One of the best feelings in politics comes after a close win where you put in a lot of effort. So when I look at the results in the Senate race, I’m proud to have made a difference. Those phone calls, that getting people to commit to vote, that push for more volunteers. It made people fill out their ballots. We rocked turnout in King County.
You could see the effort put into the ground for Senator Murray at the coordinated campaign. Many times, I was put in a corner on a cell phone to make calls because there were so many people they’d exhausted all the lines and all the good seats. And despite overwork and a lack of sleep, an upbeat staff always had work for me. I’ve volunteered for a lot of campaigns since before I could vote, and this was one of the ones I most looked forward to going to every time.
In a close election everything was important, and Patty’s commitment to her volunteers certainly helped. It’s also nice to have a candidate you support, rather than just a candidate who is better than that other one. One of my favorite calls was from someone who said he was, “so glad you aren’t another Karl Rove robocall” who on top of convincing to turn in his ballot, I convinced to come volunteer.
I’m so proud to have been a small part of that effort that helped push Patty over the top. I know a few other people who I saw there are readers of this blog, so thanks Stephen and thanks Ivan for showing up and thanks to all the other volunteers I had conversations with between calls. Thanks Carly, the volunteer coordinator for my district who was always a pleasure to talk to, and all the other staff. Thanks most especially to Patty Murray for being a candidate worth my time, and for making my effort worthwhile with a well run campaign.
Thanks Carl, for putting in the hours.
I think most of us that frequent this space worked hard on campaigns.
In the regret over the national election, it’s sweet to realize our trolls got their asses kicked — again.
Stupid goatfuckers…
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Let the church say, Amen! I’d not worked on Patty’s campaign before, and was treated to working with the Best Field Organizer Ever up North here. It was a great experience. Nothing but smiles every single time I was in the office. Do it again in a heartbeat.
It must be said that the Murray campaign did a great job of getting out the vote.
Congratulations on making a big difference.
Murray’s campaign also told some whoppers of campaign ad lies. She took the proverbial war high ground (no she didn’t act righteous) and held it well against Rossi. She demonized Rossi and he never came at her with her voting record until after the ballots were mailed. In the debate he could have given short crisp answers that would have destroyed Patty’s positions but he rambled on and on and on. By then most King County Libtardos hadn’t seen anything to persuade them to abandon the libtardo left leaning ship.
Dino didn’t perceive how to attack Murray in the beginning of the campaign and he never recovered. Gotta admit he was stupid in that regard.
Oh what did the dirt stain ylb fart that was ERASED?
“Gotta admit he was stupid in that regard.”
Another eloquent argument for electing stupid people. Well said, Putty.
I had the same feeling. In 2004 I was a democrat club president and I got 800 people registered to vote and dispersed over 5000 leaflets across my city supporting Gregoire. I’m proud to think I could have put her over the top.
Maybe 1 person made the difference between 8 years of drastic cuts in order to give tax breaks to the wealthy. Fun to think about!
Carl, thanks. As the votes come in, we see this race wasn’t even really that close.
Next, let’s compare Right Stuff’s comment at 5 to Puddy’s at 6. I read Right Stuff’s posts because he makes sense, has some notion about graciousness, and doesn’t usually demonize. Puddy? Ah, not so much. I rarely agree with Right Stuff, but he colors within the lines. Puddy, you would do well to follow Right Stuff’s leads. We are a nation that needs to get along far better than we do. You do not promote that ideal.
I thought it was stupid for Rossi to blame Patty for the deficit when she voted against both Bush tax cuts for the rich, medicare part d, and authorization to spend 3 trillion in Iraq for nothing.
Rossi isn’t smart enough to understand the folks here in Washington aren’t as stupid as say… the fools that voted for Rand Paul, or worse.
Maybe Rossi’s campaign based on pretty much lies didn’t quite pan out like the liars planned.
Patty, kick ass and don’t take names. Just bury them in mass graves.
Never, and I repeat never give an inch to the Republicon Horde. They would gladly destroy our nation if they thought it would get the ignorant to vote for them.
