I know, what can you expect? Gigantic asshole gonna gigantic asshole (I saw this on Facebook over the weekend, but I can’t find who linked to it now).
During his October 7 show on KIRO-FM, Dori myopically focused on a part of POC Yoga’s class description which put forth “white friends, allies, and partners are respectfully asked not to attend.” Despite on-air claims that he had “zero problems” with POC Yoga, was “perfectly fine” with the practice, and believed POC Yoga “should be free”—he also openly accused POC Yoga of being “racist,” “exclusionary,” and more than once (instead of calling the collective by its self-chosen name) referred to it as “no whites yoga class.” Dori gave no historical context, did not acknowledge whites disproportionate privilege in a white-dominated culture, and made no mention of the ongoing microaggressive to extreme racism people of color have faced in America for centuries.
Jesus. When I hear his show, he isn’t typically interested in, for example, making sure that Black kids aren’t gunned down by the police. Maybe I missed it. He’s on the air for like 500 hours a day. And, inexplicably, halftime in the Seahawks’ radio broadcast.
I guess, if he wanted to make a perfectly race neutral type argument, he would naturally spend time trying to figure out why there’s still a wage gap between the races. Again I haven’t seen it. You’d certainly think someone who wants to call out racism so much he’s worried about a yoga class wouldn’t be so quick to call George Zimmerman “a hero” and “a superhero” in the clip (not in the context of murdering a Black child, but still: Holy shit).
Anyway, that’s the argument qua the argument. But were there any consequences to his dumbassness?
Directly following Dori’s heated criticism, Teresa said hate calls and death threats started pouring in every five minutes. There were all together over 200 phone calls, and hundreds and hundreds of emails filled with hostility and hate. What had just been anger generated out of a Nextdoor post spiraled into a violent, racist fervor that swept the country and made its way onto inflammatory websites like Infowars and Drudge Report. She rushed out that day to get a security system for her home though she stayed with a friend that night for safety. From that point through the weekend POC Yoga and Rainier Beach Yoga (the studio where class was held) filed several police reports. On Monday they filed an FBI report.
“Those death threats alone illustrate exactly why people of color need safe spaces,” said Joe R. Feagin, Distinguished Professor of Sociology at Texas A&M. Feagin is author of over 200 research articles and over 60 books on race, class, and gender. He has been studying patterns of white discrimination against people of color in the United States for 50 years and has reviewed hundreds of empirical studies. Feagin says the empirical data is clear. “Racism is still extraordinarily widespread in this country and does great harm to people of color,” he explained. “Therefore it is not only logical but necessary that people of color create safe spaces away from whites in which to deal with the stresses of racism and build up strategies to resist.”
Now Dori isn’t responsible for all the dumbassness that his dumbass listeners do. But maybe he’ll think a little next time.
Thank y’all very much, I’ll just assume Dori’s a bum lay and leave it at that.
I had no idea so many white male conservatives are eager to take yoga classes. They need to be accommodated. The Parks Department to set up a yoga class for them at a community center. Based on the initial level of interest, it may be necessary to establish a reservation system and waiting list. However, it should be possible to get them all into a yoga class eventually.
Why does this POS still have his Seahawks gig?
I note the reference to a Nextdoor post. I joined Nextdoor as a means of helping look for lost pets. I recently quit the site as it quickly ballooned into a vehicle for non-stop rants about crime, homeless people, blacks and other suspicious people walking in north end neighborhoods and, bizarrely, fears of urban wildlife. It was like being locked in an elevator full of entitled, fearful people.
I was with you til that last sentence, where I couldn’t disagree more. Of course Monson is responsible for his listeners’ dumbassery. He’s an experienced broadcaster whose main schtick is ginning up outrage, almost always with false or misleading information, targetting either public officials or (more often) private citizens or small businesses that can’t fight back. There’s a long, long track record of Monson’s fake ”outrage” leading to this sort of felonious harassment. Monson is a coward in person, a bully on air, and an embarrassment. to his profession. If our justice system were designed to respond to real harm to people’s lives, he’d be in prison, not on the air
I wished there was a way for dori the experience the venom of his speech, conservatives like him seem incapable of empathy, they have to directly experience it to care, in dori s case, probably repeatedly.
“Racism is still extraordinarily widespread in this country and does great harm to people of color.”
And what has Obummer done to alleviate this problem? Nuthin from what my cousins in Philly and Chicago say!
“And what has Obummer done to alleviate this problem?”
What would you like to see the next President do?
Lib the Unscientist @7
Stay on topic which we know is hard for you to do! This is the past and present being talked about.
One thing we do know is Heilary will do absolutely nuthin, while Ben Carson will tackle it to the chagrin of the NAACP, SPLC and other libtard groups.
Weak, dude.
@8 Hahaha! So typically Puddy! When it comes to racism, HA’s Uncle Tom is happy with things just the way they are.
Oh, oh. Carefull RR. Now he’s going to call you (and all Libby Dummmmmocretins) a racist.
Wait for it.
“… while Ben Carson will tackle it…”
Honestly, I haven’t bothered looking into Carson that carefully. And it comes as a surprise to me in more ways than one, that he has released any policy statements regarding “tackling” racism.
Care to fill us in? What are Carson’s plans regarding “tackling” racism if he were to become the next President?
@12: repealing Obamacare, because it’s worse than slavery.
Dori doesn’t just speak, he ejaculates — a lot.
Hey Pud, I’ve missed your insightful, well-considered observations during my absence. Ben Carson is plainly the answer to racism in this country. I agree with you completely. If he can split conjoined twins, then he can surely join the races, right? I’m with you, buddy.
Yup. Carson has a plan to “tackle” racism. But so far it’s between Carson, The Fuckwad, and now these comment threads on HA.
Weird that the Carson people would choose to roll out a major policy position in a place like this. Meh.
Let’s conduct a test to see if the comment made about whites asked not to attend is ok. Let’s change it to blacks asked not to attend and see if that stirs up anger. Hmm, after long consideration I’m gonna really go out on a limb here and assume an ad saying blacks asked to not attend might just might cause an ever to teensy bit of anger. No, what am I thinking no one would have a problem with that. Never mind.
How ’bout another test?
Who thinks the reasons why race, ethnic, and gender minorities sometimes feel uncomfortable in the company of whites are equivalent to the reasons whites sometimes feel uncomfortable in the company of race, ethnic, and gender minorities?
Or how ’bout this test?
Who thinks if you disagree with someone about how they run their yoga class, the best way to express that is through ambush journalism that unleashes a slew of threats from your racist death cult of listeners?
This will be an open book test.
If you answered Fuck Dori to both of these questions you get 100% and graduate to become a real live grownup human being.
If you need any further evidence of Dori’s idiocy/racism, try this, of many: