIST PINHEADS don’t carry $100…in fact, most I’ve met barely carry 10 bucks. I’d need CASH IN ADVANCE Donnageddon…I’m sure you can understand why.
Again, Cynical… you seem overly curious about my sexuality.
Aren’t you a bit curious about the speech I’m working on? I’ll give you a hint… it has the word “manifesto” in the title.
“the crowds”??? you mean all the felons, non-citizens, dead people who comprise McD’s voting constituency?
Maybe he’ll play the illegal tapes he made…
Goldy @ 6
“Aren’t you a bit curious about the speech I’m working on? I’ll give you a hint… it has the word “manifesto” in the title.”
“My Support of the Communist, er ‘Progressive’ Manifesto” by David Goldstein
I’m sure your speech will be well received.
No, I’m not “Curious” about your sexuality. It’s obvious you are Gay. And that you need to feel loved. Why else would you speak at a rally of LEFTIST PINHEADED LOONEY’s??
Your speech will have the typical LEFTIST PINHEAD diahrea of hate-Bush words and slogans. I see the organizers think so highly of you that they gave you “PRIME TIME”! By the time you speak at 4:50, the few folks remaining will be stoned out of their minds. You better bring your family and all the HA LEFTIST PINHEADS along so there is at least some cheering when you speak.
Maybe they can bring some PROMPT CARDS that say either CHEER or BOOOOO so they “crowd” knows what to do since none of them will have a clue what the fuck you are talking about at 4:50! Good luck though Goldy. Are you going to sell posters of yourself? How about tapes of your prior speeches…THE BEST OF GOLDY. Hey, I’m just trying to help so you can stop trying to bum BEER MONEY!
Rather than just gasbag as you are prone to do…why not take the opportunity to do some actualy “problem-solving”, Perhaps work on a solution to the Seattle transportation dilemma. LEFTIST PINHEADS are not capable of actual “problem-solving”. All they know how to do is bitch about the “establishment”.
$10 is pretty steep for most of the losers who like to attend time-wasting, mind-numbig events like this. Are you going to offer “free scholarships” to those who cannot afford it? Typical LEFTIST PINHEADS. Are you paying anything for use of the Park, clean-up and Security??? LEFTIST PINHEADS are well-known for shitting wherever they stand and allowing there dogs to crap wherever they stand to. By 4:50, I guarantee your sensitive nasal passages will clearly detect the malodorous stench of LEFTIST PINHEAD fecal matter.
Mr. Cynical @ 3
The base price of the tickets may be $10, but it will actually cost far more money than that to obtain a ticket. Check it out:
There is an additional $1.24 per ticket service charge. Then you have to pay another $5.00 for so-called “priority mail” delivery per order, or another $15.00 for express mail (if you really want to make sure you receive the tickets).
So for one person, the true cost of a ticket is $16.24 to $26.24. For two people, $27.48 to $37.48.
Sort of like the monorail — start with a “low” sounding figure like $10, and then the actual cost nearly doubles. But it will still cost a lot less money than what those liberal folks in Seattle are paying on monorail tax for their Volvo’s and BMW’s.
Mr. Cynical @ 10
You said: “LEFTIST PINHEADS are not capable of actual “problem-solving”. All they know how to do is bitch about the “establishment”.”
But would thy just be bitching at themselves? At least as far as local and state problems are concerned?
Good points. It’s those darn “hidden costs” that add-up. A billion here…a billion there. Pretty soon you are talking about real money!
But Richard, you forgot the Seattle 5% Admissions Tax. Plus they have to charge for cleaning up “Toxic Waste”…kind of a dump fee like they charge you when they change your oil. There must be others we are missing.
They are bitching at themselves….the BIGGEST problem is that you & I know it…BUT THEY DON’T!! They don’t know….and they don’t know that they don’t know. LEFTIST PINHEADS are bred to Bitch!
Mr. Cynical @9&10
Let me help you out with that manifesto thingy…
Some guys keep Victoria Secret catalogues and Maxim magazine next to their toilet.
Goldy keeps the Communist Manifesto and GayBlade Weekly next to his!!
Seattle would not be in such a snarl…
If Marx had been Groucho, instead of KARL!!!
The real question is does Goldy ever shut up? Just kidding… anyway, I’ll see if I can get out there. Should be fun.
“A couple of great Angry Americans.”
