I owe a debt of gratitude to my good friend Stefan for booking me on the Dori Monson Show yesterday, where I had the opportunity to repeatedly plug Podcasting Liberally. Downloads have gone through the roof, and I’m getting lots of positive feedback. Hey thanks, Stefan.
If you’re wondering what I’m talking about, go check out Stefan’s post, in which he once again proves that when it comes to media savvy, he’s as clueless as he is humorless. (With enemies like him, who needs publicists?) Meanwhile Dori, apparently with nothing better to talk about, decided to take a shot at spinning political scandal out of a barroom conversation between a bunch of political junkies. So a few minutes before airtime, I get a call asking me to come on the show and defend myself.
I’m not sure what Dori expected. Did he think I’d be apologetic? Flummoxed? Embarrassed? Hell… did he read the blurb I wrote promoting this week’s podcast? Not only didn’t I edit out the exchanges in question… I highlighted them!
Famously outspoken WA State Democratic Party chair Dwight Pelz joined us last night, and we didn’t manage to get him to say the word “fuck” once. (Although Carl did make up for it by talking about sticking green glowsticks up people’s rectums.)
Judging from Stefan’s post, the prisoners at Abu Ghraib aren’t the only ones with a glowstick up their ass, but I expected more from Dori. This is a guy who hangs out in pro sports teams locker rooms, and yet Dori incredibly told me that he never uses “the f-word.” Ever. Yeah, sure Dori… and I suppose you never fart either.
Dori spent most of my segment going after Sandeep Kaushik, implying that it is somehow scandalous for an aide to King County Executive Ron Sims to be caught on tape saying the word “fuck.” Oh please. If you ask me, Dori was hoping to get Sandeep fired… but… um… Sandeep used to write for The Stranger for chrisakes, so I’m pretty sure Ron knew he had a few four-letter words in him when he offered him the job. As former colleague Josh Feit put it over on Slog:
What? Our Sandeep, at a bar cussing? Horrors! Bars? Cussing? And I thought the Democratic party was the effete elitist party.
I guess in Dori and Stefan’s world, it’s okay for the Vice President of the United States to say the word “fuck” on the floor of the Senate, or for a Supreme Court justice to make an obscene gesture in church… but heaven forfend if Sandeep cusses… in a bar. Yeah, in Dori and Stefan’s world, Carl talking about sticking glowsticks up people’s rectums is offensive… but actual US soldiers sticking actual glowsticks up the rectums of actual prisoners at Abu Ghraib isn’t.
I mean… what the fuck?
Forget for a moment how incredibly dishonest it is for Dori to spend an hour disparaging the Democratic Party based on the barroom conversation of a handful of bloggers. The very fact that Stefan and Dori have decided to ignore the very serious topics we discussed and instead focus on our less than solemn language tells you how desperate they are to change the subject from the failed Bush administration and the rubber stamp Republican majority that props it up.
Well, fuck them. The whole point of recording the podcast in a bar is to try to capture the kind of spontaneous conversation and debate that makes Drinking Liberally such an intellectually satisfying and entertaining event. If Dori wants to get all sanctimonious with his screened calls and his feigned outrage, that’s up to him. Hell… he’s the “professional.”
But personally, I’d rather be brutally honest than politely lie.
What a douche. He said something like, “do you like what you hear from the Democratic Party?” As if a bunch of bloggers actually steer the ship.
I liked it when he said that we should have known that our podcast was going ALL OVER THE WORLD. In our wildest fucking dreams, Monson.
He’s letting his blind hatred of Ron Sims get the better of him.
PS, Goldy
I’d like to see the jump in our downloads and the feedback you’ve been getting… Who knew glowsticks and drinking and fucking could be so rewarding?
Great show as usual Goldy and crew. This weeks podcast is the best of the lot. Keep up the great work and keep trying to ‘let freedom ring’.
You framed Dori’s asinine outrage perfectly, Goldy.
This blog USED to at least be entertaining… what happened Goldy?
Fuck the fucking fuckers…
When Darcy wins the house seat, maybe she can help make a Republican idea a reality.
“I say let the prisoners pick the fruits,” said Rep. Dana Rohrabacher of California, one of more than a dozen Republicans who took turns condemning a Senate bill that offers an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants an opportunity for citizenship.
It seems that our prisons will be ‘overcrowded’ with bloodsuckers like Abramoff, Cunningham, probably Libby, DeLay, etc. Let these leaches earn a legal existance. Send them to Eastern Washington and let them pick fruit.
This is “exhibit A” in the encyclopedia next to the phrase “tempest in a teapot”.
Monson is still on the air? I remember when I used to enjoy listening to Dori. I haven’t tuned in his show in several years since he decided to sell his soul to the dark side.
-I guess in Dori and Stefan’s world, it’s okay for the Vice President of the United States to say the word “fuck” on the floor of the Senate, or for a Supreme Court justice to make an obscene gesture in church… but heaven forfend if Sandeep cusses… in a bar. Yeah, in Dori and Stefan’s world, Carl talking about sticking glowsticks up people’s rectums is offensive… but actual US soldiers sticking actual glowsticks up the rectums of actual prisoners at Abu Ghraib isn’t.-
Not only is the actual act not offensive to them, it’s a preferred method for waging war against “Islamofascists.” So, the victims of torture and abuse may be innocent? In the right wing / dominatrix world where pretty fascists like Coulter and Malkin are worshipped, EVERY Muslim and Arab is guilty. Just look at the false God they worship, and their lack of cul de sacs and strip malls!
