At Wednesday’s Friends of Seattle get-together, I got the impression that our city council candidates aren’t big drinkers.
This may be a problem.
You see, Seattle city politics can be awfully dull. Everyone is for parks. Everyone supports the schools. If we had the money, we’d hire 5000 new cops. When it comes to transit, the question isn’t “why?”, it’s “where and how much.” There are lots of lopsided votes on the council. Lots of 9-0, or 8-1. Consensus matters, maybe too much. On most issues, the difference of opinions between the members can be a matter of degrees.
The interesting stuff is in the details, and if it takes a PBR tallboy to coax it out, so be it.
Venus Velasquez told me she wants young people to be able to buy houses in Seattle. My reply was, “House? I’ll never afford a house in the city.” She said “home” might be a better word to use. In the downtown area, the condos being built are mostly luxury units. The developer community is going to learn soon that you have to serve the whole market, not just the high-end folks. Venus and the other candidates ought to have (eventually, I know it’s early) specifics about how we’re going to accommodate young families in the city.
Venus is running to succeed Peter Steinbrueck on the council, and claims him as a supporter. While I don’t know a lot about the challengers, I do know some about the guy they’re looking to replace. Peter Steinbrueck stands for something. On the great issues facing the city, he’s not afraid to pick a side and fight. Venus told me about how she’s good at solving problems and bringing people together. Sure, that’s important, but sometimes you have to pick which side is going to be the winner. These campaigns for council should be about what decisions they’d make and why.
Venus had better recheck her claims about Peter’s support. That might happen eventually, but I have it on good authority (as of last night) that he has not endorsed her candidacy.
Monetary contributions do not necessarily equate to endorsement.
Venus said some stuff when trying for the council earlier that has been said to be anti gay.
If true, she could not be dog catcher in this city.
Of course she could be a dog catcher. Why not?
I ahve only met a couple fo the C Councilors. Steinbrueck aside, the others do not seem .. well they do nto seem very bright.
Am I just unacquainted with these people?
The way you solve the wingnut problem is by bringing people together in an angry mob and supplying them with a copious quantity of tar and feathers.*
* Just kidding! Wingnut joke.
@4 No, you perceived what was there to be perceived.
Affordable housing is a lost cause in this city. There’s no more buildable land (except the recycled kind), and too many high-income, high-asset homebuyers. Someday the doctors, lawyers, bankers, and Microsoft millionaires will have to pick up their own trash and fill potholes themselves, because trash collectors and construction laborers won’t be able to live in this city anymore.
Essex @ 2: I’m curious, what did she say?
What other candidates were there?
Seattle Politics: All Moonbat!s all the time.
No wonder the city is going nowhere fast!
10 Continued.
Second link: All Voice of Chalk Scratching! all the time
Funny how that works.
Seattle Politics:
Many Goose stepping Jackbooted mind numbed kool-aid drinkers.
8-1 or 9-0 votes. No wonder McDimWitt wins big. How can anyone run against the “machine”?
Voice of Chalk Scratching blogs about high class condos. They don’t want middle class thinking types in Seattle. Then they will start thinking about politics and say WTF?
Instead they want rich mind numbed Moonbat!s who already have the vacant look in their eyes!
PelletHead: There is available land in the Rainier Valley. Oh… that’s right my people scare your people!
PelletHead… well maybe not. Their slumlords live in upscale opulence!
Voice of Chalk Scratching blogged: “but sometimes you have to pick which side is going to be the winner.”
What ever happened to: “You run on your principles and let the people decide if you merit votes”?
Putting your wet finger in the air to determine which way the wind blows keeps McDimWitt in his congressional seat, Ron Sims in his limousine, I don’t Give a Nickels as mayor, and a 9-0 or 8-1 City Council!
You wrote it well Voice of Chalk Scratching, you wrote it well.
I expect the usual Dodos to arrive and enter into attack mode instead of taking for a microsecond (the amount of time given to the brain matter of paramecium and amoebas) to think!