Projecting again, Cynical? Believe me, no one feels more persecuted, or has a greater file of grievances, than the Angry Right. Listening to them, they’re the most oppressed people ever born. Never mind they own nearly everything and run nearly everything; the sky is falling on them all the time. In a word — the Wingys are drowning in their own shit.
(Maybe that’s why Shrub calls Karl Rove “Turd Blossom!” — what do your friends call YOU, Cynical — besides “paranoid?”)
Naaaaah. Why pay to hear Cynical rant when you can read Cynical’s rants free on HA?
Cynical – were you hurt by a gay person at some point in your life? You certainly hate them…
Here’s a lyrics to a song that reminds me of the wingnuts who post here.
i’m a man
i’m real proud of my manhood
i like to smoke
ten thousand cigarillos
eight ball
i could climb any fountain
i never cry
i only bawl when i’m losing
and i’ve never been wrong
never been wrong
i’m looking so good
looking so good
got a big gold gun
got a big gold bullet
and i guess you could say
i’m real full of it
i’m real full of it
i’m real straight
you wanna see my peccadillos
hot dog 7:30 every morning
and i’m big into war
big into war
big into war
i am a whore
i am a whore
got a big gold gun
i shave with gillette
shave with gillette
and i’m patting my back
patting my back
got a big gold bullet
I was never hurt by a gay person dude nor do I hate them. I have gay friends & relatives….just not a gay lover like Goldy!
Everyone knows Goldy is gay…it’s no big deal. What bothers me is Goldy pretending he ain’t.
“You are what you are that’s all right by me.
But I am who I am…that’s ALL I can be”.
It is times like these that I am reminded of the words of wisdom by that great wise man, Lewis Black:
“Republicans are the party of bad ideas. Democrats are the party of no ideas.”
Truer words were never spoken.
ME thinks Mr. Cyb-Irr harps on this “Goldy is obviously gay” delusion a wee bit too much.
I personally never thought Mr. Cyn-Irr was gay, I thought we was just a sexless slob who could not get laid for any amount of money, but now I really wonder?
From King 5 News web site:
“With just weeks to go before a new election … Republican county council members signed a letter asking … the Secretary of State’s office to come in and run the upcoming election.”
No, let’s not! Sam Reed is a Republican partisan who appeared at Rossi’s press conference demanding a revote even though Reed knows damn well there’s no provision in state law for a revote.
And now Reed is flouting the Legislature by adopting rules telling poll workers that voters “must” show photo ID (even though the Legislature rejected a photo ID requirement) and prohibiting party workers from looking at poll books to find out who hasn’t voted for GOTV purposes (with absolutely no legal authority to do so).
King County Elections already has enough problems without putting a Ken-Blackwell-wanna-be like Reed in charge.
Stefan Sharkansky of (un)Sound Politics has graciously posted a letter from the Secretary of State’s office telling him he’s full of shit.
The SoS’s elections spokesperson, Nick Handy, responded to Stefan Sharkansky’s allegations that King County mailed military ballots as follows:
“So far as I am aware, King County met state law requirements.”
“We were making efforts to ensure compliance with federal requirements under the Federal Voting Assistance Program. It is my understanding that the FVAP did not have any complaints from military personnel regarding issuance of Washington State ballots.”
Thanks for sharing, Stefan. You may be stupid, but you’re a good sport!
For those who want the link, here ’tis:
You are a virtual 1 rabbit “spin machine”.
Handy conveniently avoided the direct question of whether they were issued by the deadline or not. The information is right there. They were not. Handy is covering up by saying if there were no complaints…it’s ok for KingCo not to follow the rules.
Both of Washington’s U.S. Senators and 5 of its congressmen have “denounced” Southwest Airline’s scheme to move to Boeing Field at taxpayer expense in order to offer their passengers cheaper fares than the competition. The state’s other 3 congressmen did not sign the joint letter to Ron Sims, but none have endorsed the proposal.
Ya don’t need a wind sock to know which way the wind is blowing on this turkey.
Reply to 27
Ordinary logic would suggest if there’s no complaints, there’s no problem.
Reply to 27 (continued)
“You are a virtual 1 rabbit ‘spin machine’.”
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
reply at 22
That is why the new term for Democrats is Hypo-Cogs (to counter balance Neo-Cons)
That’s short for Hypocognitive. Which means lack of thought or ideas.
