You know you gotta love how “the messiah” and his disciples are prosecuting potential terrorists like the Zazi character in Colorado. They telegraph their law enforcement moves and now other AL Qaeda members are scurrying around looking for other methods.
“An Afghan immigrant plotted for more than a year to detonate homemade bombs in the United States, had recently bought bomb-making supplies from beauty supply stores and was looking for “urgent” help in the past two weeks to make explosives, an indictment charged Thursday.”
It seems to Puddy we must be diligent of Muslim men looking for nail polish remover and hair bleach in beauty supply stores. Maybe ylb arschloch can petition “the messiah” for the job of standing outside Sally’s or other locations. Interesting lesson being taught for us on HA. Just hire some women to buy the products for you and ylb arschloch will be none the wiser.
Then you receive the actual cookbook from “the messiah” and his “disciples”. Under Bush you all would be screaming where is the evidence. Under “the messiah” there is TMI.
Great job boyz! Hey Puddy is only using the same terms Jimmae Cahhhhhhhhrter used… this black boy. Seems Jimmae getting back to his “southern roots”! Does Jimmae qualify as a white leftist pinhead?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey SeattleJew Glenn Beck said to Katie Couric John McCain would have been worse for the US because all the Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi big government Democrat plans would have sailed through without much questioning from McCain. He wouldn’t stand up against them because McCain is really a big spending populist at heart.
If you remember Puddy said Puddy didn’t like McCain, Puddy doesn’t support McCain. His campaign was disgusting and really appalling. He had ample opportunity to attack Senator Obama and he didn’t.
Does that make Beck a white racist against his own people?
Daddy Lovespews:
Yeah, arresting and prosecuting terrorists to foil their plots is such a bad move.
Daddy Lovespews:
Deep thought:
In heaven the French are the cooks, the Germans are the engineers, the British are the police, the Swiss are the bankers, and the Italians are the lovers whereas in hell the Republicans are the bankers, the Republicans are the police, the Republicans are the cooks, the Republicans are the lovers, and the Republicans are the engineers.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Daddy Love,
Once again you conflate and deflect from the real issue. Typical of you.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Did you all see Rush on Jay Leno’s show? That was:
Here’s da video… The Green Car Challenge is funny too. Don’t watch it ylb arschloch, it may be enlightening…
@3 Beckism
Beck is a demagogue.
With all the respect I have for you, it saddens me that bright people like you are not offering a conservative response to Beck and Palin.
SJ Par for the course for someone who works at the Pee-In-Your-Eye. Only thing Lee Harvey Oswald wasn’t from Texas. Lee Harvey Oswald was from that Banana Republic run by Democratics. Lee Harvey Oswald was born in N’awlins.
Puddy’s memory is failing again.
Let’s see. Bush administration detailed how 9/11 terrorists took flight training classes which were easily available all over the country, to anyone with a checkbook. Then they detailed how the shoe-bombers bomb was supposed to work, but didn’t because his feet were too sweaty. Then they detailed how terrorists planned to mix liquid chemicals while on an airplane to make a bomb – omitting only the actual chemicals (easily discoverable by anyone who’s had a high-school chemistry class – and no, I won’t tell you what they are). Then we had the Bush administration release information on a British anti-terror investigation for political purposes, forcing the British to immediately conduct raids. (The British were pretty ticked off at that one – they were conducting survellance, there was no immediate danger, they didn’t yet have enough evidence to make the big charges stick, and they were hoping to track it back to the group’s handlers. Afterwards, the British decided to share information with the Americans only on a very selective basis).
And you’ve got a problem with the FBI arresting suspected terrorists under the Obama administration?????
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Man what do they feed rhp6033…
First, the 9/11 terrorists happened to take those classes before Bush came into office.
Second the event already happened so explaining how it occurred isn’t tipping anyone’s hand. Here they are telling the world here’s the cookbook for weapon making instead of keeping the details secret. Gotta love it when the ACLU drives discovery and evidence sharing policies. Are you another ylb arschloch, the chronological idiot?
If you remember when Zack Moussaoui was captured there was dickering over if they could get a search warrant to look at his computer? Remember the issues Cathy Crowley brought up later? Puddy does.
Now onto Richard Shoe Bomber Reid… He tried to detonate his shoes in front of everyone fool. This was in a plane and he attacked two flight attendants biting one. He was then held by other passengers. Don’t you remember any of this before engaging brain to start the typing process? It was public knowledge because all the passengers discussed what he was trying to do. So how could ANYONE keep that unknown.
Regarding the “Bush administration release information on a British anti-terror investigation” source rhp6033?
And you’ve got a problem with the FBI arresting suspected terrorists under the Obama administration?????
WTF rhp6033? Where did Puddy postulate this? Is this another of your standard early morning deflections rhp6033? Puddy said TMI on what he was planning to use. You don’t show your hand on how someone was conjuring up an attack. You want to catch other potential perps. You don’t brag this is what he was planning. Of course to rhp6033 he doesn’t get that because he’s blinded by hatred and diminished brain capacity!
Dear Moron Puddy:
As usual your diatribe lacks coherence…somehow you conflate the errors of the local police in tipping off the terrorists with the Obama administration….as if Obama controls the local police.
The bigger picture (that you miss entirely due to your myopic bias) is that the FBI tracked and arrested these terrorists without needing illegal and unconstitutional methods.
Case closed.
Puddy is a biased fool, as usual.
@13: Wow, Stoopid is at it again…missing the point. You were arguing that the Obama administration detailed what the terrorsist were doing (it is ridiculous that I have to remind this fool of his own arguments), and RHP just pointed out that Bush did the same thing with 9/11 and twioth the shoe bomber.
