I’d like to talk about Net Neutrality Internet Freedom… the core principle that we the people should be able access the tiniest local blog (like HA) as easily as we can the largest corporate website. This is an issue of vital importance both to the economic viability of the Internet, and to the future of our democracy.
But I’m not going to talk about it here.
Instead, I’d like to take this opportunity to point you towards my discussion of this issue in my inaugural entry on Huffington Post, whose distinguished lineup of bloggers I am flattered to have been invited to join.
Here’s a teaser:
It wasn’t so long ago that I couldn’t get local party officials to reply to my emails, so I took it as a sign of how far us bloggers have come when I received a phone call from Rep. Jay Inslee’s (D-WA) office, asking if I could meet with the congressman.
The subject:
Net NeutralityInternet Freedom. The simple message: keep the pressure on Congress.That Rep. Inslee would seek out the help of a local blogger on an issue of national importance is a testament to the power of the Internet to both democratize the media, and enable grassroots activism. But it is also a testament to what is at risk should we fail to prevent a handful of corporate telecommunications giants from becoming gatekeepers over content distribution.
Please read the whole thing.
I’m not sure how often I’ll post at Huffington, but I am grateful to have a national outlet for my occasional ramblings on national issues.
NEW YORK — Trying to turn street protests into political power, immigrants rights groups say they are gearing up for a campaign to register 1 million new voters this spring and summer. The groups, working together as the We Are America Alliance, plan a string of events around the country starting next week, including voter registration drives, citizenship workshops and street rallies. Organizers also plan to lobby local, state and federal elected officials
Um… non-citizens can’t vote….
Neither can the dead, but do you think that bothers democrats?
JCH: Moron as usual, probably didnt even read the OP.
Net freedom is extremely important. I’m glad to see Democrats taking it so seriously. There’s so much shit that sneaks through because legislators and their staffs don’t have the time or expertise to understand the issue. Liberal blogs and pushback groups are helping to plug these holes.
“We are horribly dependent on foreign oil. But we shouldn’t develop domestic oil or boost our refining capacity. We need a gas tax to wean Americans from foreign oil, but high gas prices are an outrage. We need alternative forms of energy, but we shouldn’t use nuclear power. We need renewable, sustainable energy, unless it spoils the view of rich liberal icons.
Got it?” [Al Gore]
2, Sandals…………….Er, Are you standing up for Democrat voter fraud?? I figure 25% of Democrat voters are fradulent. Maybe more.
The West New York man who allegedly repeatedly raped his teen-age daughter and then directed her to throw two newborn infants down their apartment building’s air shaft has turned down a plea deal [Another democrat felon who must be allowed to vote!!!!]
JCH…wait for the open thread, will you?
Anyway, to his credit, Inslee has been trying to get a lot of local opinions on the telecom bills in the House, and he did vote in favor of the neutrality amendment to the COPE (telecom ‘reform’) bill in the House Committee, which was defeated. That said, he went ahead anyway and voted for the bill as amended, which is disappointing because the COPE bill is nothing than a big giveaway to the AT&Ts of the world. I hoped Inslee would have thought differently.
….jch is still high from the weekend binge….
Quit chewing yer tongue…here, wipe the blood off yer mouth. Jeez, you’re a mess.
Go to de-tox, man…get help!
“No wonder the Richard Popes, Stefan Sharkanskys and Mr. Cynicals of the world want us gone. As Dick Cheney would say, take your best shots.
Commentby joel connelly— 5/9/06@ 5:44 pm”
The issue is not whether Richard, Stefan or I want you “gone”. We are merely 3 former subscribers. It appears there are alot more folks than us that think you are doing a poor job of reporting the news and editorializing. Can you imagine that Joel??? The P-I is viewed as a LEFTIST rag by many, many R’s and even some D’s. Just keep doing what you are doing and the result is certainly predictable.
Your own P-I website claims you are “The Voice of the Northwest since 1863.” It takes a major, major fuck-up to destroy something that has been around for 143 years, don’t you think joel? Are you proud of your contribution to the downfall of a great institution? Or are you going to continue to arrogantly blame us ignorant readers for failing to appreciate your less than considerable talent????
To artificially create some October, 1977 date as the prediction of the P-I demise by some Schell lacky and get some joy out of the fact that you are still here is laughable joel.
Perhaps you could turn the P-I into one gigantic COMIC STRIP joel. The sad news is, you already have.
Bye-Bye P-I!!!
….jch is still high from the weekend binge….
Quit chewing yer tongue…here, wipe the blood off yer mouth. Jeez, you’re a mess.
Go to de-tox, man…get help!
