Because, this:
THE most expensive race in state history for a seat in the state House might be tilting a politically divided Legislature even more toward the middle.
In the race to represent Federal Way’s 30th Legislative District, Republican Teri Hickel held an eight-point lead over Democratic Rep. Carol Gregory in Tuesday voting returns. If that lead holds in future vote counts, a win by Hickel would skinny the once-mighty Democratic majority in the House down to a 50-48 margin.
The consequences of this shift should be welcome to Washington voters seeking moderation in Olympia.
Right. Because it’s the Democrats who are immoderate and obstructionist, rather than the Republicans who have pledged not to ever raise taxes ever, for any reason, under any circumstance, no matter what. You know, the Republicans who also oppose marriage equality, reproductive rights, gun responsibility, reducing carbon emissions, teaching evolution, and just about everything else the editors claim to endorse. A Republican Party that is so bereft of ideas or intellect (or, let’s be honest, morality) that it has elevated trickle-down-regurgitating student-harassing child-bride-marrying Matt Manweller to the status of rising fucking star.
That is the party to which the wise editorial board members of our state’s paper of record look to bring “moderation” to Olympia.
Sigh. I try not to wish for the day the Seattle Times shuts down its presses. But honestly—fuck you.
Goldy, does this mean you’ve given up on getting a news job at the Seattle Times?
In other news, Rubio contributes to the delinquency of a minor and insults Muslims with a single word.
We all know this is the setup for an ST endorsement of Bill Bryant for Governor in 2016 as the punchline, right?
@3 Probably, since they couldn’t get Sheriff Hairspray to run.
Wait until Goldy finds out what happened out-of-state on Tuesday.
@5 This isn’t about Republicans or voters. If Kentucky wants to kick hundreds of thousands of its people off the healthcare rolls, that’s up to Kentucky.
This post is about the arrogant stupid fucks on the Seattle Times ed board.
Phew! Glad you got that off your chest. You’re right, of course. But I blame the idiots who don’t vote. And as far as that rag goes, why waste your breath? They are hopelessly behind the times.
You know what they say in Hokum – Fuckem!
You forgot to use “fuck” as an adverb.
@3 I think they’ve already done that.
@7 “They are hopelessly behind the times.”
Is that a euphemistic way of saying Frank Blethen has his his head up his ass?
@11 Yes. And those people wringing their hands about the people of Kentucky, some advice. Stop it. They have made their bed. We will now see another Sam Brownback disaster. The state will sink into despair and rightfully so.
I don’t really expect Rubio’s frequent gaffes to run him out of the race. Much like they did for Junior, what passes for “normal” Republican voters will continue to take an interest in Rubio while excusing his goofs as “quaint” and “colorful”. But the running fount of unhinged lunacy from candidates like Trump and Carson has a shelf life. At some point Republicans “shopping” their interest grow tired and even bored with them and settle for something a bit more “comfortable”.
@5 Yeah — Democrats won control of Pennsylvania’s supreme court and that state’s next redistricting, Democrats won mayoralty races in Indianapolis and Salt Lake City, Democratic-backed campaign finance reform passed in Maine, Democrats expanded their legislative majority in New Jersey, a Democratic attorney general won re-election in Mississippi, and Koch-backed conservatives were bounced off Colorado school boards. Overall, Democrats had quite a day.
@ 5
There’s left and right. Not a whole lot of center left these days. The WA House is still left-leaning based upon current makeup, just less so.
IOW a bit more moderate.
And as far as the post not being about Republicans………
…rather than the Republicans who have pledged not to ever raise taxes ever, for any reason, under any circumstance, no matter what. You know, the Republicans who also oppose marriage equality, reproductive rights, gun responsibility, reducing carbon emissions, teaching evolution, and just about everything else the editors claim to endorse. A Republican Party that is so bereft of ideas or intellect (or, let’s be honest, morality) that it has elevated trickle-down-regurgitating student-harassing child-bride-marrying Matt Manweller to the status of rising fucking star.
… I’d say quite a bit of it IS about Republicans.
One could make an argument that nearly everything you live and breathe, Goldy, is about Republicans.
@6 As I said in a post yesterday, there’s a simple solution for people who can’t get health care in Kentucky: Move to another state. That state’s gain, Kentucky’s loss.
Honestly, I don’t see why workers put up with the vicious policies of GOP-controlled states. Nobody forces them to live there. You don’t have to put up with abuse. You can always move to a worker-friendlier climate. For example, I grew up in Wisconsin, but having chosen to be a public servant, I wouldn’t live or work there now. Washington’s gain, Scotty Walker’s loss.
ironic, isn’t it? It’s the working poor, the very “cheap labor” these cynical assholes depend upon who will end up leaving. Too “poor” to qualify for subsidies, and too “rich” to qualify for Medicaid. The perversity of what is going on in these states is only possible in a conservative utopia. Damned if I know who’s going to change their diapers when they get old.
