Dear Stupid Fucking Trolls,
Thank you for being so fucking stupid. I counted on you providing a much needed laugh the day after the election, and you didn’t disappoint. In the words of Tea Party darling Sharron Angle:
“You know, our Founding Fathers, they put that Second Amendment in there for a good reason and that was for the people to protect themselves against a tyrannical government. And in fact Thomas Jefferson said it’s good for a country to have a revolution every 20 years. I hope that’s not where we’re going, but, you know, if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and saying my goodness what can we do to turn this country around? I’ll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out.
… [T]he nation is arming. What are they arming for if it isn’t that they are so distrustful of government? They’re afraid they’ll have to fight for their liberty in more Second Amendment kinds of ways … If we don’t win at the ballot box, what will be the next step?”
Sound familiar? Yeah, I didn’t just ape the violent, right-wing, teahadist bullshit… I pretty much block-quoted Sharron Angle. Funny, huh? How the words of a Republican nominee for US Senate suddenly becomes all crazy and dangerous and unhinged when typed through the keyboard of a lowly, local liberal blogger?
No doubt my post, and your predictable, satire-impaired reaction, would have been funnier had Angle actually defeated Harry Reid last night, but… well… I’m willing to make that tradeoff.
Anyway, thanks, as always, for being so fucking stupid. You were a ray of sunshine on an otherwise cloudy day.
LOLZ… Good one. I thought that looked a too familiar.
There is no need to call us conservatives “Sartre-Impaired”. There is a very good reason that we do not acquaint ourselves with the works of COMMUNIST FRENCH PHILOSOPERS!!!
i have no love for the Donkeys or their supporters but the Elephants are true mindless morons…..Plutocracy gets to continue it’s growth in america thanks to these leaders.
Queue up Lost to tell you that you are rude for simply pointing out that, as Thomas Jefferson warned, voter ignorance is a real threat to Democracy.
heh. Goldy how “abhorrent” of you!
It sounded crazier from you because it’s not expected.
Everyone knows angle is a nutjob. It’s no surprise when she talks about overthrowing the government.
Sheesh, Michael! I got that Goldy was channeling Angle right off!
It was sweet reading the trolls shitting their pants!
Goldy pwns the goatfuckers — again. Stupid goatfuckers…
It’s so funny when the righties go back and quote Jefferson about the need for revolution. Problem is, Jefferson was talking about a French revolution with the rich strung up on lampposts and the banks looted by the peasants, not an American revolution with dumping tea and repelling a government.
@4 I really believe that Lost is the dumbest of the lot.
What is the big deal?
Don’t you all suppose that a similar discussion occurred between the Tories and the Patriots in the 1770s or in the South in 1860?
Why this big fear of an armed public?
Do you libfarts imagine General Beck leading the troops in boats invading across the Potomac?
Dumbass ..
Jefferson was not a French revolutionary. he was an American revolutionary!
You dimbulbs can’t tell the difference!
Problem, what problem? Well, I guess you didn’t mention the guillotine which would be a problem since it’s much too quick. The fuckers need to suffer.
Not making the rich take their losses was the key domino in the chain of events that led to yesterday’s election outcome. And frankly, the economy won’t improve until they do.
Hey, I agree with her! It’s November 3 2010…time to TAKE OUR (HOUSE) GOVERNMENT BACK from these tyrannical Republicans (who like Obama and the previous Congress had the nerve to get elected)! It’s time for a revolution…to stop the Republicans!
Traditionally you wait like 2-4 years to see what the opposing party DOES to see what you officially oppose. In this last round the Republitards starting trying to “take back” the country about 4 weeks after Obama was elected. Lets DO IT BETTER! Lets start angrily asking for OUR COUNTRY BACK within 48 hours!
Time to stand up to this tyrannical fascists like John Boner and his (not yet started) reign of terror on our country! Or do you want the terrorists to win! HUH!?
Good liberals spotted that one by the second sentence that takes Jefferson out of context to justify revolution for the fun of it…
@14….i don’t know ow the quote was taken out of context??
here are his words…..
God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. … What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.
Letter to William Stephens Smith (13 November 1787), quoted in Padover’s Jefferson On Democracy
this was not the rant of an old man but the thoughts of a man yet to be president when commenting on Shayes Rebellion….how is he NOT asking for revolution???
He got me. It seemed so familiar almost too familiar…
@11…..NO HE WAS NOT…..he was commenting on Shays Rebellion….NOT THE FRENCH!!!!
good grief… we know our own nation’s history or not????
Hey Bob, try to talk yourself out of this one and keep any credibility.
sorry 11…..i meant 8 too.
You lefty’s are not taking your beating well at all. Apparently this beating has left you senseless and frothing.
The fact is America is arming.
In cities, rural everywhere.
Why are folks accumulating weapons Goldy?
