Goldy notes that the GOP caucus fundraising for Senator Mike Carrell — who needs a bone marrow transplant — hasn’t made them more sympathetic to the plight of people who need better health care. Who knows, maybe he’ll come around, and maybe the rest of the caucus will too.
But more likely, he’ll be back to pushing the line that we have to keep tax loopholes wide open, let alone not raise rates and that’s more important than caring for the sick. Or something about the state not being the best place to pay for it.
And to be sure, we all want Senator Carrell to beat this shit. You can donate here, if you’re so inclined.
While I’ve known Mike for over 20 years I will not demean his life’s work by going against his principles of FREE MARKET CAPITALISM.
I sincerely hope he pulls himself up by his boots traps and can afford the care he needs to keep himself alive without impacting our ‘job creators’ by sucking at the teat of socialist charity.
I dunno, he’s old, maybe the money should go to some kid with his/her whole life ahead of him. Hey, just kidding! That’s a Sarah Palin-inspired joke.
I suppose it’s in bad taste for Carl to use an occasion like this to pillory Make Carrell for his politics. But what the hell, when did Republicans ever have good taste about anything? We liberals aren’t perfect either.
I’ll pray for a bone marrow transplant. And perhaps that he will learn something from all this, in addition. We don’t all have wealthy or influential friends who can make our needs known to the community.
We don’t have time for all the obstructionist Republicans to gain first-hand experience at what it’s like to be sick, or poor, or a woman, or to confront structural long-term unemployment, or to go to shitty schools, or to live next to a bomb, er fertilizer, factory, or to have a MOOSLUM-sounding name….and on and on and on….
This well documented appearance of compassion and empathy only when a Republican confronts something that affects him directly grows tiresome. And I think the applause they receive when they do – a la Rob Portman when his son came out of the closet, or Nancy Reagan’s embrace of stem cell research when Ronnie’s dementia grew too severe to hide – is totally misplaced. All that’s going on there is that they’re telling the world it affects them and now they’ll behave like decent human beings – same old, same old.
I want to see a Republican confront a gay child and move to the correct side of both marriage equity (that now affects them directly) and an issue that does not, like income equity or voting rights or environmental regulation.
I’d like some demonstration that this allegedly ‘transformative’ experience really was, and not just that the sphere of ‘stuff that affects me directly’ just got marginally larger.
At its root, their plan for health care was to basically hurry up and die already if you can’t afford insurance.
In fact, a fundraiser is right in line with the teatard worldview: if strangers don’t give a shit about you or the local church ain’t up to it, well… freedom! Suck it up, taker!
I don’t understand why there is any need for compassion here whatsoever.
Fuck him.
# 5: I’m still trying to figure out how a person learns empathy. My own father, who grew up during the Great Depression in the Birmingham area, was not prejudiced – to the surprise of many. The Kennedy’s were among the first to take on cause of the poor, the hungry, those needing health care, and the disenfranchised. They seemed to come to these positions naturally, as if there were no other alternative worthy of discussion. And yet we have the rank-and-file Republicans these days who try very hard set up systems which will hurt minorities and the poor.
Such wonderful heart felt comments on that link. Thanks so much Carl. Your side has such compassion! Why can’t people disagree on the application of health care dollars as civilized people? It’s because your side isn’t level headed.
Speaking about health care… DUMMOCRAPTS in Congress aren’t too happy over ObummerCare. Trying to perform back room deals to get themselves off of it.
@8 “Why can’t people disagree on the application of health care dollars as civilized people?”
Let me guess. Because Republicans refuse to discuss anything in a civilized manner?
“And to be sure, we all want Senator Carrell to beat this shit. ”
No “we” don’t. I want him to die in horrible agony. Stow that liberal bullshit. There is no virtue in wishing the enemy well.