@17 Remember when Alabama Republicans ran all the immigrants out of their state, and then their farmers couldn’t hire anyone to harvest their crops, and the state’s agricultural economy tanked?
Sometimes every vote REALLY counts. A Florida town picked its new mayor with a deck of cards on Tuesday, after machine and hand recounts confirmed the candidates were tied with 195 votes each. The winner drew the Ace of Clubs.
@ 18
Ask him if he remembers what he called Artur Davis.
Speaking of:
Artur Davis Goes to Court to Get Back Into Democratic Party
So, if being a Republican and black means you’re a minstrel, and you try to get back into the Democrat Party but you’re refused, does that mean you’re still a minstrel, Lib Sci?
@20 Explain how a private organization like a political party doesn’t have a constitutional right to choose its membership free of government or judicial interference?
There is a certain poverty of language here
It’s odd that the Seattle Times board doesn’t seem to realize we are already in moderation land. One vote one way or the other isn’t going to make much difference. Unless this is a shady way of saying we like Republicans, and this is some kind of attempt at journalistic balance.
Hope they have the times for the new Bond movie right. I suggest you all take a break and enjoy the movie. Take a break from real world politics. It will still be out there after the movie.
Don’t worry about the folks in Kentucky a little mountain dew will cure anything. And the new Gov may find taking away more difficult than expected as he’s back peddling now that he has been elected.
@15 A fifteen dollar minimum wage would have cured that little problem. Oh that’s right the Republicans don’t like minimum wage as those farmers don’t like paying workers. Oh well guess they enjoyed all that rotten fruit and vegies. Bet they got the tobacco crop in though.
@21 Because it is a political party. Also relying on an unwritten rule is questionable at best. It should matter more to them if he can win. Maybe he’s seen the light that he can win as a democrat. Certainly there are a few Republican office holders they would welcome with open arms if they decided to jump parties. To be the party of toleration and culture requires the ability to tolerate. Again can the man win the office with the parties support or will the Republicans get an easy win?
Ya think so?
Seems in the off presidential election years people actually vote on the issues – high information voters (HIVs). During the presidential election years the LIVs appear at the ballot box or poll location and vote on the best comedy scene or the best sound bite, not the issues. Otherwise Obummer would have lost to Heilary. Witness the Jimmy Kimmel and Jesse Watters man on the street videos where they prove DUMMOCRETINS really are LIVs.
So when WA State people look at the issues, DUMMOCRETINS stay home because they are not engaged? Or is it because DUMMOCRETINS have nothing more than a 30 second memory location in their neanderthal cranial orifices? We see that on this blog! Most all HA DUMMOCRETINS forget what was earlier posted in the same thread, not even counting what was posted yesterday! Since it wasn’t funny or a great sound bite, DUMMOCRETINS aren’t engaged while conservatives are always engaged even in the non-presidential election years!
Douche @20,
While I’m sure you find The Fuckwad’s siren song of unhinged schizophrenic word salad strangely attractive, let me assure you crazy is, well, crazy. As in unable to differentiate objective reality from the incessant whispering in his head and the soaring fits of grandiose ideation. So if a wall clock spontaneously engages in conversation with him one day and reveals to him the secret location of buried golden tablets that tell the future, and, plus, also, the secret identities of his evil foes, you might want to consider the source. Mmkay?
In short, I have absolutely no idea wtf you are on about here. I’ve never called anybody a “minstrel”. Can’t imagine doing so. Lacks accuracy most of the time. Tom Arnold. I could see calling him a “minstrel”.
What proof do you have that the people voting in off presidential years are high information voters? Do they cross party lines more willingly, or do they vote more along party lines? Is there proof that it’s not just more likely the party faithful get out of bed and go vote or thankfully have made sure they have mailed in their ballot? Perhaps some old fashion ideas of George Washington might bring out more voters. After all he did get voted into the House of Burgesses. Perhaps election day should be a holiday. Perhaps candidates should be allowed to ply voters with ale, wine and perhaps some of the candidates whiskey. That should get out high and low information voters.
Most political scientists believe low information voters tend to balance each other out.
I think your saying here is hogwash, and political scientists can’t make leap of saying this is fact you are. Seems you are saying things went your way. Perhaps just too many Democrats did not vote. Good for you.
Tom Arnold a minstrel? No way. The guy following Sir Robin in a certain film now he’s minstrel and a douche. A proper HA fellow!