The one thing I think Goldy overlooked in his analysis is the right wing Stefan-suck ups who routinely post blatantly racist remarks on these threads, complete with all sorts of invectives. Mr. Cynical, Yo, MTR, Puddy, etc amaze us with long strings of cuss words and vicious bigotry (proving just how easy it is to be a ‘Christian’ in the Bush era) – yet they tone down their posts in the presence of their own cult members when posting at SP. Talk about hypocritical.
Don’t sweat the small stuff, Goldy. They don’t even have to spell your name right on the radio. Just get the URL right.
Think idiots like Monson and Sharkansky will ever bother to comment on the moral ramifications of what their fearless leaders have been up to? Or, do you think these anti-government whackos actually celebrate and encourage corruption, so their cynical minions will find more reason to believe “government is the problem, not the solution?” Worked for Reagan.
Just another day in the life of Tom Delay:
DeLay a star at ‘War on Christians’ conference
Participants told indicted politician is being persecuted
“I believe the most damaging thing that Tom DeLay has done in his life is take his faith seriously into public office, which made him a target for all those who despise the cause of Christ,” Scarborough said, introducing DeLay on Tuesday. When DeLay finished, the host reminded the politician: “God always does his best work right after a crucifixion.”
Former aide to Texas congressman pleads guilty in lobbying investigation
A former top aide to Congressman Tom DeLay has agreed to plead guilty in a widening federal investigation of lobbying corruption.
A law enforcement official says Tony Rudy will plead guilty today in an appearance in federal court in Washington. Rudy would be the first person to enter a guilty plea since influence peddler Jack Abramoff (AY’-bruh-mahf) pleaded guilty to fraud charges in January. Abramoff was sentenced this week in Florida.
Court papers relating to Abramoff’s plea say Rudy’s wife was paid 50-thousand dollars by Abramoff. The documents say ten monthly payments were made starting in 2000 when Rudy was working for Delay and Abramoff was working for clients who wanted to stop Internet gambling and postal rate legislation.
Tom DeLay Wants Gun License Back
Texas Rep. Tom DeLay is fighting to regain his concealed handgun permit after it was suspended because of his indictment on felony charges.
Before 9/11, Dori was an inoffensive local talking head. I think he saw that as an opportunity to loose his “bubblegum” image and he became offensive and insane after that, a regular chickenhawk. http://dorimonson.com/ perfectly sums the shithead–sorry, fuckhead–up.
Well, we can see if he puts his money where his mouth is, and has his daughters sign up for the armed services. They must be nearly of age to do so. Guessing they will not be going.
Fuck man, that’s fucking fucked up that those conservative fucking fuckers are fucking going on a fucking rag about someone saying fuck.
-Before 9/11, Dori was an inoffensive local talking head.-
After 9-11, Monson became one of those paranoid right wingers who decided that a dozen guys in three commercial jetliners could completely wipe-out a country of 300 million people (“your neighbor is the next terrorist!”).
Turns out, the rampant fear Monoson and Sharkansky routinely instill in their followers is about the only thing that threatens to unravel the country. Slight irony, no?
Of course, ever since the fall of communism 11 years earlier, the xenophobe right was looking for a new threat to empower their highly unpopular political ideals – from tax cuts for the very elite, to creating a theocracy.
Chuck @ 5
“This blog USED to at least be entertaining… what happened Goldy?”
I think most wingnuts lost their humor when the neocon fuckfest started collasping on itself.
The neocons have fucked up one thing after another thing after another thing…. To paraphrase Rujax from the other day, is there even one good thing, just one thing that they have accomplished well?
So, Chuck, I can see why you don’t feel the humor any more.
To echo DJ, Chuck, I think you found HA fun back when you assumed I’d be eating crow after the first wave of backlash to the 2004 election contest hit in 2005… you know, when the gas tax would be repealed and Ron Sims would be kicked out of office.
Now that reality has set in, it ain’t so much fun for you to hang out around here, and realize that my side is winning.
“Government doesn’t work. Just elect us Republicans and we’ll prove it to ya!” P.J. O’Rourke
Hillary/McKinney 2008!! Two loud mouthed racist black Democrats!! [Now if Bill was the first black prez, wouldn’t Hillary qualify as the first Black First Lady?????]
Dori Monson is a waste of breathable air and potable water – a smirking, arrogant, walking lie.
Cindi McKinney…….proof that black Democrats don’t need to follow ANY laws. Stay far away from black Democrats!!!!!!!!!!
Cheesie Chuck @ all
Move to Darth Cheney land, Wyoming. The wingnuts rule that place and iirc, there is no income tax. It’s a little cold in the winter but the “conservative” values should keep you warm not to mention all the coal-bed methane gas wells that decorate the landscape.
