Um… this is an editorial? I hate to belabor the point, but aren’t opinion pages supposed to contain actual opinions?
I mean, if the Times’ editors aren’t going to write anything stupid, selfish, misleading or downright dishonest, what the hell am I going to blog about?
Actually, the best recession-indicator is that you can go into almost any restaurant in town without a reservation on a Friday evening at 7:30 pm and get seated straight away. Even popular tourist hangouts like Ivar’s Acres of Clams and Anthony’s at Shilshole have plenty of empty tables…including window tables.
I’ve been doing my own empirical research.
As for the Times’ editorial? Consider who runs that page now.
The Piper
Goldy @0: LOL. Maybe we all need some summer vacation.
Seattle Times is a zombie, the living dead. There is so little content there that I wodner why they still employ reporters?
I’m pretty sure you LIKE to belabor the point. It’s not a bad thing.
What else are you going to write about? Yeah, I know it’s a rhetorical question, but I’m going to answer you, anyway. I want to see a post from you that’s written like a real journalist would write it. No sitting at home ranting about what you read in the Seattle Times that morning. I want you to think up an idea, then go out and interview some people, in person. The light rail line is going to be up and running soon. What do people in your neighborhood think about it? Go out to Rainier Avenue or MLK and ask people waiting at a bus stop what their opinions of having to walk up to a half mile to get to the nearest station. Ask business owners if the reduction in on-street parking and limited ability for cars to turn left has hurt their business. Ask them if they’re still going to be able to afford to stay in the valley with gentrification becoming …
brb, the maid is here.
Wow, that read like a comedy bit making fun of a Podunk community newspaper in the Styx. Breaking news, Jimmy Bob’s cousin Vicki Ann will be visiting for a month in July.
It does seem like somebody stopped trying.
Troll, you have not expressed your gratitude for winning the Golden Goat on Friday. I guess that ungraciousness is yet another negative character attribute of yours.
@6 The real news is that Vicki Ann, who was affectionately known as “Sticky Vicki” among her male high school classmates, is pregnant again. But they can’t print that.
@7 Does he have any “character attributes” that aren’t negative? So far I haven’t seen any.
@7 Was that Troll’s second win? I’m trying to recall the two-time winners of the goat. Puddy and Mr. Klynical come to mind. Poor Marvin. He tries so hard but just can’t snag the goat. Er, wait a second…
Rasmussen Alert!! Rasmussen Alert!!
The Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll has the Presidential Approval Index at +7!! This is a remarkable increase of 600% since Saturday! Our president’s approval rating is soaring straight up, into the stratosphere!
– End Alert –
Geez, that’s gotta really suck for Mr. Klynical.
Steve @ 10
That was Troll’s first win. You’d think he’d be gushing with glee. Puddy and Cynical are the only two-time winners. As you’ve noted, Cynical’s obsession with Rasmussen is at a level that indicates he has no life. His citing to the poll when the numbers go in his direction and silence when they do not really has grown tiresome. I think he wants a third win.
“Garbage in, Garbage Out” —
You don’t have to tell me about it. It’s my lifestyle. A winged metal helmet, a battleax, and a roll of triple-ply Northern and I’m ready for the day!
proud leftist, the “golden” goat is played out dude. With rujax’s, Ekim’s and Steve’s love of the warm raw goat flesh and you sucking out the Steve’s elixir before delivering the “trophy”, the effect is not the same.
But hey, you swineflue weasel leftists need sumtin to stoke your goat!
re 13: Regarding swineflu: It’s origin is an outsourced corporate pig factory in Mexico.
How dare you critisize the Producers!!
Puddy uses it as a term of endearment.
Looks Like Garbage Out
“The night saw a humiliating defeat for Labour, which has been engulfed in an MP expense scandal and the illogical banning of talk radio host Michael Savage from Great Britain. Labour slumped to third place behind the UK Independance Party (UKIP), whose platform includes withdrawing Britain from the European Union. The Conservative Torry party came out first with 29.9%, UKIP second with 17.2%, and Labour finished with 16.7%.”
Yep – the world loves a libtard… well that’s what the libtards say.
“One of the big challenges the BNP faces is the overwhelmingly negative image mainstream British media has given the party. Slurs such as “neo-facist” have tarnished the BNP brand and may have caused some voters to vote UKIP out of fear of being labed a “racist.””
