ABC, CBS and CNN have called the governor’s race for Chris Gregoire.
Four years ago I cut my teeth as a blogger defending the legitimacy of Gov. Gregoire’s election from the mean spirited and misleading attacks of Stefan Sharkansky and the (un)SoundPolitics crowd, and while she ultimately won at the polls and won in the courts, she lost in the court of public opinion. So had Dino Rossi won this rematch, largely on the strength of the lies spread during the election contest, Stefan would have won and I would have lost.
Yeah, I know… I’ve once again personalized an election, but hell, if that’s what it takes to motivate me, that’s my business. I’ll post some more cogent commentary tommorrow, but for the moment all I know is that I kicked Stefan’s ass, and that’s a sweet victory in itself.
Yes, it is. Enjoy it. As much as Stefan is writhing with anger and frustration. :)
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee … crash … burn …
Wingnuts, you are yesterday! Your franchise is a smoking crater.
Roger, welcome home. Welcome home.
Two bunches of virtual carrots for you for your work today in the precinct. Your service is appreciated and noted.
No Party For Roger Rabbit
No DL party. No dancing in the downtown streets. I worked at a poll from 6 AM to 10 PM, and I have 2 days of Democratic Party observer duties ahead of me. Someone has to do this work to get the votes counted — and to make sure nothing weird happens to these historic victories. Your rabbit, at your service, and serving America.
I remember Chris Vance calling upon Christine Gregoire to “do the honorable thing” and concede the election before the first recount in 2004, and my immediate though was, “You hypocrite!”
So, will Chris Vance prove my wrong by calling on Dino Rossi to do the honorable thing and concede this election?
Goldy: I told my wife that I wanted to e-mail all my conservative relatives and tell them to KISS MY ASS!!!
I had finally prevailed on a world wide basis!!!! Politically speaking.
She’s not in favor of it — but she’s not entirely against it either — so I think I will.
“I’m gonna fuck ya hard, and I’m gonna fuck ya slow….” George Carlin
Sound politics speaks for it’s constituents, I think the big na ha ha goes to the Seattle Times. They have got some ass covering to do.
That’s what Reichert called the election workers and pollworkers who toiled from early morning darkness to late evening to process a record number of ballots — some of whom are still working through the night as I type these words.
Fuck you, Dave.
I think this post is inappropriate. This is not about you and Stefan. Yes, Stefan has been juvenile and inappropriate in his repeated references to “Mrs. Gregoire” and “Fraudoire”, but that would be just as true regardless of who won the 2008 rematch. You should call him on his poor behavior, not try to match it — and anyway, your gutter language pales in the face of his creatively obnoxious humor.
Hear, hear! We’ve hung out here a long time just for this moment, to see the ugly clown ship of orange-clad nutjobs sink to the bottom of Greenlake led by the loony pied-piper of the (un)SP mis-enterprise.
He’s been a bit quiet lately, preferring to chime in from time to time while the rest of the motley crew especially the execrable Earling handles the day to day.
May he (Sharansky) sink ever further into ignominy and irrelevance.
Bruce, you miss the point. Stefan poisoned the well four years ago, kept it up, and lost. He richly deserves ridicule. What he did goes far beyond poor behavior.
@3 Thank you. I’m glad someone appreciates it. In fact, I know many people do. I know of one who chose this occasion to find fault with the election system and those who make it work because re-election wasn’t handed to him on a silver platter 15 minutes after the polls closed. (See #8) We didn’t even get out of my polling place until after 10 PM because there were so many ballots to process.
re 4: Thank you for your service.
@9 Fuck you. This isn’t your night. IT’S OUR NIGHT!!!
The networks have been wrong before. I’ll wait until morning to believe she’s won.
@3 Thanks. I need ’em.
[crunch crunch crunch]
@15 You can wait until kingdom come if you like.
@10 “sink to the bottom of Greenlake”
That reminds me. I need to take a leak. The lake is right outside my burrow.
Aaron@11, you miss my point. Yes, Stefan poisoned the well, and he deserves to be attacked for it. But that would be just as true regardless of whether Gregoire or Rossi won this time. And he deserves to be attacked with criticism for encouraging a toxic environment and ridicule for dumb politics, not with even more juvenile obscenities, and not because Gregoire got re-elected.
@19 The whole toxic mess the Republican Party has become deserves to be attacked. No … it deserves to be gone. Replaced with something else, something more constructive, something more respectable, something American.
re 19: You lost. Go away. Your whole party’s philosophy (GOP … Republican) is to win at any cost.
And you lost to a party whose philosophy is to help the greatest amount of people possible.
So, the lesson is this: You are weak, mean spirited, and a loser.
Memo To America’s Republicans
We held an election today. That’s how we decide things in this country. You lost. Shut up and sit down.
Thank you Roger. Of such as you is democracy made.
