It’s a Stranger kind of day. Josh Feit reports on Slog that Okanogan County rancher Peter Goldmark is back in the race against first term GOP Rep. Cathy McMorris in the 5th Congressional District… and a whole bunch of sources confirm that it is true.
Goldmark’s got a great bio for the district, and while I’ve never met him, those who have assure me that he’ll be a great candidate. This is a guy with stature, and it would be a huge mistake for McMorris to take his challenge lightly.
As Rep. Jay Insee points out in The Stranger’s feature story on Darcy Burner, Republicans could be facing a very tough election… even in solidly red Eastern Washington:
“There’s no way to predict anything in politics, but right now it does look like there’s the potential for a tsunami like the one we experienced in 1994,” Inslee told me. “The conditions that existed then, I believe, exist now. The country is outraged at the ineptitude and incompetence of this administration.”
Inslee says he’s “very impressed” with Burner, but adds that if the electorate is demanding change, it may be enough for her to simply not be Reichert. “Once a tide like that begins to run,” he says, “it doesn’t matter what kind of swimmer you are, you can be swept out.”
The political climate is such that upsets can happen… but in order to win an upset election, you have to have a candidate running. With Goldmark the Democrats have found a very credible challenger who could turn this into a very interesting race.
Cathy McMorris beat Don Barbieri by nearly 20 points to get elected in 2004. Barbieri is a hotel owner who was promoted as a moderate to conservative businessman type of Democrat. Peter Goldmark does have a lot of favorable credentials of a similar vein (plus additional appeal to GOP-leaning rural voters), but it would be hard to improve much on Barbieri. Look for a convincing re-election win for McMorris.
Goldmark would be interesting for another reason. He has a PhD in molecular biology and earns his living through the promotion and production of genetically modified wheat. Genetically modified food is considered to be anathema to the left-wing granola mainstream of the Democrat party. Should be fun to see them swallow Goldmark!
Richard, I haven’t seen any polling yet, but if I were a betting man, I’d sure as hell take Peter Goldmark and 20 points. This election is going to be a lot closer than that.
Cathy McMorris is engaged and getting married soon, certainly well before the election. This will probably help her at least a little bit, and shouldn’t hurt her.
Too bad for you that this is an election, not a bet. That kind of an idea only works for your daddy Ron.
Richard @5,
McMorris is getting married? Jim West will be heartbroken.
Goldy – you are in the mode of yellowdoy Demo. Gret. But Mc Morris will be hard to beat.
That district is still conservative and loves incumbents.
Goldmark has the problem – not of looking good, and being a fine resume – but convincing the voters to change their minds.
People in Spokan leave the couch in the same place in the living room for 28 years. And paint the house the same color for centuries,
Patterns of predictible things – change is not their top list value.
It should be interesting. Peltz is on the ball.
Richard – you ae right. If staged right – the wedding will be a big boost – the social event of the Spokane season. All out, big church, glitz, families – the whole works. Early Sept. for maximum play. Friday – endless weekend stories on TV.
Mc Morris knows that – she says her man is helping on her campaign.
He is retired Naval – and I bet Goldy – he will be in full dress Navay at the ceremony. An impressive look – lots of brass for a full commander. One step from Captain.
It worked for Locke, although Mona had to get pregant as well.
Most elections are decided by independent swing voters. For example, the Survey USA poll that Goldy linked earlier today shows Washington as a whole has 29% Republican, 29% Democrat, and 41% independent. Presumably, the GOP percentage is higher in the 5th district in eastern Washington.
President Bush is pretty unpopular in Washington — 36% approval, and 61% disapproval. Even 27% of Republicans disapprove, as do 92% of Democrats and 64% of independents.
So most of these election depend on how independent voters vote. Many independent voters normally vote Democrat or normally vote Republican. But many of them really are swing voters who split tickets right and left, or change from one party to another, depending on the election, etc.
I can see Mike McGavick getting his ass stomped. The only message he has been able to articulate so far is that President Bush needs to have another Republican in the Senate. I certainly don’t see Washington voters agreeing with that proposition, especially this year.
I think many independent voters will be quite satisfied after they say NO to Mike McGavick. When it comes to folks like Dave Reichert or Cathy McMorris, they will be content to keep them in office. After all, these folks will realize that Washington has six Democrats and three Republicans in the House delegation, and that it is good to keep some sense of partisan balance.