Hypocrite. You can’t even follow your own arguments – how pathetically illogical is that?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Of course it’s superfluous to ask whether you prefer the wretched performance of the incompetent Bush regime, which left Osama laughing all the way to his air-conditioned cave, because clearly you do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 (continued) By the way, muddled head, the Islamic extremists who plot to blow up buildings and kill Americans are conservative fundamentalists in their culture and religion. Does that sound at all familiar? Does it ring any bells?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey stupid ohhh Puddy means correctnotright…
As usual your diatribe lacks coherence…somehow you conflate the errors of the local police in tipping off the terrorists with the Obama administration….as if Obama controls the local police.
Where did Puddy mention this moron? Puddy brought up how the evidence was thrown up for all to see. Man you are so stupid it makes Puddy laugh like Santa Claus! This is why we on the right continually laugh at your attempts of “debate”. What a libtardo.
Back to Richard Reid for another SMACKDOWN? Let Puddy be perfectly clear. There was a plane full of witnesses to his actions. They smelled the matches being ignited. The shoes with their fuses were ready to explode. The passengers saw him try to light his shoe in his lap. The passengers saw him bite the flight attendant. So much for the sweaty feet theory rhp6033 tried above.
Keep us laughing correctnotright. We need comedy in the morning and you along with some other fools provide it!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Sorry, muddlehead, but Joel is right and you’re wrong.
Joel wrote: “It takes talent and cooperation to build a barn, the old adage goes, while any damned fool can burn one down.”
Clearly, you’ve aligned yourself with the damned fools faction.
Joel also wrote: “At KOY-FM in Phoenix, Beck was competing against radio host Bruce Kelly. His rival’s wife, Terry Kelly, suffered a miscarriage. Beck called her live on the air and said, ‘We hear you had a miscarriage.’ When Terry said ‘Yes,’ Beck proceeded to joke about how Bruce apparently can’t do anything right — about he can’t even have a baby. Don’t know about you, but I’d think twice about shelling out $500 to be photographed with such a person.”
Don’t know if you’re good for the 500 smackers (I doubt it, judging from the amount of free time you have available to spend on HA), but your admiration for such a person says all anyone needs to know about you, muddlehead.
Let me slightly modify what I said above: Joel is right, and you’re not good enough to kiss his feet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 “And you’ve got a problem with the FBI arresting suspected terrorists under the Obama administration?????”
Shmucks like Muddled can’t stand other people’s success.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 As I recall, it was Republican boneheads who published the blueprints for making nuclear bombs …
Further deconstructing the attempted argument of a complete maroon:
Puddy spews this ignorance:
Then you receive the actual cookbook from “the messiah” and his “disciples”. Under Bush you all would be screaming where is the evidence. Under “the messiah” there is TMI.
Umm, this information on how to make hydrogen peroxide explosives is already readily available on the internet – so your third grade level “thesis” that somehow the Obama administration is publicizing a how-to for terrorists is a day late and more than a dollar short – in other words, you are full of crap as usual.
@18 It’s not clear what you’re trying to say, Muddle, as you write in gibberish instead of plain English; but, from your incoherent ramblings, it appears you may be taking issue with the indictment revealing details of the accused’s alleged crime(s).
Allow me to explain. (As a lawyer with 35 years of experience, and a former judge, I’m qualified to do this.)
In this country, accused people are entitled to know the charges and evidence against them. In addition, indictments and legal proceedings are open to the news media and public.
This is so the government can’t, you know, arbitrarily detain people without just cause. Of course, I don’t expect a Republican to understand or respect this concept.
Get back, get back get back to making some sense at all (Puddy)
If ignorance is bliss, then Puddy is the happiest poster on here.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 I think the fact Republican idiots published a nuclear bomb cookbook bears repeating (see #21 above), because hypocrisy is an embedded theme in all of Muddle’s posts.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
To the moron AKA correctnotright,
Sure H2O2 explosives are well known. Most of us learned about that in 9th Grade Earth Science class. We learned how to make the little paper balls when thrown would pop. Butt that’s not your original argument fool. Here let Puddy remind you since you are memory deficient…
As usual your diatribe lacks coherence…somehow you conflate the errors of the local police in tipping off the terrorists with the Obama administration….as if Obama controls the local police.
Does that help ya moron? Puddy discussing the FBI announcements of going to beauty salons and buying the products and you delfect with NY Police. What a tool! That’s why we on the right crack up when we see another correctnotright posting. A laugh a minute! Stay in the moment correctnotright.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wait Wascally Wabbit@21, are you now saying Saddam had plans for a nuclear bomb? Butt butt butt you HA Libtardos told all of us that there weren’t no WMD plans or materials in Saddam’s arsenal. So what gives NOW fool?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey Roger, Puddy had heard the Miscarriage story before what almost 15 years ago? Now it was low class butt in researching it Joel forgot to tell his readers about how Kelly spit in Becks face before the incident. Now why did Joel leave that out Roger? Maybe you should ask Joel since you brought it up!
Ever heard of sealed indictments? Or is your mind so enfeebled that you forget this? Now the FBI is looking for more dudes (his associates) because it was blabbed all over. Great job AG Holder and gang!
Puddy brought up how the evidence was thrown up for all to see.
Here let Puddy help you since you have issues following threads…
“An Afghan immigrant plotted for more than a year to detonate homemade bombs in the United States, had recently bought bomb-making supplies from beauty supply stores and was looking for “urgent” help in the past two weeks to make explosives, an indictment charged Thursday.”
Puddy realizes you need remedial help Roger.
@26: I just deconstructed YOUR original argument…but you don’t get it. I also pointed out that blaming Obama for the problem of the local police is also stupid.
But a maroon like you with limited reasoning skills and a bias a mile wide will find anything to try and pin on Obama. Point is that all the information on bomb making is already out on the web…so nothing has been given to “cookbook” with…once again, you don’t even realize whjen your entire false argument has been deconstructed and is falling around you.
Must be tough to not even recognize your own words and to not acknowledge how stoopid they were.