@23 Thankew thankew, I gotta crawl into my hold tomorrow because I’m working for the Democratic Party tomorrow. Gotta make sure the votes cast for our candidates don’t melt away in the counting rooms. Can’t trust the Repudiateds.
Good job kicking Stefan’s ass. Those wingnuts are so totally defeated. They made it worse for themselves by living in an alternate universe. Gregoire survived a massive negative campaign from Dinosaur and will go on to serve a successful second term while Dino goes back into BIAW’s smoke filled rooms to prepare for the next campaign.
Headless lucy@21, do you tell strong Gregoire supporters like me to “go away” when we advocate respectful discourse? Sheesh. And even if I give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn’t actually read my post before attacking it, your remarks are uncalled for.
re 24: The ‘ground game’,Roger, The ground game.
Your efforts count!
re 26: I’m a rational and thoughtful adult. Don’t you think your efforts would bear more fruit on ‘My Space’?
Let’s hope we’ve seen the hind end of Rossi in Washington politics. After watching their $12 million go down another Rossi rathole his backers might think twice about wasting any more money on him.
Goldy, see what you’ve wrought? Commenters at SoundPolitics often complain about the intolerance of Democrats in general and this site in particular, and you’re playing into their hands. I think there is plenty of intolerance both here and on SP; there’s no point in comparing the numbers of jerks because we’re talking about the fringe on both sides. But when you encourage this behavior rather than deal with real issues, you make yourself, your readers, and your cause look bad.
Wow. You people are morons, like Gregoire is. There is *no justification* for calling the election for Gregoire. The vote isn’t even halfway counted. There’s no useful exit polls, there’s no models for the late voting. There is no reason to think it won’t break Rossi’s way, except that you don’t want it to. There’s no actual mathematical reason to hand it to Gregoire at this point.
Typical liberals: why do you hate science so much?
HEY STEFAN! I KNOW YOU READ THIS BLOG. How’s your lawsuit against Dean Logan and King County Elections coming along? What return did the generous donors to your “legal action fund” get on their investment? Why are you so quiet about this? I expect you’re gonna be quiet about a lot of things from now on.
@31 “Beautiful dreamer … ” (or however that goes)
[Background noise of rabbit plucking ukelele)
re 31: Mean People Rock! I guess you righties didn’t understand the forces you were unleashing.
Ain’t no walk in the park now, is it?
Typical liberals: why do you hate science so much?
8 years of faith-based initiatives?
Typical liberals: why do you hate science so much?
gets in the way of creations?
signing off for tonite
Don’t worry, trollfucks, I’ll be back to mete out justice to you after my election work is finished.
why is elizabeth dole saying (on c-span now) that she wants democratic nc senator-elect kay hagan to get help from god now when dole was telling voters that hagan doesn’t believe in god the other day? is this more typical liberal science-hating shit?
can we impeach kemper freeman now that I-1000 passed?
Obviously, you haven’t been around here much. So, taking you at your word that you aren’t simply one of our resident wingnut trolls, perhaps you should try reading the beginning post of this thread, rather than just the title.
Many of the folks around here have tried to have polite discussions with the folks over at unSP, only to be either shouted down or banned. Mr. Sharanski does not tolerate intelligent comments from the left. He seems happy enough to allow unintelligent ranting, but tends to ban anyone that can out-think him, which includes many here.
So, this thread is not so much about Governor Gregoire’s victory. We’re all thrilled with that, but it isn’t the topic here.
This thread is just a bit of joyful gloating, celebrating a triumph over a person and group that have insulted and belittled many of us.
Yes, the thought of Mr. Sharanski, sitting and fuming over a margin of victory too large for him to spin as being anything other than a repudiation of his favored candidate brings a smile to many of us, entirely separate from the pleasure of getting our Governor reelected.
Is that petty? Yes, a bit. But many here have endured enough pettiness from the other side that we should be forgiven our little moment.
And, if a bit of bad language bothers you, I would ask why you would come to a blog named “horsesass” in the first place. I would think that the name would be a clue that this place gets a bit rowdy.
Complaining about a bit of bad language here is like going into a bar and complaining that folks are drinking.
And while I don’t generally use that language myself, I sincerely hope that Mr. Sharanski and all those fine folks over at unSP take the following quote from one of my favorite cartoon characters as a reflection of my heartfelt appreciation of them.
“Thbbbt!” – Bill the Cat.
oops, I-1. just kill me now.
re 41: Thanks for the thoughtful and semi-polite statement about those bloody, useless asshole Republican losers.
But, in the terse spirit of Hemingway, I do believe that I have expressed the same.
John@41, I am around here a lot. I can assure you I am not a “wingnut troll”; I vehemently attack Stefan and his acolytes at SP in about 99% of my posts there. (I rarely post here because HA comments threads are even less constructive than SP threads.)
