Heh. My dad was a huge Joe Cocker fan. We must have went to see 5 or 6 of his shows.
He swilled that liquor quite a bit in those days – right on stage.
After I lost interest in his music, my Dad kept going to shows. He saw Cocker when he was completely dried out and then during the show credit his manager or whoever it was who helped him get sober.
Cocker was just at Emerald Queen. What a survivor. I can’t believe he’s still working.
Lex Talionisspews:
Um, apparently Jon lacks the creativity to come up with unique thread names. In this case, recycling isn’t a good thing for the environment.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 You’re lecturing us about recycling? A wingnut who doesn’t know a recycle bin from a horse’s ass? Seems to me someone who wants to teach brain surgeons should graduate from grammar school first.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Puddybutt, if you’re out there somewhere (and I know you are), I want to ask you a question.
Black-hating white supremacist walks into a public building. Black security guard holds the door open for him as a courtesy. He drills the security guard through the heart simply because he’s black. Doesn’t know the guy, never met him before, doesn’t know his family, just blows him away simply because he’s black.
Isn’t this something more than a random murder? Doesn’t it evoke memories of the era of KKK terrorism and lynchings?
In short, do you think this is some sort of “enhanced” crime that goes beyond mere murder? Do you believe it’s terrorism, or a “hate crime”? Should the law provide for a higher degree of culpability or a stiffer sentence for someone who murders a stranger simply out of hatred for the victim’s race?
In other words, do you think this sick, twisted, demented, sociopath should be prosecuted as a terrorist, or for committing a hate crime, rather than limiting the charges to ordinary garden-variety murder?
Roger Rabbitspews:
According to news reports, the security guard was shot with a .22 rifle, which a vest would easily stop. So, I assume the security guards at the Holocaust Museum weren’t issued vests. Why not? They’re cheap, and all police departments require their officers to wear them on duty. I’ll bet the Museum, or the firm that employs the security guards if the security services are contracted, will review their policies after this incident.
Liberals are associating the holocaust museum gunman with hate groups, but not military recruiting gunman. Weren’t they both influenced by hate groups? One by the white supremacist movement, the other by Islam.
According to David Duke, PhD, … oops … my Toaster Strudel™ is done. brb.
Lex Talionisspews:
@ 3 :
You’re lecturing us about recycling?
No, I don’t give a damn about you. I was lecturing Jon.
A wingnut who doesn’t know a recycle bin from a horse’s ass?
Even in your manic moments you cannot deny your unrequited loyalty to your dark master, “horses ass”. I’d say it’s pathetic, but that would be redundant.
Seems to me someone who wants to teach brain surgeons should graduate from grammar school first.
Does that sentence make sense to you, Roakill? or are you off your meds again? Since you brought up grammar though, maybe you should give that advice to Darryl since he appears to be the one who’s grammatically challenged.
@7: Idiot says:
Liberals are associating the holocaust museum gunman with hate groups
No, you moron, the right wing wacko who shot the black security guard is the one who “associated” himself with right wing hate groups – NOT LIBERALS.
wow, how stooopid can one troll be?
And Tiller, the guy who shot the Doctor at his church?
Another right wing wacko.
That’s right troll – claim those two as your own. Haters and right wing wackos. You hate blacks and Muslims and they hated blacks, Jews and anyone associated with legal abortions. They decided to kill people they disagreed with.
Then it’s settled. The holocaust museum shooter was born of a hate group (neo-Nazism), and the military recruiting station shooter was born of a hate group (Islam).
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Blew John wrote
Christianity is also a hate group.
Blew John, not paying much attention to the left wing whack-jobs here lately.
It’s your peeps who have been whipping the Christianity is a hate group meme here on HA swineflu weasels. GBS, Pelletizer and others recently posted this in previous threads about Christianity is also a hate group. While Puddy knows GBS is a proud Catholic, who knows what Pelletizer is. Also most other HA swineflu weasels are proud card carrying atheists.
That all Puddy gonna say on that subject. Too bad Blew John doesn’t pay attention to the leftist swineflu weasel comment details.
Nuff SAID Sucka!