If those numbers were reversed (such as having seven Republicans and two Democrats, as was the case after the 1994 elections), I could see independent voters wanting to retire a few GOP members from this state.
re: McMorris getting married.
Well sure, her wedding could be good PR for her campaign; provided it’s not disrupted by a cadre of jilted lesbian lovers…
Mind you, that’s just a thought… not a suggestion.
“but in order to win an upset election, you have to have a candidate running”
In order to win ANY election, you have to have honest voting machines, and I got a sneaking suspicion they ain’t.
Boy you’re a Pollyanna, Richard! You think nothing has happened in the last five years — no Iraq debacle, no Katrina fiasco, no Abramoff corruption, no wiretapping scandal … click here for picture of Richard Pope:
Hey Richard, I’m one of those swing voters you described. What do you think are the chances of my swinging to a GOP candidate this year? Ever since the neocons took over the GOP, I’ve been swinging 100% to the Dems. Bush, Cheney, Rove, DeLay, Frist, and their ilk may have turned me into a Democrat for life.
Any Republican running for office this year has a millstone around his/her neck, namely the discredited “GOP” brand name. I’ll bet McMorris does the same thing McGavick is doing: Runs ads that don’t tell voters she’s a Republican. Being a Republican candidate in 2006 is like trying to market yourself as “Ted Bundy Escort Services.”
@ 3 “Goldmark would be interesting for another reason. He has a PhD in molecular biology and earns his living through the promotion and production of genetically modified wheat. Genetically modified food is considered to be anathema to the left-wing granola mainstream of the Democrat party. Should be fun to see them swallow Goldmark! ”
How many left-wing granola eaters do you imagine there are in 5th CD, Richard?
Bush Republicans.
Telling a politician they’re a Bush Republican is like having Bush tell you publicly you’re doing a heckuva job.
Kiss of Death.
Patterns of predictible things – change is not their top list value.
It should be interesting. Peltz is on the ball.
Commentby BOB from BOEING— 3/16/06@ 3:56 pm
BOB I hear your friends are moving over there in groves to change the color of that city.
(Although the King 5 web site article doesn’t specifically mention Carns, he is the executive director of “Speakers Roundtable,” the organization behind the robo-ads, and King 5 had a sound bite with Carns on its 5 o’clock news segment today. Basically, Carns said they’re going to do more of it.)
Bob From Boeing: Yes I know about Spokane, but it is changing. Folks there are getting tired of GOP incompetence (I have a parking garage for you!), corruption, hypocrisy (a gay mayor who made his political chops hating gays) and a glacial pace of wage growth. For greens, the Spokane Valley is now one gigantic strip mall from the central business core to Post Falls, ID, and they call this progress?
If they can throw out the Speaker of the House, they can throw out a no-name non-entity GOP Congress Critter.
It’s time for a change. The GOP is ruining this country.
– Sonics stuff – By ROBERT MAK / KING 5 News
SEATTLE – A year ago, Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels was pushing hard for a remodel of Key Arena to keep the Seattle SuperSonics in town.
But when the mayor gave his state of the city speech recently, the Sonics didn’t make the cut.
Nickels is still hoping the team will stay, but he made it clear Wednesday that his focus is the Alaskan Way Viaduct and getting it replaced with a tunnel.
“I’ve got a concern for the Key Arena, not so much if the Sonics make money, that’s not my concern. They’re very rich people, they take care of themselves and they make business decisions,” he said.
The mayor is picking his battles and finding money to replace the viaduct with a tunnel is at the top of his list.
As for the Sonics threatening to leave town, he said the priority is not the Sonics bottom line, but making sure key arena is in the black.
“That’s my concern and we’ll take care of that. But it’s not as immediate a problem and it certainly is not as high a priority as making sure that the Alaskan Way Viaduct is replaced in a safe and appropriate manner,” he said.
And the City Council appears to think the mayor’s got it right.
Several council members said they’re willing to put some money into remodeling key arena, but not the amount the Sonics are asking for.
“If not the mayor to champion the Sonics, I don’t know who is going to be their champion,” said Councilman Peter Steinbrueck.
Some council members say the mayor is sending a strong signal that the public doesn’t have the appetite, for subsidizing a $200 million remodel of Key Arena, even if that means losing a team.