I approve of attacking Stefan’s tactics and ridiculing their failure. But personal attacks, gloating, and Goldy’s headline (which is not just “a bit of bad language” for emphasis or humor) won’t impress or persuade anyone. Nor does it make the job of the victors any easier.
Are many people at SP just as bad? Absolutely — and I regularly point that out. But it bothers me even more when it comes from people I agree with, because it reflects badly on my beliefs. And it’s a pathetic way to celebrate a great victory.
pudge, with your immense “science” knowledge, I’m sure you’ve noticed that the county with the lowest percentage of votes counted is both the largest (by far) in the state and the one with the highest Gregoire percentage. And that the other two counties that have counted the fewest votes are both strongly behind the Governor and among the largest in the state.
The current margin, amazingly, will probably increase by the time it’s over. A royal, and richly deserved, ass-kicking.
It’s 2.00 AM, do you know who your governor is?
She’s won it!
Now I believe it. Our gal’s up by 106K with 1.5M votes counted.
This is what 8 years of Rovian Republicanism brings out in people who’ve had enough. It’s nice to see that there are people who want to engage in intelligent discourse, but that’s what we do amongst ourselves here, ignoring the pathetic little trollfucks that infest our board. But our discussions, arguments, and outright pissing matches underscore a basic fact:
There are no intelligent Republicans left to debate. They’re all pretty much on our side now.
That’s another symptom of Rovian Republicanism. Independent thought? Phooey! Small government? Bah. Personal freedom? Humbug. Rovian Republicanism reduced the Party of Lincoln into a party of white male evangelical Xtians (with a few token women and minorities) advocating a neofascist corporate-welfare nanny-state wearing the guise of false patriotism, with that horrible specter of theocratic Xtian fundamentalism lurking just below the surface. Most intelligent small-c conservatives got fed up with being shut out of the process by these modern-day Know-Nothings and jumped ship. Let’s face it, when William F. Buckley, one of the greatest political minds of any stripe or spot is basically branded a heretical ‘librul’ by his own party for daring to question its policies and actions, and his son treated the same for the audacity to call it like he saw it and jump ship when he endorsed Obama, you just knew something was terribly, horribly wrong.
Now that the die has been cast for at least the next four years, it wouldn’t terribly surprise that by the time President-elect Obama takes the Oath of Office in January, what few intelligent holdouts that remain in the R’s wilderness of ignorance will come in from the cold and switch sides, much like a few D’s did after Uncle Newtie’s ‘Republican Revolution’.
Bruce, in so many words, all that’s left of the Party of Lincoln are mindless talking-point-spouting automatons who assume that the only way to win an argument is to yell louder than their enemies (not opponents any more), then threaten violence if all else fails. There’s no intelligence in the GOP, aside from the corporate think-tanks they pay millions of dollars to for just that purpose. All that’s left are the trolls. With no provocation other than calling them on their bullshit, we get called ‘unpatriotic’, get branded as ‘communists’, or called ‘faggots’, ‘queers’, and other anti-gay slurs for our brazen disrespect for their Dear Leader. And then there’s the threats of violence.
The only way to make these inbred reds back down is to do so by force. Force them to face facts. Return every insult, counter every threat. The Gandhi act just doesn’t cut it any more with them, Bruce. Read Roger Rabbit’s greeting he gives to new trolls. That’s how to deal with them, Bruce. They push, you punch back. Don’t bother being nice with them all that much, you’re just wasting your time with it. You might get lucky once in a while and be able to have a reasonably intelligent debate with them once in a while, but don’t get your hopes up that you’ll get one every time. It’s just too much to ask of such empty minds.
Fuck Stefan?
No thanks.
You brought him, YOU fuck him.
The GOP (Greed, Oil, Palin) forgot how Ronald Reagan won the country. As excrutiating as that win was, the candidate stayed positive and on the message. His namesake son is a hellova lot smarter than his VP’s namesake son.
You won!
Yet you seem to be unable to focus on what policies Gregoire should advance to deal with the upcoming Budget Deficit.
What should she do to improve Washington’s economy and unemployment situation.
I learned you KLOWNS love to attack others and win elections…
Where you fall apart is after you’ve won and are in control, what PRECISELY do you do??
We not only have a Budget Deficit for the upcoming Biennium that must be dealt with, but we also have a massively growing Underfunded State Pension Fund. It was underfunded by $5.1 BILLION @ 6/30/07. $38 BIILION invested in Equities and BILLIONS in real estate. Now that the election is over, the 6/30/08 numbers will come out and the underfunded situation will be much worse. Not only that, but EQUITIES have declined even more since 6/30/08…substantially…meaning TODAY’s underfunded situation is even worse than the 6/30/08 numbers will show.
The MSM has spewed millions of words about our economy…but exactly ZERO about the impact on the Washington State Retirement Fund.
