Word is that Okanogan County rancher and former WA Dept. of Agriculture Director Peter Goldmark has decided not to challenge first term Rep. Cathy McMorris in the 5th Congressional District. Too bad. Goldmark is exactly the kind of Democrat we need running in Eastern Washington.
More candidate news brewing….
If there’s no media bias in Seattle, why is it we aren’t reading in the times and pi about Senator Dimbulb getting more tainted Abramoff dollars that all other Washington state politicians COMBINED?????? Why aren’t there screaming headlines?
And what’s the deal with giving the money back? What the fuck is the point? She’s compromised. Do you moonbats think she should resign?
Also, I asked yesterday for you to list her grand accomplishments. I haven’t seen anything. Still can’t think of anything? Even one?
MTR- Are you completely ignorant of how the political system works? Murry is in the minority party. The majority party controls the agenda. Therefore she cannot get legislation passed. I have personal knowledge of a local need which she was able to handle through an appropriations bill. No I will not give details. But big legislation, the R’s will not let it out of committee.
She’s been there since 1992. So in 13 fucking years she has accomplished zero. Thanks for making my point.
Won’t give details. Shit. There are no “details”.
Too bad. McMorris is one of the few remaining Militia/Talibangelist/GOP Class of ’94. Our wonderful wifebeating Bush-appointed Region 10 FEMA director is another.
Goldmark has real values, and his family has certainly seen what kind of senseless violence the right wing is capable of.
Speaking of which, is there any way the phone tappers at BushCo could start spying on some of the more radical right wing elements at Sound Politics? Violent-sounding right wing ideologues should not be allowed to pack heat. I know many of them are just there to balance the scales out against Eco-terrorists and animal rights types…but when was the last time you heard about a left winger hunting down people they don’t agree with?
Is MarkTheRedneck the same as Mr. Cynical? Or, does he just try and mimic Mr. Cynical’s psychotic mental circus?
How long do we have to wait for our favorite pet troll to make some kind of vicious racist comment?
Liberal – Answer the fucking questions moron. Tell me what Senator Dimbulb has been doing for 13 fucking years and why she takes money from corrupt lobbyists.
OT: Oh my dog!
If she has accomplished nothing in her tenure while “taking money” from a crook, there is no quid pro quo. No special legislative favors granted.
In short: No harm – No foul.
MTR is pissing himself. Shit is really hitting the fan for the GOP. As for Murray, what vote did Abramoff buy with that money? None. So there is no crime.
Oh no George… Oh noo…. I think there should be an investigation into EVERY vote she has ever cast to see if it was influenced by criminals. If there is even one questionable vote, she should resign.
My question was to identify a single issue where she showed even a shred of original thought and demonstrated even a shred of leadership. There are none.
The latest reports is the Patty’s money came from the tribes, not directly from Abramoff. So, what has she done to help them? It could easily be non-legislative. Otherwise her main accomplishment has been to raise money for other senators. Which means she hasn’t done much for our state.
Exception: the Sculpture Park, which she saved from the budget knife. I bet looking into that little project will unearth something. It was important enough for her to threaten her fellow senators when they thought to cut it. Who owns the land under that little gem?
LOL at you GOPPers and your ‘loyal’ party. Even your idol, Newt says that DeLiar should go!!! “Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives need to give up on former Majority Leader Tom DeLay and elect someone to succeed him as they try to overcome a wave of scandals, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said.”
Hey Mark The Yellow Dicked Redneck, yesterday you asked:
Comment by Mark The Redneck— 1/3/06 @ 10:10 pm
How’s that rake tasting to you? You POS dumbass wingnut!
You wanting to taste the rake again, MTYDR? Or are you going to run away again like a little schoolboy who just got caught peeing his pants?
Here is that taste again MTYDR, just the thing to make you run away again…
C’mon Mark of the Yellow Dick, don’t be afraid! LOLOLOLOL!!!
LIberal redneck
You claim Goldmark the victem of right wing violence
educate me please…?
Mark The Yellowdicked Redneck = Cowardly schoolboy with pissed pants.
righton@17 Further proof positive righton is an ignorant rethug operative. You presume to educate us Washington yokels, and are ignorant of anything uniquely Washington. What smelly hole did you crawl out off? Google the Goldmark name.
Tree frog and other suckers
Yeah, Goldmark family killed down the street in Denny Blaine/Madrona. So what, a psycho killed them. What does that have to do with a congressional race in central washington?
Righton@20 Sounds like a relative of yours, doesn’t it? Fascistic intolerant dumbass pseudoChristian who displays ignorance.
You guys took 21 comments to get to the nazi/fascist thing..
come on, ya’ll slippin
It’s really quite useless to argue with the likes of MTR. More useful would be to focus on deconstructing the strategy behind the wingers’ rhetoric. Notice how they are once again practicing the art of distraction. Instead of acknowledging and disavowing the systemic corruption that the Bush-DeLay Gang has brought to Washington DC, they are attempting to tar Democrats with the same brush.
These guys are so predictable. The same strategy they used against King County elections will be applied to the likes of Cantwell and Murray. Their memes will be repeated over and over and over and over until they succeed in making them part of MSM conventional wisdom — regardless of their factual merits.
That’s why i think we need to be careful about how we respond to these guys. Feeding the fire isn’t a good idea.
green thumb,
you didn’t say anything very helpful or understandable..
don’t worry.
