Standing in line outside the Pepsi Center, I finally learn the deep, dark truth about politics. Gosh was I naive. (And Jesus am I unashamed of my crappy videography.)
Yep, I see why Kos stayed away. Besides he’s got a book to promote which I have on hold at the library. A lot more productive use of his time in my opinion. Looking forward to reading it.
Snippet: “West Virginia’s registered Democrats, like their cousins in western Pennsylvania and eastern and southern Ohio, are having a hard time fitting anywhere within Barack Obama’s vision of the Democratic party.
“Obama and his message just do not gel with me,” said Mark Lamp as he climbed into his utility truck. Lamp, 47, from neighboring Weirton, is a registered Democrat who voted for Clinton in the May primary.
“My first problem with him is taxes, the second is experience,” he explained.”[emphasis Puddy]
People worry about Dem Obama taxes which is politics:
1) Increase individual income taxes top rate to almost 40%.
2) Increase the top capital-gains tax by 33%.
3) Increase the top dividends tax by 33%.
4) Increase payroll taxes by 16% percent to 32% percent if you make $250,000 or more a year.
5) Reinstate the estate death tax with a top rate of 45%.
6) Windfall profits tax on oil, which you’ll pay at the pump.
4 – Heh. Soak the rich. Let them pay back Bush’s folly to China and Japan as well as the defense pork.
Nobody I know asked for it.
Any tax increase Obama successfully pushes through will not affect me.
#5 –
Maybe you run in strange circles.
Maybe your “friends” don’t understand who really pays taxes.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Celebrate this a$$holes:
From Rasmussen:
Congressional Approval Ratings Tie Record Low
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The majority party may be celebrating in Denver this week, but the percentage of voters who give the Democratic-dominated Congress good or excellent ratings has once again fallen to single digits.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just nine percent (9%) of Likely Voters give Congress positive ratings, while 51% say it’s doing a poor job.
What did the video prove? That Democrats are just as arrogant and elitist as Republicans?
Have you conidered a career as a pizza delivery guy, Goldy?
Any tax increases under the Obama administration will merely return a fraction of the money which Bush gave to the richest Americans.
But then, Puddy would rather keep things as they are, with record budget deficits and red ink as far as the eye can see, and pass on the cost to the next generation of middle-class taxpayers – or even to their children.
Personally, I’d rather fix the problem now. So would most Americans. Puddy would rather pretend that there’s no problem.
Nope, this mess was created entirely by the combination of a Republican President (7+ years), a Republican Congress (1994-2006), and a Supreme Court populated by seven Republican appointees and only two appointees from the Democratic Presidents. As I had to tell my children when they were growing up from time-to-time: “You helped make this mess, you can help clean it up. It’s not going to get cleaned up all by itself, and pretending it doesn’t exist doesn’t help either”.
Funny how the Republicans didn’t get taught those same “family values”.
Speaking of truth and politics, good ‘ol boy Johnny Deadwards favrit politician of Yelling Loser Boy is missin in action at the Donkeyfest.
Now it seems Puddy was prescient when I said people will wake up and ask why Elizabeth Edwards was mum on her hsubands cheating…
Maybe Hillary was wondering if the MSM was not doing their job after all and she couldn’t speech jock strap for Obama
Snippet – “RALEIGH, North Carolina (AP) — Two weeks after a devastating revelation sent her husband into political exile, Elizabeth Edwards isn’t getting the steady sympathy usually afforded to a woman scorned.
Instead, she’s faced criticism from dedicated Democrats who think she was too willing to keep the affair a secret to help John Edwards’ political ambitions, as well as her own.”
rhp6033: I’d rather cut spending. I’ve wrote this over and over too. I guess you ferget things eh?
Wait a minute… Donkey love spending…
Poor Stupes – you supported the shitty war – you pay it back to Japan and China.
Bill Clinton’s tax increase did not affect me and neither will Barack Obama’s. The right wing said Bill Clinton’s economic plan (more like an austerity plan) would tank the economy.
You make more than 250 grand? Lucky you! Now pay up.
I’d rather cut spending.
Except for war spending of course. Paying for Poland and Georgia’s defense and all the other 700 plus bases around the world.
