Darcy Burner held a series of local events over the weekend where families could bring toys and other children’s products for free lead testing. Well, the results are in, and of the 479 items tested, 56 tested positive for lead, 47 above the 40 parts per million maximum recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Nine additional items tested positive for cadmium, another toxic element.
Surprised? Well you shouldn’t be. Ten percent of items tested positive for excessive lead levels, pretty much exactly what Burner and Essco Safety Check expected heading into the tests. And chances are, about ten percent of the toys and household items your children handle every day would test positive as well. Lax standards, loosened regulation, nearly nonexistent testing and a mad rush toward globalization have put all our children at unnecessary risk.
In a press release announcing the disturbing results (and apparently ignored by our local media,) Burner lays the blame squarely where it belongs:
“This administration needs to get its priorities straight. Recent news reports have revealed that the Consumer Products Safety Commission currently has only one staffer in the entire country tasked with testing toys, while the current director and her predecessor have traveled on nearly 30 junkets paid for by toy companies and other consumer products manufacturers,” Burner said. “This is truly a scandal. Children are being put at risk while our leading regulators are hobnobbing in resort locales with industry lobbyists and so far nothing is being done about it.”
So, how dangerous are these toys? Many of the items tested contained lead far above safe levels:
A red plastic roof piece from a Lincoln Logs set tested at 1488 parts per million for lead (or 37 times the AAP standard). A small plastic Fisher Price Sesame Street Bert figure tested at 5346 ppm (or 133 times the standard). A Tinkerbell pink rolling backpack tested at 533 ppm for lead, while a Cinderella princess backpack tested at 474 ppm. A Winnie the Pooh placemat contained 985 ppm.
The highest lead level was found was in a Fisher Price Flip Track crane from a plastic train set that was owned by Burner’s own 5 year-old son, which tested at 10,600 ppm, or 265 times the AAP standard.
Cooler-style lunchboxes and soft coolers tended to have high levels of lead or cadmium, as did all of the children’s character placemats tested, including Dora, Spiderman and Winnie the Pooh. Chinese manufacturers tend to add lead and cadmium to vinyl (PVC) to increase durability, and while the CPSC argues such products are safe because the vinyl tends not to deteriorate during normal use, any parent who sees the wear and tear their own child puts on their lunchbox knows otherwise.
So what can you do about it? I suppose you could write to the CPSC and ask them to adopt tougher standards. Or you could help enact real change, and elect better Democrats like Darcy Burner to Congress.
Yes Goldy, why doesn’t Darcy Moonbat! go after Mattel Toys? 18.2 Million recalled and counting.
Oops… she can’t. Theys a big contributor to the congressional donk!
So what can you do about it? I suppose you could write to the CPSC and ask them to adopt tougher standards. Or you could help enact real change, and elect better Democrats like Darcy Burner to Congress.
There’s no reason we can’t do both.
If this is such a priority issue, why isn’t the Democrat controlled congress doing anything about it?
They aren’t, and adding a do nothing like DB to the delegation won’t change that.
Nice try.
Communists Bail Out U.S. Bank
Morgan Stanley, the second-largest U.S. investment bank and a bastion of capitalism, announced this morning that it lost $5.8 billion in the 4th quarter and sold a $5 billion equity position in itself to China.
The bank also said it wrote off a total of $11 billion in bad subprime mortgages in the 3rd and 4th quarters.
John Mack, the bank’s CEO, announced he will not accept a bonus from the board of directors this year because he believes executive compensation should be tied to performance.
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see http://money.aol.com/news/arti.....5909990002
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another fucking collapse in the strange world of free enterprise. And if I lost 11 billion bucks for my employer, they’d fire me ass. When Burner gets into Congress, I hope she sponsors shareholder-protection legislation that will give the people who own these corporations a say in how they’re run.
Actually, there is a third element of horrendous abuse in this further example of crony capitalism gone international. The Administration is attempting to also argue in a number of regulatory actions brought by states especially Cali, and a class action lawsuit that these companies are exempt from state laws in tort and state consumer protection laws, because they are preempted by the federal regulatory approval of these products. This is similar to what they do in products cases involving cars, drugs, dangerous apparel, and many other consumer products. They do this even in the face of Congressional briefs to the court in many instances from people like John Conyers, Ted Kennedy, and Henry Waxman, who were sponsors of the underlying legislation saying that is excatly opposite of what they intended.
So, the law becomes what the administration says it is, not the way Congress and the courts wrote it, and they decree immunity for their cronies. Oh, and many of these parts and toys are also being produced by slave and child labor- and yes those reports are recent, documented, and available. They use subcontractors to shield them from the claims that they knowingly are utilizing slave and illegal child labor. They will stop at nothing apparently to maximize profits.
Where does that leave Bush corporate cronies? With record shattering profits year after year and full scale administration efforts to give them special protections never in law, and never intended to be in law.
Where do administration efforts leave us as consumers? No regulatory protection. No right to sue them if they poison or injure our kids. No accountability or protection whatever.
In other words, we’re screwed.
Excellent! Go Darcy! Dems need to do stuff like this to show voters how better they are than the right wing do-nothings who have let this state of affairs come to pass.
Hmmm….presumably exposing little children to lead makes them grow up dumb…more likely to do things like vote for Republicans!
No wonder the administration wants things to stay the way they are.
Right stuff:
Please put down the talking points.
I remember when CPSC was created as a spin off from FDA. I believe there were only 5 employees for a 4 state regional staff. Also the nation wide budget for CPSC at that time was less than a one hour equivlent(sp?)of DOD’s budget. I wonder what the comparison is today?
You Liberals can’t ignore the truth:
Mattel Chief Executive Officer Bob Eckert
Mattel is the parent company of Fisher-Price.
Mattel Chief Executive Officer Bob Eckert contributes to
Hillary Clinton, DSCC
A spokesman with China’s General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine said Mattel “should improve its product design and supervision over product quality.” — Clinton News Network!
Pull ze string!
Not a talking point. Just an obvious observation that the Democrats like to play victim here and blame the mean Bush administration, when in reality if they were concerned, they’d act.
They’re not and don’t.
Puddybud @ 11
With all due respect, you have the wrong Robert Eckert. Look at the listings again very carefully. The Robert Eckert who gives to the Democrats is a retired person at IRVINE, CA 92612, who sometimes appears with a middle initial of “L” and sometimes not.
The Robert Eckert who is the Mattel CEO sometimes appears with middle initial “A” or middle name “Allen”. In recent years, as Mattel CEO, he is at PALOS VERDES ESTAT, CA 90274. In previous years, he was with Kraft Foods and was at LAKE FOREST, IL 60045.
Robert Eckert of Mattel has not given anything to Democrats that I can see. He has given thousands to the Mattel PAC and gave to an Altria PAC while at Kraft that was probably associated with his employment there (in my best opinion guess).
However, Robert Allen Eckert of Mattel has given to one presidential candidate for 2008, and that person is not a Democrat:
06/12/2007 2300.00 27931350836
Dat’s gotta hoyt.
Dallas Morning News, 12-10-07
Right Stuff- Glad to see you agree with need to act and read this article and see that Dick Durbin is leading the way. Ask the Admin to drop their veto threat for us, would you please? They won’t listen to me, but they might to you.
And since you are interested in getting something done, it seems DB’s interest in this means she will act. So now will you support her over Sheriff Blow Dry?
Mattel — $6,000 — $2,750 — $8,750 – Year 2000
Mattel — $1,000 ——— $0 — $1,000 – Year 2002
Mattel – $30,000 — $6,000- $36,000 – Year 2004
Mattel – $35,000 – $12,000 – $47,000 – Year 2006
BIG TIME democrat donors
Biggest friend – Jane Harmon – Democrat CA
Goldy’s Liberals: It amazes me that in 5 minutes of visiting the government web sites I can find the skinny on Mattel and their favorite bills and their sponsor.
@11: Eckert was an early doner to the doomed candidacy of Fred Thompson.
Gawd you’re stupid.
Richard I’ll go back and check the other database.
Here is what Robert Eckert has given to the Mattel Inc PAC. Please note that TWO contributions of $5,000.00 were made on 12/31/2005. If this is correct, it would appear to violate federal election law, which limits contributions to PAC’s to $5,000.00 per year. Maybe someone should file a complaint with the FEC about this apparent campaign finance violation.
CA 90245 04/25/2004 5000.00 MATTEL INC 24038451213
CA 90274 03/07/2002 5000.00 MATTEL INC 22037533612
CA 90274 12/28/2006 5000.00 MATTEL INC./CHAIRMAN & CEO 27930094929
CA 90274 12/31/2005 5000.00 MATTEL INC./CHAIRMAN & CEO 26930475375
CA 90274 12/31/2005 5000.00 MATTEL INC./CHAIRMAN & CEO 26980039095
Richard, I stand corrected. He gives his $$$ to Mattel which in #18 has the values from 2000-2006.
Would you agree with those totals in #18?
Puddybud @ 18
I think a complete list of the Mattel PAC contributions to candidates and committees can be found at:
They gave $25,000 each to national Democratic and Republican organizations in 2004, and $10,000 each to national Democratic and Republican organizations in 2006.
Possibly the political candidates favored by Mattel might tend to be more on the Democratic side of the aisle. The company is headquartered in California, and seems to be the type that prefers to give to incumbents. California has two Democratic senators and a fairly heavily Democratic U.S. House delegation.
In reality, Mattel is probably a relatively minor player in the national political scene, at least looking at the overall size of its PAC contributions. Otherwise, they would be giving a helluva lot more money to all sorts of candidates, especially incumbents.
Puddybud @ 22
I spot-checked your totals in # 18, and they seem to make sense. So you have a PAC that gave $35,000 each to national Democratic and Republican organizations in the last two election cycles totalled together (2004 & 2006), but gave substantially more to individual Democratic candidates ($65,000) than to individual Republican candidates ($18,000) during this same period of time.
I disagree with you Richard and #18 is what I found deeper digging. They gave more to democrats.
Okay I didn’t see your #24 post when I posted #25. Yes, I washed the PAC monies (K Street to not infuriate the really rabid punks here) and only posted the candidate $$$. So we are in agreement.
See ya!
See the really rabid punks here arrived in post #26.
ATJ: My values correspond to what Richard found. Enjoy.
Richard I posted that link and others long ago. The malleable minded ignorant idiots forget the guvmint sites I so carefully mine to get my data. Now maybe that can see which companies (Mattel) are really cheap labor liberals before running their fingers over the keys.
10,600 ppm of lead in a children’s toy? That is more than 1%! So it would appear they are deliberately adding it.
Wouldn’t the level of lead be something like 1 ppm or less, if there was no effort to include lead in the toys in the first place?
I win. Have a nice life, if you can.
Now if Richard and I can find these values and Richard is a very bright guy, why can’t Darcy Moonbat! figger this out? Ohhh… wait she doesn’t at all, she wants Goldy her trumpeter to blog it and make it out to be a big problem…
She’s got all that free time. Oops… the flower show, her kid, the neighborhood association, her kid, watching it rain, her kid, watching TV, her kid, campaigning against GWB, her kid…
Richard for Mattel it’s $72,000 democrat and $20,750 Republican
3.47x more money to your friends.