Are any of you libs watching 2 good right wing teams?
USC vs Texas
Righton@22 Again your rhetoric displays your ignorance. The moron who committed this atrocity was an avowed admirer of Hitler. If the man described himself as a fascist, then. . . .However, I note his semblance to certain trolls hereabouts.
Green Thumb, I understand your approach, but it is too much fun making MTYDR piss his pants like a little schoolboy.
Plus like any ingnorant mysogonistic bully, once you quit backing away and show him to be a fool, he runs and hides.
Cathy McMorris would beat her own wife too yo why the fuck won’t anyone grow the balls to run against her?
Tree frog
Lets be normal/rational…
What does a psychotic nazi wanna be have to do with a GOP rep in the middle of the state.??
You are basically saying republicans are nazis and killed the Goldmarks.
Shame on you.
Any libs wanna show this doofus the door?
Wha’ happen’d t’ MTYDR?
He hasn’t been back to comment on the Veterans Administration funding that Murray force the Rethugs to pass.
In fact, he missed his chance yesterday, too.
No, I am saying the man was a proto-neoconvict. You, on the other hand are rethug operative. . . and as such, you should be shown the door.
The question in my mind is just how far down the dragnet will go with Abramoff singing. I can hope the Brooks Brothers batallion will be dragged in along with the kingfish. . . .
VA, I think MTYDR has a bladder problem. :)
But like any mysogonistic pee dribbler, MTYDR will be back tomorrow, to run away another day!
MTYDR is the cowardly Lie-on, with a fear of vaginas and a diaper full of his brains.
Donnageddon, MTYDR claimed to have an education in Engineering. Surpisingly he is totally ignorant of “Galloping Gertie”‘s place in engineering history. Something taught to freshman engineering wannabes. . . .
31-26, trojans
MTR- How about this from a Texas Republican:
MRS. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, I commend Senator Murray, Senator Akaka, and all Members who have worked together with Senator Feinstein and myself on this veterans issue.
Senator Murray saw this coming early on. She did believe there were more veterans coming into the system from what she was hearing in the field, and the Veterans’ Administration at that time did not see the model that was not working.
But this does’t fit your world view. Explain to me why it doesn’t matter.
Patty “SNEAKER” Murray got her dough from Black Jack’s clients.
Shame on her sorry ass!!
The KLOWNS defend Murray by saying it’s ok she took the bucks because Murray never does anything!!
Hysterical! But sadly true.
Patty “Sneaker” Murray….slippery ain’t she?!!
Now we have a full house. The ignorant, pagan Mr. dogwise has checked in.
Try this: http://www.historylink.org/ess.....le_id=3577
And then go back to this:
Then connect the dots how inflammatory right wing trash caused the death of a family.
Hey MTYDR… chicken shit, freeloading, pants pissing, woman hating, moron..
= Neocon!
k, making stupid point
A psychotic murderer has nothing to do with conservative speech
I was here during the trial, murder etc. We didn’t even have rush, kvi, medved etc. That crap was all nazi nut balls from idaho or wherever.
take your stupid slurs elsewhere. Make a decent point.
ON the other hand Neoconvict speech does. . .just as it has NOTHing TO DO WITH CONSERVATIVE SPEECH. You, Righton, are no conservative, but rather a Neoconvict shill.
MTR is pissing himself. Shit is really hitting the fan for the GOP. As for Murray, what vote did Abramoff buy with that money? None. So there is no crime.
Comment by Belltowner— 1/4/06 @ 6:51 pm
Belltower you cannot be that innocent that you cannot buy anything from underneath the table and all parties are caught doing it. There is a long list of people who received money from this chap call Abramoff. There is no crime donating money for campaign funds, but there is expectation for receiving this donation. Behind the back doors, what did these politicians commit themselves for these funds? The American Indians payed a lot of money and did not receive what they wanted for this large sum of money. Wait more is to come and some politicians will be burnt for what they did or did not do for the money.
That psychotic murder made the point in his own twisted mind that he was getting the leftists. I lived just down the block from the murdered family and remember it well. There was a clear nexus between right wing rhetorical excess, even if it was decades earlier. Those were Eastern Washington Republicans who slurred the father and planted the seed in the mind of the murderer. Sorry if you don’t like the facts as they are.
Hey MTYDR… chicken shit, freeloading, pants pissing, woman hating, moron..
= Neocon!
Comment by Donnageddon— 1/4/06 @ 8:59 pm
Donnageddon you need to lighten up, you are not refelecting on your better side. Show me a better side of youself. Who is the real deamon here Mark or yourself?
Again, Klake, you are trying to tar every politician who ever accepted a campaing donation with the crimes the Republican Lobbyist JA performed with his Republican lackeys.
Every lobbyist spreads the wealth around, it is the way these transactions are performed. But it is the Republican Pols who take the money/relative and staffer jobs, and return favors in return that have committed the crimes.
The Republican criminals that were part of the “Bush Pioneer” Abramoff’s scheme that will be doing the frog march. Not the pols who accepted contributions.
You can keep trying to muddy the waters all you want, but in the end it is the guilty who will be *poof* ending their political carears.
Hell, I have given a lot of pols contributions. Don’t make me, or the pols criminals. And they never gave a relative of mine a job, or loaded my case into the congressional record.