Then again, maybe not. You are too dumb to realize when you have been totally refuted.
Puddy: A legend in his own mind.
Has NEVER lost an argument …even when what he has written has been thoroughly debunked.
How obtuse can you get?
@30 Stupid
You mean like these indictments during the Bush administration that were blabbed all over:
a 26-page indictment unsealed Tuesday indicates that the group had no rigorous military training and did not appear close to being able to pull off an attack. The arrests in the case began Monday night after two defendants arrived at a local home to buy assault weapons, which had been supplied and disabled by the FBI, officials said.
Or maybe you mean this bush administration “policy”:
In 1995, a plot to bomb 12 American jumbo jets over the Pacific with a liquid explosive was discovered when the bomb makers accidentally set fire to their laboratory in Manila.
From the New York Times editorial, Aug. 12, 2006 :
The most frightening thing about the foiled plot to use liquid explosives to blow up airplanes over the Atlantic is that both the government and the aviation industry have been aware of the liquid bomb threat for years but have done little to prepare for it.
From the Associated Press:
As the British terror plot was unfolding, the Bush administration quietly tried to take away $6 million that was supposed to be spent this year developing new explosives detection technology….Rep. Martin Sabo, D-Minn., who joined Republicans to block the administration’s recent diversion of explosives detection money, said research and development is crucial to thwarting future attacks, and there is bipartisan agreement that Homeland Security has fallen short. ”They clearly have been given lots of resources that they haven’t been using,” Sabo said.
the more Puddy writes, the stoopider he looks.
I know it’s futile, but I’ll try to explain this to you, once more.
A sealed indictment is to protect an investigation in progress. Once an arrest is made, it has to be unsealed at the preliminary arraignment. At the arraignment, the defense is entitled to have the charges read against him. Other rules allow the defense to have an opportunity see the government’s witness lists, read all the statements made by those witnesses, and review physical evidence. It’s all part of our Constitutional right to confront witnesses testifying against us.
Don’t try to get into an argument with the Rabbit about the law. He knows the law, you only know what you read on right-wing web sites. It’s too painful to keep watching the intellectual beatings which you incur.
Picking up the thread about high-priced corporate ho private jets. Suggested that Rabbit just shut up about it, take his shoes off, shuffle to the cheap seats, and fly united. But noooo. He just wanted to rumble. More fight than flight, in other words.
So here, via Steve Milloy, are more jet-set jets spewing global-warming gases on the heads of us commoners:
* “Oh so green Google bought a “gargantuan plane known as the ‘Google Party Jet’ … that is seventy percent longer and three times heavier than a conventional Gulfstream jet. The plane, used for the co-founders’ personal travel, consumes more than 1,500 gallons of fuel per hour, whether carrying Google partners to Greenland for some kite-boarding and Sergey Brin’s bachelor party, or former president Bill Clinton and his entourage on a July 2008 media tour of Africa.”
* And then there’s big green “Republican” Arnold: “Tired of living alone in a hotel penthouse across from Sacramento’s Capitol building, Schwarzenegger decided to live in his Los Angeles mansion and spend three hours a day commuting in his private Gulfstream jet. … This is the same Governor Schwarzenegger who on June 2, 2005, announced at the United Nations, ‘Today, California will be a leader in the fight against global warming. I say the debate is over.'”
* Green billionaire Richard Branson “held a luxury confab to discuss green strategies at Necker Island, one of his two private isles in the British Virgin Islands. Numberous green plutocrats put aside their jeremiads against carbon emissions and hopped [Rabbits every one!] on carbon-spewing planes to attend the gathering …”
And everybody knows about Al Gore’s carbon gluttony, and about how he lifted his net “worth” from $1 million in 1993 to >$100 million 15 years later. And about green hypocrites like Cronkite, Teddy Kennedy, and RFK Jr. doing an ecoterror war against Cape Cod wind power, no need need to go into all that.
(But it’s all in Milloy’s Green Hell, Regnery, 2009, if you want it, and if Regnery doesn’t make you gag on your Chardonnay.)
Toljah. About the minute Rush started ragging on our crashing Dow, the Dow promptly jumped for the stars. Almost made it to Dow 36000. But every Dead Rabbit Bounce Bounce Bounce has to end end end, so here we go again, unless Rush repeats his riff from last week about the Obama Crash of 2008.
03/18/2009 at 10:45 am
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 Why would anyone buy small jars of acetone at a beauty salon when you can get a gallon of the stuff at any hardware store for 15 bucks?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 Given the fact you fucking Republican incompetents published the atom bomb plans on the internet, I’m assuming everyone has them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 Wait, so you’re saying Kelly spit in Beck’s face, and Beck took it on Kelly’s wife? We may presume because Beck wasn’t man enough to call out Kelly for spitting in his face? So he harasses a woman instead? What a guy! Is this the kind of “hero” you worship? (Don’t answer that; you’ll only embarrass yourself even worse than you already have.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
HA appears to be puddy’s full-time job.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy’s comedy producer
I also pointed out that blaming Obama for the problem of the local police is also stupid.
You continue to scream this when Puddy never mentioned this. Butt you want to look smart so you continue to bring it up!
What a fool
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Roger Pellets
Wait, so you’re saying Kelly spit in Beck’s face, and Beck took it on Kelly’s wife?