Pay attention dude to your own peeps
Now you see itspews:
Can we stop arguing like 5 year olds? ALL this and ALL that. Islam is not a hate group because there are Islamic terrorists anymore than Christianity is a hate group because of the KKK. Nuts are nuts.
Think of it this way. There are nearly 1.5 billion Muslims. If many if not most were ‘evil terrorists’ we’d all be dead. An Army of 1.5 billion terrorists? How could we survive? There would be bombings in every city every day for centuries! Same with the KKK, if they represented all Christians there wouldn’t be any black, gay or Jewish people alive today.
Lets stop assuming crazy people represent anything other than themselves. Islam includes 1.5 billion people, 99.9% of which are not terrorists obviously. It includes the Sufi sect, which is the mystical tradition. Just like Christianity includes the Amish, Quakers…very different from the Catholics and Mormons.
Life is complex and messy…stop trying to over simplify it just to make yourself feel better.
Just because someone is a whack-job does not mean that any of us endorse his or her views or character. Since von Brunn hated people on the right as well as the left, your blind hatred is clouding what little you have left for a mind. For Pelletizer not to understand that is unbelievably sad.
We know von Brunn hated neocons, so it seems he’s on your playing field Pelletizer, since you and most HA swineflu weasel libtards like you hate neocons. He hated John McCain. Well now he entered clueless wonder territory (can’t get much lower on the mental food chain) with his McSame attacks. He hated the Weekly Standard. That means he hated Willaim Krystol and Fred Barnes. Well searching the HA swineflu weasel archives there are many attacks by the leftist pinheads here against both of them. He hated GWBush. OMG, this means he’s equivalent to every leftist pinhead here, from A to Z from FricknFrack to Jennie Tlaz, from Boeing Bob to Windie. Gollllllly Gomer, he fits the HA swineflu weasels to a T. He hated Dick Cheney. OMG, this means he’s equivalent to every leftist pinhead here, from A to Z from FricknFrack to Jennie Tlaz, from Boeing Bob to Windie. Gollllllly Gomer, he fits the HA swineflu weasels to a T. Some leftist asshole here used the term WHATADICK Cheney. Let’s see… that’s stillbentover with the black vibrator in his butt. Let’s see… that’s headless lucy, HA’s resident racist. Let’s see… that’s clueless wonder, it’s no wonder he’s still clueless. Let’s see… it’s rujax who likes house negroes better than field negroes, just like headless lucy. See where this goes with hatred Pelletizer. The NorthWest Division of Lunatic Swineflu Weasel Moonbat!s are haters just like John von Brunn.
Why didn’t the Holocaust Museum upgrade their security policy when the new sadministration came in? Why didn’t the messiah’s peeps change procedures once the soldier was killed in Arkansas? The fine black security guard worked worked for de guvmint, so why were they so slow to look at the problem and determine new procedures?
The man was a hater from way back.
Also there are more of him who think that way on the left.
Patrick Grimm (Clinton / Gore White House service)
John Kaminski – Phony Iraq War, 9/11 Inside Job —- Damn sounds like a NutsTooTight and rhp6033 commentary.
As they say The More You Know, The More You Know!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
You see NutsTooTight@10: people like Stephen Lendman, John Kaminski, John von Brunn, Patrick Grimm are your peeps. It’s coming out more and more your vaulted Talking Points Memo cannot independently verify that the postings they are trumpeting were written by James von Brunn, yet the are foaming at the mouth trying, trying to pin them on him.
If you remember NutsTooTight, it’s our side who want to track domestic terrorism and it’s your side who hates the Patriot Act. Kinda strange eh?
@15 – well said. Thank you.
it’s our side who want to track domestic terrorism
So why did your right wing peeps make fun of Janet Napolitano?
And before you split a nut, the ENTIRE clip is constructed from right wing sources.
Look at Joe laugh Stupes – aren’t you laughing with him? Laugh, laugh Stupes. It’s so right wing to laugh at Janet Napolitano. Don’t worry, be happy – be right wing!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Slipt a nut clueless wonder? Janet Napolitano clueless wonder? She’s as clueless as you are fool for what she said not what she’s doing you moron!
