With the Minnesota Supreme Court rejecting a last minute appeal by Republican Norm Coleman, Al Franken is expected to be certified the winner in the North Star State’s US Senate race… great news for foul-mouthed satirists everywhere.
I mean, if Franken could pursue a political career after the things he’s said, I suppose that doesn’t entirely rule out a political career for somebody like me. I’m just sayin’….
I thought voters here were dumb.
I am recommending that Goldy be awarded a Peabody for reporting this good news.
First, you need to be a writer for a cutting-edge comedy program on TV.
Then you need to write a few bestsellers.
Alternatively, now that Al has a day job, maybe Tom Davis is looking for a replacement partner.
Just remember, anything you ever wrote in a blog, ever, will be archived and quoted out of context against you in a political ad.
re 5: He could run as Al Goldstein.
WA Gov. ’04 was a dress rehearsal for how the wingers will be playing this out at the national level.
Not-too-subtle suggestions of “ballot improprieties” planted with incurious mainstream media outlets, coupled with location shots of bloated, ruddy faced “independents” wearing blaze camo deerstalkers demanding further recounts equals boffo fund raising from the tin hat ranks.
OH MY FUCKING GOD! This is fantastic. This is the ultimate slap in the face to the fools and idiots on the right. WOW! I can’t imagine their pain right now. The sorrow and agony must be terrible for them. And boy am I happy about that! These right wing fools are getting their appropriate reward. And the best part of all is that they haven’t learned a fucking thing after we bent them over on Nov 4. They keep lying and bullshitting and deflecting and we keep winning and winning and winning.
Oh the humanity. The entire world is laughing at the GOP!
# 7: Yep, the GOP will try to turn it into a national fund-raising bonanza, completely independent of the outcome of the Senate Race. They will try to blame the loss on any Democratic person within a 100 miles of the vote counts, place talking-point heads on Fox News and on AM Talk Radio arguing about how the election is being “stolen”. Then when all the dust settles and their appeals have been laughed at by the courts, they will continue to bring up the same tired points, years later, over and over again, pretending that they had not already been thoroughly discredited.
But in the meantime, they have rallied their base (small as it may be right now), and rifled through their pockets for any small change still left there so they can buy negative advertising next year in an attempt to convince voters that Obama and the Democratic Congress were somehow at fault for the rescession of 2008-2009.
It’s got to be the Minnesota water.
Al Franken in the U.S. Senate. Oh, lord, will this be fun.
It ain’t over, till it’s over…
Assume for a second he is finally declared the winner…will he be sworn in wearing a rubber nose, floppy shoes and carrying a seltzer bottle?
The Piper
Rowdy Roddy:
Why would Senator-Elect Franken want to take the oath of office in a Piper costume?
Franken’s actually a very smart guy, and he has a rather dry, subtle since of humor. I’m sure it’s lost on a lot of wingnuts here.
” … if Franken could pursue a political career after the things he’s said, I suppose that doesn’t entirely rule out a political career for somebody like me.”
Why would you want one? Long hours, low pay, and half the public hates you … hmmm, on second thought, in your case, it might be a promotion.
Me, I have no aspirations to become a politician. It sounds like too much work. And I’m told you have to be polite, or at least civil, to the opposition — I couldn’t do that for very long. I mean, why should anyone be civil to a fucking Republican? You wouldn’t be civil to a fucking Nazi or Stalinist, would you?
And is that why you’re afraid to publicly admit that Caroline Kennedy isn’t qualified to be a US Senator? Because you don’t want to piss off the party whose backing you’ll one day be seeking?
@2 Only the Rossi faction.
@5 Nah. All he has to do is erase everything from the server before the pukes realize he’s going to run for something. They won’t even notice it’s missing. Nobody reads anything older than yesterday’s threads.
@8 Don’t forget that Minnesotans elected Jesse Ventura as their governor because Republicans are so bad.
@10 It’s more likely the Republican candidate. See #19.
@12 “It ain’t over, till it’s over…”
It’s over.
“Assume for a second he is finally declared the winner…”
He already has been declared the winner.
Gawd, you are an idiot … as I’ve always said, any idiot can become a lawyer, although you won’t remain one if you neglect to pay your bar dues …
Goldy is already kinda like Mayor of Horses Ass.
OK. Two Peabody’s. But no more!
He ought to have his office call Bill O’Reilly on a daily basis: “Hello! This is SENATOR Franken’s office calling.”
I think you people manufactured votes for Franken.
In this new year, why don’t you resolve to not offer opinions when you have no evidence upon which to base your opinions? While I understand that keeping this resolution would mean you couldn’t spew here anymore, you just might learn that wisdom can spring from silence and listening.
