That may be the strangest headline I’ve ever written. Makes me feel like Lex Luthor or something. Still, reading this Paul Constant piece I’m nodding in agreement.
I’m ordinarily the first person to come to Seattle’s defense when a journalist pokes fun at Seattle’s provincialism. But the answer to your question, Tim, is that there is no defense for this shit. Our city deserves every ounce of ridicule that it gets for tolerating—and even, on the media’s behalf, encouraging—these sad little children LARPing their little-kid fantasies all over the city. This is one case where a little street harassment could do some good; I’d love to see an entire block of Seattleites shouting “GROW UP” at these preening fuckwits as they mosey around feeling good about themselves.
I mean if you want to pretend, go pretend. That’s what your back yard is for, I guess. Or a park, maybe. But when it’s the public, when it’s people who have rights, maybe superheroing around is not helpful.
Arrested development isn’t the issue – plenty of acceptable social behavior is prepubescent at best (c.f., your average professional sporting event).
It’s that in the process of being publicly ridiculous, these geekified morons pose a real hazard in actual criminal situations that they’ll interfere with actual law enforcement and/or get themselves and/or others hurt. It’s only a matter of time before this happens in a very public and ugly way, at which point the backlash will be ferocious.
@1 Further proof that humans never learn from their mistakes, which is why your species will disappear; and after you do, we rabbits will run this place the way it ought to be run.
With a title like that, I would think that the post would about banging boots with Batman.
@3 Uhh, that would be
Northstar and Kyle,
Midnighter and Apollo,
Wiccan and Hulking,
Green Lantern of Earth 2 and well….they killed his fiancee already.
Guys pretending to be a real Batman is rather pathetic.
Gee, I think “preening fuckwits as they mosey around feeling good about themselves” is a better description of the “anarchists” who were running around vandalizing local businesses in the name of Sticking It to the Man. At least the “superheroes” are trying to help. Idiots running amok like on Wednesday totally drown out and discredit any worthy message the march may have been promoting.
Just about all of the above could also be applied to right-wing trollfucks infesting political blogs.
No more childish than the “protesters”.