Speaking of prognostication, the Seattle P-I reports that the AP has declared Peter Goldmark the winner in the race for Commissioner of Public Lands, while Superintendent of Public Instruction Terry Bergeson has conceded her race to challenger Randy Dorn.
Great news about Peter Goldmark. We need him in there.
Interesting that Bergeson would be the one to concede. The SPI race doesn’t fit the standard left-right counties model at all. That there are still so many votes to be counted in King shouldn’t necessarily mean that Dorn’s a sure thing. Yes, I know he’s slightly ahead in the King balloting reported thus far.
N @2,
Well, one would hope that Bergeson of all people, could do the math.
Hazzah on Goldmark!
Quite simply, Bergeson had been doing a lot of nothing (see: McDermottitus) – esp in regards to WASL overhaul – but didn’t have Jim’s 70% golden pillow.
Goldy, I don’t think electoral turnout and county voting distributions are on the WASL.
BTW, has Allen Martin conceded yet? He’s another one who should (if he’s actually qualified to be Treasurer) know the ballot math.
And things look a hell of a lot worse for him than they do for either Sutherland or Bergeson.
I worked like a dog to elect Peter Goldmark, and he got more of my money than any candidate on the ballot.
Peter and I and 300 other Democratic Party and union activists slogged through the flood mud of Lewis County in April cleaning debris out of farmers’ fields that Sutherland’s lax oversight had enabled. Peter is a terrific guy, and dedicated to manging our public lands evenhandedly and prudently.
But if you are Glacier Northwest, you are in deep “oh, shit” territory right now, where you richly deserve to be.
So…. how’s the Seattle Time’s editorial board endorsements stacking up???? In how many races have the voters (and presumptive potential readers) agreed with them?
The Columbian letters page is a reliable source of wingnuttery, so I figured I’d find some examples of righty post-election bitterness there, and I did. In addition to the usual crap — Marxism, the lazy working class, ad nauseum — is this silliness from Candace Alvarez of Vancouver:
“In listening to John McCain’s concession speech on election night, I was reminded yet again of why I supported him. I have never known a man with so much courage, honor, patriotism and graciousness. He is a man guided by principles. He is a great leader. My hope now is that the president-elect has enough humility and wisdom to learn from his example.”
What we have here, ladies and gents, is someone who thinks the candidate who ran the dirtiest and most negative campaign in living memory is principled, courageous, patriotic, gracious, and a great leader. Words cease to have meaning when people fling them around like that. The topper is her injunction that President-Elect Obama “learn from” McCain. No, dearie, Obama is not interested in doing things McCain’s way. That, in fact, is what this election was about.
Not everyone in Vancouver is nuts. Brad Lasher wrote to the Columbian:
“Note to Republicans everywhere: The rest of us, fully half of the country, are allowed to disagree with you. I don’t consider you any less American for disagreeing with me.”
Goldy! Please do a post-mortem on Seattle Times’ endorsements.
Tak skål du have
Lets hope he does a better job with this than the dept of Agriculture. What a buffoon
8 Obama, as you will soon find out, is so over his head its not even funny. The only reason he got elected is because the American people are so retarded and know more about
American Idol than they do those who govern.
They think all of the financial meltdown is
the fault of Bush and the Republicans when in
fact it is the results of failed liberal ideas.
Roger, you are just smart enough to know that
what I say is true but you will never admit it.
Let the show begin!
failed liberal ideas? If you believe that, you are either a fool or have no idea about history.
History lesson: forever, there have been battles between people who have power and those who don’t. in our country’s history, it’s been between corporatists and workers. Or the robber barons and the unions, or the federalists vs the democratic-republican party…you get the idea.
Sometimes the workers get represented (FDR), sometimes it’s the corporations (Reagen, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush II). for the last 30 years, it’s been the corporations.
I’ve heard it floated that had trusts called themselves corporations, we’d have anti-corporation laws, not anti-trust laws.
Jefferson wanted to include a ban on monopolies in the bill of rights. The federalists prevented it.
There will always be people who try to game the system for themselves. Don’t put those people in charge of government. And if they are in business, make damn sure that there is some transparency in what they do. That is the most basic thing that can be done to make a fix out of this mess caused by the great deregulators, aka republicans. Liberals? If you disagree with these quickly drafted points, you are fool.
Peter Goldmark will be a great Lands Commissioner. How many times does a state get a chance to have a person who has a Ph.D. in a scientific field, who is a rancher, who wears boots, and who–get this, wingnuts–is a liberal, take a statewide office that counts with regard to preserving and protecting what is left of this beautiful state? We are in good hands in this state, except for our Attorney General.
