I’m on the road to Brownsville, OR for our annual 4th of July beer and wood fired pizza fest, and I’m traveling sans laptop. So don’t expect much posting from me this weekend apart from an occasional iPhlog. Um, like this one.
Ah, the typical HA patriotic-holiday post. What we’ve come to expect from Goldy and the HA Happy Hooligans.
There always seems time enough to trash a Tim Eyman initiative, which is designed to secure the liberty of the people by limiting taxes, but never enough time to write about what America means.
What about that, Goldy? What does being an American citizen mean to you? What are your notions of liberty and freedom? What are your thoughts and emotions on, say, the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address, D-Day, Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty, or give me death…” speech, Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense,” or the Wilmot Proviso (one of my favorite’s – David Wilmot was a Democrat Congressman from Pennsylvania who had a good idea).
How about an Amnerican flag banner on HA for at least the Fourth of July weekend (one of your advertisors has the suggestion of one)? Some sense of pride in country, with a display that you regard it as a beacon of democracy and the last, best hope of mankind?
Instead of always complaining about freedom and liberty and whacking (rhetorically, of course) its proponents, rejoicing in them?
Hmmm…??? What say you? You could start with commentary on this:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.
Be a mentsch – be an American – and celebrate our common national holiday by celebrating what America stands for.
And the rest of you among the HA Happy Hooligans…Give us a little red, white, and blue…I know you want to…
The Piper
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Ah, the typical HA patriotic-holiday post. What we’ve come to expect from Goldy and the HA Happy Hooligans.”
Pooper, why are you anti-patriotism, anti-pizza, and anti-holiday, you shmuck?
P.S., I didn’t read the rest of your diatribe; couldn’t get past the nauseating first sentence.
Piper Scottspews:
Typical that the precepts found in the Declaration of Independence offend you.
The Piper
Roger Rabbitspews:
From the fishwrapper:
“The nation now has the same number of jobs as in 2000 — but 12.5 million more workers. ‘This is the only recession since the Great Depression to wipe out all jobs growth from the previous business cycle, a devastating benchmark for the workers of this country and a testament to both the enormity of the current crisis and to the extreme weakness of jobs growth from 2000 to 2007,’ said Heidi Shierholz, an economist with the Economic Policy Institute ….”
Thirty years of anti-worker policies. Low wages. Eliminating benefits. Abrogating union contracts and pension obligations. Offshoring and outsourcing jobs. That’s the legacy of the “conservative revolution.”
And how do conservatives respond to the crisis they created? By blaming it on Obama and the Democratic congress. No wonder the American people have turned their backs on these cockroaches.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 You would be laughable if you weren’t so pathetic, pooper. I didn’t vote for/shill for the warmonger/torturer/klepto party. The party that violated everything the Declaration of Independence stands for. But you did. Enough said.
Shiksa Chixspews:
A PS for ROTCODDAM MADDOCTOR: Heal thyself, and note that ‘neocon’ is the fashionably leftist way of saying Jeeewwwwww. (Scoop Jackson was about the first and last of the goy neocons, so he’s an exception that proves the left’s anti-Jew rule.)
mangledtruth is somewhat reliable about Irgun terrorism. There’s a point at which the Buchanan Right ends up in bed with the Israel hating left. And there was a time when our humble HNMT had long talks with an American sailor who almost went down with the Liberty.
But here’s the bottom line: Anybody who even comes close to antisemitic disparagement or defamation of Jack Abramoff, a great American, is on the fightin’ side of me. And don’t even get me started on Seattle Jew.
(That last ‘graph is an attempt at rogerrabbit humor.)
Firecracker Shout-Outspews:
YLB is a rotter, a wanker, and probably a poufter. I love him madly, but it hurt to lose an argument with him about 1936 GDP. He claimed it had climbed to pre-Crash levels, and U.S. Nudes seemed to agree.