“So be it,” said Steinbrueck, “they may have to find their way somewhere else. Who knows, maybe Bellevue will figure out a plan for them, but we just cannot spend that kind of money again
And the world won’t end of the Sonics leave, said Nickels.
“I think that’s one of the things that makes this a vibrant place. But we can also imagine a future without NBA basketball that could be perfectly fine out at the Seattle Center.”
“We’ve been working hard on the issue. But realistically, there’s a chance that they won’t be part of the future, and we need to consider that and have plans for that.”
The Sonics owners’ group will meet in about two weeks and which time the team says the owners will consider all options, including the possibility of selling the team.
@ 20 Great post PTBAA, very well put.
Freedom is starting to ring around the country. School boards are giving the middle finger to the NEA and other brain washing child molesters in the public schools. States are standing up for their rights and banning abortion. This is what we voted for in 2004. God bless America!!!
It will be a beautiful day when the monopolistic public school system is broken up. It cant come soon enough. We need to free the children to actually learn something instead of liberal indoctrination.
Keep those tape recorder rolling kids. You are fighting for freedom from oppression. Every liberal teacher you out gets us one step closer.
Roger @ 19:
Thanks for the info on Mr. Carns. Perhaps we need to launch a campaign to remind HA readers of his tawdry deeds everv time he comments here. It’s been nice seeing JCH on the defensive lately; maybe it’s time to spread the wealth.
Keep those tape recorder rolling kids. You are fighting for freedom from oppression. Every liberal teacher you out gets us one step closer.
Commentby RUFUS— 3/16/06@ 7:50 pm
RUFUS you are getting as ludicrous as Roger the rabbit? Where are you getting your infomation from moveondotorg?
I am starting to think the trolls are actually paid signature gatherer’s instead of genuine caring citizens.
A few days ago, I read in the papers that Seattle has a $500,000,000 backlog of critical bridge and street repairs, and Nickels wants a tax increase for this purpose.
Nickels probably realizes he can’t give city taxpayers’ money to a sports team owned by a billionaire at the same time he’s asking for a tax increase for bridge and street repairs.
“Freedom is starting to ring around the country. School boards are giving the middle finger to the NEA and other brain washing child molesters in the public schools. States are standing up for their rights and banning abortion. This is what we voted for in 2004. God bless America!!! Commentby RUFUS— 3/16/06@ 7:43 pm”
Speaking of school boards and giving the middle finger:
“DOVER, Pa. – Voters came down hard Tuesday on school board members who backed a statement on intelligent design being read in biology class, ousting eight Republicans and replacing them with Democrats who want the concept stripped from the science curriculum.”
Doofus needs a new scriptwriter.
“We need to free the children to actually learn something instead of liberal indoctrination. Commentby RUFUS— 3/16/06@ 7:45 pm”
Most parents need the public schools to keep their kids incarcerated while they’re trying to make a living in the Bush economy.
“RUFUS you are getting as ludicrous as Roger the rabbit? Where are you getting your infomation from moveondotorg? Commentby klake— 3/16/06@ 8:45 pm”
What can I say?! It’s a sure sign that things aren’t going well for Doofus when Flaky Klake lumps him with Roger Rabbit!
The trollfucks’ unity appears to be cracking.
“I am starting to think the trolls are actually paid signature gatherer’s instead of genuine caring citizens. Jimmy Commentby jimmy— 3/16/06@ 8:45 pm”
How long did you have to think about this?
Posts 29, 31, 32, 33, and 34 are by Roger Rabbit.
Now that we’ve got that fixed, although I did NOT post #30, it was obviously typed by another rabbit, and since I can easily understand bunny language, I’ll translate it for you:
“George W. Bush is a meathead, and his supporters are meatheads too.”
Roger Rabbit, I must confess the last few days RUFUS and PuddyBud have become more and more caricatures.
PuddyBud playing the insane snake oil salseman preacher, RUFUS playing the .. uh.. town… uh … dumbass.
It really is exciting to see how confused they are. It is like the earth itself had been ripped away beneath their feet.
33% apporoval ratings for your leader will do that.
I feel sorry for them.
Really, I hope they all live out their lives feeling the bitter taste of having backed the worst.administration.ever.
They are going to be very, very bitter old men.
Have you noticed the sudden Republican interest in “partisan balance”? We’ll “partisan balance” your asses as hard as we can and rub your noses in it to boot.
I don’t know, Donna. I think Puddy and Rufus are serene in their fortress of ignorance.
