Following Todd Akin is a Jackass Gate, Josh Feit did an interview with US Senate candidate Michael Baumgartner. Then Baumgartner decided he wanted to talk about Afghanistan, but Feit still asked him questions about his positions on abortion and wrote about those extremist positions. Then, I guess because Feit’s focus, Baumgartner emailed him to “go fuck yourself” and has been digging himself deeper since. Now look, as someone who has been protesting the war in Afghanistan for over a decade, I’m sympathetic to complaints that the media do a bad job covering it. And I agree that Cantwell hasn’t been particularly good on war issues. And Christ knows there are times when Josh Feit has written stupid things and completely missed the mark.
But you know what, you don’t get to chose what the media write about. The best way to get better coverage of war issues is to be more compelling on those issues. And you really don’t have a leg to stand on when the media are responding to your press release.
Further, you don’t get to call a truce on social issues if you’re still planning to vote to force a woman to carry her rapist’s baby to term, or to force women — and other people who can become pregnant — to have to have all the medical problems that can go along with pregnancy and child birth. When you’re still planning to vote with the extreme elements of the forced pregnancy wing of the party, you haven’t actually declared a truce, and people are still going to talk about that.
Please support Todd Akin!
Sign his petition. Let him know you don’t want him to drop out.
Good News For Rob McKenna!
Todd Akin has 5567 signatures so far!
@1 Yesss!!! We liberals don’t want Akin to drop out!!! We hope he stays to the bitter end and takes the whole GOP slate down with him!!!
@3 Good news for McCaskill and Harry Reid!
punk “journalist”(insert laughter here) gets slapped around..
too funny.
I like the fact that Baumgartner refuses to back down even better. Fuck this BS PC crap anyway.
I think it’s okay to tell journalists to go fuck themselves. Our best journalists, the war correspondents, would gladly accept that in lieu of being shot at. Journalists don’t expect love. They just want a story. I can’t speak for Josh, but having been a journalist myself before I became a lawyer, I’d love to have a U.S. Senate candidate tell me to go fuck myself, especially in an e-mail — which is much better than a verbal “go fuck yourself” because you’ve got written proof — because that’s a story in itself. How often does a political reporter get to write that a candidate for a major office told him to go fuck himself? That would be my front page story in the next edition. If there’s still a front page to put it on, given how things are going in the print news industry.
Bigot @6,
Still in love with the violence thing, I see.
The Republican’s seem to have a hard time dealing with the above.
@6 The fascist cockroaches like to slap around jurnalists, and like shooting them even better. They don’t want anyone to know what they’re up to. I remember the wingnut cheering every time a journalist was killed in Iraq.
Nut job state senator sees his political career go up in flames. Too funny. Plus we’ve got nut job state rep. Matt Shea’s political career going up in flames from his road raging gun incident and posting a photo of opponents house on Facebook.
I really hope the Republicans keep it up.
Kathleen Parker fillets Todd Akin in an editorial in the ST. She’s probably not considered a Republican ever since she said Palin should remove herself from the ticket in 2008. She’s still a conservative in my book, and when a conservative woman takes down a conservative dunce like Akins on rape and abortion, it’s a nice read.
And you know, for being my age, Kathleen’s kind of hot. I could like her for that, if nothing else. But now that she has takedowns of Palin and Akins to her credit, to me she’s getting hotter all the time. You go, girl.
Parker’s one of the few conservatives that I still read on a regular basis.
Here is one of your Dummocrat brethren in action.
Published August 22, 2012
Associated Press
ST. PAUL, Minn. – The Minnesota state lawmaker involved in a rest-stop sexual encounter with a 17-year-old boy says he won’t run for re-election after all.
Rep. Kerry Gauthier told The Associated Press on Wednesday that he made the decision on his own after multiple conversations with Democratic leaders who urged him to drop out. Gauthier had said earlier in the day that he would not drop out.
Gauthier also told AP an overdose of muscle relaxants he took last week was a suicide attempt.
You all must be so proud of him for dropping out.
Your comment makes no sense. Unless you think it’s fine for adults to have sex with minors. I’m assuming that you don’t believe that and are just babbling.
Oh, bless your heart.
@ 13
Parker’s conservative? Who knew?
You’ve been at that all evening.
Really – Put. Down. The. Crack. Pipe.
You somehow see this Baumgartner nobody immolating himself as some sort of ‘win’ for him, some sort of exaltation in ‘slapping around’ a journalist.
This Baumgartner nitwit was being held to account for his views, particularly germane now that Akin pulled back the curtain on the vile truth of mainstream Republican thought, and he has a profane hissy fit when he didn’t get to feature his agenda. In writing, no less, the imbecile.
If you want to consider this a ‘win’ for your side, you go right on, let your freak flag fly – you can be the incoherent guy babbling to himself in the corner.
The Liberal Media, and I do mean Liberal media can Go Fuck Themselves”. Talk about the fairness doctrine, they are so in bed with Obama it is a joke.
I will vote for Baumgartner, McKenna, and Romney/Ryan because we cannot turn this country into a European state or worse.
Government needs a serious haircut!
@14. Ryanistheman:
“Dummocrat” is a Puddyism.
Sock puppet much?
@19 You will vote for Baumgartner, McKenna, and Romney/Ryan because you’re a Bubble Boy living in an alternative universe that exists only in your disfigured imagination.
The right course was not to say that this handful of banks will be protected by the government, implying therefore that all the rest of the banks are on their own, because smart depositors will all move towards the banks that are protected by government. It had the opposite effect of what was advertised. What was advertised was that we would keep the too big to fail banks from getting bigger, but the result of the legislation is just the opposite.
Or maybe that IS Puddy?
Because the Germans and the Finn’s are doing so awfully right now…
Several former Missouri Senators, all Republicans, including Ashcroft and Danforth, have asked Akin to step aside.
Governor Nixon’s statement, condemned the remarks, but did not say anything about dropping out. Wonder if it is because he is a conservative Democrat?
24, Germany has a better way of electing politicians than we do. They call it Mixed-Member Proportional Representation, I prefer to call it the Best of Both Worlds system, because it combines geographical representation(Single-seat districts) and Proportional Representation(based on state lists), although they do have some issues with compensating when a party wins more seats on the district side than their party vote, it entails increasing the size of the Bundestag(temporarily) but the wise souls in Karlsruhe on the Constitutional Court have been at odds with the elected officials in Berlin on how many are needed.
Next September will be interesting, Chancellor Merkel’s allies in the Free Democratic Party have a year to get back above 5%, or the Christian Democrats could be seeing once again a Grand Coalition like 2005-2009, with the SOcial Democrats, for for the CDU/CSU block, something worse, the Greens. Adding to the usually dynamics of the FDP and Greens, their is also the Left Party(former East German Communists, although they are waning a little) and a new party, the Pirate Party. What I meant “get back above 5%”, is unless a party wins 3 district seats, no party seats are awarded to a party below that level. The idea is to keep fringe parties out. New Zealand uses a variant of the system, but that backdoor threshold right now is a little lower, at 1 seat.
Exactly … isn’t that what internet sock puppetry is all about?
No, because the Greeks, Italians, Spanish, french, and British are all being supported by the Germans and Finns.
It’s a Debt Problem Stupid!