Target practice? For what?
Folks are afraid of lots of things…and yes, overreaching government is one of them.
Angle clearly stated in the quote that she hopes we are NOT going the violent Revolution route. Did any of you actually read this…or just assume because Goldy posted it. Take out Harry Reid obviously meant via the election dumbass. Some idiot who’s head just exploded over at the DailyKos desperately looks for something to twist & turn.
And besides ANGLE LOST. She did not win for lots of reasons. The post-election analysis shows clearly the other Republican Primary candidate would not have won either. The same holds true in Delaware.
The Tea Party is here to stay. They provided the ooomph the Republicans desperately needed to provide Pelosi/Obama with a serious lesson in politics. However, if R’s don’t follow thru with smaller, less costly, less intrusive government proposals, tax cuts and ending Deficit Spending…they will be drummed out.
And they know it.
Dood, the Teabaggers self-identify 86% Republican. Why do you disingenuously pretend that it is something different than a re-brand?
Schooled. Thoroughly, I was.
My fave comes from Bob
Bob does make a good point. Has anyone asked Sharron Angle if Rush Limbaugh wrote that speech for her?
.i don’t know ow the quote was taken out of context??
Let’s start with the sentence where he calls them ignorant, but not wicked.
Oh and other thing.
Did you even notice how Goldy glued together 2 completely seperate statements?
These 2 out of context quotes glued together have been floated around the Internet since mid-June!
Goldy is desperate to find something..anything to discuss other than the election results and what is ahead in 2012.
Look at the 2nd paragraph dumbasses, starting with–
Anyone can play these childish games.
I thought Angle was foolish to even brooch the subject because obviously the Dems are anxious to cut-and-paste to make her look like a kook.
She was naive in campaigning.
Anyway, Angle was asked to explain what she meant and she did.
Her intent was nothing like the leftist blogosphere bloviated.
Try again Goldy…this time be more creative & intellectually honest, if possible.
Perhaps you need a vacation.
Go back home for awhile and see family & old friends in REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED PENNSYLVANIA!
Left out of the context too:
Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them.
@9: Steve: I don’t think lost is the dumbest. He has a few good points but he is so dogmatic and fails to understand when his argument has been shredded.
Actually, Klynical is the dumbest and Puddy is the one who should know better but is deliberately spreading false information and ignoring facts – just to run away and snipe another day.
@25: Typical Klynical, deny, obfuscate and make excuses for the rightwing nut jobs – but jump on any left winger.
Angle’s words speak for themselves – if she was too stoopid to understand what she said – then maybe she should not talk.
Speaking of stoopid – Rasmussen was once again way off on their polling especially from about 2 months out.
Rasmussen is biased and so is Klynical. Rasmussen had Angle, Miller and Rossi wining by large margins only a few months ago. Rasmussen had them STILL ahead right before the election – most of the other polls did not.
Klynical syas this:
OK Klynical – What are the republican proposals for cutting the budget? Can you name ONE cut proposed by republicans during this election cycle? Or was it all lies and bluster.
I can name one big budget buster: restoring the Bush tax cuts on the rich.
Goldy must think he’s the smartest guy in the room….. You’ve got two choices, jump into icy waters off Puget Sound, or brew you up some Starbux, curl up in your flannel lumberjack shirt next to the fireplace, crank up some Nirvana and read your tattered, dog eared copy of Catcher in the Rye.
Dumb Bastard.
The funny thing is that it is the Democrats who actually had the best proposal to decreasing the budget deficit- allow the Bush tax cuts expire. The R’s offered nothing except bluster.
Actually, the R’s did even worse than just bluster; they effectively have said that they won’t do anything to control the deficit. They promised to maintain the costliest programs (Vet’s benefits, aid to seniors, and defense spending) while also maintaining the Bush tax cuts. Good luck balancing the budget when you refuse to increase revenue or decrease spending.
Since the tag team’s confab at Scotts (!) in Edmonds I thought I had dumb and dumber, Beavis and Butthead pegged.
I may have got it reversed.
Well not Beavis and Butthead.
re 10: “Do you libfarts imagine General Beck leading the troops in boats invading across the Potomac?”
No. I worry about some stirred up ‘bagger nincompoop killing some innocent people so that a sociopath like Glenn Beck can make millions.
31 – It’ll be interesting to see the promoters of the “Plague on America” respond to the findings of the catfood commission.
Mr. Cynical @ 25
:”Look at the 2nd paragraph dumbasses, starting with–
… [T]he nation is arming.
Anyone can play these childish games.”
Wait…really? You’re quibbling with Goldy about proper typographic conventions to denote changes in case following an omitted section of text?!?!?
Not only are you wrong (square brackets to denote an edit is almost universal), but you have REALLY stooped to picking out flea shit from pepper with this one.
