It’s been a very violent day in Libya, with reports that dozens of anti-Gaddafi protesters have been killed in Benghazi, the country’s second largest city and the largest in eastern Libya. Just as in Egypt, Gaddafi has cut off the internet and is trying to limit communications. Even worse, Gaddafi appears to have paid for mercenaries from other African countries to come in and shoot at the protesters.
Unlike with Egypt, there are far fewer international journalists there to cover this, and while most of the activity on Twitter seems to be focused on eastern Libya, there are fewer reports of protests in the capital of Tripoli. It’s hard to know what to make of this, but with the dictators just to the west and east of Gaddafi already deposed, I’m starting to get hopeful that he’s next. Couldn’t happen to a bigger asshat.
I still remember Gaddafi’s “Line of Death” back in the 1980’s…LMFAO.
Ole Ronald Reagan put a punk-slap on Mo Gaddafi that I am sure still stings to this day.
Yeah, old Ronnie sure got the best of Gaddafi, didn’t he?
Watch it soon in a neighborhood near your town, its already starting
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Dude, Gaddafi messed with Ronnie and Ronnie fucked shit up! Ronnie froze all of The ‘Daafi’s Swiss bank accounts, stopped all shipping traffic in and out of the country and blew up every single one of his palaces! Or maybe, he just dropped a couple of bombs out in the desert and called it a day…
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@5: Yes, St. Ronnie sent a few bombs Gaddfi’s way, but the Libyan dictator did not capitulate until 2003, finally admitting to culpability in the Lockerbie bombing, 14 years after that shit Reagan left office. So much for swift justice. The regime was subject to crippling economic sanctions throughout the 90’s (under blowjobber Clinton by the way, you brave fuckwad wingnuts).
Fuck Reagan….all he managed to do was kill Gaddaffi’s adopted daughter. What a fucking brave guy, eh? Killing hapless civilians, just like the fucking PLO terrorists. He was a piece of shit, and a coward (Lebanon, which see).
How you can worship that fucking fascist scumbag is beyond me.
@2: Sorry, PL, no, he did not. It was all theater for the peanut gallery, much like Grenada. Reagan’s bullshit moralistic ‘draw lines in the sand’ like some stupid Gunga Din movie cost 200+ good young men their lives in Lebanon for no fucking reason. He sold arms to the ayatollah. He broke the law in Iran-Contra. He supported the rape and murder of innocent nuns in Central America.
He was a fucking piece of scum who should have been impeached, convicted, and removed from office in 1983. If there is an American value out there worth looking up to, he betrayed it.
Fuck Ronald Reagan.
We’re laughing at St. Ronnie and the idiot @1.
@9: OK….roger that. I assume PL was being sarcastic @2.
@10: You need tutoring. Your meter is off; your lyrics are execrable; and you politics suck.
@9: I find it hard to laugh at somebody who worships a cum stain who materially supported nun rapists.
But sometimes that’s the only way you can maintain sanity. “Fuck them” works, too.
Yeah, Reagan and the rest have “kicked Gaddafi’s ass” so hard he’s…still in charge. Nothing changed. WAY TO GO! That’ll show him!
Just like we’ve taken our hard line against Castro in Cuba! Our policy against him has showed him the light…oh no, sorry, the opposite. Castro has out lasted JFK, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama (so far).
Dude, if they’re STILL in power for 30+ years, you did NOT “kick their ass”. LOL
Heh. Notice the beatific self-identification with a Republican “saint” – who capitulated to (Lebanon) and did business with (Iran/Contra) – terrorists not to mention dividing this country like no other before him save for Nixon.
Way to reveal yourself there Republican tool.
8, and Proud,
Trust me, I don’t give Reagan credit for anything. I would dig up his corpse and kick him in his grizzled groin, if I could. He ruined this country. That bastard gave a smiley face to curb-stomping workers, the poor, anyone who wasn’t white and rich. Reagan’s bones are currently toasting in hell.
A message from Egypt,
“One world, one pain”
Solidarity for the world’s workers.
Reagan. Cut & run from terrorists. Murdered nuns. Arms for hostages.
Fuck the myth.
yes, he did. does that make you sad?
wow…mention the name Ragean and the lefty progressive communists start frothing and spitting like someone has their nuts in a vice.
fucking funny.
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19, 20: Under most circumstances, I would be more than willing to discuss Reagan and the devastation his presidency has bequeathed this nation without resort to profanity and name calling. But when you bring the thoughtless hero worship and propaganda, you get what you deserve.
I welcome your hatred.
hero worship? na, he was just another president – one that was somewhat better than most.
I mention how he punk slapped gaddafi and all the sudden its hero worship? LMFAO…gay.