Do some research before you come in here with some lame RNC talking points.
Klake… Fuck you!
Comment by Donnageddon— 1/4/06 @ 9:35 pm
Donnageddon I love you too.
I actually agree with you that it is up to any prosecutor to prove that someone actually had their vote bought and paid for. There is a high burden of proof on any alleged criminal activity. The KLOWNS are defending Murray who took a whole bunch of money from Black Jack’s clients that there was no harm proved. What’s good for the KLOWN is good for all….right???
It took the Democrats the second half of the 20th Century to become corrupt or otherwise full of themselves. The GOP did it in 10 years! TEN YEARS!
And what’s funny is how INARTFUL you guys are at it. Cheating is only good if you can’t get caught.
Take Back the Congress Without Delay!
Donna – Still waiting for intelligent post from you. I’m not holding my breath.
And I’m still waiting for even a single example of Dimbulb’s leadership. Whatever the thing above is about redoing something that somebody else did… is that the best you can do?
Are you saying Democrats cheat better?
Take Back the Congress Without Delay!
Comment by Belltowner— 1/4/06 @ 9:45 pm
Great Idea who can I vote for and will my vote count?
MTR can suckle my shitpipe.
Comment by cornbread— 1/4/06 @ 9:48 pm
Your English teacher would be proud of you now. Try using words that express your real feelings. (suckle)?
Bob Ney, Congressman from Ohio
Took loads of money and slipped in language favorable to Abramoff’s clients. Fuckin’ crooked as the day is long.
Conrad Burns, Senator from Montana
Took money in exchange for official act. Just another reason to vote for…
Jon Tester: Farmer, Businessman, Pearl Jam Fan
@ 56
No. Not really. Only a fucking monkey would have pulled the kind of shit Delay and Co. have pulled. Total ametuer hour.
Invest In America, Not In Abramoff And Scanlon
klake can suckle my shitpipe.
SO Mark the Yellowdicked Redneck, you stated yesterday:
“If there’s no media bias in Seattle, why is it we aren’t reading in the times and pi about Senator Dimbulb getting more tainted Abramoff dollars that all other Washington state politicians COMBINED??????”
Let me take a stab at this. Because it isn’t true???
Murray chaired the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Every cent that went through that committee had her name on the letterhead — but that doesn’t mean SHE got it.
God, you are a dimbulb.
It is amazing that criminals always think they will get by with their crimes…….
Aaaaand … as K points out in #2 … any Abramoff money that went to Democrats was campaign contributions NOT bribes. Big difference!!!!
Campaign contributions = legal
Bribes = illegal
How the hell do you bribe congressmen and senators from a party that isn’t in a position to pass any legislation?
C’Mon Mark The YellowDicked Redneck… don’t run away!
MTYDR, I am sure that Klake is anxious to see your “better” side!
Hell, I have given a lot of pols contributions. Don’t make me, or the pols criminals. And they never gave a relative of mine a job, or loaded my case into the congressional record.
You have not make any contributions to Ron Sims or he would heap lot of love on you Donnageddon. Ask Dean Logan what he received for all his contributions.
Election’s over. You lost. Move on.
klake can suckle my shitpipe.
Comment by cornbread— 1/4/06 @ 9:58 pm
Cornbread you might find corn cobbs more enjoyable.
MTR has been whacking off furiously with his “invisible hand” ever since Murray clobbered Nethercutt.
Are you saying Democrats cheat better?
Well, geez, can’t we even do ONE thing better than Republicans?
C’Mon, MArk, you piss panted, woman hating troglodyte! Defend your worthless Redneck ass!
Damn, MTYDR, you really should watch out for those rakes you leave all over, you are bound to be knocked senseful!
Roger, it is bribery when someone accepts money on a quid pro quo basis, whatever the basis was or is. Congressional members can influence other things. Sen Murray brought home some bucks for the SAM sculpture park. She does sit on committees and she does have influence. She used to sit on a committee that controlled Indian Affairs. It is a very fine line and one that is blurred over whether money is just feel good or whether it’s to influence a vote or an action on something. That is what lobbyist do. Millions are spent in Olympia every year and good old Sam Hunt wanted to raise the monetary limit last session. He complained that he should be able to accept Mariner’s tickets and a dinner from lobbyist vying for his attention.
I have gained a new found pride in Senator Murray. Senator Cantwell was elevated to great statesperson last week.
I am so glad MTYDR is here to point out how great our Senators are!!
Yes, you can. But, I’m not sure that I would be bragging on that one.
20, 21
The Goldmark family was murdered a right wing extremist who (erroneously) thought they were (a) Jewish and (b) communists. Chuck and Annie Goldmark (and their two sons) were neither Jewish nor communists. Chuck’s mother briefly joined the U.S. communist party back in the ’30s, when a number of American intellectuals did — in the context of the Great Depression, and the rise of fascism in Europen, and before anybody knew about Stalin’s horrific purges.
sgmmac… until you can connect some dots, you defense of the indefensible Republican Crime family is just a sad sight.
Watch the Abramoff disaster for the Repugs unfold… and weep for being such a sap.
Righton is a nazi.
How the hell do you bribe congressmen and senators from a party that isn’t in a position to pass any legislation?
