Goddamn Seahawks. Goddamn NBC “Sunday Football Night.” Goddamn preemption.
You’d think by now that 710-KIRO management would realize that most Seattlites would rather listen to me talk politics than listen to the Seahawks and the post-game coverage. But no.
Anyway, I won’t be on the air tonight, but I’ll be back next Sunday in my usual 7 to 10PM slot. And mark your calendar, as I’ll be filling in for Dave Ross and Ron Reagan during Christmas week. That’s 10AM to 1PM, December 25th through 29th.
Shows you how stupid most Seattlites are.
What do you expect from a team that Mark the Welshing Redneck roots for?
Hey Redneck — whooooo is responsible for unlocking the boom and making sure the crane can weathervane?
Go Seahawks!!!!!!!!
5 Hmmm, why do you suppose the so-called “liberal media” don’t wingnut terrorism?
“11/28/2006 10:25:26 AM
” … On September 11, 2006, … a man crashed his car into a building in Davenport, Iowa, hoping to blow it up and kill himself in the fire. No national newspaper, magazine, or network newscast reported this attempted suicide bombing ….
“Had the criminal, David McMenemy, been Arab or Muslim, this would have been headline news for weeks. But since his target was the Edgerton Women’s Health Center … media have not called this terrorism ….
“Since 1977, casualties … include seven murders, 17 attempted murders, three kidnappings, 152 assaults, 305 completed or attempted bombings and arsons, 375 invasions, 482 stalking incidents, 380 death threats, 618 bomb threats, 100 acid attacks, and 1,254 acts of vandalism, according to the National Abortion Federation.
“Abortion providers and activists received 77 letters threatening anthrax attacks before 9/11 …. After 9/11, Planned Parenthood and other abortion-rights groups received 554 envelopes containing white powder and messages like: ‘You have been exposed to anthrax. . . . We are going to kill all of you.’ …
“Which brings us back to car bomber, McMenemy. According to the Detroit Free Press (the only newspaper in the Nexis news database that reported his crime), he targeted the women’s health center because he thought it provided abortions. It doesn’t. (Oops!) It provides mostly low-income patients with pap smears, ob-gyn care, testing for sexually transmitted diseases, birth control, and nutrition and immunization programs for women and children. The attack caused $170,000 in property damage and left poor families without health care for a week. …
Every fresh incident of anti-abortion terrorism is a reminder that women’s health supporters are not safe in a country where … zealots believe Jesus has empowered them to kill ….
“Is McMenemy a lone nut case, or a member of that network of violent extremists? We don’t know, because journalists haven’t investigated. Nor have they reported that just last year, nearly one in five abortion clinics experienced gunfire, arson, bombings, chemical attacks, assaults, stalking, death threats, and blockades, according to the 2005 National Clinic Violence Survey. …
“As we continue national debates on how to keep America safe from terrorism, journalists do us — and especially women — no good pretending that the threats come only from radical Muslims outside our borders. …”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete article and/or copyright info see http://tinyurl.com/y4qe83
Seahawks 24, Broncos 17
Warning: Test results may be given to the FBI, your employer, your girlfriend, your kids, and your dog without your knowledge or consent.
Question 1: People who kill abortion doctors are
[ ] 1. Savings babies
[ ] 2. Terrorists
Question 2: People who bomb abortion clinics are
[ ] 1. Doing God’s work
[ ] 2. Terrorists
Question 3: People who mail envelopes of white powder to health providers are
[ ] 1. Good Christians
[ ] 2. Terrorists
Question 4: Snipers who shoot at abortion clinic staff are
[ ] 1. Morally upright
[ ] 2. Terrorists
Question 5: People who support anti-abortion terrorism are
[ ] 1. True Americans
[ ] 2. Terrorists
Hint: There is one throwaway answer for each question.
Who’s to blame for not unlocking the crane boom so it could weathervane?
[ ] 1. The drug-using crane operator
[ ] 2. The contractor’s safety director
[ ] 3. The Microsoft attorney sleeping in his apartment
[ ] 4. Bill Clinton
Who’s to blame for not paying Mark the Welsher Redneck’s gambling debt?
[ ] 1. Mark the Welsher Redneck
[ ] 2. The safety director
[ ] 3. http://www.operation-helmet.org/
[ ] 4. Bill Clinton
Read the following comment:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM” http://tinyurl.com/ydlfwu
Who is most likely to be a threat to airline passengers?
[ ] 1. FullContactPolitics
[ ] 2. Praying Muslims
[ ] 3. The airport safety director
[ ] 4. Bill Clinton
When you wingnut trollfuck traitors finish answering all the questions above, report back. These brainteasers should keep your pea brains tied in knots for awhile.
