Longtime CNN Baghdad correspondent Michael Ware blows apart McCain’s attempts to claim that the “Surge” was responsible for the drops in violence in Iraq.
The real reason for the reduction was from a willingness to engage in diplomacy with some of our enemies and by bringing insurgent leaders like Muqtada al-Sadr into the political process – things that the Bush Administration vehemently refuses to say they do, but are eventually forced to do by circumstance. Yet this fundamental flaw in how both Bush and McCain see the world and how it functions is still seen by many as an asset. America’s standing in the world will continue to diminish until we put people in charge who understand this flaw and work to fix it. This, more than anything, shapes my decision on November 4, and it’s not a tough call. Obama and Biden understand this stuff at a level that McCain, Palin, and the current folks in the White House just don’t reach.
More Democratic presidents have taken us to war than Republican presidents.
Whoever gets elected in November should declare victory in Iraq and shut down the show. If you’re gonna get involved in a shooting war, get it over with quickly.
#1 – Er…but I thought Republicans believe war is “good” right? Ask McCain. War is butch and macho and shows you’re tough. So are you saying Republicans are just wimps and afraid to truly confront America’s enemies and project American power when required? We need Democrats to fight wars and Republicans to go hide in their little survivalist compounds in the backwoods of Idaho in fear? LOL
Stupid analysis..
The pressure of the surge forced negotiations.
What a fool.
And this just in from Rasmussen about a huge issue in this election…bi-partisanism.
McCain has a huge advantage:
63% Say McCain Likely to Reach Across the Aisle, 51% Say Obama Will
Thursday, September 11, 2008
If elected President, 63% of voters say that John McCain is likely to reach across the aisle and work with Democrats to pass important legislation. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 51% say that Barack Obama will do the same if elected.
Amazing Lee, you venture to the network of Eason Jordan to make a point.
How about when Al-Sadr’s wacked out foot soldiers are dying in large numbers and the rest of their population realizes their strength is dwindling and the urge to live overcomes the urge for martyrdom?
Hmmm…? let’s see go home and screw my wife vs. strapping an explosive vest on my body, blow myself up for some mythical 72 virgins and Ali screws my wife?
I thought people from Philadelphia were taught better?
Cynical – per yelling loser boy HAs clueless idiot, Rasmussen can’t be trusted. I guess thats why people are trusting Rasmussen and YLB is clueless!
Question for my fellow Democrats. Why do you think our party starts more wars than the Republicans?
The real reason for the reduction was from a willingness to engage in diplomacy with some of our enemies and by bringing insurge
I would not rely on Michael Ware for an unbiased analysis. Anyway, how could he have had time to do his homework properly when he was so distracted by other issues:
So the war was won years ago (Saddam’s government/army defeated). The police work our soldiers were improperly stuck with since should be done by now. Violence is down. So everything worked? So why can’t we leave then? Would SOMEONE explain what has to happen for us to be able to leave? Not just repeat “win the war”…but what the hell else do we need to accomplish?
Bush is saying we might be able to reduce troops to slightly above the surge levels maybe by the end of the year. Er…why can’t we just leave? If we’re convinced things will just “fall apart” if we leave, then HOW (tell me specifically) will we ever know we’ve fixed that and can leave x months/years from now? How do we EVER know that if we leave it won’t turn into a cat fight for power? How do we know WHEN it’s ok to leave?
I saw some tape on the sidebar that showed the conditions in Sadr City. No electricity, no water, destruction everywhere.
Is that “victory”? What a freaking mess. That country is a wreck and if we aren’t totally responsible for the wreckage, we sure as hell are responsible for accelerating it into total disaster.
The sooner we get out the better. The logistics of maintaining an occupation of that scale is bankrupting us not to mention the burden we’ll face of caring for our wounded and the reparations we’ll be paying to Iraq, China, Japan and Saudi Arabia for generations to come.
Nice going Chimpmeister. May people never forget and always spit at the mention of your name.
“Longtime CNN Baghdad correspondent Michael Ware blows apart McCain’s attempts to claim that the “Surge” was responsible for the drops in violence in Iraq.”
One has to ask why has it taken CNN so long to report this?
The Media is in the tank for Terrorist and Obama and company. They can’t get any story right the first time around. Only the left wing wackos will buy this trash.
Here is one for you wackos “Obama is now calling himself Jesus.”
Have fun with that one !
#11 – “Obama is now calling himself Jesus”
Wow! Damning. Care to give us the URL link to that video? No? Totally made up, just like everything from the corrupt Republicans.
Just like McCain claiming Obama called Palin a pig. Made up. Obama wants to teach comprehensive sex ed to 5 year olds. Made up. Palin turned down the bridge to no where. Made up. Palin sold a jet on eBay (for a profit according to McCain). Made up. Palin is against ear marks. Made up.
Are Republicans incapable of telling the truth?
I thought this was going to be a post about biden getting out of the race before his career is ruined.
After all, a job in the senate is better than being known as the pick for veep that doomed the obama campaign.
I would post the link of biden saying hillary would have been a better pick if it hadn’t already been posted by a whole bunch of us trolls.
#12 He’s goona heal the earth – BO. He fills the holes in our souls – MO.
4. Mr. Cynical: Nope. That’s not how it happened.
The Anbar Awakening was gaining moment before “The Surge” was even decided upon.
And “The Surge” had nothing to do with the sectarian riot that lead Muqtada al-Sadr to call for a cease-fire in August 2007. If anything, “The Surge” delayed this event.
Back in 2006, Barack Obama had the comprehensive plan that anticipated every element that Petraeus and others say was key to success. McCain only had one piece of it—and he kept wavering back-and-forth even on that, hedging his bet so that he wouldn’t look quite so bad if he was wrong.
McCain is a namby-pamby momma’s boy who gets Americans killed. The only reason he wasn’t fragged is because he was a Navy bomber pilot and not on the ground.
@12. So we won:
I’m inclined to say they can’t. But why speculate? Let’s ask ’em…
“Republican” Trolls: Are you capable of telling the truth?
Dave, you are delusional. Why isn’t this an Obama campaign theme?
Also how do you explain Obama paying his women employees less than the men. McCain pays his women at or above the men?
I would think Obama would want to minimize the damage before McCain runs ads on that too!
#14 – Made up.
He said this election would be when the earth starts to heal…not that HE will magically do it himself…but that WE (the public) would start to make it a priority.
He said “he will fill the hole in our souls”? Wow. That’s odd. I’ll call you a liar (like all Republicans) until you can provide a link to a video of him saying that, or a transcript from a ‘real’ news agency. Just saying you think you think you heard that on the internet in a blog or email somewhere doesn’t count.
See unlike Republicans liars..I’ll back up my claim. Here’s the video of McCain saying Palin sold a jet on eBay (not true) and for a profit (not true).
17. Puddybud:
Delusional? Prove it. I mean it’s puddy-wackers like you who make stuff, while your opponents back everything up with fact—often using neocon’s own documented spew.
How do you explain McCain having oral sex with Sarah Palin in a Washington, PA train station men’s room?
I’d say my answer is the same.
@18 So we won:
I think it’s confused and is referring to John McCain:
Fight for his cause? Fight so I have reason to thank God? No thank you. I have friends and family and my own faith. I don’t need the government telling me what cause they’re going to fight for so that I can thank God for the government.
Troll @ 1: So you are saying that the U.S. shouldn’t have become involved in WWII or Korea? Perhaps Roosevelt should have insisted that we continue to sell scrap metal and oil to Japan while they continued their goal of conquest in China? Maybe he should have shrugged off Pearl Harbor and ordered the surviving fleet to retreat to the west coast of the U.S., instead of declaring war on Japan? (Note: the U.S. did NOT declare war on Germany until several days later, AFTER Germany first declared war on the U.S.).
Or maybe Truman should have withdrawn U.S. troops from Korea at the first shots of the N. Korean invasion?
Of course you don’t believe that. You just want to come in, leave your poop on the doorstep, and leave, hoping that your purpose would be accomplished by the resulting smell.
I’m sick and tired of that “Democrats start wars” bullshit. Foreign policy – and military action – is something that has to be handled by cool heads and professionals. Sometimes even with the best of efforts and intentions it doesn’t work out well. But that doesn’t mean you excuse complete folly and inept planning (or complete lack of planning) by an administration full of chicken-hawks who think they know something about the military but know NOTHING.
Read and weep.
@22 James: “Read and weep.”
LOL! Based on what you linked-to, you might was well have said, “Make like a tree… and get outta here!”
First, the quote—as emphasized in the web sites you refer to—isn’t from Barack Obama. Second, the quote is a criticism of neocons trivializing Jesus’ work on earth and glorifying that of the Roman anti-Christians.
Now make like a bee… and fly away! So there!
Only a friggin’ moron would mention taking Al-Sadr into the “political process” as a reason for the drop in violence. He was hiding out in Iran while the troops kicked the shit out of his so-called “Mahdi Army”. After that he saw the light.
Dave spews:
You ladies are funny!
You need to kick it up a notch so we can get a bigger laugh.
@24 John425: Is there no limit to your idiocy? Gen David Petraeus is not a moron:
Source: http://www.usatoday.com/news/w.....aeda_N.htm
…which is precisely what Barack Obama advocated in 2006.
BTW: Your “facts” are also completely fictional, but then again, that’s nothing new.
Dave#26 rants but overlooks the salient points. Re-read carefully. A six month “cease fire” came AFTER our troops demonstrated a “severe cause of death” to the Mahdi idiots.
I really get a kick out of how these paid trolls define quoting a general as a “rant” and opinion as fact. But I understand that’s just the Borg parts speaking.
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times:
Read… the… whole… sentence. Beginning with the word that has the capital letter at the beginning and all the way (I know it’s a long, long way)… to the end (That’s where the period is). And not just the one-syllable words.
In other “news”: The councils started forming back in 2006. OMG! Why didn’t Rush program that into my brain-pod?
Goldfish are more intelligent that these charlatans.
Oh and Daddy Love…is this the Rasmussen Poll you were twisting??
61% of Republicans More Likely to Give Thanks to Palin; 46% of Democrats Say Same of Biden
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Call it the vice presidential battle for campaign cash. So far John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate has Republicans far more likely to give money to his campaign than Democrats responding to Barack Obama’s selection of Joseph Biden.
Sixty-one percent (61%) of Republicans say they are more likely to give money to the McCain campaign with the Alaska governor running for vice president, while 46% of Democrats say the same with the longtime Delaware senator on the ticket, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
Only 12% of Republicans say they are less likely to give, compared to 19% of Democrats”
Biden has really been a great choice, huh?!
OT but there’s been a dearth of “live” open threads:
McSame speaks out about “evil” earmarked spending to study bear DNA, yeah bear like in Smokey or Grizzly.
Only there’s a problem.
Palin requested earmarks to study seals and crabs.
Is that “evil”?
Thank you Donna Brazile for more Obama is “messiah” ammunition!
yelling loser bozo (note the name change but the idiot is still the same):
On Sept 5th the HA leftist crazies were decrying Palin and earmarks. Did you not get the memo? Did your mail get rerouted by the SEIU? Y’all said she was evil hypocrite. So your question is a non sequitor, like you are!