@6 Ivan;
I have a couple of questions for Pete, maybe because you know him personally, you may have some insight. I tried contacting him (2x)during the campaign to no avail.
-What are his views on motorized recreation on our DNR lands? In my area, it is a source of income to local communities, especially those that have lost their mills. (Clarification, I lived in a lumber/ranching/farming town, border DNR land, and I am an active ORV’r).
-As I am recent School Board member, how will he keep “the cash flowing” if he decreases logging? This was always a concern with the ever tightening WA school budgets.
-Will he take local uses/interests into account? I believe he will, but many local users are wary anytime someone has the words “Sierra Club” as an endorsement. My basic thought is that recreation needs to be guided locally; ie the capitol state forest has different management needs then the recreation types on the cascade east slopes. If he enhances recreation for ALL user types, this would be a big plus.
Thanks for any reply,
Farmer Fred (have a nice day, also)
Obama, as you will soon find out, is so over his head its not even funny. The only reason he got elected is because the American people are so retarded and know more about
American Idol than they do those who govern.
Wow! This is the same racist winner who said the typical American wouldn’t vote for a “jigaboo”.
They think all of the financial meltdown is
the fault of Bush and the Republicans when in
fact it is the results of failed liberal ideas.
The financial meltdown happened on the White House chimp’s watch. Gee the guy can get the FISA law he wants from the Dem Congress, start a couple wars, double the national debt and torture guys with funny last names but he can’t prevent the financial markets from melting down. What a loser! Those who subscribe to failed right wing ideas will let you down every time.
Roger, you are just smart enough to know that what I say is true but you will never admit it. Let the show begin!
Nothing you’ve said is true. You’ve been wrong on just about everything. You’re a total loser but who’s counting?
trying to stay ‘positive’, a critical requirement to keep the seasame street / teletubby non critical thinking happy happys from using their pathetic labels like angry, negative, bitter, cynical
yawn. I say to people —
I applaud their efforts to try something new,
I applaud their hard work,
Their results were a disaster for our kids,
and their response was to blame teachers for NOT implementing teaching practices turned ideology.
While some of their practices are definitely good supplements,
they are NOT the cure alls promised by the philosophy turned ideology and philosophy turned dogma.
I can NOT applaud their efforts in digging in their heels to protect their jobs making failure,
their efforts blaming those of us doing the job 50++++ hours a week OUT IN REALITY.
p.s. back to our normal programming – GOOD RIDDANCE.
trying to stay ‘positive’, a critical requirement to keep the seasame street / teletubby non critical thinking happy happys from using their pathetic labels like angry, negative, bitter, cynical
yawn. I say to people —
I applaud their efforts to try something new,
I applaud their hard work,
Their results were a disaster for our kids,
and their response was to blame teachers for NOT implementing teaching practices turned ideology.
While some of their practices are definitely good supplements to good teaching,
they are NOT the cure alls promised by the philosophy turned ideology and philosophy turned dogma.
I can NOT applaud their efforts in digging in their heels to protect their jobs making failure,
their efforts blaming those of us doing the job 50++++ hours a week OUT IN REALITY.
p.s. back to our normal programming – GOOD RIDDANCE.
trying to stay ‘positive’, a critical requirement to keep the seasame street / teletubby non critical thinking happy happys from using their pathetic labels like angry, negative, bitter, cynical
yawn. I say to people —
I applaud their efforts to try something new,
I applaud their hard work,
Their results were a disaster for our kids,
and their response was to blame teachers for NOT implementing teaching practices turned ideology.
While some of their practices are definitely good supplements,
they are NOT the cure alls promised by the philosophy turned ideology and philosophy turned dogma.
I can NOT applaud their efforts in digging in their heels to protect their jobs making failure,
their efforts blaming those of us doing the job 50++++ hours a week OUT IN REALITY.
p.s. back to our normal programming – GOOD RIDDANCE.
#8, They are in opppositeland.
I don’t think there is a way to reach those people.
Dorn’s election is a complete but very welcome surprise. Bergeson has absolutely destroyed math education in the state making private education very attractive for the college bound. Dorn needs to work with the legislature to bring our math standards and studies up to the level of other industrial nations. Our students are routinely outperformed by ones from Europe and Asia. This vote was not Obama’s coattails so much as utter frustration of parents with children in public schools. Good bye Terry and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
It is interesting that we have someone who the environmentalists have nick-named “The Lorax” managing (defending) our states forest lands. Wonder how we will pay for an increasing education budget when you pull out the funds from timber harvest? Hug a tree – forget about education.