I suppose the MSM would argue they don’t report anti-abortion terrorism because it happens so frequently it isn’t considered “news.”
According to my dictionary, a hawk is “a supporter of a war or a warlike policy”. Seattle spoke out against the war in the November elections, and also against the Sonics. Football is a violent activity — like the oil war, it leaves many participants severely injured. After present contracts expire, KIRO should boycott the Seahawks or move away from Seattle.
According to my dictionary a stupid brain dead “hawk who supports oil wars that his own children do not fight and die in is a REPUBLICAN. aLL rEPUBLICANS SHOULD LEAVE THE sEATTLE AREA BECAUSE THEY ARE CHICKENSHIT.
I watch out for hawks every time I stick my nose out of my reinforced-concrete underground bunker (a.k.a. rabbit hole).
Can anyone explain why humans fight so much over a funny-looking oblong-shaped ball? If they want one so bad, why don’t they just go to K-Mart and buy one? You can get them for 10 bucks.
Humans are strange.
Yes, I wanted to listen to your show but found only the game. I’ll try again
next week.
(Jimmy’s mom)
Roger Rabbit @ 11
FullContactPolitics really is Mark Griswold, former GOP nominee for 43rd District State Rep, former Chair of the 43rd District Republicans, and favorite of current King County GOP leadership. For example:
Roger Rabbit @ 11 cont’d
And if you follow the link you provided to Sound Politics, the e-mail address given for FullContactPolitics is mark@markwgriswold.com
If you go to http://www.markwgriswold.com , you get Mark Griswold’s resume’, which starts off with:
Mark Griswold
1916 Pike Place #12567 (206) 910-7627
Seattle, WA 98101 mark@markwgriswold.com
Rabbit – Have you seen something about weathervaning that I missed? The girrlz at the PI repeated something they heard in passing, but I don’t see anything that says it did or did not happen.
Still not a shred of evidence that the operator did anything wrong. Still no evidence that Tamara Hardy had any fucking business being in her job.
Roger Rabbit on how overcome the laws of physics:
Roger Rabbit says:
Technical problems are man-made phenomena, not acts of nature, and as such can be prevented with adequate inspection/regulation.
12/01/2006 at 12:55 pm
Roger Rabbit:
re @9: I’m stuck! I can’t decide if the answer should be #3 or #4! Help!
re @10: That one is definitely #4.
I suppose The Clenis™ is always a decent default answer, but I don’t know, that guy shouldn’t have been sleeping in his own apartment, you know? Somehow he must share some responsibility.
24 If you’re a wingnut, they’re ALL #4!!! Bill Clinton is to blame for EVERYTHING!!! But only if you’re a wingnut.
23 It’s a sad state of affairs when we need bureaucrats to tell P.E.s how to do their fucking job. Pay your gambling debt, double-welsher.
Whooooooo put up the crane that fell down? State regulators? Noooooo …
Well hate to say it, but that was a better game then any l.. rag show on Sunday night……Sorry Goldy,
Maybe they’ll still pay you like state employees that can’t show up to work…
On the bright side, at least the Hawks won.
22 Geez Redneck, you’re a wingnut. Since when did a wingnut ever need “evidence”? If you’re suddenly turning over a new leaf, how about paying your fucking gambling debt?
P.S., are you loooooooser GOP candidate and erstwhile jihadist Mark Griswold?
28 GS says: Well hate to say it, but that was a better game then any l.. rag show on Sunday night……Sorry Goldy,
12/03/2006 at 9:04 pm
You gotta be kidding. The Seahawks played like a bunch of old ladies. Without their FG kicker, they’d be 4-8 instead of 8-4. Their offense did NOTHING tonight. That wasn’t a game, it was charity.
GS says: Maybe they’ll still pay you like state employees that can’t show up to work… 12/03/2006 at 9:04 pm
State employees have to serve “customers” like you.
You couldn’t hack a state job.
29 There are days when you don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, and this is one of those days.
Just click on the link that Richard Pope graciously provided @20. Read the whole thing, including comments — especially comments! Trust me, it’s worth your time!
See #17…pretty good prediction!
“Still not a shred of evidence that the operator did anything wrong.”
You didn’t ask for evidence. You asked for a theory, and now you have one. The only interesting question, at this point, is why it took a lowly, liberal software design engineer to point it out for you.
As for actual evidence, I’m quite content to wait until the investigation is complete and the report is in before I start condemning anyone.
“Still no evidence that Tamara Hardy had any fucking business being in her job.”
There’s also not a shred of evidence that she didn’t belong in her job either.