Richard Pope: to correct your math @30:
10,000 ppm = 10,000 µg/g = 10 mg/g = 10 parts per thousand
This is much lower than 1% (1 part per hundred).
This has been the HA lesson on chemical units for today.
Of course you haven’t explained how the bush administration has gutted the agencies in charge of protecting the kids: such as the CPSC.
How the republican montra is less government regulation, free trade and the free market will fix everything.
explain how it will fix this?
Once again the simplistic republican expalanation doesn’t hold any water and leaks like a sieve.
explanation oops
I wonder if the White House visitor logs a federal judge ordered released this week “burned up” in the “fire” at Cheney’s office?
Ze Reichstag ist burnink! Ze Reichstag ist burnink!
My pidgeon German isn’t very good, but that’ll do.
Now, in addition to treason, maybe we can also get Cheney for arson, destroying public property, destroying evidence of a crime, and obstruction of justice! There should be enough here to lock him up for 150 years or until his pacemaker battery quits, whichever occurs first.*
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter gets huge applause for lines like this.
How the republican montra is less government regulation, free trade and the free market will fix everything.
explain how it will fix this?
Good for you asking the question. Multipart answer. The market can and does correct for these things. If Mattel and Fisher Price continue to put products on the market that cannot be sold due to high lead content, how to they make a profit? They don’t. If Mattel and Fisher Price continue to use contract manufacturing and lose quality control, they will, in the end, lose market share as consumers will stay away from a brand that they consider unsafe. How will they make a profit then? They won’t.
Meanwhile we are already seeing other toy manufactures, who build lead free toys here in the USA starting to make noise in the market.
So, Mattel and Fisher Price do not want to bankrupt their companies, and they want to make a profit, so market pressures, competition and consumers will drive them to change their products, or close their doors.
And who is going to check and see that the companies are importing leaded toys? If there is no government to do this – who you gonna get?
Seems like they have already made a profit since these are toys that are already sold – how are they going to be punished for the harm they have already inflicted?
If these companies did not want to be bankrupted why didn’t they test their own products first before they sold tainted toys to kids?
Gee – your arguments make absolutely no SENSE!
If Mattel and Fisher Price continue to put products on the market that cannot be sold due to high lead content,
Who’s going to prevent them from selling their products? And who will do the testing?
Interesting how this building has stood there for 136 years and suddenly catches fire when a federal judge orders Cheney to release some public records.
And how many kids are going to end up retarded before Mattel loses enough money to set up their own testing program so they can actually begin to enforce their contracts with their suppliers?
The Old Executive Office Building can serve as an allegory for what the Republicans have done to our entire government.
Yeah, that’s a real head-scratcher, ain’t it?
GOP = gang of vandals
Oh, and do not fuck with my chemistry kung-fu! It is unstoppable!
What else are they going to set on fire?
@43: another TJ
thanks – we both spotted the same logical problems in the above “free market” solution.
It is the simplistic thinking – free market fixes everything, all trade is good and my personal favorite that almost every economist (including Laffer) says is false: lower tax rates bring in more tax revenue.
All fantasies repeated by republicans.
Republican juveniles playing with chemistry sets … that’s it, that’s gotta be it.
And who is going to check and see that the companies are importing leaded toys? If there is no government to do this – who you gonna get?
I am not now or ever talking about unregulated free market.
Nice try but I DO believe in limited government, not Zero government.
Seems like they have already made a profit since these are toys that are already sold – how are they going to be punished for the harm they have already inflicted?
Just ask John Edwards….. He knows how. And by the way, I think companies do need to be accountable.
If these companies did not want to be bankrupted why didn’t they test their own products first before they sold tainted toys to kids?
Well last I checked they’re not bankrupted. They should have had better quality controls. They will certainly pay for their lack of vigilance and quality check.
Class Action???
are all of their toys tainted?
Did they do a poor job of quality control?
where is Sandy Berger when you need him? right?
just sayin…..
ahh – so some limited government is OK. At least RS recognizes this. I will not lump RS with some of the other posters (trolls) on here.
I respect that you answer my questions in a serious way. I may not agree with all your answers – but I respect that.
I agree that there are some times the free market can work – I just fear that the large corporations have stacked the deck already- in many ways – and that we no longer have a true free market.
Right Stuff, the question was how the free market would solve the problem, not how trial lawyers would solve the problem.
Puddybud still has not produced evidence that I told anyone here to “shut up”.
So when he makes an accusation just say something like:
PMSU – link?
PMSU stands for Puddy Makes Shit Up.
Mattel Chief Executive Officer Bob Eckert contributes to Hillary Clinton, DSCC
Nope. Granpa Lazybones Fred. See how carefully he “mines” data.
Lastly so what if Mattel gave more to Dem candidates? They live in a blue state. I bet a toy company headquarted in a red state gives more to R’s. Big freaking deal. And…
In reality, Mattel is probably a relatively minor player in the national political scene, at least looking at the overall size of its PAC contributions. Otherwise, they would be giving a helluva lot more money to all sorts of candidates, especially incumbents.
Thanks Richard for a dose of hard reality. Something that makes Puddybud fly away like a vampire from garlic. Once again PSilly blows things way out of proportion in order to deflect from the Bushies’ ruthless gutting of consumer product safety regulation.
Tlazolteotl@45: I posted that earlier in post #12. Of course the malleable minded ignorant idiots missed it.
I’m glad not to include you in that list ma’am!
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™ #57:
So I missed the name. At least I did a mea culpa, something not found in your vocabulary for the errors pointed out in your crappy postings. At least My Mattel Corp is a cheap labor liberal company still is TRUE.
I know that smarts and hurts the simple mind.
Regarding the small player, they are the most recalled toy company. Other toys companies don’t even blip the map with political contributions.
See how stupid you are? In the grand scheme of things sure Richard has a point. But when you look at the grand scheme of toy recalls, 18.2+ million recalled toys and climbing they are the big player.
Thanks for playing YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
See ya!
Golly YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
I thought companies are supposed to have their own quality controls. Ohhh……… sorry I need to enter liberaland where all the cheap labor liberal company needs to do is rubber-stamp their toys as good and hope the government catches it.
How come Tlazolteotl@45, can figger this out? Maybe she has more than one brain cell and it’s functioning?
You are so stupid. Did you grow on the same vine as incorrectneverright?
Regarding your other rant: I will find it. I am not dedicating much time to it but I will find where you wrote shut up!
59 – So a difference of $51,250 between D and R giving by Mattel is what you’re bellyaching about?
Not a word about Bush cutting product safety regulation budgets?
If your chimp is so hot why couldn’t his government catch this earlier?
Do you do stupid for a living?
Interesting comment: “Mattel lives in a blue state”
Wow now the libs call cheap labor liberal companies living organisms.
This evolution thing is really interesting.
what will next leave the mind to the fingers of:
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™?
Knowing donks they probably planted the toys. heehehehhe
Why do I need to discuss the product regulations when others are doing that just fine?
Nice pivot and change of direction
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
Do you pivot that fast at a camp fire circle jerk too?
I’ll be off grid for about 20.
See you later
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
Hey PLiar,
You’re going off about $51,250. So how many millions has your Chimp removed from the budgets of regulators?
Wow now the libs call cheap labor liberal companies living organisms.
Where have I heard that before? Yeah when you said Bush took power in December 2000 which Kennedy did not say.
RS @ several,
You do understand the difference between the legislative and executive functions of government, don’t you? How stupid does someone have to be in order to invoke Congress in the context of regulatory enforcement?
Terrorist (aka Puddy) @ several,
Fine. Let’s take the facts as they are, and figure out a proper solution to the problem, which is: campaign finance reform that includes a Constitutional amendment excluding campaign contributions from the definition of “free speech” and government funding of political campaigns. Want to guess where that would leave the Republican party on a national level?
Well, thanks for the FEC research and the math and chemistry lessons. But please note, let me give you a poli sci 101 in this day and age.
The dirty work on political atatcks is done by the National Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers, and other business groups and their various washed 527’s and shell game independent expenditures as well as their so called think tanks. That is where these people give their money to have the political attack work donee and the dirty lobbying done. And those donors are not required to be listed when they do issue advocacy and lobbying. (Remember Deborah Senn attacks and the attacks on the Supreme Court? No reporting, no fingerprints.)
See, that way, you can shake hands and deliver a $2.5 or $5K pac check, then drive a dagger in their ribs when they don’t see you. That is how it works in the real world.
And Right Stuff, you called for action, and lo, the Democrats delivered! The CPSC bill passed by overwhelming majority this afternoon. Thanks for the help.
Ahhh yes #67 show up now. This person just likes his ass-kicking…
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
I proved it was in Crooks and Liars. Another kick to the ass again… http://www.crooksandliars.com/.....wbreaking/
Who said Ted Kennedy said it?
URL? Citation? Sticky White Kool-aid Jar?
I’m not talking to PLiar in his pathetic spin mode anymore.
I’ll switch to DOOFUS.
Hey Doofus I found you here.
You look kind of like a man but if I look closely you start to resemble a whipped dog.
And you certainly look like you’re eating shit.
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
Who is spinning? I delivered facts, you can’t handle the truth. Head spinning lie Linda Blair in the Exorcist.
Can you hear the music M2I2? I see you realized how pathetic you are tonight.
70 – Ok one more for the pathetic liar.
The c&r post is just a partial transcript of Kennedy’s speech. Show me where it says in that transcript where Bush was in power in December 2000.
Now I’ll deal with Don Joe AKA Michael Meyers in Halloween.
You know I could live with that but what would all the lefty funded 527 sites do when their George Soros fund dry up?
I already delivered the list on HosBitches&Asses (Goldy Recent Posts) before.
Back to DOOFUS the flea-bitten, mangy cur.
Hey DOOFUS, a cool book is coming out.
The money quote:
Raymond on his sojourn in the slammer: “After 10 full years inside the GOP, 90 days among honest criminals wasn’t really any great ordeal.”
Now what did you say about cheating?
There he goes again. I didn’t say that. Don’t try and use faux jedi mind tricks here. What did I write before:
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™?
Can you figger it out?
Puddybud, good work. But one thing I’ve learned about Goldy, and one of the reason I don’t respect him, is when people he likes do wrong, he turns the other way and remains silent. I don’t think he’s a very honest or moral person.
You know liberals I figgered out why
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
has this dog fixation. Mattel recalled 1 million Doggie Daycare sets and he can’t come out and play….
Awwww poor little M2I2.
BS: Thanks. There are only 18 of us whom think right against over 60 lefties. It’s tough work having to research the dead zone posts of Pelletizer (TM), read between the lines 24/7 of headless lucy, correct the record on many others and just play around with the single celled mind of:
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
and single celled mind of nevercorrectnottobright.
76 – Yes you did.
Here’s the link:
Here’s the quote:
Wow the Bush Administration was in power December 2000. That’s what’s so bad about half the crap Goldy links into bad facts. Malleable minds swallow the white sticky kool-aid with open mouth. Real thinking people wonder “what was that I just read?”!
The C&R article which was a transcript of Kennedy’s speech did NOT say Bush was “in power December 2000”.
Back to DOOFUS and the Tanner hearing.