Shlaes in Time Mag, 6 July, page 42, writes this:
Per capita GDP reached pre-Crash levels only at the very end of the 1930s. But worst of all was the abiding unemployment …
Back to you, little buddy.
Roger Pfaggotspews:
Yes, @4, and it’s all yours. Enough about what your fumbling power elite inherited on January 20. Now you own it.
Billions spent or authorized or appropriated since January, and employment plummets as the manic Obama recession starts to look and smell like the Obama Great Depression.
Proud to be an Americanspews:
For a very long time there was an Ann Coulter banner on the top right of the HA homepage, @1. Does that count as ostentatious patriotism?
Piper Scottspews:
What that does mean is that when it comes to an advertising buck, Goldy will sell out his so-called “progressive” values for one.
Just noticed an ad for Manny, Moe, and Jack – The Pep Boys – that’s probably the closest thing to a traditional Independence Day patriotic tableau that you’ll see at HA.
How many HA Happy Hooligans are willing to subscribe to this?
The American’s Creed
by William Tyler Page
I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
–Written 1917, accepted by the United States House of Representatives on April 3, 1918.
Let’s hear it from them!
The Piper
P2B an Americanspews:
Ah, thought so. Was pretty sure it had something to do with left-wing money grubbing.
Which brings us back to Roger. Why does he run away when I start tender foreplay? The sweet strokes begin, and Roger hops away for someone else. His insistence on playing hard to get is getting hard to take.
Piper Scottspews:
Because rabbit has problems with intimacy as continually evidenced by his anti-social tendancies and his fetish with anonymity. His cowardly unwillingness to engage in real debate (when challenged with data, he always runs off to another thread from thence to scat) and his ubiquitous name calling and vituperative rants are a pathetic cry for help.
No doubt he’ll respond to this (if he doesn’t run away first) with a toilet bowl full of vulgar epithets and insults, which is the limit of his discourse. Boring in the exteme…
The Piper
Another TJspews:
@ 7,
Not sure where that comment came from, as it seems to be addressing something from another thread, but if you’re using Shlaes, you’re starting out in the hole. Use a credible source.
Miss you, Roger! Pls Come Back!spews:
Vulgar epithets remind me of me, of course, but your comment about the toilet bowl reminds me of Roger, the Tidy Bowl Bunny.
Miss you, Roger! Pls Come Back!spews:
Just trying to tie loose ends, TJ. Or, as they say at Time, Luce Enz.
Shlaes? Mostly ok.
@1: Odd to hear this line of criticism from a guy wearing a kilt. Start at home, dress American, man! :-)
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Massachusetts: 26% Consider State’s Health Care Reform a Success
Monday, June 29, 2009
Twenty-six percent (26%) of Massachusetts voters say their state’s health care reform effort has been a success. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state finds that 37% say the reform effort has been a failure, while another 37% are not sure.
Only 10% of Bay State voters say the quality of health care has gotten better as a result of the reform plan while 29% say it has gotten worse. Most (53%) say the quality of care has not changed.
As for cost, 21% say the reform has made health care more affordable in Massachusetts. Twenty-seven percent (27%) say health care is now less affordable while 44% see no change.
Anybody know what’s up over at KOMO? There were reports of a transformer fire, and they’ve been off the air for hours.
Another TJspews:
@ 14,
No, Shlaes is utterly discredited. If you’re correct, you shouldn’t have any trouble finding a reputable source.
My Left Footspews:
Piper just does not get it.
What being an American means to me, a left leaning, Jewish Democrat.
It means serving my country as my father did before me and as my son did after me. It is not bragging about my kids serving and counting that as my serving since I donated the sperm.
It means understanding that my father and his “Band of Brothers” saved not just the United States, but the entire world. It does not mean praising today’s troops as if they are the ultimate heroes. They are no more ultimate in their heroism than my father’s generation or the generations before his. Praising them is honorable, but does not make one a better American by doing so.