I said the INDEPENDENT voters have an interest in partisan balance. DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS do not — they would prefer to elect only members of their own party to every position.
In any event, the 5th district is too Republican leaning for Cathy McMorris to get beaten. In the 8th district, Dave Reichert is perceived as a moderate, and should get re-elected. He won an open seat against a Democrat who was perceived as a moderate, and should do even better when running for re-election.
Here is an interesting question: If the Democrats think Rodney Tom is the best thing since sliced bread, why don’t they nominate him to run for Congress against Reichert? Why run someone (Darcy Burner) that no one has ever heard of and has never been elected to anything, when they could have someone who has represented almost 20% of the district’s voters in the legislature the past four years, and presumably has some appeal to moderate Republicans and independents?
I worked on Barbieri’s campaign and I must say, I lost a lot of confidence in the 5th CD on Nov. 2nd, 2004. Barbieri really was a real good 5th CD candidate, and he still ended up losing by a huge margin.
I may have a little more faith in Goldmark, but I still refuse to get my hopes up. We have a Democratic momentum coming, but if I was a betting man I’d bet McMorris by 5. She is too likable in a Laura Bush kind of way.
That being said, I also predict I will spend hundreds of hours helping Goldmark. *sigh*
Gerald, keep your chin up!
I think the Republicans all over Washington are gonna have a very bad 2006 Thanksgiving.
Go Gerald – speaking for the unwashed and non anointed here at ass – do reg. posts when you get into the campaign.
Between the Seattle media and blogs, we will want to puke over the hundreds of Reichert race stories – the 5th race will be very interesting. Like something happening in Latvia….
Promise? – I can offer a piece of 707 wing tip as an incentive. Maybe a couple of old cockpit dials.
I think the Republicans all over Washington are gonna have a very bad 2006 Thanksgiving.
Commentby Donnageddon— 3/16/06@ 11:57 pm
Donnageddon you could be right with Ron Sims and Dean Logan stuffing the ballot box. Politics works like a pendulum on a clock if it swings far left it will have to swing as far right. The only thing about the pendulum and politics nothing returns to normal until it starts to run down. A bunch of functional illiterates who have no clue of what its vision should be tomorrow now runs the State of Washington. It is quite possible that it will look like France today but lacking any class. You can stick any party in office they both lack leadership, and the results will still be the same sad story.
“…..with Ron Sims and Dean Logan stuffing the ballot box….. A bunch of functional illiterates who have no clue of what its vision should be tomorrow now runs the State of Washington… It is quite possible that it will look like France today but lacking any class…. blah blah blah….”
Hey Klake, you have any good quotes from the BARNES REVIEW (Nazi Holocaust Deniers) that you want to post?
C’mon Klake, post some more Nazi propaganda!
marks will like it!
Klake proved that Blacks and Indians had more slaves than White Americans.
He quoted the Nazi Holocaust Deniers “The BARNES REVIEW”!!!!
Short order history lesson, if you need more info let me know. Thanks klake
By Robert M. Grooms
� 1997
In an 1856 letter to his wife Mary Custis Lee, Robert E. Lee called slavery “a moral and political evil.†Yet he concluded that black slaves were immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially and physically.
The fact is large numbers of free Negroes owned black slaves; in fact, in numbers disproportionate to their representation in society at large. In 1860 only a small minority of whites owned slaves. According to the U.S. census report for that last year before the Civil War, there were nearly 27 million whites in the country. Some eight million of them lived in the slaveholding states.
The census also determined that there were fewer than 385,000 individuals who owned slaves (1). Even if all slaveholders had been white, that would amount to only 1.4 percent of whites in the country (or 4.8 percent of southern whites owning one or more slaves).
In the rare instances when the ownership of slaves by free Negroes is acknowledged in the history books, justification centers on the claim that black slave masters were simply individuals who purchased the freedom of a spouse or child from a white slaveholder and had been unable to legally manumit them. Although this did indeed happen at times, it is a misrepresentation of the majority of instances, one which is debunked by records of the period on blacks who owned slaves. These include individuals such as Justus Angel and Mistress L. Horry, of Colleton District, South Carolina, who each owned 84 slaves in 1830. In fact, in 1830 a fourth of the free Negro slave masters in South Carolina owned 10 or more slaves; eight owning 30 or more (2).