You are truly living up to your bottom rung of the HA swineflu weasel mental leftists.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
clueless wonder@19, why didn’t you listen to “now you see it” and “nolaguy” and STFU? They are your peeps so you can listen to them since you won’t listen to us whom think right.
It proves you are full of hatred, a real hater who doesn’t listen or reasons with anyone.
So sad and so typical.
Well “now you see it” did say “nuts are nuts” and everyone knows you are truly NUTZ!
20 – MORON! The Faux news fool at the end of the clip admitted she was RIGHT…
But you insane fools piled in on her because now you’re out of power and you’re DESPERATE to get back in.
All you want is power – the power to STEAL..
You’re all a bunch of kleptocratic FIENDS.
It proves you are full of hatred,
Oh now I’m full of hate.
What is laughing Joe full of?
What is Sean Insanity full of?
What are the Fox and Fiends full of?
What is that bloated whale on the radio full of?
Like you they’re full of shit.
who doesn’t listen or reasons with anyone.
LMAO!!! Project much fool???
All you’ve been about since the moment I saw the first comment from you back in Spring 2005 is NAME-CALLING..
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Yep you choose not to listen to your peeps above and you throw all that hatred on this site.
Oh so you ignore Keith ESPN Reject Olbermann?
Oh so you ignore Chris Tingling Leg Matthews?
Oh so you ignore Rachel MadCow Maddow?
The most ethical congress ever by Nancy Stretched Face Pelosi?
I will not have lobbyists in my sadministration – “the messiah” and then gets waiver after waiver?
How many tax cheats are in “the messiah’s” sadministration?
You are on a three legged stool with only one leg!
Speaking of name calling clueless wonder Puddy knows who called whom the first name right buttpacker? You did fool!
The Prosecution Rests with a loud Nuff SAID Sucka!
How does it feel to be the monomaniacal one, a real leftist mental midget? Not my name for ya but you were aptly named by a leftist pinhead.
Don’t worry I’ll wait for the next “fiend” comment from Pavlov’s dog
Bark now fool!
Deep calming breaths Puddy and YLB. Deep calming breaths…
Moron @ 25
All those peeps of mine you mention are good people – that goes without saying.
I’m focused on the FIENDS like you!
You’re about everything that went wrong with this country the last eight years..
Spew as much bullshit as you please like you did in 25..
It’s just deflection from your FAILURE and your UGLINESS.
You can run but you can’t hide. Now go run to the comforting skirts of your Limbaugh…
It’s kind of funny that the head of the RNC is:
You fools just can’t help being what you are – a bunch of thieves..
It’s just too funny…
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Michael, notice Puddy went away for a while. Pavlov’s Doggie appeared right on que. He doesn’t listen cuz he’s the lowest rung of the HA swineflu weasel libtard mental ladder with rujax and stillbentover.
Dumbest statement of the day
All those peeps of mine you mention are good people – that goes without saying.
Yep Keith, Chris, Rachel, Nancy Hate the Troops Pelosi, Jerrold Nadler, Louise Slaughter, etc. Gotta admit clueless wonder wanders with the clueless!
You are on a three legged stool with only one leg!
Keith? Progressives owe much to him. No comparison to O’Felafel man.
Chris? Little to NO respect for him.
Rachel? Strong progressive. She puts you fools in your place.
Pelosi? The bloom is a bit off that Rose. Compared to Hastert, Gingrich, DeLay? Shit.. No comparison.
Nadler? Don’t know anything about him.
Slaughter? Ditto..
Sucka? Shit.. You’re nothing but a FIEND shouting…
Plug in the earbuds fool. You can go back to Sean’s Insanity now…
You mean Sean Hannity who promised he’d be waterboarded for charity with Military Families being the benefactor.
Then, he totally pussied out when Keith Olbermann offered up $1000 PER SECOND for our military families, if Sean actually kept his promise to our military families.
Sean PUSSIED out because:
A) he’s not a man of his word
B) he’s a HUGE pussy
C) he does not support the troops
That Sean Hannity?
N’uff said.
32 – Yeah GBS I don’t know how these fools on the right expect to win back power with morons like that impotent sex tourist Limbaugh and that pitiful joke Hannity speaking for them.