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/4/06 @ 10:00 pm
Roger a prostitute will do anything for money. Webster’s “to sell (oneself, one’s talents, etc.)for base purposes.” That is the answer to your question Roger. This goes with anyone and it is not particular to anyone party.
Righton is a Nazi, and MTYDR is a little schoolboy with wet pant(ie)s
It’s not so strange that progressive thinkers flirted with alternatives to capitalism at a time when 25% of America’s workers were unemployed and GNP had fallen by two-thirds. They did not have the advantage of the clarity that hindsight provides — that communism is a brutal, corrupt, economically inefficient, and unworkable system.
Klake said
I am so dissappointed in you, Klake. I was hoping to see your good side! Who is the “daemon” here? You of RR?
“Roger a prostitute will do anything for money.”
That’s not true. I won’t let you fuck me for money, nor will I fuck you for money. For two reasons:
1) You’re not a cute fluffy female rabbit;
2) I don’t want your diseases.
Oops! I forgot.
Klake, Fuck You!
MTYDR, C’Mon… your Mom will let you play even with your spoiled trousers!
“You are basically saying republicans are nazis and killed the Goldmarks.”
Are you asserting that David Rice was a liberal Democrat? Not hardly. From the link I posted above:
“On December 24, 1985, right-wing extremist David Lewis Rice brutally murders civil rights attorney Charles Goldmark, his wife, Annie Goldmark, and his two sons, Colin, 10, and Derek, 12, in their Madrona home. …
“David Rice, a former steel worker from Colorado, joined an extremist group in Washington called the Duck Club. … The group convinced Rice that Charles Goldmark was Jewish and a Communist. …
“Rice went to the Goldmark home and handcuffed Charles, his wife Annie, 12-year-old Derek, and 10-year-old Colin. He attacked all four with a knife, killing Annie and Colin. Charles died at the hospital and Derek lingered for 37 days before succumbing.”
The guy who blew up people with letters was described as left-wing. I don’t attribute his sickness to all of you here. So, why do you all take a very sick whacko and decide he represents the entire right? Sorry, your rhetorical skills are sadly lacking.
Of course, lobbyists are buying influence. Tribal money influenced Murray. Doesn’t mean it was a bribe. Now, what Ney and Conrad did seems to have been textbook corruption. Same with Cunningham. I bet if you look at the politics in Nevada, you will find that Reid is dirtier than them all. He doesn’t stop at bribes, he also goes in for nepotism, strong-arming opponents, and spreading around whatever money he can find to keep himself in office. His antics make Delay look like an amateur.
RR, remind me not to let MTYDR know where I live.
“MTYDR is the cowardly Lie-on, with a fear of vaginas and a diaper full of his brains.”
From his posts, it also appears that MTYDR also had a bad experience in divorce court — which he undoubtedly had coming to him.
MTYDR, I am sure that Klake is anxious to see your “better” side!
Comment by Donnageddon— 1/4/06 @ 10:02 pm
Dannageddon I do see Marks better side and I’m really trying to see what you can do for mankind. Try looking at Mark as your best friend and to gain his acceptance treat him with some respect. You don’t have to give up your values or principles to do this kind deed. Please don’t act gay in the process you might make someone gagged. Smile it will help.
Hmmm… very scant in evidence there Janet. But then, that is why no one listens to a damn thing you say.
I’ll try to keep that in mind, Klake.
No shuffle off, your Mother is worried about you.
Cyn — so what? Rossi got his dough from BIAW. Indians like Murray; real estate developers like Rossi (because he’ll let them despoil our beautiful state for profit).
Hey Cynical, here’s a clue why the Indians back Democrats: Because Republicans (e.g., Slade Gorton and his sidekick, Jim Johnson) are Indian-hating racists.
“A psychotic murderer has nothing to do with conservative speech”
Wanna bet? The Goldmark murders resulted very directly from David Rice’s fanatical rightwing ideology. Rice’s motives were anti-Semitic and political.
I will not weep for anyone who is convicted of a crime. I don’t care what their religion is, their sexual preference is, their sex is, their political party affliation, or whether they are poor, new money, or old money. If they commit the crime, they can do the time. I also don’t care if they’ve rehabilitated themselves either, if they were awarded the death penalty for their crimes, I want to see it carried though. Even if they write a hundred children’s books.
Oklahoma City resulted very directly from Tim McVeigh’s and Terry Nichols’ rightwing anti-government fanaticism.
sgmmac @ 98 WOW thanks for that revalation.. er… um.. I mean…
WTF was that about?
Too bad we have a justice system where money buys freedom. The rich and powerful rarely do prison time and never get executed in this country, dearie. To qualify for Death Row, you must be poor — and preferably black.
sgmmac… until you can connect some dots, you defense of the indefensible Republican Crime family is just a sad sight.
Watch the Abramoff disaster for the Repugs unfold… and weep for being such a sap.
Comment by Donnageddon— 1/4/06 @ 10:13 pm
I’m not weeping for anyone, Republican or Democrat, a criminal is a criminal.
OK, I get your point now sgmmac. Point well taken!
I agree with you on that one. There is too many blacks on death row and too many in prison too!
In the Army, they track statistics on UCMJ in units, and you can generally tell where the racial discrimination is by looking at those stats…………
Not that I agree (Government killing its citizens and all), sgmmac, But I understand your comment now.