I wonder if Kwame Kilpatrick, Donkey mayor of DeeeeeeTroit (basketball) was banned from Denver?
Yelling Loser Boy: Bill Clinton’s tax increase affected almost everyone. I guess you were in poverty then?
I ain’t telling!
Of course Yelling Loser Boy fergets many of the innovations in consumerland today came from defense spending.
But being the moron he is…
Stupes is for more of the same old crap.
He says he’s not for McSame but he might as well be.
Puddy @ 8: Actually, I won’t ever click on a link to Fox News. It’s a bit like going into a carnival freak show. You know it’s going to be mostly fake in advance, it is designed to appeal to your worst instincts, it’s a lot of work to dig through to find any scraps of truth among the deception, and your are not quite sure what lice or diseases you might catch in the meantime.
Enoch Rootspews:
Puddybud says:
“People worry about Dem Obama taxes which is politics:”
I love this kind of stuff. When you say ‘people’ you really mean ‘strawmen.’ Then you go on to use ‘Obama’ as an adjective. Then you use the singular ‘is’ rather than the plural ‘are.’ Then basically the whole sentence parses out to ‘People worry about taxes which are politics.’
Taxes are politics? No. Taxes are taxes. Politics is how we figure out who will set tax *policy.*
You’re not even a particularly good troll, puddy. You have to know your audience to really get under their skin. With progressives, you have to argue policy on its merit, not use ‘Obama’ as an adjective. That’s just lazy. It’s a dog whistle that no one here can hear.
Couple of facts for the fact-less dicksucker Puddylicker.
1) National deficit under the Bush regime largest in US history
2) Export deficit under Bush regime largest in US history
3) Home foreclosure rate under Bush regime highest rate since the Great Depression
“Heck of a job Bushie….”
Puddybud @ 17:
Care to be a little bit more specific about your quote: “many of the innovations in consumerland today came from defense spending.”
Hey, why has the value of FOX News tanked by 34% this year???
Rupert is pissed and he’s pissed at Bill-O the News KLOWN.
What happened on Saturday? Did you and I-Burn hook up??
Did he show up to DL Tuesday???
Is I-Burn still your personal BLOG BITCH???
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 The only way a working class guy who drives a pickup to work could have a problem with Obama’s tax proposals is if he’s been listening to Republican lies about Obama’s tax proposals. No one with an income under $250,000 a year will pay more taxes if Obama is elected president.
Wow, the cons appear to be peeing their pants in panic…..
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Yep, protecting people making over $250,000 a year from tax increases is the GOP’s idea of populism, alright.
And let’s keep that in proper perspective: Most folks making over 250K get a significant portion of their income from investments, and those folks currently enjoy very favorable tax rates compared to wage earners.
Obama’s tax proposals don’t even come close to flattening tax rates. Under President Obama and the Democratic congress, high income households will continue to get very favorable tax treatment compared to wage earners. The only thing the Democratic proposals do is scale back a few of the very outrageous tax benefits Bush gave to the rich.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans: Misleading voters one lie at a time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
As for me, knowing how badly the tax system screws workers, I don’t work! Why should I pay 3 times the tax rate of guys making 300 times my income based on some quaint, outdated, irrelevant notion of working for money? No one in America with real money works for it. The best way to get money is by inheriting it. But if you don’t have rich relatives willing to leave you a trainload of cash and assets when they depart this mortal coil, the second best way to get it is by investing. By making your money by flipping real estate, companies, or stocks, you automatically get a two-thirds discount on your income taxes! You also get to deduct your costs of doing business, such as buying fancy lunches for your buddies at fancy country clubs, commuting to business meetings and hunting lodges in your private jet, and so on. If you’re stupid enough to work, produce something, and get paid in wages, you don’t even get to deduct your fucking bus fare to your job! Only a damn fool would work or produce anything in this country, and my mama didn’t raise any damn fools! Not live ones, anyway. The stupid members of my family have all been run over by cars and only us smart ones are left now. I make my money by sleeping until noon, producing nothing, and adding no value whatsoever to the national economy — and for this, the government rewards me with a 66% discount on my taxes! And when I leave my pile to my offspring, they will get that money tax-free! Zip. Nada. Nothing. That’s how much taxes they will pay on money they didn’t work for or do anything to deserve. Screw workers! We should tax the shit out of workers, because anyone who puts up with commuter traffic, psycho bosses, the insecurity of depending on employment for a livelihood, and so on, deserves to get stomped! Social Darwinism, man! Hey, it sucks, but I didn’t create this crazy system, I only go with the flow. If you’ve got a problem with the fairness of all this, talk with the Republicans about it — they created it.