RR & 18: You are forgetting about the Google “cache”. It creates an archive every time one of it’s “bots” crawls the web looking for sites to index for it’s search engines.
It’s also one of the more valuable tools to use when a Republican puts something really embarrasing on their website, and thinks that by pulling it down they can then deny it ever existed.
Troll & 25 said: “I think….”
Apparantly not. You have an emotion which generates an opinion, but it certainly isn’t based upon any logical process which could be elevated to the level of “thinking”.
And assuming I’m one of “you people”, you should know that I’ve never been to Minnesota.
you all who arent related to goldy (you know how, condemn your children to slavery from. just look whats happening before your eyes. madoff rapes wall street and now prosecutors accuse him of violating bail by giving assests to relatives TO FUCKING RELATIVES. you know waht they say, you think someone like madoff would ever give anything back to a goyim.
How is this a slap in the face byebyegoober you idiot?
People in Minnesota have the right to elect a moron just as much as you are a moron posting here.
It’s telling that the Minnesota Donkey didn’t have a better candidate then Al. But is he smart enough or good enough to create legislation or will he be a goosestepping jackbooted yes man to Scary Harry Reid? Time will tell while your slime still smells.
rhp6033, if you thought Al Franken was funny then you’ve dropped brain cells somewhere long ago…
Sadly you’re mistaken… Remember the web will forever remember the Kurse post about Trig Palin and Bristol Palin. And we all know how moronic that post was.
sickofit: The head honchos here will not say much negative about their cuz Madoff. But to Puddy Madoff is the gift that continues to give…….
rhp, proud, when you say “It is absolutely impossible for Democratic partisan poll workers to secretly manufacture phony ballots in order to put their candidate over the top,” I don’t think you understand the …
International business call… To be cont.
Troll @ 34: “International business call…”
Yeah, right. I believe you got a call from your favorite outsourced phone sex purveyor.
I wonder which fellow senator Frankens going to get into a fist fight with first. The silly little toads got quite the temper.
Great news for foul-mouthed satyriasis everywhere.
Troll, when you get back from your “international business call”, or whatever, you might want to point out where I ever said, as you put in quotation marks ascribed to me, that “It is absolutely impossible for Democratic partisan poll workers to secretly manufacture phony ballots in order to put their candidate over the top,”.
I don’t recall ever making such a statement, and it’s unlikely that I would have said such a thing. On other occassions I had commented about the futility of using false voter registrations to change the course of an election, because Micky Mouse is never going to show up to actually cast a ballot under the false registration under his name. Using false voter registrations it is not impossible to change the result, but highly unlikely to do so, and it is not economically feasible. It’s hard enough to get people out to vote once, getting some of them to vote twice or three times under the threat of a felony conviction is very hard to do in the numbers required to turn an election – especially when you don’t know for sure what those numbers are, in advance of the election.
That’s why Republican tactics in the past have focused on de-registering actual voters, and using voter intimidation and re-direction campaigns. Their purpose is not to inflate their own vote, but to instead suppress the Democratic vote.
I don’t recall Art Buchwald ever apologizing for utilizing the straw man argument, so neither shall I.
lol, at the same time israel is killing innocent civilians in gaza, you can see a traler on tv for defiance, another movie where they dig up some obscure event from ww2, as if there havent been millions of people killed in the world who were not jewish. you think hollywood would ever make a movie honoring us soldiers who saved there cousins asses in ww2? no, they can only make movies like ,men of honor, that ridicules marine honor.
Please direct me to past comments of your condemning the terror attacks in Mumbai. What? Didn’t write any? You remained silent?
And with that, I believe I just won this argument.
by the way, what do you think the people who voted for obama are going to do when obama has the exact same approach to the gaza fighting as bush? you think they are going to then realize its all fixed starting with bernie madoffs cousins who run the federal reserve? beranke, mishkin et al? then to treasury paulson, then to chief of staff rahm emanuel, then to congress frank, schumer, feinstein, boxer, waxman, nadler, wexler, feingold, now franken and on and on and on. and do they really expect, when the crash comes, for us to eat spam while they sit in their mansions that they got from screwing this country from the hedge funds, while they eat their cavier and bagles? lol i dont think so.
Is this Roger other the Senator “Stealect” of MN ? One has to wonder
In a game where winning is everything and is the only thing that really matters, it was Al Franken who won.
I think it was all the exposure he got during the Al Franken Decade.
Must have had the King County folks “counting” the votes. The WSJ is reporting that some counties had more ballots counted than there are registered voters in those counties.
Oh well, it’s a Minnesota problem…
@25 I think you jerk off zucchinis in the hothouse.
@27 What’s Google?
@43 We’ve finally got a troll with a sense of humor on this blog. That picture is actually funny. Please don’t go away! Our other trolls need all the help they can get.