Oh and look at that clip I posted in this thread. About halfway through. That Joe Scarborough is a total idiot. Such a poseur.
The right wing can wander in the wilderness forever. Couldn’t happen to a better crowd.
32 – and that coward Hannity wouldn’t last two seconds.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Look at post #31. And people wonder why Puddy calls him clueless. He’s clueless cuz he doesn’t know who is part and parcel of his party.
Nadler? Don’t know anything about him.
Slaughter? Ditto..
Why is that clueless wonder? They be big time progressives fool!
BTW Keith gets his ASS kicked in ratings by O’Reilly!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
GBS, I agree with you. Hannity should step up and be waterboarded like the Chicago guy.
just amazing
They be big time progressives
Nadler? I’ve heard the name. Don’t know his work.
Slaughter? She the lady from NY?
I don’t pretend to know it all unlike your ugly ass.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
That’s why you are a clueless clueless wonder, you don’t pay attention to the details. These are some of the fools who demand the photos be released against “the messiah’s” wishes!
Now HA’s faithful can see why you are an HA swineflu weasel mental bottom dweller. Fundamentally a moron. A real idiot.
the details.
Of your ugly party’s legacy is totally lost on your silly ass.
Yeah, the pictures should be released. The truth should be known. Some of us can handle the truth.
But I don’t condemn Obama for having the best interests of the country in mind. And yes, having him stay in office and maintain support in the Congress is DEFINITELY in this country’s best interest.
Been there done that with your ugly crowd.
Now HA’s faithful can see
that you’re a pathetic, butt-ugly name-caller.
Puddy @ 36:
WOW! It’s freaky Friday. You agreed with me and I agreed with Mr. Cynical today.
That’s it. I’m calling P.O.E.T.S Day.
Plus, it’s the Sabbath for you anyhow.
@42: GBS
Plus, it’s the Sabbath for you anyhow.
Is Puddy 7th day adventist?
Puddy: von Brunn was one of yours, period.
You can weasel all you want, but he was a member of the Liberty society, he wrote about Obamas “birth certificate” and he is against the Federal Reserve. Never seen a liberal with ANY of those positions and also never seen a liberal as part of the noe-nazi’s from Hayden Lake.
You must be hallucinating on some weird drugs to claim he is a lefty.
Yeah, he is not a neocon, he is an old-time conservative, racist, Nazi and bigot. The kind that makes up most of the current republican party. They just are not as vocal or as violent.
Just because he is a Jew-hater, black-hater and Israel-hater doesn’t make him any less part of the republican party – ask your good buddy (bigot) Man of Truth about that.
Marvin Stamnspews:
14. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
While Puddy knows GBS is a proud Catholic,
That explains why he is a homophobic bigot.
He was touched as a kid by the priests.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
NutsTooTight: Puddy ain’t weaseling NutsTooTight. Puddy posted the truth. Too bad it strikes you at the short hairs. Of course it explodes your simple view on the world but everything in post #16 isn’t refutable fool! He hated Bush just like you. He hated Cheney just like you. He hated McCain just like you. He hated neocons just like you. He hated the Weekly Standard just like you. He must be just like you!
Just because someone is a whack-job does not mean that any of us on the right ever endorsed his or her views or character. Since von Brunn hated people on the right as well as the left, your blind hatred is clouding your enfeebled mind. For NutsTooTight not to understand that is unbelievably sad.
Keep hope alive on von Brunn fool! If he’s an old-time racist then he must be a Dummocrapt!
Nazis are you guys, just like the Fascists.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Ohhhh Puddy forgot, he hated Bill O’Reilly just like you. He was a 9/11 Truther? Are you one too NutsTooTight?
Spin it anyway from Sunday. You can fold spindle or mutilate it but he comes up hating those things on the right. He hated Jews, like many on this web site. Are you one too NutsTooTight?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey NutsTooTight, looks like Whackminojob won again in Iran.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? I thought “the messiah” would change things per NutsTooTight!
lets see. the holocaust museum killer said the jews created obama. jeremiah wright said the jews wont let him near obama. so that means the man who was obamas religious guide for 20 years has the same mindset as a nazi killer, and obama never noticed
Heh. My dad was a huge Joe Cocker fan. We must have went to see 5 or 6 of his shows.