Bill Clinton’s tax increase affected almost everyone.
Yes, positively! His policies helped create a huge economic boom that left the country’s finances in freaking surplus!
Stupes want more of McSame, the same old bullshit.
Puddybud spewed:
“6) Windfall profits tax on oil, which you’ll pay at the pump.”
Yeah, and what was the cost of a gallon of gas when George W. Bush took office???
What happened in August, September and October of 2006. Oh yeah, the unexplainable drop in gas drop in gas prices that went up by $2.00 per gallon right after the Republicans LOST!!!!!!!!!!!
C’mon, Pud, with comments like that you lose your street cred.
You know better than that. Plus, the rest of your diatribe is out of touch with mainstream America and Obama’s tax plan.
How many mansions and seaside condo’s do you own again?
Don’t worry if you can’t remember just have your staff blog the answer here.
**snicker, snicker**
C’mon, Pud, with comments like that you lose your street cred.
Hah! There are circle jerks between PuddySilly and MWS archived that would split the sides of the most jaded internet commenter.
Timing is everything. I will reveal them at the right moment.
21: Don’t forget today’s fun fact: there were almost a million bankruptcy filings int he U.S. in the twelve months ending this last June 30th, with over 96% personal filings. The state with the highest per-capita rate of bankruptcy filings was Tennessee.
Yep, still waiting for that “Bush Economic Miracle”.
The DJI average is hopping up and down between 11,300 and 11,600, as investers desperatly look for any sign which indicates whether the economy has hit bottom yet or is still dropping.
I decided to break down my spreadsheet showing DJIA performance among the various presidents to seperate their first and second terms. I felt that was only fair, as a one-term President doesn’t have as much of an opportunity to affect the economy for good or ill as a two-term President, and the economy during a four-year term is more subject to variations caused by unusual events, such as war, weather, international political upheaval, etc. I only went back as far as the Carter administration, because that’s as far as I could check using my my online source for historical DJIA data.
The results? Carter’s four-year term still posts the worst average DJIA performance, dropping an average of -0.22% p/annum during his administration.
But the first Bush term is almost the same, however -0.19% per annum for the four years of his first term. A statistically insignificant variation between the two.
Next comes the second Bush term – so far, an anemic 2.53% per annum return. Stockholders investing in DJIA indexes would have been better putting their stocks into savings accounts at the bank – assuming the banks don’t fail. You would think that a war economy and incentive payments would have done more, but they appear to have only slowed the decline in the face of deficit spending and inept administration of the financial fundamentals.
Using the invisible hand of the marketplace theory, can you explain why the price of oil dropped from nearly $150 per bbrl to as low as $114 per bbrl last week?
That’s roughly a 20% drop in the cost. There were no new oil supplies brought on line, China and India’s economies are still consuming more oil now then they were 6 months ago, no new refineries came on line and the gasoline inventories in the United States DROPPED!!
Can you explain??
No you can’t.
Because natural market forces of supply and demand were NOT driving the cost of oil up, up and up.
It was the Enron Loophole lobbied by Phil Graham to John McSHAME who amended it to legislation that Bush signed in to law.
NOW, that the DEMOCRATIC controlled senate tried to create legislation to block the loophole Republican obstructionist interested in protecting profits of Big Oil filibustered the measure.
But, that still spooks the energy traders at Goldman Sachs so they are UNWINDING their long positions in oil and guess what? The cost of oil dropped.
All a Republican scheme to STEAL from every single American needing to use oil.
Bush, McSame, and Romney say the economy is STRONG.
Duhhhhhh. Republicans said it, it must be true. Right?
Geeeeez. I thought you were the smart one on this blog.
