GI Joe’s, Mill Plain…late 1990 something, men’s clothing section. Tonya and I had a moment near the Trail Blazer underwear rack.
I’m still a bit shaken and unsure of what it all meant.
Blue Johnspews:
A non entity trying to stay in the spotlight.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Speaking of Barrack Obama, Tanya should have posed these tidbits:
[Deleted — copied material (replaced by link), see HA Comment Policy]
What do you KLOWNS think of that??
Big, Round Agate Marble-Head (Hey, Man! Smell my Finger)spews:
That’s a knee slapper!
@3: cynical
A very good piece – if you are competing for most delusional troll.
Please – that was the most pathetic collection of claptrap, innuendo and false facts we have seen yet.
Way to go! You are shooting for the top troll! This post was so patently absurd it dwarfs some of your other deviant messages.
Do you think these up on your own or copy them wholesale? I bet I can find this entire post on the web somewhere….but why bother.
We have you to scour the internets for absurd analsysis ands false rightwingnut trash. Thank you so much for your diligent efforts to find the lowest of the low.
Email going around that the great one is going
to tax aspirin 40%. Because its white and it
Yes, everyone look over here at Tanya Harding. Don’t look at today’s news that says under President Obama, our nation’s unemployment rate has reached a 25 year high.
Nice diversionary tactic, John. Didn’t work on me, though.
Just get Tonya together with that gas-bloated whale.
Little by little, I think I’m teaching some of you to be critical thinkers.
Big, Round Agate Marble-Head (Hey, Man! Smell my Finger)spews:
re 6: And black people don’t use Aspirin anyway because they refuse to pick the cotton out of the top of the bottle. (I know that you will repeat this one frequently.)
Big, Round Agate Marble-Head (Hey, Man! Smell my Finger)spews:
re 7: So, you are saying that unemployment was higher under Ronald Reagan?
I guess you are teaching us to be critical thinkers. Good for you!!
Hey this one is interesting. This guy may upstage the whale as the future of the Goopers:
9 That comment has to be the most pathetic piece of mental masturbation ever seen here, and that’s saying quite a lot.
Lessee….all the wingnuts keep heckling about how all these baaaaad things keep happening and now that Obama’s President, it has to be entirely his fault. That’s rather like having a heart attack and blaming the paramedics.
Marvin Stamnspews:
10. Big, Round Agate Marble-Head (Hey, Man! Smell my Finger) spews:
And black people don’t use Aspirin anyway because they refuse to pick the cotton out of the top of the bottle.
Even using a sockpuppet headless lucy can’t hide his racist views of black people.
Marvin Stamnspews:
I’m sure the well-informed democrats on this site have already seen this article about obama and his need of a teleprompter
Both of these news photos were widely distributed across the country and even around the world.
It doesn’t detract from the first lady’s generous gesture or the real needs she seeks to highlight to ask two bothersome journalistic questions about these news photos:
If this unidentified meal recipient is too poor to buy his own food, how does he afford a cellphone?
And if he is homeless, where do they send the cellphone bills?
The Truthspews:
Good one!!
Blue Johnspews:
The unemployment rate it so high because the economic fallacies of Reagan and on, of Borrow and Spend, having finally come due. There is no way that Obama can change the course of 30 years of economic destruction in a couple of months. You conservatives, and way too many democrats, wanted deregulation, free trade and the gutting of our manufacturing, education and general economic base to feed your greed and now you getting the downside of that greed. Enjoy.
Marvin Stamnspews:
A utility bill of under $10 a month? My phone is more than that, my direct tv is more than that, my internet is more than that.
PELOSI: You might be interested in knowing, Mr. Clyburn and I were just hearing a little bit. We’re going to hear more now, but Mr. Clyburn is the head of our Katrina Task Force. So he’s led us delegations down to the Gulf Coast area many times.
And we were listening with great satisfaction to the fact that not are [sic] these homes — wonderful homes for these families — not are [sic] they built to a green standard, but they have a utility bill of under $10 a month.
PITT: It’s possible.
PELOSI: It’s possible to have a utility bill under $10 a month.
Considering the size of the mansions/estates both pelosi and pitt live in, $10 a month won’t even cover the cost of their water fountains.
Pitt must be much more than the actor he portrays in movies… Not only does he hang with pelosi but he gets secret meetings with the obama.
Why do democrats always hang around the filthy rich? What about the middle class people, aren’t they good enough for the democratics?
Marvin Stamnspews:
17. The Truth spews:
Another lie, Obama said I’ll bring the country together.
His lies are slowly being exposed thanks to the internet. The liberal media would never point something like this out.
Big, Round Agate Marble-Head (Hey, Man! Smell my Finger)spews:
Bush is dyslexic. A teleprompter would have been useless.
What was that thing Bush always had in his ear? The conservatard press never did get aound to exposing Bush as a fraud.
Marvin Stamnspews:
20. Blue John spews:
The unemployment rate it so high because the economic fallacies of Reagan
Which is it, blame bush or blame reagan? What’s next, blaming the man on the moon?
The FACT that the dow has dropped like the ratings of air america under the obama is because of obama.
30 years of economic destruction
30 years? What about the great clinton economy. Did you forget about that democrat talking point?
the gutting of our manufacturing, education
Gutting of education??? More $ is being spent today than anytime in the history of this country on education.
Why does anyone with $ that cares about their kids send them to private school? Because they get an education instead of indoctrination.
Here’s a question for you…
In a private school what is the ratio of teachers to other paid employees (administrators, nurse, janitor, etc.)?
In the failing public schools what is the ratio?
proud leftistspews:
Glad to see you’re competing for this afternoon’s inaugural Troll of the Week Award (aka The Golden Goat). Bring it home, man, close the deal.
Marvin Stamnspews:
23. Big, Round Agate Marble-Head (Hey, Man! Smell my Finger) spews:
Bush is dyslexic. A teleprompter would have been useless.
The difference is no one ever said bush was a great orator.
What was that thing Bush always had in his ear?
Any links to back up your conspiracy theory? All those bush haters must have taken thousands of photos of whatever was in his ear.
Why are you scared to use your headless lucy name anymore?
Marvin Stamnspews:
25. proud leftist spews:
Glad to see you’re competing for this afternoon’s inaugural Troll of the Week Award
You didn’t even try to disprove anything I said, instead went straight to the weak-ass insult.
The Truthspews:
It’s obvious when he won’t respond and goes into his child mode he agrees with your post.
This goes for all HA teammates.
Marvin Stamnspews:
People are getting wise to the obama.
Initially people thought he was childishly incompetent in picking person after person for his cabinet… the truth is he is getting democrats to finally pair their fair share.
When you dropped out of High School, you didn’t just quit on yourself…you quit on America.
Why do you hate America?
Fuckin’ loser!
Marvin Stamnspews:
28. The Truth spews:
It’s obvious when he won’t respond and goes into his child mode he agrees with your post.
I don’t think he agrees. It’s obvious he needs the government to take care of him and being in a socialist society works better for him.
Although he does illustrate my point about the failing educational system.
The Truthspews:
Marvin, think of it this way he can’t respond cause it’s the truth.
proud leftistspews:
Marvie @ 31
I’m pretty sure of two things: (1) I make more money than you do (and keep people employed at the same time); and (2) I have a helluva lot more education than you do. Your having a conversation with The Truth, on his level, is testament to intellectual weakness.
So when is the cutoff for troll entries? And who’s the favorite at this point?
Marvin Stamnspews:
30. Darryl spews:
Marvin Stamn,
When you dropped out of High School, you didn’t just quit on yourself…you quit on America.
Why do you hate America?
Fuckin’ loser!
Because all my college professors were inept and incompetent hacks that were bitter because they couldn’t succeed in the private sector so they were forced to become teachers and took out their hate on innocent students. And then on top of that I had to pay for it.