Something getting to you, Mr. Cynical? Perhaps you need a vacation….
Love ya’ back.
@27 You’re right, Klynical is dumber, but he’s never spewed hate like Lost,
So I’ll revise my remark to state that Lost is the most hate-filled of our trolls.
Mr. Cynical @ 25,
“Anyway, Angle was asked to explain what she meant and she did.”
And so did Goldy.
“Her intent was nothing like the leftist blogosphere bloviated.”
And Goldy’s intent was to show how utterly hypocritical and idiotic you wingnuts really are.
After all, here you are DEFENDING Sharron Angle for using the same rhetoric that you are criticizing Goldy for–even after knowing that Goldy is using the rhetoric to demonstrate your hypocrisy and stupidity.
Well money can’t buy you love in CA but it sure does down in FL:
and at 73 million of his own money, a cheaper date.
I mean Whitman was a less than average CEO in the right place at the right time and a raging hyprocrite like most right wingers but THIS GUY is a freaking criminal and would have been outright laughed off the stage in other places.
Wow. Unbelievable. FL always was corrupt but it’s completely lost its mind now.
The guy will be an utter disaster.
The context is crystal clear.
Jefferson would view Angle & The Teabaggers threats of armed rebellion against the USA government as he viewed the rebels in Shay’s Rebellion –
ignorant, but not wicked.
The Jeffersonian government action would be to set them right to the facts and to pacify them.
To argue any differently using that letter is to be illogical because Jefferson did not support Shay in that letter. He called those rebels ignorant.
That’s the context there for you, Mr. Obtuse
Goldy, I know I’m not your type cuz I’m not from Philly and I don’t swear like a truck driver, but seriously I could plant one on you right now for giving me the best laugh I’ve had in a couple weeks. Well played, sir.
The question is, Darryl, what do Progressives do about this? There is a major problem in our society – Fox News and its brethren has become very effective at driving and manipulating the uninformed voter. This is one of the primary threats to Democracy that many of our Founding Fathers envisioned and warned about.
I’m not going to advocate revolution. I was in Iraq and saw the results of their quasi civil-war/sectarian violence. I would never joke about or halfheartedly suggest inflicting what I saw there on anyone. However, does anyone have any other ideas.
OK, well, that doesn’t mean we can’t still arm ourselves. I mean, now that the House has become a tea baggery, there should be some bodacious deals out there. Who the hell needs FOUR Bushmasters now that you have a speaker, see what I’m sayin? These nutcases drove up the price of AR-15’s and .223 ammo like CRAZY, man. Now that they’re not seceding or overthrowing tyranny and stuff, they’re going to be offloading the armory, you know? Time to buy it up!
Then we can sell it back to them after the 2012 general at a huge profit.
Be smart. See things as they are. Act.
All those people who said no to progressive governance – you have to find common cause with them somehow and find a way to bring the plutocrats to heel.
The Michael Dunmires of the world and their running dogs like Tim Eyman are running their playbook and laughing all the way to the bank.
Now you’re talking.
@20 You lefty’s are not taking your beating well at all.
Now isn’t that the truth? Less than two years ago Goldy and his feckless band of followers were singing the praises of Obama and a new realignment that would last a generation. Now Obama is persona non grata on HA because, well, he hasn’t exactly delivered what they THOUGHT he was going to deliver, and, to add insult to injury, the grand realignment just got grandly realigned again – in the wrong direction!
So of course Goldy is just a little out of sorts. On the other hand, Obama has shown contrition and knows he’s going to have to lower his ambitions. Goldy? Well, showing what a knucklehead he is, he’s told all the voters out there like the 2 out of 3 who thumped 1098 that they have no idea what they’re talking about, and instead has declared a call to arms. Again.
Well, sort of . . . like Rabbit, he doesn’t mean an ACTUAL call to arms, but just a VERBAL one that he’ll continue to wage from his lonely LITTLE post at HA.
Now THAT’s a masterful strategy!
The Democrats have to accept that the rules for campaigning have changed, and quite trying to play as if the old rules are in effect.
# 1: Campaigns are permanant, ongoing affairs. The day after election day is the start of the next campaign. You have to have your message in front of the electorate every single day, on the internet, on TV (every channel, including cable), radio, etc.
# 2: You have to simplify your message. The thirty-second sound bite is history. Five or ten seconds may be all you are going to get. But say it often, say it loud, and keep hammering away.
# 3: The youth vote has been neglected by both parties, expect the Republicans to make a play for it this time around (they got stung in 2008).
# 4: The Republicans are going to vote against the interests of the average American, and then lie about it. Expect it. And the mainstream media is going to let them get away with it. So it’s up to the Democrats to hit them hard, every time they do so. When they tell a lie, make it that week’s talking point. And then remind people every week thereafter that they are proven liars. Write letters to the editors, call into talk shows, picket public appearances, etc.
