I’d like to propose a compromise in what FOX News tells us is the most important issue facing America today: Muslims can build a mosque just a few blocks from the World Trade Center, if we can build a Burlington Coat Factory Outlet in Mecca. Agreed?
by Goldy — ,
proud leftist spews:
Isn’t Fox News owned by an organization that just donated $1M to the GOP governors campaign organization?
spyder spews:
The media attention span has moved on and all of this will be yesterday’s news. The GOP/tea bagger noise machine needs something else to chew on for a while to keep our attention. What will it be??
Steve spews:
@1 It’s a little weirder than just that. Would you believe that a Saudi Prince is the seconf largest shareholder of Newscorp?
Wunderlick spews:
Can one of the resident Trolls please explain to us how a “News” network that is run by a longtime Republican political strategist, and former Executive Producer of the Rush Limbaugh show, can be considered “fair and balanced” with a straight face?
don spews:
Ted Olsen, former Solicitor General under George Bush, whose wife was on the plane that crashed into the Pentagon, is now on record saying that the Islamic center in New York should be built. Pat Buchanan has called out Newt Gingrich as a racist over this issue. And George Bush won’t comment, probably because he called “Islam a religion of peace” and twice sent the man who is building this center overseas to show Muslims how America celebrates religious freedom.
slingshot spews:
Goldy, in those Danish cartoons, Muhammad was depicted wearing a Burlington Trench coat. That could be a problem.
masaba spews:
It’s inconsiderate!
sdstarr spews:
Goldy, the flaw in the plan is this: Mecca is hot. They don’t need coats.
GoingLeftOffTheCliff spews:
Moldy the dhimmi, your proposal is indeed…cute, however it falls flat on its ass because the majority of terrorists aren’t Burlington Coat Factory employees.
lostinaseaofblue spews:
Sorry, I missed the point of the blog while choking with hysterical laughter at it’s title.
GOLDY as the voice of reason! Now that’s comedy.
lostinaseaofblue spews:
Re 4
I don’t watch Fox, so can’t comment on the content.
What I will say is that ownership politics and content are not inextricably linked. The liberal rag here in Seattle is owned by a conservative, for instance. Content is driven more by market than ownership. Blethen isn’t stupid, so he caters to the depraved taste of his audience for news from a liberal bias, whatever he personally feels about it.
Where the demand is for news with a conservative lean that’s what you’ll get. The left has descended to trying to force media to air their content because demand is low and very few want to. Like it or hate it, what more people than not want is news and commentary from a conservative perspective.
Steve spews:
“depraved taste of his audience”
Fuck off, asshole.
lostinaseaofblue spews:
Were you born without a sense of humor, or was it lost in an accident?
Off to walk the dogs. I’ll see your ‘fuck off, asshole’ and raise you a ‘have a nice evening Steve.’
Chris Stefan spews:
Holy crap when even Pat Buchanan thinks you are being an intolerant dick you know you have gone too far.
Steve spews:
If you act like a piece of shit, then that’s how you’ll be treated. You don’t like it, Lost? Tough shit.