@48 No kidding, that was pretty funny. Geez, with one post this guy moves to the top of the heap. Not bad.
My goodness manoftruth, you’ve got it. It’s a massive Jewish Conspiracy!
My goodness manoftruth, you’ve got it. It’s a massive Jewish Conspiracy!
lets see, who’s the inspector general of the sec, the group that let bernie run wild? oh my david kotz…….what a coincidence
who’s the sec of the treasury, oh my, hank paulson, what a coincidence
who’s the federal reserve chairman, oh my ben shalom bernake, what a coincidence
whos’ obama’s choice for sec of treasury, oh my, tim geitner, what a coincidence
Who was the president? A WASP.
Who was the Vice President? (The guy really running the show) Another
But you keep on spewing.
who’s obama’s economic advisor, oh my, larry summers, what a coincidence
who’s obama’s chief of staff, oh my, rahm emanuel, what a coincidence
whos’ the chairman of the house banking committe, oh my , barney frank, what a coincidence
Jews, Jews, everywhere!!! Quick hide in your anti-semitic hole!
Watch out for that Goldstein fellow, I hear he’s one too!
well first of all, by our current media controlled definition of bigotry, which is that a white, christian, hetero, male cant say a fucking word, then yeah, i guess i’m antisemetic. but, if if we dont allow god into our public square, then under whose authority is it wrong to not like people who are not like you? but the fact is, my observation is no more differnet than when, about fifty years ago, someone walked into gm and said, hey its all white males working here, we need diversity. was that bigotry back then?
manoflies is such a gift. Laying bare the racist core of the Republican party.
Thanks, manoflies!
I really think manoflies and Troll should have a “racist-off”
That would be one unpredictable contest. Either one of them could win!
you didnt answer the question. fifty years or so ago, when people said that white males were predominant and we should have diversity, was it bigotry for someone to look at the makeup of a business and see all white men and call them out? was it bigotry? was it different than looking at the federal reserve and saying all the members and chairman are jewish? explain the difference.
Pakistan: 165,000,000 million people.
Egypt: 75,000,000
Iran: 70,000,000
Iraq: 28,000,000
Afghanistan: 27,000,000
Saudi Arabia: 24,000,000
Yemen: 22,000,000
Syria: 19,000,000
Israel: 7 million people
Big, bad Israel
How about the fact that there were laws, covenants and established practices which prohibited others from participating. Remember Brown v. the Board of Ed?
So yeah, there was bigotry then. You are doing your best to keep it alive.
Hey Troll, fuck off. I believe Israel’s victory in the Seven Day War was a great thing. I grew up with kids whose relatives were tattooed in the camps. I believe Israel should be protected and should continue to exist.
I believe the rhetoric from the radical Arab states is wrong, and yes evil.
But I also believe Israel has made some mistakes and will best prosper if it finds a way to live with her neighbors.
explain something to me. how come the dems and gop argue about everything, to the point of hysteria, but both sides say the exact same thing when it comes to israel. the only thing on this planet that they agree on. the lefts symbol of evil, fox news, says the same thing as cnn or katie couric. why do you think that is?
K, you’re telling me to fuck off for listing some countries and their populations?
manoflies @ 67
It would be much more entertaining if you tell us why that is, MOL… so go ahead educate us.
No, I’m telling you to fuck off for maintaining a persistently high level of stupidity, lies and general worthlessness.
For claiming to be a democrat while spewing talking points- remember your “some say” greatest hits?
And for wasting space on the screen.
lol,,, why , you cant thing of a reason that the arch rivals, who cant agree on a single thing, can sound like kissing cousins when it comes to israel? you dont have a sinlge idea? or maybe i’m wrong. maybe there is a difference, can you enlighten me?
You are beyond enlightenment.
I’m not actually wasting space. The space my comments take up wouldn’t exist if I didn’t write and submit the comment.
manoftruth, you’re a disgusting racist.
@ 71, I am clueless, monoflies… but you brought up the point. Please, bless us with your answer.
Hey Troll, @ 74 you called a black man an “ape” yesterday.
I guess sometimes it takes a racist to know a racist.
@74: One of the best things that troll has ever said….I guess troll does not always waste space.
You’re offended I called the animal who took away a cop’s gun and killed him with it an ape? That’s interesting. I’m offended that he killed a cop. You’re right, he’s not technically an ape. Chris Rock had a better word for him.
Then perhaps you should not have called him an ape. But I know this is kind of a knee jerk reaction, for a racist jerk.
I’ll cancel that last one.
Thanks, for the explanation, Troll.
You have made your racism clear.
@ 80
No problem, troll. You made it clear in your canceled post that you prefer a racist world (even if it is only one imagined in your racist mind) devoid of black people.