Reminds Puddy of how the MSM libtard media labels peeps it dislikes on this side of the pond.
More Garbage out. Where is Al Gorebasm. They were working for him.
Oh… he’s warming the planet with his bellicose blowhard hot air and his 18,000 kWh monthly electric bill!
Sad so sad.
Gee, Pud, don’t you want another win? Where’s your competitive spirit?
Hey, Puddy, win any elections lately?
OMG!! Just too fucking funny!!
I’m gonna take two weeks
Gonna have a fine vacation
I’m gonna take my problem
To the United Nations
Well I called my congressman
And he said, quote
I’d like to help you son
But you’re too young to vote
Sometimes I wonder
What I’m gonna do
Cos there ain’t no cure
For the summertime blues
Here’s the deal … wait … brb.
Funny article on the different types of people in a comment section.;GT1=40000
Maybe waterboarding is legal…
The lawyers had to interpret a 1994 antitorture law written largely with despotic foreign regimes in mind, but used starting in 2002, in effect, as a set of guidelines for American interrogators. The law defined torture as treatment “specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering.” By that standard, a succession of Justice Department lawyers concluded that the C.I.A.’s methods did not constitute torture.
Good thing the ny slimes buried this on a back page. Imagine how left wing-nuts would react to hearing this.
Oh no Marvin, leftist swineflu weasel pinheads are a poppin.
Heh heh heh
So Monica Goodling’s DOJ thought torture was legal. Oh yeah, that settles it, alright.
i know what you can blog about. how about jews control the federal reserve and are raping this country, and when some talks about it your minions label him as crazy, thats a good trick
More Garbage Out –
“Well, our job is to bash the president, that’s what we do.” — Evan Thomas on the TV talk show Inside Washington 2007
“I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God.” –- Evan Thomas on TV talk show Hardball 2009
Another libtard who admits his bias!
No Garbage here – Highest grossing independent film of 2008?
“Slumdog Millionaire?”
“Vicky Christina Barcelona?”
Nope you dopes!
Christian movie “Fireproof”
This has to pizz off the atheist Moonbat!s here.
It all ran downhill into the Blethen gene pool, and Ryan is the result.
Speaking of garbage, did you hear a tall, dark candidate say, in October 2008, that 700,000 unemployed in nine months proved that GWB had broken the economy? As the excellent Dori noted today, our tall, dark president lost 700,000 jobs in nine weeks.
Obama is God, 28? Wait’ll Dawkins, Hitchens, and Sam Harris hear about this.
33 Million? Star Trek made more in one night than Fireproof did in its entire run. Comparing numbers, and Star Trek isn’t done yet, I’m sure you’d agree that this means that Spock is at least ten times more popular than Jesus.
222 million for Star Trek and climbing. Mr. Spock also got much better reviews than did Jesus (“production quality of a soap opera” Ouch!!).
Poor Puddy. Such poor taste in film.
Marx & Lenin: Your riff’s vaguely familiar, Steve. Sort of like something John Lennon said back in the good old days.
What’s the golden goat all about?
It’s all about Rabbit’s preferred sexual partner.
Steve really drank a gallon of Steve’s Stupid Solution @33.
First it was ABC News who reported it stupido.
Second Fireproof is an INDEPENDENT film fool.
Third StarTrek is what again moron?
The Prosecution Rests.
@24 And here’s Marvin Goat bleating that it’s okay to drown people in the bathtub …
@30 “As the excellent Dori noted today, our tall, dark president lost 700,000 jobs in nine weeks.”
No. He inherited this mess from you asswipes. Where would your Republican CEOs be without Democratic bailouts? Bankrupt, just like their party.
35, 36 — The Golden Goat is a dubious honor this blog confers on the lamest, dumbest, most boring and cloyingly repetitive troll. Believe me, with the talent pool of trolls on this board, the competition is fierce and it’s definitely not easy to win!
Like so fucking what, Puddy? Did I say that it wasn’t an independent film? Good grief! Idiot, you use “independent film” like Mr. Klynical uses “Presidential Approval Index” – just so much reality-avoiding bullshit that helps to keep your head from exploding. It doesn’t seem to be working though…
‘…..what the hell am I going to blog about?’
Goldy, how about where you are applying for gainful employment? Oh, that’s right; income taxes, working for a living, and being a productive member of society aren’t for you. That’s for others to do, so you can sit on your socialist ass and wonder what happened to your hair right? Look up the word “useless” in Webster’s. You’re the King! (With “in between jobs” YLB close behind.) Enjoy the sun!
Stupid Solution Drinking Fool@41
“Slumdog Millionaire?”
“Vicky Christina Barcelona?”
Christian movie “Fireproof”
Is StarTrek an Indy fool? Also did StarTrek cum out in 2008?
Man you are a moron!
Go to post 45 here:
I’m sure you’ll feel proud to know that your racism has been honored.
Heavy Duty Garbage In – HA swineflu weasels reading leftist blogs
Garbage Out – HA swineflu weasels posting on leftist blogs
proud leftist,
And your call of leftist pinhead HA swineflu weasel racism?
Hey Marvin, Right Stuff, Mark, MarkS, Mark1, MTR, Delbert, RUFUS, Troll, Piper Scott, Jane, CJS, etc.
Why don’t we whom think right create the
Dumb Bunny Award
Clueless Wonder Award
Stupid Solution Award
Unproud Leftist Award
Puddy @ 46
I have no idea what your post is about.
proud leftist,
You know damn well there is leftist racism on this blog. You choose to ignore it and only attack Troll with your “golden” goat award. Where is the stupid racist leftist award?
Fess up dude!
@43 “Man you are a moron!”
Why? Because I call bullshit on your pathetic attempt to spin some poorly produced Christian film’s box office receipts?
Speaking of you and denial…
Hey, Puddy, win any elections lately?
OMG!! Too damned funny!!
Again Steve your comparison of a 2009 non-Indy move is feckless, similar to your lack of brain power. It was the best Indy movie of 2008. Too bad you can’t deal with it. Definitely Stupid Solution material.
For clueless wonder – feckless: feeble, ineffective
@47 “Hey Marvin, Right Stuff, Mark”
You forgot to call out to your little Jew-hating buddy manoftruth. But at least you included your friend, the “nigger” spewing Troll.
@49 “You know damn well there is leftist racism on this blog. You choose to ignore it”
Of course! You know the rules. We’re waiting on your 50% of-the-time denouncement of Troll’s and manoftruth’s racist posts. Seeing as how you’ll never denounce them, I don’t suggest that you hold your breath waiting for us to denounce headless.
Wow Steve, blistering attack. You read headless’ commentary and you were mum. Shows how much you care about your “friends” as you call them Steve.
@51 “It was the best Indy movie of 2008.”
What a pathetic loon! Now you gone from “highest grossing” to “best”. Get a grip, Puddy, it’s just another Kirk Cameron Christian flick – as unwatchable as the others, I’m sure.
Isn’t it pathetic that Puddy considers Troll a comrade-in-arms? Wow. Troll would call the cops if he saw Puddy walking through his neighborhood, yet Puddy considers him an ally because they vote the same way. Remarkable.
Isn’t it pathetic proud leftist considers stillbentover and rujax comrades in arms. So would stillbentover rujax and headless make the same call fool! Proud leftist, I have been DWB SWB and WWB in my lifetime. You have nuthin nuthin to compare my life to bud!
Steve, you were caught in your loony attack over the movie and now you are trying to cover your moronic commentary.
@55 I figure it must be because Puddy has no self respect. He’d probably sell what’s left of his soul for a capital gains tax cut.
@57 Puddy, Puddy, Puddy, to what lengths will you go to spin this horrible flick as anything other than what it is, a poorly produced, terribly acted movie? Good grief, Puddy, in 2008, Horton Hears a Hoot, the tenth highest grossing film of the year, earned five times what Kirk Cameron’s movie earned! Five times! Spin all you want, it’s still a lousy movie. Haven’t you ever tried to watch one of those cheaply-made Christian flicks before on late-nite TBN? Yes, I say “tried”. They’re unwatchable, you loon!!
Speaking of garbage, what’s this about YLB being a rabbit slacker that even a bloated Obama bail-out government can’t bail out and put to work? Is YLB just another useless eater like Roger Maggot?
Say it ain’t so, Don Joe.
Steve, did you see the movie?
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers. For he who sheds his blood today is my brother…
And who are your brethren??? YippeeLilBoy? Steve? Rujax? RABBIT??? And the rest of the HA Happy Hooligans?