Go back and reread the comment dumb bunny. He took it out on Kelly. “Beck proceeded to joke about how Bruce apparently can’t do anything right — about he can’t even have a baby.” Now if the dumb bunny could read through his natural hatred he’d seen this:
Now it was low class
Butt as always it’s the little things Roger misses because he can’t see the big things.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
More laughs from correctnotright
You mean like these indictments during the Bush administration that were blabbed all over:
Yes by the liberal MSM who hated GWB. Anything they got their hands on theo make GWB look bad they did. Remember when the NY Slimes told the world about the financial records tracing for terrorist financing, hence telling the world ya better keep your transcactions secret? Oh you forgot about that correctnotright? This is why we on the right laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh at you and over your comments.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
This is why correctnotright is a comedy buffoon. The FBI was asking around to see what beauty salons were visited by Zazi. From the FBI documents as missed by correctnotright…
The Sept. 23 indictment outlines the case against Zazi. It says not only did Zazi conspire with others to detonate an “improvised explosive device” within the United States, he also “received detailed bomb-making instructions in Pakistan, purchased components of improvised explosive devices, and traveled to New York City on September 10, 2009 in furtherance of his criminal plans.” PuddyEmphasis
Was it to make the bomb on the Internet as documented by correctnotright? Could be. But why go to Pakistan and be traced when per correctnotright, the method is right there on the ‘Nets?
This is why we laugh at correctnotright. He focuses in on the minutia while missing THE BIG PICTURE! Like he always does.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Now onto rhp6033:
A sealed indictment is to protect an investigation in progress.
And the investigation is still in progress. There are eight, count then on your fingers rhp6033, eight more peeps of interest.
Regarding the showing of the information you place a gag order on it so they can continue to investigate for the other peeps.
There went that argument.
Nuff SAID Sucka!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
rujax@36, that coming from you, a botched abortion, is too damn funny!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Nope. I can work from home fool. It’s great. Fox News on the TV. KTTH on the radio. HA on a screen. When new leftist crapola appears from HA it pops up fool!
proud leftistspews:
After being gone a couple weeks, I believe I’ve lost the ability to comprehend Puddyese. Fluency in any foreign language lapses quickly from lack of use.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Proud Leftist,
You couldn’t understand Darryl’s Rules and the mad professor wrote them. Even when shown Darryl authored them you still had questions.
Great Glenn Beck show on. Black ladies telling it like it is to be called a racist by white Democrats.
Beat the Rushspews:
Did you all see Rush on Jay Leno’s show? That was:
Conservative Libertarian Tom Woods wrote months ago that it’s folly for conservatives and libertarians to keeping blaming our manic recession on the Carter-Clinton Community Reinvestment Act.
Barry Ritholtz in Bailout Nation destroys even the pretense of trying to blame our current quagmire on the CRA. But there was Limbaugh on Leno last night, still screeching the CRA aria as if reality hadn’t intruded. And as if somebody had dropped a quarter in Limbaugh’s teleprompter, which barfed up the same old song.
But that’s not even the worst part. The worst part is that HNMT on several occasions blew chunks on HA bandwidth by blaming everything on CRA. HNMT is a prick.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey, you see the preznit come on during the Glenn Beck show. Interesting timing.
So I wonder where the dumbass known as puddy got his JD?
Puddy @ 49: You (again) missed the point. The indictment has to be opened at arraignment, at least with respect to the person being arraigned. It has to have enough information in it to show that, if the allegations can be proven, that a crime was committed.
Whether or not there are other persons who are still under investigation is a complicating factor, but it doesn’t keep the indictment sealed. If a prosecutor wants to arrest one person while keeping indictments sealed against the others, he has to make sure that the indictment against the individual he wants to have arrested can stand on it’s own, without respect to the others. That pretty much leaves out the possibility of any conspiracy charges.
So the usual approach, in the case of a sealed indictment, is to wait until the prosecutor is ready to bring charges against everyone, and conduct arrests at the same time. Then the indictments can all be unsealed at arraingment. But sometimes other factors force the arrest of some of the suspects prematurely (a statute of limitations about to expire, the indictment about to expire, suspects about to flee or commit an overt act, etc.).
Oh, and the reference to a “gag order” – which I’m not sure if Puddy is using interchangeably with a “sealed indictment”. I’m sure Puddy doesn’t really know what a “gag order” is, and the extent it protects (or doesn’t protect) against non-disclosure of court documents and proceedings.
If Puddy wants to argue that a “gag order” would solve any of the problems he is so concerned about, perhaps he should check on the “non-disclosure order” which was in effect when Clinton’s deposition was taken, prohibiting anyone on either side from publishing the details of the deposition without further court order. It was a reasonable precaution, because in depositions either side can ask questions which ordinarily could be objected to in a regular court proceeding. But in the Clinton deposition, within hours the Republican legal team (which included Anne Coulter) managed to have the videotape of Clinton’s deposition duplicated an sent by “anonymous sources” to multiple media outlets, so that it’s contents were transcribed and widely available for the next morning news cycle.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
rhp6033, you missed Puddy’s point.
G A G order! Closed courtroom!
Zoom zoom
Ham Burger, Perry Mason's D.A.spews:
Deposition, via Wiki:
Jones’s lawyers decided to show to the court a pattern of behavior by Clinton that involved his allegedly repeatedly becoming sexually involved with state or government employees. Jones’s lawyers therefore subpoenaed women they suspected Clinton had had affairs with, one of whom was Monica Lewinsky. In his deposition for the Jones lawsuit, Clinton denied having “sexual relations” with Monica Lewinsky. Based on evidence provided by Linda Tripp, which identified the existence of a blue dress with Clinton’s semen, Kenneth Starr concluded that this sworn testimony was false and perjurious.
During the deposition in the Jones case, Clinton was asked, “Have you ever had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, as that term is defined in Deposition Exhibit 1, as modified by the Court?” The judge ordered that Clinton be given an opportunity to review the definition. It included contact with the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of a person with an intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of that person, any contact of the genitals or anus of another person, or contact of one’s genitals or anus with any part of another person’s body either directly or through clothing.[15][16][17] Clinton flatly denied having sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky.
That was then, the good old days, when we had a president dedicated to ‘doing the business of the American people.’
But rhp asserts Ann Coulter was part of the “Republican legal team” that leaked Clinton’s patriotic testimony. Have a source for that, counselor?