America means I can stand and speak without fear of government intervention when I speak against policy. America means the freedom to live as I see fit for myself and my family, within the bounds of the law.
America means that I sacrificed so that everyone could have their say, could sleep soundly at night and live without the shackles of tyranny. It does not mean that my side is right and there is no other way. I gladly listen to all and recognize that dissent is the very essence of this country’s foundation.
The people of this country spoke last November. They spoke loudly and clearly and unmistakably. Instead of railing against all that is Democrat, you should be hailing that our system worked. Again. As it should. As the founding fathers envisioned all those generations ago.
That is what America means to me.
Sitting on your fat ass, behind a computer and pontificating is not service. It is self-service and self aggrandizement. Nothing more. Now, Piper, when you have served, truly served this country for years, you can criticize all you want the actions of others.
Until then, STFU.
(Service includes: Military, political office holder, peace corp, hospital volunteer, food bank volunteer, police officer, fireman, Red Cross volunteer…..are you getting the picture?)
Piper Scottspews:
Aside from the ad hominum attacks, what you said is what I hoped I’d hear from Goldy…but didn’t…or ever do.
I get it…you simply believe that only your side gets it. I respect and appreciate your service and your patriotism. And I fully subscribe to the democratic results expressed in November even as I disagreed with the result.
Yours is an honest, legitimate, and eloquent expression fully appropriate for the Fourth of July.
And I don’t take anything you say personally. In fact, I bet you’d make a great neighbor…or friend.
The Piper
My Left Footspews:
I now live in Texas, the bastion of Conservative Hicks. I have neighbors who believe GWB did a GOOD job. We share beers, they come swim in our pool, we have gone to a Houston Astros game or two….. They keep telling me that they did not know that California raised liberal could be so nice.
I only have asked that they not use the “N” word as a descriptor for our president, they catch themselves now and one is realizing that kind of talk is, his words, “becoming less acceptable”. For my part I try not call GWB a Moe-ron.
Then again, maybe they like me cuz I carried one of my weapons into the house over my shoulder…..after racking a round into the chamber.
You are right, we would be friends and neighbors. I don’t take this stuff personally. Everyone is entitled to form their own opinion.
After all, is that not what this country was founded on?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
10-4 Good Buddy.
You just said it all.
Clarke O'Reillyspews:
Happy Independence Day!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey Carl, sorry Puddy missed wishing you a Happy Fourth. Anyway belated Fourth dude.
Anyway you said something real interesting…
Sitting on your fat ass, behind a computer and pontificating is not service. It is self-service and self aggrandizement. Nothing more.
Do you realize you described 90% of the HA libtardos here!
Does “married” to a SEIU union member count? How about being a wrasslin coach?
Ah, the typical HA patriotic-holiday post. What we’ve come to expect from Goldy and the HA Happy Hooligans.
There always seems time enough to trash a Tim Eyman initiative, which is designed to secure the liberty of the people by limiting taxes, but never enough time to write about what America means.
What about that, Goldy? What does being an American citizen mean to you? What are your notions of liberty and freedom? What are your thoughts and emotions on, say, the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address, D-Day, Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty, or give me death…” speech, Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense,” or the Wilmot Proviso (one of my favorite’s – David Wilmot was a Democrat Congressman from Pennsylvania who had a good idea).
How about an Amnerican flag banner on HA for at least the Fourth of July weekend (one of your advertisors has the suggestion of one)? Some sense of pride in country, with a display that you regard it as a beacon of democracy and the last, best hope of mankind?
Instead of always complaining about freedom and liberty and whacking (rhetorically, of course) its proponents, rejoicing in them?
Hmmm…??? What say you? You could start with commentary on this:
Be a mentsch – be an American – and celebrate our common national holiday by celebrating what America stands for.