# 5: Don’t expect the mainstream media to print the truth. All they will do is print your comment, and their rebuttal (or vice-versa). They don’t want the heat from taking a position, nor do they want to pay reporters to find out the truth. You’ve got to take on that role yourself.
So much for the sanity rally.
@10 “What is the big deal? Don’t you all suppose that a similar discussion occurred … in the South in 1860?”
Yeah, followed by a war that killed half a million Americans and 100 years of anti-black terrorism with at least 4,000 lynchings. That was a big deal, you stupid fucker.
The stupidity of our trolls is exceeded only by their callous contempt for human life.
And you know who’s even fucking stupider than my trolls? That spherical guy at Orbusmax… who posts a scary headline linking to my satirical post… but not until after I reveal to the satire-impaired that it’s all big joke on them.
@35 “Something getting to you, Mr. Cynical?”
Maybe he contracted syphilis from his goats.
Oh how I love this unhinged teabagger conspiracy theory – or rather “utopia banished” theory. This being the theory that if only we would have fired, starved, jailed, or sent into destitute poverty a few million more people, there was a bright shiny Shangri-La apple waiting on the other side.
If only we had held onto that genius Herbert Hoover… If only!
But that SOB bastard traitor FDR decided to do everything he could to help, and now we’re fucked. Thanks to FDR we’ll never find the promise land.
…but then of course it was also pretty sweet living in the South during the 40s-50s under Jim Crow. But then that SOB bastard traitor MLK decided to do everything he could, and now we’re fucked.
@46 “like Rabbit, he doesn’t mean an ACTUAL call to arms, but just a VERBAL one”
Boy are you in for a surprise when you start shooting at me!
Did I say Jefferson was French? Did I say he was a revolutionary? Who’s the dumbass who can’t read? Anybody who didn’t sleep through school knows that Jefferson was the US minister to France in the years leading up to the revolution, he saw it firsthand and commented on it afterward.
From “Thomas Jefferson” by Richard B. Bernstein:
“Long after many Americans recoiled from the French Revolution, Jefferson defended it, excusing what others saw as its atrocities: mob violence, massacres, and mass executions, often by the new-fangled machine known as the guillotine. On January 3, 1793, he scolded his friend and protege William Short for denouncing the Revolution, even though Short had seen these terrible events firsthand. Jefferson declared the Revolution ‘necessary’, although ‘many guilty persons fell without the forms of trial, and with them some innocent.’
Kinda reminds me how righties watch (and like) Colbert Report and think that he is being serious when he pretends to be a right wing buffoon.
Being able to recognize satire and poor logic is a sign of intelligence. That’s why there are very few right wing comedians
Re 37
Ahh. Isn’t Steve and his obsession with me and his database on stuff I’ve written cute? I mean, a thread I’ve not participated in at all will sooner or later have the little guy posting some comment on me. What a cute little OCD whackjob!
Now if he could only learn the next steps in English composition. If he could grasp things like context, nuance, accuracy and so on, he might actually be able to take English 101, after he finishes his ESL courses. They grow up so fast! Well, unless they’re Steve. Then they don’t grow up at all.
Take care little Stevie, and don’t talk to strange adults online.
Thanks a bunch for those REALLY keen observations, CON!
RE 58
Yep. Thanks. I mean, the arrogance and elitism the minority left shows should do wonders for them in 2012! Keep it up, guys. It’s a winning strategy!
Re 53
The fate of your theoretical millions was in their hands, not those of the government.
I’m amazed that the left, after last night, still doesn’t get it. America is a center right nation which wants government limited, carefully watched, and out of their lives to the extent a modern society makes possible.
The nanny state FDR and the modern left wants doesn’t fit that model, or indeed any sane model for government.
Beckoner @10: “Do you libfarts imagine General Beck leading the troops in boats invading across the Potomac?”
Looks like he’s all dressed up to do so.
Keep your chins up KLOWNS..
even though 14-15 of the 23 Democrat Senate Seats will be highly contested…vs.
1 out of 10 on the R side (Brown in Mass)
This butt-kickin’ was only the warmup
Brilliant, Goldy. Why are wingies so humor-impaired?
I will say kudos to Bob, though, for at least acknowledging he got taken. Our trolls are generally incapable of acknowledging any failure ever.
@57 “If he could grasp things like context, nuance, accuracy and so on”
My goodness! Context, nuance and accuracy.
Is that an “accurate” quote, Lost? Are these two sentences full of “nuance”?
More nuance, I’m sure. Is there something about the “context” in which those words were written that would make those words seem, um, a little less hateful?
Those FDR outbursts seem quite revealing. Who else do you hate, Lost? Is it really possible that such hatred within you is limited to only one long dead president? Who else do you hate? How about JFK? Did the assassination rob you of another hanging? How about Clinton? Obama? Do you want them hung and consigned to hell as well?
