Late yesterday afternoon I challenged my readers to double the number of donors on my ActBlue page from 72 to 144 by midnight tonight. Since then, 17 generous readers have donated $935.00 to the Goldmark and Burner campaigns.
That’s great, but we can do better. Candidates are judged not just by the money raised, but by the number of individual contributors, so even a $5.00 donation can make a big difference in attracting big donors during the final, crucial few weeks of the campaign.
Let’s show the nation that WA’s netroots are doing their part to take back Congress and bringing accountability to the other Washington. Please give now.
Let’s show the nation that WA’s netroots are doing their part to take back Congress and bringing accountability to the other Washington. – by Goldy, 08/30/2006, 9:56 AM
You know what’s great? As I read all the batshit crazy ramblings of the cowards on the right, I have peace knowing that in a few months we’re gonna take back at least part of the federal government from these fools and there’s not a damn thing the inbred morons can do about it! -Commentby LeftTurn— 8/29/06@ 10:15 pm
Your being played ass. Deal with it. The situation in 2006 is historically similar to the period of the Guilded age, roughly 1870 to 1915. -Commentby Commander Ogg— 8/30/06@ 12:06 am
You girls may want to mention that to your fellow [rogressives [/LMAO]
“ “[O]n ‘This Week’ recently, former co-host (and daughter of a former Democratic congressman) Cokie Roberts stunned host George Stephanopoulos when she said before the Connecticut primary that it would be a ‘disaster for the Democratic Party’ if Lamont defeated Lieberman. ‘Pushing the party to the left,’ Roberts said, ‘is pushing the party to the position from which it traditionally loses.’ The American people may not be happy with events in Iraq. But they do know, especially after events in Lebanon and the foiled British bomb plot, that we’re in a war in which failure is not an option and for which repeating ‘Bush lied’ is not a strategy. Americans will not put in power a party that accepts the proposition that global warming is a greater threat than terrorism, that thinks Wal-Mart is a plague on the poor and that wants to repeal the job creating, economy-boosting and deficit-cutting Bush tax cuts. They will not put in power a party that thinks death is a taxable event and that success should be punished. They will not pass the reins to a party that denies us access to energy reserves offshore and in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge and which thinks energy independence means building windmills and hugging caribou… The Democrats think this year will be their 1994. As voters read the morning papers on their way to vote in November, and decide who should navigate these unsettled waters, the Democrats may well wake up the next day to find the Republicans still in power and Lieberman getting a congratulatory phone call from President Bush.” —Investor’s Business Daily “
DAMN… I think Cokie just handed Karl a campaign commercial! Thanks Cokie!
I give/gave them $$$, but not through your ActBlue page. Sobeit.
More bad news for the Irrelevants.
More bad news for the Irrelevants…er, Progressives
Schumer Has Seen the Future, and It’s Democratic [/snicker]
By Dana Milbank
Wednesday, August 30, 2006; Page A02
Some see the glass as half empty, others as half full. Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) sees it as overflowing.
Briefing reporters yesterday on Democrats’ prospects in the midterm elections, Schumer, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, had trouble thinking of a single race Republicans will win.
How about Nevada, where Democrat Jack Carter trails Sen. John Ensign (R) by 21 points?
And Arizona, where a poll found Sen. Jon Kyl (R) 18 points ahead of Democrat Jim Pederson?
Or Virginia, where no conventional poll has found Democrat James Webb leading Sen. George Allen (R)?
Amid such unbounded optimism, it would have been churlish to point out that the experts regard this as overly exuberant. While political forecasters such as Charlie Cook and Stuart Rothenberg have switched in the past few weeks to predicting a Democratic takeover of the House, there are no such forecasts for the Senate.
Except Schumer’s. Asked if any races were not going well for Democrats, he was stumped. “Hmmmm,” he replied.
“How about Maine?” a reporter offered. Polls show Sen. Olympia Snowe (R) leading Democrat Jean Hay Bright by 50 points, and Democrats have likened Snowe’s popularity in Maine to that of Jesus.
“Yeah,” Schumer agreed. “Maine isn’t going very well at all.”