Commentby rujax206— 5/9/06@ 6:48 pm […………………………………………………………………………..Yawn]
JCH- recognize (if you have any awareness at all) that your foolish rants guarantee we ignore nearly all of what you post. Just more silly bullshit.
Commentby Patches [JCH]Kennedy— 5/9/06@ 7:01 pm
Pathetic. Better trolls, please.
“It takes a major, major fuck-up to destroy something that has been around for 143 years…”
Sure, Cynical… You’re a real card. And George Bush has been in charge only five years, and the Republican Party is how old (’bout 150 years I figure)?
Maybe it’s just something to do with the age.
#2, #6, # 10: Why do you assume any civility whatsoever from JCH? This man is at war with you:
“Any help shining the light of truth on the crazy liberal web [HORSESASS.ORG] would be much appreciated as I have been banned. Goldy refuses my posts, as he is a commie lib who, like most Democrats, refuses to “see the light” of capitalism, liberty, freedom, and rugged individualism. So, fellow members of the VRWC, drop by [HORSESASS.ORG], and, like a B-52 Arclight Strike, unload your 500 pounders! [Or as a Navy man, launch an “Alpha” Strike!]
Best regards, and remember to make a modest contribution to Sharkman today, as bandwidth is not free!!”
Posted by: JCH on March 8, 2005 11:02
Good on ya, Goldy.
“Any help shining the light of truth on the crazy liberal web [HORSESASS.ORG] would be much appreciated as I have been banned. Goldy refuses my posts, as he is a commie lib who, like most Democrats, refuses to “see the light” of capitalism, liberty, freedom, and rugged individualism. So, fellow members of the VRWC, drop by [HORSESASS.ORG], and, like a B-52 Arclight Strike, unload your 500 pounders! [Or as a Navy man, launch an “Alpha” Strike!]
Best regards, and remember to make a modest contribution to Sharkman today, as bandwidth is not free!!” [I wrote that!!! Very top drawer if I say so myself!!!!!!!!!!!]
Well time to hit the bottle. I have a vote coming up in four hours.
GBS, Fuck you. And you will take it, Democrat sheep, because, I am JCH Kennedy.
A man got away with 40 bags of frozen shrimp at a Myrtle Beach Food Lion store on Monday. According to Myrtle Beach police report, the manager of the store, at 3890 S. Kings Highway, became suspicious when she noticed the man carrying two bags full of groceries. Instead of checking out, he ran out – straight out the door and to a waiting getaway vehicle.
Obviously a crazed, starving black Democrat Katrina evacuee shoplifter looter.
Amendment IV – Search and seizure. Ratified 12/15/1791.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
WHat part of
Hawaii Kent do you read http://stranko.com/crime01.html ??Loooooser Kent trailer dweeler, JCH.
WHat part of
HawaiiKent do you read http://stranko.com/crime01.html ??Loooooser Kent trailer dweeler, JCH.
That’s better!
JCH your cover is blown wider than Bush’s. And he is hated by 69% of the US!
20, DON, You must be really pissed with war time Presidents Lincoln and Roosevelt. Something about habius corpus restrictives with Lincoln, and Roosevelt [FDR] rounding up all the “Japs” in California. Why, DON, I must have missed your outraged posts on these evil, hateful presidents!! hehe, JCH Kennedy
Just Another Crackhead from Kent, no, I don’t spend a lot of timme worrying about past transgressions.
I am more worried about the facist transgressions going on now.
WHat do you propose to do about R- Indiana Lincoln?
Greened Eyed DON, Yes, retired and living in Hawaii. Thank you Encinitas, CA real estate and America’s Washington Mutual Stock Fund [25 years………average, over 10% a yr for 25 years!!!] Mahi mahi, ono, mac nuts, and Kona coffee!! Fuck you, parasite commie libs!! Atlas has Shrugged, and you dumb ass poor Dem libs can suck my cock!!! Oh, have a nice day, DON!!!!!
8 foot faces at Kapoho……….Google and you will have a clue.
Bush’s defence: Well, Lincoln and Roosevelt did it!
That is what he will use during impeachment to the laughter of the hangman.
How is the weather in
HawaiiKent?DON, “I don’t spend a lot of timme worrying about past transgressions.” …………………………………………..Are you really that dumb?? You are just another “class evey” Democrat “progressive” Marxist loser. No surf for you!!!!
8 inches of rain in the last 48 hours in Eastern Hawaii. And how is the weather in the Section 8 compound???
And you are a
Hawaiianliar about everything you have ever posted.No Mariner Raincoat for you!
DON, “I don’t spend a lot of timme worrying about past transgressions.” …………………………………………..Are you really that dumb?? You are just another “class envy” Democrat “progressive” Marxist loser. No surf for you!!!!