You libs got your royal ass kicked, abd murray one by 1 gd % in a liberal state. Union megabucks will mean nothing with a r congress. Bite me
All new taxes defeated in this state ….cut cut cut
House lost pelosi can ride in the back of the bus
Most governors republican hello 2012
Senate gains no more cap and trade, card check or omama bs
Liberals are gonna have to watch state gov and fed get the s cut out of them
Amen, bro. We took a licking, now we must dust ourselves off and get back into the battle. Of course, as the last ballots are counted here in Washington, I’m feeling a bit better about our state. The West Coast did pretty well. It’s just the rest of the nation that bought off on the nonsense.
@12 Republicans openly admit they want our president to fail, while he is trying to stave off another great depression their de-regulation caused.
Republicans are dogs, and should be treated like dogs.
They are sick, and need to be removed from the body politic.
How unpatriotic is it that the Republican Senate minority leader, that chinless dude from Kentucky, says that their primary goal for the next two years is to see that the president is not reelected? I would think that any good American would say we need to overcome our unemployment, foreclosure, growth, war issues would be number one. Not the Rs. Hell, no. They put Party before Country every day.
I didn’t vote for Patty. Didn’t vote for Rossi. Can’t forgive Patty for the passage of the state DOMA.
Hope Rossi as a three time loser will finally go away.
Yes obviously you are in the minority, and the republicans were elected in mass by the people of this country, to turn back this radical agenda. Plain and Simple. You ain’t got the plan!
2 yrs and Unemployment in the tank, deficits skyrocketing and a plunging dollar. Need I point to Gold and Silver skyrocketing to tell you what the world thinks of Obama’s financial mess.
What a crock from you of all people proud leftist. Don’t EVEN TRY and get “preachy” on Puddy. It’s you who disdains discourse so much you “award” your political opponent a “golden goat” award. How does that promote getting along?
Do you actually think before posting here? This is why my son wonders about you being a lawyer. He spots Roger Rabbit’s satire but your comments are shocking.You of all people should shut your pie hole on that one! Look in the mirror!
Now for the previous sentence
WRONG. Right Stuff comments in a more tepid way. Back in 2005 Puddy was more like Right Stuff. Then the racist attacks and the real name calling started in 2005. Goldy and his ilk joined in. Puddy was never called a field Nigger until some ASSHole named headless lucy decided to go there September 9-15, 2005. Where was proud leftist back then? Oh yes you eventually came around, long time coming though. Goldy NEVER told headless lucy enough but Prof Darryl did. So if one wants Puddy’s respect on this blog you have to earn it “dude” – Jon Stewart humor.
Puddy said enough; fight fire with fire. Instead of bringing a Bic lighter to the discussion, Puddy uses a flame thrower. This is why Puddy watches for all the monikers headless lucy places here and will always write about them, even though Prof Darryl loves being the thought police here.
Yep, Puddy finds the links regarding the truth and facts about your kind and Puddy delivers them here. When you claim “What is Puddy saying now” it’s always when you don’t like to read the presented links describing the foolish acts being done by leftists. Puddy wrote the Rossi campaign epitaph above in the same style Puddy always writes. Everyone can see when you agree you respond. When you disagree you write that stupid babbling commentary.
You are so predictable and typical in your commentary proud leftist. When you decide to change proud leftist maybe Puddy will consider it.
See ya!
Now onto factless,
Patty lied about her and Rossi’s positions. Everyone knows it. It was up to Dino to respond and attack back at the same time. If Larry Stickney couldn’t understand that in this state then Dino should get his money back. When Patty told that whopper of a lie on the Boeing tanker, Rossi should have come back immediately and have her prove it like Dan Webster immediately did against your idiot Alan Grayson. Rossi didn’t and he received his just desserts.
Puddy placed on this blog the DUMBOCRATIC attack strategy back in August. If the Rossi team didn’t comprehend this attack after the bald face lying Boeing attack, then the Rossi team was dumber than Puddy thought. Then when Patty came out with the lobbyist ad, Rossi didn’t respond with the Wait a minute here are the facts on Lobbyists and Patty.
Michael Medved has given documented evidence on his radio show from various DUMBOCRATIC senators regarding how these senators regard Patty as one of the dimmest bulbs in the senate. Why didn’t Rossi seek this out?