I even had one professor that lectured us on global warming and the sins we were committing by using fossil fuels to get from place to place. And that same professor had the audacity to fly in small private aircraft for his fun and pleasure. The typical do as I say, not as I do that professors routinely spew.
The Truthspews:
“33. proud leftist spews:
I’m pretty sure of two things: (1) I make more money than you do (and keep people employed at the same time); and (2) I have a helluva lot more education than you do. Your having a conversation with The Truth, on his level, is testament to intellectual weakness.”
My dad told me when I was growing up people who need to tell others how well their doing lie! He’s insecure and this proves it.
Big, Round Agate Marble-Head (Hey, Man! Smell my Finger)spews:
Bush has been noted on MANY occasions to have a receiver in his ear. He even wore them at the debates with Kerry and Gore.
The Truthspews:
Another one who agrees with you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
33. proud leftist spews:
Marvie @ 31
I’m pretty sure of two things: (1) I make more money than you do (and keep people employed at the same time); and
More money makes you right?
(2) I have a helluva lot more education than you do.
Haven’t seen that for a while… That’s called the biden IQ comeback. And we all know what he said was a lie.
Once again you proved my point about attacking me and not proving my posts in this thread were not accurate.
Seems like my posting of links is getting the natives riled up. I wonder why.
Steve @ 34
2:00. I can’t believe how tight this thing is. It seems a shame all the boys can’t get a nice, shiny medal for their efforts. I don’t want to hurt any of their feelings–they’re all in there throwing elbows, catching a second wind, doing what it takes to compete. Who is your pick, or do you want to withhold judgment until the last minute to see who closes best?
Marvin Stamnspews:
37. Big, Round Agate Marble-Head (Hey, Man! Smell my Finger) spews:
Bush has been noted on MANY occasions to have a receiver in his ear.
Links to pictures? Or is it only noted.
One would think with all the digital cameras and cellphone cameras there would be thousands of pictures.
@36 “My dad told me when I was growing up people who need to tell others how well their doing lie! He’s insecure and this proves it.”
Exactly what I’ve been saying all along about Cynical. Poor sap, what with the narcissistic personality disorder and all that. Always telling us how wonderful he is. Pompously quoting scripture and telling us we’re all heathens in one paragraph, then spewing hate and swearing like a sailor in the next. The pathetic stock tips and crowing about investments and ranches. Glad to see that you agree with me that Cynical’s an asswipe and a liar. There might be hope for you yet.
@41 If Cynical shows up quoting scripture while making a another “buy” recommendation on Wells Fargo, then I’d say the silly fuck would win hands down. Until then, I’m keeping my money on manoftruth. He’s just too steady. Every post of his reminds me of why he’s the favorite.
Marvin Stamnspews:
43. Darryl spews: Marvin Stamn,
“Seems like my posting of links is getting the natives riled up. I wonder why.”
Naaaa…we just enjoy watching our favorite little high school drop-out devolve into apoplexy….
No anger on my part, I’m laughing.
You are the one calling people “fuckin’ loser!”
Marvin Stamnspews:
45. Steve spews: @36 “My dad told me when I was growing up people who need to tell others how well their doing lie! He’s insecure and this proves it.”
Exactly what I’ve been saying all along about Cynical.
Hey proud leftist, even steve views you as insecure.
“You pretend that you find his words offensive yet you keep mentioning the little twit and encouraging him.
Does he write what you wish you could?”
Huh…another argument completely void of logic.
Marvie-Doodles…someone can “pretend to find” (or even ACTUALLY find) someone’s words offensive, without restriction on the frequency of reference. Furthermore, frequent reference to someone would seem to be unrelated to any desire to mimic.
“Once again you proved my point about attacking me and not proving my posts in this thread were not accurate.”
proud leftistspews:
Marvie @ 55
Uh, actually, m’lad, that is the correct grammatical construction. Check it out in Strunk and White if you don’t believe me. Thanks for trying, though.
Nothing like good old comfort food, like risotto, steamed broccoli and wheat rolls.
Someone donates donuts? Throw them away, they are not good enough for our hungry homeless.
I wonder how the hungry homeless guy feels about that donut. Was he asked or did someone make that decision for him.
Marvin Stamnspews:
57. Darryl spews:
Marvin Stamn writes,
“Your education isn’t what you think it is.”
…says the idiot who wrote (above):
“Once again you proved my point about attacking me and not proving my posts in this thread were not accurate.”
It’s sort of like your very own, “Let them eat donuts!” moment!
Keep up the intellectual gymnastics, there, Marvin.
Marvin Stamnspews:
62. Darryl spews:
Marvin Stamn @ 60,
Wooooowwwww, Marvin. That’s quite a critique!
It’s sort of like your very own, “Let them eat donuts!” moment!
I was only pointing out that maybe those hungry homeless people might actually like a donut or 2. I thought people in support of choice regarding something as big as abortion would believe in choice fr a donut.
Keep up the intellectual gymnastics, there, Marvin.
I must be doing pretty good for a high school dropout with an IQ in the low 60s if I can manage to get a college professor to mentally spar with me.
The smart people I know ignore me. I guess that makes them smarter than you. But then, you are a college professor.
The Truthspews:
This week obama hosted 200 congress people for dinner.
They dined on mushroom crisps, steelhead salmon, and saffron couscous.
This is a weekly function of wasting our tax money.
Guy walks into the local welfare office to pick up his check.
He marches straight up to the counter and says,
“Hi. You know, I just HATE drawing welfare! I’d really rather have a job.”
The social worker behind the counter says,
‘Your timing is excellent. We just got a job opening from a very wealthy old man who wants a chauffeur and bodyguard for his beautiful daughter. You’ll have to drive around in his Mercedes, and he’ll supply all of your clothes. Because of the long hours, meals will be provided. You’ll be expected to escort the daughter on her overseas holiday trips. You’ll be provided a two-bedroom apartment above the garage. The salary is $200,000 a year.’
The guy, wide-eyed, says, ‘You’re bullshittin’ me!’
The social worker replies, ‘Yeah, well . . . . you started it.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I finally figured out how Obama plans to pay for all this Pork-barrel spending!
Today, I went out Ammo shopping.
1st stop, Wal-Mart.
Problem–no ammo .22 caliber or bigger.
Reason–people are stockpiling Ammo & weapons.
When Wal-Mart gets some in, it’s gone in an hour. Same thing at many of their stores nationwide. They are selling everything they can get.
2nd Stop–
3 sporting goods stores and 2 gun shops-
SAME THING. Stockpiling.
The number one reason all the clerks cited for this stockpiling and shortage…
President Obama!!
So I guess Obama’s secret plan is to balance the Budget, ONE BRICK OF AMMO AT A TIME!
The clerks indicated there was a whole lot of hate (no threats) toward the President.
America has never been more armed than today.
Obama has fanned the flames….causing this mass arming of Americans.
99,999 out of 100,000 gun owners are responsible folks…but there certainly are some kooks too.
“I was only pointing out that maybe those hungry homeless people might actually like a donut or 2.”
Fuck yeah! “Let them eat donuts!”
“I thought people in support of choice regarding something as big as abortion would believe in choice fr a donut.”
This sentence would seem to be a non sequitur. Come on, Marvin…turn on your brain and try to make some sense.
“The smart people I know ignore me.”
I’m sure they do. But when you crash someone’s party, the attention given to you by the host is not a function of IQ.
“I guess that makes them smarter than you. “
This is ANOTHER non sequitur. Even starting with the (flawed) premise “Smart people ignore me,” it is a logical fallacy to conclude “therefore, I am smarter than a person who does not ignore me”
They have entire courses on this kind of stuff…but you’d have to earn that GED first.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
5. correctnotright spews:
@3: cynical
A very good piece –
The quote Jon hated so much actually wasn’t about Obama…although it seemed like it.