No Mariner Raincoat for you!
Commentby Donnageddon— 5/9/06@ 10:59 pm [raincoat?? Very cold weather West coast. BTW, my English Springer Spaniel thinks you are a fag.]
JCH… it is over… anyone can go to the site meter and see that you are no nearer to Hawaii than you are to the truth.
You are a died in the wool liar.
That is all you have ever been.
Have fun being a proven liar.
I hope that works out for you.
And that the RNC continues to pay for your obvious BS.
DON, you are just another green eyed Democrat class envy loser parasite. Sad. Very sad to be so…………less than average.
And that the RNC continues to pay for your obvious BS.
Commentby Donnageddon— 5/9/06@ 11:01 pm [Do I get paid a lot?? I hope so!!! When do I get a check??]
And “died in the wool” is not a typo.
You and your racist shtick is dead and buried.
JCH, ask your Mom. I am not your accountant.
DON, My dog thinks you are gay, and I trust his judgement.
You and your racist shtick is dead and buried.
Commentby Donnageddon— 5/9/06@ 11:04 pm [Er, DON, Wouldn’t that be “Your racist shtick and you ARE dead and buried”?? Return to 5th grade. This time listen and take notes.]
JCH, you and your dog are without merit.
You are nothing but a sad commentary on the demise of the Neocon movement.
Have some class and just stop.
Get a job at Chuckie Cheeze. That would advance your position.
JC “Chuckie Cheeze” H, if you are looking for facts, here is the URL
Love it or just fucking get a job and quit Freeloading.
Hey, JCH it is
9:30 in Hawaii11:30 in Kent. Where are you? Mom ask you to go to bed?Fucking lying racist loser.
Love it or just fucking get a job and quit Freeloading.
Commentby Donnageddon— 5/9/06@ 11:14 pm [Freeloading??? LT, USN, 1110, 76-84, work 23 years the private sector in California. Freeloading?? You fucking Democrat parasite!!! Freeloading??? Fuck you, leech!!!]
JC “Chuckie Cheeze” H,
Commentby Donnageddon— 5/9/06@ 11:14 pm [Would that be JC “Chuckie Cheese” H???? Spelling and English count, dumbass!!!! hehe, JCH Kennedy
Fucking lying racist loser.
Commentby Donnageddon— 5/9/06@ 11:30 pm [I can’t feel the “love” DON. And my dog still thinks you’re a homo.]
Darcy Burner has already hugged a rabbit. Reichert doesn’t even have a plan to hug a rabbit.
GOP = the party of no ideas, no plans.
Darcy Burner is the only 8th CD candidate who gets things done. Reichert is just warming a seat and collecting a paycheck while all of Green Lake Park’s rabbits remain unhugged.
Dave Reichert is a do-nothing candidate who hasn’t hugged a single rabbit during his two years in office. It’s time for a change!
JC �Chuckie Cheeze� H,
Commentby Donnageddon� 5/9/06@ 11:14 pm [Would that be JC “Chuckie Cheese†H???? Spelling and English count, dumbass!!!! hehe, JCH Kennedy
Comment by Patches [JCH]Kennedy — 5/9/06 @ 11:50 pm”
Lying about being “retired at 50 in Hawaii” would matter to, you dumbass.
But we all know you are lying about all of that, so that makes you a “dumbass, lying Klown”
Keep posting JCH. Everyone loves a Klown!
Can we even try to remove the detritus from the Blog?
Where is the “New and improved” HA.org?
I admire Roger Rabbits stamina, but..
It takes 5 brain cells to post a lie, and a complete rational world view, and good research to kill it.
This is sickening.
I am tired of woring to defeat the same lame, obvious lies from the evil Neocons.
Let us vote them off.
I remain, respectfully, more and more less often poster,
Here is a website for people who LIKE RABBITS:
This recipe were sent by Nova.
1 three pound rabbit
6 small onions, chopped
1 bay leaf
½ cup chopped celery
2 tsp. salt
2 cups diced carrots
3 raw potatoes, cut up
3 tbs. flour
1 tbs. chopped parsley
Clean rabbit and soak in salted water. Drain, disjoint it in pieces for serving and place in a large kettle with onions, bay leaf, celery and salt. Cover with cold water and cook slowly until tender, about two hours. Add chopped carrots and potatoes and continue cooking until these vegetables are done. Smooth flour with a little cold water and add slowly. When thickened, add chopped parsley and serve.
Hey Donnageddon,
Just don’t talk to JCH or Rufus. Skip them. They never have anything worthwhile to say.