Hey DOOFUS, (or is it John Tanner?), not only do you look like a whipped dog and a DOOFUS – the narrator says you’re getting your mouth washed out.
I’m surprised that breath of yours didn’t clear out the hearing room.
So was that “water” you were chugging really listerine or something?
Why do I continue to put up with this fool: This is the full post…
Puddybud says:
BS Did you know:”December of 2000, the National Security Agency sent the Bush Administration a report asserting that the Agency must become a “powerful, permanent presence” on America’s communications network.”
Is that because the previous administration didn’t care? What impediments were in place from 1994 until 2000?
Wow the Bush Administration was in power December 2000. That’s what’s so bad about half the crap Goldy links into bad facts. Malleable minds swallow the white sticky kool-aid with open mouth. Real thinking people wonder “what was that I just read?”!
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
This was commenting on the Crooks and Liars post. You ignored my comment about Goldy’s link.
You suck soooo bad you reach for something which isn’t there and try to juxtapose it for your worthless argument.
Now back to my original thought at 67.
Wow now the libs call cheap labor liberal companies living organisms.
Wow the Bush Administration was in power December 2000.
See the similarities, the ugly, mocking tone. Well, that’s an insane wingnut for you!
Jane Balough’s Dog: I think he needs a Doggie Daycare set. Let’s go find one for
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
Maybe the Bellevue Square Mall has one. I know the Cheesecake Factory is near there. Some Seattle Public School ex-wrasslin coach likes the place. Maybe Headless Lucy hangs there 24/7?
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™@84
You said “Lastly so what if Mattel gave more to Dem candidates? They live in a blue state.”
Mattel lives?
That’s as funny as your brain lives!
You are the missing link…. Goodbye!
83 – No where did C&R or Kennedy or Goldy claim that Bush was in power in December 2000. That can in no way be reasonably implied from Kennedy’s speech or anything.
YLB @ 80, Puddybud @ 83
I listened to the Ted Kennedy video clip, and initially did a double take. Sen. Kennedy did say: :”December of 2000, the National Security Agency sent the Bush Administration a report asserting that the Agency must become a “powerful, permanent presence” on America’s communications network.” At least as far as I can remember — I will trust Puddybud on his quoted language.
But really — this would make sense. After the Supreme Court decision around December 13, 2000 or so, Bush was considered the president-elect and would have started to received classified briefings that only the president normally receives. Not to mention unclassified advocacy of every sort from all sorts of agencies, players, and interests.
So it is quite likely that Bush would have gotten a briefing from the National Security Agency and various other federal agencies after his (s)election was confirmed by the Supreme Court and prior to being formally sworn into office on January 20, 2001.
You said “Lastly so what if Mattel gave more to Dem candidates? They live in a blue state.”
You really think you’re going to get some mileage out of that? Ok headquartered is more precise. Satisfied?
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™@84
While pondering my answers above rethink about this missive and give me your best answer… If you have problems ask the wife and your daughter for help.
I know ax (Jesse Jackson pronunciation) Tlazolteotl. She’s one smart cokkie – at times.
Sorry cookie…
Back to DOOFUS the flea-bitten, mangy cur.
Hey DOOFUS, a cool book is coming out.
Oooooh jamming phone lines. I wonder how they caught him? They better not have used caller ID. IDing potential voters is illegal. roof roof
Richard: Thanks. I said I would have had no problem with the insertion of “incoming”
There is no “Bush Administration” until he and the cabinet are sworn in!
I am glad they caught him. He may have escalated his crimes to flattening tires on car pool vans. hehehehe
Meanwhile ACORN is registering every dead,criminal and illegal voter they can in St.Louis, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Detriot, Wisconsin, Florida ect. Of course it is good to know that YLB priorities are straight going after goofs that jam up phone lines. hahahahahha roof roof
88 – Richard so you’re asserting that Bush took the reigns of the Executive Branch, on or after Dec 13, 2000.
Exactly what Puddybud was mocking!
But Kennedy did not say anything about Bush’s executive power status – he said the NSA sent a report to the “Bush Administration”.
Kennedy could have been more precise like the original NY Times article which said the NSA sent the report to the “Bush Transition” or something similar.
But any reasonable person would know what Kennedy meant. NOT PUDDYBUD THOUGH, who projects onto others whatever silly fantasy is spinning in his empty skull!
Hear hear. Just like when we elect our new republican president in November 2008 he isn’t in power in November but when Bush steps down in Junuary 2009. Only a dopey donk would argue otherwise.
As far as this administration failing to keep toys safe for children, how does Mattel’s political contributions relate to this.
PudWax™: Your concept here is that Democrats are the morally culpable party here because they have not been able to stop this amoral administration from endangering kids.
What kind of twisted logic would lead you to such an odd conclusion?
I am glad they caught him.
Yeah you got to watch out for Republicans. They always cheat.
Democrats can’t win without cheating just ask Queen Chrissy. Of course she won’t be able to cheat enough in 2008. Re elect Dino. roof roof
Earth to Poochie,
YLB priorities are straight going after goofs that jam up phone lines.
That’s supressing votes and this guy went to jail for it. But he recounts 10 years of right wing dirty tricks.
When I get that book, I’m going to shove every one of those dirty tricks down your throat DOOFUS. I’m going to draw it out slowly over the next year until the moment of truth, Nov 2008.
So DOOFUS, are you John Tanner?
I know you can’t be. That pathetic sad sack has a lot more on the ball than you.
That’s suppressing votes??? Who cares. I am sure repubs told welfare recipients that the election moved to a Wednesday due to inclement weather. What about finding bags of ballots on a recount? Hmmmmm We know KCRE did. That is voter fraud by the way. roof roof.
Terrorist @ 74
“You know I could live with that but what would all the lefty funded 527 sites do when their George Soros fund dry up?”
527 sites don’t run for office, so they wouldn’t be affected by campaign finance reform. Or do you, somehow, have the notion that campaign finance reform would affect what we citizens are able to do and say about the candidates?
You just aren’t ever going to engage that brain of yours to do anything but the most superficial of analyses, are you?
What about finding bags of ballots on a recount? Hmmmmm We know KCRE did. That is voter fraud by the way. roof roof.
Myths (or lies) spinning in your empty skull DOOFUS. If anything was illegal, it would have been prosecuted.
He may have escalated his crimes to flattening tires on car pool vans.
His crimes for Republicans. They can’t win without cheating.
Barking Dog @ 104
The real story isn’t about the phone jamming efforts, for which people actually did jail time (as opposed to finding misplaced ballots which an impartial court said were valid ballots). No, the real story is the Justice Department delaying prosecution of a key Republican operative until after the 2004 Presidential election. See the McClatchy report here.
You see, we have the real Republican mantra displayed in its full glory. Government is bad, except when Republicans can corrupt it in order to pursue their particular interests and/or cover the asses of their friends and partners.
And, Terrorist, while you’re on your “Donks are just as bad” diatribe, please find for me an instance where Democrats have so blatantly politicized the administration of justice as this. Really, you need a new shtick.
hey the results are in and darcys head contains 99.99% lead
Neither do radio talk show hosts but it doesn’t stop the left from trying to shut them down. Of course the left can’t compete in the arena of free ideas. The only reason we have 527s is because of campaign finance reform. We should scrap what we currently have and allow unlimited contributions and full disclosure.
While we’re on the Republican mantra of “Bad Government/Good Government,” here’s a tidbit for all the wingnut sock puppets who want to parrot the wingnut talking points about Congress not getting anything done:
The money quote is, “It’s like mugging the postman and then complaining that the mail isn’t delivered on time.”
Yeah I know. I love it. You donks did that to us from 200-2004. How does it feel beeeeyotch. hehehehehehehe
“Of course the left can’t compete in the arena of free ideas.”
That certainly explains why Republicans in Congress have broken the record for blocking legislation from coming to an up or down vote.
These right wing “trolls”, as you call them, are detrimental to the lively art of conversation.
Their clumsy, inane, and inaccurate brickbats bring a random feeling of sorrow to these old bones.
You clearly didn’t read the report, but there are two facts worth pointing out:
1) Republicans are blocking legislation on issues where there is broad public support in favor of the bill in question; and
2) You didn’t hear Democrats complaining about a Republican-controlled Congress not getting anything done.
Of course the left can’t compete in the arena of free ideas.”
That certainly explains why Republicans in Congress have broken the record for blocking legislation from coming to an up or down vote.
12/19/2007 at 6:52 pm
Which republican filibustered congress??? Please explain??? Are you saying that not having enough votes to make it out of committee is equivalent to blocking a vote?? I would laugh now but I will hold until I hear your response.
Don Joe says:
You clearly didn’t read the report, but there are two facts worth pointing out:
1) Republicans are blocking legislation on issues where there is broad public support in favor of the bill in question; and
So??? They dont seem like they are worried about it so what is the big deal? It is up to the voters in his district to vote him out of office. Why should repubs support democrat causes??? You lost me.
2) You didn’t hear Democrats complaining about a Republican-controlled Congress not getting anything done.
Yeah but you heard republicans. Which republicans are complaining about not getting anything done??? I am not. I a think it is great.
re 116: Being against Democrats is not enough. You are conceptually bankrupt.
@54 WTF does Berger have to do with anything? Irrelevant.
But thanks for bringing up Sandy Berger. He was one of the people who tried to warn the tone-deaf Busheviks about Qaeda:
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
They didn’t listen and 3,000 Americans died on Sept. 11, 2001 because of Bush, Cheney, and Rice’s criminal negligence.
Yapping @ 116
So your response to the clear evidence of Republican hypocrisy is to derisively prattle on about semantics?
Yapping @ 117
Republican sock puppets in this very thread complained about Congress.
re 116: “Of course the left can’t compete in the arena of free ideas.”
What is the, “…arena of free ideas ”? Is it the opposite of the arena of costly and stupid ideas? Like invading Iraq?
Don Joe says:
Yapping @ 116
So your response to the clear evidence of Republican hypocrisy is to derisively prattle on about semantics?
Yapping @ 117
Republican sock puppets in this very thread complained about Congress.
12/19/2007 at 7:30 pm
Leave it to a donk to call stealing an election semantics. heehheehe
Sandy “Federal docs in my socks” Burgler. hehehehhe
He is one my faovrite donks. hahahhahaha
The Clinton adminstration was so corrupt they were still commiting “high crimes” after he was out of office. hahahahhaha
What is the, “…arena of free ideas ”?
Easy… where you can talk about ideas and not have someone pay to promote them. The repubs can’t help it if they have millions of listeners and advertisers want to pay them for airtime.
DOOFUS the shit-eating cur @ 123
Here’s a little story about vote suppression in Florida to warm your cold little heart. Some money quotes:
More than 14,000 initially rejected — three-quarters of them minorities — didn’t make it through that last set of hoops.
Blacks were 6 1/2 times more likely than whites to be rejected at that step.
Hispanics were more than 7 times more likely to be failed.
Unaccepted but also not denied, they remain in limbo as “incomplete” or, often, sitting in Florida’s new statewide voter registration system with no designation at all.
State law requires those “lost” voters to be notified; most contacted said they were unaware of the problem.
Figueroa — who did not know the outcome of her voter registration until called — came to her own conclusion about why she had been left in the dark since January 2006.