He swilled that liquor quite a bit in those days – right on stage.
After I lost interest in his music, my Dad kept going to shows. He saw Cocker when he was completely dried out and then during the show credit his manager or whoever it was who helped him get sober.
Cocker was just at Emerald Queen. What a survivor. I can’t believe he’s still working.
Um, apparently Jon lacks the creativity to come up with unique thread names. In this case, recycling isn’t a good thing for the environment.
@2 You’re lecturing us about recycling? A wingnut who doesn’t know a recycle bin from a horse’s ass? Seems to me someone who wants to teach brain surgeons should graduate from grammar school first.
Puddybutt, if you’re out there somewhere (and I know you are), I want to ask you a question.
Black-hating white supremacist walks into a public building. Black security guard holds the door open for him as a courtesy. He drills the security guard through the heart simply because he’s black. Doesn’t know the guy, never met him before, doesn’t know his family, just blows him away simply because he’s black.
Isn’t this something more than a random murder? Doesn’t it evoke memories of the era of KKK terrorism and lynchings?
In short, do you think this is some sort of “enhanced” crime that goes beyond mere murder? Do you believe it’s terrorism, or a “hate crime”? Should the law provide for a higher degree of culpability or a stiffer sentence for someone who murders a stranger simply out of hatred for the victim’s race?
In other words, do you think this sick, twisted, demented, sociopath should be prosecuted as a terrorist, or for committing a hate crime, rather than limiting the charges to ordinary garden-variety murder?
According to news reports, the security guard was shot with a .22 rifle, which a vest would easily stop. So, I assume the security guards at the Holocaust Museum weren’t issued vests. Why not? They’re cheap, and all police departments require their officers to wear them on duty. I’ll bet the Museum, or the firm that employs the security guards if the security services are contracted, will review their policies after this incident.
John wants to fuck the assholes of terrorists?
Liberals are associating the holocaust museum gunman with hate groups, but not military recruiting gunman. Weren’t they both influenced by hate groups? One by the white supremacist movement, the other by Islam.
According to David Duke, PhD, … oops … my Toaster Strudel™ is done. brb.
@ 3 :
No, I don’t give a damn about you. I was lecturing Jon.
Even in your manic moments you cannot deny your unrequited loyalty to your dark master, “horses ass”. I’d say it’s pathetic, but that would be redundant.
Does that sentence make sense to you, Roakill? or are you off your meds again? Since you brought up grammar though, maybe you should give that advice to Darryl since he appears to be the one who’s grammatically challenged.
@7: Idiot says:
No, you moron, the right wing wacko who shot the black security guard is the one who “associated” himself with right wing hate groups – NOT LIBERALS.
wow, how stooopid can one troll be?
And Tiller, the guy who shot the Doctor at his church?
Another right wing wacko.
That’s right troll – claim those two as your own. Haters and right wing wackos. You hate blacks and Muslims and they hated blacks, Jews and anyone associated with legal abortions. They decided to kill people they disagreed with.
So are you agreeing with me that Islam is a hate group?
@11. No. correctnotright is not.
But by Troll’s logic, Christianity is also a hate group.
Then it’s settled. The holocaust museum shooter was born of a hate group (neo-Nazism), and the military recruiting station shooter was born of a hate group (Islam).
Blew John wrote
Blew John, not paying much attention to the left wing whack-jobs here lately.
It’s your peeps who have been whipping the Christianity is a hate group meme here on HA swineflu weasels. GBS, Pelletizer and others recently posted this in previous threads about Christianity is also a hate group. While Puddy knows GBS is a proud Catholic, who knows what Pelletizer is. Also most other HA swineflu weasels are proud card carrying atheists.
That all Puddy gonna say on that subject. Too bad Blew John doesn’t pay attention to the leftist swineflu weasel comment details.
Nuff SAID Sucka!