Puddy is independent and doesn’t require anyone’s approval, neither does he lend his to others. Ditto Marvin Stamn. Most especially ditto me who calls ’em like he sees ’em.
A difference between the right and the left is that you all have to huddle to get strokes and affirmation. Those of us on the right have the self-confidence to stand alone, tall and proud.
Since I know you personally, I have to ask…must your associate with such lemmings??? I do worry about you.
The Piper
here’s the problem. i’m not a racist. have you ever heard me say anything derogatory about blacks, or latinos? its not racist to say that jews run the federal reserve, anymore than it is raciist of liberals to have said 50 years ago that most of this country was run by white males. it was a good ‘ol boy network. just like right now, the fed chairman is jewish, all the fed board of governors but one is jewish, the treasury sec is jewish, and most of wall street is run by jews. the problem with the new “good ‘ol boy” jewish netowrk is that you get people not wanting to turn each other in if thry’re jewish, which is why madoff got away with it all those years.
now, you idiots want to yell antisemitism all the time so that nobody saya word one about the jewish domination of our country.
Piper, m’lad, at 62,
Don’t worry about me. I am doing, like you, what we must do. You suggest that, “A difference between the right and the left is that you all have to huddle to get strokes and affirmation.”
Not quite, my friend. You know a bit about flyfishing, so you’ll likely get this. I was fishing Rocky Ford Creek in Grant County, yesterday. Those who were also there, including my own brother, huddled around a certain bend in the stream, everyone using the same fly (wet, dead-drifted, and that’s all I’m going to say). I don’t go fishing to hold hands with others. I don’t need pats on the back. I wandered downstream and fished on top with drys, doing best with an old pattern from Montana that should not work on the stream I was fishing. Hogs. Hogs took that fly.
Do I follow anyone’s lead? I don’t think so. Don’t do it yourself. In that regard, I worry about you. Barry Goldwater had admirable traits. Rush Limbaugh does not.
Puddy guesses Steve didn’t see the movie, yet he is a big time critic.
It was Kirk Cameron’s movie Steve?
Horton Hears a Hoot was an Indy Film?
Puddy will ask again… Did Steve watch the movie?
Steve, a standard librul who relies on other people to make up his mind for him.
Good one steve…
You go around calling people “faggots” to belittle them and then you turn around and want us to denounce people that have more in common with you?
Proud Leftist, fly fishing yesterday? Damn! I’m jealous. Do you use a dual mode or large-arbor type reel? Ever been deep sea fishing in the Atlantic or Pacific? How about the Indian Ocean? They have white salmon. ummm ummm tasty. That’s a close second especially from a big boat.
Ever get the fly stupidly caught in the trees? Yes, been there done that.
Even though your politics suck proud leftist, we could agree on fishing!
Marvin he called you a cunt too. Puddy guesses Steve has known a few cunts in his life.
Good for you steve. You found the loophole so you don’t have to denounce headless.
It sucks for steve that I am forcing him to lie. I outed steve as a homophobic bigot and he’s so fucking bitter he is forced to lie about me.
62. Steve spews:
Speaking of which, KIKE KILLER is yet another hater of blacks you won’t bother to denounce. Hell, even the insipid faggot cunt, Marvin, mustered enough spine to do that.
Oh look. A post of your own words proving you are a liar.
And again, ANOTHER post of yours with you proudly being a homophobic bigot.
Must be left over hatred for his mommy.
Considering it’s steve we are talking about… steve is still bitter his mommy couldn’t afford better and steve was forced to live with blacks.
Now that he can make choices for himself, he chose to live at a white kountry klub and work at a non-black work environment.
Why does steve still hate his mother? Nothing says respect for women like that “cunt” word.
Besides a homophobic bigot, who else would look for excuses not to denounce a racist.
Headless wasn’t bothered by steve’s homophobic bigotry, steve isn’t bothered by headless and his racist writings. No surprise.
Sad but true.
@62 Piper, fuck off, you pompous ass.
OK, Puddy, I give up. Kirk Cameron’s movie is the greatest movie since Casablanca, maybe even better.
Marvin fucks goats.
Large arbor on my saltwater reels, not freshwater. My best fishing buddy is actually quite conservative. We try to avoid political discussions on fishing trips, but are not always successful. Fishing can bring disparate people together.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
In his own words he outs himself as a homophobic bigot.
It appears that besides being a homophobic bigot, steve doesn’t understand what the term “Independent film” means.