Gosh, Republicans set an awfully low bar for their candidates…
Shanna Sheridan, 25, a producer for local conservative talk-radio station, KXLY-AM (920), said in the end Palin was good enough.
“All she had to do is get up there and not sound completely stupid,” Sheridan said. “She did that.”
Yeah, well, I guess, after eight years of George W. Bush, not sounding completely stupid would be a step up.
The House has passed the bailout legislation. A vote count was not immediately available.
Damn. That thing was so full of pork it was embarrassing!
I’ve never been to an editorial meeting at The News Tribune, but apparently they smoke a lot of crack at them.
Checking Wiktionary it looks to me like the TNT is using the word prevailed incorrectly.
After the liberal media telling us how stupid she was standing up was unexpected.
After her appearance at the debate one has to wonder about the stark difference between last night and the couric interview.
As far as the polls…
Daily Kos link
You know the liberal media is in the tank for obama, otherwise this would have gotten a mention on the non-right-wing news.
The vote was 263 – 171. The stock market is up modestly, about 100 points, down from its earlier session highs.
Note the setup in TNTs piece.
How about if you win debates by showing that your ticket is the one to vote for, who wins then? The TNT is setting up the editorial so that they don’t have to make clear, declarative, statement.
I thought editorials were supposed to be clear, declarative, statements. Silly me.
1141: Old Joe Biden was rather clean and somewhat articulate last night. He hopped a low bar or low expectations with at least one inch to spare, and almost dispelled the rumor that he suffers from terminal presenile dementia.
He also disproved the rumor that he is a dead white male. He is a credit to his race.
low bar OF low expectations
@4 “Vote early and vote often! You can vote multiple times on many of these polls by using different browsers (IE then Firefox, etc.) by deleting cookies from the poll site or just by voting over and over again.”
Funny you know about that and we don’t. This means even larger percentages than shown by the polls think Biden won because Palin supporters voted multiple times.
Apparently, Palin is talking about how she didn’t like the Katie Couric interviews (you think?). She says,”if you choose to answer a question, you are going to get clobbered on the answer. If you choose to try to pivot and go to another subject that you believe that Americans want to hear about, you get clobbered for that too.”
Well, see if you get asked a question, unless it’s personal, most people do expect you to answer it. If you choose to “pivot”, then people believe you either don’t know the answer or are trying to avoid a question you don’t want to answer.
Plus Palin doesn’t know what an Achilles heel is OR given her own logic, she didn’t like the question and flipped it to give her attributes.
@4 (continued) What liberal media? I can’t find one.
Does anyone have any idea how and when Evita Palin acquired a Minnesota accent? I think she affects the accent to buff up her faux folkiness. I do know that neither Idahoans or Alaskans have a particular accent.
@4 “stark difference”
The difference, Marvin, is between having to answer the question and spewing talking points. As you know, if left unchecked, any troll can spew talking points until the cows come home. In that light, a McCain/Stamm ticket really wouldn’t be much different or better than McCain/Palin.
Another thought. Palin will come out of this mess as the Republican frontrunner for 2012. Good luck with that.
@12 Accent? Have you read this?
Thanks, I guess you learn something everyday (at least liberals who keep an open mind do). I’ve spent a lot of time in Alaska, and I’ve never detected a specific accent. But, what do I know?
… Palin acquired a Minnesota accent …
It’s correctly described as a Fargo accent, via a bad movie. You betcha.
The trend is clear and the news is bad for McCain.
President Obama. Vice President Biden. Get used to it, trolls.
It’s called coaching, practice and crib notes. It’s entirely disingenuous to imply, as Palin is trying to do today, that the interviews with Couric were designed to make her look stupid. She was ask a load of softball questions and she whiffed each one of the spectacularly. Worse and more worryingly, her assertions today imply that she believes the media is there to provider her a stage to display her wares.
She couldn’t even answer what newspapers she reads. Now that’s softball. Dino Rossi could even take a position on that one.. ooo! sorry… The questions were definitely not designed to make her look stupid, even if that was the result.
She did better last night. She still didn’t answer questions and she definitely went for the down home act. But you cannot seriously believe that the difference was due to the a flaw in the interview.
Palin’s parents are from Idaho but who knows? One future problem should McCain win (God help us) is that she will have to speak with fewer “darns, you betchas, etc.) with foreign leaders and ambassadors. You can’t expect people who have learned English as a second language to understand what you are talking about if it’s colloquial terms. What is folksy in American English is confusing to others.
@18 “She couldn’t even answer what newspapers she reads.”
Perhaps she does know when to keep her mouth shut. Take a gander at what we know she does read: