I’m understandably uncomfortable covering a story about accusations that a public figure molested children. As I have personally learned, such allegations are easy to make and impossible to fully refute. But the story breaking today in The Spokesman-Review about Spokane Mayor Jim West is just too big, too sordid, and too pertinent to ignore: “West tied to sex abuse in ’70s, using office to lure young men.”
For a quarter century, the man who is now Spokane’s mayor has used positions of public trust
And I just thought I’d start off with one very cynical comment. If this had been a Democratic mayor, you can be sure the kind folks at (u)SP would be all over it. I’m curious as to what kind of coverage they’ll give to a sex scandal regarding a staunchly conservative Republican? Huge political scandal, hit the newswires early this morning… it’s now 12 noon, and still no mention from the other blog.
Of course Goldy is uncomfortable, strike that, anxious to cover a story that casts a Republican in a bad light.
That said, I’m behind it all the way, wherever there is misuse of power, it should be punished.
I hope this doesn’t lead Goldy to more justification of pro-gay racist policies and instead it opens some eyes to the fact that each individual has to be taken on their own merits or lack thereof.
Goldy: I can’t believe I’m writing this, but, don’t you think it’s a little early to start the timer on SP’s coverage of this story?
I mean, your own post went up at 11:43, thanks to a tip from righty commenter chardonnay. Can’t you at least give the other guys an hour to tear themselves away from Reagan Dunn’s grandstanding and get up to speed on this story?
I am more interested in discovering if he officers in this case are the same one who have been interviwing you?
Scottd @3,
Think of my comment as a challenge. They can prove me wrong by posting on it soon.
Even without the accusation (which may be unfounded) of child molestation, the mayor is truly a pathetic, hypocritical figure. Look at the following comments from the mayor:
Can you imagine the howls of outrage from the right if a Democrat said “my private life is private”, or attempted to obfuscate his way around divulging his sexuality? The mayor himself would probably be leading the charge to remove any Democrat who attempted to avoid discussing these issues like he as.
This reminds me of the Gannon/Guckert controversy. Right-wingers are all-to-happy to blithely ignore the fact that a gay male prostitute with no journalistic credentials was in the White House several hundred times under an assumed name, including almost 40 times when no press conference was going on and 10+ times when it appears he was there overnight. Where are the howls of “security breach” or the accusations of “immoral behavior” from the Right? Nowhere.
Or how about GOP political consultant, Arthur Finklestein, responsible for some of the GOP’s most vicious smear campaigns, who recently got married to his male partner (in Boston). Righties are all too happy to ignore this mans obvious “immoral behavior” if they can use him to gain some political advantage.
How the mayor, Finklestein and Guckert live with themselves, I have no idea. Hard to believe they’re so ashamed of who they are that they actively work to destroy equal rights that would protect them (and their behavior).
Pathetic hypocrites.
I’ve got to agree with scottd at #3. To be fair to the other blog, let’s give them time to digest this and form some coherent thoughts.
As for my thoughts – coherent or otherwise – I disagree with West on about 90% of the issues, and he’s a well-known hot-head, but I never imagined this was possible. Unlike some, I don’t think everyone on the other side is evil or “projecting” or hypocritical. I always thought he was just wrong.
I hope it’s not true, but if it is, I hope he gets the help he needs and any appropriate punishment is applied as soon as possible, for the sake of those for whom justice has been too long denied and the community in general. I think Spokane is a wonderful place with some great people; they don’t need this. But if it has to happen, let it be dealt with swiftly and justly.
To clarify, when I wrote that “I hope it’s not true,” I meant the worst of it – the molestation, especially. He’s admitted to some of the milder stuff.
And I just thought I’d start off with one very cynical comment. If this had been a Democratic mayor, you can be sure the kind folks at (u)SP would be all over it
No. I am afraid they will not cover dirt on one of their own unless the R is dissenting.
There needs to be some sort of moderate element in Washington to out bad behavior regardless of the political orientation. But I guess that does not make for good blogging.
CONCUR! Hear Hear!!
Having listened to Lisa Brown-D Spokane speak on the house floor I have no doubt there are many people in Spokane who would like to see West replaced.
The gay.com thing is no big deal, RIGHT? I’m sure all of you frequent that sight. The sexual abuse is an allegtion that he denies. innocent until proven guilty RIGHT? think election contest, no fraud RIGHT?
I will say if he is found guilty of child sexual abuse then I say casterate first then hang-em.
You are all diluted as we all know deep down that if this was aDemocrat Goldy would be either covering for them or just not talking about it period, keep the mud on your side of the objective fence or at least walk the walk.
Out of scientific curiosity … just how DO they fit all those great big elephants into all those tiny little closets?
might I add I in no way condone the abuse of children and believe that if he is guilty he should be burned at the stake. This has nothing to do with his political affiliation, it has to do with the very sick individual himself.
No doubt righties will console themselves by continuing to conflate gays with child molesters. Child molesters should be punished and monitored for the rest of their days. Just to be clear, though, there are molesters of every persuation.
I’ve no doubt, though, that West’s hypocrisy will float right past the heads of most of those who share his political philosophies. That is a giant issue by itself.
My aunt said to me last year – why does it seem like the ones who think Democrats are immoral always seem to be the ones who’ve been married three times and whose kids are such screwups? Good question, auntie, good question.
Chard @11,
I would have covered this much more cautiously if it was just a 30-year-old molestation charge. Innocent before proven guilty.
It was the fact that he tried to use his office to procure young men is what made this an issue I couldn’t ignore. Not to mention his hypocrisy.
The Spokane paper did a thorough job on this one. Read it all.
chardonnay @ 11:
The gay.com thing is no big deal, RIGHT? I’m sure all of you frequent that sight.
Who cares? It’s a gay news and pickup site. If I had the slightest interest in getting me some boy tail, I’m sure I would frequent that site.
The sexual abuse is an allegtion that he denies. innocent until proven guilty RIGHT? think election contest, no fraud RIGHT?
What? Yes. Innocent until proven guilty. Chardonnay, you’re not building straw men here are you? You forget, this is HA. We’re all liberals. We’re godless, without morals, and believe that sodomizing boys below the age of consent is a valid lifestyle choice like any other, and should be respected.
I will say if he is found guilty of child sexual abuse then I say casterate first then hang-em.
Actually, if you’re a bloodthirsty person, the criminal justice system works fine. Child molesters generally don’t do well in prison. The wolf pack takes care of what the Eighth Amendment forbids.
I’d just like to mention that where I went to Sunday School, God was the final judge of men’s actions. Do you believe that the wicked and unjust will be judged by Him, or should mere mortals administer justice in His stead?
what/if any is the testimony of the young boys he procured? Did he molest them or have relationships with them? They were or were not minors?
sorry I didn’t read every story on him.
Goldy: Yes, West is a hypocrite of the worst sort, and if the molestation charges are true (but I’m not sure how to find that out), he should be thrown out. As far as the “other side”, I don’t see really any difference from this story than Senator Brock Adams’ fall from grace. Here was a champion of women’s rights and equal treatment, but used women like cheap playthings. So, that said, what was your reaction then when the Seattle Times published its story on Adams?
jsa @ 18
you are a freak. are you saying you approve of sodomizing young boys because YOU have no moral responsibility here on earth? like animals in the wild huh? You are no different than an animal? do you just type because you like to see your own words on the monitor? you need help.
can we get a new poll? the time is right. something like….
What kind of
animal is most
deserving of
being sodomized
for a
jsa on beacon hill
chardonnay: jsa was making a JOKE. Geez, even I figured that out!
How complicated is it for you righties?
It’s not that he’s gay, it’s that he’s lying about it while supporting anti-gay discrimination laws.
It’s not just that he’s trolling for sex, it’s that he’s promising internships to his “dates” and then lying about it.
And this is without even discussing the issue of whether he molested anyone.
Notice how the constant homophobia and anti-gay taunts aimed at all liberals by the wingers who frequent HA is curiously absent when one of their own turns out to be closeted.
So where did Black & White go… he was always accusing Democrats of trying to find the gray middle ground in issues without the moral clarity. Wonder what he would say about all the mumbling from the right on this one.
Jeff B @ 2 “I hope this doesn’t lead Goldy to more justification of pro-gay racist policies”
I can’t wrap my leftist brain around that one. What the hell do you mean?
chardonnay @ 21:
Subtlety and irony doesn’t work really well on you, so we’ll try again.
1. You were jumping up and down screaming “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY” as if someone approves of demonizing this guy simply because he’s an R. You’re making a straw man.
2. For adults to have sex with anyone under the age of consent is not OK. Hetro, Homo, from the front, back, or any other way. It is categorically not OK.
3. You’re anrgy, bloodthirsty, and seek vengance on people who sin. I think you are a hypocrite, and should be ashamed to call yourself a Christian. You’re not the only person on this board who has ever opened a Bible or gone to church, and it bugs me a lot that you act like you do. Everyone is answerable to God and themselves for their actions, pious, agnostic, monsters, and Pharisees alike.
jsa @27 – Pharisees!??! What are you talking about? There are no Pharisees around here… folks who are put themselves up as the religous elite, run the churches, believe themselves to be better then everyone else that doesn’t follow their strict interpretation of religous doctrine, and generally look down on anyone seen as unclean or unholy.
Nope, have not seen any of those types around here…. But if I happen to see any group that fits that description I will let you know.
sorry to bug you and throw a wrench in your elroy manipulated brain. you need to be re-programmed. elroy is a loon who twists the scriptures to justify his wacked views.
but, jsa, everyone on the left is jumping up and down screaming “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY” about this election contest and Dean Logans involvment. RIGHT?
Psycho cry babies.
you categorize God fearing people in a way to justify your own bad behavior (elroy). No such thing as religious elite. religious people believe they’ve got it going on, that they are dialed in to the truth, it’s working for just about all of them, they are happy and just want you heathens to be happy.
Is the big divide all about anal sex?
Homosexuals want inclusion in every institution “equal rights” RIGHT? How can you spew that from your pie hole and advocate exclusion of religious people? Sounds like you are the hypocrites.
Char @30 – “No such thing as a religious elite…” I’ll agree with this statement, but it is a bit funny that later on in the same post you revert right back to believing that your religious beliefs are better then everyone else’s.
I didn’t say you were a religious elite… only that you thought you were.
I really don’t know why you are uncomfortable. Here, you are merely reporting the cover story of a major newspaper. I agree with the Spokesman-review that the situation would be the same if it involved underage females, although I somehow suspect that this would be more “acceptible” to his supporters.
If you were citing a blog or unnamed source, then your comfort level would be challenged. But you already know this.
Brenda @32,
I was uncomfortable because I’m not a journalist and HA is not a newspaper, and thus I only choose one or two topics a day to focus on, rather than pretend that I’m reporting the news. By choosing this story, I am choosing to perpetuate it, and echo it, regardless of the fact that my comments thus far have been relatively neutral.
I am very fortunate to have this forum, and I don’t want to abuse it simply by throwing mud at politicians over their personal lives.
Scottd @3,
FYI… it’s 4PM, and still waiting.
Sorry, Goldy, I know this isn’t at all related to the topic for this thread, but I thought it would be of general interest to a lot of your readers.
Under the subject of right wingers thinking things like this are a conspiracy amongst Democrats, take a look at this story for today’s UK Guardian:
“Military postal ballots go AWOL
Hélène Mulholland
Thursday May 5, 2005
Many British soldiers have been unable to cast a vote in today’s election because their ballot papers failed to arrive on time, the Liberal Democrats claimed today.
Air Marshal Lord Garden, the Liberal Democrats’ defence spokesman in the House of Lords, claimed that a number of servicemen and women posted in Ireland and Germany were disenfranchised by missing ballot papers.