I worry that if we mandate net neutrality by government enforcement, we’ll lose a lot of the free-market developments the internet has given us. If we can’t prioritize video packets ahead of e-mail packets, we’ll end up stuck with low-quality video-on-demand services, and we won’t be using the internet to its fullest capacity and we’ll lag behind other industrial countries.
Can we even try to remove the detritus from the Blog?
Commentby Donnageddon— 5/10/06@ 1:10 am [……………………………………….Mommy, Make them stop!!! They are laughing at me!!]
Donnageddon @ 54:
Hey, man don’t let assholes like JCH get you down. Skip over them like TheDeadlyShoe said.
Leave the Konservative Krime Klown bashing to me and Roger Rabbit.
JCH is my blog bitch. I’m his Alpha male on this blog and he knows it. JCH lacks the testicles to tell everyone on the (un)SP blog that he lied about his military service.
Why is that?
Because he’s ashamed of himself that’s why. People with low self esteem, low mental IQ’s, jealously and hate tend to be conservatives. Clearly, you are the opposite of them.
There are less than 6 months to go before we reclaim America, and believe me it will happen. We need you in the fight, here and now.
Don’t be discouraged by the Bozos like JCH, that’s their game plan.
Think of this blog like any other community. There are good people and bad people. You talk with the good people and you leave the shitheads to Roger Rabbit and me. We like a good fight, although, this fight is a bit unfair because there are only two of us and there are thousands of the Krime Klowns. They need to get a few thousand more of their ilk to make it a fair fight.
Are you taking Testosterone Shots???
Your comment makes it sound like you take this Blog very seriously and you have deluded yourself into believing you are “converting” folks or something. What a sick bastard you are!!!! It’s a Political Blog called HorseAss you loooooooser! Even Rog Rabbit understands it’s a dumping ground…a sport. Rog has always expressed a desire to have opposing viewpoints…NO MATTER HOW OFFENSIVE!!!!! Most of the KLOWNS desperately want to shut down opposing viewpoints that fight back. Donnageddon is quick to complain….but is actually much worse than what he claims to abhor!
GBS, I can only imagine what a pathetic nightmare your life has been and currently is if you look at HorseAss as a “battlefield” and you are going to “fight” arm-in-arm with a guy named Roger Rabbit!!!! Snap out it you KLOWN!!!!!!!! Get a reaaaaal life…..quick!
GBS–Look outside. Those nice men in the white coats pushing that gurney with leather straps on it are Howard Dean’s pals. They are nice men who want you on their team. They are so impressed with you GBS, that they are going to give you a 1st class ride on a gurney to meet and advise Howard. Enjoy the ride and be sure to eat all the little candies they give you! They may look like medicine pills but they are real yummy!
Krime Klown:
I welcome opposing viewpoints, no matter how offensive they are, yours included. But, in your own OP ED piece here, you contradict yourself. You’re the one who’s getting all uptight and spewing one verbal insult after the other. If you don’t like me getting back in your face, too bad.
If you don’t like the fact that I do take seriously the destruction of America by decades of conservative ideals that are now being proven to be failed thinking, too bad.
And, for the record, this blog is a battlefield of the minds. If Donnageddon is getting discouraged, I’ll try my best to get him firing back at you Krime Klowns.
What you Konservative Krime Klowns don’t like specifically is getting caught in all your own lies. JCH especially. You know it, I know and so does everyone else, even JCH knows he’s a liar.
It’s not spin or some stretch of the imagination to say that many senior republican leaders are felons with more to come.
It’s tough, I imagine, to have aligned yourself politically and morally with a political party that has an unmatched dismal track record of failure like the republicans have amassed.
Do you believe in the Bible?
Do you believe the Bible is the true word of God?
Do you believe that God’s Law supersedes man’s law?
If so, what part of ‘Thou SHALT lie’ don’t you understand?
“Net neutrality”? HA! Wednesday night NBC is doing a full-court press on “the eeeeeevil intergnatz” as nothing but a haven for perverts and pedophiles. King-5 (and I’ll betcha a lot of their other local affiliates) are following up with more of the same about “the secret codes” Chester the Molester uses to lure the kiddies in chat rooms (abbreviations like ROTFLMAO and OMFG).
There’s an unholy confluence of interestests happening here: the mainstream media giants who want to turn the net into a one-way remake of cable TV, where they get to dole out what we all see and hear (and charge us through the nose for it), the telcos who want to maximize the return on investment for the use of their wires, and the Bush gubmint which would just luuuuve the opportunity to play the censorship game just like the Arabs and Chinese. Not to mention shutting folks like us up before November.
It’s been nice knowing y’all.