It was about Adolph Hitler!
Marvin Stamnspews:
67. Darryl spews:
Marvin Stamn,
Wow, you are really really smart.
You must be a great person.
See, I’m getting the hang of that non sequitur thing.
Man, you are getting your game on. Just 3 minutes to go.
The Truthspews:
proud leftist
Glad you agree with the reporting.
Shame it’s the truth.
proud leftistspews:
The time has come to announce the winner of the inaugural Troll of the Week Award (aka The Golden Goat). I would like to begin by thanking all of our contestants. Your enthusiasm and competitive spirit were contagious. I would also like to thank all of you non-trolls who offered suggestions and voted.
During the course of the competition, a number of criteria were offered as instructive to picking a winner. Examples of such criteria include: failure to present a logical argument; failure to think beyond the simplistic (classic troll examples: the stock market is down, so Obama is bad; or, it is cold, so global warming is a hoax); racism; failure to understand criticism or recognize either humor or sarcasm; obliviousness to how stupid one appears; failure to even examine one’s own sources and misinterpretation of such sources; blind partisanship; the inability to lace two sentences together; incoherence; refusal to condemn anyone on the same side no matter how ridiculous or offensive the position; failure to recognize that the GOP got its ass kicked in November and that rightwingers are an engangered species; volume of nonsense spewed; and, simply, never adding anything of value to the discourse, not even amusement value.
Now, while such criteria are helpful and lend some objectivity to the selection process, ultimately the determining factor is more intuitive—to paraphrase Justice Potter Stewart’s definition of pornography, we know true trollness when we see it. What I saw in trying to pick this week’s top troll was most impressive. I expected the race to come down to two, maybe three, competitors, but, lord, did some of you ramp it up at the end. You scrapped, cajoled, snarked, and baffled. You picked yourselves up when thrown to the ground, dusted yourselves off, and got back into the game. You evaded reason, reality, and respectful discourse like they were toxic bacteria. You embraced intolerance, insolency, and unrighteous indignation like a sot cradles a bottle of booze. Your efforts were truly inspirational.
So, coming to my own selection was difficult. I’m sure others who voted similarly had to struggle with choosing from what is a very deep bench (unlike the contemporary GOP’s political bench). Nonetheless, in tallying up the votes of others and in engaging in my own selection process, a few candidates clearly emerged as top caliber trolls. We all know who they are, but I believe we should still pay them tribute by naming them: Puddy, Cynical, Marvie, manoftruth, The Truth, Mark, Mark1. Each of these candidates has some compelling strengths, none have any glaring weaknesses. They are, in a word, gamers. So, to those who will be disappointed at not getting the Goat, please remember that it wasn’t for lack of skill and there’s always next week. (Let me request that none of you ask for a recount or a do-over election.)
Now, with that introduction, it is my great privilege to announce the winner of the inaugural Troll of the Week Award . . . And, the Goat goes to–
manoftruth. Yes, manoftruth, congratulations. Your brazen racism, your incoherence, your utter unfamiliarity with rudimentary rules of punctuation and grammar, your persistent rudeness carried you over the top. Please know that your receipt of this award makes you a leader of today’s Republican Party. Make sure party members give you your due. You’ve got bragging rights, man.
Marvin Stamnspews:
80. proud leftist spews:
Man, you are getting your game on. Just 3 minutes to go.
All he’s doing is posting a link and a couple snarky words.
Do you disagree with the links?
Why? There are not from fox news.
The Truthspews:
Could St. Louis lose its Catholic hospitals under new federal abortion legislation?
At a time where we need hospitals it’s a shame Obama and Democrats forgot the words of coming together.
It’s not how you or I type words on the post they don’t care as your post proves . It’s what in the links that upset them or who the story is about.
They will not respond to the truth that’s when they attack. Or go ballistic into liberal rubbish.
The Truthspews:
Now @82 is posting his contest on other links on HA. Really shows how insecure he is.
proud leftistspews:
Your disappointment is natural. Don’t let yourself get too down. Pick yourself up and win it next week.
The Truthspews:
I will meet with anyone at anytime we will have a open government to all Americans.
After reading the rules of no TelePrompter.
Obama refuses to debate Rush Limbaugh.
“And, the Goat goes to–
Hotdamn! I just knew I’d picked a winner in that racist bitch!
Marvin Stamnspews:
85. The Truth spews: Marvin@83,
It’s not how you or I type words on the post they don’t care as your post proves . It’s what in the links that upset them or who the story is about.
I know. I was trying to goat him into trying to debate the link and not simply name call.
Looks like I failed to get proudleftist to man up.
Blue Johnspews:
@ 82. proud leftist
That was fun. Will this be weekly feature, for as long as you can stomach it?
proud leftistspews:
As you might imagine, reviewing all the troll posts of the past week then agonizing over who most deserves the honor was an exhausting endeavor. We’ll see if I can summon the strength to do it again. There does seem to be a need for this–our trolls certainly deserve some care and feeding.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Best comment of the link:
“Take a look around you, Portlanders, and you will see a bit of Tonya Harding in your wife, sister and daughter. Add to that years of being on the defensive and you have Tonya as she is today.
As for why this is newsworthy?
The President of the United States consciously used a US citizen’s name in a derogatory manner just get a chuckle.
This type of thing should have been beneath him.”
Nuthin is beneath Obama.
Hey Jon DeVore did you marry a Portlander?
The troll competition is really heating up:
1. Troll:
Little by little, I think I’m teaching some of you to be critical thinkers.
Very delusional, schizophrenic.
2. Marvin: bitter, insipid and clueless demagogue:
It was so nice of michelle obama to help out the homeless and pose for pictures on the cellphones of the homeless.
3. The Truth: Stupid, can’t write, spell or use the English language but has a very big ego:
Another lie, Obama said I’ll bring the country together. What country is he talking about?
All he dose is divided and separate America and the sheep see nothing why cause their raciest as well.
It is even hard to tell what the “truth” is trying to say here – the errors are compounded…mismatched tenses, their instead of they’re, is that supposed to be racist? dose divided?
If ignorance is bliss than truth is the happiest moron on earth.
proud leftistspews:
We’ve got a winner–check out 82 above. Thank for your assistance in the agonizing process of selecting a winner.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Awwww proud leftist, you spoiled NotRight’s fun. Proves he doesn’t read and process information too well.
How are those gum chewing and walking lessons going?
How are those cell phone talking and walking lessons going?
How are those eating and thinking lessons going?
How are the sneezing and ASS-wiping lessons going?
Just axking.
proud leftistspews:
I hope you’re not too disappointed that you didn’t win this week. I gave you extra points on a number of fronts, but they just didn’t add up in the end.
82 – Damn! I was pulling for Stupes. No matter. That moron could win a dozen Golden Goats in a fraction of the weeks.
Only a mindless fool like Stupes could possibly accomplish this.
@72 You’re a professor where?
Right here, at the University of Washington:
Big, Round Agate Marble-Head (Hey, Man! Smell my Finger)spews:
You are correct, Marvin. Rush is another conservatard pussy who can dish it out but can’t take it.
We are going to run you into the river like pre-comumbian Kickapoos chasing a herd of buffalo.
I thought the pudddybiotch had it in the bag too…damn.
Awwww…poor Marvie. I though he might be able to pull out a last minute upset.
The Truthspews:
You’re embarrassing yourself again becoming a daily routine for you.
Another lie, Obama said I’ll bring the country together. What country is he talking about?
All he dose is divided and separate America and the sheep see nothing why cause their raciest as well.