“It’s not seen as important,” she said. “They just drop you.”
YLB comment: That last line says it all. It’s not important that minority citizens’ rights are respected. To DOOFUS’ ilk it’s most important that minority votes are suppressed with every resource the Republican crime syndicate in control of that government can bring to bear. If suppression is inadequate then resort to outright fraud with voting machines.
Why pick on minorities? Easy. They’re the least likely to fight back. They usually don’t have the resources.
re 125: Limbaugh GIVES his show for free to 600 stations. They get free content and can sell advertising.
That’s the idea —
Don Joe says:
Yapping @ 116
So your response to the clear evidence of Republican hypocrisy is to derisively prattle on about semantics?
What semantics??? The democrats are not compromising. The democrats need to craft bills acceptable to both sides. If anything it shows a lack of leadership and communication from the democrats.
Irv Kupcinet says:
re 125: Limbaugh GIVES his show for free to 600 stations. They get free content and can sell advertising.
That’s the idea –
Not quite but you are getting there. Geeeesh, old Irv sure doesn’t own a business now does he. heehhehee
The only thing I remember is that the democrats wanted to throw out tems of thousands of military ballots. Of course who can blame them, the military votes overwhelmingly republican.
Yes the ‘democrazies’ in Florida tried to capture the election by ‘any’ means and failed, The Supreme Court finally put an end to their off-slanted efforts.
Yeah Florida was so upset over the 2000 election that they only gave Bush a 300,000 vote victory in 2004. Sit and spin moonbats.hahahaha
Washington State = stolen election
Florida = Free election.
Puddy was out shopping. Wow I missed meeting this Irv guy.
WTF is he saying? I am glad Jane Balough’s Dog can figger it out. He sure came to the right place to join the ignorant idiots on the left.
Oh dog, where to start.
But let’s end with the WA election.
Prove it.
Oh, that’s right, you tried and lost.
130 – So I guess you think it’s ok if a minority voter is just “dropped” by the State of Florida.
Nice party you support there cur.
PFool is back. So what do you think Fool?
In the state of Florida, black voters are 6 1/2 times as likely to be dropped when the computer system kicks out a voting application for “special review”.
Move to Florida Fool. Your vote won’t count. Maybe not even if you put an “R” next to your name!
In the state of Florida, black voters are 6 1/2 times as likely to be dropped when the computer system kicks out a voting application for “special review”.
Move to Florida Fool. Your vote won’t count. Maybe not even if you put an “R” next to your name!
12/19/2007 at 8:48 pm
I couldn’t have said it better myself. In Florida I would never even have made it to first base with a fraudulent voter registration but in Washington State I had to out myself. That is the difference between Florida and Washington State, one takes voter registration fraud seriously and the other doesn’t. Thanks for making my point.
137 – Hey Puddy. Your bro doofus supports Florida wiping you off the rolls because of the color of your skin.
Nice crowd you hang with.
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
There is NO BUSH ADMINISTRATION UNTIL AFTER Jan 20, 2001. What part of our Constitution are you confused with?
By rule the 20th Amendment to the Constitution. states the president takes office on January 20th following the November election.
Executive Oath of Office: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” —United States Constitution, Article II, Section 1, Clause 8
I realize you M2I2 are an ignorant idiot. I was mocking Teddy Chappaquiddick Kennedy. There is no respect for someone who as a married man was hanging with six single Boiler Room Girls. There is no respect for a man who doesn’t understand the Constitution to make a pathetic political point!
Clinton and his administration was still in charge. “The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, … and the terms of their successors shall then begin.
Otherwise how did all the W keys go missing on the computer keyboards 1-20-01?
Keep babbling on YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™ @138:
No he didn’t. He’s mocking you. You are too much of an ignorant idiot to see it.
Yes! Goldy is right but he can’t spell.
“Or you could help enact real change”
should read:
“Or you could help enact renal changes”
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™@96:
You see Ted Kennedy called well-qualified minority judges such as Janice Rogers Brown, a smart black woman, and Harvard educated Hispanic Miguel Estrada Neanderthals. But being the stupid ignorant idiot you are you forgot this. So every time he slurs burps hiccups or says something stupid as he did above Puddy is on it!
Puddy don’t forget!
YLB @ 126
That is an interesting article about Florida. If minorities have more difficulty registering, that would benefit the Republicans. On the other hand, this doesn’t mean that the Republicans are responsible for suppressing minorities in Florida.
The Florida system places the ultimate responsibility for correcting problematic voter registration forms on the county elections office. The county elections supervisor is elected by the county voters. Presumably, a larger share of Florida minorities live in counties with a higher minority population. And such counties are more likely to be controlled by Democrats, since minorities in Florida tend to vote for Democrats. Of course, these counties tend to be urban as well, with a high mobility rate — new addresses and phone numbers — so it can be more difficult to track down and contact rejected applicants as well.
According to the article you linked, 76,000 voter registration applications in Florida were rejected since January 2005 — about 9% of the total submitted. 15,000 could not be matched with the social security number database. Another 61,000 appear to have been rejected because the form was not fully completed, or for some other reason. The 15,000 database rejects were disproportionately minority, while no analysis was given in the article of the 61,000 other rejects as to how they were racially distributed — although I would bet minorities have higher numbers among that group as well.
I say that our friends in Florida are missing a big opportunity here. The 76,000 rejected applicants probably will be more likely to vote Democratic, if their registrations are completed. A special effort should be made by party activists to identify these people and get them properly registered. And also by county election officials as well.
This could easily make the difference between winning and losing statewide in Florida — and is many times the margin from 2000.
#98: Headless Lucy. No I didn’t at all. You are making the assumption. You rely on government for everything. I want them to look after certain things but companies such as Mattel must be held accountable just as you Moonbat!s rightly held the tobacco companies to the fire.
I use Mattel as the cheap labor liberals they are. They moved their operations overseas. They didn’t implement quality controls. The Chinese stated this. i was trained by W. Edwards Deming in Total Quality Control. Mattel must have missed those classes.
“Mattel closed its last American factory, originally part of the Fisher-Price division, in 2002. The bulk of its products have long been made in Asia. In the 1980s, Mattel decided to take more control of its core products, like Barbie and Hot Wheels cars, and built and purchased several factories. About 65 percent of Mattel products are made in China now.”
Fair use claws and copyleft to the URL owner!
Here is the story you liberals missed or deliberately ignored. Darcy Moonbat! Burner – read about this. You should have known this already. So what were you doing?
Richard Pope@143: You are many weeks late to the table but I am glad you are coming to the table now. I said the same thing weeks ago. Because Puddy said it M2I2 – Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot – AKA YLB (TM) ignored it because these facts don’t help his worthless arguments.
I have always stated the problem resides in the minority heavy counties as they can’t get their acts together. This is just like Theresa LaPore in Palm Beach County. She is a democrat and she created the butterfly ballot. Yet that was Jeb Bush’s problem remember the Moonbat! screeches?
But YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
doesn’t look at the facts. This is the same argument I used against Pelletizer (TM) when he used the Cuyahoga County, Ohio which is totally controlled by democrats.
K what part of this comment did you miss when I placed it on this blog? I realize you dislike me but I do place facts here. Too bad that Ivy League education failed you again.
Remember Ol’ Bill Huennekens and his comment over the 348 provisional ballots being stuffed into the machines?: “Did it happen? Yes. Unfortunately, that’s part of the process in King County”.
Or how come the number of voters who voted was 3,539 lower than the of ballots counted in King County?
Puddy doesn’t forget.
There is not one single lie that these WingNutz™ have let go of in all these years. No matter how many times you debunk their talking points, they just come right back to it, like flies on rice.
Richard, Al Gore only wanted to count the four highly Minority Counties and requested manual recounts in Volusia, Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade. The Equal Protection Clause guarantees individuals that their ballots cannot be devalued by a later arbitrary and disparate treatment, and the 63 other counties were not recounted.
I stated this over and over but the malignant malleable minded ignorant idiots can’t get this through their heads.
Is Irv another headless lucy sock puppet.
Oh we’ll never know because Goldy has no scruples, but the use of Wingnutz (TM) is a give away.
Puddybud @ 145
Ballot design and voter confusion in Florida clearly made the difference for Bush in the 2000 election. And the voter errors by marking more than one candidate were not problems that could be corrected through recounts or hanging chads.
The alternative to the butterfly ballot in punchcard counties was to list the presidential candidates on two separate pages (yes — Florida usually has a dozen or so on the ballot with all the minor parties). Palm Beach County tried that in 1996, and had over 10,000 overvotes for President from people voting twice — once on each page.
Duval County in 2000 used two pages for presidential candidates. In some precincts — which tended to be overwhelming supporters of Gore otherwise — up to 25% of the presidential votes were disqualified for double voting. Typically, a vote would be smart enough to pick Gore over Bush on the first page, and then turn to the second page and be careless enough to choose between several minor party nobodies on the second page for their second (and disqualifying) presidential vote.
There was even some small county near Tallahassee, with a very large percentage of Democratic voters, that had a similar problem with an optical scan ballot. Eight of the candidates were listed in one column, with the two remaining candidates listed at the top of the next column. Nearly 10% of the presidential votes were disqualified because voters picked presidential candidates in both columns, thereby voting twice and nullifying their choices.
Yapping @ 128
“The democrats are not compromising.”
Bullshit. Name a single bill where the Democrats failed to accept any compromise proposed by the Republicans.
Terrorist @ 146
Curious how the “facts” you remember couldn’t be proved in a court of law. If you’re going to tout your memory, it would carry much more weight if your memory weren’t so blatantly selective.
96 – So now I can pin you down on your incoherent rants.
Teddy Kennedy, a man who’s had a lifetime in the Senate surely knows when a new President is handed office. Yet you, your heart filled with HATE for Kennedy, for Goldy, for anyone who is utterly appalled at your egomaniacal, monomaniacal strutting and whatnot here CAN’T FRIGGIN’ SEE THAT.
My last word on that.
Puddybud @ 148
Volusia and Palm Beach counties are considerably whiter than the state of Florida as a whole. Here are the 2000 statistics:
Broward is about average. Miami-Dade is heavily minority, but most of the Hispanic population — especially Cubans — tends to vote Republican.
The Democrats chose Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade for manual recount, because those counties had voted heavily for Gore (especially in the first two counties) and there was hope that hanging chads and voter intent could boost identifiable votes by a fraction of a percent and add hundreds of net votes to the Gore totals.
As for Volusia, it is almost all-white, but was carried by Gore. But Volusia used an optical scan ballot, and there were not nearly as many votes added proportionately by the manual recount for whatever reason as in the other three counties. But it certainly was a good try.
By the way, the county referred to in the last paragraph of # 150 was Gadsden County. In 2000, Gadsden recorded 14,727 valid votes for President, and 15,781 valid votes for U.S. Senator. 16,812 people voted in Gadsen in 2000. Nearly 2,000 people nullified their presidential vote by inadvertently voting in both columns.
You are pretty intelligent and savvy. You would have to agree that Gore would have been elected President in 2000 if the election officials in Gadsden County, Florida had simply printed all the presidential candidates in the same column on that county’s optical scan ballot.
