I’ll be at Town Hall doing the Seattle Follies again, next Thursday:
Seattle Follies: The Brawl at Town Hall
Thursday, November 16 , 7:30 PMJoin Seattle City Councilmember Sally Clark as she hosts the post-election edition of Seattle Follies. Joining her, and providing slashing and trenchant commentary on who really won and lost in the vote are blogger and humorist David Goldstein of HorsesAss.org, speaking from the left, and John Moe, public radio personality and author of the recently published book, Conservatize Me, promoting the view from the right. “The Brawl at Town Hall” will feature these two in a verbal boxing match with timed rounds, refereed by Ms. Clark. Councilmember Richard Conlin, former chair of the Council’s transportation committee and a champion of mass transit and sustainable neighborhoods, offers his tongue-in-cheek alternatives to the current and controversial proposals for the new 520 bridge. Special guests are the great Irish musicians Dale Russ and Finn MacGinty, with Rob Jones tickling the ivories throughout the evening. As always, the audience plays, “Who Said What,” the currents events game with chocolate prizes for the winners. Beer and wine available. Downstairs at Town Hall, enter on Seneca Street.
Tickets & info
Advance tickets are $12/$10 Town Hall members, seniors & students only at www.brownpapertickets.com or 1800/838-3006. $15/$13 at the door.
FYI, I was originally supposed to go up against John Carlson, but he had a scheduling conflict. Given the outcome of Tuesday’s election, I think it would have been a lot more fun going up against a genuine conservative like Carlson than a fake one like Moe.
Brownie Points for being first!!
John Moe is a conservative?
Richard Conlin, advocate of mass transit? What a fucking joke.
BIll Clinton warned a couple days ago that the election was not a mandate to go hard left. This will disappoint the far-left echo chamber KOS folks and netroots types. He is right, of course, because he of all people remembers what happened in the early 90’s when they did that. They got shellacked way worse than the Rs even got hit. What will the hard left do? Too many of the winning dems ran as conservative republicans, mentioning God, etc. If they don’t lead as such, they will have outed themselves and won’t stay long. This is very interesting.
We may have lost JCH, MTR, Janet and Puddy, but now we have “Truth”…
Lessee, what “radical left” things are you talking about? I would certainly agree that the way Bill and Hillary raised the issue of health care rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, but in retrospect, they sure were right that something needed to be done. In half a century, our nation’s health care system has devolved from the envy of the world to a crumbling mess, in which the patients and the caregivers and in fact just about everybody gets screwed. Oh, except the drug and insurance companies.
“far-left echo chamber KOS folks and netroots types. ”
What these “types” are doing from here on out will not be cheerleading for a “hard-left” agenda (as if your peeps could tell the difference between that and a mainstream one), but rather getting to work and laying the groundwork for the fight in 2008 to maintain and expand Democratic gains, counter the Right’s propaganda, and elect a Demcratic president.
Watch out anytime a wingnut flings the word “truth” around! It’s a dead giveaway that BULLSHIT comes next! The game this wingnut liar is trying to play is redefine the center as “hard left.” Sorry loooooser, you looooost, get over it! The Democratic Congress will get on with America’s business. They were elected because the GOP proved it can’t lead, can’t govern, can’t manage, can’t solve problems, and doesn’t care. You were fired on Tuesday — so suck on it.
BTW, I deeply believe that Democrats should put CLEAN politicians into positions of power on the Committees, and I worry that they will not.
6 truth
Yeah, God forbid they should go for some sort of Communist Plot like changing our health care system to reduce the number of and care for the uninsured. The American people won’t stand for it!
Why, I thought I would never say this: Bob Barr is right.
“The goal for Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and her battle-hardened team will be to spend two years laying the groundwork for further gains in 2008, and to push an agenda that will provide a solid and likely centrist platform for their party’s standard-bearer.”
Those who think Bush will play nice with the new Democratic Congress: what’s his motivation? Why on earth would he?
If the new Democrats are so “conservative,” how come two weeks ago they were all liberals who would invite Osama bin Laden to address a joint session?
More bad news for Pukes: Stock market’s up today. Looks like Wall Street likes the idea of Washington D.C. being under new management.