(That’s tongue in cheek for you conservatives who thought you were getting red meat.)
GBS no iBurn didn’t show. He won’t come to DL. He’s posting under at least two if not three names. And he cried like the little cunt he is to Goldy and got him to shut down the thread. But it’s okay – wherever he posts here and I happen to notice it, I’ll remind folks to check out that thread.
Another right wing worthless cunt. Nothing more.
Yep, I guess the economy is still strong….
If you are a significant stakeholder in Halliburton, KKR, Blackwater, or any one of the other companies which exchange their considerable financial support in return for a significant share of the federal treasury on a no-bid basis.
If you have so many houses you can’t count them.
If you didn’t know that gas prices would be in excess of $4.00 per gallon by summertime, and had to be told that fact by reporters (so much for being the “leader of the free world”).
@37 GBS no iBurn didn’t show.
The Truth
While I-Burn waited at the mall at the agreed upon time GOP was busily posting to HA – it’s all on tape! GOP later insisted
he was posting from the mall using his . . . iPhone! When pressed time and again for a specific piece of information that appears on the back of every iPhone GOP refused to comply. Someone is telling taller tales than George W. Bush . . .
GBS@31, those were almost direct quotes from his platform. Go to the website.
GBS, remember bybygoober was a no show that Tuesday at lunch while I was introduced to the Mexican cuisine you love! Remember I was somewhat impressed too.
And he was a no show at DL that night when I ate with Dr & Mrs SeattleJew
bybygoober, when have you shown at DL?
Date & Time!
GBS, the price of oil dropped for two reasons
1) Bush said we need to drill
2) Drop in consumption
T Boone Pickens paid commercials says we need to drill too.
mactac: No I have said freeze spending on this blog for a long time…
Funny rhp6033, the wife and I don’t invest in them. I follow the Michael Moore investment strategy. Do you know he said one thing but chose to invest in different things?
GBS: 2006 crude oil prices? Remember, OPEC members agreed to cut crude oil output by 1.2 million barrels per day effective November 1, 2006.
You’re so full of it BBG. That thread isn’t closed, you’re just too embarassed to show up there, since you were too afraid to meet me on Saturday.
And no, I’m not posting under any other alias, fool. I don’t need to do so. Don’t like what I write? Too goddamned bad, puke. You had your chance to try and do something about it, but you were too much of a whimp.
So now, put on a blindfold and go play in traffic.
Blue Johnspews:
Faux News shows it’s media bias….
Fox News aired two minutes of Democratic keynote address, discussed Ayers instead
On August 26, Fox News aired just over two minutes of former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner’s keynote address to the convention. After returning from a commercial, Alan Colmes stated, “In other election news, an independent group supporting John McCain released an ad last week attacking [Sen.] Barack Obama’s ties to former Weather Underground leader Bill Ayers,” and aired an ad from the Obama campaign responding to the independent ad. Colmes and Sean Hannity then interviewed Rudy Giuliani.
This is not Fair and Balanced.
Marvin Stamnspews:
2. Puddybud spews:
“ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators, Big Donors”
They said when bush was elected that there would be no more freedom of the press. Looks like they were right.
Wait a minute… I thought lobbyists only worked for the Republicans…
That’s what the liberal media keeps telling us.
Faux news was actually making up lies about bidens son being a lobbyist.
Heres a story and link to faux news and their lies…
Despite this, the Bidens have not avoided controversy altogether surrounding Hunter’s career. Hunter and Sen. Biden’s brother, James, have been accused in two lawsuits of defrauding a former business partner at a hedge fund.
In addition, prior to working for National Group, Hunter was the senior vice president of credit card company MBNA Corp, which also happens to be Sen. Biden’s largest contributor over time.
36. GBS spews:
Did you NOT get the memo?
Bush, McSame, and Romney say the economy is STRONG.
It was before the democrats took control of congress.
Consumer Confidence
Check out the graph at the bottom of the page. Note the date the democrats took control of congress, (Jan 2007), and notice the decline since.
36. GBS spews:
Did you NOT get the memo?
Bush, McSame, and Romney say the economy is STRONG.
It was before the democrats took control of congress.