Michael Meyers Hiding behind his hockey mask@151: These came from the Seattle Times. Look them up yourself. What was presented by a court of law want not in my control. Just like the Seattle Times found 46 felons voted.
Everett Herald interviewed 18 felons voting too. Look it up.
Terrorist @ 154
The court of law actually found one instance of voter fraud where a felon voted for Rossi. Accordingly, Rossi’s vote total was officially reduced by that one vote.
You Republicans had your shot at proving, in a court of law, that voter fraud affected the outcome of the 2004 gubernatorial election, and you failed. Whatever trivia your brain is capable of retaining, and regardless of the source of that trivia, it is rendered into the realm of trivia by that one, salient fact. The case is closed–dismissed with prejudice by a Republican judge no less. Get over it, already.
Yes, but only you figgered this out. Democrats screwed them selves. I had to go back and look at the lawsuit as I thought it was Hillsborough county which is Tampa – St Pete.
You see Ted Kennedy called well-qualified minority judges such as Janice Rogers Brown, a smart black woman, and Harvard educated Hispanic Miguel Estrada Neanderthals.
I just googled that. It’s been written about a lot. Here’s what Kennedy said:
[W]hat has not ended is the resolution and the determination of the members of the United States Senate to continue to resist any Neanderthal that is nominated by this President of the United States for any court, federal court in the United States.
Ok, it was a bit of a cheap shot by Kennedy but we all say things like that in the heat of debate. Compared to stuff around here it was mild.
Anyway the attack dogs of the right wing pounded on it and like YOU blew all out of proportion. Here’s one of your heroes from Wingnut Daily (through spinsanity):
Finally, syndicated columnist Joseph Farah, founder of the WorldNetDaily website, claimed today that “Kennedy was referring to men and woman like Miguel Estrada, a Hispanic, Texas Supreme Court Justice Patricia Owen, a woman, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Carolyn Kuhl, a woman, and California Supreme Court Justice Janice Rogers Brown, a black woman,” naming only women and minority nominees. He then suggested that “Kennedy is speaking in racist code language here. Could ‘Neanderthal’ be the new ‘N’ word he and his colleagues use to discuss minorities who are disloyal to their Democratic Party patrons and others who leave the ‘progressive plantation’?”
What’s wrong with the above beside it being inflammatory? KENNEDY SAID NOTHING ABOUT MINORITY CANDIDATES. BUSH NOMINATED WHITE JUDGES TOO.
I see a lot of your thinking there PWhacko. Thank you for leading me to this. It appears you are a disciple of Farah and his distortion tactics. It really fits with how you operate here.
Halloween Mask @155. BTW you can call me anything you want except white trash. YLB is the owner of that comment.
I brought up points I remember from Newspaper accounts. I was not the attorneys and they chose to not use this data. You can rest your laurels on the case. You asked me where I got my data from. I prove it and you then revert back to the case.
Typical, typical.
Correction: There were actually five illegal votes proved at the trial. Four were cast for Rossi, and one for Bennet. All were felons. None were proved to have voted for Gregoire.
We love your blog and would love to trade links! hillarystyle.blogspot.com
Terrorist @ 158
I never asked what your source was. Indeed, I’ve not directly questioned the veracity of the claim you made. I pointed out the difference between what’s been reported in the news and what has actually been proved in a court of law, and that you have a penchant for remembering tidbits from the former while completely discounting the later.
You also asked us to provide some explanation for the trivial facts that you’ve remembered. However, you provide absolutely no justification for the question given that the broad issue has already been decided in a court of law. Why, Terrorist, should we even bother with these trivial questions you raise? This horse has long since died. Why do you keep kicking it?
Ahhh #157: He first used it on Judge Bork.
And I love how you excuse it. I didn’t get it from any site. I watched the tape of him saying it in Senate Chambers. He never apologized or said mea culpa. You act just like him.
Hockey Mask@161: You said:”Curious how the “facts” you remember couldn’t be proved in a court of law. If you’re going to tout your memory, it would carry much more weight if your memory weren’t so blatantly selective.”
It wasn’t selective as you accuse.
I can’t help chuckling over the comment SPAM @ 160 from a hairstyles blog. S’pose they want to talk about John Edwards’ hair?
Terrorist @ 163
So, you even raising the trivial issues now when the entire issue has already been decided in a court of law is, somehow, not being selective?
I’d love to see you actually craft an argument to make that case, but the mere act of actually drawing together a coherent line of reasoning is so out of character for you that the accomplishment would likely cause a significant rift in the space-time continuum.
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™ words
Teddy Kennedy, a man who’s had a lifetime in the Senate surely knows when a new President is handed office. Yet you, your heart filled with HATE for Kennedy, for Goldy, for anyone who is utterly appalled at your egomaniacal, monomaniacal strutting and whatnot here CAN’T FRIGGIN’ SEE THAT.
I have no respect for Kennedy and what he did to Ms. Kopechne and then his worthless acts afterward. Regarding Goldy, I dislike him for not slapping headless lucy and his racist rants. In fact I really feel sorry for Goldy.
The only egotistical malignant malleable minded ignorant idiot is you Most of the rest are either dull knives or malleable minded ignorant idiots.
Sorry idiot above. Then his English needs to be crisp.
Hey idiot above. I said Goldy uses worthless links with bad facts. Go back and reread.
Sorry idiot above. Then they should proof-read or use [] and insert incoming.
Sorry idiot above. You are the most hateful person I’ve ever read in print. You have Bush Derangement Syndrome youhate him so much.
My last word on that. Sorry idiot above. I don’t believe that. You always need to have the last word.
Osama@165: Ummm… no I didn’t. I brought these facts onto the HorsesASSHole site way before the court case. As I remember the Seattle times link was around January 25th and the Everett Herald was around Feb 1 or 2. I posted these facts, so how can it be part of your fart into the space-time continuum rift?
Richard@150: I used this argument ad nauseum telling these rabid rodents of redundant regurgitation the democrats did it to themselves in Florida. I guess it’s hard to say “Al we screwed you ourselves” so they make something else the canard to hoist their flag upon. If you search HorsesASSHoles I wrote this over and over but these malleable minded ignorant idiots don’t care about the facts.
You’ve been here a long time Richard. I remember how they attacked you. I don’t agree with Piper’s words about you but Piper is one of the few on my side and he’s not virulent like most lefties here, so I let him pass as he doesn’t rub it in.
Terrorist @ 167
So, the comment @ 146 was someone impersonating you?
Well all you wingnutz who love Florida’s voter suppression regime:
A judge just shut it down.
The state’s voter match against driver’s license and soc sec # databases is just another voter suppression tactic designed to have a veneer of reasonableness but in effect disenfranchises many minority citizens voting rights. It is the brainchild of an obsessive vote supressor, Hans von Spakovsky, a disgraced former DOJ official who right now is trying to sneak in the back door of the Federal Elections Commission. His appointment thankfully is being blocked by Barack Obama and Russ Feingold.
Von Spakovsky is also the conceiver of the disastrous “felon purge” in Florida of 2000 which IIRC was tried again in 2004 . People remembered 2000 and raised an appropriate stink.
This decision will be appealed and the right wing will probably get another shot at suppressing minority Florida voters.
166 – You’re friggin’ nuts. “insert incoming”!
What a loon!
Oh. PMSU – got links?
Oh and Von Spakovsky’s “no match, no vote” voter suppression strategy?
It could have happened here.
DO NOT support Sam Reed in 2008. I’m not.
As stated earlier, it wasn’t the last word on Ted Kennedy.
Again I called it right.
Osama@#169: Are you like:
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™?
You asked a question I answered it. You don’t like the answer, you twist your original question. I offer proof and quotes verifiable by Lexis-Nexis or an Internet search and you still can’t handle the truth.
Goodbye, as you and YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
are brothers of the same vine.
Just remember HAers:
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
excuses Ted Kennedy’s use of minority judges as Neanderthals in #157. Reread what he said. “We all say things in the heat of debate” Yes, you excused headless lucy’s comments of September 9-15, 2005 to this day. We know what you’re made of and it isn’t very impressive.
But the telling part missed by the one and only:
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
is this word from the quote he copied with square brackets – [W]hat – Why couldn’t Crooks & Liars insert this into what Kennedy said? [incoming] Bush Administration.
I stand behind what I said above. The Constitution document which you liberals love to say GWB is destroying is the same Constitution document I am using to say Kennedy misspoke when is said Bush Administration December 2000. There is no Bush Administration until 1-20-01. If English is not your primary language you’ll get a pass from Puddy.
Richard Pope: Don’t ever let a malignant malleable minded ignorant idiot (Symbol:M3I2) like him above tell you what you think. The day you do you become one of those NEW Progressive Liberals.
Let me make it plain for you.
If someone states newspaper article facts where the newspaper interviews people, and these people admit that they, as felons, voted illegally in the 2004 WA State Governor’s election and in the same article KC says they are aggressively investigating these felons for illegally voting in the 2004 election, and you place these facts on HorsesASSHoles before the case goes to trial, they are not the same facts after the trial? If these facts are not presented in the trial, are they still facts?
Example: A prosecutor creates a case against three men and accuses them of rape. But the prosecutor learns the DNA evidence proves they didn’t touch, prod, poke or deliver sticky white kool-aid onto or into the alleged rape victim. He doesn’t publish this evidence but and declines to use it when he appears before a grand jury to secure indictments. Later these DNA test results become known to the world after he secures the indictments. Duke Rape Case!
Is the DNA evidence still a fact? Is what Ol’ Bill Huennekens said not a fact? Apparently not in the NEW Progressive liberal Don Joe BinLaden’s world. If they weren’t used in the court case they aren’t facts.
The Prosecution Rests.
excuses Ted Kennedy’s use of minority judges as Neanderthals in #157.
PMSU – Puddy Makes Shit Up.
Kennedy was referring to their judicial philosophy, not to their minority status.
I guess according to our resident lunatic, he should have used “crisper english”.
Why couldn’t Crooks & Liars insert this into what Kennedy said?
Maybe they didn’t have the time to cater to your lunacy Whacko. They plainly assumed people have critical thinking skills instead of right wing bullshit honed attack dog instincts.
PMSU – got links yet?
right wing bullshit honed attack dog instincts.
That’s too kind. Right wing bullshit “knee-jerk” stimulus- response.
That’s more accurate.
#178: last word: YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatheter – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
Of course you excuse the most crude excesses of your party. Good job.
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
the most crude excesses of your party.
Hmmm. Like the bathroom stall visits of Craig? Or the pooping in diapers for thrills behavior of Vitter? Or the skinny dipping in filthy Potomac water boat parties of Cunningham? Or the visits to the page dorm by the inflamed Foley?
yeaah riiiiiiight….
#179: last word: YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
Maybe it would be correct per the Constitution. Ohhhhhhh… wait, only liberals can use the US Constitution to make pathetic arguments for “Constitution interpreting” judges who are not Neanderthals in their Constructionist Constitutional “thinking”.
Yes I present to you
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
The best one can get in a NEW Progressive Democrat Liberal.
only liberals can use the US Constitution to make pathetic arguments for “Constitution interpreting” judges who are not Neanderthals in their Constructionist Constitutional “thinking”.