Lord Garden, who has campaigned to ensure that the armed forces and their families could cast their vote in today’s election, said some of the 9,000 soldiers based in Iraq only received their ballot papers on Tuesday.
This means their votes are unlikely to count. Polling stations close at 10pm, leaving little chance that their ballot papers will reach UK polling stations in time.”
Here’s the link to the whole story: http://politics.guardian.co.uk.....?gusrc=rss
The original link I posted for the story above was incorrect. I hope this one would work: http://politics.guardian.co.uk.....?gusrc=rss
“…and I don’t want to abuse it simply by throwing mud at politicians over their personal lives.” – Goldy
Could have fooled me. let me go further and interpret the last bit there: I don’t want to start throwing mud at politicians personal lives unless it somehow helps my party look good.
If this was a Democrat you would honestly have let it go until all of us “wingers” wouldn’t let you off the hook. You would have then defended him like he was Mother Theresa under fire from the God-less.
Guess I should chime in.
Don’t know anything about Mayor West. Spokane is a little too far to the east for me to pay much attention.
Here’s what I do know. If these charges are shown to have any substance, West will be hustled out of office immediately – by his fellow Republicans. We Republicans hold ourselves, and each other, to a high standard of decency. Witness the speed with which the GOP, not the Dems, frogmarched Nixon, Packwood, Gingrich, Livingston, etc., out the door when impropriety was substantiated.
Contrast this with the protective shield formed by Dems around Clinton, Brock Adams, Gary Little, & Jesse Jackson over their sexual predations. Heck, Brock Adams was accused by his own staff members of sexual assault, but the Dems in the Senate never even asked for an investigation. He was allowed to retire with honor.
You Democrats are the hypocites on this issue. Your accusations of homophobia are a smokescreen. Homosexuality is not the issue here.
Witness the speed with which the GOP, not the Dems, frogmarched Nixon, Packwood, Gingrich, Livingston, etc., out the door when impropriety was substantiated.
I am not sure about that.
The Rs gave us Nixon in the first place. Plus, seeing how all of the republicans, or most of them, are protecting Delay and changed the ethics, your theory that Republicans police their own does not look very persuasive.
Here’s the AP version (or at least Yahoo version) hitting the wire:
erik at 39 & 40:
Sorry, erik – you have to do better than that. Nixon was elected. In 1972 he won by a landslide. Don’t say the Republicans committed a crime by “giving” you Nixon(we were the victims, actually!)
Are you saying Delay is a sexual predator? Please tell me which law Delay has broken. So far the whole Delay kerfuffle is about nothing.
You’ve got nothing, erik and goldy. You Democrats are the hypocrites on this issue. Your accusations of homophobia are a smokescreen. Homosexuality is not the issue here.
With all due respect, Demographa, I don’t think the Rs exactly hustled Nixon out of office, and it wasn’t because of issues in his personal life… the guy became an accessory to a felony. And Gingrich didn’t get “frogmarched” because of his personal issues. He was fine until he shut down the gov’t and his party got its ass kicked in the next election. I’m not going to defend Brock Adams or Bill Clinton or any other politician that uses his position of power to obtain sex, but I don’t believe that the Rs are the paragons of virtue that you try to make them.
“The Spokesman-Review in a copyright story in Thursday’s editions had articles and photographs of two men who allege West molested them when they were in the Boy Scouts. Both men – Robert J. Galliher, 36, of Seattle, and Michael G. Grant Jr., 31, of Spokane – have criminal records because of drug problems.” – seattle pi
Look people, focus on what is important. The allegations about molesting the now felons, then Boy Scouts (I think there’s a whole thread just in that statement) are serious and I’m sure will be investigated thoroughly. But the important issue is whether West is using his position of power as mayor of Spokane to troll for young men with promises of jobs in government or the Republican apparatus. He’s admitted the trolling part, and if the rest of it is true, he needs to be out of office NOW.