Pay attention dude to your own peeps
Can we stop arguing like 5 year olds? ALL this and ALL that. Islam is not a hate group because there are Islamic terrorists anymore than Christianity is a hate group because of the KKK. Nuts are nuts.
Think of it this way. There are nearly 1.5 billion Muslims. If many if not most were ‘evil terrorists’ we’d all be dead. An Army of 1.5 billion terrorists? How could we survive? There would be bombings in every city every day for centuries! Same with the KKK, if they represented all Christians there wouldn’t be any black, gay or Jewish people alive today.
Lets stop assuming crazy people represent anything other than themselves. Islam includes 1.5 billion people, 99.9% of which are not terrorists obviously. It includes the Sufi sect, which is the mystical tradition. Just like Christianity includes the Amish, Quakers…very different from the Catholics and Mormons.
Life is complex and messy…stop trying to over simplify it just to make yourself feel better.
(PS – My god can beat up your god! FSM)
Now onto Pelletizer@4:
Just because someone is a whack-job does not mean that any of us endorse his or her views or character. Since von Brunn hated people on the right as well as the left, your blind hatred is clouding what little you have left for a mind. For Pelletizer not to understand that is unbelievably sad.
We know von Brunn hated neocons, so it seems he’s on your playing field Pelletizer, since you and most HA swineflu weasel libtards like you hate neocons. He hated John McCain. Well now he entered clueless wonder territory (can’t get much lower on the mental food chain) with his McSame attacks. He hated the Weekly Standard. That means he hated Willaim Krystol and Fred Barnes. Well searching the HA swineflu weasel archives there are many attacks by the leftist pinheads here against both of them. He hated GWBush. OMG, this means he’s equivalent to every leftist pinhead here, from A to Z from FricknFrack to Jennie Tlaz, from Boeing Bob to Windie. Gollllllly Gomer, he fits the HA swineflu weasels to a T. He hated Dick Cheney. OMG, this means he’s equivalent to every leftist pinhead here, from A to Z from FricknFrack to Jennie Tlaz, from Boeing Bob to Windie. Gollllllly Gomer, he fits the HA swineflu weasels to a T. Some leftist asshole here used the term WHATADICK Cheney. Let’s see… that’s stillbentover with the black vibrator in his butt. Let’s see… that’s headless lucy, HA’s resident racist. Let’s see… that’s clueless wonder, it’s no wonder he’s still clueless. Let’s see… it’s rujax who likes house negroes better than field negroes, just like headless lucy. See where this goes with hatred Pelletizer. The NorthWest Division of Lunatic Swineflu Weasel Moonbat!s are haters just like John von Brunn.
Why didn’t the Holocaust Museum upgrade their security policy when the new sadministration came in? Why didn’t the messiah’s peeps change procedures once the soldier was killed in Arkansas? The fine black security guard worked worked for de guvmint, so why were they so slow to look at the problem and determine new procedures?
The man was a hater from way back.
Also there are more of him who think that way on the left.
Patrick Grimm (Clinton / Gore White House service)
John Kaminski – Phony Iraq War, 9/11 Inside Job —- Damn sounds like a NutsTooTight and rhp6033 commentary.
As they say The More You Know, The More You Know!
You see NutsTooTight@10: people like Stephen Lendman, John Kaminski, John von Brunn, Patrick Grimm are your peeps. It’s coming out more and more your vaulted Talking Points Memo cannot independently verify that the postings they are trumpeting were written by James von Brunn, yet the are foaming at the mouth trying, trying to pin them on him.
If you remember NutsTooTight, it’s our side who want to track domestic terrorism and it’s your side who hates the Patriot Act. Kinda strange eh?
@15 – well said. Thank you.
So why did your right wing peeps make fun of Janet Napolitano?
And before you split a nut, the ENTIRE clip is constructed from right wing sources.
Look at Joe laugh Stupes – aren’t you laughing with him? Laugh, laugh Stupes. It’s so right wing to laugh at Janet Napolitano. Don’t worry, be happy – be right wing!
Slipt a nut clueless wonder? Janet Napolitano clueless wonder? She’s as clueless as you are fool for what she said not what she’s doing you moron!