Comment by klake — 3/16/06 @ 8:58 pm
Damn, Klake! More power to ya…(oh, yeah…fuck you Donna)…
Comment by marks — 3/16/06 @ 9:04 pm
Comment by Donnageddon — 3/17/06 @ 12:07 am
You Posted the BARNES REVIEW!!!
Fucking Nazi.
Comment by Donnageddon — 3/17/06 @ 12:34 am
Klake, how is using Holocaust Deniers to prove your points working out for you?
Not so well?
Fucking Nazi.
Comment by Donnageddon — 3/17/06 @ 12:35 am
Roger Rabbit, I know you think righton is a nazi.. and prriss… But Klake even quotes articles by Nazis!
marks the “middle of the road guy”, what do you think about your support for a Nazi Holocaust denier?
You feel real “middle of the road”?
Good, time you were run over.
Associated Press reports tonight a TSA lawyer’s witness-tampering in Moussaoui’s death penalty hearing was prompted by lawyers for United and American airlines who didn’t want prosecutors to argue the 9/11 hijackings were preventable, because this would undercut the airlines’ defense against lawsuits filed by families of 9/11 victims that the hijackings couldn’t have been prevented.
Now the question is, why did the TSA lawyer cooperate with the airlines’ lawyers, when what they asked her to do was unethical and in contempt of court? I strongly suspect this decision was not made by the TSA lawyer, but by higher ups in the Bush administration who wanted to help the airlines. So … how high does it go … and what consideration did the Republicans receive from the airlines in the form of cash, campaign contributors, or other payola?
As Hamlet would say, Denmark is getting stinkier by the minute. This just might be the Bush administration’s next big scandal.
To Bob from Boeing:
Don’t confuse peoples proclivities regarding
interior design to politics;remember the
former Spokane congressman and Speaker of the House
Tom Foley,a true liberal,who was defeated
by conservative Nethercutt.
Bob you pussy!
If you think you can go over to Eastern Washington and sell your Fronk (remember the Wedding Planner) Agenda, I’d say you are sadly mistaken. Most folks in Eastern Washington HATE perpetual victims like you, Goldy & the rest of the KLOWNS!.
Swishing around from door-to-door saying “poor me” won’t fly in Eastern WA. Stay home and work the Freemount District!
Oh and Gerald–
I truly hope Bob and his ilk haven’t successfully recruited you yet for their special Democrat Men’s Club. Young, naive KLOWNS such as yourself are easy targets.
A bunch of hot talk, a lot of liquor and the next thing you know Gerald you’re comin’ outta the closet to your Granny!!!
Hey Ron — Interior design has nothing to do with it. In fact, the allusion was a metaphor for Foley, who once they had elected him, voters were loath to change horses.
In the same way, as a conservative area, the change, change, change mantra does not sell well.
Mc Morris will have to be worse than, as one blogger here Gerald put it, “a sort of Laura Bush type, ” to be tossed out of office.
By the way, I would feel better with Laura as president. Once I realized Nancy Reagn was running the country, I relaxed a lot.
C – you are a tiresome bore. Get a life.
Mr. C – you are such an air head drunk. F A C T – in Spokane several years ago the good folks voted to keep anti discimination city law on the books.
Yes, C, gay and lesbian folks won a vote and kept those laws – in the Eastern Washington bastion of mainstream North West culture.
If you ever see the clue bus go by, D O jump on. You silly old fart, you are so out of touch. Your hatred and self oppression are only corrosive to you. Sad – and key hole peeping at others bedrooms can land you in jail, Mr Peeping C.
If a republican gay man who uses a government computer to troll for little boys for sex (Jim West) can get elected east of the mountains, anyone can.
If a republican gay man who uses a government computer to troll for little boys for sex (Jim West) can get elected east of the mountains, anyone can.
Democrats: economic parasites.
What to turn the uSA into a third world shit hole?? Vote Democrat!!!!!!!!!!
@52 What an idiot. Foley was defeated by a slimey early Rovian style attack by a lying sack of shit scumbag, “term limits” Nethercutt. One of the slimey allegations by Republifucks was that Foley had a”thing” for little boys.
What an ironic hoot that Spokane elected, and then outed the real thing in Jim West.
JCH, what does the RADM stand for? Rearend Admirer?
C – you are a tiresome bore. Get a life.