And the rest of you among the HA Happy Hooligans…Give us a little red, white, and blue…I know you want to…
The Piper
“Ah, the typical HA patriotic-holiday post. What we’ve come to expect from Goldy and the HA Happy Hooligans.”
Pooper, why are you anti-patriotism, anti-pizza, and anti-holiday, you shmuck?
P.S., I didn’t read the rest of your diatribe; couldn’t get past the nauseating first sentence.
Typical that the precepts found in the Declaration of Independence offend you.
The Piper
From the fishwrapper:
“The nation now has the same number of jobs as in 2000 — but 12.5 million more workers. ‘This is the only recession since the Great Depression to wipe out all jobs growth from the previous business cycle, a devastating benchmark for the workers of this country and a testament to both the enormity of the current crisis and to the extreme weakness of jobs growth from 2000 to 2007,’ said Heidi Shierholz, an economist with the Economic Policy Institute ….”
Thirty years of anti-worker policies. Low wages. Eliminating benefits. Abrogating union contracts and pension obligations. Offshoring and outsourcing jobs. That’s the legacy of the “conservative revolution.”
And how do conservatives respond to the crisis they created? By blaming it on Obama and the Democratic congress. No wonder the American people have turned their backs on these cockroaches.
@3 You would be laughable if you weren’t so pathetic, pooper. I didn’t vote for/shill for the warmonger/torturer/klepto party. The party that violated everything the Declaration of Independence stands for. But you did. Enough said.
A PS for ROTCODDAM MADDOCTOR: Heal thyself, and note that ‘neocon’ is the fashionably leftist way of saying Jeeewwwwww. (Scoop Jackson was about the first and last of the goy neocons, so he’s an exception that proves the left’s anti-Jew rule.)
mangledtruth is somewhat reliable about Irgun terrorism. There’s a point at which the Buchanan Right ends up in bed with the Israel hating left. And there was a time when our humble HNMT had long talks with an American sailor who almost went down with the Liberty.
But here’s the bottom line: Anybody who even comes close to antisemitic disparagement or defamation of Jack Abramoff, a great American, is on the fightin’ side of me. And don’t even get me started on Seattle Jew.
(That last ‘graph is an attempt at rogerrabbit humor.)
YLB is a rotter, a wanker, and probably a poufter. I love him madly, but it hurt to lose an argument with him about 1936 GDP. He claimed it had climbed to pre-Crash levels, and U.S. Nudes seemed to agree.
Shlaes in Time Mag, 6 July, page 42, writes this:
Back to you, little buddy.
Yes, @4, and it’s all yours. Enough about what your fumbling power elite inherited on January 20. Now you own it.
Billions spent or authorized or appropriated since January, and employment plummets as the manic Obama recession starts to look and smell like the Obama Great Depression.
For a very long time there was an Ann Coulter banner on the top right of the HA homepage, @1. Does that count as ostentatious patriotism?
What that does mean is that when it comes to an advertising buck, Goldy will sell out his so-called “progressive” values for one.
Just noticed an ad for Manny, Moe, and Jack – The Pep Boys – that’s probably the closest thing to a traditional Independence Day patriotic tableau that you’ll see at HA.
How many HA Happy Hooligans are willing to subscribe to this?
Let’s hear it from them!
The Piper
Ah, thought so. Was pretty sure it had something to do with left-wing money grubbing.
Which brings us back to Roger. Why does he run away when I start tender foreplay? The sweet strokes begin, and Roger hops away for someone else. His insistence on playing hard to get is getting hard to take.
Because rabbit has problems with intimacy as continually evidenced by his anti-social tendancies and his fetish with anonymity. His cowardly unwillingness to engage in real debate (when challenged with data, he always runs off to another thread from thence to scat) and his ubiquitous name calling and vituperative rants are a pathetic cry for help.
No doubt he’ll respond to this (if he doesn’t run away first) with a toilet bowl full of vulgar epithets and insults, which is the limit of his discourse. Boring in the exteme…
The Piper
@ 7,
Not sure where that comment came from, as it seems to be addressing something from another thread, but if you’re using Shlaes, you’re starting out in the hole. Use a credible source.