Gas Prices
The graph at the bottom of the page. Note gas prices (per gallon) were at a low as the democrats took control of congress (Jan 2007). Notice how prices went up.
Yep, I see why Kos stayed away. Besides he’s got a book to promote which I have on hold at the library. A lot more productive use of his time in my opinion. Looking forward to reading it.
Goldy, maybe you should talk to ABC News:;page=1
“ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators, Big Donors”
Wait a minute… I thought lobbyists only worked for the Republicans…
This is toooooooooo funny! The comments at the bottom are priceless.
More political truths:
Snippet: “West Virginia’s registered Democrats, like their cousins in western Pennsylvania and eastern and southern Ohio, are having a hard time fitting anywhere within Barack Obama’s vision of the Democratic party.
“Obama and his message just do not gel with me,” said Mark Lamp as he climbed into his utility truck. Lamp, 47, from neighboring Weirton, is a registered Democrat who voted for Clinton in the May primary.
“My first problem with him is taxes, the second is experience,” he explained.”[emphasis Puddy]
People worry about Dem Obama taxes which is politics:
1) Increase individual income taxes top rate to almost 40%.
2) Increase the top capital-gains tax by 33%.
3) Increase the top dividends tax by 33%.
4) Increase payroll taxes by 16% percent to 32% percent if you make $250,000 or more a year.
5) Reinstate the estate death tax with a top rate of 45%.
6) Windfall profits tax on oil, which you’ll pay at the pump.
4 – Heh. Soak the rich. Let them pay back Bush’s folly to China and Japan as well as the defense pork.
Nobody I know asked for it.
Any tax increase Obama successfully pushes through will not affect me.
#5 –
Maybe you run in strange circles.
Maybe your “friends” don’t understand who really pays taxes.
Celebrate this a$$holes:
From Rasmussen:
Congressional Approval Ratings Tie Record Low
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The majority party may be celebrating in Denver this week, but the percentage of voters who give the Democratic-dominated Congress good or excellent ratings has once again fallen to single digits.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just nine percent (9%) of Likely Voters give Congress positive ratings, while 51% say it’s doing a poor job.
Politics makes strange bed fellows:
Looks like Obama gots some ‘splainin to do…
What did the video prove? That Democrats are just as arrogant and elitist as Republicans?
Have you conidered a career as a pizza delivery guy, Goldy?
Any tax increases under the Obama administration will merely return a fraction of the money which Bush gave to the richest Americans.
But then, Puddy would rather keep things as they are, with record budget deficits and red ink as far as the eye can see, and pass on the cost to the next generation of middle-class taxpayers – or even to their children.
Personally, I’d rather fix the problem now. So would most Americans. Puddy would rather pretend that there’s no problem.
Nope, this mess was created entirely by the combination of a Republican President (7+ years), a Republican Congress (1994-2006), and a Supreme Court populated by seven Republican appointees and only two appointees from the Democratic Presidents. As I had to tell my children when they were growing up from time-to-time: “You helped make this mess, you can help clean it up. It’s not going to get cleaned up all by itself, and pretending it doesn’t exist doesn’t help either”.
Funny how the Republicans didn’t get taught those same “family values”.
Speaking of truth and politics, good ‘ol boy Johnny Deadwards favrit politician of Yelling Loser Boy is missin in action at the Donkeyfest.
Now it seems Puddy was prescient when I said people will wake up and ask why Elizabeth Edwards was mum on her hsubands cheating…
Maybe Hillary was wondering if the MSM was not doing their job after all and she couldn’t speech jock strap for Obama
Snippet – “RALEIGH, North Carolina (AP) — Two weeks after a devastating revelation sent her husband into political exile, Elizabeth Edwards isn’t getting the steady sympathy usually afforded to a woman scorned.
Instead, she’s faced criticism from dedicated Democrats who think she was too willing to keep the affair a secret to help John Edwards’ political ambitions, as well as her own.”
rhp6033: I’d rather cut spending. I’ve wrote this over and over too. I guess you ferget things eh?
Wait a minute… Donkey love spending…
Poor Stupes – you supported the shitty war – you pay it back to Japan and China.