Jinkies Richard. What a clue you found about Mark Griswold. You put Perry Mason to shame with your investigative prowess.
And Rabbit, consider your remarks about Republicans eating other Republicans with the knowledge that some of the commenters aren’t real GOP supporters. They’re RINOs who stay home during elections and are content to throw bricks and bitch about the party.
It’s like saying Aaron Dixon or Mark Wilson are real Democrats.
(And it’s always worth turning down the volume on television set and tuning into KIRO 710 to hear Steve Raible and the crew announce the game…especially on Sunday night).
What kind of asshole hopes terrorists kill innocent Americans so Republicans win elections? A GOP candidate for state legislature, that’s who:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
As Richard Pope proved, “FullContactPolitics” is none other than erstwhile 43rd District candidate Mark Griswold, who got his clock cleaned in his 2004 foray into elective politics:
Frank Chopp (Dem) – 53,515 – 84.8085%
Mark Griswold (Rep)- 9,586 – 15.1915%
Total Vote – 63,101 – 100%
(WA secretary of state data: http://tinyurl.com/yn48aa)
Griswold made no attempt to hide his identity on Sucky Politics:
“Mark Griswold, member of the satan-worshipping, baby-killing, gay-marriage officiating, yoga and witchcraft practicing, country-club conservative, wine and cheese party attending, Volvo-driving, higher-tax supporting, anti-war, Democrat wannabe ‘wing’ of the KCGOP. (aka, the winners… and I’ll even give you 20:1 odds on that.)
Posted by: FullContactPolitics on November 30, 2006 06:13 AM” http://tinyurl.com/ymfsxm
So, unless someone else is also using the screen name “FullContactPolitics” on (u)SP, Griswold is the jihadist blogger!
And this guy wants to represent 43rd District voters in the Legislature? I don’t fucking think so.
Meanwhile, instead of worrying about imams praying in airports, the TSA should post Griswold’s photo at every boarding gate in the country.
Need a photo? Here’s one from the 2004 Voter’s Pamphlet: http://tinyurl.com/y82q4f And here’s another one from the Fish Wrapper identifying Griswold is identified as a “friend and supporter of Supreme Court candidate John Groen.” http://tinyurl.com/y6bh3z
Geez, if Groen hangs out with Griswold, I’m glad HE isn’t on our state’s highest court!!! If Groen wants to be a judge he’d better get himself a better class of friends and supporters than this whackjob who thinks blowing up airplanes is a viable campaign strategy!!!
I sure hope Griswold runs GOVERNOR someday!!! Running against him would be even better than running against Craswell or Carlson — though not as good as running against Low Tax Looper, who got 4% of the vote against a write-in candidate. http://tinyurl.com/nsajr
Oh, and Richard. If you’re going to “out” more Republicans on a Democrat’s blog, get it fucking right for once and provide a link to Mark’s current resume. That one’s about two years old and that isn’t exactly his address anymore either.
Christ, you’ve already screwed the pooch when your incompetence got in the way of facts with Tim Borders’ PCO race.
One would think that you’d learn.
re 38: How’re things in the “ward”? Don’t interfere with Richard Pope who is starting to think straight. Go back to your nimnul wingnut cell.
re 38: And don’t forget to medicate. Tomorrow’s a workday.
37 “Reporterward says: And Rabbit, … some of the commenters aren’t real GOP supporters. They’re RINOs ….” 12/03/2006 at 9:51 pm
Well you’d better be nice to your RINOS, because this last election proved that without them, the GOP can’t elect anybody to anything.
39 Griswold “outed” himself by signing his real name and screen name to his posts on Stefan’s blog. If he doesn’t care that everyone knows he’s “FullContactPolitics,” why should you?
Frankly, I think anyone who signs his real name to a comment that says, “terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need.” and/or describes himself as a “member of the satan-worshipping, baby-killing, gay-marriage officiating, yoga and witchcraft practicing, country-club conservative, wine and cheese party attending, Volvo-driving, higher-tax supporting, anti-war, Democrat wannabe ‘wing’ of the KCGOP” deserves whatever he gets.
Let’s hope that if this screwball ever runs for public office again, the 15% he got against Frank Chopp will be the high-water mark of his political career. As a rabbit, and speaking for all my rabbit friends, I wouldn’t trust this guy to be dogcatcher!
According to Danny Westneat of the Seattle Times, Griswold was a Seattle University senior and 24 years old when he ran against Chopp in ’04. That makes him 26 today. I’d say that boy still has some growing up to do before he’s ready for prime time.