If you want to talk about hero worship, you left nuts better look inward -lest we forget how each and every one of you progressives were ready to suck obamas cock dry when he took office…and he has been nothign but complete fuck up since day one.
of course that pales in comparison to some of the Lenin hero worship that goes on here…
nice try ass, but teh fayle again…
@1 And Republicans have been buying oil from him, and he’s been laughing all the way to his Swiss bank. ever since.
@20 Just because someone’s elected doesn’t mean he isn’t a totalitarian dictator, as we’re seeing in Wisconsin right now.
The takeaway from Wisconsin is that Democrats should behave like Republicans. No negotiation, no compromise. When we’re in power we should target their vital interests and go after them with a meatax — just like they do to us.
We’ve been nice guys waaaaay too long.
interesting…it seems the ones that are acting totalitarian are the democrats…after all, they are the ones who are ursurping the democratic process just because they dont like what the outcome is going to be.
you progressives can try to spin this a thousand ways, but the bottom line is that the people have spoken and the democrats and their union thugs just dont like what the people have to say. democracy? eh? not so much from the democrats.
funny, I didnt realize that only republicans bought oil.
thanks for the heads up.
The recent news says that Gaddafi has to rely on foreign troops to maintain control which is a clear signal that if the protesters push hard enough his own military won’t back him.
1. update: “TRIPOLI — Protesters have seized control of some military bases and tanks, the son of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi said in a televised address early Monday morning”
2.”The takeaway from Wisconsin is that Democrats should behave like Republicans. No negotiation, no compromise. When we’re in power we should target their vital interests and go after them with a meatax — just like they do to us.”
Wow, we need to have a takeaway to conclude that we should get power and use it to get what we want? Really?
Sometimes you fight (Hitler) sometimes you negotiate (we were allies with Stalin….)…’s neither D nor R to “fight” or “use a meatax.” But when D’s simply refuse to do it and act all surprised when the R’s do it, that’s the problem, and the remedy isn’t to say “oh take that GOP! We will be mean like you!” the remedy is to grow up and understand this is a struggle called politics and it’s up to us to take a meatax to the right (in the form of things like single payer, a 39% marginal rate, etc.).
3. @27 “usurping the democratic process” — what jerk you are. People are demonstratign. A few legislators are using their right to travel to in effect create a filibuster. Don’t tell me that’s not the democratic process. Stop your whining. Stop your lying. Noone is doing anything illegal nor usurping Walker nor usurping the democratic process. “Thugs”? Are you really saying demonstrators are beating up legislators? Really? The thugs were the republicans flown down from DC into florida who hounded ballot counters with yelling and disruptive behaviour and the other gop thugs who created a fake protest at the VP mansion to have the unifed media strategy of the national media reporting that the florida recount was “creating disorder.” Right wing thugs have always created disorder from the reichstag fire to protests against allende that go tout of hand and usually those bladck clad anarchists are actually paid stooges from the right who create disorder to justify a crackdown so yo’re not fooling anyone.
Re item 3.
Like I said, you can keep spinning until the cows come home – bottom line is that the democrats dont like democracy when they are on the losing side.
you just cant invent a fillibuster by leaving the state and holding up the democratic process.
nice try – but you fail.
why do you hate democracy?
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I love democracy, that’s why I favor doing away with the filibuster. I assume you don’t, that’s why you hate democracy. If a few state legislatures have to shut down due to questionable tactics like leaving hte state, hey, use all legal process you have available to get them back, I say, but that does not include dragooning them with the Illinois patrol now does it? So what in fact are you in favor of? illegal dragooning? I am not surprised.
Here’s a test for your mettle. I’ll say the WI legislators should go back home if you say we should end the filibuster.
Yes, this means if the GOP wins the senate they get to pass everything they want. I know that. You see, I am consistent, not opportunistic, the way most righties are.
It wasn’t democrats who stoped the vote counting in florida with made up law either, buster. It largely has been republicans who take the lead on busting democracy abroad, too, whether Guatemala or Chile or Iran …democrats are not clean there, true….it’s largely republicans who do anti democratic things like torture, too don’t tell me they don’t to this day most republicans proudly proclaim their right to torture and don’t give a crap it’s against the law and it’s undemocratic by its nature and only helps the fascists and totalitarians around the world. it was a democrat obama who went to cairo and provoked a sea of democratic change there and in tunisia and now libya. no republican did that. nope, a republican took us into iraq impsoing “democracy” the expensive way. Obama’s trip to cairo is the cheaper way to go also it’s a tad more democratic to let the people themselves do it. it’s a rightie like beck who speaks out against popular protest in egypt now he looks a fool cuz he ain’t gonna be able to protest a protest in libya, right? so obama the democrat helped bring way more democracy to libya than the republicans ever did. The republicans also favor having legal US citizens who’ve been in the usa for centuries not even have a vote in the senate, that’s not very democratic now is it. don’t tell me about a filibuster when we got mainland citizens who don’t even have a senator, thanks to the GOP.