Bill Clinton’s tax increase did not affect me and neither will Barack Obama’s. The right wing said Bill Clinton’s economic plan (more like an austerity plan) would tank the economy.
You make more than 250 grand? Lucky you! Now pay up.
I’d rather cut spending.
Except for war spending of course. Paying for Poland and Georgia’s defense and all the other 700 plus bases around the world.
I wonder if Kwame Kilpatrick, Donkey mayor of DeeeeeeTroit (basketball) was banned from Denver?
Yelling Loser Boy: Bill Clinton’s tax increase affected almost everyone. I guess you were in poverty then?
I ain’t telling!
Of course Yelling Loser Boy fergets many of the innovations in consumerland today came from defense spending.
But being the moron he is…
Stupes is for more of the same old crap.
He says he’s not for McSame but he might as well be.
Puddy @ 8: Actually, I won’t ever click on a link to Fox News. It’s a bit like going into a carnival freak show. You know it’s going to be mostly fake in advance, it is designed to appeal to your worst instincts, it’s a lot of work to dig through to find any scraps of truth among the deception, and your are not quite sure what lice or diseases you might catch in the meantime.
Puddybud says:
“People worry about Dem Obama taxes which is politics:”
I love this kind of stuff. When you say ‘people’ you really mean ‘strawmen.’ Then you go on to use ‘Obama’ as an adjective. Then you use the singular ‘is’ rather than the plural ‘are.’ Then basically the whole sentence parses out to ‘People worry about taxes which are politics.’
Taxes are politics? No. Taxes are taxes. Politics is how we figure out who will set tax *policy.*
You’re not even a particularly good troll, puddy. You have to know your audience to really get under their skin. With progressives, you have to argue policy on its merit, not use ‘Obama’ as an adjective. That’s just lazy. It’s a dog whistle that no one here can hear.
Couple of facts for the fact-less dicksucker Puddylicker.
1) National deficit under the Bush regime largest in US history
2) Export deficit under Bush regime largest in US history
3) Home foreclosure rate under Bush regime highest rate since the Great Depression
“Heck of a job Bushie….”
Puddybud @ 17:
Care to be a little bit more specific about your quote: “many of the innovations in consumerland today came from defense spending.”
Hey, why has the value of FOX News tanked by 34% this year???
Rupert is pissed and he’s pissed at Bill-O the News KLOWN.
What happened on Saturday? Did you and I-Burn hook up??
Did he show up to DL Tuesday???
Is I-Burn still your personal BLOG BITCH???
@3 The only way a working class guy who drives a pickup to work could have a problem with Obama’s tax proposals is if he’s been listening to Republican lies about Obama’s tax proposals. No one with an income under $250,000 a year will pay more taxes if Obama is elected president.
Wow, the cons appear to be peeing their pants in panic…..
@4 Yep, protecting people making over $250,000 a year from tax increases is the GOP’s idea of populism, alright.
And let’s keep that in proper perspective: Most folks making over 250K get a significant portion of their income from investments, and those folks currently enjoy very favorable tax rates compared to wage earners.
Obama’s tax proposals don’t even come close to flattening tax rates. Under President Obama and the Democratic congress, high income households will continue to get very favorable tax treatment compared to wage earners. The only thing the Democratic proposals do is scale back a few of the very outrageous tax benefits Bush gave to the rich.
Republicans: Misleading voters one lie at a time.
As for me, knowing how badly the tax system screws workers, I don’t work! Why should I pay 3 times the tax rate of guys making 300 times my income based on some quaint, outdated, irrelevant notion of working for money? No one in America with real money works for it. The best way to get money is by inheriting it. But if you don’t have rich relatives willing to leave you a trainload of cash and assets when they depart this mortal coil, the second best way to get it is by investing. By making your money by flipping real estate, companies, or stocks, you automatically get a two-thirds discount on your income taxes! You also get to deduct your costs of doing business, such as buying fancy lunches for your buddies at fancy country clubs, commuting to business meetings and hunting lodges in your private jet, and so on. If you’re stupid enough to work, produce something, and get paid in wages, you don’t even get to deduct your fucking bus fare to your job! Only a damn fool would work or produce anything in this country, and my mama didn’t raise any damn fools! Not live ones, anyway. The stupid members of my family have all been run over by cars and only us smart ones are left now. I make my money by sleeping until noon, producing nothing, and adding no value whatsoever to the national economy — and for this, the government rewards me with a 66% discount on my taxes! And when I leave my pile to my offspring, they will get that money tax-free! Zip. Nada. Nothing. That’s how much taxes they will pay on money they didn’t work for or do anything to deserve. Screw workers! We should tax the shit out of workers, because anyone who puts up with commuter traffic, psycho bosses, the insecurity of depending on employment for a livelihood, and so on, deserves to get stomped! Social Darwinism, man! Hey, it sucks, but I didn’t create this crazy system, I only go with the flow. If you’ve got a problem with the fairness of all this, talk with the Republicans about it — they created it.