If you can’t figure this out you have no
common sense and you need to expand you reading skills. I’m sure you had a horrible time going through schooling. Did the guys give you a bad time? I understand a trouble childhood will effect your attitude later in life. I would bet you fall into this category.
Your a little guy who runs to mommy after a failure, This has to be a daily active for of you. You still need attention okay I just gave it to you. have fun.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Rack em and stack em
Top rung – Goldy who leads the NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbat! Fools Next rung up – SeattleJew – Just to piss of Lee! Next rung up – Goldy’s chief henchmen Next rung up – Steve, because he admits when he’s wrong and comes to defense of people when right is right and left is wrong Next rung up – the rest of the leftist pinheads Next rung up – FricknFrack – Does she dislike blacks like her granny Next rung up – Jennie Tlaz Next rung up – K – One of the 9/11 10% haters Next rung up – tie – proud leftist – NotRight – hard to distinguish the two sometimes their moronic minds are joined. Jury still out if they are one of the 9/11 10% haters Next rung up Ekim & Pelletizer – First abuse the goat then eat it, literally Next rung up – busdrivermike – Do you want to be on his bus? Next rung up – Mr Stupid the vacuous rujax! Giving it to stillbentover – One of the 9/11 10% haters Next rung up – stillbentovergettingitfrom rujax! Next rung up – leadless douchy and his 27 sock puppets – brought down by his own “weight” – – One of the 9/11 10% haters Bottom Dweller – HA knuckle dragging clueless village idiot – – One of the 9/11 10% haters
Don Joespews:
Top rung
Next rung up
Bottom Dweller
You know, I just knew there’d come a point when Puddy would try to tell us that “up” is down.
The Truthspews:
Was hopping you field was psychiatry as
correctnotright has a lot of issues.
My take he had a trouble childhood and a double personality proud leftist you can’t distinguished between the two.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Well done…although Kountry Klubber Steve who spent months wearing out the term goatf-cker is a real douchebag in my book.
steve seems to think growing up poor is only something he experienced…and somehow that makes him a brother.
steve cries Global Warming while playing golf at his Kountry Klub that pours millions of gallons of fertiler and chemicals into the eco-system.
I’m pretty much with you on the rest….most of them belong flocked together well below the bottom rung!
Can you picture all these KLOWNS standing together on the bottom rung?!
That’s why I call ’em KLOWNS!
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Don Joe: I know life is tough even for a Microsoft “manager” who gave it up.
With you morons you need a foundation. It was plain and simple. HAs knuckle dragging clueless village idiot is your foundation. No one more stupid than him. It was tough but leadless and all his sock puppets Goldy allows for “unique” visitor names was an easy second under stillbentovergettingitfromrujax!
But in Don Joe’s world you climb up a ladder from the top.
What a fool.
Don Joespews:
@ 108
I know life is tough even for a Microsoft “manager” who gave it up.
Again, Puddy shows that he’s a fool who knows nothing. The only performance reviews I have to write now are my own.
And, while I appreciate your concern, there really is no need. Don Joe isn’t worried about his job.
But in Don Joe’s world you climb up a ladder from the top.
I was merely quoting Puddy’s own words. After all, it was Puddy who started at the top, and went “up” to get to the bottom.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Ahhh Don Joe, as God is my witness and I’ll take an oath on God’s Bible and take a lie detector, I built my “ladder” from the bottom up fool.
Why do you think I call yelling loser bumpus HAs bottom feeding knuckle dragging clueless village idiot?
Stay in the “zone” Don Joe. You are on a “roll”. Really!
@108 Don Joe: I know life is tough even for a Microsoft “manager” who gave it up.
Perhaps you give Don Joe too much credit. Here’s Don Joe at [] today:
Dave, @162
“Don Joe, how it it you have so much time to post on HA when you claim to be a Microsoft manager?”
Don Joe, @164
“I don’t recall ever claiming to be a manager, though I have been a manager in the past”
Dave, @171
“You said it here: @30 at [] ‘I’m a low-level manager at Microsoft'”
Don Joe, @173
“Ah, yes. More than two years ago. I’ve never enjoyed being a manager, though I have stepped into that role for the sake of the business unit.”
Ah, yes? Because Don Joe made his “I’m a low-level manager” claim on 07/24/2007 – less than nineteen and a half months ago.
Of course, ALL HE HAD TO DO was check the date of the post. Any surprise he got kicked up and down HA earlier for his HARD HITTING CBO “analysis” – faithly recounted @134 at []?
Once a fraud, twice a fraud . . .
Poor Stupes must be a bit touchy. Poor fool couldn’t even win a Golden Goat Award.
I was pulling for you Stupes. Sorry it couldn’t happen this time.
Don Joespews:
@ 111
I built my “ladder” from the bottom up
But your comment started from the top and when “up” to get down.
Don Joespews:
@ 112
I’m flattered. You can, somehow, find the time to track down my off-by-one error (I am a developer, you know), but rebutting my argument regarding the effects of the Bush tax cuts is a “waste of time”.
You really don’t see how silly your constant harping looks in the face of the fact that you refuse to respond to my argument.
You can’t keep your ANALYSIS or your STORIES straight . . .
You trip over EVERY number you encounter, whether its CBO data or your personal timeline.
Kumon Math Center FAQ:
“How Soon Will I See Results?”
After a BRIEF evaluation of Don Joe’s MIND by Kumon:
Not in your life time.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Don Joe
But your comment started from the top and when “up” to get down.
What a fool? Doesn’t realize how stupid his comment is. That’s the comedy of his simple mind.
Who is this pathetic stalker?
YLB, what do you do for a living? Just curious.
Marvin Stamnspews:
99. Dave spews:
@72 You’re a professor where?
Right here, at the University of Washington:
What a douche of a teacher.
Lazy, unprepared, unorganized, made students feel stupid for not understanding (which is a reflection on his inability to teach)…
@120 What a douche of a teacher.
And all at taxpayer expense. Perhaps Darryl should spend less time on HA and more time prepping for his students. In all fairness, though, maybe the evals done by UW students through the UW tell a different story.
Darryl, care to share?
Marvin Stamnspews:
109. Don Joe spews:
And, while I appreciate your concern, there really is no need. Don Joe isn’t worried about his job.
The benefits of white privilege.
As black people are losing their homes you’re livin’ large.
Don Joespews:
@ 116
You trip over EVERY number you encounter, whether its CBO data or your personal timeline.
I’ve always said that I can teach a computer to add, subtract, multiply and divide, but I can’t do it all that well myself. My fallibility is a point long ago conceded.
Which really leaves us to wonder why you would spend all this time discussing my fallibility while claiming that rebutting my argument would be a waste of time. To quote Steely Dan, “the things you think are precious, I can’t understand.”
Don Joespews:
@ 117
Doesn’t realize how stupid his comment is.
In Puddy world, the fact that Puddy went “up” to get down is apparently Don Joe’s fault. Must mean that Don Joe is a BMF.
Don Joespews:
@ 122
As black people are losing their homes you’re livin’ large.
Where did I say that I’m living large?
Al Minkmanspews:
re 104: You remind me of the Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Dearest Puddy,
Since I last wiped the floor with your sorry ass (one of many times, but I have lost count), you resort to the time honored tradition of whining about me and trying to insult me.
I let the facts speak for me and I don’t have to degrade your “supposed” intelligence – you do that very well on your own.
What is amazing to me is how big your ego is…there is hardly any room left in there for though processing….ahhhh, therein lies the rub….
And the psychotic @106 Truth: How is all that projecting going?
You are wrong on all counts – but of course, you offer no evidence. I am merely diagnosing off your own words – plenty of evidence from your own posts of delusional psychosis and schizophrenia.