ch @ 29 & 30:
Elroy? I had no idea who Elroy was until you mentioned him. I’m just a lapsed Episcopalian. You know, communion with fellows, charity towards the poor, love thy neighbor and all that good stuff. But don’t worry. I firmly believe God’s love may redeem you sooner or later.
ch @ 29 & 30: Who is this Elroy? Marilyn
I posted a comment on uSP’s Policy Wonks with Guns…..wondering if the ‘Honorable’ Mayor of Spokane went with Stefan on his outing with the ‘young’ republicans. Now we can see if the ‘talking heads’ have any comments
I don’t know your age, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are too young to remember the facts of Watergate.
In August of 1974 the U.S. Supreme court ruled that Nixon’s Whitehouse tapes were not protected from the scrutiny of the special prosecutor by “executive privilege,” and that they would have to be released to the investigation. It immediately became known that the tapes included a passage where Nixon directed a staffer to inquire whether the CIA would be be willing to interfere with the investigation. This was the infamous “smoking gun.” Within days of this tape becoming public, a group of six Republican Senators, led by James Buckley (NY) and Barry Goldwater (AZ) went to the Whitehouse, met with the President, and demanded his resignation. He was gone before the end of the week. Articles of impeachment never went to a house vote.
If the Democratic leadership had done the same with Bill Clinton(who also committed a felony) in 1998, Al Gore would have been elected President in 2000, and most likely the Whitehouse and Senate would still be in Democrat hands. Thanks, guys!
I don’t claim the Republicans are paragons of virtue. That’s your lie. But the reality is that the Republicans handle these situations more effectively because of our values. You watch. If there is anything to these charges, the GOP will not waste a second stonewalling for this guy.
On the other hand, Democrat handling of the Clinton(felony), Adams(felony), Little(felony), Jackson, and Lowery affairs is the greatest gift the Democrats have made to the opposition. And you never seem to learn.
elroy is a loon who twists the scriptures to justify his wacked views>> i keep forgetting that Ch is the official theologian and interpreter of all biblical texts who knows what twisted is. I am really curious how she attained this level in the episcopacy???
Otherwise, there are a couple of underlying issues to this Spokane story. The S-R is owned by the Cowles who have been in a protracted legal battle with the City of Spokane over a development project under a mayorial regime that was extraordinarily friendly. The litigation was settled a few weeks ago to the dissatisfaction of the City and millions upon millions in the hands of the developers. S-R launched a team of reporters and researchers against the City, the Mayor, and the City Council–as well as the County government. I suspect that this is just one of the soon to be uncovered hidden stories among the mostly conservative leadership of Spokane.
Political power is, and always has been, sexy, an allure to those who don’t have it, and an overwhelming temptation to those who do. The power supercedes politics, religious faiths, economic stability, even intelligence. Neither the Dems nor the Reps have any claim to righteousness here.
For the record, a small group of evangelical missionairies positioned themselves across the street from the Spokane City Hall all through the day, spouting scriptural litanies through handheld megaphones; pretty entertaining in their own ways. See even they know about the lure of media attention and their fifteen minutes of fame waiting for the dozen or so cameras to turn around.
Demography, when did Clinton get charged with this felony? Did I miss the trial? I know Clinton has never been given a pardon for any possible felonies. Or are you just making this up? I can understand why you would, it seems to be an inescapable requirement of being a republican.
Can you imagine the howls of outrage from the right if a Democrat said “my private life is private”, -Comment by jcricket— 5/5/05 @ 12:22 pm
Pathetic hypocrites. Comment by jcricket— 5/5/05 @ 12:22 pm
You folks either have the most convenient, shortest collective memories in human history or you are complete fools. In regards to the noisy little bug, I know what my vote is.
No. It isn’t.
jcricket, I am doing research on the republican mind. Do you feel that an extramaritial concsensual affair is in any way the equivilant of child moslestation and rape?
Thank you in advance for your answer.