Bill Clinton’s tax increase affected almost everyone.
Yes, positively! His policies helped create a huge economic boom that left the country’s finances in freaking surplus!
Stupes want more of McSame, the same old bullshit.
Puddybud spewed:
“6) Windfall profits tax on oil, which you’ll pay at the pump.”
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Yeah, and what was the cost of a gallon of gas when George W. Bush took office???
What happened in August, September and October of 2006. Oh yeah, the unexplainable drop in gas drop in gas prices that went up by $2.00 per gallon right after the Republicans LOST!!!!!!!!!!!
C’mon, Pud, with comments like that you lose your street cred.
You know better than that. Plus, the rest of your diatribe is out of touch with mainstream America and Obama’s tax plan.
How many mansions and seaside condo’s do you own again?
Don’t worry if you can’t remember just have your staff blog the answer here.
**snicker, snicker**
C’mon, Pud, with comments like that you lose your street cred.
Hah! There are circle jerks between PuddySilly and MWS archived that would split the sides of the most jaded internet commenter.
Timing is everything. I will reveal them at the right moment.
21: Don’t forget today’s fun fact: there were almost a million bankruptcy filings int he U.S. in the twelve months ending this last June 30th, with over 96% personal filings. The state with the highest per-capita rate of bankruptcy filings was Tennessee.
Source: Bankruptcy filings near 1 million in 12 months
Yep, still waiting for that “Bush Economic Miracle”.
The DJI average is hopping up and down between 11,300 and 11,600, as investers desperatly look for any sign which indicates whether the economy has hit bottom yet or is still dropping.
I decided to break down my spreadsheet showing DJIA performance among the various presidents to seperate their first and second terms. I felt that was only fair, as a one-term President doesn’t have as much of an opportunity to affect the economy for good or ill as a two-term President, and the economy during a four-year term is more subject to variations caused by unusual events, such as war, weather, international political upheaval, etc. I only went back as far as the Carter administration, because that’s as far as I could check using my my online source for historical DJIA data.
The results? Carter’s four-year term still posts the worst average DJIA performance, dropping an average of -0.22% p/annum during his administration.
But the first Bush term is almost the same, however -0.19% per annum for the four years of his first term. A statistically insignificant variation between the two.
Next comes the second Bush term – so far, an anemic 2.53% per annum return. Stockholders investing in DJIA indexes would have been better putting their stocks into savings accounts at the bank – assuming the banks don’t fail. You would think that a war economy and incentive payments would have done more, but they appear to have only slowed the decline in the face of deficit spending and inept administration of the financial fundamentals.
Using the invisible hand of the marketplace theory, can you explain why the price of oil dropped from nearly $150 per bbrl to as low as $114 per bbrl last week?
That’s roughly a 20% drop in the cost. There were no new oil supplies brought on line, China and India’s economies are still consuming more oil now then they were 6 months ago, no new refineries came on line and the gasoline inventories in the United States DROPPED!!
Can you explain??
No you can’t.
Because natural market forces of supply and demand were NOT driving the cost of oil up, up and up.
It was the Enron Loophole lobbied by Phil Graham to John McSHAME who amended it to legislation that Bush signed in to law.
NOW, that the DEMOCRATIC controlled senate tried to create legislation to block the loophole Republican obstructionist interested in protecting profits of Big Oil filibustered the measure.
