Forgive a proud father for kvelling, but congratulations to the Mount Baker/Lakewood Supremes for their dominating performance in the SYSA city tournament this year, where they outscored opponents 19 to 1 over five games in the Girls U13 division. Yesterday’s championship game was a tough physical match, but the Supremes saved their best play for the tournament, and only seemed to get better as it went on.
Also, a big thanks to the folks at SYSA, the neighborhood clubs, and Seattle Parks and Recreation for making all this possible. I’m sure this is a memory the girls will long cherish.
Hey if you can’t use your own blog to kvell over your kid, what good is it!?!
Congrats to all!
That’s awesome. Nice to see the kids outside and involved in something.
hmmm… which Supreme Court was this team named after, the State or the U.S.? (don’t tell me it was named for Diana Ross et al) Either way, this is a sneaky trick to have innocent children advocate for the liberal justice system. Think how many brothers and sisters these girls might have had if one of these courts had ruled against abortion… many potential soccer teams have been flushed down the toilet by these men… Merry Christmas
murk @3,
Well, considering their coach has another team named the Shangri-Las, you can come to your own conclusion as to the origin of the team name.
Competition is a good thing.
There are winners & losers.
I’m glad your daughter is involved in something where the actually keep score.
I’ll bet the kids that lost felt bad.
Perhaps we need a government program to help them with their low self-esteem???
Soccer is a great sport.
Competition, teamwork, sportsmanship.
Goldy spews:
Ummmmmm, isn’t Seattle Parks & Rec funded by taxpayers? If so, don’t you think taxpayers ought to be thanked. Parks & Rec staff gets paid…it’s their job.
Thank you TAXPAYERS!
Say it Goldy….it won’t kill ya.
Again, Congrats to you daughter and her teammates.
Cynical @5,
One of the big differences philosophically between me and you is that I don’t make a distinction between the people and their government. My recognition of Seattle Parks & Recreation is a recognition of the citizens who generously fund it.
Congrats. Nice to see one Goldstein with success.
6. Goldy spews:
You know Goldy, it used to be that way. Public Service was…….public service.
And it still is for some.
The Unions have turned it into US vs. THEM.
Raises and diamond benefit packages….and groveling/demanding more tax increases in a recession??
Things have changed Goldy.
You are an idealist.
Less than 30% feel our Government truly serves us. That makes you in the minority.
Actually Goldy does have success…he helped raise a daughter who is a winner.
He’s doing the very best he can Mark1.
Did you see this recent poll??
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The day of reckoning is upon us.
In the next 3 years, watch government at all levels be minimized and We the People empowered to do things for our communities and Country without intrusive government being the raodblock it is today….
Like janitors complaining when gyms are open and cleaned by the users on weekends.
So many examples of ridiculous overstepping by government.
God Bless.
Hiummm, perhaps Seattle Youth Soccer Assn is different than all the surrounding associations, but out here in the burbs, the Youth Soccer Associations are funded by the fees the parents pay for their children to play.
And yes, Seattle provides the playing fields at taxpayer expense, they are used by a much wider group of folks than just youth soccer.
Back to the SYSA: I’m betting it is run by unpaid volunteers who spend lots of hours each month sitting in meetings just getting the job done so the kids can play. Then they go out and spend more hours coaching their child’s teams, organizing practices, making sure there are treats after the game, and dealing with disgruntled parents about playing time or their win/loss ratio.
So right on Goldy, your thanks to the SYSA is well deserved.
And to you Mr. Cynical, get a life. It’s pretty clear you had no children involved in youth sports.
Actually we had 4 kids involved in a variety of Youth Sports. We coached, drove, helped build & maintain fields, bought jerseys and established funds for the kids who couldn’t afford equipment or fees.
Thanks for asking!
God Bless.
Ah, but you see Goldy, under GOP rules if you have 60 votes and they have 40 votes, you lose because they represent “the will of the people.”
The will of the people . . . Obama and Democrats’ Health Care Plan:
37.9 percent for, 51.6 percent against
Also against: much of Obama’s progressive base who helped put him in office.
These numbers are not likely to get better unless major changes are made. So much for 60 ayes.
ROTFLAMO. What a JOKE! Not to think that you’re an idiot, but when has that poll ever changed? Do you think that 5 or 10 years ago this was different, and 88% of the public wanted MORE government and higher taxes. LOL. Everyone always wants stuff for free. You’re just a child and you need the ‘grown ups’ to tell you how the world works.
This is the philosophy of children, or Republicans (same thing). Of course I want everything for free. I don’t want to pay taxes, I wish “government” were smaller and free, everyone does…sorta…well just on THEIR issues only. Republicans want a less intrusive government for example, unless that government is telling us how to have sex and who we are allowed to marry. That’s ok, not intrusive…just don’t tell a suburban home owner if they can cut down a tree. I understand the frustration on both fronts, but Republicans don’t want smaller government, they just want “stuff” they like and don’t want stuff they don’t like. That’s not a philosophical position, just the whining of children who want the candy in the store, but don’t understand mommy has to pay for it. You WANT more wars, more military, more of nearly everything (except stuff Democrats want), but just don’t want to pay for it.
Let me try to sum this up so anyone can understand it. Congress has always around a 20% approval rating and a 95% re-election rate. Do you get it? Understand? EVERYONE knows government is ‘bad’ and ‘too big’ but they KEEP ELECTING THEIR representatives that “bring home the bacon” to their districts (and I’m talking Republican districts too).
I want MY stuff, I don’t care about YOUR stuff…screams the 4 year old.
P.S. Go Supremes!