Anybody else notice that the RNC is spending money buying Google Ads on my liberal political blog, urging people to register to vote before the deadline? That’s some targeted GOTV effort they have going there.
FYI, the deadline to change your registration, or to register to vote online or by mail is October 4. If you are a new voter and miss this deadline, you can register in person at our county auditor’s office until October 20.
Why does every picture of Gov. Palin make her look insane? I can’t look into her eyes — she’s trying to capture my soul!
google “ACORN” and “OBAMA” and you will get the next republican attack talking point, duplicated on many tiny blogs that no on reads, so as to come top in the Google hits.
Then figure on the same logic, anyone who used to work for WaMU in the 1980s is responsible for its meltdown.
I know there have been strong voter registration drives in the evangilical churches. Americans in action.