And while you’re at it – I-912 and David Irons lost! Go Cheney yourself!
“Dori spent most of my segment going after Sandeep Kaushik, implying that it is somehow scandalous for an aide to King County Executive Ron Sims to be caught on tape saying the word “fuck.””
But when Cheney does it, it’s okay?! These guys are rich. No, wait … they’re rich hypocrites!
Dori and Stefan must be hard up for material.
“incredibly dishonest”
There ya go, Goldy … that sums up the whole bleeping Republican Party in two words.
“He said something like, “do you like what you hear from the Democratic Party?””
Well … yes … since he asked.
I’ll echo what someone else said: nice framing of the issue. And boy, are they learning that we are quick to respond. Well done.
Hey Dori, now ask me if I like what I hear from the Republican Party.
P.S., what part of “no” don’t you understand?
“This blog USED to at least be entertaining… what happened Goldy? Commentby Chuck— 3/31/06@ 5:16 am”
You came back. Where ya been, Cheesy Chuckie? We thought you were dead.
What makes you think our farmers want a bunch of rich lazy Republicans picking their fruit? They need too much supervision. If you don’t watch them every minute, they’ll eat half the apples.
oops my last post replies to #7, not #6
Oh yeah, before I forget, why don’t all you trollfuck wingfuckers go fuck your fucking armadilloes.
I’d like point out that part of the reason he could play me on the air was that quite intentionally rectum was the most offensive word I used. No need to get profane when you’re talking about raping prisoners.
The renewal of the Voting Rights Act, which comes up next year, is in the news today. Predictably, Republicans are saying “Voting Rights Act? We don’t need no Voting Rights Act! We’re not racists anymore!”
And, as usual, they’re lying.
Drivel @ 7
We would be happy to have the likes of Abramhoff and Co. picking our fruit here in Eastern Washington. But I am afraid they would be lousy workers. Perhaps if we established daily quotas. As punishment for missing a quota we could use glowsticks!
-Cindi McKinney…….proof that black Democrats don’t need to follow ANY laws. Stay far away from black Democrats!!!!!!!!!! –
[JCH] reminds me of that classic stereotype of the angry, white, divorced middle aged white guy who got fired from his post office job for making racist comments against blacks and sexist comments against women; but instead of joining the 21st century, JCH decided blame everybody else (but himself) for his bigotry, thus condemning himself into an endless spiral of hatred, frustration, and GOP politics!
Archie Bunker lives!
35.Only a lib loser like you works ina “guvment” hack public sector union job. Yes, POS LR, Cindi Mckinney is MY fault!! Maybe she is Bush’s fault. [hehe] Regardless, she is the face of today’s Democrat Party!!! Enjoy!!
LiberalRedneck, Detroit, gary, Wilwaukee, South Central LA, and Philly. Like Harare, Zinbabwe, all black liberal Hillary Villages. And ALL Democrat voter fraud shit holes. Advice: Stay far away from Democrat shit holes, as the animal Democrats are right out of “Lord of the Flies”.
I listened to part of Dori’s show. I could not believe that he was going on and on, trying to both make fun of the DL attendess and stir up indignation at the use of a word or two, while totally ignoring the issues being discussed. I mean, he didn’t have to give the attendees air time for their side of the issues; he could have rebutted their stands on the issues. He could have made fun of their stands on the issues. That, at least ,would be the response of someone who cares but disagrees. But Dori doesn’t CARE about the issues. He seems to want to make his show a content-free zone, where the visceral is elevated and the substantial deprecated. Not worth caring about, though I am glad you went on, Goldy.
On a side note, I think the media’s approach to vulgar language is a joke. I shudder every time I hear someone say “the F-bomb.” Like saying fuck is the equivalent blowing up a bomb. Fuck that. It seems that narrow, opportunistic, hypocritical moralism is all the rage now.
All Conservatives are cowardly chickenhawks w/ no pelotas.
If you listened to the clip and want to express your thoughts with Dori, I think this web form can help.
Be sure to thank Dori for the plug, and for having Goldy on his show!
-Regardless, she is the face of today’s Democrat Party!!! Enjoy!! –
Yeah, right, JCH/Puddy/whatever you are – I would think that was true if I was a racist right wing nutcase, too.
-Detroit, gary, Wilwaukee, South Central LA, and Philly. Like Harare, Zinbabwe, all black liberal Hillary Villages.-
Heh heh. Just as I thought. JCH is just plain afraid of black people. Hey, JCH….BOO!!
Dori Monson is a punk-ass bitch, pure and simple – and he has a whiny lousy radio voice to boot. Who did he blow to get that gig, ya gotta wonder…
Oh yeah, and JCH is still a stupid, homophobic, racist loser.
Dori Monson is a platinum blonde ’50s bombshell!!! Don’t be fooled by the radio!!!
Goldy wants to bone her. That’s why he keeps going back. Wow!!!!!!! What a cunt she is!!!!
Tight lipped conservative pussy!!! Goldy loves it. He can’t stay away!!!
Who wouldn’t love tight lipped conservdative pussy?
What a bunch of pearl-clutchers.
“Mommy! That bad man said the “f” word!”