You are truly living up to your bottom rung of the HA swineflu weasel mental leftists.
clueless wonder@19, why didn’t you listen to “now you see it” and “nolaguy” and STFU? They are your peeps so you can listen to them since you won’t listen to us whom think right.
It proves you are full of hatred, a real hater who doesn’t listen or reasons with anyone.
So sad and so typical.
Well “now you see it” did say “nuts are nuts” and everyone knows you are truly NUTZ!
20 – MORON! The Faux news fool at the end of the clip admitted she was RIGHT…
But you insane fools piled in on her because now you’re out of power and you’re DESPERATE to get back in.
All you want is power – the power to STEAL..
You’re all a bunch of kleptocratic FIENDS.
Oh now I’m full of hate.
What is laughing Joe full of?
What is Sean Insanity full of?
What are the Fox and Fiends full of?
What is that bloated whale on the radio full of?
Like you they’re full of shit.
LMAO!!! Project much fool???
All you’ve been about since the moment I saw the first comment from you back in Spring 2005 is NAME-CALLING..
Yep you choose not to listen to your peeps above and you throw all that hatred on this site.
Oh so you ignore Keith ESPN Reject Olbermann?
Oh so you ignore Chris Tingling Leg Matthews?
Oh so you ignore Rachel MadCow Maddow?
The most ethical congress ever by Nancy Stretched Face Pelosi?
I will not have lobbyists in my sadministration – “the messiah” and then gets waiver after waiver?
How many tax cheats are in “the messiah’s” sadministration?
You are on a three legged stool with only one leg!
Nuff Said SUCKA.
What a libtard LMAO fool!
Speaking of name calling clueless wonder Puddy knows who called whom the first name right buttpacker? You did fool!
The Prosecution Rests with a loud Nuff SAID Sucka!
How does it feel to be the monomaniacal one, a real leftist mental midget? Not my name for ya but you were aptly named by a leftist pinhead.
Don’t worry I’ll wait for the next “fiend” comment from Pavlov’s dog
Bark now fool!
Deep calming breaths Puddy and YLB. Deep calming breaths…
Moron @ 25
All those peeps of mine you mention are good people – that goes without saying.
I’m focused on the FIENDS like you!
You’re about everything that went wrong with this country the last eight years..
Spew as much bullshit as you please like you did in 25..
It’s just deflection from your FAILURE and your UGLINESS.
You can run but you can’t hide. Now go run to the comforting skirts of your Limbaugh…
It’s kind of funny that the head of the RNC is:
You fools just can’t help being what you are – a bunch of thieves..
It’s just too funny…
Michael, notice Puddy went away for a while. Pavlov’s Doggie appeared right on que. He doesn’t listen cuz he’s the lowest rung of the HA swineflu weasel libtard mental ladder with rujax and stillbentover.
Dumbest statement of the day
Yep Keith, Chris, Rachel, Nancy Hate the Troops Pelosi, Jerrold Nadler, Louise Slaughter, etc. Gotta admit clueless wonder wanders with the clueless!
You are on a three legged stool with only one leg!
Nuff Said SUCKA.
Ugliness? Not hardly fool! U’s one of the most ugly here with your continual hatred!
What a libtard LMAO fool!
Idiot @ 30
No I meant peeps posting in this thread.
As for the rest?
Keith? Progressives owe much to him. No comparison to O’Felafel man.
Chris? Little to NO respect for him.
Rachel? Strong progressive. She puts you fools in your place.
Pelosi? The bloom is a bit off that Rose. Compared to Hastert, Gingrich, DeLay? Shit.. No comparison.
Nadler? Don’t know anything about him.
Slaughter? Ditto..
Sucka? Shit.. You’re nothing but a FIEND shouting…
Plug in the earbuds fool. You can go back to Sean’s Insanity now…
You mean Sean Hannity who promised he’d be waterboarded for charity with Military Families being the benefactor.
Then, he totally pussied out when Keith Olbermann offered up $1000 PER SECOND for our military families, if Sean actually kept his promise to our military families.
Sean PUSSIED out because:
A) he’s not a man of his word
B) he’s a HUGE pussy
C) he does not support the troops
That Sean Hannity?