Lieberman, ‘Snakes’ and the seductive mythology of the blogosphere…
“There isn’t much point in detailing the chest thumping of the various blognut extremists,” wrote Time’s Joe Klein in his analysis of the Lamont victory. “Their reach is minuscule.”
Gallup points to GOP resurgence
Thursday, August 31, 2006
WASHINGTON — Republicans have moved closer to the Democrats in a congressional voter-preference poll just as the election campaigns near the official Labor Day starting gate.
The surprising findings in a little-noticed Gallup Poll that were ignored by most of the national news media shows the Democrats barely leading the Republicans by just two points — 47 percent to 45 percent.
President Bush waves as he arrives on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington Sunday, Aug. 27, 2006. He was returning from Kennebunkport, Maine. After months of generic polling numbers by Gallup and others showing the GOP lagged far behind the Democrats by a seemingly insurmountable 9 to 10 points, the titanic political battle for control of Congress is virtually dead even. This means we may not experience the feared Category 5 political storm some election analysts have forecast that would topple the GOP’s House majority and cut deeply into its grip on the Senate.
The venerable and respected Gallup organization, which did the poll for USA Today, said the GOP’s unexpected rise in the polls “represents the Republicans’ best performance in a single poll during the 2006 election cycle on this important measure of electoral strength.”
In an analysis accompanying its findings last week, Gallup said, “The Republican increase does appear to be significant.”
If the race is anywhere near as tight as Gallup said, it gives the GOP a much stronger edge in this year’s elections. The chief reason: Republicans tend to turn out in larger numbers in midterm elections. Moreover, the GOP’s high-tech, volunteer-driven, voter-turnout apparatus is far superior to anything the Democrats are attempting to patch together.
Who says so? Democrats themselves. “We’re not going to be able to match their turnout system,” a senior Democratic confessed to me earlier this month. Gallup also acknowledges that Republican voters “are likely to perform better at the polls in November than would be indicated by pre-election surveys based on registered voters.”
proudASS motivated me to contribute. I hope you double your number, Goldy.
I gave to both candidates though your ActBlue page this morning, Goldy. Thanks.
ASS @ 4
Lots of folks, particularly those with their own interests at heart, have predicted lower prices, MTR notably among them. It hasn’t happened then, and I don’t see it happening now. “They have no place to go but down?” Come ON. That is laughably simplistic and quite plainly incorrect. They may go up, they may go down. With all the crazy neocon war drums beating for Iran, Iraq blowing up in our faces, Israel escalating conflicts against neighbor states, Turkey planning actions against the PKK, Venezuela out of our orbit, Russia and China on the other side of the Iran issue from us, I think that downward forces are few and far between right now.
ASS @ 6
Good one. So “Snakes on a Plane” didn’t do well in theaters, so blogs have no influence? Conservative blogs maybe. They are hopeless failures at mobilizing cadidate support. I guess I’d better go help Darcy BEAT DAVE REICHERT in fundraising for another quarter.
@ 5
“no conventional poll has found Democrat James Webb leading Sen. George Allen”
Wow, really slipped in the old qualifier, didn’t you? So Wall Street Journal/Zogby polling is “not conventional?” How so?
Do you understand the use of quotation marks? No? I’m sure TeacherUnionThug will explain it when you begin 5th grade grammar next week.
Words mean what I mean them to mean,Quoth the caterpillar. . . .Proud ass is running ever so fast just to stay in place. .
My gosh, ProudAss… why so prolific on this particular comment thread? A little worried that all it takes for Democratic challengers to be competitive this year is enough money to get their message out? Well you should be.
A little worried that all it takes for Democratic challengers to be competitive this year is enough money to get their message out? Well you should be. -Commentby Goldy— 8/30/06@ 11:24 am
Not when the best you can do is only raise $935 after begging THREE TIMES(Congressional Quarterly: Goldmark “is a credible threat” So please give now. And while you’re there, throw in a few bucks for Darcy too.) (Goldmark & Burner need your help by midnight tomorrow! -by Goldy, 08/29/2006, 6:02 PM) (Goldmark/Burner fundraising update -by Goldy, 08/30/2006, 9:56 AM) in as many days, not to mention the TWO Campaign for Change, ‘vote for darcy now’ BEGGING you did.