I especially love the large ego you have in comparison with the limited ability to think and write. I have wondered, occasionally, if you actually got through the third grade – but now I can see that not only are you at that level of thought process but your emotional progress stopped there too. That explains a lot.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
NotRight: You wiped what with whom?
Still looking for that not a scientist?
I provide links. What do you provide besides kook-aid?
@107 Hmm, Cynical’s fixation on me is nearly creepy as his long-running obsession with farm animals.
Speaking of Cynical, since his latest “buy” recommendation for Wells Fargo last week it’s down another 40%. Yup, he really knows how to pick’em.
The Truthspews:
“You are wrong on all counts – but of course, you offer no evidence. ”
It’s natural for you to say “wrong on all counts” Mental ill people will say this.
GI Joe’s, Mill Plain…late 1990 something, men’s clothing section. Tonya and I had a moment near the Trail Blazer underwear rack.
I’m still a bit shaken and unsure of what it all meant.
A non entity trying to stay in the spotlight.
Speaking of Barrack Obama, Tanya should have posed these tidbits:
[Deleted — copied material (replaced by link), see HA Comment Policy]
What do you KLOWNS think of that??
That’s a knee slapper!
@3: cynical
A very good piece – if you are competing for most delusional troll.
Please – that was the most pathetic collection of claptrap, innuendo and false facts we have seen yet.
Way to go! You are shooting for the top troll! This post was so patently absurd it dwarfs some of your other deviant messages.
Do you think these up on your own or copy them wholesale? I bet I can find this entire post on the web somewhere….but why bother.
We have you to scour the internets for absurd analsysis ands false rightwingnut trash. Thank you so much for your diligent efforts to find the lowest of the low.
Email going around that the great one is going
to tax aspirin 40%. Because its white and it
Yes, everyone look over here at Tanya Harding. Don’t look at today’s news that says under President Obama, our nation’s unemployment rate has reached a 25 year high.
Nice diversionary tactic, John. Didn’t work on me, though.
Just get Tonya together with that gas-bloated whale.
Match made in heaven.
Little by little, I think I’m teaching some of you to be critical thinkers.
re 6: And black people don’t use Aspirin anyway because they refuse to pick the cotton out of the top of the bottle. (I know that you will repeat this one frequently.)
re 7: So, you are saying that unemployment was higher under Ronald Reagan?
I guess you are teaching us to be critical thinkers. Good for you!!
Hey this one is interesting. This guy may upstage the whale as the future of the Goopers:
Inspired by Savage-Wiener… Real winner here…
9 That comment has to be the most pathetic piece of mental masturbation ever seen here, and that’s saying quite a lot.
Lessee….all the wingnuts keep heckling about how all these baaaaad things keep happening and now that Obama’s President, it has to be entirely his fault. That’s rather like having a heart attack and blaming the paramedics.
Even using a sockpuppet headless lucy can’t hide his racist views of black people.
I’m sure the well-informed democrats on this site have already seen this article about obama and his need of a teleprompter
President Barack Obama doesn’t go anywhere without his TelePrompter.
Obama’s reliance on the teleprompter is unusual — not only because he is famous for his oratory, but because no other president has used one so consistently and at so many events, large and small.
Just how much of a crutch the teleprompter has become for Obama was on sharp display during his latest commerce secretary announcement.
Of course the liberal media isn’t in the tank for the obama.
It appears the liberal media feels it’s job to protect the obama from being known as president teleprompter.
I’m no Harding fan.
Another lie, Obama said I’ll bring the country together. What country is he talking about?
All he dose is divided and separate America and the sheep see nothing why cause their raciest as well.
It was so nice of michelle obama to help out the homeless and pose for pictures on the cellphones of the homeless.
From the link…
Good one!!
The unemployment rate it so high because the economic fallacies of Reagan and on, of Borrow and Spend, having finally come due. There is no way that Obama can change the course of 30 years of economic destruction in a couple of months. You conservatives, and way too many democrats, wanted deregulation, free trade and the gutting of our manufacturing, education and general economic base to feed your greed and now you getting the downside of that greed. Enjoy.
A utility bill of under $10 a month? My phone is more than that, my direct tv is more than that, my internet is more than that.
Considering the size of the mansions/estates both pelosi and pitt live in, $10 a month won’t even cover the cost of their water fountains.
Pitt must be much more than the actor he portrays in movies… Not only does he hang with pelosi but he gets secret meetings with the obama.
Why do democrats always hang around the filthy rich? What about the middle class people, aren’t they good enough for the democratics?
His lies are slowly being exposed thanks to the internet. The liberal media would never point something like this out.
Bush is dyslexic. A teleprompter would have been useless.
What was that thing Bush always had in his ear? The conservatard press never did get aound to exposing Bush as a fraud.
Which is it, blame bush or blame reagan? What’s next, blaming the man on the moon?
The FACT that the dow has dropped like the ratings of air america under the obama is because of obama.
30 years? What about the great clinton economy. Did you forget about that democrat talking point?
Gutting of education??? More $ is being spent today than anytime in the history of this country on education.
Why does anyone with $ that cares about their kids send them to private school? Because they get an education instead of indoctrination.
Here’s a question for you…
In a private school what is the ratio of teachers to other paid employees (administrators, nurse, janitor, etc.)?
In the failing public schools what is the ratio?
Glad to see you’re competing for this afternoon’s inaugural Troll of the Week Award (aka The Golden Goat). Bring it home, man, close the deal.
The difference is no one ever said bush was a great orator.
Any links to back up your conspiracy theory? All those bush haters must have taken thousands of photos of whatever was in his ear.
Why are you scared to use your headless lucy name anymore?
You didn’t even try to disprove anything I said, instead went straight to the weak-ass insult.
It’s obvious when he won’t respond and goes into his child mode he agrees with your post.
This goes for all HA teammates.
People are getting wise to the obama.
Initially people thought he was childishly incompetent in picking person after person for his cabinet… the truth is he is getting democrats to finally pair their fair share.
Gupta Steps Aside
But one source close to him said he was very disheartened by Daschle’s fate and fearful he was not going to get a prominent role in the health reform process. Gupta has built a lucrative media empire that includes appearances on CBS as well as CNN and book deals. He had expressed concern to friends about the financial impact on his wife and children.
Tough choice for the doctor… Be outed as a tax cheat like daschle or live large with his media empire.
Marvin Stamn,
When you dropped out of High School, you didn’t just quit on yourself…you quit on America.
Why do you hate America?
Fuckin’ loser!
I don’t think he agrees. It’s obvious he needs the government to take care of him and being in a socialist society works better for him.
Although he does illustrate my point about the failing educational system.
Marvin, think of it this way he can’t respond cause it’s the truth.
Marvie @ 31
I’m pretty sure of two things: (1) I make more money than you do (and keep people employed at the same time); and (2) I have a helluva lot more education than you do. Your having a conversation with The Truth, on his level, is testament to intellectual weakness.
So when is the cutoff for troll entries? And who’s the favorite at this point?
Because all my college professors were inept and incompetent hacks that were bitter because they couldn’t succeed in the private sector so they were forced to become teachers and took out their hate on innocent students. And then on top of that I had to pay for it.
I even had one professor that lectured us on global warming and the sins we were committing by using fossil fuels to get from place to place. And that same professor had the audacity to fly in small private aircraft for his fun and pleasure. The typical do as I say, not as I do that professors routinely spew.
“33. proud leftist spews:
I’m pretty sure of two things: (1) I make more money than you do (and keep people employed at the same time); and (2) I have a helluva lot more education than you do. Your having a conversation with The Truth, on his level, is testament to intellectual weakness.”
My dad told me when I was growing up people who need to tell others how well their doing lie! He’s insecure and this proves it.
Bush has been noted on MANY occasions to have a receiver in his ear. He even wore them at the debates with Kerry and Gore.
Another one who agrees with you.