Commentby BOB from BOEING— 3/17/06@ 7:03 am
Did I hurt your feelings Bobby??? You are, as always, quite “thin-skinned”.
I don’t believe making laws around sexual orientation is good public policy. What’s next Bobby? Your sexual urges are one thing….your decision to act on them are a decision. You can’t decide whether or not to be Black or Hispanic. However, if people choose to ACT on sexual urges, that is a choice. Go ahead and bang away my friend. I just don’t believe we need to get the law involved in your CHOICE to act.
Is “rear admiral” the rank assigned to the Navy’s chief proctologist?
What a rhetorical cesspool — and that’s just what Mr. Carns and friends want. Distract, obfuscate, destroy. Hey, they do what works!
JCH @ 60. Obviously being locked up in your mothers basement and not having the ability to surf for news (maybe your mommy blocked the news sights?) you would realize that your NeoCON Missadministration is turning the US into a 3rd world nation rather quickly. The USA was once the world leader in human rights – not anymore, the USA was once the leader in citizens rights – not anymore, the USA was once the leader in social infrastructure – not anymore, the US once cared for their poor – not any more, the US dollar was once the currency of choice – not anymore.. Why should the Dems try and change us to a third world country? We are fast approaching that level without the Democratic voice being heard in Congress for 6 years.
The Barnes Review is a really nutty website. It is run by Willis Carto, a veteran anti-Semite and Holocaust denier. Carto used to be involved with some other anti-Semitic groups, but he embezzled at least $7.5 million from them. They sued him and got a multi-million dollar judgment against Carto. So Carto set up his own anti-Semitic groups. Carto accuses all the other anti-Semites of actually being agents of Zionism and supported by the CIA, Jewish groups and the Israeli Mossad.
“Really, I hope they all live out their lives feeling the bitter taste of having backed the worst.administration.ever. They are going to be very, very bitter old men. Commentby Donnageddon— 3/16/06@ 10:20 pm”
I hope they live a long time, so they twist in the wind a long time. I hope they get heckled mercilessly in the old folks’ home. Then, when they die, I hope they go to Hell.
37 (continued)
I also hope they get painful bunions, and die slow lingering deaths.
37 (continued)
And I won’t feel sorry for them. I have only so much sympathy, so I don’t waste any of it on child molesters, mass murderers, or Republicans.
“I don’t know, Donna. I think Puddy and Rufus are serene in their fortress of ignorance. Commentby headless lucy— 3/16/06@ 11:08 pm”
I love that serene look on the faces of the dead after the roof collapses on them.
Richard — take your partisan balance and shove it up your ass! Make no mistake, we’re going to get even.
Gerald, even if you turn out to be right (let’s hope not), your work for Goldmark will not be in vain. If 5th CD District Democrats make a good effort and mount a competitive challenge against McMorris, you will force the Republicans to pour resources into that race they otherwise could have used somewhere else, which might result in a Democratic win somewhere else.
klake the flake – Nazi/White Supremacist
“Donnageddon you could be right with Ron Sims and Dean Logan stuffing the ballot box. Commentby klake— 3/17/06@ 12:35 am”
God you sound like a scratchy record. Get a new fucking script, this one’s worn out.
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi.
“Oh and Gerald–I truly hope Bob and his ilk haven’t successfully recruited you yet for their special Democrat Men’s Club. Young, naive KLOWNS such as yourself are easy targets. A bunch of hot talk, a lot of liquor and the next thing you know Gerald you’re comin’ outta the closet to your Granny!!! Commentby Mr. Cynical— 3/17/06@ 6:59 am”
You’re confusing the Democrat Men’s Club with the Spokane Republican establishment.
Hey Bob — have you ever met Mr. Cynical? Here’s his photo:
You should have no trouble recognizing him next time you drop by BIAW to get your L&I tax refund.
Oops, I forgot — BIAW only gives those refunds to Dino, not to the workers who are supposed to get the benefits the L & I taxes are supposed to pay for.
“Democrats: economic parasites. Commentby RADM JCH— 3/17/06@ 7:52 am”
Really? Let’s test this hypothesis against real-life facts. Goldy, a Democrat, owns this blog and I’m sure it’s costing him an outlay to keep it on the internet. How much are you paying Goldy for the privilege of posting here? Or are you a
Let me guess … JCH = freeloader
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi.
“Carto used to be involved with some other anti-Semitic groups, but he embezzled at least $7.5 million from them.”