Voice of Chalk Scratching blogged: “but sometimes you have to pick which side is going to be the winner.”
That’s the reading comprehension level we’ve come to expect from certain people and their sock puppets.
Dismissed, with prejudice.
16: First Dodo spotted!
Dodo@16: if my reading comprehension is off, why does Dodo ATJ just think it’s “sometimes people just got to win” that’s important?
Why does Dodo ATJ dismiss “Venus told me about how she’s good at solving problems and bringing people together.” Solving the Seattle City problems is inconsequential in a candidate?
Again I say: What ever happened to: “You run on your principles and let the people decide if you merit votes”? I think that’s very important in a candidate, but Dodo ATJ doesn’t.
So who’s reading comprehension is off Dodo ATJ?
Dismissed, due to ignorance!
So who’s reading comprehension is off Dodo ATJ?
Classic. However, I don’t feel like laughing at you more today; I’ve got better things to do. So I’ll just give you the answer.
Check out who wrote the post, nimrod.
ATJ: I don’t care who writes the post. The owner of the blog is Voice of Chalk Scratching.
Will, Darryl, Voice of Chalk Scratching… they are all the same to me Moonbat!s. I DON’T CARE. It’s their principles that matter to me!
BTW if you knew who Nimrod was in the Bible…
BTW ATJ, you proved your ignorance. You can’t pick on the message content because it’s like a hot knife through butter!
Are you working right now?
I ask because I see you’re posting all over HA bolg for several hours this morning which means you should have time to watch this video.
Hey, we should do lunch again. But this time clear your schedule for at least 2 hours. I don’t want PacMan making excuses he needs to leave right in the middle of your verbal ass whoooooopin like last time.
Oh, and so we don’t have to wait until 2009 for you to scrape together the change out of your couch, I’ll buy this time.
We should have Indian food, that way you vegetarians can have more choices off the menu.
Ain’t that a hoot? The Liberal is the red-meat eatin’, military veteran, and the conservative is the vegetarian, civilian. Well, except for PacMan, at least he served in Army.
Then, I can bust your bust your balls in person over your chimp-in-charge’s handling of the War on Terror – which is a fucking failure, by the way. As the GOP congressmen who visited the White House the other days said the president; “you have no credibility on Iraq any more.”
Judge OKs immunity in attorney firings probe
Investigation now includes White House role and misleading of Congress
WASHINGTON – A federal judge approved an immunity deal Friday allowing former Justice Department aide Monica Goodling to testify before Congress about the firing of eight federal prosecutors. . .
“Monica Goodling may not refuse to testify” Judge Thomas Hogan said. . .
. . . What began as an inquiry into whether U.S. attorneys were fired for political reasons has grown to include the role of the White House in the firings and whether the Justice Department officials misled Congress about them.
Gonzo-gate is about to blow wide open, you punks.
I think Seattle would look great with some well constructed factory homes around Greenlake, around PelletHead’s hole. Don’t they make homes like that in the Chehalis/Centralia area?
Maybe they should tear down some Rainier Valley tenements and build great factory housing there. Don’t Donk call that gentrification?
Gen*tri*fi*ca*tion, huh?
No, no, no we say “Here comes the neighborhood.”
Yes GBS, but what happens to my people the Moonbat!s force out?
Gloomy Gus Still Stupid:
Why not show up at the Seattle Sonics lottery search as their lucky charm to help them get the first pick? Maybe your innate Stupidity could be good for the Sonics!
GBS: Looks like Batiste is sincere!
Wolfowitz Faces Ouster By World Bank Board
The NY Times reported today that representatives of nations with seats on the World Bank’s board have delivered an ultimatum to Bush-appointed bank president Paul Wolfowitz to either quit or get fired for using his position to pad his girlfriend’s paycheck.
The NY Times also said Wolfowitz’s lawyer was angling for a statement from the bank that Wolfie didn’t do anything wrong but they told him, in so many words, to go to hell.
