So yesterday was the ten year anniversary of the not guilty verdict for Bill Clinton at his Senate impeachment trial.
Shortly after I called Slade Gorton’s office that day in early 1999 to promise that Gorton would be defeated for voting to convict, some pussy called my phone and left a message pretending to be from the IRS, threatening me with an audit. I knew it was bullshit because the stupid fuck sounded like some young dumb fascist idiot. You know, a typical Republican.
Anyhow, I never could find out who it was, but to all the former Slade Gorton staffers out there, fuck you. Journalists may have to play pretend, but regular people know and remember how we were treated. Again, fuck you, you stupid Slade Gorton staffer. Who’s laughing now?
Oh wait, I do remember who called me. But I’ll just keep that to myself for now.
And Fuck Bi-partisanshit. I swear to God, the next time a journalist starts in about “bi-partisanship” I’m going to tear my lush, luxurious head of hair out. There is no bi-partisanship with these people, they are insane and their supposedly reasonable (“Moderate!”) leaders and workers have been insane for a very long time.
People who work for Congress should not call constituents and threaten them with retaliation from the IRS. That’s fascist bullshit, and the fact that anyone in the cesspool would find it acceptable kind of tells you what kind of sick minds we are dealing with. This kind of shit pre-dated Bush the Younger.
To bring it up to the present day, Obama can give good press conference all he wants. It’s awesome and he even inspires a cynic like me. But his administration needs to fully understand that the Republican Party is composed of political sociopaths, and deal with them accordingly.
you are dissing some young little fascist puke who is a HERO!
I’ll bet you that after 9-11 that white frat boy ran off to the United States Marines or the Airborn, and has been jumping outta helicopters in places like Ramadi and Sadr City for the last 8 years!
Or maybe he’s doing junkie sex tours with Rush?
HOPEFULLY he’s broke his ass working for the slave owners he enabled, and 40 or 75% of his hard earned 401(k) has gone POOF to the fascist phoney free-to-rob marketers.
he did all that after 9/11 and he’s a white boy puke, you say? well, he’d be pissed to know that 9/11 was a mossad job, and because the media is jew owned they did very little reporting on all the mossad agents arrested by the fbi since then. puke
Hmmm Jonny boy seems pissed that a sitting U.S. president was held accountable for committing perjury.
Apparently Jon isn’t a fan of the U.S. Constitution.
…and by the way Jonny, Clinton was impeached by the people i.e. the House of Representatives, but not removed by the Senate.
Jon per the US Constitution:
The House has the sole power of impeaching, while the Senate has the sole power to litigate the impeachments. If convicted by 2/3’s of Senate, the person is removed.
Clinton was impeached but not convicted and removed.
But as most libtards on this blog, don’t let facts get in the way of a “good” thread header…
When Jon is done with his irrational liberal diaper soiling, remind him that Gorton voted NOT GUILTY on Bubba’s “Perjury” charge, however, he voted him GUILTY on the “obstruction of justice” charge.
The Arkansas Hillbilly was guilty on both counts, so I’m not sure why Gorton voted that bizaare way, but anyway, now, Jon has …..the rest of the story.
YIKES the Bill Clinton Derangement syndrome, still, 10 years on the regurgitans (fka Republicans) STILL obsess on bill clinton’s junk! He was guilty of having an AFFAIR and Lying about it, CERTAINLY A CAPITAL OFFENSE (and dangerous to the constitution) and ALL his staff ALL were compelled to testify before and ANSWER AND BE PRESENT due to SUBPOENAS, you know you regurgitans ALL were SO concerned about the RULE OF LAW……oh NEVERMIND as it appears the Rule of Law, like other laws and treaties DON’T APPLY if you are a Regurgitan
Um, dumbass, it was Jon DeVore that wrote the thread sunshine. We’re just responding to it. Oh, and you forgot about that little thing called Perjury before congress. Read up on your U.S. Constitution sometime when you have the time TomDem.
Bi-partisanship is a two way street. The Republicans have no interest in it, and Obama should simply make that point regarding his efforts. Once they are willing to come to the table, then he should welcome them, but Boehner and McConnell have clearly decided that they intend to bitch and moan for the next four years.
