Hey… check out my new ringtone:
[audio:http://horsesass.org/wp-content/uploads/SuziePalin.mp3]That’s Republican activist Peggy Boze, wife of right-wing KTTH talker David Boze, on her husband’s show telling Susan Hutchison exactly what she thinks of her. And of course, that’s Suzie, laughing appreciatively at the compliment.
With a little audio editing magic it sounds great on my iPhone, and it’ll sound great on your phone too. Just download the MP3 (or iPhone m4r) and copy it to your phone.
Thanks :-).
Wow, does goldy have a pathetic life or what?
Empty @2,
That’s funny. My life is pathetic. And yet you’re wasting your time commenting on my blog.
@2 Oh come on, it’s funny! It’s not using any foul language or being mean. It’s just funny. Lighten up. :)
Just curious Goldy, do you pay ESO and the other tin foil hat nuts on here? I mean surely they don’t come to your blog and spend all day contributing, helping to create long conversations and driving up your traffic and numbers (increasing your advertising) for FREE? That would be pretty stupid. Or did I just blow your secret?
Hey Goldy–
Yer buddy Dow Konstantine is in serious trouble thanks to his campaign mgr. Jason Bennett.
Read it all here——-
Apparently a skilled, experienced political wonk feels the rules don’t matter when it comes to “Progressive” candidates.
We’ll see how they worm out of this one, huh Goldy?
I doubt Goldy pays anyone to post in this cesspool. The Leftist Pinheaded Klowns have accused all of us who are ALWAYS RIGHT of being paid….no one in their right mind would pay someone to post on HorsesAss.org with all the left-wing racists, homophobes and obsessed with goat fornication krowd.
No ACORN ringtones?
Those are a helluva lot funnier than this. Or the idiot that said “I wont’ have to pay my mortgage, I won’t have to pay my gas” if Obama was elected…now that’s funny.
Empty Suit, you wanna know who was really funny? The idoits who believed George Bush could catch Bin Laden and clean up Iraq and Afghanistan!
@ 8~ last I checked, it was Obama that had troops in Iraq and Afghanistan with the same mission. Try to keep up with current events, lad.
Hilarious ringtone can be found here unedited that I referenced @ 7.
Seems like a wasted effort. Might as well get a ringtone that is of greater interest than what one of Susie Hutchison’s fringe supporters happened to say.