What a football game —— better than any pro game I have seen in years.
Shame they are from Texas.—- so much ptential that will disolve into puddles in trailer parks.
Oops! I forgot.
Klake, F#$%^&^*&!
Comment by Donnageddon— 1/4/06 @ 10:18 pm
I love you Too sweetie, made I should reconsider that tought. Mark what do you think? Don’t hold back now!
In case I forgot to mention it, righton is a nazi.
Klake, Mark TYDR, is busy wetting his pants. He will be back tomorrow acting as if he was never made a fool of.
It is his way.
Yeah, I don’t want to get into a death penalty debate, I do support the death penalty. There are some who are in Prison for life and many times over that are wasting oxygen, it always seems like those who deserve it the most never seem to get the justice they so richly deserve.
Kind of endearing. Mark TYDR comes back again and again demonstrating his hatred of women, his lack of intellect, and a irrepresible nack for making asinine comments.
The Goldmark murders resulted very directly from David Rice’s fanatical rightwing ideology. Rice’s motives were anti-Semitic and political.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/4/06 @ 10:31 pm
Bullshit!!! anti-semitic,children killing,terrorist hugging assholes are part of the lefty crowd.
Hmmmm … here is an interesting question … is righton a nazi with a lower case “n” or a capital “N”? Let’s analyze this intriguing problem. Essentially, the issue is whether righton is a generic nazi, or a “Nazi” nazi, which implies loyalty to a specific, mostly defunct, political movement. This would seem to be a question of whether righton admires Adolf Hitler, in which case he is a Nazi, or admires Hitler surrogates, e.g. Richard Butler, in which case he could argue that he’s a nazi instead of a Nazi. Frankly, I don’t understand why he admires these guys, since they’re both dead. I mean, what point is there in admiring dead guys? But I digress. Returning to the topic, what if righton admires both Hitler and surrogates like Butler? That is quite a dilemma, because how can you spell “nazi” (or “Nazi”) with a lower case “n” and a capital “N” at the same time? Hmmmm … I have an idea … let’s try this:
righton is a Nazi/nazi
The Goldmark murders resulted very directly from David Rice’s fanatical rightwing ideology. Rice’s motives were anti-Semitic and political.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/4/06 @ 10:31 pm
Bullshit!!! anti-semitic,children killing,terrorist hugging assholes are part of the lefty crowd.
Or how about,
righton is a N/nazi
sgmmac, once we get over that “difficulty” perhaps I could support it.
But as long as we are a xenophobic collective. I will never support the death penalty.
righton is a N(n)azi
righton is a Nnazi
Ah RUFUS spews his ignorant drool all over HA.
Good to see you sir! Please feel free to make insane comments!
righton is a …
[ ] a. Nazi
[ ] b. nazi
[ ] c. Nazi/nazi
[ ] d. N/nazi
[ ] e. N(n)azi
[ ] f. (N)nazi
[ ] g. Nnazi
Results will be posted in the HA comment threads as they come in.
If the Righty Trolls did not exist, Goldy would have to invent them!
“Bullshit!!! anti-semitic,children killing,terrorist hugging assholes are part of the lefty crowd.”
Bullshit yourself. See #90. David Lewis Rice a lefty? I don’t thiiiiink sooooo …
Well, I do have problems with the inequity in the justice system. Our society creates many of the problems and the criminals. To eliminate the problems you would have to give up ‘freedoms’ that most of Americans don’t want to give up.
Rice is exactly the kind of violent rightwing asshole who hangs out on Free Republic.
Ah. sgmmac @ 124, It is true, we are not fit to be allowed free will, and yet, we are not fit to deny it for others.
I agree with you on that one. There is too many blacks on death row and too many in prison too!
In the Army, they track statistics on UCMJ in units, and you can generally tell where the racial discrimination is by looking at those stats…………
Comment by sgmmac— 1/4/06 @ 10:38 pm
The problem is that they have to many cops in their neighborhood looking for trouble. The bad thing is they don’t disappoint the cops and bring the man down themselves. Clean up their acts and the Police will go else where for tolls. The layers need money and their neighborhood is a gold mine. I learned that from a Black Panther in Portland. If you are going to commit a crime do it someone’s else backyard, not your own. The Police will troll their own back yards then. Try Green Lake they like all the attention. Right Roger Rabbit?
Every human society has crime. Some South Seas Islands culture had an interesting solution. They had no laws, prosecutors, courts, or jails. They did, however, practice human sacrifice. Once a year, a member of the tribe was selected by popular referendum for sacrifice to appease the gods. Guess who got selected — tribal members who made themselves unpopular by bad behavior, that’s who. In our tradition, if you’ve been bad in the preceding year, you get a lump of coal in your Winter Solstice stocking. In their tradition, if you didn’t pay your parking tickets, you could end up in the communal stew pot.
Results will be posted in the HA comment threads as they come in.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/4/06 @ 10:51 pm
Roger is this a spelling test?
LOL RR! I thought the “virgins” got thrown into the volcano!
In their tradition, if you didn’t pay your parking tickets, you could end up in the communal stew pot.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/4/06 @ 10:57 pm
How did you avoid the stew pot rabbit?
I am sure if a “virgin” did not accept MTYDR passes, he would vote the highly selective female to the stew pot.
There just ain’t no justice in this world.