Hey I agreed it was a cheap shot.
So what do you whackjobs on the right wing do? Respond with even CHEAPER shot on race!
Is that what you were trying to do whacko? Did you agree with Farah?
Is “neanderthal” as used by Kennedy a racist code word?
If you say no – you agree with me. Kennedy was referring to their judicial philosophy.
If you say yes – you expose yourself as the ugly right wing bullshit consumer you are.
re 184: ‘Strict Constructionism”? Well, PudWax™, you’re probably 3/5 right. But I’ll do your representation for you.
Strictly Yours,
The Headless
Ever the racist #186 shows up. I will use the liberal Wikipedia article because it explains it well.
“Delegates opposed to slavery generally wished to count only the free inhabitants of each state. Delegates supportive of slavery, on the other hand, generally wanted to count slaves at their actual numbers. Since slaves could not vote, slaveholders would thus have the benefit of increased representation in the House and the Electoral College; taxation was only a secondary issue.”
The South wanted to count my ancestors without giving them the right to vote.
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
Why I’m still waiting for your answer here:
Sorry I don’t agree with you or do your bidding.
re 187: You were yammering about ‘Strict Constructionism’, so I gave you an example of some. Don’t think for one minute that the strict constructionists of today do not think that a return to this state of affairs would be just fine and dandy.
“The South wanted to count my ancestors without giving them the right to vote.”
It wasn’t just the south. Slavery was legal and being practiced in all the states at the time. At the outbreak of the Civil War, slavery was so commonplace in the state of New York, that they seriously considered secession.
Why, PudWax™, would you EVER suppose that a Supreme Court justice who prides himself on strict constructionism would make an exception about slavery?
188 – I don’t know what you’re trying to do there except maybe blame Bush’s lawlessness on Bill Clinton.
At least one Judge on the FISA court resigned because Bush’s actions rendered the court one in “appearance only”, a “potemkin” court, because of tainted evidence. I can’t recall any Judge doing the same under Clinton.
Maybe with your masterful google skills you can dig that up.
I’ll leave it at that – I don’t do your bidding either.
Nice dodge up above. Be forewarned, if you race bait, I might call you on it.
re 187: PudWax™: To dismiss every subtle point that I try to get across to you as ‘racism’ is just your way of avoiding thinking about what I am saying.
You are just a collection of ignorant, right-wing talking points. The fact that your odious collection of WingNut™ propaganda is encased in a skull covered with black skin does not make them any more ‘special’ than when you are spouting tthe ideas of Lester Maddox.
Goodness Leadhead Loocie (TM), are you dense, stupid, an idiot, a racist? Wait… oooo, oooo, I know the answer teach… It’s all the above.
You are wrong about NYS Slavery and the Civil War. 1827 is when slavery was legally abolished in New York State. And………. his head explodes with this fact.
Let me know who on the right is advocating the abolishment of the 13th Amendment?
I’ll wait…
Leadhead Loocie ™, Why do you test me on black history? You know better…. well no… you are a liberal and therefore certain memory processes cease their capacity after 24 hrs.
For your education Leadhead Loocie ™, Pennsylvania formally ended slavery in 1808.
Race baiting is what you and your friend Leadhead Loocie ™ perform on HorsesASSHoles.
Comment #195 was for: YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
195 – PMSU – links?
#197: Sorry to disappoint, but I’m a little busy right now.
How about you? Posting on the man’s time again?
Sure, when you get around to it.
Enlighten us Leadhead Loocie ™, why did you bring up Lester Maddox unless, of he is one of your “heroes”?
Terrorist @ 177
“If these facts are not presented in the trial, are they still facts?”
If they weren’t proved at trial, then one of two things is true:
a) They are not provably true, in which case they’re not facts; or
b) They are irrelevant to the broader issue of stolen elections.
Hence, my comment about your “selective” memory.
The fact that I have to explain this to you speaks volumes about your ability to think critically.
#199: Posting on the man’s time again?
Don Joe BinLaden: WFT did you just write in #201?
Selective memory? So by your definition the selective memories of the Moonbat!s here regarding Florida 2000 are classified similarly? I posted it years ago and Richard posted it yesterday and we proved the Gore lawsuit failed the equal protection clause and yet, your friends still claim Bush/SCOTUS stole the election which is not provable in court, yet thems their “facts”?
So which is it Don Joe BinLaden, did Bush/SCOTUS steal the 2000 election or did Gore usurp the Equal Protection Clause, and their lefty facts are dead wrong. This is the argument you put forth.
Careful now as you will piss off the rabid repugnant repulsive liberals. I’ll wait for the answer while I step out for a bit…
“The activity of kidnappers and cheats in selling slaves out of the state in spite of the laws fostered the 1817 statute that gave freedom to New York slaves who had been born before July 4, 1799 — but not until July 4, 1827. Slavery was still not entirely repealed in the state, because the new law offered an exception, allowing nonresidents to enter New York with slaves for up to nine months, and allowing part-time residents to bring their slaves into the state temporarily. Though few took advantage of it, the “nine-months law” remained on the books UNTIL ITS REPEAL IN 1841, when slavery had become the focus of sectional rivalry and the North was re-defining itself as the “free” region.”
Well, Pud, now it’s up to 1841. I have more information that will bring us to the eve of the Civil War.
How stupid do you want to look?
“The activity of kidnappers and cheats in selling slaves out of the state in spite of the laws fostered the 1817 statute that gave freedom to New York slaves who had been born before July 4, 1799 — but not until July 4, 1827. Slavery was still not entirely repealed in the state, because the new law offered an exception, allowing nonresidents to enter New York with slaves for up to nine months, and allowing part-time residents to bring their slaves into the state temporarily. Though few took advantage of it, the “nine-months law” remained on the books UNTIL ITS REPEAL IN 1841, when slavery had become the focus of sectional rivalry and the North was re-defining itself as the “free” region.”
Well, Pud, now it’s up to 1841. I have more information that will bring us to the eve of the Civil War.
How stupid do you want to look? …
Terrorist @ 203
Wow, is there ever a point where you go beyond regurgitating right-wing talking points and actually think for yourself? The Equal Protection argument was nothing more than a convenient peg upon which the SCOTUS managed to hang the most partisan ruling in SCOTUS history. There are two salient facts that support this conclusion:
1) The principle articulated in Bush v Gore, that there needed to be a statewide standard for hand counting ballots that was more specific than “voter intent,” is impossible to put into effect in any state where different counties use different voting machines. The effect of the decision is to completely nullify any hand recount in just about every state in the country on the grounds that the hand recount violates the Equal Protection clause.
2) The Court, itself, seemed to understand the untenable nature of their position when they said:
“Our consideration is limited to the present circumstances, for the problem of equal protection in election processes generally presents many complexities.”
Yup. So confident were they in articulating this principle of the Equal Protection clause, that they explicitly chose to undermine any future attempt to rely on this particular decision.
As a side note, you seem to be taking exception to my calling you “Terrorist,” though I will restate that I’m not simply pulling that moniker out of my ass just to tweak your nose. You’ve earned yourself that moniker by repeatedly employing the rhetoric and tactics of the politics of fear. You’ve recently reaffirmed the fact that you deserve the “Terrorist” moniker by your ridiculous regurgitation of the right-wing claim that Iran is a threat–a claim which I rather effectively shoved right back up your rhetorical ass.
If you don’t like that fact that I keep calling you a Terrorist, then renounce your efforts to invoke the politics of fear. Calling me “Osama” won’t cut it. As long as you continue to behave like a terrorist, I’ll continue to call you one.
1827 – This is what I learned growing up.
http://www.slaveryinnewyork.org – New York.
Today with the Internet some facts are easier to find. So okay some of your people continued to unscrupulously keep my people in chains after 1827 when the law was passed.
No links yet on:
Telling Pooper and DOOFUS to “shut up”
A bullshit challenge to stay away from Kos and Media Matters
Race baiting
PMSU perhaps?
Don Joe BinLaden: This is a free country and you can freely call me anything you want. You aren’t tweaking my nose, in fact it demonstrates your toooooooooolerance, your looooooooove for your political opponents. Since your side is the defeatism side, leave Iraq now, etc., you want to see the rise of Al Qaeda in Iraq and other places, so Don Joe BinLaden works for me.
Right-wing talking points – Did you read what Richard pope put forth? Of course not… It explodes your mind.
Did I get that from right-wing talking points? Even Wikipedia mentions the vote was 7-2 to reject because of the Equal Protection Clause and they are liberally biased.
So the court’s “per curiam” decision with seven justices agreeing means nothing to you? It’s anothre right-wing talking point?
#208: You post so much pap and crap I need to look at every blog thread from Goldy. This takes time. How long did it take ATJ to find it, unless he saved it when it was first published. I see he never answered the search question.
Don Joe BinLaden: Search HorsesASSHoles and you will see I put forth the Gadsden County argument over two weeks ago which Richard stated yesterday. Almost all the Florida screw ups were just like those in Ohio. They occurred in donk controlled counties.
Puddy is ALWAYS ahead of the curve.
Also Don Joe BinLaden : posted this to HorsesASSHoles too but you all ignored it because your brains would explode:
“George W. Bush would have won a hand count of Florida’s disputed ballots if the standard advocated by Al Gore had been used, the first full study of the ballots reveals. Bush would have won by 1,665 votes — more than triple his official 537-vote margin — if every dimple, hanging chad and mark on the ballots had been counted as votes, a USA TODAY/Miami Herald/Knight Ridder study shows. The study is the first comprehensive review of the 61,195 “undervote” ballots that were at the center of Florida’s disputed presidential election.
Nice gimmick garbly… too bad you’re behind the newscycle.
Was this advice from your goldstein pimp?
Expect YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
to call USA Today a right-wing Murdoch, Scaife newspaper.
“On November 8, 2000, the Florida Division of Elections reported that Bush had a margin of victory of 1,784 votes. The margin of victory was less than 0.5% of the votes cast, so a statutorily-mandated automatic machine recount was issued. The recount resulted in a much smaller margin of victory for Bush — on November 10, with the machine recount finished in all but one county, Bush’s margin of victory had decreased to 327. Florida’s election laws allow a candidate to request a county to conduct a manual recount, and Gore requested manual recounts in four Florida counties: Volusia, Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade. The four counties granted the request and began manual recounts. However, Florida law also required all counties to certify their election returns to the Florida Secretary of State within seven days of the election, and several of the counties conducting manual recounts did not believe they could meet this deadline.”
Constitutionally, no branch of the Federal Government can tell a state how or when to certify their election.
The Republuican ‘states rights’ (code for segregation) mantra quickly subsides when they can use the Fed. to gwet their way.
PudWax™, you are an embarrassment to mankind with the way you shill for those who would oppress you.
Terrorist @ 208
First, I’m merely pointing out the difference in justification for the moniker I’ve given you vs the moniker you’ve given me.
Second, your reference to the vote is an appeal to authority rather than a counter to the actual points I’ve raised. It’s a typically bad argument, which, in this case, also fails to explain why the Court decided to limit the scope of that decision to that particular case. That seven judges voted according to partisan lines somehow makes the decision right on its merits? Please explain.