More money makes you right?
Haven’t seen that for a while… That’s called the biden IQ comeback. And we all know what he said was a lie.
Once again you proved my point about attacking me and not proving my posts in this thread were not accurate.
Seems like my posting of links is getting the natives riled up. I wonder why.
Marvin Stamn,
“Because all my college professors…”
What…you took a tour of Hamburger University?
Steve @ 34
2:00. I can’t believe how tight this thing is. It seems a shame all the boys can’t get a nice, shiny medal for their efforts. I don’t want to hurt any of their feelings–they’re all in there throwing elbows, catching a second wind, doing what it takes to compete. Who is your pick, or do you want to withhold judgment until the last minute to see who closes best?
Links to pictures? Or is it only noted.
One would think with all the digital cameras and cellphone cameras there would be thousands of pictures.
Marvin Stamn,
“Seems like my posting of links is getting the natives riled up. I wonder why.”
Naaaa…we just enjoy watching our favorite little high school drop-out devolve into apoplexy….
Is that your way of denigrating people that work for in & out?
Was Bush wired during the debates? The evidence suggests that he was
@36 “My dad told me when I was growing up people who need to tell others how well their doing lie! He’s insecure and this proves it.”
Exactly what I’ve been saying all along about Cynical. Poor sap, what with the narcissistic personality disorder and all that. Always telling us how wonderful he is. Pompously quoting scripture and telling us we’re all heathens in one paragraph, then spewing hate and swearing like a sailor in the next. The pathetic stock tips and crowing about investments and ranches. Glad to see that you agree with me that Cynical’s an asswipe and a liar. There might be hope for you yet.
@41 If Cynical shows up quoting scripture while making a another “buy” recommendation on Wells Fargo, then I’d say the silly fuck would win hands down. Until then, I’m keeping my money on manoftruth. He’s just too steady. Every post of his reminds me of why he’s the favorite.
No anger on my part, I’m laughing.
You are the one calling people “fuckin’ loser!”
Hey proud leftist, even steve views you as insecure.
So it’s not just us trolls that see it.
Cynical is the exception… he’s a patriot.
Marvin Stamn @ 44
“Is that your way of denigrating people that work for in & out?”
What the fuck? How does asking you if you took a tour of Hamburger U. denigrate anyone?
This is the problem with you stupid fucks. You drop out of high school and never learn how to construct a logical argument.
What is wrong with you?
You pretend that you find his words offensive yet you keep mentioning the little twit and encouraging him.
Does he write what you wish you could?
As he keeps replying to me with more hate and insults.
Marvin Stamn,
“You pretend that you find his words offensive yet you keep mentioning the little twit and encouraging him.
Does he write what you wish you could?”
Huh…another argument completely void of logic.
Marvie-Doodles…someone can “pretend to find” (or even ACTUALLY find) someone’s words offensive, without restriction on the frequency of reference. Furthermore, frequent reference to someone would seem to be unrelated to any desire to mimic.
Marvin…are you fucking stoned or something???
Marvin Stamn,
“As he keeps replying to me with more hate and insults.”
Hate? Naaaa…..Insults sure!
So? ‘Round here we call that Troll-smacking.
(Although somehow I suspect you are engaging in some self-“smacking.”)
I didn’t want to mention this before so you could edit it, but…
Your education isn’t what you think it is.
Good one.
I remember making those jacking off insults in middle school.
Marvin Stamn writes,
“Your education isn’t what you think it is.”
…says the idiot who wrote (above):
“Once again you proved my point about attacking me and not proving my posts in this thread were not accurate.”
Marvie @ 55
Uh, actually, m’lad, that is the correct grammatical construction. Check it out in Strunk and White if you don’t believe me. Thanks for trying, though.
Marvin Stamn @ 56,
“I remember making those jacking off insults in middle school.”
Ummm…not what I was getting at Marvie. Get your mind off porn.
Typical elitists…
Told her sure they would like the risotto, then moved down the line to get steamed broccoli, home-made apple-carrot muffins, wheat rolls and salad…
“If anyone brings us donuts, Steve throws them away,” Gibson said. “It is not good food for our guests.
Nothing like good old comfort food, like risotto, steamed broccoli and wheat rolls.
Someone donates donuts? Throw them away, they are not good enough for our hungry homeless.
I wonder how the hungry homeless guy feels about that donut. Was he asked or did someone make that decision for him.
Okay, you got me on that one.
Marvin Stamn @ 60,
Wooooowwwww, Marvin. That’s quite a critique!
It’s sort of like your very own, “Let them eat donuts!” moment!
Keep up the intellectual gymnastics, there, Marvin.
I was only pointing out that maybe those hungry homeless people might actually like a donut or 2. I thought people in support of choice regarding something as big as abortion would believe in choice fr a donut.
I must be doing pretty good for a high school dropout with an IQ in the low 60s if I can manage to get a college professor to mentally spar with me.
The smart people I know ignore me. I guess that makes them smarter than you. But then, you are a college professor.
This week obama hosted 200 congress people for dinner.
They dined on mushroom crisps, steelhead salmon, and saffron couscous.
This is a weekly function of wasting our tax money.
Guy walks into the local welfare office to pick up his check.
He marches straight up to the counter and says,
“Hi. You know, I just HATE drawing welfare! I’d really rather have a job.”
The social worker behind the counter says,
‘Your timing is excellent. We just got a job opening from a very wealthy old man who wants a chauffeur and bodyguard for his beautiful daughter. You’ll have to drive around in his Mercedes, and he’ll supply all of your clothes. Because of the long hours, meals will be provided. You’ll be expected to escort the daughter on her overseas holiday trips. You’ll be provided a two-bedroom apartment above the garage. The salary is $200,000 a year.’
The guy, wide-eyed, says, ‘You’re bullshittin’ me!’
The social worker replies, ‘Yeah, well . . . . you started it.
I finally figured out how Obama plans to pay for all this Pork-barrel spending!
Today, I went out Ammo shopping.
1st stop, Wal-Mart.
Problem–no ammo .22 caliber or bigger.
Reason–people are stockpiling Ammo & weapons.
When Wal-Mart gets some in, it’s gone in an hour. Same thing at many of their stores nationwide. They are selling everything they can get.
2nd Stop–
3 sporting goods stores and 2 gun shops-
SAME THING. Stockpiling.
The number one reason all the clerks cited for this stockpiling and shortage…
President Obama!!
So I guess Obama’s secret plan is to balance the Budget,
The clerks indicated there was a whole lot of hate (no threats) toward the President.
America has never been more armed than today.
Obama has fanned the flames….causing this mass arming of Americans.
99,999 out of 100,000 gun owners are responsible folks…but there certainly are some kooks too.
Marvin Stamn,
“I was only pointing out that maybe those hungry homeless people might actually like a donut or 2.”
Fuck yeah! “Let them eat donuts!”
“I thought people in support of choice regarding something as big as abortion would believe in choice fr a donut.”
This sentence would seem to be a non sequitur. Come on, Marvin…turn on your brain and try to make some sense.
“The smart people I know ignore me.”
I’m sure they do. But when you crash someone’s party, the attention given to you by the host is not a function of IQ.
“I guess that makes them smarter than you. “
This is ANOTHER non sequitur. Even starting with the (flawed) premise “Smart people ignore me,” it is a logical fallacy to conclude “therefore, I am smarter than a person who does not ignore me”
They have entire courses on this kind of stuff…but you’d have to earn that GED first.
5. correctnotright spews:
@3: cynical
The quote Jon hated so much actually wasn’t about Obama…although it seemed like it.
It was about Adolph Hitler!
Wow, you are really really smart.
You must be a great person.
See, I’m getting the hang of that non sequitur thing.
Obama’s Radicalism Is Killing the Dow
You were the first fish on!
