Someone brought this to market (h/t).
An unidentified entrepreneur admits he is trying to profit off Trayvon Martin’s death by selling gun range targets featuring the teen who’s death has sparked a nationwide controversy.
Although Martin’s face does not appear on the paper targets, they feature a hoodie with crosshairs aimed at the chest. A bag of Skittles is tucked in the pocket and a hand is holding a can resembling iced tea.
Seriously, fuck everything. Fuck this seller. Fuck the people who bought it, selling out in 2 days. 2 goddamn days. Fuck the people who think this is cute. Fuck the NRA and the gun nuts who brought us this stand your ground bullshit in the first place.
Fuck anyone who thinks we’re in a post racial country. No, racism still exists and it’s still ugly. Fuck the people who are so frightened of living in a multiracial society that they’re so terrified of children with Skittles. Fuck the people who think their gun rights trump the rights of a child to live.
Fuck it. There are no words.
Fuck everything.
I agree… fuck everything.
Agreed…fuck everything.
There are some sick fucks out there.
There was a gun store up here that was selling the “Hope” Obama poster with crosshair targets on it just last year. Big silhouette sheets, 10 for $20. This particular store is the same company that offers personal armed security services.
It also has a reputation for making your rifle disappear when you take it to their “gunsmith”.
Believe me, the Mount Baker Klan is alive and well, and they own gun stores.
What’s the deal that?
I remember back in mid 80’s there were all sorts of John Birch types in the Skagit Valley. I couldn’t believe some of the racist shit and crazy conspiracies my dad and picked up on CB and VFH radio while fishing for Skagit River King’s.
The headline says it all.
Q — Know how to get a nun pregnant?
A — Dress her as an alter boy.
I’m so sick of everyone being outraged over racism. First of all, racism is a scapegoat for what ills the black community. Black people, for the most part, mess up their own lives, then blame it on racism.
Second of all, I believe almost everyone is racist. Even white people who decry racism. Let’s take a little racism test, shall we?
Let’s suppose a huge low income public housing project is going to be built in your neighborhood. It’s either going to be an all-asian low income complex, or an all-black low income project. And you yourself have the power to determine which race will occupy this new large development. No one will ever know you had the power to choose, or what your choice was. Which race wouldn’t you want it to be?
And with that, I believe I just proved my point that everyone is a racist, especially against black people.
@9 That’s obvious.
I want both, Both Black and Asian guys are way hotter than white guys.
What a stupid question.
@ 6
They call themselves the Tea Party now.
Same ol’ same ol’…
re 9: Liberals have to start thinking like businessmen. The Trayvon target idea has been taken, but I’m sure that many black marksmen would be interested in a little sciencey white-boy target with ‘four-eyes’ type plastic frame glasses and a plastic pocket protector on his short-sleeve buttondown shirt. Highpockets pants and a flappy too-big belt with the end hanging down to complete the picture — but no identifiable facial features — that would be wrong!!
Are you OK with that target??
@12. Wrong sterotype. The conservatives would enjoy shooting at that target too.
An unidentified right wing seller it seems to me..
Heh. Puddybud is still silent about Trayvon.
“Puddybud is still silent about Trayvon.”
I’m pretty sure we all know where a self-loathing black man would come down on this.
Re: 9
Wasn’t your point that it was okay to kill African Americans because they are inferior?
You begin by asserting that racism is okay and is unfairly picked on:
Then you go on to explain that the true source of “what ills” African American communities is the endemic inferiority of the individuals within those communities:
Ergo its okay to do violently racist stuff, like sell rifle targets depicting other human beings, so long as they depict members of an “inferior” race.
That was your point. Don’t be cute by trying to misdirect people. We aren’t idiots like you.
8. dorky dorkman spews:
Q — Know how to get a nun pregnant?
A — Dress her as an alter boy.
Now that’s funny!!
re 17: You know you hit the target when unSP bans you.
Frankly I am outraged. Spike Lee should hold another fundraiser for Obama, then tweet out the addresses of NRA members. Wait, what did the NRA have to do with this again?