For two years the Democrats/Libs cried foul that President Bush would not give a timeline to leave Iraq. It was quite comical last night as I watched Dick Durbin (D) Ill., and he was asked point blank (now that they have control) his timeline to get out of Iraq. He said he had no timeline. I laffed and laffed and laffed. Phonies…every one of them…. & you HS bloggers.
Hey Roger? You’re just noticing the market is up? Have you been in a hole the past 2.5 years? Moron.
24 RRD
Funny how Democrats will not tell you that they have what they do not. How unlike Republicans and their “Strategery for Victory.”
oh, and 24
The Democrats have already offered two proposals in the COngress for withdrawal. Both were defeated, and the Republicans rushed through a meaningless resolution in its place intending only to embarrass Demcrats and not to do anything positive about the war.
So the Democrats WILL put something on the table on Congress, but Dick Durbin does not have a timetable. I remember in 2002, well after the Douwning Street Memo and Tommy Franks have both confirmed that the administration was set on war, Bush said “I don’t have any wear plans on my desk.” Well, there are no timetable plans on Dick Durbin’s desk. And yes, Bush is a liar.
Now Bush does have a timetable–he just won’t call it one.
I think we should take time to thank the man-on-man massage loving, meth-snorting, right wing freak Ted Haggard who helped the country realize that the right is living on a mountain built by hypocrites.
If that little anti-gay, gay republican hadn’t been caught, we might not have OBLITERATED the traitors in the rethug party.
HE HE! Fuck all the right wing Christians. You are loooooooooooosers.
Notice how demoralized the right wing whackjobs are? As I predicted, few of them are showing their faces around here now. Cowards.
Why, I thought I would never say this: Bob Barr is right.
He also was right about warrantless wiretapping, secret prisons, and habeas corpus. He certainly has his faults, but belonging to the cult of Bush isn’t one of them.
17 that would be “war plans”
Condoleezza Rice’s anti-Russian stance based on sexual problems
01/11/2006 [article] / Russia / Politics
The US Secretary of State released a coarse anti-Russian statement. This is because she is a single woman who has no children
The statement from the high-ranking US official sounded like a reprimand from a strict babysitter that was teaching its baby to behave. It goes without saying that the largest Eurasian power is not a baby. In addition, the geopolitical system in the world has undergone dramatic changes since the 1990s. The US Secretary of State, however, has seemingly lost the sense of time and reality. Such women are very rough.
Commentby The Socialist— 11/10/06@ 2:41 pm
I don’t think they like Mizz Rice in Russa rofl
Commentby The Socialist— 11/10/06@ 2:43 pm
I found out what is wrong with all you frutrated married guys
Wedding rings reduce male power and develop impotence
10/10/2005 [article] / Science / Health
The Slavs used to wear wedding rings for not more than four hours a day not to lose the sexual power
A wedding ring, which many men constantly wear on the fourth finger, may initiate a variety of sexual disorders and eventually end up with partial or even complete impotence. A recent research work conducted by Belarussian scientists revealed that widespread beliefs of losing strong virility after many years of wearing the wedding ring on the ring finger are based on certain scientific reasons
Commentby The Socialist— 11/10/06@ 2:56 pm
Be carfull all you married woman
Wives should beware of young girls hunting for happily married men
09/29/2005 [article] / Society / Family
Some women may highly appreciate men having families and children and absolutely ignore unmarried men
They think that married men having happy families are respectable and reliable, and single men are light-minded and superficial. This is strange that women reveal such estimates of men at very young age. Experts state this is typical of girls who were brought up by single mothers or by both parents where they had no emotional contact with fathers
Commentby The Socialist— 11/10/06@ 2:59 pm
here is a worrieson artical :-/
Strike Iran, Watch Pakistan and Turkey Fall
04/24/2006 [article] / Opinion / Columnists
Just when it seemed unlikely that domestic and international events would unfold to test an already incompetent US government, along comes the acceleration of the movement to destroy Iran. That effort has been well documented over the past few years in scores of articles and position papers from the usual suspects in the media, think-tanks, and the Net. What’s missing in that coverage?
These wingnuts are so bankrupt and defeated that they’re calling Democrats “conservative”.