Anyone who would pay $10 to hear the criminal McDermott speak has got to be a hypo-cog. they couldn’t think of anything better to do on a summer saturday in seattle.
Wonderful article in today’s paper about the lack of leaders in Seattle. They point to the messes they’ve made of the city and the county and the voters seemingly lack of will to change things.
reggie, which paper? I am sure you realize that all the Neo-Con Symps on this blog believe both papers are lift-wing liberal rags.
Domo-Left Behind@22: You are so correct!!! No idea party. That’s why Durbin and Kennedy are at the Donk forefront. Their rants are DEVIOD of ideas!!!
Don*****don@23: Aren’t you the one who PacMan accused of nightly visitations by Rosy Palm and her five sisters?
Rupert_Wabbit@24&29: Are you sooooooo afraid of having to prove whom you are at the polling place will disenfranchise the dead or other illegal voters? That’s why the lefty WA legislature killed the ID requirement, those mysterious Precinct 1823 votes would be kept off the polls. Regarding problems or not, is that the way you practiced law to your clients?
Reggie@32: I noticed when I proved to Rupert Wabbit that McDimwitt is a criminal (from the Federal and Appeals Courts) he shut up. Too bad when other information is logically proved he would follow the same engagement rules! I like the Hypo-Cog term. They are officially the Hypo-Cog Donk Moby Trolls.
Mr. Cyn-Irr, what part of “So far as I am aware, King County met state law requirements.” do you not understand? Or are you like all Neo-Con Symps who never let reality get in their way of a good paranoid conspiratorial delusion?
Don*****don: Most newspaper reporters and editors voted Democratic by >80+% since 1988
Don @ 32 – Uhh… that’s because they ARE left wing liberal rags.
PudBuddy – Oh. My. God. You are at it again? It. Is. Over. Move on. Get over it. Get a life. Rossi did not win. You are not going to get him in. He will never run again. Geez. Wake up and smell the coffee. Don’t like it? Tough. It’s history.
Fire_one: Are you afraid of proving whom you are? That’s all I asked!!! Regarding the same argument on Ohio. It. Is. Over. Move on. Get over it. Get a life. Kerry did not win. You are not going to get him in. He will never run again. Geez. Wake up and smell the coffee. Don’t like it? Tough. It’s history.
I can use the same argument on Florida. It. Is. Over. Move on. Get over it. Get a life. Gore did not win. You are not going to get him in. He will never run again. Geez. Wake up and smell the coffee. Don’t like it? Tough. It’s history.
Why think small, Reggie? You can find much bigger messes on the national and international level — where Repuglicans are running things.
Bupuddy… You ok man? You are starting to get incoherent. No one here said anything about Bush or Kerry… Why are you so defensive. Oooooooooh, I know. Because Bush is a chickenshit son of a bitch that won’t even come out and talk with a housewife who lost her son in Iraq!
Putty Brains @ 33
I’ve shut up? When have I ever shut up?!! That’s a good one, Putty! Har har har
Oh, and Pudubby, Kerry is TWICE the man Bushy will ever be… That draft dodging, no good, war mongering… but wait, aren’t you supposed to be at church reading the bible today? Oh let me put it in language you understand… Aint yall ‘posed to be down at the church house a-readin’ the bible?
You didn’t reply to my McDimwitt proof he is a federal convict. I provided many links about his court cases. You shut up on that!!!
Good one, fire_one! Kick ’em in the shins! They’ve got it coming! It’s amusing to sit here and read the troll posts. Their neoCON buddies have made a goddamn mess of the whole world and they’re still sweating Logan, Sims, and McDermott? Somebody hand them a broom.
RR – These guys are too funny (or at least they would be if people weren’t dying for their mistakes).
Fire_one: I attend Church on the original Sabbath Day created by God before there were Jews or Gentiles. Look at the 4th Commandment: Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy! God kept it in Genesis Chapter 2:2&3: “2: Since on the seventh day God was finished with the work he had been doing, he rested on the seventh day from all the work he had undertaken. 3:So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work he had done in creation.”
Regarding Kerry & Gore and voting. SInce you all love to bring up Rossi, I refer to you the same actions your side has done with Kerry and Gore you accuse our side with on Rossi. SOrry if you small intellectual prison will not allow your mind to comprehend those points. Kerry is twice the man? Yeah he’s twice as dumb. Look at dem transcripts.
Goldy: I hope the local news carries part of your speech. I hope there are some coherent thoughts for the news cycle. Then everyone can listen to Gilbert Gottfried’s doppelganger!