You seem to have a lot of anger and hatred brewing inside of you, Lost. Does this ever lead you to commit violent acts, say, against your family or friends? Have you ever sought counseling or therapy? Let’s discuss.
“I will say kudos to Bob, though”
Yeah, Bob took it well. That was good to see.
Lets see, before the election we had a multi millionaire who is in love with corporate America leading the house and after the election we’ll have a multi millionaire who is in love with corporate America leading the house. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
The Republicans have all ready taken most of the places where you could make big budget cuts off the table. Prepare to be underwhelmed.
Oops, #66 should be directed at Cyn @62.
Lost sez, “I mean, the arrogance”
heh- Lost does know arrogance. Too bad his own is so unwarranted. It’s almost like he’s trying to find cover for some personal shortcomings he’d rather not face. I wonder if it’s one of those Psych 101 things I’ve heard mentioned here?
Smelly fart stupidandnevercorrect barfs:
Ummmm yeah the health care bill is $1.331 Trillion and counting. Medicare Actuary costs from Odumba’s own peeps.
Steve @ 64,
“Is that an “accurate” quote, Lost? Are these two sentences full of “nuance”?”
When Lost writes of using “nuance,” it is her nuanced way of saying to make it really, really, really uninteresting. (*Yawn*)
Per Roger Rabbit it only takes one item to destroy a fool’s argument…stupidlyincorrect SFB
Puddy calls BULLSHIT! AGAIN!
More proof stupidlyincorrect SFB is a walking moron.
LVRJ/Mason-Dixon- Angle 49 percent, Reid 45.
Rasmussen Reports- Angle 49 percent, Reid 45.
CNN/Time- Angle 49 percent, Reid 45.
Director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, Larry Sabato, has rated Nevada as “leaning GOP”
Still stupid and SFB!
Puddybud sez…
“Smelly fart stupidandnevercorrect barfs…”
Perhaps it is time for Goldy to revisit his Comment Policy….
What a bunch of BULLSHIT. You can’t stand having the truth shown to viewers. Why did Fox have almost 7 Million viewers last night watching the coverage almost double the CNN and PMSNBC COMBINED?
masaba, ignorant as ever!
And how did that “break” the comment policy?
When you police the moronic rujax Puddy will consider changing Darryl!
@70 If he wasn’t so full of hate I’d find him to be a very uninteresting fellow and a strong candidate for my “ignore list” of trolls. However, I find the deep-seated hatred masked beneath the veneer of civility somewhat fascinating. That and the acute case of narcissism. My goodness! I’ve never encountered such raging NPD before!
Re 64
Yes, we all know you learned about primal screaming at some hippy retreat back in the 70’s. We all know that you’re a world renowned engineer and history books will mention you in the same breath as Bruneleschi. And of course 30 years ago you studied psychiatry or psychology or some other BS with a fancy name. And of course you feel perfectly qualified diagnosing illness where practicing professionals might have pause regarding their lack of knowledge.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Super Steve!
Speaking of suppressed rage though, little Stevie, you might look into it yourself.
@73 and 74: I cunt understand you. You have what appears to be a vibrating dildo in your ass.
Hint: Turning off the dildo in your ass MAY decrease the random verbal gesticulation.
Stop projecting fool! Turn off the battery operated equipment?
Small minded fool!
But don’t remove it, because, well, that would be gross. Make sure you have paper towel handy!
Rephrase so you can answer directly: So you think we’d be better off if we’d only
millions more to be fired, starve, jailed, and descend into destitute poverty, a few million more people, there was a bright shiny Shangri-La apple waiting on the other side.
Tell me Lostinsea, under similar conditions to the depression, what nation/state/people in this world has ever reached this Shangri-La without government help/interferrence?
You’re the historian – show us.
“And how is that “break” the comment policy?”
It doesn’t. I did not say or imply it does break the current comment policy, ya dumbshit.
But when the level descends to, in effect, calling others “poopieheads” we really need a new category added.
I mean, that kind of stuff may work for David Vitter, but this isn’t a fetish site. Let’s not let our name calling stoop to the level of two-year-olds. Middle-school? Fine. Two-year-olds? No.
“When you police the moronic rujax Puddy will consider changing Darryl!”
Oh? You mean like this and this?
Great…please “consider changing”.
@76 Geez, you seem angry, Lost.
Hmm, do you hate hippies more or less than you hate FDR? And do you think they all should have been hung and sent to Hell too?
My, so much rage and hate, Lost! You don’t dump all that hate and anger on your family, do you? Lordy, for their sake, I hope not. But you really do strike me as someone who could bust out in violence when your charade of civility is exposed as I have done. Maybe it’s best that you continue hating on FDR. After all, there’s little harm your hate can do to a dead president.