LOL RR! I thought the “virgins” got thrown into the volcano!
Comment by Donnageddon— 1/4/06 @ 11:01 pm
The best answer you had all night Donnageddon! Horray you did great for once.
Many countries have more effective police enforcement than the US’s…….. In Germany, you do NOT argue or mess around with their Polizi. When you neighbor calls them at 1am because your music is too loud, they show up at your door with ouzi’s and you don’t argue. You will get beaten and thrown in the slammer for it. Several countries have the death penalty for drug smuggeling. In Singapore, they use canes to beat you with. In Saudi, they chop off body parts in a public square!
There seems to be a dramatic correlation between crime and poverty, lack of education, and lack of job opportunities.
Virgins in the volcano was good – real good!
“Roger is this a spelling test?”
No, it’s an opinion poll. If you want, though, I can make it a literacy test — if you flunk, you can’t vote.
sgmmac @ 134 “more effective” is a very elusive popular adverb.
Adjective!! Damn.. I screwed up!
In Saudi, they chop off body parts in a public square!
Comment by sgmmac— 1/4/06 @ 11:04 pm
In that country you don’t need dead bolts on your tent and peepin toms are missing their eye. Do not expect that kind of justice in this country.
Saudi has very low crime, and even less recidivism. To be a three-time shoplifter in that country, you have to learn how to grasp objects with your toes.
One person’s “effective” Police repsonse is another’s “effective” police state.
RR @ 140… and only 5 toes at that.
No, it’s an opinion poll. If you want, though, I can make it a literacy test – if you flunk, you can’t vote.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/4/06 @ 11:07 pm
Good Idea do you think Dean Logan will go for it?
I have a friend whose dad was a small town cop. Every Saturday night, the same guy went to a bar, got drunk, then went home and beat up his wife. They got tired of arresting him for domestic violence, so one Saturday night, instead of taking him to jail they took him out to the woods, and that was the last time he beat his wife. He went straight after he got out of the hospital.
RR, have you ever explored anarchist syndicalism? I am making no judgements, but it has a similar vibe.
One person’s “effective” Police repsonse is another’s “effective” police state.
Comment by Donnageddon— 1/4/06 @ 11:09 pm
Donnageddon don’t let people push you out of you good emotional state of mind. That is where you perform at you best, and that is where everyone likes to see you. Good night Folks it’s been Fun.
In fact, sgmmac may need to explore anarchist syndicalism. The stuff scares me, but then I am a weak asthmatic able only to verbally disabuse mysoginistic bullies like MTYDR.
I’m not proposing that kind of justice system here, but if the consequences of your actions are scary enough, you may not think about doing the crime. Most of us are human and we will do what we think we can get away with. The best defense against a bully is to kick their ass the first time they try to get over on you.
I saw on TV that the U.S. hockey team was booed by a Canadian audience. Was it because of politics? Trade disputes? Because a U.S. player put a dirty hit on a Canadian player a few days ago? Who knows.
It sure is unfair to the U.S. players (with one exception), who after all, are just 18 and 19 year old kids playing their sport. They know how to stuff a puck into a net, but probably don’t know much about politics, or trade, or all that other stuff.
If it’s wholly or partly due to politics, I put the blame squarely on right wingers, who whipped up a fantastic amount of anti-Canadian hate in this country because the Canadians refused to kiss Bush’s ass or support his Iraq military adventure. What comes around, comes around, Bubba — if you tell someone you hate them, they just might turn around and hate you.
Why do right wingers hate Team USA?
Sorry to hear that, my EX liked to toss me around, I soon learned how to throw punches back! You may bruise me and you may win, but you will not walk away unscathed!
Why do right wingers hate U.S. hockey players?
LOL RR, Bush is a great diplomat! If by Diplomat you mean = make everyone hate you with good reason.
It’s a question without answer. You may as well ask:
Why do right wingers hate America?
Why do right wingers hate the Constitution?
Why do right wingers hate freedom?
Why do right wingers hate peace?
Why do right wingers hate life?
Why do right wingers hate our troops?
Why do right wingers hate their mothers?
Why do right wingers hate Jesus?
Why do right wingers hate themselves?
And O’Reilly should skate out on that ice. It would melt with the love everyone feels for his psychotic ass.
I can understand why they hate Roger Rabbit, even though I don’t hate them. I just feel sorry for these pathetic America-hating and self-hating losers. They are all going to Hell as punishment for their evil and selfish lives. It’s a horrible thing to be a Republican … I couldn’t live with myself if I were a Republican … if I were a Republican, I would have to dash out into Aurora Avenue and commit SUV-assisted bunnycide!
Republican rabbit = road pizza
The Republicans will get a big surprise when the Rapture comes. They think they’re going UP.
I can’t wait for the Rapture to arrive! 144,000 fewer Republicans!!! Won’t completely solve the problem, but it’s a start!
“anarchist syndicalism”
What’s that?
I ain’t into anarchy, because that means no government, which would put me out of work.
In case I forgot to mention it, righton is a Nnazi.
I have known several subscribers to the “Anarcho-Syndicalist” thought. Good people every one of them. And very thoughtful people.
I would not have elected any of them to dog catcher.
Just my take on Anarcho Syndicalism.
And befoe I go to bed, righton IS a nazi.