Putty-for-Brains, the difference between Rossi and Gore/Kerry is that Rossi wasn’t robbed. Really, he wasn’t. Gore and Kerry were robbed. Really, they were.
Robbed, Rupert Wabbit? How were they robbed? Ohio cities controlled by your buddies were the 2004 voting problem areas. City mayors, city and municipal councils are controlled by your side. The dog catcher is controlled by your side. The sewer cleaners are controlled by your side. The poll watchers were controlled by your side. Source to my information: my best man in our wedding lives in Ohio.
Regarding Florida, are you saying that not enough criminals, double voters and the like didn’t give it to Gore? I delivered a link where Gore sued two counties to stop 25,000 legally received and legally registered votes because they were breaking against him almost 2.5:1. Did you miss that one while you were reading about Federal Felon McDimwitt? Or how about Gore trying to disenfranchise the military vote because it was breaking abainst him? Come on Rupert Wabbit try again!!!
Also Rupert Wabbit, Seattle likes Dem Convicts like McDimwitt!!!
Goldy supports Dem Convicts like McDimwitt. He called McDimwitt a notable speaker. For whom does he notably speak for? The Florida couple who were fined for the taping?
Stupuddy – I know you and your ilk. You were one of the first ones on the block to run down and buy an American flag (made in China) after 911. When some of your neighbors said “Wait a minute, Iraq didn’t attack us”, you called them un-American. When some of your neighbors said “Where were the WMDs” you called them traitors and cowards. Yeah, I know you. You’re just like Bushy, a moral coward, hiding. Why won’t he come out (during his vacation) and talk to the Mom that lost her son. You can’t answer that question either. But we know why. Your neighbors who question this war are the ones with the courage. You are nothing but a “ditto head”.
Fired_and_missed_again. No I didn’t buy a flag from WalMart. I don’t need to advertise my patriotism. I stand at attention for the Star Spangled Banner and the Pledge of Allegiance. How about you? I go to sports games and I can easily spot the liberals and the conservatives. I don’t have political conversationw with my neighbors on purpose. We talk about our lawns, the bugs from the woods and the kids in the streets. Regarding the WMDs I posted the thoughts of HillBilly Clinton, France, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Egypt, & Russia. You must have been firing blanks during that time. Since I was away from the news cycle for the last two weeks, I need some more info on the mom and her son. Ditto head; naah! But that is better than being and Air America Head. Keep firing them blanks fired_upon!
I know, this is slightly off topic. But I’d like to hear Goldy’s reaction to this piece in the Guardian.,00.html
You other lefties are welcome to chime in. Roger Rabbit – you needn’t bother because the article is written by a guy from your side, so there isn’t really anyone to insult.
Demographa@54: Powerful stuff. But will the Leftist Donk HypoCon Moby Troll Moonbats understand and fully comprehend their anti-war stance plays into the enemy’s hands? Thanks for that wonderful link. I saved it to the Puddy Archives for future ammunition.
What would the ACLU think about this policy if implemented in the US?,00.html
“Ohio cities controlled by your buddies were the 2004 voting problem areas.”
Exactly … they couldn’t vote — thanks to Ken Blackwell and his hench people. Just like 57,700 black voters couldn’t vote in Florida in 2000 — thanks to Jeb and Katherine.
I see you took an overdose of your “bitter pills” again. They always seem to give you the same side effect…diarhea of the mouth!
“I stand at attention for the Star Spangled Banner and the Pledge of Allegiance. How about you?”
Not me. I enlisted for a combat tour in Vietnam, then enlisted in the Reserve.
Know what else plays into the enemy’s hands?
1. Ignoring pre-9/ll warnings
2. Alienating allies
3. Letting Osama get away
4. Attacking the wrong country
5. No occupation plan
6. Refusing to send enough troops
7. No body or vehicle armor
8. Idiotic military strategy
9. Torturing prisoners
BTW … Putty For Brains … you can kiss my ass )(
No snappy comebacks tonite, Noncynsical? That’s the best you can do?
What link? I don’t see a link. And what has McDermott been convicted of? I don’t see a conviction. When and where was the trial? Who was the prosecutor? What was the judge’s name? Who was on the jury? What conviction? I don’t see a conviction …
Everyone knows the donks could not come up with enough double votes or dead voters to overcome Bush’s margin of victory in 2004. The republicans have to get in the donks face in 2006. There should be Republican operatives at every polling place with cameras rolling. We need poll watchers at every donk precint in the country. We need to shine the light of truth on these donks.