Vulgar epithets remind me of me, of course, but your comment about the toilet bowl reminds me of Roger, the Tidy Bowl Bunny.
Just trying to tie loose ends, TJ. Or, as they say at Time, Luce Enz.
Shlaes? Mostly ok.
@1: Odd to hear this line of criticism from a guy wearing a kilt. Start at home, dress American, man! :-)
Massachusetts: 26% Consider State’s Health Care Reform a Success
Monday, June 29, 2009
Liberal Massa2shits!!
Too Damn Funny.
Anybody know what’s up over at KOMO? There were reports of a transformer fire, and they’ve been off the air for hours.
@ 14,
No, Shlaes is utterly discredited. If you’re correct, you shouldn’t have any trouble finding a reputable source.
Piper just does not get it.
What being an American means to me, a left leaning, Jewish Democrat.
It means serving my country as my father did before me and as my son did after me. It is not bragging about my kids serving and counting that as my serving since I donated the sperm.
It means understanding that my father and his “Band of Brothers” saved not just the United States, but the entire world. It does not mean praising today’s troops as if they are the ultimate heroes. They are no more ultimate in their heroism than my father’s generation or the generations before his. Praising them is honorable, but does not make one a better American by doing so.
America means I can stand and speak without fear of government intervention when I speak against policy. America means the freedom to live as I see fit for myself and my family, within the bounds of the law.
America means that I sacrificed so that everyone could have their say, could sleep soundly at night and live without the shackles of tyranny. It does not mean that my side is right and there is no other way. I gladly listen to all and recognize that dissent is the very essence of this country’s foundation.
The people of this country spoke last November. They spoke loudly and clearly and unmistakably. Instead of railing against all that is Democrat, you should be hailing that our system worked. Again. As it should. As the founding fathers envisioned all those generations ago.
That is what America means to me.
Sitting on your fat ass, behind a computer and pontificating is not service. It is self-service and self aggrandizement. Nothing more. Now, Piper, when you have served, truly served this country for years, you can criticize all you want the actions of others.
Until then, STFU.
(Service includes: Military, political office holder, peace corp, hospital volunteer, food bank volunteer, police officer, fireman, Red Cross volunteer…..are you getting the picture?)
Aside from the ad hominum attacks, what you said is what I hoped I’d hear from Goldy…but didn’t…or ever do.
I get it…you simply believe that only your side gets it. I respect and appreciate your service and your patriotism. And I fully subscribe to the democratic results expressed in November even as I disagreed with the result.
Yours is an honest, legitimate, and eloquent expression fully appropriate for the Fourth of July.
And I don’t take anything you say personally. In fact, I bet you’d make a great neighbor…or friend.
The Piper
I now live in Texas, the bastion of Conservative Hicks. I have neighbors who believe GWB did a GOOD job. We share beers, they come swim in our pool, we have gone to a Houston Astros game or two….. They keep telling me that they did not know that California raised liberal could be so nice.
I only have asked that they not use the “N” word as a descriptor for our president, they catch themselves now and one is realizing that kind of talk is, his words, “becoming less acceptable”. For my part I try not call GWB a Moe-ron.
Then again, maybe they like me cuz I carried one of my weapons into the house over my shoulder…..after racking a round into the chamber.
You are right, we would be friends and neighbors. I don’t take this stuff personally. Everyone is entitled to form their own opinion.
After all, is that not what this country was founded on?
10-4 Good Buddy.
You just said it all.
Happy Independence Day!
Hey Carl, sorry Puddy missed wishing you a Happy Fourth. Anyway belated Fourth dude.
Anyway you said something real interesting…
Do you realize you described 90% of the HA libtardos here!
Does “married” to a SEIU union member count? How about being a wrasslin coach?