The only source I can find linking Coulter to a leak is David Brock. Take him or leave him, he’s almost as trustworthy as Clinton.
Coulter admits she was an anti-Clinton elf, but hey, who wasn’t?
Daddy Lovespews:
It’s funny, isn’t it?
Within the space of little more than a week or so, federal intelligence gathering and federal law enforcement break up five terrorism plots. At the same time, US special forces in Somalia killed one of the most wanted Islamic militants in Africa (Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, ringleader of an Al Qaeda cell in Kenya responsible for the bombing of an Israeli hotel on the Kenyan coast in 2002), and in Pakistan a US drone killed Baitullah Mehsud, Pakistan’s “enemy No. 1” and the leader of its feared Taliban movement.
And all of this from the president who loves our enemies and hates America. And all this without waterboarding anyone.
Choke on it.
Daddy Lovespews:
The president spoke the absolute truth, and your cite confirms it.
Absolutely, the attorney president spoke the truth in a way that would represent a lie.
But no serious adult believes that Clinton was anything but a sexual predator using his influence to obtain favors from his state office to his national one. The man lied under oath, asked others to do the same in an ongoing civil matter, and should have been jailed for it.
Parse words all you like, but Clinton was not an honest broker by any meaningful terms.
Chris Stefanspews:
Don’t worry, we’ll get you back when Cheney hangs for high treason and crimes against humanity.
Stupes went apeshit stupid in this thread.
Big charges without evidence. I believe that’s called libel. Oh, cowards like you hide behind the exclusion for public figures.
Treason for goodness sake. What have you been smoking?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
No ylb arschloch, Puddy didn’t come close to your normal daily eyeball.
70 – Fiend, you’re too silly. Everyone laughs at you.
heh… Wingnuts.. wake up and smell the coffee…
You know you gotta love how “the messiah” and his disciples are prosecuting potential terrorists like the Zazi character in Colorado. They telegraph their law enforcement moves and now other AL Qaeda members are scurrying around looking for other methods.
“An Afghan immigrant plotted for more than a year to detonate homemade bombs in the United States, had recently bought bomb-making supplies from beauty supply stores and was looking for “urgent” help in the past two weeks to make explosives, an indictment charged Thursday.”
It seems to Puddy we must be diligent of Muslim men looking for nail polish remover and hair bleach in beauty supply stores. Maybe ylb arschloch can petition “the messiah” for the job of standing outside Sally’s or other locations. Interesting lesson being taught for us on HA. Just hire some women to buy the products for you and ylb arschloch will be none the wiser.
Then you receive the actual cookbook from “the messiah” and his “disciples”. Under Bush you all would be screaming where is the evidence. Under “the messiah” there is TMI.
Great job boyz! Hey Puddy is only using the same terms Jimmae Cahhhhhhhhrter used… this black boy. Seems Jimmae getting back to his “southern roots”! Does Jimmae qualify as a white leftist pinhead?
Hey SeattleJew Glenn Beck said to Katie Couric John McCain would have been worse for the US because all the Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi big government Democrat plans would have sailed through without much questioning from McCain. He wouldn’t stand up against them because McCain is really a big spending populist at heart.
If you remember Puddy said Puddy didn’t like McCain, Puddy doesn’t support McCain. His campaign was disgusting and really appalling. He had ample opportunity to attack Senator Obama and he didn’t.
Does that make Beck a white racist against his own people?
Yeah, arresting and prosecuting terrorists to foil their plots is such a bad move.
Deep thought:
In heaven the French are the cooks, the Germans are the engineers, the British are the police, the Swiss are the bankers, and the Italians are the lovers whereas in hell the Republicans are the bankers, the Republicans are the police, the Republicans are the cooks, the Republicans are the lovers, and the Republicans are the engineers.
Daddy Love,
Once again you conflate and deflect from the real issue. Typical of you.
Did you all see Rush on Jay Leno’s show? That was:
Here’s da video… The Green Car Challenge is funny too. Don’t watch it ylb arschloch, it may be enlightening…
@3 Beckism
Beck is a demagogue.
With all the respect I have for you, it saddens me that bright people like you are not offering a conservative response to Beck and Palin.
You can do better.
Joel on Beckism
one quote
et tu Seattle?
On violnece growing from Beckism
SJ Par for the course for someone who works at the Pee-In-Your-Eye. Only thing Lee Harvey Oswald wasn’t from Texas. Lee Harvey Oswald was from that Banana Republic run by Democratics. Lee Harvey Oswald was born in N’awlins.
Puddy’s memory is failing again.
Let’s see. Bush administration detailed how 9/11 terrorists took flight training classes which were easily available all over the country, to anyone with a checkbook. Then they detailed how the shoe-bombers bomb was supposed to work, but didn’t because his feet were too sweaty. Then they detailed how terrorists planned to mix liquid chemicals while on an airplane to make a bomb – omitting only the actual chemicals (easily discoverable by anyone who’s had a high-school chemistry class – and no, I won’t tell you what they are). Then we had the Bush administration release information on a British anti-terror investigation for political purposes, forcing the British to immediately conduct raids. (The British were pretty ticked off at that one – they were conducting survellance, there was no immediate danger, they didn’t yet have enough evidence to make the big charges stick, and they were hoping to track it back to the group’s handlers. Afterwards, the British decided to share information with the Americans only on a very selective basis).
And you’ve got a problem with the FBI arresting suspected terrorists under the Obama administration?????
Man what do they feed rhp6033…
First, the 9/11 terrorists happened to take those classes before Bush came into office.
Second the event already happened so explaining how it occurred isn’t tipping anyone’s hand. Here they are telling the world here’s the cookbook for weapon making instead of keeping the details secret. Gotta love it when the ACLU drives discovery and evidence sharing policies. Are you another ylb arschloch, the chronological idiot?