We certainly have a lot of challenges. And they will get worse if you KLOWNS continue to look back & blame rather than focus on solutions.
Winning is the fun part…it goes quickly downhill from there.
I have seen zero serious discussion from you KLOWNS about what PRECISELY you are going to do?
Makes your pinhead hurt to think about it, doesn’t it!
You KLOWNS are in charge!
What’s your plan?
More vitrolic, shrill blaming and excuses??
Uh, Mr. Cynical?
Goldy and the crowd are probably still sleeping off last night’s celebration.
Waking them up and demanding serious political discussion probably isn’t that good an idea.
I realize that most of you Republicans went to bed early last night, as it had been a rough day for you folks. We, on the other hand, had reason to celebrate.
Of course, perhaps that explains some of the actions and opinions of you Republicans. Many of your policies did seem as if they had been decided while you were hung over after a long drunk.
Please excuse us if we choose not to follow that example.
@52 First things first, goatfucker. First we’re gonna free your goats and then we’re gonna round up all you treasonous trolls and ship you all to Gitmo for some much needed aquatic therapy. Fuck you and every evil, vile thing you stand for.
I have no problem whatsoever with the spirit and substance of this post. Frankly, politics is and should be personal at some point. As far as I’m concerned, people like Stefan are trying to get me killed and I take that very personally. It goes without saying that trolls won’t understand that statement at all. But there is precious little they do understand.
Mr. Cynical @ all.
I commend you for hanging out here the day after a crushing defeat for the right. Your fellow trolls don’t have nearly the intestinal fortitude and are pretty scarce right now.
But you forgot something:
changing your handle to Mr. Irrelevant.
Why break with tradition now?
What I like is that The Gov. is winning in Spokane and Clark counties.
Oh, yeah. Did you notice the state Initiaives went our way without any help from King county?
My. Cynical,
Unlike you, I know that I live in a representative democracy. I don’t have to come up with a solution to all those problems that the incompentent national administration caused us here in Washington state. I have a governer that represents me in the state house, and I expect her to do her job and come up with a plan.
Of course, I might not agree with the plans that she makes, and if I don’t then I’ll work to unseat her in four years. But in the meantime I’m pretty sure that whatever plan Gov. Gregoire comes up with is going to be far more to my liking than whatever Rossi would have come up with.
In the meantime, I’ll just keep basking in the glow of the center-left country that we live in today.
Pudge @31
Is that picture real? Is that you? How virile and strong you look. Makes think of the Kiss song “All American Man.” That the look you were going for? That is hilarious.
31 – Didn’t take you that long to eat crow, eh pudge?
Cynical, I am glad the Queen was returned to her throne. Cuz if there is a deficit, underfunded pensions, etc., she can’t do the specific certain things she claimed she would never do in her campaign ads.
Unless same song different year?
Just can’t keep a fucking furball in its Fatal Attraction cauldron. The moment you think you’ve boiled all the slime and smegma off his bones, Hairball Rabbit burps himself inside out and starts projectile-farting pellets.
So what exactly were you commie-symp simps observing all day at all those polling places run by King County’s reigning commie simps? Expecting to catch yourselves in the act of larceny, were you, or confecting batches of belated ballots to push fat Darcy over the top?
Or were you, like the red-headed stepchild of a punk dwarf Democrat lawyer stationed at the DMZ precincts between Fremont and Wallingford, sitting on your fat ass and feeding your fat face? That’s how at least one ugly Democrat saved democracy yesterday: 16 hours of power belching and caging other people’s bunny treats. In fact, it probably was HA’s very own bad ass bunny, in really bad drag, and whatever it was, it should be put in a cage or back in the pot for one more roiling boil.
Speaking of weird: This is the same DMZ polling place where the provisional-ballot judge handed out Eat the State’s voters’ guide during the August primary. Dig it, barftards.
In the 2004 election, King County “engineered” Gregoire’s win. She’s just another corrupt fucking idiot Democrat in the three-country area that’s full of corrupt fucking idiot Neo-socialist Democrats. 39 years in government and has yet to have a real job doing anything constructive.
Once again, the intolerance and hate of the left is on display.
You’re doing obama proud.
63 PI
When’s the last time a majority of the residents of your state elected YOU Attorney-General, or Governor? What was your highest elective office?
Daddy Love said:
“When’s the last time a majority of the residents of your state elected YOU Attorney-General, or Governor? What was your highest elective office?”
I could turn the question around and ask you the same, but I am not a politician and don’t have one bit of interest in being one. I like to attack politicians like Gregoire for what they are: parasites. They indulge in self-aggrandisement on our nickel, be the Dem or Rep. Gregoire is a particularly offensive slug. She’s the poster girl for term limits for all elected offices.
BTW, have you ever had a job?
Daddy Love,
Are you into little boys or something? Or is it little girls? You’ve got a creepy handle.