By the way, do you even understand why that decision was made per curiam? Your phrasing of the issues clearly demonstrates that you are regurgitating statements the import of which you fail to grasp.
Terrorist @ 210
First, I actually have a life, so I don’t follow the comment threads on this blog on a daily basis. If you think I’ve missed a point somewhere, post a link.
Second, your arguments about who’s at fault aren’t all that compelling in either the Florida case or the Ohio case. In Florida, the only way Gore would have won a recount is if all of the counties had done a manual recount, which means Republican counties screwed up just as much as Democratic counties.
In Ohio, your justification for claiming that certain counties were controlled by Democrats vs Republicans is just flat ignorant of several salient facts, not the least of which is the fact that members of county election boards in Ohio are appointed by the Secretary of State. While these boards are supposed to have equal representation of Democrats and Republicans, the power of appointment gives the Secretary of State enormous power.
For example, the chair of the Cuyahoga County BOE was Robert Bennett–the head of Ohio’s GOP. In Lucas County, the BOE chair was Bernadette Noe, wife of Thomas Noe who has subsequently been convicted of money laundering for his GOP fund-raising activities.
In Ohio, nearly all roads lead to the GOP in general and Kenneth Blackwell in particular, and the sheer number of voter suppression tactics employed by Blackwell directly is truly astounding.
Nor, for that matter, is Ohio the sole of GOP dirty tricks with respect to elections. See this piece for details on some robocalling tactics employed by your GOP friends.
Time to get your head out of your ass, and start seeing the GOP for what they are: a political party whose only means of winning elections is to avoid actually discussing the issues that we the people care about and to engage in a variety of despicable activities that are solely designed to suppress people’s ability to exercise their sacred right to vote.
See this piece for details on some robocalling tactics employed by your GOP friends.
Man! That is going to be some book!
“Back in 2002,” he writes, “just about every Republican operative was so dizzy with power that if you could find two of us who could still tell the difference between politics and crime, you could probably have rubbed us together for fire as well.”
L.M.A.O ! ! ! !
First, I’m merely pointing out the difference in justification for the moniker I’ve given you vs the moniker you’ve given me.
Interesting. As I remember I said how the Democrats echo many of the Hezbollah and Al Qaeda talking points. If you remember last October 31 and November 3rd I posts in that general time frame the multitude talking points of Fatah, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda talking points where they were praying to Allah for the Nancy Pelosi victory because she would make their future victories easier with her withdrawal policies. When I brought this up again you called me a terrorist. So be it Don Joe BinLaden. This woman Stretch Pelosi is one of yours.
Second, your reference to the vote is an appeal to authority rather than a counter to the actual points I’ve raised. It’s a typically bad argument, which, in this case, also fails to explain why the Court decided to limit the scope of that decision to that particular case. That seven judges voted according to partisan lines somehow makes the decision right on its merits? Please explain.
I didn’t know in 2001 there were seven conservative justices on the SCOTUS bench. Whodathunkit? Even Puddy didn’t know this.
By the way, do you even understand why that decision was made per curiam? Your phrasing of the issues clearly demonstrates that you are regurgitating statements the import of which you fail to grasp.
Ummm.. per the court – Latin extraction. Easy to decide Vedi Vici Vini – Boies came, SCOTUS saw, SCOTUS decided the Florida Supreme Court was wrong. It’s amazing how you ignore the partisan Florida Court and how they voted…
Terrorist @ 210
First, I actually have a life, so I don’t follow the comment threads on this blog on a daily basis. If you think I’ve missed a point somewhere, post a link.
So do I. I take some time off and enjoy whack-a-libbie
Second, your arguments about who’s at fault aren’t all that compelling in either the Florida case or the Ohio case. In Florida, the only way Gore would have won a recount is if all of the counties had done a manual recount, which means Republican counties screwed up just as much as Democratic counties.
Well why didn’t Gore ask for this total recount vs. just four Moonbat! counties Richard and I previously discussed. Weak argument again. I already placed Gadsden county with Richard concurs would have put Gore in the POTUS seat. Did you miss the memo again?
In Ohio, your justification for claiming that certain counties were controlled by Democrats vs Republicans is just flat ignorant of several salient facts, not the least of which is the fact that members of county election boards in Ohio are appointed by the Secretary of State. While these boards are supposed to have equal representation of Democrats and Republicans, the power of appointment gives the Secretary of State enormous power.
And you know what Don Joe, the people who were “appointed” were democrats in democrat locations. In the Cuyahoga mess I proved to Roger Rabbit AKA Pelletizer who these people were. Look up who was elections heads in Franklin County. Why Franklin County? A very close friend lives there. I entered this long ago on HorsesASSHoles. http://www.verifiedvotingfound.....hp?id=6266
I decided to look at these “appointed” elections board members: Kimberly E. Marinello was up for reelection that year as a DEMOCRAT! Carolyn C Petree is a democrat. Franklin County Democrats Chair William A. Anthony, Jr. also chairman of the BOE. Hmmmm….??????
For example, the chair of the Cuyahoga County BOE was Robert Bennett–the head of Ohio’s GOP. In Lucas County, the BOE chair was Bernadette Noe, wife of Thomas Noe who has subsequently been convicted of money laundering for his GOP fund-raising activities.
Who were the other ones? , http://www.commondreams.org/views07/0320-23.htm Puddy rule of thumb; when they don’t mention the politics of people they are democrat. You seem to skip them who were democrat. I posted them earlier as Democrats! And looks like your complaint fell apart in Cuyahoga County. Deposed Cuyahoga BOE Democrat Executive director Michael Vu: – A Democrat who learned the elections business in Utah, Vu has a political science degree from the University of Utah. Kathleen Dreamer & Jacqueline Maiden were poll workers From the Cleveland area. http://blog.cleveland.com/metr.....o_tak.html
In Ohio, nearly all roads lead to the GOP in general and Kenneth Blackwell in particular, and the sheer number of voter suppression tactics employed by Blackwell directly is truly astounding.
Voter supression tactics seemed to only happen in the democrat districts were the people manning the precincts were democrats. Cry me a river as I just proved again the problems of Cuyahoga and Franklin were democrat induced. Shall I next address Lucas County?
Nor, for that matter, is Ohio the sole of GOP dirty tricks with respect to elections. See this piece for details on some robocalling tactics employed by your GOP friends.
Vs the drugs in East St. Louis and the tire slashing in Milwaukee, Wis.?
Time to get your head out of your ass, and start seeing the GOP for what they are: a political party whose only means of winning elections is to avoid actually discussing the issues that we the people care about and to engage in a variety of despicable activities that are solely designed to suppress people’s ability to exercise their sacred right to vote.
Tell how the Democrats are better? Tell me about your ACORN friends?
headless lucy: My people are oppressed by the polices of hate and deceit on the liberal side for 43 years in the inner city. Cry me a river.
You wrote:” Why, PudWax™, would you EVER suppose that a Supreme Court justice who prides himself on strict constructionism would make an exception about slavery?”
I am still waiting to see who is asking for the repeal of the 13th Amendment. Please regale us with you wit and “superior” intellect.
Did you read Juan Williams book yet? No. Didn’t think so. Your head would explode like a Vegeta did on Dragon Ball Z.
An excerpt from the new Raymond book:
[Tom Blakely from Jamestown Associates] called me up and asked, “How do you guys find voice talent?”
“Well, I’ve got a whole catalog of different voices on CDs. I’ve got ‘single Northeastern female,’ I’ve got ‘Southern belle’ — what are you looking for?”
“We’re targeting Democrats of Eastern European descent using a surname select and geopolitical filter.”
“Oh,” I said, quickly doing the polarizing-voter math in my head. “How about ‘angry black man’?”
“Yeah, that sounds good. What’s his voice sound like?”
So I cued up one particular actor’s CD on my computer and put the phone to the speaker. The track I played was one in which the actor was deliberately playing up a street gang character.
After listening for a few seconds, Blakely said, “That’s the guy!”
YLB comment: Don’t look at me PFool. This is YOUR crowd who is doing this!
So YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™,
are you going to buy the Raymond book and give us non- Internet based excerpts from hidden pages of the closed book as I did from Rewriting History, Her Way: The Hopes and Ambitions of Hillary Rodham Clinton, and A Woman in Charge: The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Come on buy the book so we can read it from you
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
Oh wait a minute… this means you have to know how to read… Naaaah forget it.
Terrorist @ 220
First, regarding our respective monikers, I believe you’ve just made my point. Your moniker is based on your actual behavior. The moniker you give me is based on a bizarre concept of guilt by association where the “association” isn’t even a matter of my choosing.
Second, regarding the Florida vote, Pope’s comments about Gadsden county and the design of various ballots are largely matters of conjecture. Interesting that you choose to give weight to that conjecture and discount the NORC’s scientific study and the implications of that result. And you claim to be not selective in your “facts”.
As for why Gore chose limit his request for a recount, that’s a question for the Gore campaign to answer. It is, however, not a salient issue in that it was rendered moot by the Court’s decision in Bush v Gore. There are two points worth making:
1) Yes, the vote was 7-2 regarding the per curiam decision, which means one of the Democrats jumped ship. Any student of the Court will tell you that this is a tactic often employed by those who know the overall vote will go against what they believe to the correct result in order to temper the Court’s opinion. There’s not much one can infer from the actual vote count.
2) I didn’t ask you to translate the literal meaning of the term per curiam. I asked you what it means when the court issues a decision per curiam. That you couldn’t provide a satisfactory answer makes my point about your understanding of the underlying issues, so I’ll have to explain the meaning for you: a per curiam decision, particularly in a case such as Bush v Gore, means that none of the justices wanted to sign his or her name to the decision of the Court.
Which brings me to Ohio, and this little nugget of inordinate stupidity:
“Voter supression tactics seemed to only happen in the democrat districts were the people manning the precincts were democrats.”
In your never-ending quest to prove that Democrats are just as bad as Republicans, you choose to highlight Franklin County the scapegoating of Vu while completely ignoring the direct, and completely well documented, efforts by Kenneth Blackwell himself to suppress voters or the efforts of the “Mighty Texas Strike Force”.
Yes, the voter suppression tactics were directed at largely Democratic districts. The well documented instances of these tactics, however, show that they were universally carried out by Republicans.
Note that I’m not talking about long lines or election machine allocations, though it’s worth noting that the actual election machine allocations were, as a matter of course, based on the voter registration rolls which had been purged as a result of Blackwell’s direct efforts to suppress the vote. Rather, I’m talking about blatant violations of, among other laws, the Help America Vote Act.
I also provided a link to a portion of a tell-all book written by a Republican operative who the Republicans threw under the bus when their tactics were brought to light. You really should have read the details. Republican robocalling tactics are among the most despicable efforts to suppress voter turnout.
To all of this, your response is ACORN, E. St. Louis and Milwaukee: people registering Mickey Mouse to vote but no one actually casting a vote while pretending to be Mickey Mouse; a corrupt local government with evidence of some voter fraud aimed at changing the outcome of some local elections (and for which, I might add, people should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law); and a handful of low-level Democratic Party workers acting on their own initiative by slashing the tires of some GOP GOTV vans–not one instance, I should note, that involves any form of campaign conducted by high-level Democratic party officials and designed specifically to impede or deny anyone from exercising their sacred right to vote.