All Rossi needed to do was to bring up Patty’s legislative record. Puddy has done that many times here on HA. Some leftist fool tried to attack Puddy over those FACTS! That was so FUNNNNNNNNNY! Yet Rossi didn’t do that either.
There were many things Rossi could have conveyed in the debate. Instead of taking his time and discussing how he was different, he rambled on about Patty. He didn’t clear up the Boeing Tanker Lie. He didn’t attack Patty on her lobbyist stances. Why didn’t his campaign prepare him differently? He had the mental acumen to destroy Patty in the debate. Yet he failed to do these things. And when he finally decided to deliver the goods, the ballots were in the people’s hands. And we know most King County people hang from the rafters and bark at the moon voting Moonbat! in a high percentage. Just look at how they continually return the convict to Congress with a high percentage.
Wowow factless has a useless blog. HAHAHAHAHA is the dirt stain ylb your daily administrator since he doesn’t do much during the day?
Sure look at California. They returned the senator who is so puffed up she has to be called senator by the military. They elected the Moonbeam who was so thoroughly rejected years ago he almost disappeared from politics.
They returned a senate leader who helped make Nevada the job dead zone it is today.
Oregon is relying on Porkulus money to close their Wydening budget gap as it continue to send one who helped Wyden it back to the senate.
Then you fools screamed against Dave Reichert for bringing home the pork by jockstrapping DelBene while you loved Patty bringing home the pork.
Yes the leftist coast will get what they deserve. And now with conservatives holding the purse strings the additional “porkulus bills” will stop.
Be civil to ’em?
Then we get to kill ’em, right — right?*
*figuratively speaking of course!
I thought it supposed to be “erected”. You’re getting “soft” in your old age Puddybud.
“Butt” that happens.
The West coast rocks. It pushes back against fear and batshit insanity.
And we screamed about Reichert being a dumbshit and a lockstep vote for the stupid in the DC House.
What? Each leftist voting state was dependent on Porkulus slush funds. Those are drying up. So what are the local DUMBOCRAT leaders gonna do now? California has had mass exoduses of rich leaving the state. Search your TEH HA DATABAZE ylb. Puddy has documented this many times. WA State just tried lies and sleight of hand to get a income tax passed trying the old class warfare act. The people who hang from the rafters and bark at the moon voted against that cuz it was a local pocketbook issue. When they realize the national issues become local they will reevaluate their “Patty Murray votes”!
Huh. And a lot of right wing tools like Jindal took the money too.
That’s crap but where did they go? Nevada? Texas? Florida?
Not Nevada for sure – some people still have some sense there.
Patty Murray has defeated one idiot right wing tool after another. Her Senate seniority will enable her to do great things for WA State and the voters will continue to send her back as long as she wants the job.
Suck on it tool!
This was the first campaign I ever volunteered at. At first it was due to my dislike of scumbag politian / landlord Rossi. But after the first week or two, because it was fun. The Murray staff in the 43’rd was enthusiastic, fun, effective, organized.
My 12 year old helped one day when school was out & had a great time. I was there every week from early September, the staff was upbeat & effective every time. Other volunteers were engaged and having a good time. Some of the most effective people on the phone appeared to be social workers. I am in awe of there ability to talk & move people. One of the dens secret weapons.
I’ll be there next year with my son who will be old enough to vote for Patty.
I did some doorbelling for the 36th District Dems. It was really gratifying to realize that almost everybody in Ballard was for Patty. I knew then that she wasn’t going to have any problem winning. One thing, however, I noticed. I was in neighborhoods of apartments where young people tended to live. There are so many people, especially those in their 20’s, who aren’t even registered. Sometimes there were only a handful of voters on a street. Time to start working on getting all those people registered to vote!
Look it up in TEH HA DATABAZE ylb. Puddy gave you the links to the SF Chronicle articles.
BTW ylb is Louisiana a left coast state? You love to throw useless facts in every one of your “responses”!
p’dummy is so happy that the new governors of Wisconsin and Ohio killed jobs for their states because the overlord doesn’t approve.
Hail comrade p’dummy!
Wow rujax,
The Ohio and Wisconsin public knew of their positions and they still voted for them to be governor. Now why is that rujax? Why is stinky progressives upset?
Why do you dwell on and drink on the kook-aid?