Ok FuddyDuddy, for the last time tonight..
You know what really plays into the enemies hand?
Rush’s Rules:
1. Hate Muslims
2. Hate Gays
3. Hate Catholics
4. Hate Pro-Lifers
5. Hate Democrats
6. Hate the Poor
7. Hate the Homeless
8. Hate anyone not exactly like you
oops make that Pro-Choicers, because we all know what the Big Ditto Head thinks about women having a choice in ANYTHING, although he would hate pro-lifers if it fit into his drug induced agenda…
“There should be Republican operatives at every polling place with cameras rolling.”
You mean like this?
“Democrats in Mississippi complained Tuesday of intimidation at black voting precincts … state officials said they were investigating dozens of reports of irregularities, including allegations that observers followed voters into ballot booths or videotaped voters and their completed ballots.”
I like the idea of Democratic operatives at every polling place with baseball bats.
Roger @ 60: “Know what else plays into the enemy’s hands?
1. Ignoring pre-9/ll warnings
Yes, Clinton did.
2. Alienating allies
You mean the ones that had a role in the oil-for-food scandal?
3. Letting Osama get away
Yes, Clinton did.
4. Attacking the wrong country
“Wrong” for what purpose? You’re missing the bigger picture.
5. No occupation plan
If occupation isn’t the goal, you don’t have an occupation plan. Then again, you Lefties only read from Uncle Joe’s book of world domination, so occupation is the only thing you know.
6. Refusing to send enough troops
Refused? I’ll concede the point ONLY if you show me a link to a legit news source saying he refused to send more when the generals asked.
7. No body or vehicle armor
I have a relative who is high up in military procurement. Not possible to ramp up overnight. And I seem to recall the Left wanting to cut the budget for it anyway.
8. Idiotic military strategy
And you’re in a positition to judge??
9. Torturing prisoners
Putting naked men in a pile is not torture. Ask me sometime about my family’s experiences with the KGB and Siberia.
Roger @ 67: “I like the idea of Democratic operatives at every polling place with baseball bats.”
So, since you guys still lost with bats at GOP offices, you’re trying polling places this next election?
Oh, yeah, you’re the party of ideas.
Goldy, good luck! I probably won’t make it, but make sure that Ed Begley Jr. gives you a ride in whatever futuristic solar car he’s driving these days.
By the way Horse’s Ass regulars, I was banned from today (it took 2 posts and about 72 hours). Cowards.
Cynical… I’m 42 years old. At this point in my life, do you really think I care if anybody thinks I’m gay or not? The only person who needs to be concerned with my sexual preference is the person I prefer to have sex with.
(And by the way, the book currently by my toilet is a page-worn paperback of Adam Smiths’ “The Wealth of Nations.” Can’t get much more socialist than that, huh?
Mark Not the Redneck Mark, your post at 68 8s so incredibly childish and in denial of reality, it deserves no response, and one can conclude you are just a Neo-Con Symp.
But this bit of HATE THE TROOPS crap needs a rebuttal from THE TROPPS themselves.
“7. No body or vehicle armor
I have a relative who is high up in military procurement. Not possible to ramp up overnight. And I seem to recall the Left wanting to cut the budget for it anyway.â€
I don;t care about your war profiteering “relativeâ€, but hear this from those laying their lives for Bush’s War for Oil.
“How long has the Pentagon been aware of the armor shortage?
In June, 2003, the Army was already aware of the shortage. (USA Today) But 18 months later, the problem still wasn’t resolved.
On December 8, 2004, during a meeting of soldiers in Iraq with U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Specialist Thomas Wilson alerted the American public to the issue of armor shortages when he asked:
“Why do we soldiers have to dig through local landfills for pieces of scrap metal and compromised ballistic glass to up-armor our vehicles and why don’t we have those resources readily available to us?”
After applause from the troops, Rumsfeld replied:
“It’s essentially a matter of physics. It isn’t a matter of money. It isn’t a matter on the part of the Army of desire. It’s a matter of production and capability of doing it…You can have all the armor in the world on a tank and a tank can be blown up. And you can have an up-armored humvee and it can be blown up.” (Department of Defense)
Is the shortage, as Rumsfeld said, “a matter of physics?”
