I like Joel Connelly, but I’m not sure the fact that Jim McDermott said “Fuckin'” was the most important thing about his appearance on Fox News.
“People in my district are calling in for Obamacare — affordable health care — in large numbers. Why would House Democrats give away what the 2012 electorage didn’t? You can’t say, O.K., you can get half of Obamacare — this isn’t a Solomon-like decision.
“So we sit here until they figure out they f—-n’ lost.”
Joel, (and the headline writer if that’s a different person) makes a big deal of the swearing. But that’s not obscene. Shit, it’s how adults talk. It’s probably fuckin’ healthy. What’s obscene is that there’s a significant segment of Congress willing to shut down the government to try to keep their constituents from getting affordable health care. What’s obscene is that a party that ran on repealing Obamacare, AND LOST is willing to shut down the country over Obamacare. What’s obscene are the cuts after cuts after cuts that have been demanded and given that aren’t enough. What’s obscene is that a party that took us into two unfunded wars while passing unfunded tax cuts gets to talk about deficits without being laughed out of the country. What’s obscene is that they have a whole news network cheerleading that awfulness. “Fuckin'”? Who cares about that?
Wow. Good on him.
I say fuck the fuckin’ fuckers, and if they don’t fuckin’ like it, fuck them.
The Repukes believe that Seattle is populated by Godless homos and Commies. To them the only true Americans live in red states.
In fact, the TeaPublicans’ attack on democracy appears to have developed a significant case of “scope creep”. Now that the opportunity to push the United States into default is staring them in the face, these fuckin’ fucks seem to have pretty clearly declared their willingness to destroy the world economy (which is now a very real possibility) unless the administration not only caves on the Affordable Care Act, but sells Medicare and Social Security down the river as well.
The most astounding part of this is the blatant hypocrisy the media just can’t seem to find – but that shows so clearly.
The GOP lead House member on Obamacare is Paul Braun (an MD from Georgia). He claims the ACA will destroy the country – so he wants to destroy the country by shutting down the government and not pay our debts to prevent that. Some logic…
McDermott, is an embarrassing joke and Seattletards are too stupid to realize it.
Nope, you are too fucking dumb to realize that adding the suffix “tard” to any noun makes the idiot who does it look like a mentally challenged child.But maybe that’s because you are a fucking pitiful mentally challenged child!People will still remember McDermott when you and your pals are butt skid marks in the underwear of History.
I still remember when Joel came after me – and gave me an annual “award” for my “obscenity-laced column” later on – when I used a couple of f-bombs in a post-WTO piece in Seattle Weekly in 1999. It really seemed to upset him. A lot. He seemed a lot more concerned about lack of decorum (his standards) than the actual content.
Times change. Joel doesn’t.
@6 The whole Republican Party is a much bigger joke, and the entire country sees it. That’s why they got their asses handed to them in 2012 and will get their asses handed to them again in 2014 and 2016.