N’uff said.
32 – Yeah GBS I don’t know how these fools on the right expect to win back power with morons like that impotent sex tourist Limbaugh and that pitiful joke Hannity speaking for them.
Oh and look at that clip I posted in this thread. About halfway through. That Joe Scarborough is a total idiot. Such a poseur.
The right wing can wander in the wilderness forever. Couldn’t happen to a better crowd.
32 – and that coward Hannity wouldn’t last two seconds.
Look at post #31. And people wonder why Puddy calls him clueless. He’s clueless cuz he doesn’t know who is part and parcel of his party.
Why is that clueless wonder? They be big time progressives fool!
BTW Keith gets his ASS kicked in ratings by O’Reilly!
GBS, I agree with you. Hannity should step up and be waterboarded like the Chicago guy.
just amazing
Nadler? I’ve heard the name. Don’t know his work.
Slaughter? She the lady from NY?
I don’t pretend to know it all unlike your ugly ass.
That’s why you are a clueless clueless wonder, you don’t pay attention to the details. These are some of the fools who demand the photos be released against “the messiah’s” wishes!
Now HA’s faithful can see why you are an HA swineflu weasel mental bottom dweller. Fundamentally a moron. A real idiot.
Of your ugly party’s legacy is totally lost on your silly ass.
Yeah, the pictures should be released. The truth should be known. Some of us can handle the truth.
But I don’t condemn Obama for having the best interests of the country in mind. And yes, having him stay in office and maintain support in the Congress is DEFINITELY in this country’s best interest.
Been there done that with your ugly crowd.
that you’re a pathetic, butt-ugly name-caller.
Puddy @ 36:
WOW! It’s freaky Friday. You agreed with me and I agreed with Mr. Cynical today.
That’s it. I’m calling P.O.E.T.S Day.
Plus, it’s the Sabbath for you anyhow.
@42: GBS
Is Puddy 7th day adventist?
Puddy: von Brunn was one of yours, period.
You can weasel all you want, but he was a member of the Liberty society, he wrote about Obamas “birth certificate” and he is against the Federal Reserve. Never seen a liberal with ANY of those positions and also never seen a liberal as part of the noe-nazi’s from Hayden Lake.
You must be hallucinating on some weird drugs to claim he is a lefty.
Yeah, he is not a neocon, he is an old-time conservative, racist, Nazi and bigot. The kind that makes up most of the current republican party. They just are not as vocal or as violent.
Just because he is a Jew-hater, black-hater and Israel-hater doesn’t make him any less part of the republican party – ask your good buddy (bigot) Man of Truth about that.
That explains why he is a homophobic bigot.
He was touched as a kid by the priests.
NutsTooTight: Puddy ain’t weaseling NutsTooTight. Puddy posted the truth. Too bad it strikes you at the short hairs. Of course it explodes your simple view on the world but everything in post #16 isn’t refutable fool! He hated Bush just like you. He hated Cheney just like you. He hated McCain just like you. He hated neocons just like you. He hated the Weekly Standard just like you. He must be just like you!
Just because someone is a whack-job does not mean that any of us on the right ever endorsed his or her views or character. Since von Brunn hated people on the right as well as the left, your blind hatred is clouding your enfeebled mind. For NutsTooTight not to understand that is unbelievably sad.
Keep hope alive on von Brunn fool! If he’s an old-time racist then he must be a Dummocrapt!
Nazis are you guys, just like the Fascists.
Ohhhh Puddy forgot, he hated Bill O’Reilly just like you. He was a 9/11 Truther? Are you one too NutsTooTight?
Spin it anyway from Sunday. You can fold spindle or mutilate it but he comes up hating those things on the right. He hated Jews, like many on this web site. Are you one too NutsTooTight?
Hey NutsTooTight, looks like Whackminojob won again in Iran.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? I thought “the messiah” would change things per NutsTooTight!
lets see. the holocaust museum killer said the jews created obama. jeremiah wright said the jews wont let him near obama. so that means the man who was obamas religious guide for 20 years has the same mindset as a nazi killer, and obama never noticed
Hows that hope and change workin for ya?