A little worried that all it takes for Democratic challengers to be competitive this year is enough money to get their message out? Well you should be. -Commentby Goldy— 8/30/06@ 11:24 am
Not when the best you can do is only raise $935 after begging THREE TIMES(Congressional Quarterly: Goldmark “is a credible threat” So please give now. And while you’re there, throw in a few bucks for Darcy too.) (Goldmark & Burner need your help by midnight tomorrow! -by Goldy, 08/29/2006, 6:02 PM) (Goldmark/Burner fundraising update -by Goldy, 08/30/2006, 9:56 AM) in as many days, not to mention the TWO Campaign for Change, ‘vote for darcy now’ BEGGING you did.
Thanks for inspiring me to get to Goldy’s ActBlue page. Your vileness is truly eye-opening; the viciousness of your inhumanity and partisanship helps us to see the enemy. By the way, Cokie Roberts has been brain-dead for decades. Perhaps that is why you have an affinity for her. Oh, and you never answered my question of yesterday: When you have sex with Ann Coulter, which one of you pretends to be female?
Thanks for inspiring me to get to Goldy’s ActBlue page. Your vileness is truly eye-opening; the viciousness of your inhumanity and partisanship helps us to see the enemy. By the way, Cokie Roberts has been brain-dead for decades. Perhaps that is why you have an affinity for her. Oh, and you never answered my question of yesterday: When you have sex with Ann Coulter, which one of you pretends to be female?
-Commentby proud leftist— 8/30/06@ 12:04 pm
Game, set, match Mr Pot. ‘Please leave the court’ says Mr Kettle.
Americans will not put in power a party that accepts the proposition that global warming is a greater threat than terrorism, that thinks Wal-Mart is a plague on the poor and that wants to repeal the job creating, economy-boosting and deficit-cutting Bush tax cuts. They will not put in power a party that thinks death is a taxable event and that success should be punished. They will not pass the reins to a party that denies us access to energy reserves offshore and in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge and which thinks energy independence means building windmills and hugging caribou…
Cantwell 53%
McGavick 36%
I saw that on the noon news program 2 minutes ago
well gee rabid rodent, that’s a real wealth of information you passed on there.
Where, how was the “poll” conducted?
What are the error margins?
Who was polled?
I notice the “poll” hasn’t made it to their website yet… but I will admit not lloking too hard.
Hey resident wingnut pundit and prognosticator — how do you like these new poll numbers? Eat shit, traitor.
Proud ass keep hoping, praying and spinning. Your boy’s gonna be beat like a left handed red headed step child. And then, we’re all gonna rub it into your inbred chest!
Bring it on sweet cheeks, bring it on.
$935.00: 3 DAYS OF BEGGING
@ 18
My cut and paste response:
“Rumsfeld’s speech was never meant to be taken seriously. It’s just crude agitprop designed to keep the proles from wondering if the Cheney wing of the Republican Party is actually doing anything to make the world a safer place. The question has never been whether we should open talks with al-Qaeda, it’s been what we should do to stop them from killing us. Should we fight a war in Iraq that’s served primarily as a recruiting bonanza for radical jihadism? Should we refuse to talk to the Middle East’s biggest regional power because we think that merely being in the same room with them is a sign of weakness? Should we encourage Israel to fight a fruitless war against Lebanon while simultaneously egging on American hawks who think a bombing campaign against Iran will fix all our problems? Should we spend homeland defense money on dumb projects in loyal red states instead of taking port security seriously?”
“Let’s see. How about no, no, no, and no? But those are questions Rumsfeld would prefer not to address since they put the spotlight on the fact that the Bush administration has accomplished nothing over the past five years except to make a bad problem even worse — which is a pretty remarkable record when you consider how bad the problem was to begin with.”
$935 / 2 = $467.50 EACH
Yoohooo darcy dupe… don’t spend it all in once place, sweetie!
la goldie, I see you fail to brag about your big bad breathalyzer experiment… how’d that go bubbe?