I’m sure voters won’t reward them for it.
One other thing about bi-partisanship. We cannot continue to live in a country that flip flops between policies each time a Democrat replaces a Republican or a Republican replaces a Democrat in the White House. I want to see Obama establish lasting change that continues after he is gone and continues during the next Republican administration we have to suffer through. For that to happen, he needs to shift the debate, the country and the opposition in a profound way. I believe that is what he is trying to do.
We have to keep thinking long term, to protect the country from future reversals.
Rick D @ 7 said: “…Oh, and you forgot about that little thing called Perjury before congress….”
The perjury charge was related to his statements in a deposition in a private lawsuit financed by The Rutherford Institute (a right-wing interest group) on behalf of Paula Jones. Clinton never testified under oath before Congress, so he couldn’t be charge with “perjury before Congress”.
Richard is correct, in a sense. Clinton lied under oath in the Jones case as discovered by the assigned special prosecutor Ken Starr who was to report back to congress his findings. He did so:
It’s a difference with little distinction. No matter how you slice it, the man obstructed justice and committed perjury, and no one in America is above the U.S. Constitution. Even a Democrat President.
What Jon said.
Although it’s costing the nation hundreds of billions in lazy dollars, perhaps by trying out bipartisanship, Obama is running a valuable experiment that will debunk Democratic bipartisanship once and for all.
I hope that, unlike Bush, Obama will learn from his mistakes and change tactics when he discovers that “bipartisanship” is not working.
Rick D:
You must have been for the impeachment of Bush for his violations of the Constitutions, right?
@12- Maybe you can line out the extensive list you’ve put together Mike…Like going to war with congressional approval and all that…
If he supports obama and his theft of the census for political reasons, of course he doesn’t care about the constitution.
And those violations are?
How do you feel about bush’s eschelon program. Constitutional or not.
“There is no bi-partisanship with these people, they are insane and their supposedly reasonable (‘Moderate!’) leaders and workers have been insane for a very long time.”
I couldn’t agree with you more, Jon (not “John”; our fucking trolls not only can’t spell other people’s names correctly, they can’t even spell their own fucking names right!). There’s no bipartisanship with Republicans; it’s all-or-nothing with them, so fuck ’em, let’s make sure they always get nothing, as in N – O – T – H – I – N – G !!! No tax cuts, no deregulation, no corporate welfare, no earmarks … NOTHING!! As far as I’m concerned, the GOP panhandlers should go hungry until the Rapture carries them away.
@1 What makes you think a Republican blockhead could survive jumping out of helicopters for 8 minutes let alone 8 years? The Taliban wouldn’t have to shoot him; he’d put the rappel device on backwards and break his fucking neck.
@2 Yeah sure, and that bright light in the evening sky is an alien spaceship coming to haul your ass away, not a planet.
The fucking Jon-moron calls Republicans sociopaths?
From 2002:
“An official with the Internal Revenue Service (senior IRS official Paul Breslan) has admitted that legal opponents of former President Bill Clinton were singled out for tax audits, according to court documents made public this week.”
“As the Judicial Watch complaint notes, the Clinton IRS also went after organizations and even media companies it perceived as politically hostile, including:
The National Rifle Association, The Heritage Foundation, The National Review, The American Spectator, Freedom Alliance, National Center for Public Policy Research, American Policy Center, American Cause, Citizens Against Government Waste, Citizens for Honest Government, Progress and Freedom Foundation, Concerned Women for America and the San Diego Chapter of Christian Coalition.
Fox News Channel analyst Bill O’Reilly, a frequent critic of Bill and Hillary Clinton, has also pointed out how the IRS has repeatedly audited him.
The political nature of the Judicial Watch’s audit seems particularly blatant.
“The IRS asked for our political affiliations in the first notice of audit,” Klayman told NewsMax.
When he questioned why auditors wanted to know about the group’s political ties, an IRS district director said the information had been deemed “relevant.”
Worse still, each time Judicial Watch seemed to make legal headway against the White House, the IRS ratcheted up the pressure.