Hey Richard, you’re one crackerjack private eye! Are you having second thoughts about the GOP yet? Interesting in joining a winning team? Maybe you have what it takes to be a Democrat. We’re a big tent. You don’t have to give up your libertarian principles to become one of us. Your checkered past is no problem; like Jesus, we accept sinners into our fold. Hell, we’re ALL sinners — we’re not self-righteous, sanctimonious, self-appointed spokespeople for God … I think you’ll find our down-to-earth humbleness a refreshing change from those pompous Republican assholes. We don’t want your soul! All we want is your taxes.
I know being a rabbit with eyes on either side of your head, you’re not able to focus well while reading. It makes it great for spotting elil, I’m sure, but I don’t think you got the point of my comments. Since you’re unfamiliar with the internecine fued amongst Republicans you’re probably not aware of its context.
If you’d show up to more Drinking Liberally events you would have met Griswold when I brought him down to meet Cindy Sheehan.
Since you’re talking trades, though. We’ll gladly give you Richard Pope, Phil Spackman and the Reagan Wing in exchange for Tim Shelden and a state senator in the 2nd Legislative District to be named later.
Any draft picks with that trade?
I would just like to take this opportunity to say VIVA CHAVEZ’S !!!!!!!!!!
Reporterward @ 46
“We’ll gladly give you Richard Pope, Phil Spackman and the Reagan Wing in exchange for Tim Shelden and a state senator in the 2nd Legislative District to be named later.”
Gee, Don — those two positions are about the ONLY Democrat held offices in central Puget Sound that Republicans are likely to be able to gain within the next 5 to 10 years. Tim Sheldon may switch parties one of these days, as he might not get re-nominated by the Democrats in 2010. As for the 2nd district, Republicans could definitely win the Senate seat if Marilyn Rasmussen retires, and perhaps even if she doesn’t. The 2nd LD went pretty heavily for Dave Reichert this time around. About the only SOLIDLY GOP district left in either King or Pierce County anymore. (The 5th LD is all-GOP in its delegation, but no D’s filed there for this year’s election. I am sure Darcy Burner did much better in the 5th LD than she did in the 2nd LD.)
And you need to KEEP the Reagan Wing. Sure, Doug Parris got only 20 votes out of 300-something at the King County GOP meeting. But the King County GOP has a record (LOW) number of PCO’s and reorganization meeting attendance. In another four or five election cycles, if Doug Parris and his 19 friends remain in the GOP, they will become the majority (after PCO attendance falls below 300, 200, 100 and into the 30’s), and Parris can become county chair.
Michael Young should be proud — fewer Republican PCO’s mean fewer people to be displeased at his election losses. In almost 70% of the precincts in King County, no one wants to serve as a Republican PCO. Nearly half of Republican PCO’s didn’t even show up for precinct caucuses in March 2006. Over half of Republican PCO’s didn’t show up for the meeting to re-elect Young as county chair. Sure Young got a little of 2/3 of the PCO’s voting to re-elect him — but his vote total represents PCO’s from less than 10% of King County’s precincts, and by far the least support ever enjoyed by a King County GOP Chair. No wonder Young calls his leadership slate “The Winning Team”. The only races Young’s people can win are for the leadership of a rapidly shrinking party.
Thanks Richard on a lecture on the obvious. That’s kind of why I picked Tim. And since I’m registered to vote in the 2nd LD and edited a newspaper there, kinda know a bit more of that neck of the woods than you. I’ve been friends with Marilyn after covering the fight she, Roger Bush and Tom Campbell put up preventing a landfill from being built on a sole source aquifer in the district, I’m pretty familiar with that seat too.
But again, I bow before your acumen.
Democrats, Pope is yours to do with as you will.
Awww Poor Goldie. He was preempted again; by something worthwhile.
39 Reporterward says: Oh, and Richard. If you’re going to ‘out’ more Republicans on a Democrat’s blog, get it fucking right for once and provide a link to Mark’s current resume. That one’s about two years old and that isn’t exactly his address anymore either. 12/03/2006 at 9:58 pm
Ward: If you’re saying Richard got it wrong and Griswold is NOT “FullContactPolitics,” I’d like to see your evidence and arguments. I don’t want to wrongly accuse anyone … if Griswold did author that post on SP, well, that’s the sort of comment that ends political aspirations. Just ask John Kerry, know what I mean?
Except FCP’s SP post is far worse than Kerry’s lame joke, so we can expect it to be even more damaging.
46 Why should we give you a sitting senator in trade for three losers?
51 “Democrats, Pope is yours to do with as you will.”
You wouldn’t be trying to give us the Brooklyn Bridge, would you? Is Pope yours to trade?
I heard the other day that the average life expectancy of an NFL running back is 55. Fun game, football.