Lying to a Grand Jury is a felony. Clinton admitted lying to a grand jury. Before leaving office, Clinton signed a statement for the special prosecutor admitting he lied to the grand jury. No, I am not making this up. I’m sure you can check it for yourself. You are correct that he never received a pardon – he couldn’t pardon himself.
While we’re at it, he settled with Paula Jones for $875,000. I’m sure you’ll say he did just to make the case go away. I guess harrassment of this sort isn’t a felony yet.
Lastly, Juanita Broderick accused him of another felony. She never got her day in court. You really should put some ice on that, Dannageddon.
Dearly Beloved,
avenge not yourselves but rather give place unto wrath; for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink; for in doing so thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.
Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
No. It isn’t. Comment by Donnageddon— 5/5/05 @ 7:08 pm
Bullshit it’s not.
That was the democrat party talking points ALL the way down the line …like a row of mechanized liberal soldiers:Hillary of “a vast right wing conspiracy”, Boxer, Kennedy, Gore, Pelosi, the famous picture of the Clinton Cabinet (who he soundly humiliated)when the truth came out via that little stained dress.
jsa @ 45-does it offend you then when your fellow lefty’s call religious people “bible thumpers?” It sure seems many of your pals here are anti-god. DanW especially (big elroy fan).
Marilyn @ 46 http://www.elroy.net is a guy who says he believes in God/Jesus/? but he has his very own special version of what it all means. He also is a bit of a Saul Alinski where he teaches how to be combative. He picks and chooses scriptures (mostly out of context) to win his arguments. Or so he thinks.
wow Chards, must be another card carrying Republican according to your description of him. “He picks and chooses scriptures (mostly out of context) to win his arguments. Or so he thinks”. The earth is 6000 years old, evolution is ‘only’ a theory, etc. Well, as I understand it ‘Gravity’ is also a theory. So let me test it for you. Give me your bible, and I will let the theory run its course, as I let go of your bible over your feet. Oops, sorry, I thought it was only a theory.
elroy reads charred like a book, or more actually, like a bumper sticker.
If god knew charred was his spokesperson, he would smite himself.
Jim West—pathetic loser.
An appropriate punishment (if guilty of course….well, maybe just for the hell of it cuz West is such a puke):
Get a potato pealer.
Grab West’s penis with your left hand.
Skin it with potato pealer.
Soak it in brine.
drivel @ 56
would you stop, jsa on beacon hill is a episcopalian and a HA regular. your ignorant remarks may hurt his/her feelings. believe it or not some of your fellow democrats are religious and it seems to me your party needs all the voters it can get. so stop insulting people for their beliefs re: faith.
Your party advocates equality for all, are you going to deny that to jsa and others because they are christians?
FYI: I learned about elroy from diggindude, I assume because he is a follower. dunno. he quoted him on another web site.
I cant believe you’re still whining about elroy. He really must have affected you deeply. The moment all the repressed memories come back, is difficult.
You’ll need elroy then.
Demograpghy @ 52
Regarding your first paragraph: Thanks, I was not aware of the signed statement to the special prosecutor. (To bad we do not have a special prosecutor now. But then, if all the crimes Bush has committed were investigated he and the Rep. Congress would have no time to destroy Social Sec, Give a big gift to the Credit Card Thieves via the Bancruptcy bill, and creat unpresidented deficits with tax cuts for the wealthy… oh damn, we do need that prosecutor)
Regarding paragraphs 2 & 3, yeah the kind of intense hunting of a president will dig up dirt. Where is that special prosecutor?
My Cynical — love that right-wing hate!
Shouldn’t the punishment fit the crime?
A battle of wits between you and JSA smacks of the “fight” of the Iraqi Republican (no pun intended) Guard and our forces. All talk and no action! And for you to claim JSA needs “re-programming”?!? Your kidding, right? Coming from a “12 o’clock flasher” thats got to be the single funniest thing i’ve ever seen you say.