We all know that you’re full of hate now, Lost, so there’s no need to continue with the act. I suggest that you let loose with it. Let go and feel the rage. Do it right here on HA. Who knows? Maybe the wife and kids will be a little safer for it.
Angry Clown,
Where I grew up you could give a guy crap about a lot of stuff. You could poke around at his politics. Hell, you could even insult his car or his dog.
But there were rules. You didn’t talk about his mother. You didn’t talk about his wife, and you didn’t talk about his kids.
So, as far as the safety of my family is concerned, I’ll deal with that. It is the highest duty a husband and father has.
And you? You can fuck yourself.
My, but you really are becoming angry, Lost. Are you on the edge? Are you losing it? Do you want to get your hands on my throat? Do you want me dead and in Hell as you do the Democratic presidents you hate?
Oh, and where I come from, the streets of Seattle, we talked about yo mama all the time. Have you got a problem with that?
Angry Clown,
Nah. Worthless trash like you can’t help themselves, I guess. Either a person has manners or they don’t. And trash like you can tallk really big about another mans wife. On a keyboard.
I see that you’re still very, very angry. Are you entertaining thoughts of violence? Do you want to hurt me? What is it you want to do, Lost?
Blah blah blah.
You’re the equivalent of the fool in traffic giving everyone the finger and standing on his horn. Why get mad at someone so obviously punishing themselves with their own rage?
Have a nice night, Angry Clown.
Translated: Only Lostin is allowed to beat his family, not you (punk)
If I wanna take care of my family’s safety the same way a Rand Paul supporter takes care of opponent’s heads, that’s my highest dootie, not your’s (punk)
It might just be me, but when I read Lostin’s posts, I hear Toby Keith.
Still trying to control the violent rage, huh, Lost? Geez, I hope you don’t end up taking it out on the dog, or something worse.
So when you uncork the rage, Lost, who do you usually take it out on? Someone or something weak and defenseless would be my bet. That’s because I figure you to be a coward. All you cowards are like that.
“It might just be me, but when I read Lostin’s posts, I hear Toby Keith.”
When he finally shares his nightmarish Dickensian vision of him trodding on the poor and the ill (Go die where I can’t see you, dammit!!) with you, I’m sure he’ll remind you of something a wee bit more foul.
I see that you’re a little slow on the uptake, Lost. I’m only giving you the finger.
Wow Prof Darryl, search HA and see who headless lucy calls poopiehead!
Your two rujax references are hilarious. Nope Darryl, it’s the names rujax calls lost. To assist you here’s one reference. Once you police the HA leftist morons, Puddy will see you are “serious”!
Wow the libtardos are very very angry, like their moronic buds on PMSNBC! Only the most virulent watch PMSNBC, and it seems most of their leftist audience lives on HA.
How sweeeeeeeeeeeeet it is!
Sigh! It’s just too dammed easy to push Lost’s buttons. Yawn! Boring. zzzZZZZZzzzzz
By the way, you can call me a Poopie-head anytime you want, Puddy. In fact, I’m a little put out that you haven’t done so already.
mercifurious farts
Apparently you missed this MoveOn punk trying to first attack Rand Paul. That’s when Laurie got the smackdown.
Do you need Puddy to place the video evidence on this blog for the 3rd time? Are you a blind fool mercifurious? Must be as this scream has mostly died on HA once the evidence was presented.
Stupid Solution Steve,
You are much better than a [**** CENSORED TO PROTECT THE DIGNITY OF PUDDY’S WIFE AND KIDS ****]. That’s a headless lucy screed. Puddy don’t do dat!
Why, thank you, Puddy!
“Your two rujax references are hilarious.”
To assist you….
Ummm, Puddy, I not sure how to help you understand your problem. Try this: “Smelly fart stupidandnevercorrect barfs”…that’s two year old level shit.
(You should beg me to delete such a comment, only to save your wife and children from the shame.)
“lostinhisownasshole” may be, like, an eight-grade-level of insult, but it ain’t fuckin’ babytalk!
Prof Darryl,
You apparently missed the last two weeks commentary between SFB and Puddy! And No, Puddy will not review the commentary to date. You could ask TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA dirt stain ylb for help. Glad to see you like rujax’s insipid commentary, but that’s expected of you Darryl.
BTW rujax has many more “dynamic” naming conventions Puddy is sure you agree with!
Typical so typical!
Ummm Prof Darryl, one of my son’s regularly reads HA. He laughs at most of the leftist comments. He does read Roger Rabbit’s legal analyses.