@25 It’ll be interesting to see if Goodling sings to save her own ass or lies under oath for these bastards. My guess is she’ll sing — she seems like the nervous-nellie, soft-spined, please-don’t-put-me-in-jail-Mr.-Judge type.
At its core, Gonzogate is about keeping blacks from voting. Fundamentally, Rove and Gonzales had two key objectives: Protect GOP operatives like Tim Griffin who run illegal voter suppression operations from prosecution; and discourage legitimate voter registration drives by bringing malicious prosecutions against the organizers and volunteers.
Although this has an ugly Stalinist flavor to it, I strongly suspect it’s not driven by ideology at all. And possibly not even a calculated attempt to skew elections by keeping Democratic-leaning minority voters away from the polls. No, I think it’s racism, pure and simple. The descendants of the ’60s segregationists who murdered civil rights workers are still around, and today they’re all Republicans. In their guts, they just don’t like blacks.
Yep, I think Gonzogate is about racism, pure and simple. The GOP made a devil’s bargain: In exchange for their votes, Republicans welcomed America’s racists into their party and let them operate freely. Gonzogate is nothing less than a full-fledged revival, with the party’s blessing, of the putrid racial hatreds of the ’50s and ’60s.
Puddybud @ 28 wrote:
“Yes GBS, but what happens to my people the Moonbat!s force out?”
Oh, well, when they move to a new area that’s when we say “There goes the neighborhood.”
Then the honky’s move and they call it “white flight.”
Puddybud @ 30:
OK, you said Batiste looks sincere.
The contrasting statements between Gen. Batiste and George W. Bush couldn’t be any clearer.
One said he listened to the commanders on the ground in Iraq and the commander on the ground in Iraq said “no you didn’t.”
Question: which man is lying?
Next week Maj. Gen Paul Eaton (ret.) will have a commercial air and if you think Batiste’s commercial was scathing, Eaton’s is supposed to be even hotter.
I look forward to a candid and honest answer from you. I’ve been asking for some time now.
PS: what about lunch??? I’ll buy. I don’t want to wait another year or two and I also don’t want your wife giving you the stink eye over the amount of $$ you spent on lunch.
Did you tell her you had lunch with a “lily white Liberal whtie boy?” All terms of endearment, of course.
Know what I told my wife? I’ll give you a word puzzle, see if you can figure out who I told my wife I was having lunch with.
I said; “I’m having lunch with a couple of ‘n_ggers’ today.”
(hint: the word in ‘ ‘ means annoying persons.)
Can you figure out what I said?
GBS: Lunch it is. But it’ll have to wait until June. I am traveling the next three weeks. I also would like to invite Mrs GBS so she can meet Mrs Puddybud.
We will need to invite Gloomy Gus Still Stupid. I have a BEEF to settle with that Punk. I think you’ll see some sweeeet moves only a black man can perform.
Can you say “Hammer Time”? I’ll even get the Hammer Pants!
Oh yes GBS, I got the PUN!
7 Seattle’s mayor and police chief pointed out a week or so ago that very few of Seattle’s police officers can afford to live in the city whose citizens it’s their job to protect.
Maybe they need to increase officers’ salaries instead of budgeting thousands of dollars of the taxpayers’ money for vice cops to get their rocks off in strip clubs before busting the dancers to make it look like they’re working.
25 So what? Goodling has now had weeks to rehearse her lies.
Maybe she’ll at least show up for her testimony wearing that hot little number she had on when she went partying with Uncle Karl.
ArtFart: Join the Vice Squad. Become assimilated!
BTW GBS, I know you like to have every asked question answered, I didn’t go into much detail about you to her. Neither did PacMan. I’ll allow her to size you up when she meets you. Delivering prejudicial commentary only creates a subliminal reaction when a blank slate is better.
Now when Gloomy Gus Still Stupid appears, there will be a “reaction”.
Publican crook #737,333 so much for the moral majority. Vote Publican – help a felon get work.
re 37: What are you going to do? Confuse him by “moonwalking” and flashing one spotless white glove?