I don’t know about you, Richard, but I just love it when these scumbags steal from each other. That shouldn’t even be a crime.
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
In case I forgot to mention it, klake is a nazi
RR- No thanks, but I do understand you like the guy, he looks like the grounds keeper that leaves thos nice snacks for you. Beware.
Roger Rabbit, Have you “enjoyed” Bob from Boeing?????? You know…..9 inches of Democrat “Tookie” love????????
Let me guess … JCH = freeloader
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/17/06@ 11:50 am [Er……..Try private sector taxpayer……Suck on that like you suck on the Bob from Boeing’s 9 inch “Tookie”!!!!!!!!!]
Bob from Boeing, Are you gay? Do you know GBS????
JCH, you really need to move on from Tookie. Please! Use another foil. I suggest Donnageddon. He is really stupid. He won’t comprehend your comments. When the point hits you between the eyes, Donnageddon asks “What’s your point?” The amount of grey matter in Donnageddon is equivalent to a newborn baby!
Klake believes that Black’s and Indians had more slaves than white people!
How does he know? The Nazi publication BARNES REVIEW told him so!
C’mon Klake spread some more Nazi propaganda!
PuddyBud, why do you lie?
PuddyBud, do you believe in the Easter Bunny?
Why do you hate the easter Bunny?
Actually, Klake quoted from an article posted on the website of That website took material from the Nazi website of the so-called “Barnes Review”.
I don’t see anything obvious on the americancivilwar website to alert someone that it is associated with dangerous extremists. It would have been different if Klake had taken the material directly from the “Barnes Review” website.
Different? How Pope?
Klake actually believed such incredible bullshit, and used a reference from the BARNES REVIEW.
It may show that Klake has an incredibly maleable mind that any Nazi can shovel crap into, or that Klake is a Nazi.
Either way, there is absolutely nothing he can say now that anyone can take seriously at all.
And Richard, by defending a Nazi and Halocaust denier, you lose all credibility too.
Mr. Cyclical: What the Bunnies believe in
1. Energy-saving technologies to combat climate change.
2. Clean water and clean air
3. Pesticide free carrots
4. Peace and Love
5. Happy Music (No Right Wing Hate Talk Radio polluting minds)
6. Good Karma
(Republicans are full of shit and hate)
(Republican haters have bad Karma)
7. Lots of parks and green grass :)
8. No war (Wars are bad for all living creatures)
Donna @ 94
I didn’t see you denounce for posting a story from the Nazi-loving Holocaust-denying “Barnes Review” on their website.
By failing to denounce, you are defending Nazi-lovers and Holocaust-deniers.
That makes you a Nazi-lover and Holocaust-denier and takes away all your credibility.
So there!
Richard… I know you like to drink a bit, but…
You logic is flawed.
1. Donnageddon decries Klake’s obvious racism
2. Donnaggeddon does not decry everyone’s racism
Therefore Donnageddon is a racist
That is, what the experts call, BULLSHIT!
Now my argument is this:
1. Klake is a Nazi
2. Richard Pope supports Klake
Therefore: RIchard Pope is a Nazi supporter!
You see, Richard, My logic is impecable. Yours is the kind of logic Nazi supporters use.
Happy Nazi Supporting Richard! I hope it works out for you!
Mr. Cyclical: What the Bunnies believe in
1. Energy-saving technologies to combat climate change.
2. Clean water and clean air
3. Pesticide free carrots
4. Peace and Love
5. Happy Music (No Right Wing Hate Talk Radio polluting minds)
6. Good Karma
(Republicans are full of shit and hate)
(Republican haters have bad Karma)
7. Lots of parks and green grass
8. No war (Wars are bad for all living creatures)
Commentby Amsterdam Forever :)— 3/17/06@ 9:51 pm
So Rog….how does Peace and Love work when Islamic Fundamentalist Extremists are wantin’ to skin you alive?
Happy Music apparently dulls the embarrassment of living in a society where KLOWNS expect the guv’mint to take care of ’em.
No argument from me on the Ecology issues…
Where would Society be today if “free people” did not defend freedon and spread Democracy? We’d be slaves in a repressive world Rog. No War??? Sounds good…but as long as human beings populate the Earth with different religous beliefs, it’s pretty naive and hollow.
I’m against War too….except when outside forces threated our freedom. Can’t fight back AFTER they’ve taken it from us.