I just can’t with this asshole.
You know where American Democracy™ fails? In little rooms in Olympia where petty politics play out, the poor get trampled upon, and it’s all hidden from view. Yesterday afternoon, after TVW turned off its cameras at a Senate Financial Institutions, Housing, and Insurance Committee hearing, State Sen. Jan Angel (R-27) suddenly, to the astonishment of her colleagues, killed off a bill that funds most of the state’s homeless programs by ending the hearing before bringing it up.
Senate Majority Leader Rodney Tom called Angel and told her to table the bill, Sen. Steve Hobbs (D-44) says, adding that Tom told him that directly. And rumors abound that Tom did it merely to perturb Speaker Frank Chopp. “There’s those theories out there,” says Hobbs. “He didn’t say he wants to poke Frank Chopp in the eye, but I think everyone knows what Frank Chopp’s thing is.” Housing has long been Chopp’s signature issue.
Now I realize that homeless people don’t give campaign contributions, so why would Rodney Tom give the slightest damn about them? Basic empathy? Human decency? Some tiny sense, somewhere, that we’re all in this together? The merest, most scant, sense of caring about dignity for other people? What the fuck is that to Rodney Tom when there are political points to be scored?
Rodney Tom lives in a $5 million house. He doesn’t have to care about the homeless. How anyone thought this rich prick is a “Democrat” is beyond me. His district’s voters must be gullible.
Olympia is like fucking middle school, only with people’s lives in the balance. And Tom is the stupid, arrogant jock that everyone loves – but he doesn’t have any friends at all. Not really.
Fuck Rodney Tom?
Let GOATSEBOY do it. He’ll fuck anything.
I think that if you had a widget that created a post preloaded with the title “Fuck Rodney Tom” and ran every day or so, it would be a time saver. It would also serve as a reminder because you could probably find something he and done in the interim that would fill it out.
Just saying…