You are a riot. You really should think twice before making threats like that. I’m telling you for your own good.
This game may not be played by the numbers.
I will meet you anywhere Puffybutt you baby-raping punk. Name the place. By the way, exactly how will you settle your beef with me? I want specifics. What you gonna do bitch?
Puddybud @ 38:
If you got the pun then what’s the word? Spell it out please.
I live to far from Seattle to bring my wife for a lunch, so it’ll just have to be the boys. Besides, I thought were going to invite one of your other rivals on the blog?
Hammer Time?!?! C’mon, Puddybud, with your bum knee?? More like Tinker Bell Time. Instead of parachute pants you’ll need your tights.
June works for me as well, too many publishing deals brewing right now.
Gloomy Gus Still Stupid:
Show my hand before the meeting? Hell No. We’ll have a chat between men. Oops… that’s right, you’re NOT a man! You da bitch playing with Rosy Palm and Her Four Sisters.
GBS: I’ll bring my knee brace. It works very well. It won’t be Tinker Bell time. I’ll bring the tights for Gloomy Gus Still Stupid!
I’ve been doing deep heavy wait squats the last two months losing close to 20 Lbs getting ready for this event. You’ll see the difference the next time you see me.
It will be Hammer Time!
41 Yanno….sometimes I wonder about that. They’re out there doing that and getting paid for it, and I’m sitting here screwing with computers.
What’s wrong with this picture?
Gloomy Gus Still Stupid:
A man doesn’t talk about fucking their political enemies siblings and wives.
A man doesn’t attack his political friends religious convictions
A man doesn’t repeat himself
A man shows pity when others are down on their luck
A man asks how can he help instead of how can he ridicule
A man doesn’t put down women
A man doesn’t act STUPID
You have no real man attributes STUPID!
Heavy “wait” squats?!?!?!
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa!!!
Have you been doing curls?? You know the 16oz variety??
OK, OK, enough of the breaking balls. Hell, I make my own fair share of typos.
20 pounds, huh? That’s pretty good. Did you lose your head?
Seriously, I bet if you look “behind” you, you’ll find that 20 pounds you lost.
Somebody stop me!
49 erratum wait is weight!
I laughed at #52 because one of our attributes is a big butt. I never had a big head. In my field you are always learning!
Did you ever hear the interview with #99 of the Oakland Raiders? He came from Tampa Bay. Know the name?
Hey, you two really gonna mix it up??
I need to know how to dress for he event. No tie for me if it’s gonna be a mixer. You know I’m a sharp dresser. Damn, I did look good didn’t I?
GBS: I plan to be well dressed for this event. I know you’ll like the tie choice. You’ll be Shocked and Amazed – Muhammad Ali
Warren Sap. Duh!
Being a Raider fan back to the Daryl “The Mad Bomber” Lamonica days, of course I know about #99.
What interview are you talking about though?
@ 54:
You have a big butt? Really?
I didn’t notice. Is that why they call you Sir Mix-A-Lot?
Yeah, Puddybud “got back.” Bondonkadonk.
Puddybud, you didn’t answer this word puzzle. Give up?
I said; “I’m having lunch with a couple of ‘n_ggers’ today.”
(hint: the word in ‘ ‘ means annoying persons.)
Warren Sapp. He was interviewed on ESPN some time ago. He said it was his big butt that gave him leverage. Do you remember him hopping in the Super Bowl?
Yeah, I like Da Raidas, just after Da Eagles! You never forget Veterans Stadium!
The letter is A
Ahhh, man, I remember the ass whoopin the raiders handed the eagles and cry-baby Vermil in the ’83 Super Bowl.
I never saw that interview with Warren. Funny guy though, I’ve always liked him. Wouldn’t want to piss him off though.
GBS: What you should have said is: “It’s what Gloomy Gus Still Stupid’s hight hand does every night to his minuscule dick!
You’re good.
Most people think “I”.