The really interesting thing about the Zogby poll is that Allen has shed 12 points since last month:
“The new poll shows a 12 point swing since mid-July … Zogby attributes the swing to comments that Allen made on August 11. During a campaign rally, Allen called a rival campaign worker of Indian descent ‘macaca,’ which is a word that refers to a genus of monkeys, but can also be considered an insult.”
Since you like the opinion of Investor’s Daily so much, how about this one?
Bush had considerable contact with [Ken} Lay two years earlier when the Enron leader served as chairman of the host committee for the 1992 Republican convention in Houston, where Bush senior was nominated for his second term as president.
At that time, Investor’s Daily reported that “recently, Lay has turned Enron into a corporate bastion for the GOP.”
Survey USA’s methodolgy is available at
dear moron, you DID “get” that IBD was REPORTING liberal Cokie Roberts QUOTED words, didn’t you?
The key word was REPORTING not hypothesizing.
ASS @ 11
Classic example of ignoring substantive issues.
10 (continued)
Regardless of which poll you rely on, there’s no question that Allen’s large lead has evaporated. The best indication of how a candidate is doing is to track a specific poll’s results over time, as that poll presumably uses the same methodology every time. What matters here is not a snapshot of absolute numbers, but the trend shown by the same polling organization’s samplings as we move closer to the election (which, ultimately, is the only “poll” that counts).
In Survey USA, Allen’s lead over Webb has plunged from 56% – 37% on June 25 to 48% – 45% on August 18.
In Rasmussen reports, Allen had been over 50% since December 2005 (except for a dip to 49% in February) with Webb at or b elow 30% all spring, right up to July 19 when Allen led Webb by 50% – 39%, but on August 16 Rasmussen reported Allen ahead by only 47% to 42%.
The trend is clear: Webb is rapidly closing the gap, and Allen’s “macaca” remark has cost him big.
Moron at 34… you did happen to read the TITLE of this thread, didn’t you?
“Goldmark/Burner fundraising update”
Below are the results of a three-day poll in the state of Washington. Results are based on telephone interviews with 800 likely voters in Washington, aged 18+, and conducted August 25-27, 2006. The margin of sampling error is ±3 percentage points.
19. If the election for United States Senate were held today and the candidates were Maria Cantwell, the Democrat or Mike McGavick, the Republican, whom would you vote for?
Maria Cantwell 48%
Mike McGavick 43%
Undecided 9%
Maybe proudASS is Goldy’s shill. Since his post at 9:56 he’s gotten 7 donations, more than two per hour.
Now there are 8 more.
Cokie Roberts is no liberal. She sold out years ago to maintain her position within the mainstream media. She is in no position to offer advice to Democrats. No serious person even listens to her. I gotta tell you, PROUD, clicking the Contribution button on the ActBlue website has given my whole afternoon a lift. Rescuing the nation from creatures like you produces a whole lot of cheer. Keep up your ranting. Maybe I’ll give some more by day’s end.
“deficit-cutting Bush tax cuts
how’s that again, dumbASS? Let’s recap:
2000 – $1,372,376,000,000 (baseline year)
2001 – $1,297,063,000,000
2002 – $1,152,413,000,000
2003 – $1,069,364,000,000
2004 – $1,146,664,000,000
2005 – $1,279,114,000,000 (estimate)
(Data from official sources)
2002 – $157.8 billion, $364.5 billion
2003 – $374.8 billion, $667.6 billion
2004 – $412.3 billion, $615.6 billion
2005 – $318.5 billion, $760.0 billion
(The first figure is the nominal cash deficit under “Unified Budget” accounting that offsets the operationing budget deficit with Social Security revenue surpluses; the second figure is the actaul operating budget deficit after deleting the Social Security surplus offset)
Roger Rabbit’s Conclusion: dumbASS is a BULLSHITTER
“death is a taxable event”
One need read no further to tell that Cokie has drunk the GOP Kool-Aid. Gee, if “death” is a taxable event, how come only vanishingly small percentage of estates are taxed? If “death” were a taxable event, then everyone who dies would be taxed, but the TRUTH (Cokie, and ASS) is that almost NO ONE who dies is taxed.
The “taxable event” is trying to pass on untaxed unrealized capital gains, over a very high dollar threshhold, to one’s heirs.