Lets see here…you offer countless lines of retorical dribble, while JSA is likely one of the best contributers of dialect to this blog. You suggest here that this Repb be “casterate first then hang-em”…correct? But on countless other posts you claim to be the authority on life and the unborne. So what do you really stand for, life or death.
Since your so convinced that JSA is deficent in in crainial capacity, i’d really LOVE to see some substainatial explaination on how you can be so pro-life while holding a sword? Please, enlighten us…
Oh, this is precious…
@ 11 you say ‘innocent until proven guilty’…then
@ 19, ready for this…”I didn’t read every story on him.”
@ 21 you tell JSA “your a freak” and “you need help”!
< I'm laughing so hard now I can barely see...>
@ 30 …”Sounds like you are the hypocrites.”
Boy, I really needed that! That was the best laugh i’ve had all week! Thanks Chard, your the best!! Oh, by the way, do you ever read what you write?
thanks. Now that I’ve made my acquaintance with Elroy, out of curiosity, why have you wasted YOUR time on him? Why even splash his name around? Marilyn
The sense I’m getting here in Spokane is that people are actually focussing on the misuse of his office, the molestation charges, and the hypocrisy of an anti-gay politician being gay. I haven’t really been hearing any outrage over the single fact that he is gay. Of course, that is anecdotal, but if it is the case, it would be remarkable in conservative Spokane. Before all this became public, I think people were pretty pleased with the job West has done as Mayor. (I’m no fan of West, but he has definitely been more tolerable as mayor than he was as state senate majority leader). So, that may encourage people to avoid personal attacks about his sexual orientation. At least, one can hope.
But the reality is that the Republicans handle these situations more effectively because of our values. You watch. If there is anything to these charges, the GOP will not waste a second stonewalling for this guy..s.! The Republicans have known about this stuff for years. If they dump him now, it will merely confirm their craven hypocrisy.
Jim’s proclivities have not been a secret to the gatekeepers. There just wasn’t enough evidence because the victims were afraid. There is a dead boy in a diving accident that leaves room for speculation! West has been sewing seeds of abuse and discontent for decades, he is just reeping the FRUITS of his labours.
Oh, just in case you didn’t think of it…..The Republicans will distance themselves, the Democrats are rejoicing, the Gays are pissed and the Christians are mortified.HMMMMMMM where to hide?
Demagrapha @38
Values such as lieing, stealing, cheating, breaking and entering, covering up a crime? Values such as gay bashing to gain power? Values such as providing arms to terrorists and sworn enemies of the U.S.?
These are the values acted out by Republicans.
As for frog marching someone out… Actually, the normal process is to close ranks and defend the criminal in your midst until the bitter end. Usually the reps drag out the character assassination squad to hide the truth and jump on anyone who has the nerve to question one of yours. Not unlike your own attack here.
Richard Nixon won election in 1972 by breaking the laws he swore to uphold. Cheney told a member of the Senate to go Fuck himself, yet the R’s continue to wrap themselves up in the bullshit cloak or morality. Jim West used gay bashing to gain power.
So I’d say you are merely trying to create a smoke screen of your own. Same old right wing trick of attack and deny.
I know Jim West and it has never been a big secret he liked little boys. So if someone is attacking him for pedophilia it is because he screwed the Cowels by sticking them with 2 mil in the RPS deal. Morlan and Steel were investigating him for a long time, before they knew he was going to make the Cowels take some of the fall. Milke, Stark, Murry HMMMM I wonder? I just hope Erickson, when they find him, is willing to put it all out there and tell the story behind destroying those records while he was sheriff! And, I hope the long twisted fingers of justice haven’t reached the FBI in the Western side of the state. after all Erickson works for the Dept. of Justice now. Jim West is just a part of a much larger picture of corruption and abuse of power. If only some of the women who claim West beat them up would come forward. If you know them tell them to talk. I bet they will take the police reports from them now.
I think you have her confused with the mayor!
Oh, maybe “fred” is the mayor, since he seems to be hiding his true identity. Or perhaps he knows the mayor well, you get my drift.