What a chump you are.
You immediately thought it was about Obama, didn’t you.
It was actually about Adolph Hitler.
I love it when the predictable LEFTIST PINHEADS like you jump to conclusions before asking the right question like:
Who was this about??
Ready, Fire, Aim!
Marvin Stamn,
“Wow, you are really really smart.”
Thank you!
“You must be a great person.
See, I’m getting the hang of that non sequitur thing.”
Very good, Marvin! Indeed the consequent does not follow from the antecedent.
Goldy star for Marvin!
Your a professor where?
“Obama’s Radicalism Is Killing the Dow.”
Wow. And here I thought it was crappy earnings and bad investments.
President Barack Obama dislikes Britain, but he’s keen to meet the Queen
Dow down 1 trillion since obama became president.
When he speaks the dow tanks.
Clinton gift gaffe: ‘Overcharge’
Another embarrassment for the USA
Tongue-tied Clinton gets warm EU welcome
Another embarrassment for the USA
Never waste a good crisis, Clinton says on climate sheep will never know.
Man, you are getting your game on. Just 3 minutes to go.
proud leftist
Glad you agree with the reporting.
Shame it’s the truth.
The time has come to announce the winner of the inaugural Troll of the Week Award (aka The Golden Goat). I would like to begin by thanking all of our contestants. Your enthusiasm and competitive spirit were contagious. I would also like to thank all of you non-trolls who offered suggestions and voted.
During the course of the competition, a number of criteria were offered as instructive to picking a winner. Examples of such criteria include: failure to present a logical argument; failure to think beyond the simplistic (classic troll examples: the stock market is down, so Obama is bad; or, it is cold, so global warming is a hoax); racism; failure to understand criticism or recognize either humor or sarcasm; obliviousness to how stupid one appears; failure to even examine one’s own sources and misinterpretation of such sources; blind partisanship; the inability to lace two sentences together; incoherence; refusal to condemn anyone on the same side no matter how ridiculous or offensive the position; failure to recognize that the GOP got its ass kicked in November and that rightwingers are an engangered species; volume of nonsense spewed; and, simply, never adding anything of value to the discourse, not even amusement value.
Now, while such criteria are helpful and lend some objectivity to the selection process, ultimately the determining factor is more intuitive—to paraphrase Justice Potter Stewart’s definition of pornography, we know true trollness when we see it. What I saw in trying to pick this week’s top troll was most impressive. I expected the race to come down to two, maybe three, competitors, but, lord, did some of you ramp it up at the end. You scrapped, cajoled, snarked, and baffled. You picked yourselves up when thrown to the ground, dusted yourselves off, and got back into the game. You evaded reason, reality, and respectful discourse like they were toxic bacteria. You embraced intolerance, insolency, and unrighteous indignation like a sot cradles a bottle of booze. Your efforts were truly inspirational.
So, coming to my own selection was difficult. I’m sure others who voted similarly had to struggle with choosing from what is a very deep bench (unlike the contemporary GOP’s political bench). Nonetheless, in tallying up the votes of others and in engaging in my own selection process, a few candidates clearly emerged as top caliber trolls. We all know who they are, but I believe we should still pay them tribute by naming them: Puddy, Cynical, Marvie, manoftruth, The Truth, Mark, Mark1. Each of these candidates has some compelling strengths, none have any glaring weaknesses. They are, in a word, gamers. So, to those who will be disappointed at not getting the Goat, please remember that it wasn’t for lack of skill and there’s always next week. (Let me request that none of you ask for a recount or a do-over election.)
Now, with that introduction, it is my great privilege to announce the winner of the inaugural Troll of the Week Award . . . And, the Goat goes to–
manoftruth. Yes, manoftruth, congratulations. Your brazen racism, your incoherence, your utter unfamiliarity with rudimentary rules of punctuation and grammar, your persistent rudeness carried you over the top. Please know that your receipt of this award makes you a leader of today’s Republican Party. Make sure party members give you your due. You’ve got bragging rights, man.
All he’s doing is posting a link and a couple snarky words.
Do you disagree with the links?
Why? There are not from fox news.
Could St. Louis lose its Catholic hospitals under new federal abortion legislation?
At a time where we need hospitals it’s a shame Obama and Democrats forgot the words of coming together.
It’s not how you or I type words on the post they don’t care as your post proves . It’s what in the links that upset them or who the story is about.
They will not respond to the truth that’s when they attack. Or go ballistic into liberal rubbish.
Now @82 is posting his contest on other links on HA. Really shows how insecure he is.
Your disappointment is natural. Don’t let yourself get too down. Pick yourself up and win it next week.
I will meet with anyone at anytime we will have a open government to all Americans.
After reading the rules of no TelePrompter.
Obama refuses to debate Rush Limbaugh.
“And, the Goat goes to–
Hotdamn! I just knew I’d picked a winner in that racist bitch!
I know. I was trying to goat him into trying to debate the link and not simply name call.
Looks like I failed to get proudleftist to man up.
@ 82. proud leftist
That was fun. Will this be weekly feature, for as long as you can stomach it?
As you might imagine, reviewing all the troll posts of the past week then agonizing over who most deserves the honor was an exhausting endeavor. We’ll see if I can summon the strength to do it again. There does seem to be a need for this–our trolls certainly deserve some care and feeding.
Best comment of the link:
“Take a look around you, Portlanders, and you will see a bit of Tonya Harding in your wife, sister and daughter. Add to that years of being on the defensive and you have Tonya as she is today.
As for why this is newsworthy?
The President of the United States consciously used a US citizen’s name in a derogatory manner just get a chuckle.
This type of thing should have been beneath him.”
Nuthin is beneath Obama.
Hey Jon DeVore did you marry a Portlander?
The troll competition is really heating up:
1. Troll:
Very delusional, schizophrenic.
2. Marvin: bitter, insipid and clueless demagogue:
3. The Truth: Stupid, can’t write, spell or use the English language but has a very big ego:
Another lie, Obama said I’ll bring the country together. What country is he talking about?
It is even hard to tell what the “truth” is trying to say here – the errors are compounded…mismatched tenses, their instead of they’re, is that supposed to be racist? dose divided?
If ignorance is bliss than truth is the happiest moron on earth.
We’ve got a winner–check out 82 above. Thank for your assistance in the agonizing process of selecting a winner.
Awwww proud leftist, you spoiled NotRight’s fun. Proves he doesn’t read and process information too well.
How are those gum chewing and walking lessons going?
How are those cell phone talking and walking lessons going?
How are those eating and thinking lessons going?
How are the sneezing and ASS-wiping lessons going?
Just axking.
I hope you’re not too disappointed that you didn’t win this week. I gave you extra points on a number of fronts, but they just didn’t add up in the end.
82 – Damn! I was pulling for Stupes. No matter. That moron could win a dozen Golden Goats in a fraction of the weeks.
Only a mindless fool like Stupes could possibly accomplish this.
@72 You’re a professor where?
Right here, at the University of Washington:
You are correct, Marvin. Rush is another conservatard pussy who can dish it out but can’t take it.
We are going to run you into the river like pre-comumbian Kickapoos chasing a herd of buffalo.
I thought the pudddybiotch had it in the bag too…damn.
We need to start a pool.
Awwww…poor Marvie. I though he might be able to pull out a last minute upset.
You’re embarrassing yourself again becoming a daily routine for you.
Another lie, Obama said I’ll bring the country together. What country is he talking about?
All he dose is divided and separate America and the sheep see nothing why cause their raciest as well.
If you can’t figure this out you have no
common sense and you need to expand you reading skills. I’m sure you had a horrible time going through schooling. Did the guys give you a bad time? I understand a trouble childhood will effect your attitude later in life. I would bet you fall into this category.