Y’all just believe anything the talking points of the day say you should.
one thing is nice the local rightwing nuts that post on this blog seam to have crawled back under there rocks…….
Condoleeza Rice’s views on Russia were shaped by her education in teh 1960s and 1970s.
But she is quite an expert on the regiuon, and I would give her words more weight when she talks about that then I do with most any other subject.
Daddy Love,
When Conny Rice was advising Daddy Bush on the Soviet Union she wrote a report that the Soviet Union was stable and the Baltic States would not get their independence. Two weeks later there was no Soviet Union. She really does not know very much about any thing.
Now here is a real Democrat Sen. Joe Lieberman and the rest are Socialist Democrats.
Your friend Osama bin Laudin thanks you all for your votes.
Lieberman: Call Me a Democrat
Sen. Joe Lieberman, who won re-election as an independent, has a message for his Senate colleagues in the next Congress: Call me a Democrat.
The three-term Connecticut lawmaker defied party leaders when he launched his independent bid after losing to Democrat Ned Lamont in the August primary. During the campaign, he vowed to be an “independent-minded Democrat” if he were re-elected. In Tuesday’s election, Lieberman won strong GOP support and given the closely divided Senate, Republicans are expected to court him.
So will he count as a Democrat or an independent who caucuses with the majority Democrats? In an e-mail message late Thursday, Lieberman spokesman Dan Gerstein said the senator will begin his new term as a Democrat.
With the Democratic takeover of the Senate, Lieberman is in line to become chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.
Lieberman will kowtow to the left now that the neo-cons have been marginalized. It’s how he votes that matters. He has no morals . He’ll do what he’s told by the powers that be, which , in case you have failed to notice klake, are us, not you.
You are like a Colbert skit that has come to life. You are a satire of yourself.
The Bush regime has been a goldmine of sorrow, pathos and comedy.
The Judy Miller Show is restoring new confidence in the Defense Minister of Israel about their chances of peace in the Middle East.
The deputy defense minister suggested in comments published Friday that Israel might be forced to launch a military strike against Iran’s nuclear program – the clearest statement yet of such a possibility from a high-ranking official.
“I am not advocating an Israeli pre-emptive military action against Iran and I am aware of its possible repercussions,” Deputy Defense Minister Ephraim Sneh, a former general, told The Jerusalem Post. “I consider it a last resort. But even the last resort is sometimes the only resort.”
Sneh’s comments did not necessarily reflect the view of Israel’s government or of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, said government spokeswoman Miri Eisin.
Israel sees Iran as the greatest threat to its survival. Hard-line Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has frequently called for Israel’s destruction, and Israelis do not believe his claims that Iran’s nuclear program is meant to develop energy, not arms.
one thing is nice the local rightwing nuts that post on this blog seam to have crawled back under there rocks…….
Commentby The Socialist— 11/10/06@ 3:42 pm
Sweet Dreams my Socialist Friend but don’t hold your breath.
Now a little bit of levity after Tuesday night.
Now a little bit of levity after Wednesday night.
Now a little bit of levity after Thursday night.
Now a little bit of levity for Friday night. To think most of you folks would let this man go unpunished.
Dear Moonbats: Thanks for your support, now shut up about impeaching Bush! We cut a deal with Bush you suckers, now go away until we need you again.
Best Wishes, Nancy Pelosi
14, 15
Are you the wingnut pig fucker who’s been impersonating me by posting under the name “Roger Rabbit”? Get your ears pinned back by Goldy? You lost Tuesday. Take a deep breath, bend over, and kiss your ass.
Hey Rodger Rabbid The Pig Fucker — are you Redneck’s water boy? I thought the job of telling me how great my oil and defense stocks are doing was assigned to him.
Luckily for Frank Blethen, I933 lost. That means I can’t put a pig farm for animal sex next to his home after all. Dang.
Dear Moonbats: Thanks for your support, now shut up about impeaching Bush! We cut a deal with Bush you suckers, now go away until we need you again.
Best Wishes, Nancy Pelosi
Commentby americafirst— 11/10/06@ 6:00 pm
How many tax breaks did Bush have to trade away for his hide ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
We should tax these assholes until their eyeballs pop out of their sockets.
27 BigGlen
That’s kind of apocryphal. Got any sources?