Your intention is clear, and you are deeply in need of psychological help.
Real American, do you even know who I was commenting about? Do you know who:
– Left a predominately black city for a predominately white city?
– Supported a candidate for governor who was once the leader of an organization that excluded black people?
– Moved his child from mostly black school district to a mostly white school district?
– Was less than enthusiastic in his support for Obama?
– Has (to the best of my knowledge) never given a black person blogging privileges on his blog?
Chris Rock called some blacks niggers. Why can’t I? I think Chris Rock would call that naked black guy who killed that cop with his own gun a nigger. So would I.
@ 83, Troll, yes, it was a world where you siad you felt “at home”.
Yes, I understood.
You seriously need help before you hurt someone.
@ 84, but whether you felt you could use “Chris Rock’s” words doesn’t matter (much)**. But you called the black man an “ape”.
You need help with your racist tendencies.
** You should watch “The Office” some time. You are a caricature of a racist, who is not really a caricature, but actually a racist.
i guess one thing that makes some people become closet bigots is the incessant talk of bigotry and racism and the ability to find racism in everything. if your goal is to be able to silence people in the public eye, like imus and politicians, from saying anything that remotely smells of racism, you’ve succeeded. if your goal is to change people’s hearts, you’ve failed miserably.
But, keep digging yourself into your racist hole.
Me, I am not gonna spend more time talking to you tonight.
Get help.
Real American, have you ever questioned Goldy, like I have, why he doesn’t have any blacks with posting privileges on his blog?
That goes for you too, manoflies.
But I don’t really think you can be cured of your deep seated racism.
Best you just take one for the human race and jump in front of a bus.
Scream racist all you want. Got news for you. Racism isn’t holding back blacks. They’re holding themselves back.
BTW, you do know that Jesse Jackson called Obama a nigger, don’t you?
hey, do you think there’s racism among hollywood producers? here’s the joke, if hollywood was completely and totally jewish, the fact that there is one black producer, spike lee, would be msm headlines every day. but, jews having the control they do, get away with having one black producer, imagine that, one. its so sad when people are so hypocritical.
See there you go again. All I have to do to prove you wrong and send you ass over tits is find one black Hollywood producer other than Spike Lee.
And then there’s your blatantly anti-Jewish comment at a time when all your brethren on the right are screaming that we must support Israel at all costs…
John Singleton.
I win.
Reginald Hudlin. House Party!!!
George Tillman Jr.
This is too easy…
Ice Cube produced a movie, but it sucked so let’s skip him.
Singleton got an Oscar for directing Boyz n the Hood.
Sidney Poitier directed 9 films.
so thats what, at best, 3 african american producers, out of what, hundreds? can you think of any other industry, other than sports agents lol, that the msm would not scream racism if there was 3 blacks out of hundreds?
my bad, i was saying spkie lee was a producer, i think he’s a director, you guys made me think of that by your other directors, so thats zero black hollywood producers. fucking amazing. but those same people demand, just as an example mind you, for a police test to allow a woman to, say, be allowed to have modified physical test to make up for the differences between men and woman. so if my life depended on her, she cant help me as much as a male policeman.
Spike Lee is a producer AND a director.
And by the way, one of the reasons why Jewish businessmen migrated to the entertainment industry in the U.S. in the early 20th century was that many other avenues were prohibited to them. The entertainment industry was considered somewhat disreputable back then, so nobody complained at the time if a few Jewish businessmen moved to some little town out on the west coast and started some moving-picture studios.
But that doesn’t mean that the movie industry is dominated by any racial or ethnic group today, or has been for quite some time. The collapse of the studio system in the 1960’s pretty much did away with any prospect of that. As they say in the industry, “You are only as good as your last picture”. The primary motivation is the ability to make money, regardless of who you are or where you come from.
I was poking fun at your all or nothing statement. Saying that there are way too few black producers & directors is a good and valid point. Saying that there’s only 1 is both not true and setting yourself up for someone to prove wrong by finding the second one. ;-)
On a lighter note,
Libertarian said:
“Roger Rabbit, does it feel good to be a lying ideologue? What does it feel like to be an blind and arrogant liar?”
I really like that quote!!
Wow – the racist fools are really out there.
We have womanoffalsehhod and her Jew-hating diatribes. We have troll and her Black-hating diatribes. Looks like the finest elements of the republican party are taking up residence here…welcome you small-minded haters.
CNR @ 105,
Everyone is a racist at some level. That’s just the way it is. The best we can do is to not let it get out of hand. Venting racial hatred on a blog might work for some.
Republicans spewing hate towards Jews and blacks? Hey, that’s just blowing off steam. Mention the fact that an awful lot of Republicans are being busted for pedophilia? That’s very bad behavior.