Poor Angry Clown,
“When he finally shares his nightmarish Dickensian vision of him trodding on the poor and the ill…”
Well, I’ve read pretty much everything Dickens wrote and don’t recall anyone ‘trodding on’ (the correct word would be ‘treading’) the poor or ill. There was an institution called a treadmill, but that was something else… Maybe Steve read a poor translation into whatever his native language is other than English. Gibberish maybe, or
barking, by his manners and general deportment.
Sorry, that implies that he’s a dog and would be an insult to dogs.
But then, I’ve been too busy kicking orphans and widows out of my rentals into those cold snowy November Seattle streets to die. They weren’t behind on the rent or anything. I just did it for the fun of it. (Insert evil laugh track here.) Maybe those passages slipped my mind in the preoccupation of all that.
Puddybud @ 100,
“You apparently missed the last two weeks commentary between SFB and Puddy!”
Most likely. For the sake of you and your family’s dignity I hope it didn’t contain too many “Smelly fart stupidandnevercorrect barfs.”
“And No, Puddy will not review the commentary to date.”
Thank you!
“You could ask TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA dirt stain ylb for help.”
“Glad to see you like rujax’s insipid commentary, but that’s expected of you Darryl.”
What the fuck are you babbling about?!? I’ve made no comments whatsoever about “Rujax’s insipid commentary.” What the fuck kind of mind altering drug are you on when you say such shit, Puddy buddy?
“BTW rujax has many more “dynamic” naming conventions Puddy is sure you agree with!”
I don’t really know what this means (and it doesn’t seem in any way germane to the issue I have raised).
“Typical so typical!”
Puddybud @ 101,
“Ummm Prof Darryl, one of my son’s regularly reads HA. He laughs at most of the leftist comments. He does read Roger Rabbit’s legal analyses.”
That’s nice.
Looks like Prof Darryl is confused with his own words. Go back and read your #99 comment.
30 minute libtardo disease… the prof forgets what he wrote just 30 minutes previously. That’s what Puddy was commenting about. Too bad your mental disorder (ohhhh that’s right the liberal gene) causes you to forget in 30 minutes.
Re 88
Translating something from clear English to garbled nonsense? Yeah. That sounds like a liberal.
“It might just be me, but when I read Lostin’s posts, I hear Toby Keith.”
Thanks. He’s a good songwriter and singer. But you’ve put the cart before the horse. What you hear from Toby Keith is what real Americans feel and think. Being a liberal, you wouldn’t understand.
Puddybud @ 105,
“Looks like Prof Darryl is confused with his own words. Go back and read your #99 comment.”
Seriously…are you fucking retarded…or is it drugs? My comment # 99, expressed neither a like nor a dislike of “rujax’s insipid commentary.”
“30 minute libtardo disease… the prof forgets what he wrote just 30 minutes previously. That’s what Puddy was commenting about. Too bad your mental disorder (ohhhh that’s right the liberal gene) causes you to forget in 30 minutes.”
Ummm…Puddy, your inability to comprehend what you are reading is not my problem. What is it with you Wingdings? You never take personal responsibility for your failures.
You post the way you do–with childish name-calling, CAPITAL letters, meaningless comments–knowing that one of your sons reads the gibberish? Really? Wow, I don’t know what to say about that.
Whatever Darryl! Who said Puddy failed? Coming from you? Who made you arbiter to decides what’s two year old and eight year old?
Sheesh, what a loon!
Coming from the one who awards goats to those he DISLIKES?
That’s what my son laughs about along with his father. And he says “this guy practices law?” Unfortunately yes! We laugh at you proud leftist.
Oh my son knows where Puddy gets his commentary from as he knows all of Puddy’s links. Sometimes he disagrees with me on some topics, butt he knows what is truth and what is GARBAGE! He meandered awhile while at the university getting brainwashed by some professors but we resuscitated him from the liberal gene.
He does respect Roger Rabbit’s legal analysis. It’s the only time Roger seems sober even when Mrs Puddy and Puddy met the Rabbits at SJ’s house!
“Who said Puddy failed?”
Well…I did, but you provided all the grist for that call.
“Coming from you?
Yep…Lil’ ol’ me!
“Who made you arbiter to decides what’s two year old and eight year old?”
In fact, that would be Goldy (I mean, if we decided to eliminate two-year old mentality poo-flinging from the comment thread.)
“Sheesh, what a loon!”
…says the guy who earlier tonight began a sentence with the phrase, “Smelly fart stupidandnevercorrect barfs….”
Appropriate for the vile bile he posted!
Puddybud @ 112,
“Appropriate for the vile bile he posted!”
I don’t want to sound too judgmental here, but anytime one begins a sentence with “Smelly fart stupidandnevercorrect barfs….” it’s pretty much a self-confession that all dignity has been lost. No matter WHAT the other guy said.
I’m just sayin’….