Your a little guy who runs to mommy after a failure, This has to be a daily active for of you. You still need attention okay I just gave it to you. have fun.
Rack em and stack em
Top rung – Goldy who leads the NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbat! Fools
Next rung up – SeattleJew – Just to piss of Lee!
Next rung up – Goldy’s chief henchmen
Next rung up – Steve, because he admits when he’s wrong and comes to defense of people when right is right and left is wrong
Next rung up – the rest of the leftist pinheads
Next rung up – FricknFrack – Does she dislike blacks like her granny
Next rung up – Jennie Tlaz
Next rung up – K – One of the 9/11 10% haters
Next rung up – tie – proud leftist – NotRight – hard to distinguish the two sometimes their moronic minds are joined. Jury still out if they are one of the 9/11 10% haters
Next rung up Ekim & Pelletizer – First abuse the goat then eat it, literally
Next rung up – busdrivermike – Do you want to be on his bus?
Next rung up – Mr Stupid the vacuous rujax! Giving it to stillbentover – One of the 9/11 10% haters
Next rung up – stillbentovergettingitfrom rujax!
Next rung up – leadless douchy and his 27 sock puppets – brought down by his own “weight” – – One of the 9/11 10% haters
Bottom Dweller – HA knuckle dragging clueless village idiot – – One of the 9/11 10% haters
Top rung
Next rung up
Bottom Dweller
You know, I just knew there’d come a point when Puddy would try to tell us that “up” is down.
Was hopping you field was psychiatry as
correctnotright has a lot of issues.
My take he had a trouble childhood and a double personality proud leftist you can’t distinguished between the two.
Well done…although Kountry Klubber Steve who spent months wearing out the term goatf-cker is a real douchebag in my book.
steve seems to think growing up poor is only something he experienced…and somehow that makes him a brother.
steve cries Global Warming while playing golf at his Kountry Klub that pours millions of gallons of fertiler and chemicals into the eco-system.
I’m pretty much with you on the rest….most of them belong flocked together well below the bottom rung!
Can you picture all these KLOWNS standing together on the bottom rung?!
That’s why I call ’em KLOWNS!
Don Joe: I know life is tough even for a Microsoft “manager” who gave it up.
With you morons you need a foundation. It was plain and simple. HAs knuckle dragging clueless village idiot is your foundation. No one more stupid than him. It was tough but leadless and all his sock puppets Goldy allows for “unique” visitor names was an easy second under stillbentovergettingitfromrujax!
But in Don Joe’s world you climb up a ladder from the top.
What a fool.
@ 108
I know life is tough even for a Microsoft “manager” who gave it up.
Again, Puddy shows that he’s a fool who knows nothing. The only performance reviews I have to write now are my own.
And, while I appreciate your concern, there really is no need. Don Joe isn’t worried about his job.
But in Don Joe’s world you climb up a ladder from the top.
I was merely quoting Puddy’s own words. After all, it was Puddy who started at the top, and went “up” to get to the bottom.
Ahhh Don Joe, as God is my witness and I’ll take an oath on God’s Bible and take a lie detector, I built my “ladder” from the bottom up fool.
Why do you think I call yelling loser bumpus HAs bottom feeding knuckle dragging clueless village idiot?
Stay in the “zone” Don Joe. You are on a “roll”. Really!
@108 Don Joe: I know life is tough even for a Microsoft “manager” who gave it up.
Perhaps you give Don Joe too much credit. Here’s Don Joe at [] today:
Dave, @162
“Don Joe, how it it you have so much time to post on HA when you claim to be a Microsoft manager?”
Don Joe, @164
“I don’t recall ever claiming to be a manager, though I have been a manager in the past”
Dave, @171
“You said it here: @30 at [] ‘I’m a low-level manager at Microsoft'”
Don Joe, @173
“Ah, yes. More than two years ago. I’ve never enjoyed being a manager, though I have stepped into that role for the sake of the business unit.”
Ah, yes? Because Don Joe made his “I’m a low-level manager” claim on 07/24/2007 – less than nineteen and a half months ago.
Of course, ALL HE HAD TO DO was check the date of the post. Any surprise he got kicked up and down HA earlier for his HARD HITTING CBO “analysis” – faithly recounted @134 at []?
Once a fraud, twice a fraud . . .
Poor Stupes must be a bit touchy. Poor fool couldn’t even win a Golden Goat Award.
I was pulling for you Stupes. Sorry it couldn’t happen this time.
@ 111
I built my “ladder” from the bottom up
But your comment started from the top and when “up” to get down.
@ 112
I’m flattered. You can, somehow, find the time to track down my off-by-one error (I am a developer, you know), but rebutting my argument regarding the effects of the Bush tax cuts is a “waste of time”.
You really don’t see how silly your constant harping looks in the face of the fact that you refuse to respond to my argument.
You can’t keep your ANALYSIS or your STORIES straight . . .
You trip over EVERY number you encounter, whether its CBO data or your personal timeline.
Kumon Math Center FAQ:
“How Soon Will I See Results?”
After a BRIEF evaluation of Don Joe’s MIND by Kumon:
Not in your life time.
Don Joe
What a fool? Doesn’t realize how stupid his comment is. That’s the comedy of his simple mind.
Who is this pathetic stalker?
YLB, what do you do for a living? Just curious.
What a douche of a teacher.
Lazy, unprepared, unorganized, made students feel stupid for not understanding (which is a reflection on his inability to teach)…
@120 What a douche of a teacher.
And all at taxpayer expense. Perhaps Darryl should spend less time on HA and more time prepping for his students. In all fairness, though, maybe the evals done by UW students through the UW tell a different story.
Darryl, care to share?
The benefits of white privilege.
As black people are losing their homes you’re livin’ large.
@ 116
You trip over EVERY number you encounter, whether its CBO data or your personal timeline.
I’ve always said that I can teach a computer to add, subtract, multiply and divide, but I can’t do it all that well myself. My fallibility is a point long ago conceded.
Which really leaves us to wonder why you would spend all this time discussing my fallibility while claiming that rebutting my argument would be a waste of time. To quote Steely Dan, “the things you think are precious, I can’t understand.”
@ 117
Doesn’t realize how stupid his comment is.
In Puddy world, the fact that Puddy went “up” to get down is apparently Don Joe’s fault. Must mean that Don Joe is a BMF.
@ 122
As black people are losing their homes you’re livin’ large.
Where did I say that I’m living large?
re 104: You remind me of the Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Dearest Puddy,
Since I last wiped the floor with your sorry ass (one of many times, but I have lost count), you resort to the time honored tradition of whining about me and trying to insult me.
I let the facts speak for me and I don’t have to degrade your “supposed” intelligence – you do that very well on your own.
What is amazing to me is how big your ego is…there is hardly any room left in there for though processing….ahhhh, therein lies the rub….
And the psychotic @106 Truth: How is all that projecting going?
You are wrong on all counts – but of course, you offer no evidence. I am merely diagnosing off your own words – plenty of evidence from your own posts of delusional psychosis and schizophrenia.
I especially love the large ego you have in comparison with the limited ability to think and write. I have wondered, occasionally, if you actually got through the third grade – but now I can see that not only are you at that level of thought process but your emotional progress stopped there too. That explains a lot.
NotRight: You wiped what with whom?
Still looking for that not a scientist?
I provide links. What do you provide besides kook-aid?
@107 Hmm, Cynical’s fixation on me is nearly creepy as his long-running obsession with farm animals.
Speaking of Cynical, since his latest “buy” recommendation for Wells Fargo last week it’s down another 40%. Yup, he really knows how to pick’em.
“You are wrong on all counts – but of course, you offer no evidence. ”
It’s natural for you to say “wrong on all counts” Mental ill people will say this.
Evidence is in your own words post after post.