Sec. Donald Rumsfeld said that armor for the Humvees was being produced at maximum capacity. However, a company that makes armored Humvees said they offered to increase production by 22%, which would create an additional 50-100 Humvees per month. Sierra Army Depot, a company that makes Humvee kits, said they could increase production by 150%. The Pentagon, however, never responded to the offers. (USA Today) Since Specialist Wilson spoke up about the armor shortage, armor production has increased, but is still not reaching demand.â€;Itemid=66
In conclusion: Fuck you Mark you chicken-hawk mother-fucking Troop-hating Bastard!
Goldy, when you get the chance, release my response to the Troop-hating “I’m not the redneck” Mark
Reply to 68
1. “Yes, Clinton did.”
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on [terrorism] for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
2. “You mean the ones that had a role in the oil-for-food scandal?”
No, I mean the ones who fought side by side with us in World War 2 and stood shoulder to shoulder with us in the Cold War, jackass!
3. “Yes, Clinton did.”
“… the CIA field commander … at Tora Bora, Gary Berntsen, says … he had definitive intelligence that bin Laden was holed up at Tora Bora … and could have been caught.”
This excerpt is from an explosive story in the August 15 issue of Newsweek magazine hitting the newsstands this week.
4. “You’re missing the bigger picture.”
What bigger picture? That the terrorists were in Afghanistan, not Iraq? That Afghanistan is a larger country, with more population, had terrorist training bases, and was Osama’s hideout? That Bush sent 11,000 troops to where the terrorists were, and sent 140,000 troops to where they weren’t? What part of the picture am I missing?
5. “If occupation isn’t the goal, you don’t have an occupation plan.”
No shit, Sherlock — that’s the problem! If we’re not “occupying” Iraq what, exactly, ARE we doing there??? Attending a camel convention?
6. “Refused? I’ll concede the point ONLY if you show me a link to a legit news source saying he refused to send more when the generals asked.”
You asked for it — here it is —
“The Bush administration went into Iraq with a series of prejudices about Iraq, rogue states, nation-building, the Clinton administration, multilateralism and the U.N. It believed Iraq was going to vindicate these ideological positions. As events unfolded the administration proved stubbornly unwilling to look at facts … [i]t was more important to prove that it was right than to get Iraq right.
“The history of external involvement in countries suggests that, to succeed, the outsider needs two things: power and legitimacy. Washington has managed affairs in Iraq so that it has too little of each. It has often been pointed out that the United States went into Iraq with too few troops. This is not a conclusion arrived at with 20-20 hindsight. Over the course of the 1990s, a bipartisan consensus, shared by policymakers, diplomats and the uniformed military, concluded that troop strength was the key to postwar military operations. It is best summarized by a 2003 RAND Corp. report noting that you need about 20 security personnel (troops and police) per thousand inhabitants ‘not to destroy an enemy but to provide security for residents so that they have enough confidence to manage their daily affairs and to support a government authority of its own.’ When asked by Congress how many troops an Iraqi operation would require, Army Chief of Staff Eric Shinseki replied, ‘Several hundred thousand’ for several years. The number per the RAND study would be about 500,000.”
Shinseki didn’t get 500,000 troops — he got a rocking chair.
And Bush and Rumsfeld themselves got bogged down in Iraq, unable to stop the insurgency or stabilize the country with 1/3 of the forces the Army’s chief of staff thought were necessary.
7. “I have a relative who is high up in military procurement. Not possible to ramp up overnight. And I seem to recall the Left wanting to cut the budget for it anyway.”
Your “recall” is as bad as Stefan’s recollection of who made King 5 TV’s public records request to King County! (Hint: King 5 TV, not Stefan, did.)
Now read the last sentence of this article carefully: “One National Guard officer told the Army Times that the failure to deliver a sufficient number of armored and up-armored Humvees to Iraq ‘bordered on negligence.'” Then read the entire article — about how the Bush administration repeatedly failed to request funding for armor.
To blame Democrats for the armor shortage, you’d have to believe that (a) Democrats have run the Pentagon for the last 5 years, (b) Democrats have controlled Congress for the last 5 years, and (c) Bush couldn’t find any money for armor in the $400 billion-plus annual defense budget, or in separate appropriations of $83 billion and $50 billion for Iraq military operations.
The real reason the troops don’t have armor is because Republicans in the White House, Pentagon, and Congress didn’t give a shit.