@108 meaningless comments
Ha, this from someone who wrote:
“I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: leftists must arm. Our weakness has always been a belief in the power of reason. That works among us, but the right doesn’t do reason. They don’t do facts. Empiricism is voodoo to them. So, simply, we must arm.”
and then ran backwards as fast as his lawyerly legs would take him to explain he didn’t really mean that HE must arm.
Proud Babble had a personal change of heart when it was pointed out to him that his license to practice law – and that comfy lifestyle – might be at stake if he actually followed through. Nope, that call to arms was meant for others, apparently!
Lost sez, “Well, I’ve read pretty much everything Dickens wrote and don’t recall anyone”
I finished reading the works of Dickens when I was six and went on to Meville, as I recall, because I’d just seen Moby Dick while living in the Seattle Youth Center. If we were well behaved, they’d let us out of our cells on Sunday evenings to watch a 16mm movie. I haven’t re-read any Dickens since. Hell, I doubt that I could remember which novel was which. But that’s really not pertinant, now is it?
You obviously Googled “abreactive”, so I know you can Google “Dickensian”. To save you the bother, the usual definition goes something like this,
“of or like the novels of Charles Dickens (especially with regard to poor social and economic conditions)”
It’s not like I even have to remember which novel was which in order to point out to you that your nightmarish vision is “Dickensian”. I didn’t need much book learnin’ to know that. I didn’t just read about it. I lived that life. I know what it’s like. You don’t. I knew as a kid when reading those novels that I was reading about people like me. We had nothing of our own except for the scorn of people like you. That’s why I confront you and those who share your vision. I don’t hate you. I just intend to stop you from ever seeing that vision come true.
I know you really wish you were smart and that I show very poor manners by pointing out that you aren’t but, dammit!, you’re dumber than a fucking stump and I feel it’s my duty to tell you! Someday you’ll thank me for it, but probably not anytime soon.
EXACTLY! Reading-comprehension challenged!
Or just plain dishonest.
Ah, my own personal stalker, again. How are you, babe? Best to you. I’m honored to have a personal HA stalker, but I wish you’d have something new to say. Repetition, you know, becomes kind of tiresome. On the other hand, what is it, keep saying the same lie long enough?
The Republicans in the Senate were stopping everything the Dem. congress passed, so I really don’t see things changing all that much.
“the correct word would be ‘treading’”
Um, not if you’re familiar with Rasta. But if you insist on writing as though you have a stick up your ass, then yeah.
Oh my the dirt stain ylb “tries” to pile on @116.
What useless biomass!
@69: Puddy loves to call people names. I have never called Puddy a name. However, I have criticized Puddy for poor logic, failing to answer questions, running away and lying.
For instance, according to the non-partisan congressional budget office (that Puddy has also cited – realizing that Puddy disputes facts unless they also come from his list of “preferred” fact providers) the CBO says:
Now I have posted this at least three times, but Puddy either can’t read or is deliberately lying:
So why does Puddy lie? Why does Puddy cherry pick information? Why does Puddy call people names?
Probably because Puddy is intellectually and morally BANKRUPT and needs to do that to protect his own fragile little ego.
AS to Rasmussen polls:
Biased! Poor performance!
Eat crow again Puddy! And Klynical. I do call Klynical an idiot – a well-deserved epitaph for a fool who cannot even argue a simple point.
Puddy is not a fool – Puddy is a deliberate disseminator of lies.
Waiting for Puddy to run away, find some more excuses or lie about something else….or call me names for pointing out actual facts as opposed to Puddy’s selective cherry-picking of facts that don’t add up to an actual argument.
Heh. You mean like your hit squad pals?
I liked that “Alyssa”. She comes out of nowhere and guess who’s there to “pile on”?
Heh. Our favorite idiot..
Angle is a flake and Cantwell is a rocket scientist.
A grandmother from Reno came within 5 points of kicking the Senate majority leader to the curb. Keep riding that horse boys, it’s working for you.
So why does correctnotright lie? Why does correctnotright cherry pick information? Why does correctnotright stay stupid?
Medicare Actuary April 2010 is cherry picking? +$311 Billion +$20 Billion other costs = $+331 Billion more
Why does this fool continue to use March 2010 figures when the latest CBO are May 2010? $+115 Billion
So who is running away [not] correct [or] right?
Argument extinguished by PuddyWater!
Oh and the “doctor fix” for an additional $250 Billion is NOT INCLUDED!
Once again ylb tries to infer Puddy is playing other names.
Puddy has asked Goldy, Lee and Darryl to extinguish your silly ASSed foolish commentary. One day one of them will explain to you the only voices you read are the ones in your head.
Bad polling by Rasmussen? Keep dreaming [not] correct [or] right. From a BIASED Nate Silver nonetheless. Yes it was bad [not] correct [or] right? He called 55 house seats. It was over 60 house seats [not] correct [or] right!
Keep scratching the chalk board and making that funny noise!