I didn’t really say that to my wife, picked it up form South Park. Love that show on Comedy Central.
All right, Puddybud “Floats like a bee, stings like a butterfly” Ali:
I’m going to take off. I’m leaving early today, gotta get the hood back on my Porsche. Brought the new engine to life last night. . . mmmmmmmmmm it sounded sweet.
Gonna take her out for a weekend blast around the sound.
Have a good one. Hey, if you’re gonna duke it out with the fellas let’s keep it separate from lunch, but, I wanna be there to watch. Love a good fight. Besides, you may need someone to adminster first-aid to ya.
Of course, I won’t touch ya, but I miiiiight dial 9-1-1 for ya. Bring cash, however, because I don’t do anything for free.
Yack at ya later.
When we meet the next time I’ll educate you on some vowel terminology. Then when PacMan opens his mouth, you’ll be more Shocked and Amazed!
So Puffybutt no wonder your wife prefers sucking my dick to yours. You don’t have the stones to tell me what you’re gonna do about me reminding you that your girl is a ho! HE HE!
I’ll need first aid? Nope.
Puffybutt duke it out? PLEEEEEASE – this is a Publican we’re talking about. You know, chickenshit chickenhawk and all that. This turd couldn’t fight his way out of a toilet. And he doesn’t even have the stones to tell me how he’ll win back the honor of his slut.
Welcome to Goldy’s Virtual Toilet Stall Wall.
Why would I be shocked and amazed at what PacMan has to say?
Did he abandon the Republican Party? What?
Hey, you might need first aid. I’ve never met “RightEqualsStupd” have you?
Under estimating your opponent is a cardinal sin committed only by suckas.
Oh GBS, I am not underestimating that sucka. Not at all.
Remember what you said to PacMan and me when you sat down in the chair I was going to sit in. Don’t repeat it here but think about it.
@ 67 vowel terminology?
What, was there something I missed in grade school?
Now onto Gloomy Gus Still Stupid. There are many ways to win back honor.
You may meet four or five of them.
Yeah, but that situation was totally different. I needed an escape route and I needed to see the door just in case 5-6 ‘brothers’ started coming in. Plus, I don’t like having my back exposed
ArtFart: Yes, the Toilet is Gloomy Gus Still Stupid. The Wall is this blog when he vomits out his mind, which you among others continue to condone!
See ya. Have a good weekend.
You too.
(Just a fact-check: Venus’ last name is spelled Velázquez.)
Puffybutt I have big friends too – I guess you’ll be sending yours to represent you. I’ll bring mine as backup since you probably never fought a fair fight in your life.
And I’ll bring your wife too – then I’ll fuck her in the ass right in front of you. HE HE!
Just think folks, Puffybutt is a Christian. Isn’t this just how the religious right hopes to be represented? Me – I am a heathen so I can act anyway I want to. But when a coward, traitor and baby-raper like Puffybutt pretends to be a Christian, well enough said. Oh and your sister gives good head too Puffy.
See ArtFart, et al. This is what you condone in 82&83.
Ohhhh… I’ll have some fun.
Remember Gloomy Gus Still Stupid #51.
You prove your manlessness over and over again!
Gloomy GUS on the S&P May 9th 2007 1,512.58
Gloomy GUS Still Stupid: I said Hammer Time. You are making the threats. Where did I say I would bring large fellows?
Somebody please explain to me where Gloomy Gus Still Stupid why is saying this?
I said Hammer Time. Hammer is a Preacher.
84 Puddlehead, I don’t claim to speak for RighEqualsStupid, and he’d damned well better not claim to speak for me…unless he asks first.
51 Well, sir….what does that qualify Republicans as…oysters?
wow — some people claim I’m verbose but I’ve got nuttin’ on puff adder
what a crap filled blog space
I don’t know what Venus might have said to the Council when she was a finalist for the seat given to Sally Clark that might have been construed as anti-gay, but having talked to her about various issues, I know that she is a supporter of equality and other issues important to gay rights activists.