Obamas the racist! He has an african americans
for obama video. I think Romney should do a
white people for Romney video just to point it
out! That would be hilarious.
19-20: Poor victims. One of the ways fascists obtain power is to give
stupidlow information citizens the feeling that they are the victims, when, in fact they are the victimizers.George Clooney, a 1%er, holds an Obummer fundraiser for the 1%ers. Peeps paid $40,000 to attend the event. And the OWS 9%er gang eats it up!
What the title of this thread said…
re 22: “Peeps paid $40,000 to attend the event.”
Good. He’ll need all the money that he can get to run a campaign against all that foreign ‘free speech’.
Also, the word is ‘people’, not Peeps. Peeps is lame-o.
headless @22, got some rock to crawl back under? Steve is looking for his peep!
Peeps aren’t lame.
They are marshmallowy and delicious.
Every year for the holidays I make a Nativity scene out of Peeps and then let my dog eat it.
BTW Baby Jesus is a purple peep. He wears a hoodie. The wise men bring him Skittles and Iced Tea.
Maybe Jesse Jackson voiced the topic headline and now flip-flopped due to this lawsuit.
Read the whole thing… Tells you a lot about the “reverend”!
So getting his dick sucked by a gay man is “surviving”? Gay pipe cleaning is surviving? Amazing…! How does that work? Why hasn’t this law suit made national news all this time?
Ahhh yes, 60 Minutes said the tag line and decided to vet something Puddy has been saying for years on HA. 60 Minutes finally tells the story in detail how Willy Clinton passed on the opportunity to kill Osama Bin Laden in 1999!
Ask for the replay from the HA moronic idiot ylb and his crazed data-debazed mind!
Have you ever looked at Obama’s Department of Justice site? Go ahead and look. Here is what you will find-
1) 13% of the population is black. 80% is white and Hispanics.
In 2009, 2,963 white individuals were killed by white offenders. White offenders killed 209 black individuals.
In 2009, 2,604 black individuals were killed by black offenders. And 454 white individuals were killed by black offenders.
So Blacks are 1/6 the number of whites, yet Blacks killed more than double the number of whites??? Where is the outrage?
Obviously this one case is being politicized.
How about this case? Shawn Tyson, a 17YO Black from Florida, began a life sentence after being found guilty of the murder of 2 White Students, James Cooper and James Kouzaris last April, Tyson murdered these students as they begged for their lives. No comment by Obama, Sharpton, Jackson and the HA left-wing morons.
Murders surveyed between 1974 and 2004 show that 52% of the offenders were black, 48% were white. Of the victims, 51% were white, 47% were black.
@28 So what conclusions do you draw from what you’ve found? Have you got any big thoughts? Spit it out, goatfucker.
“Figures often beguile me, particularly when I have the arranging of them myself; in which case the remark attributed to Disraeli would often apply with justice and force: “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.””
– Mark Twain’s Own Autobiography: The Chapters from the North American Review
For you goatfuckers, the anonymity of the internet is no different than a white sheet.
re 28: Would you feel better if you were attacked by white criminals only?
re 30: Look at the statistics on race in sentencing and you’ve got your answer.
dorky–appropriate name. The point is picking the Trayvon Martin case out of the pile and making a huge rush to judge is clearly politically motivated, especially when you look at the recent onslaught of Blacks murdering Whites.
This one is especially egregious–
The issue for Obama and his cronies weighing in on this prematurely is obviously political.
The bottom-line Steve, from Obama’s own Dept of Justice numbers is that Blacks are 15 times more likely to kill whites than whites killing blacks. Yet this one gets yanked out of the pile prematurely. Purely political.
From their comments, apparently Steve wants more whites to kill blacks. Ridiculous.
And Doc, show the evidence that sentencing, not crime commission, is the issue. Are you saying that the Stats are 15 times more likely simply because of sentencing?? Show me the evidence for that wild assertion.
I’m using OBAMA’s Dept of Justice statistics. Are you saying Obama is cooking the facts??
Where are your facts?
Apparently you have none so you just throw out wild race-baiting conjectures and random thoughts. Look at the Facts First!