If you remember when Zack Moussaoui was captured there was dickering over if they could get a search warrant to look at his computer? Remember the issues Cathy Crowley brought up later? Puddy does.
Now onto Richard Shoe Bomber Reid… He tried to detonate his shoes in front of everyone fool. This was in a plane and he attacked two flight attendants biting one. He was then held by other passengers. Don’t you remember any of this before engaging brain to start the typing process? It was public knowledge because all the passengers discussed what he was trying to do. So how could ANYONE keep that unknown.
Regarding the “Bush administration release information on a British anti-terror investigation” source rhp6033?
WTF rhp6033? Where did Puddy postulate this? Is this another of your standard early morning deflections rhp6033? Puddy said TMI on what he was planning to use. You don’t show your hand on how someone was conjuring up an attack. You want to catch other potential perps. You don’t brag this is what he was planning. Of course to rhp6033 he doesn’t get that because he’s blinded by hatred and diminished brain capacity!
Dear Moron Puddy:
As usual your diatribe lacks coherence…somehow you conflate the errors of the local police in tipping off the terrorists with the Obama administration….as if Obama controls the local police.
The bigger picture (that you miss entirely due to your myopic bias) is that the FBI tracked and arrested these terrorists without needing illegal and unconstitutional methods.
Case closed.
Puddy is a biased fool, as usual.
@13: Wow, Stoopid is at it again…missing the point. You were arguing that the Obama administration detailed what the terrorsist were doing (it is ridiculous that I have to remind this fool of his own arguments), and RHP just pointed out that Bush did the same thing with 9/11 and twioth the shoe bomber.
Hypocrite. You can’t even follow your own arguments – how pathetically illogical is that?
@2 Of course it’s superfluous to ask whether you prefer the wretched performance of the incompetent Bush regime, which left Osama laughing all the way to his air-conditioned cave, because clearly you do.
@2 (continued) By the way, muddled head, the Islamic extremists who plot to blow up buildings and kill Americans are conservative fundamentalists in their culture and religion. Does that sound at all familiar? Does it ring any bells?
Hey stupid ohhh Puddy means correctnotright…
Where did Puddy mention this moron? Puddy brought up how the evidence was thrown up for all to see. Man you are so stupid it makes Puddy laugh like Santa Claus! This is why we on the right continually laugh at your attempts of “debate”. What a libtardo.
Back to Richard Reid for another SMACKDOWN? Let Puddy be perfectly clear. There was a plane full of witnesses to his actions. They smelled the matches being ignited. The shoes with their fuses were ready to explode. The passengers saw him try to light his shoe in his lap. The passengers saw him bite the flight attendant. So much for the sweaty feet theory rhp6033 tried above.
Keep us laughing correctnotright. We need comedy in the morning and you along with some other fools provide it!
@11 Sorry, muddlehead, but Joel is right and you’re wrong.
Joel wrote: “It takes talent and cooperation to build a barn, the old adage goes, while any damned fool can burn one down.”
Clearly, you’ve aligned yourself with the damned fools faction.
Joel also wrote: “At KOY-FM in Phoenix, Beck was competing against radio host Bruce Kelly. His rival’s wife, Terry Kelly, suffered a miscarriage. Beck called her live on the air and said, ‘We hear you had a miscarriage.’ When Terry said ‘Yes,’ Beck proceeded to joke about how Bruce apparently can’t do anything right — about he can’t even have a baby. Don’t know about you, but I’d think twice about shelling out $500 to be photographed with such a person.”
Don’t know if you’re good for the 500 smackers (I doubt it, judging from the amount of free time you have available to spend on HA), but your admiration for such a person says all anyone needs to know about you, muddlehead.
Let me slightly modify what I said above: Joel is right, and you’re not good enough to kiss his feet.
@12 “And you’ve got a problem with the FBI arresting suspected terrorists under the Obama administration?????”
Shmucks like Muddled can’t stand other people’s success.
@13 As I recall, it was Republican boneheads who published the blueprints for making nuclear bombs …
Further deconstructing the attempted argument of a complete maroon:
Puddy spews this ignorance:
Umm, this information on how to make hydrogen peroxide explosives is already readily available on the internet – so your third grade level “thesis” that somehow the Obama administration is publicizing a how-to for terrorists is a day late and more than a dollar short – in other words, you are full of crap as usual.
@18 It’s not clear what you’re trying to say, Muddle, as you write in gibberish instead of plain English; but, from your incoherent ramblings, it appears you may be taking issue with the indictment revealing details of the accused’s alleged crime(s).
Allow me to explain. (As a lawyer with 35 years of experience, and a former judge, I’m qualified to do this.)
In this country, accused people are entitled to know the charges and evidence against them. In addition, indictments and legal proceedings are open to the news media and public.
This is so the government can’t, you know, arbitrarily detain people without just cause. Of course, I don’t expect a Republican to understand or respect this concept.
Get back, get back get back to making some sense at all (Puddy)
If ignorance is bliss, then Puddy is the happiest poster on here.
@22 I think the fact Republican idiots published a nuclear bomb cookbook bears repeating (see #21 above), because hypocrisy is an embedded theme in all of Muddle’s posts.
To the moron AKA correctnotright,
Sure H2O2 explosives are well known. Most of us learned about that in 9th Grade Earth Science class. We learned how to make the little paper balls when thrown would pop. Butt that’s not your original argument fool. Here let Puddy remind you since you are memory deficient…
Does that help ya moron? Puddy discussing the FBI announcements of going to beauty salons and buying the products and you delfect with NY Police. What a tool! That’s why we on the right crack up when we see another correctnotright posting. A laugh a minute! Stay in the moment correctnotright.
Wait Wascally Wabbit@21, are you now saying Saddam had plans for a nuclear bomb? Butt butt butt you HA Libtardos told all of us that there weren’t no WMD plans or materials in Saddam’s arsenal. So what gives NOW fool?