“When we would accomplish something big, like the criminal finding by Judge Royce Lamberth against Clinton in the Kathleen Willey Privacy Act case, our lawyers would get a call saying, ‘We just want you to know that Judicial Watch is still on the IRS’s radar screen,'” Klayman said.
“The same thing happened when we revealed the White House e-mail scandal,” he added. ”
Fucking Democrats make Nixon look like an unconcerned passer-by.
@3 Yeah right, we should impeach a twice-elected president for lying in a private lawsuit about his sex life, which is nobody’s damn business. Yet you look the other way at warmongering, torturing, and illegal domestic spying by your party’s leaders. You’re a piece of work, you hypocritical swine.
He wasn’t impeached for the philandering offense roadkill, he was impeached for committing perjury and obstructing justice post facto. Last time I read the U.S. Constitution, the rules applied to everyone, and not those with a ‘D’ by their name or even the favorite political figure of deranged, furry creatures with anger management problems in his personal life.
Hmm. Remember stupes, It was Democrats that also approved the war in Iraq and last time I checked, there were no illegal actions committed by the Bush Administration since no one has been able to successfully bring charges forward. Some Cheese to go with that whine?
Rick D. – How does it feel to be a hypocrite AND stupid?
There is documented evidence of Bush lying to congress to get approval for the Iraq war – impeachable offence.
Documented evidence that Bush approved torture and that is breaking a signed treaty (the Geneva convention) – impeachable offence.
Dopcumented evidence Bush approved illegal wiretapping (breaking the Constitutional language on illegal search and seizure) – impeachable offence.
Documented evidence that Bush and Rove used political influence in the Justice department. Impeachable offence.
These are HIGH crimes – lying in a private lawsuit pushed by right wing hacks to embarass the President – that was hardly an impeachable offence.
If you can’t tell the difference then maybe you DO need that frontal lobotomy (although I doubt there will be much frontal lobe to remove).
The latest republican lie: supposedly 30 million in the stimulus package to get rid of mice in Pelosi’s district. The only problem – there is no provision in the bill that says that and there is no wetland restoration in Pelosi’s district.
Typical republican crap – make things up and whine loudly. You wonder why there is no bipartisanship?
Because there are no rea lbipartisan partners. The GOP is the Hamas of US politics – you can’t negotiate with whiners and liars. Obama reached out and got a closed fist back from the brain-impaired party.
Pardon me for interrupting this nice little flame fest, but perjury and obstruction of justice involve lies and deceit about material facts. You can lie, under oath, about your age, for example, and it’s usually not perjury.
And, while Clinton was cited for contempt of court, no judge ever ruled on the evidentiary question of materiality. So, anyone who says that Clinton committed perjury is stating an opinion, not established fact.
You may now return to your regularly-scheduled flame fest.
Jon D still proudly wears his Clinton DNA, @3 and @4. Cut him some slack. Can’t expect him to have a functioning brain and to know things when he’s got Bill’s cigar in his mouth and Bill’s dick up his ass.
So many left-wingnuts say that but never get around to backing it up.
WMDs are a slam dunk was not a bush lie.
Of course the case could be made that bush was stupid to believe a clinton nominee, but stupid and lying isn’t the same.
@25: Except that:
bush had classified intelligence from the guy who should know – Iraqs former director of WMDs that there were none – and chose to ignore that info and no let it see the light of day.
so many ignorant right-wingers were fooled into an unnecessary war….
Back on topic: bipartisanship:
The real reason Gregg quit – his longtime staffer was just named as Staffer F in the the Abramoff scandal guilty plea of Todd Boulanger.
It wasn’t his “stand on the budget” or the flap over the census – it was the usual republican problem – corruption. He also said he won’t run in 2010 – maybe because he will be in jail or politically crippled. Another republican bites the dust.
Yup – and this corrupt guy is a republican hero, alright.
Bring it on, fuckers.
That’s a good one. The president can re-organize the Executive Branch as he pleases. And your opinion of his motives is worth what we paid for it.
Dr NotRight:
C-SPAN’s Washington Journal program had Leon Panetta on Monday morning October 28, 2003. Leon said that President Clinton received the same intelligence info about Iraq’s WMD’s as President Bush did. All previous presidents get the info. I realize facts hurt your eyes.