8. “And you’re in a positition to judge??”
Who’s judging? Just look at the result.
9. “Putting naked men in a pile is not torture.”
Murder, rape, dog bites, and beatings are! Explain why U.S. soldiers have been convicted for torture crimes including murder? You’re nothing but a disgusting apologist for heinous crimes against humanity — many of which were committed against innocent noncombatants — which places you squarely in the “Nazi” category.
The U.S. is even throwing children into its torture dungeons — CHILDREN for Chrissakes!!!
Mark @ 69
“since you guys still lost with bats at GOP offices”
Total bullshit. The Repukes wrecked their offices themselves. Democrats had nothing to do with it.
Tell ya what, though. If some Repuglican asshole tries to video tape me when I’m voting, it’ll be the last film that camera ever shoots … and if I have to go over the Repug to get at the camera, I will. Whatever it takes.
Goldy @ 71
Wouldn’t that question be relevant if you decided to “out” someone? You have philosophized extensively over a possible gay or lesbian GOP member of the Washington State Senate, and whether it would be morally acceptable and/or politically expedient to out him or her for voting against HB 1515 (the bill to extend discrimination coverage to sexual orientation). You have posted on this topic here several times, and have been quoted in the local media as well.
If you were to actually “out” this lady or gentleman (or the “outing” were done, and you were perceived to be associated with it somehow), wouldn’t that also make the question of your own sexual orientation a fair topic for media coverage and political debate?
Otherwise, I would agree with you that no one should give a damn about your sexual orientation, regardless of what it might be.
Comment on 70
It took me 90 seconds and 0 posts to get banned from Free Republic. But then, I’m just a cute fluffy little bunny.
Goldy, a word of advice: Don’t lower yourself. The asshole doesn’t deserve a reply.
Roger @ 73: “Total bullshit. The Repukes wrecked their offices themselves. Democrats had nothing to do with it.”
(admittedly, this one is WSJ op-ed, but it summarizes the stories)
Here is a plain ol’ news story with one incident that references the “coordinated protests” you deny even happened:
So, again, the bulls**t is on you.
Oh, and that doesn’t even take into account the whole tire-slashing bit back East.
By the way, I love how you totally avoided my multi-point response to your post.
Ah, yes… The Democrats… the party of
ideasviolent tantrums because they have nothing real to say.Uhhh Rupert Wabbit, I posted the links on the judge, the conviction, and the trial fees on another thread. I don’t need to post it again. Search it yourself. He IS a convicted felon. Provide the links to the 57,000 black voters and the Ohio voters. I’ll wait.
Fired_and_Missed: Rush is a Catholic. So he hates himself? Regarding the others, you should listen to his show and then decide if the others are true.
You are mighty defensive about your sexuality. Your gayness is not my concern either. You certainly haven’t denied it which is fine….no one really cares that you are gay.
As for your reading material, a page-worn copy of Adam Smith’s “The Wealth of Nations” is impressive assuming you are actually reading and comprehending it….not merely sitting there with your drawers around your ankles using it to beat off with.
Cynical: He bought his page-worn copy of Adam Smith’s “The Wealth of Nations” at Half-Priced Books. He likes the feel used paper!
Goldy knows no bounds on his quest to impress others!
Re 21: You are a LITTLE EICHMANN…… It’s all you can be!
Get a new riff Harry, you’re boring.
Goldy @ 71
“(And by the way, the book currently by my toilet is a page-worn paperback of Adam Smiths’ “The Wealth of Nations.” Can’t get much more socialist than that, huh?
This gives new meaning to the term “Invisible Hand”.
Goldy: McDermott, Ed Begley, Jr., and you? You realize you are by far the best of that bunch, do you not?
Cynical: Drop it. Really. It’s not funny.
Roger Rabbit: I’ll probably regret wading into this argument, but this study is a pretty comprehensive look at fraud, intimidation, and suppression in the 2004 election committed by both sides, however, this from the summary should make you think:
“While Democrats routinely accuse Republicans of voter intimidation and suppression, neither party has a clean record on the issue. Instead, the evidence shows that Democrats waged aggressive intimidation and suppression campaigns against Republican voters and volunteers in 2004.”
I don’t really want to get into a big fight over this, but Democrats were just as guilty of dirty tricks in 2004 as the Republicans were.
In otherwords, a day of anti-americanism and Bush bashing. I’ll pass.