BTW, could someone tell Commander Ogg that it’s the “Gilded Age?”
Question list from proudASS’s cited poll
God I love ripping Republicans to shreds: Let’s take this drivel one “wrong” point at a time…
Americans will not put in power a party that accepts the proposition that global warming is a greater threat than terrorism — Wait till it is 20 degrees hotter outside….
thinks Wal-Mart is a plague on the poor and that wants to repeal the job creating, economy-boosting and deficit-cutting Bush tax cuts. — They are not tax cuts, they are tax deferrments which only give a short lived boost to the economy. You can only “cut” taxes when we have a surplus which we don’t. Our children will be paying for these “tax cuts” with interest. The top 1% is sure liking it though. Record returns!!!
They will not put in power a party that thinks death is a taxable event and that success should be punished. — The idea is so America does not end up like Feudal England where a rich few families controlled everything through inherited wealth. Unfortunately we are headed in that direction…
They will not pass the reins to a party that denies us access to energy reserves offshore and in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge and which thinks energy independence means building windmills and hugging caribou… — What a fool. What do you think is causing global warming? Hot air, and lies coming out of Republicans mouths? The only theing the GOP wants to do is drill, and pollute. To hell with alternative energy and the future. 12 BILLION dollars in tax breaks to energy companies, and you all complain about “welfare”.
Go ahead put up some more ridiculous talking points. The GOP is wrong on every single issue. Every one. Deal with it.
Please visit my actblue page if you are tied of listening to Republican lies, and no accountability, audits, or investigations. We have been lied to repeatedly, and there are no investigations.
I will never say Democrats are perfect, but compared to Republicans they are gods.
Oh by the way, did you find them WMD’s we spent 2 trillion dollars looking for?
Is the GOP gonna take care of the 64,600 wounded vets from Iraq? I doubt it. The VA is the last thing they worry about on the appropriations committee. They turn down requests for VA funding, and want to build a $200,000,000 bridge for 60 people in Alaska.
Republicans are maggots.
Bring it on Republican Trolls. I will easily show you how wrong you are on ever single issue.
If someone is not super rich, the Republicans could care less about you. They sure have you scared though….. Boo! Investigations!!! Oh my god, investigations!!!! The neo-cons are going to prison, my god!!!
What was it the judge found last week. Bush broke over 30 laws? The Lying Chimp is going down!
Proud to be an asshole (there is no way this is a woman),
Lemme see here…….Goldy has raised over $900 for his candidates of choice. I can’t help but notice that you have been here for the same three day (you post nearly as much as RR) and you have raised how much? You have actually gotten off your fat ass and done exactly what to participate in the campaign and election process?
All you have done is sit in front of a computer screen spouting hatred, prejudice and oppression, nothing more. And while you waste your time mastrubating here in a war of words, empty threats and really bad insults, Goldy has done something proactive, involved and worthwhile.
You really should do more reading, more news watching and just plain more paying attention. Your party is in big trouble. Your candidates are running from Bush, pretty much disavowing him. But you just keep burying your head in the quicksand, that way you won’t see the rapture. Only it won’t quite be the Christian RightWing rapture you are expecting. It will be the American people kicking your ass into the next century. To quote Red Foreman “You are gonna look real good with my foot in your ass”.
Now, go back to your Bon Bons.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat
Which of the following do you believe best describes proudASS:
[ ] Untreated gangrene;
[ ] Nurse Ratchett’s ugly stepsister;
[ ] An unsatisfiable itch on Karl Rove’s ass;
[ ] Residue from a white supremacist circle jerk; or
[ ] A fundraising dream for Democrats?
Tuttle @ 44
The Republicans polled only go 28% for McCain? Wow.
Proud ass,
Sweetheart, maybe you should talk to your husband and find out what your position is…..before you post anything further.
Left Foot
Can you really imagine proudASS being married? I can’t imagine “she” has actually ever been laid. There’s a whole helluva lot of bitterness bundled up in that broad. I’d feel sorry for her if she wasn’t so nasty.
When Zogby, a republican, shows a 12 point dip for Allen you have to assume it’s really 24 points.