Previously placed on this blog by Puddy. Puddy admits this was probably before Dr NotRight arrived here, but he rejects all the facts provided so far…
Maybe you should read this from Leon also Dr NotRight…
www. commonwealthclub. org/ archive /03/03-02 panetta-qa. html
“Q: Do you want to comment at all on the situation with Iraq? should be done differently?
A: I think that Saddam Hussein is a threat in that part of the world. I think that, indeed, he should be required to disarm in fulfillment of the UN resolutions and also because for years we have basically known that he’s had weapons of mass destruction. He himself has been obligated not only through his own word, but also through the word of the United Nations to disarm.”
I had to split the URL up for you.
22. correctnotright spews:
…I don’t know, I haven’t asked you yet.
You quoted but didn’t include a link.
Illiteracy in action: I give you Correctnotright …it’s offense you dumbshit…..not offence. This time you can’t claim a typo.hahahaha
Then bring it before a court of law or shut your fucking pie hole.
…and of course you have evidence to put forth. So take your head out of your ass and present it.
Apparently not since…you may have noticed, no charges have been brought forward.
Put the evidence forth then…at least then we can stop hearing you whine in here about make believe evidence that exists only in your deluded mind.
um, hey dumbass, Perjury and obstruction of justice by a sitting president is high crimes, which is why the Arkansas hillbilly was impeached for his crimes.
oh come on, stop all this fighting. i just realized how to fix our society so we can “all just get along”. lets make all issues just like the holocust, you cant argue them. so, if it has been said, then thats that. no denying it. so that takes care of speech. as for protesting, lets use the abortion clinic tool, you can not protest within 36 feet of “anything”. so thar ya go.
I saw Slade Gorton a week or so ago. He is shorter than I expected and his head is rather large for his frame. Sort of the head you would expect on a person about 6’5″ on a 5’9″ body.
He is 81 and he spoke pretty well for being 81.
Iam stil wating for al the freestuff Barak Obama promsed us americans. i shoodnt have to work now shood i? i mean obama is presidenct isnt he? i realy tired of wating arnt u?
So many F-bombs here (what, like that’s a surprise?) that one can’t even get through to the main point.
That the assumptions in De Vore’s rant are taken as fact in this thread boggles my mind. Why do HA commenters fall for this crap?
First, we have only his word (no proof) that he actually received a phone call from someone “claiming to be with the IRS”. Then, because alleged call was “shortly after” De Vore’s call to Sen. Gorton’s office (define shortly, De Vore – a week? a month? a year?) he leaps to the conclusion that this alleged call was from a Gorton staffer. Carrying the fantasy further, the staffer is a “young, dumb, fascist idiot”. (Wow – all that from an alleged phone call? ) Finally, he implies he knows who the caller was. Hey De Vore? Who WAS the caller? And what proof can you offer?
Isn’t there another side to this (and every) story?
Wake up HA commenters! Why do you allow yourselves to be drawn into this BS? De Vore could very well be making it up and you drink in his allegations like syrup.
If rant-spewing bloggers ever want to complete with main stream journalists or even op-ed writers, they’ll need to offer a smidgen of rudimentary proof to make their rants semi-believable.
(Not so) nice try, De Vore.
Well, I called the offices of Murray and Cantwell to voice my opposition to the so-called stimulus.
Shortly thereafter I got a robo call from a 303 area code jabbering Spanish. Although I don’t speak Spanish, it did sound like a liberal. Then I heard on the news that there was some kind of phishing (by phone) scam going on that targeted spanish speakers. You can’t tell me it was a coincidence.
Bi Partisan really means the Repubs have to cave to the will of the Dems.
So now they are finally getting hip to it and standing united it’s all about obstructionism?
First off: The Dem’s do this ALL THE TIME and it all good right?
Second: Just to get it straight 3 outlyers who vote with the Dems DOES NOT constitute Republican support any more than when the same happens on the other side.
When gov’t becomes the biggest “business” and can’t tax profits they don’t make as they produce NOTHING….where will we be then?
In the mean time bash away at the concepts of captialism and personal property…things that made this country.
You are the real fascists.