And MTYDR is a bedwetting, wife beating, two toothed, moron.
Did I mention MTYDR is a coward?
There, I did.
I am not up for getting rid of capitalism. I do believe in personal responsibility though.
Hmmm … no capitalism, no private property, no bosses (i.e., no supervision), self-managing workers … I don’t think it’ll work.
Mark the Redneck will show up, proclaim his love of workers and the labor movement, and pretty soon he’ll be running the factory, skimming the profits, and making the workers work 18-hour days for $1.50 a day.
In case I forgot to mention it, righton is a (N)nazi.
I realize the comprehension of facts is hard for leftist pinheads. So I present from The FEC URL, Abramoff & Friends Contributions:
Patty Murray (D-Wash) $40,980
1. Since 1999, #1 largest recipient: Democratic National Committee – $2,015,250 (non-federal corporate account) – Terry McAuliffe knew where the money came from!
2. 2nd – Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee – $1,614,950 – Patty Murray ran that group.
Try again lefties. Patty received money because she sat on the Senate Subcommittee on Interior(SSOI) which has jurisdiction over funding for the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Man, what a bunch of dingleberries we have to dialog with here on ASSes!
sgmmac@99: Your point was stated as such weeks ago when Tookie was being evaluated for a stay or getting his final meal. You have to forgive Donnastuckassageddon because he has comprehension and retention issues. He is still stuckonstupid since Lt. Gen Honore said that to a reporter repeating the same question the General answered a minute before! You post in 99 was succinct and clear. Unfortunately, he needs remedial assistance and follow-up posts for clarification!
DId I hear a squeak @ 169 and 170?
Must be just a gear loose.
Wow StuckASS@171, you strained your full intellect on that one!
There it goes again… Damn!
First post in a series
Check the the Center for Responsive Politics database of campaign contributions. There is NOT ONE contribution of his $204,253 in campaign contributions from Jack Abramoff OR his family to any Democrats or Democratic leadership political action committees.
Get it? Jack Ambramoff is a Republican through and through, and he represents REPUBLICAN interests.
What I am hearing is purposeful obfuscation of this central and searing truth: that while Democrats have received contributions from Abramoff’s lobbying groups and his clients,there is a big difference between accepting contributions from groups linked to Abramoff, which is legal and proper for either side, and taking contributions in exchange for official actions, which is illegal, and which is at the heart of the ongoing investigations.
Those of you alleging wrongdoing on the part of anyone (R or D) who received contribution from Abramoff client groups might point to evidence of same. Don’t have any? I didn’t think so. Don’t worry, plenty is coming out pretty soon, and it looks bad for the Rs.
See any Democrats being investigated based on Abramoff’s testimony? Scanlon’s? Kidan’s? Ummmm, nope.
Mark the Redneck (aka Mr. Cynical) first asks us to name a “single thing” Patty Murray has done – and quite adeptly several people post proof of her recent leadership on Veterans issues, with a couple quotes from GOP Senators acknowledging her work and leadership. Yet, this pretty simple example to MTR’s challenge doesn’t even register:
-And I’m still waiting for even a single example of Dimbulb’s leadership. Whatever the thing above is about redoing something that somebody else did… is that the best you can do? –
Now, if this isn’t a typical troll tactic, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll I don’t know what is. MTR likely doesn’t even believe half the crap he doles out. What we’re witnessing is less MTR’s political beliefs, and more one person’s disturbied, anti-social behavior which tends to flourish on anonymous comment boards. Could you imagine Mark’s mental circus getting him very far in real life? There’s a reason he never ventures into the real world, where his face couldn’t be hidden and separated from his twisted world view.
At least HA provides a good outlet for malajusted trolls like MTR/Cynical so they don’t end up in the criminal justice or mental health systems, at great cost to us taxpayers.
Everybody make sure to thank Stefan’s pal http://www.soundpolitics.com/archives/003447.html , and fellow Movement Jihadist, Daniel Lapin, for initially introducing Jumpin’ Jack Abrahamoff to Tom Delay. Without this insidious local and national network of right wing ideologue money grubbers, we may not be able to look forward to the inevitable collapse of the far right in coming months. Heck, I don’t care if a moderate of the Republican Party retains control of the Congress – I just want to see Stefan’s Anarchist-Elitist-Talibangelist Alliance fall…and fall HARD.
LR@176: I see you get your news but you don’t read your news. Otherwise, you’d spell Jack Abramoff correctly!
LOL Puddybudd correcting anyone’s spelling is a JOKE
Nice try lib, but it doesn’t work. I’ll say it again for the third fucking time:
I want a single example where Senator Dimbulb was perceptive enough to recgonize a problem, come up with an original creative solution and exhibit bold leadership to make it a reality.
The fact of the matter is that her track record is dismal. All she does is vote as she’s told be Dem leadership. She is the textbook example of a useful idiot. Period.
-I want a single example where Senator Dimbulb was perceptive enough to recgonize a problem, come up with an original creative solution and exhibit bold leadership to make it a reality.-
So, Troll, you had to re-tool the language of your question to try and justify the fact it’s already been answered, thus proving how pointless your ongoing obsession with our recently re-elected Senator really is?
Sorry, MTR – it didn’t work. Unless, of course, you feel adequately funding veterans in the middle of a war is just another “big government scam.”