Hey Roger, Puddy had heard the Miscarriage story before what almost 15 years ago? Now it was low class butt in researching it Joel forgot to tell his readers about how Kelly spit in Becks face before the incident. Now why did Joel leave that out Roger? Maybe you should ask Joel since you brought it up!
Ever heard of sealed indictments? Or is your mind so enfeebled that you forget this? Now the FBI is looking for more dudes (his associates) because it was blabbed all over. Great job AG Holder and gang!
SMACK Not Clear? Hard for you to see?
Here let Puddy help you since you have issues following threads…
Puddy realizes you need remedial help Roger.
@26: I just deconstructed YOUR original argument…but you don’t get it. I also pointed out that blaming Obama for the problem of the local police is also stupid.
But a maroon like you with limited reasoning skills and a bias a mile wide will find anything to try and pin on Obama. Point is that all the information on bomb making is already out on the web…so nothing has been given to “cookbook” with…once again, you don’t even realize whjen your entire false argument has been deconstructed and is falling around you.
Must be tough to not even recognize your own words and to not acknowledge how stoopid they were.
Then again, maybe not. You are too dumb to realize when you have been totally refuted.
Puddy: A legend in his own mind.
Has NEVER lost an argument …even when what he has written has been thoroughly debunked.
How obtuse can you get?
@30 Stupid
You mean like these indictments during the Bush administration that were blabbed all over:
False terrorist plot 1:
or this terrorist plot with unsealed indictment:
Or maybe you mean this bush administration “policy”:
the more Puddy writes, the stoopider he looks.
I know it’s futile, but I’ll try to explain this to you, once more.
A sealed indictment is to protect an investigation in progress. Once an arrest is made, it has to be unsealed at the preliminary arraignment. At the arraignment, the defense is entitled to have the charges read against him. Other rules allow the defense to have an opportunity see the government’s witness lists, read all the statements made by those witnesses, and review physical evidence. It’s all part of our Constitutional right to confront witnesses testifying against us.
Don’t try to get into an argument with the Rabbit about the law. He knows the law, you only know what you read on right-wing web sites. It’s too painful to keep watching the intellectual beatings which you incur.
No fucking shit.
Puddy is a fucking forced birther idiot.
Picking up the thread about high-priced corporate ho private jets. Suggested that Rabbit just shut up about it, take his shoes off, shuffle to the cheap seats, and fly united. But noooo. He just wanted to rumble. More fight than flight, in other words.
So here, via Steve Milloy, are more jet-set jets spewing global-warming gases on the heads of us commoners:
* “Oh so green Google bought a “gargantuan plane known as the ‘Google Party Jet’ … that is seventy percent longer and three times heavier than a conventional Gulfstream jet. The plane, used for the co-founders’ personal travel, consumes more than 1,500 gallons of fuel per hour, whether carrying Google partners to Greenland for some kite-boarding and Sergey Brin’s bachelor party, or former president Bill Clinton and his entourage on a July 2008 media tour of Africa.”
* And then there’s big green “Republican” Arnold: “Tired of living alone in a hotel penthouse across from Sacramento’s Capitol building, Schwarzenegger decided to live in his Los Angeles mansion and spend three hours a day commuting in his private Gulfstream jet. … This is the same Governor Schwarzenegger who on June 2, 2005, announced at the United Nations, ‘Today, California will be a leader in the fight against global warming. I say the debate is over.'”
* Green billionaire Richard Branson “held a luxury confab to discuss green strategies at Necker Island, one of his two private isles in the British Virgin Islands. Numberous green plutocrats put aside their jeremiads against carbon emissions and hopped [Rabbits every one!] on carbon-spewing planes to attend the gathering …”
And everybody knows about Al Gore’s carbon gluttony, and about how he lifted his net “worth” from $1 million in 1993 to >$100 million 15 years later. And about green hypocrites like Cronkite, Teddy Kennedy, and RFK Jr. doing an ecoterror war against Cape Cod wind power, no need need to go into all that.
(But it’s all in Milloy’s Green Hell, Regnery, 2009, if you want it, and if Regnery doesn’t make you gag on your Chardonnay.)
Hey, Rujax!, how’s it hangin’?
My money’s on Roger.
Just one example pulled from the HA cesspool:
@26 Why would anyone buy small jars of acetone at a beauty salon when you can get a gallon of the stuff at any hardware store for 15 bucks?
@27 Given the fact you fucking Republican incompetents published the atom bomb plans on the internet, I’m assuming everyone has them.
@28 Wait, so you’re saying Kelly spit in Beck’s face, and Beck took it on Kelly’s wife? We may presume because Beck wasn’t man enough to call out Kelly for spitting in his face? So he harasses a woman instead? What a guy! Is this the kind of “hero” you worship? (Don’t answer that; you’ll only embarrass yourself even worse than you already have.)
HA appears to be puddy’s full-time job.
Puddy’s comedy producer
You continue to scream this when Puddy never mentioned this. Butt you want to look smart so you continue to bring it up!
What a fool
Roger Pellets
Go back and reread the comment dumb bunny. He took it out on Kelly. “Beck proceeded to joke about how Bruce apparently can’t do anything right — about he can’t even have a baby.” Now if the dumb bunny could read through his natural hatred he’d seen this:
Butt as always it’s the little things Roger misses because he can’t see the big things.
More laughs from correctnotright
Yes by the liberal MSM who hated GWB. Anything they got their hands on theo make GWB look bad they did. Remember when the NY Slimes told the world about the financial records tracing for terrorist financing, hence telling the world ya better keep your transcactions secret? Oh you forgot about that correctnotright? This is why we on the right laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh at you and over your comments.
This is why correctnotright is a comedy buffoon. The FBI was asking around to see what beauty salons were visited by Zazi. From the FBI documents as missed by correctnotright…
Was it to make the bomb on the Internet as documented by correctnotright? Could be. But why go to Pakistan and be traced when per correctnotright, the method is right there on the ‘Nets?