Time for you to stop drinking the Kool-Ade.
223 – Hey I learned to read in Catholic school. Are you disrespecting parochial school education?
And no, Rompin’ Rudy’s childhood friend wasn’t around to bother me.
SNAP was protesting Giuliani’s continued employment of his childhood friend Alan Placa, a priest who has been accused of molesting one child and using his skills as a lawyer to help a diocese keep many more molestation incidents under wraps.
Erratum: that should read “Franklin County and the scapegoating”
Time for you to stop drinking the Kool-Ade.
Don Joe, he’s beyond help IMO. He’s addicted to that Kool-Aid. He could reach to a high power but he’s convinced that higher power would invade Iraq and Iran, suppress minority votes, line the pockets of the right connected people and robocall “Angry Black Man”.
Don Joe BinLaden: My moniker is not based on my behavior. You didn’t like me comparing the Democrats to the terrorists – plain and simple.
First regarding the justice vote – uhhhhh two jumped ship. regarding the per curiam, everyone who who voted how so what did it matter who penned their name to the decision. We knew the next day how everyone voted because the liberal MSM blasted it all over the world, so I skipped that. That’s the part missed by you. Look up the Guardian UK liberal rag. They knew the next day too.
Regarding your other trash you posted here: In Florida as in Ohio the problems were at the democrat precincts which were manned by democrats. There were few to none Republicans. My wife’s family lives on the Florida east coast. We heard about the long lines and incompetent poll worker people. My buddy in Columbus told me about the long lines and incompetent poll worker people. What part of those sentences can’t you understand? Isn’t it funny Pelletizer (TM) is a poll worker too?
The fact that the democrat Cuyahoga operatives who were indicted in the voting fraud scandal which did not point to the Republican head, yet you continually drink the swill of the Ohio voter propagandists white sticky kool-aid. In Franklin county I placed the document which from your post you skipped over.
You throw up the voting machines. This how I know you didn’t read the article:
A total of 2,818 total machines were assigned for use on Election Day, or one voting machine for every 301 registered voters. For comparison purposes, 2,712 total machines were assigned for use on Election Day in 2000, or one voting machine for every 251 then-registered voters.
The 2,801 assigned and used voting machines recorded a public count of 474,112 voters or an average of 169 voters per voting machine.
Under existing Ohio law, a voter is permitted up to five minutes to cast the voter’s ballot. Using this rule as a base line, there are 156 total voting sessions available per machine during the thirteen hours that polls are open. While many voters clearly voted in less than five minutes, others, particularly those voters in the City of Columbus who had a minimum of fifty-seven offices and issues on which to vote, may have taken more than five minutes to vote. Assuming that each voter used the maximum period of time permitted to vote under Ohio law, the Board of Elections would have needed to deploy a minimum of 3,040 voting machines at a rate of one machine for every 279 registered voters, or 136 more machines than its current total inventory at an estimated cost of $820,000.
Had the Franklin County Board of Elections sought to deploy voting machines at the same ratio of machines to registered voters as Election 2000 (1:251), it would have needed a total inventory of 3,430 voting machines, or 526 more voting machines than its current total inventory at an estimated cost of $3.16 million.
Substitute House Bill 262, enacted in 2004, establishes a state minimum number of registered voters to voting machines at one machine for every 200 registered voters. Had the Franklin County Board of Elections sought to comply with this new mandate in time for Election 2004, it would have needed a total inventory of 4,229 voting machines, or 1,325 more voting machines than its current total inventory at an estimated cost of $7.95 million.
Regardless of the measure used, the bottom line is that the current inventory of 2,904 voting machines is insufficient to handle high turnout countywide elections.
So this is what you call voter suppression by voting machine.
Typical so typical. These were democrats running the county polling place. Can you dig it?
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
Once I get past the acerbic comments of Don Joe BinLaden I actually enjoy matching wits with him.
But you you there is not wit to match. Bush Derangement Ssyndrome – YES!
Terrorist @ 228
You didn’t compare Democrats to terrorists. You essentially argued that people should vote not according to candidate’s views on issues but based on the fact that some terrorists endorsed certain candidates.
Re Bush v Gore, I’ll note two points to which you have yet to provide a coherent counter argument: 1) that any inference based on actual voting is a flawed inference; 2) the fact that the Court limited the scope of their decision to that specific case and the implications of that limitation. I’ll not repeat the arguments for the sake of brevity. The fact that you’ve not actually countered those arguments is germane.
You said, “You throw up the voting machines.”
What part about, “Note that I’m not talking about long lines or election machine allocations” did you fail to understand? You really don’t know what voter suppression is, do you?
I’m talking about several instances of improper purging of voter rolls, and efforts, such as Blackwell’s rule about the acceptable paper weight for voter registrations, that served to either make it inordinately difficult for people to exercise their right to vote or outright denied them the opportunity to exercise their right to vote. There are court cases which led to injunctions against these activities, but, by the time the injunctions were issued, the damage had already been done.
And you’ve still not even addressed the “Mighty Texas Task Force”. I’ll give you a hint: it’s not about Texas. Indeed, there’s a curious connection between the “Mighty Texas Task Force,” and the famous “Brooks Brothers Riot” that halted the recount in Miami-Dade County back in 2000 through the involvement of Houston lawyer, Pat Oxford. (Which, by the way, reminds me of another Republican phobia I’ve never fully understood: the fear of election recounts–there has to be some fancy Latin name for that.)
With all of this, your argument still fails to prevail on the voting machine issue. I don’t need to make an issue of this from the standpoint of actual voter suppression, for which the documented evidence is plentiful, but, for the sake of completeness, I’ll merely adumbrate the argument:
It is established fact that Republican efforts to purge the voter rolls through a variety of quite illegal activities severely reduced the number of registered voters in largely Democratic precincts, and during an election year when election turnout was likely to set records. Now, go back and read the stuff you just posted, and think about the effects of these illegal Republican efforts to reduce the number of registered voters in largely Democratic precincts. Walk through the cause and effect, and, then, explain how Democrats following the laws you cite were responsible for the misallocation of voting machines.
By comparison, the indictment of the two polling workers after the election is a side show. What they did was to preselect precincts, rather than randomly select precincts, to sample for determining whether or not a full hand recount would need to take place. While that is illegal, it is neither voter fraud nor voter suppression.
Indeed, to see just how vacuous your argument is, one need merely consider the actual effect of their action, which was to preclude a full hand recount in Cuyahoga County. If they were, in any way, motivated by a desire to change the outcome of the election, then why, on Earth, did they preselect precincts to sample in such a way as to avoid having to do a full hand recount? If one’s desire is to change the outcome of the election, you are far more likely to succeed if you preselect precincts in such a way as to force a full hand recount.
There simply is no legitimate comparisons between the Democratic actions you describe and the actions of the Ohio GOP in general and Kenneth Blackwell in particular. Any attempt you make to try to draw comparisons reveals that you have either a deep misunderstanding of the issues or a level of disingenuousness to be envied by spinmeisters the world around.
I could care less about what you enjoy.
I’m fine with just debunking your right wing bullshit.
Comparing Dems to the terrorists? Niiiice. You’re a pretty icky guy.
So Ken Blackwell has been accused of purging the voter rolls. He instructed Ohio poll workers not to give provisional ballots to people who could not prove they lived in the precinct they were attempting to vote in.
I think that’s an interesting move. How can you not prove you live somewhere? Who walks out of the house without ID of some kind? Whoops…… Liberals do. How silly of me…
Judge Carr sided with Mr. Blackwell, saying the secretary of state’s directive to boards of elections that first-time voters must show identification before voting in the election was proper.
The decision stems from a lawsuit filed Oct. 5 in U.S. District Court alleging that the secretary of state violated the Constitution and the Help America Vote Act.
The complaint, which was filed by the Ohio League of Women Voters and a coalition of civil rights and community organizations, asked the court to change the directive that says a first-time voter who didn’t fill out driver’s license or Social Security number information on mailed-in registration forms must show proof of identification before their vote will be accepted.
Judge Carr said the requirements by Mr. Blackwell were not unreasonable, would affect a small number of voters, and would guard against voter fraud and misconduct.
What the Noe’s did was bad.
They need to go to jail.
The Supreme Court vote to install Bush as President over the actual choice of the electorate (both in popular AND electoral) votes, was actually 5 to 3, as one justice abstained — not wanting to be a party to such fraud.
PudWax™, don’t worry about who I really am. Take care of your own embittered and lost soul. Alan Keyes and Justice Thomas are psychologically fragile men.
Save yourself while you can.
The Supremes said: “Our consideration is limited to the present circumstances, as the problem of equal protection in election processes generally presents many complexities.”
Let me see if I have this right: states have no rights to control their own state elections when it can result in Gore being elected President. This decision is limited to only this situation.
Terrorist @ 232
You’re losing it, and badly. Blackwell’s instructions regarding provisional ballots have nothing to do with the efforts to purge the rolls of registered voters. Well, almost nothing. It did serve to prevent quite a few folks from voting as a direct result of the purging of legitimate voters from the registration rolls.
Read this Washington Post article for broad background.
Couple more links:
Then search for US District Court cases Amy Miller v Blackwell and Sandusky County v Blackwell.
Keep in mind that Ohio is, and was, a state that had a central voter registration database under the Secretary of State’s complete control.
And don’t forget to do a little searching on the “Mighty Texas Task Force” and some of their lovely activities, and Kenneth Blackwell’s infamous directive regarding the acceptable weight of paper for voter registrations.
Did any of this actually affect the outcome? Who knows? There are two salient facts worth noting: these are exclusively Republican tactics either fostered by or directly carried out by high-ranking members of the GOP, and, as the two court cases cited above show, not at all in accordance with the law.
Goldy: I thought you stopped this duplicate names and sockpuppetry in 235-237. Oh….. that’s right when yous a lefty anything goes and is overlooked.
Headlice Lucy: Spotted you a mile away. Same silly attacks same stupid writing.
The December 12th date was set for the December 18th ratification.
I’ll agree that Al Gore got more votes, but if you can take a minute and remember (I know your memory is faulty and racist) it was a little before 8 PM when NBC News announced the winner.
SO I went back and verified my memory. Guess what Puddy was right again. NBC at 7:49:40 p.m., CBS at 7:50:11 p.m., Fox and VNS itself at 7:52 p.m. and ABC at 8:02 p.m. So what did this do to Florida Panhandle coast voters?
IT DISENFRANCHISED THEM. Remember the Florida panhandle? It operates on Central Time. The networks called Florida for Gore before they closed. People were disenfranchised.
WEST COAST VOTERS – These voters were also disenfranchised as this early calling. There are reports on the Net of voters leaving the poll knowing their vote didn’t count.
Don Joe: I read about the Mighty Texans and their phone calls.
re 239 & 240: Yer losin’ it, Wax. Gore won the Presidency of the U.S. in 2000, as did John Kerry in 2004.
We’ve had 8 years of this illegitimate, rogue government.
Enoughs enough.
“I don’t believe you. You’re a liar.” Bob Dylan
So, how long are you going to continue to carry water for these guys?
Don Joe: It’s a long story. It starts with 13,000,000 of my dead people.