Second in the series
Abramoff’s campaign contributions are not the point, and netiher are the contributions of the groups who hired him. Often those groups didn’t even know where the money was going.
The point, really, is twofold:
1. A quid pro quo of legislative favors in return for campaing contributions AND other sorts of grease such as skybox attendance, trips abroad paid for (think Tom DeLay and Scotland, Russia, and the Marianas. These “favors” are why Congressman Ney is going down, for example. And wait ’til Ronnie Earl gets the financial records HE supoenaed, Tom.
2. More generally, boatloads of money being funneled around through fron organizations, with Abramoff managing the whole dirty slush fund that brought the GOP to power, enforced its really remarkable party unity, and sustains them in the face of their increasingly unpopular positions.
Example of #2, the Capital Athletic Foundation is a charity founded by and directed by Jack and Pam Abramoff to, their literature says, channel donations to what it describes as “needy and deserving” sportsmanship programs. They’ve raised $6 million, of which $4 million supposedly went to found a Jewish school founded in Columbia (founded by Jack Abramoff). The Eshkol Academy operated for two years and schooled two of his sons before closing this spring with unpaid bills, faculty members said. Did that take $4 million? We’ll wait until Jack sings and the prosecutors finish looking into its finances. But it ain’t no sportsmanship program.
But the Capital Athletic Foundation did more. It paid $150K to fly two fellow lobbyists, the Republican chairman of the House Administration Committee (Bob Ney) and a senior official at the General Services Administration (David Safavian, already indicted) to Scotland for a golf trip aboard a private jet.
Tthe Capital Athletic Foundation also told the IRS it gave away more than $330,000 in grants in 2002 to four other charities that say they never received the money. Intead, the money went to a DeLay-created charity called Celebrations for Children which then took the money to fund yacht trips and other enticements for GOP donors during the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York. I don’t want to forget the $97,000 the Capital Athletic Foundation funneled to Kollel Ohel Tiferet in Israel to purchase military gear for an Orthodox Jewish settlement in the West Bank, inlcuding purchases of camouflage suits, sniper scopes, night-vision binoculars, a thermal imager and other material described in foundation records as “security” equipment. By the way, the tribes were outraged over this. because they tend to favor the Palestinian cause as groups who know about being displaced in their own homeland by invaders.
I think this is why Abramoff was up on charges of fraud. But what was that you were saying about Patty Murray?
More to come.
Well well, look at all the Democrats with their grubby little paws in the Abramoff cookie jar:
Joe Baca (D-Calif) $500
Xavier Becerra (D-Calif) $1,000
Shelley Berkley (D-Nev) $500
Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) $500
David E. Bonior (D-Mich) $5,000
Barbara Boxer (D-Calif) $1,000
John Breaux (D-La) $5,000
Dennis Cardoza (D-Calif) $1,000
Tom Carper (D-Del) $2,000
Brad R. Carson (D-Okla) $3,600
Max Cleland (D-Ga) $2,500
Jim Costa (D-Calif) $1,000
Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) $500
Tom Daschle (D-SD) $2,000
Peter Deutsch (D-Fla) $3,500
Byron L. Dorgan (D-ND) $11,000
Barney Frank (D-Mass) $11,100
Richard A. Gephardt (D-Mo) $1,000
Tom Harkin (D-Iowa)$2,000
John Kerry (D-Mass) $1,400
Dale E. Kildee (D-Mich) $5,500
Jerry Kleczka (D-Wis) $1,000
Mary L. Landrieu (D-La) $4,500
Jim Maloney (D-Conn) $500
Charles J. Melancon (D-La) $2,100
Robert Menendez (D-NJ) $1,000
Patty Murray (D-Wash) $8,000
James L. Oberstar (D-Minn) $3,500
Frank Pallone, Jr (D-NJ) $2,000
Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) $2,000
Earl Pomeroy (D-ND) $1,0000
Nick Rahall (D-WVa) $9,000
Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) $15,000
Richard M. Romero (D-NM) $3,000
Brad Sherman (D-Calif) $2,000
Deborah Ann Stabenow (D-Mich) $5,000
Gene Taylor (D-Miss) $2,250
Gloria Tristani (D-NM) $1,000
Democrat Congressiona campaign Committee $16,000
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $121,500
So, “Moonbat_patrol”
You’re saying that Jack Abramoff personally donated those amounts to those persons and entities? Because if that’s what you’re saying, you’re wrong. See my post @ 174 for a link that will show you the neither he nor his family has EVER donated to a Domcrat or Demcratic committee.
In what time frame were these donations made?
What reference can you cite for us to check the accuracy of your claims? All I see is a bald assertion of names and numbers.
So if these donations were made by organizations who happened to hire Arbramoff as an agent, how do you know that they were made to exact a quid pro quo of some sort of action. What basis do you have to believe this, if any? None, I imagine. Campaign donations are legal and ethical and are in fact how our system works. What is illegal is if they are made as an exchange of money for leglslative or other favorable action, such as when Abramoff nearly $500,000 in donations from some of his clients to Italia Federici, President of the Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy, in return for in return for access to at least two of her close friends, Interior Secretary Gail Norton and Deputy Secretary J. Steven Griles. Now that’s pay for play! The amounts you list are chicken feed compared to what Abramoff has been spreading around elsewhere, off the “campaign contribution” books.