Jon, thanks for the link.
The telltale sign was this phrase: “Perhaps as a result of registration fraud, it was reported that according to the 2003 Census numbers, voter registration exceeded the number of voting-age people in four Ohio counties: Franklin, Delaware, Fayette and Mercer.” “The liberal online newsmagazine recently reported that a “consensus among experienced pollsters” now favors Mitofsky’s view it was the overrepresentation of Kerry voters in the exit polls – not election fraud – that caused them to differ from the official vote count.”
Hello Rupert Wabbit, here is the link you need to read about Ohio vote fraud. Your side did it!!! NAACP National Voter Fund, ACORN – Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, ACT – America Coming Together, & AFL-CIO all involved in voting tomfollery!!!
Let’s perform some due diligence on these counties: Franklin County – home to Columbus, Ohio and Ohio University and controlled by Democrats. Delaware County – Home of Delaware, Ohio, ‘burb of Columbus. Mercer County – Mercer and Wright State University Lake Campus in Celina, Ohio. Fayette County – Fayette, Ohio. Yeah voting fraud by the right? I don’t think so. Yes Rupert Wabbit, I am still waiting for those disenfrancised Ohio voters.
The problem with exit polls is that they are usually done right when the polls open which is around 8-10 am in the morning. Most of the people voting at that time are young student, retired and welfare recipients. This causes the vote to skew toward the democrats since most of these people rely on government services. The working/productive voters, who are heavily republican, go the polls later in the day.
I certainly hope Goldy et. al. are not troubled by Circle flies during their event at Magnuson Park.
A cowboy on his way to Seattle got pulled over by a State Trooper for speeding.
The trooper started to lecture the cowboy about his speeding, and in general began to throw his weight around to try to make the cowboy feel uncomfortable. Finally, the trooper got around to writing out the ticket.
As he was doing that, he kept swatting at some flies that were buzzing around his head.
The cowboy said, “Having some problem with Circle flies there, are ya?”
The trooper stopped writing the ticket and said, “Well yeah, if that’s what they are. I never heard of Circle flies.”
So the cowboy says, “Well, circle flies are common on ranches. See, they’re called circle flies because they’re almost always found circling aroundthe back end of a horse.”
The trooper says, “Oh,” and goes back to writing the ticket. Then after a minute, he stops and says, “Are you trying to call me a horse’s ass?”
The cowboy says, “No, Sir. I have too much respect for law enforcement and police officers to even think about calling you a horse’s ass.
“The trooper says, “Well that’s a good thing,” and goes back to writing the ticket.
After a long pause, the cowboy says, “Hard to fool them flies though.”
Proud Ass: I got the double entredre. Goldy IS the police officer!
Goldy is like the Police Officer on THE VILLAGE PEOPLE!!!!
Rupert Wabbit: Now you have seen links on Felon Extraordinaire Jim McDimwitt and the REAL vote fraud perpretrated by Donkocrats in Ohio. Will you finally admit you read them or, claim the Moby Troll ignorance defense again? Since you claim intellectual dishonesty is a Republican suite, we all can view how a MoonBat responds to the truth.
So in closing you said: “BTW … Putty For Brains … you can kiss my ass )( ” When confronted by Internet truths you resort to this attack line. I still await your links. And, that is not the fur type I put my lips upon!!!!
Cynical, pbj, righton, and others: Goldy said the Seattle MSM reads this blog. Maybe they will be intellectually honest and start publishing news fit to print. Naah, what was I thinking……
12 people read this tripe… and at least 1/3 of us are right thinking THINKING conservatives. The rest are fringe lefties to whom America, including normal liberals and Democrats, has repeatedly told “sit down and shut up, you don’t represent us.”
And as a bonus you too can vote for your favorite, biggest loonie…er, lefty.
Great LEFTIST PINHEAD website.
All the LOONS in one convenient location.
And don’t forget to honor those LOONS in the manner they prescribe, approve and encourage: vote early, vote often!
I did and I am. They have audio statements of the loons there.
Even FOX News reporters are now asking if 9-11 commission staffers withheld information from the panel members about a military intelligence unit’s identification of Mohammad Atta as a terrorist as early as 1999 and the failure to share that informati…
The Rolling Thunder Democracy Tour lands in Seattle Saturday with good speakers and keen music. As they say, let’s put the party back in our politics. Hat tip to Goldy….