But, that still spooks the energy traders at Goldman Sachs so they are UNWINDING their long positions in oil and guess what? The cost of oil dropped.
All a Republican scheme to STEAL from every single American needing to use oil.
And, this is what you support???
Stop. Everyone knows you’re wrong. Stop. Now. Please.
@10 Personally, I’d rather fix the problem now. So would most Americans. Puddy would rather pretend that there’s no problem.
And what makes you think the problem will be fixed by either candidate? See:
Uh, RHP @ 33:
Did you NOT get the memo?
Bush, McSame, and Romney say the economy is STRONG.
Duhhhhhh. Republicans said it, it must be true. Right?
Geeeeez. I thought you were the smart one on this blog.
(That’s tongue in cheek for you conservatives who thought you were getting red meat.)
GBS no iBurn didn’t show. He won’t come to DL. He’s posting under at least two if not three names. And he cried like the little cunt he is to Goldy and got him to shut down the thread. But it’s okay – wherever he posts here and I happen to notice it, I’ll remind folks to check out that thread.
Another right wing worthless cunt. Nothing more.
Yep, I guess the economy is still strong….
If you are a significant stakeholder in Halliburton, KKR, Blackwater, or any one of the other companies which exchange their considerable financial support in return for a significant share of the federal treasury on a no-bid basis.
If you have so many houses you can’t count them.
If you didn’t know that gas prices would be in excess of $4.00 per gallon by summertime, and had to be told that fact by reporters (so much for being the “leader of the free world”).
@37 GBS no iBurn didn’t show.
The Truth
While I-Burn waited at the mall at the agreed upon time GOP was busily posting to HA – it’s all on tape! GOP later insisted
he was posting from the mall using his . . . iPhone! When pressed time and again for a specific piece of information that appears on the back of every iPhone GOP refused to comply. Someone is telling taller tales than George W. Bush . . .
GBS@31, those were almost direct quotes from his platform. Go to the website.
GBS, remember bybygoober was a no show that Tuesday at lunch while I was introduced to the Mexican cuisine you love! Remember I was somewhat impressed too.
And he was a no show at DL that night when I ate with Dr & Mrs SeattleJew
bybygoober, when have you shown at DL?
Date & Time!
GBS, the price of oil dropped for two reasons
1) Bush said we need to drill
2) Drop in consumption
T Boone Pickens paid commercials says we need to drill too.
mactac: No I have said freeze spending on this blog for a long time…
Funny rhp6033, the wife and I don’t invest in them. I follow the Michael Moore investment strategy. Do you know he said one thing but chose to invest in different things?
GBS: 2006 crude oil prices? Remember, OPEC members agreed to cut crude oil output by 1.2 million barrels per day effective November 1, 2006.
GBS: Read the info here:
You’re so full of it BBG. That thread isn’t closed, you’re just too embarassed to show up there, since you were too afraid to meet me on Saturday.
And no, I’m not posting under any other alias, fool. I don’t need to do so. Don’t like what I write? Too goddamned bad, puke. You had your chance to try and do something about it, but you were too much of a whimp.
So now, put on a blindfold and go play in traffic.
Faux News shows it’s media bias….
This is not Fair and Balanced.
They said when bush was elected that there would be no more freedom of the press. Looks like they were right.
That’s what the liberal media keeps telling us.
Faux news was actually making up lies about bidens son being a lobbyist.
Heres a story and link to faux news and their lies…
Oops, it wasn’t a faux news link.
It was before the democrats took control of congress.
Consumer Confidence
Check out the graph at the bottom of the page. Note the date the democrats took control of congress, (Jan 2007), and notice the decline since.
It was before the democrats took control of congress.
Gas Prices
The graph at the bottom of the page. Note gas prices (per gallon) were at a low as the democrats took control of congress (Jan 2007). Notice how prices went up.
Unemployment rate
December 2006, one month before the democrats took control of congress national unemployment rate was at 4.5%
Unemployment Rate in May 2008 was up to 5.7%
Or you can look at the graph, since the democrats took control of congress unemployment has gone up.
It was before the democrats took control of congress.
Dow jones industrial average
Bottom graph. Notice the drop has been since the democrats took control of congress.