This is why we laugh at correctnotright. He focuses in on the minutia while missing THE BIG PICTURE! Like he always does.
Now onto rhp6033:
And the investigation is still in progress. There are eight, count then on your fingers rhp6033, eight more peeps of interest.
Regarding the showing of the information you place a gag order on it so they can continue to investigate for the other peeps.
There went that argument.
Nuff SAID Sucka!
rujax@36, that coming from you, a botched abortion, is too damn funny!
Nope. I can work from home fool. It’s great. Fox News on the TV. KTTH on the radio. HA on a screen. When new leftist crapola appears from HA it pops up fool!
After being gone a couple weeks, I believe I’ve lost the ability to comprehend Puddyese. Fluency in any foreign language lapses quickly from lack of use.
Proud Leftist,
You couldn’t understand Darryl’s Rules and the mad professor wrote them. Even when shown Darryl authored them you still had questions.
Nuff SAID Sucka!
Sorry, I thoughtvaudeville was dead
This is something that will make cyn and puddy smile.
Dem Fundraising Drops. Give Us Real Democrats, And We’ll Donate Again.
Great Glenn Beck show on. Black ladies telling it like it is to be called a racist by white Democrats.
Conservative Libertarian Tom Woods wrote months ago that it’s folly for conservatives and libertarians to keeping blaming our manic recession on the Carter-Clinton Community Reinvestment Act.
Barry Ritholtz in Bailout Nation destroys even the pretense of trying to blame our current quagmire on the CRA. But there was Limbaugh on Leno last night, still screeching the CRA aria as if reality hadn’t intruded. And as if somebody had dropped a quarter in Limbaugh’s teleprompter, which barfed up the same old song.
But that’s not even the worst part. The worst part is that HNMT on several occasions blew chunks on HA bandwidth by blaming everything on CRA. HNMT is a prick.
Hey, you see the preznit come on during the Glenn Beck show. Interesting timing.
So I wonder where the dumbass known as puddy got his JD?
Puddy @ 49: You (again) missed the point. The indictment has to be opened at arraignment, at least with respect to the person being arraigned. It has to have enough information in it to show that, if the allegations can be proven, that a crime was committed.
Whether or not there are other persons who are still under investigation is a complicating factor, but it doesn’t keep the indictment sealed. If a prosecutor wants to arrest one person while keeping indictments sealed against the others, he has to make sure that the indictment against the individual he wants to have arrested can stand on it’s own, without respect to the others. That pretty much leaves out the possibility of any conspiracy charges.
So the usual approach, in the case of a sealed indictment, is to wait until the prosecutor is ready to bring charges against everyone, and conduct arrests at the same time. Then the indictments can all be unsealed at arraingment. But sometimes other factors force the arrest of some of the suspects prematurely (a statute of limitations about to expire, the indictment about to expire, suspects about to flee or commit an overt act, etc.).
Oh, and the reference to a “gag order” – which I’m not sure if Puddy is using interchangeably with a “sealed indictment”. I’m sure Puddy doesn’t really know what a “gag order” is, and the extent it protects (or doesn’t protect) against non-disclosure of court documents and proceedings.
If Puddy wants to argue that a “gag order” would solve any of the problems he is so concerned about, perhaps he should check on the “non-disclosure order” which was in effect when Clinton’s deposition was taken, prohibiting anyone on either side from publishing the details of the deposition without further court order. It was a reasonable precaution, because in depositions either side can ask questions which ordinarily could be objected to in a regular court proceeding. But in the Clinton deposition, within hours the Republican legal team (which included Anne Coulter) managed to have the videotape of Clinton’s deposition duplicated an sent by “anonymous sources” to multiple media outlets, so that it’s contents were transcribed and widely available for the next morning news cycle.
rhp6033, you missed Puddy’s point.
G A G order! Closed courtroom!
Zoom zoom
Deposition, via Wiki:
That was then, the good old days, when we had a president dedicated to ‘doing the business of the American people.’
But rhp asserts Ann Coulter was part of the “Republican legal team” that leaked Clinton’s patriotic testimony. Have a source for that, counselor?
The only source I can find linking Coulter to a leak is David Brock. Take him or leave him, he’s almost as trustworthy as Clinton.
Coulter admits she was an anti-Clinton elf, but hey, who wasn’t?
It’s funny, isn’t it?
Within the space of little more than a week or so, federal intelligence gathering and federal law enforcement break up five terrorism plots. At the same time, US special forces in Somalia killed one of the most wanted Islamic militants in Africa (Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, ringleader of an Al Qaeda cell in Kenya responsible for the bombing of an Israeli hotel on the Kenyan coast in 2002), and in Pakistan a US drone killed Baitullah Mehsud, Pakistan’s “enemy No. 1” and the leader of its feared Taliban movement.
And all of this from the president who loves our enemies and hates America. And all this without waterboarding anyone.
Choke on it.
The president spoke the absolute truth, and your cite confirms it.
Absolutely, the attorney president spoke the truth in a way that would represent a lie.
But no serious adult believes that Clinton was anything but a sexual predator using his influence to obtain favors from his state office to his national one. The man lied under oath, asked others to do the same in an ongoing civil matter, and should have been jailed for it.
Parse words all you like, but Clinton was not an honest broker by any meaningful terms.
Don’t worry, we’ll get you back when Cheney hangs for high treason and crimes against humanity.
Stupes went apeshit stupid in this thread.
Big charges without evidence. I believe that’s called libel. Oh, cowards like you hide behind the exclusion for public figures.
Treason for goodness sake. What have you been smoking?
No ylb arschloch, Puddy didn’t come close to your normal daily eyeball.
70 – Fiend, you’re too silly. Everyone laughs at you.