Oh hey. Seattle Pride is back. Parades are fun. Leather daddys and Bank of America marching through the city. Glad it’s back, and everyone stay safe.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Oh hey. Seattle Pride is back. Parades are fun. Leather daddys and Bank of America marching through the city. Glad it’s back, and everyone stay safe.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Susan Collins must be so surprised this morning.
1)Wonder if she’ll hide behind her neighbors Steve and Tabitha if their are protests outside her place in Bangor? Although when the draft was leaked, tge Kings invited them.
Just because the Supreme Court negated Roe v. Wade doesn’t mean the entire country is going to follow their decision.
You don’t get it do you.
SCOUTS just took away a right that women have enjoyed for nearly 50 years. What rights are next?
Nice to also see Thomas take us back to 1791.
I just hope the other conservative justices that Bob so loves don’t turn on Thomas and revoke the 13th Amendment.
No, Captain Obvious. That’s true. It doesn’t mean that.
What it does mean is that under Trollito’s interpretation of common law rights in the 9th and 14th Amendments, in some states a thirteen year old blind adolescent girl with Down’s syndrome will be compelled by state law to carry her older brother’s rape-baby to full term and then agree to co-parent that rape-baby with her rapist for the rest of her life.
It’s gonna happen. And it’s going to look and feel just as bad as it sounds.
@ 4
What rights are next?
Er, those without constitutional basis, Newt. This is what had RBG worried.
@ 4, 6
United Nations: Broadband Access is a Basic Human Right
When shit like this is ginned up, don’t expect it to hold up under scrutiny, Newt.
Degen said all the catholic churches were going to burn.
He promised.
I feel so cheated.
@ 5
And it’s going to look and feel just as bad as it sounds.
Particularly when it begins spewing on HA under the screen name RedReformed.
So you want to see the 13th repealed. Good for you.
I hear there is a new market for buggy whips, you should get in on the ground floor.
To Newt, “rights” exist on a sliding scale. Newt has no problem with a citizen’s Second Amendment rights disappearing, you see.
When Newt asks “What rights are next?” he is oblivious to the SCOTUS opinion striking down New York’s infringement on Second Amendment rights. He is oblivious to the red flag law concept, in which an intentional falsehood can deprive an innocent citizen of protection without due process.
Newt’s a fucking joke, like so many others who whine from the left on HA.
But the blame lies with #CrookedHillary and with RBG.
Coney Barrett.
Almost makes up for the betrayal that was David Souter.
Accused’s right to counsel
Right to access prescription birth control
Right to marry
Right to vote
Right to privacy
Each of these are broad rights with sweeping implications in associated specific rights.
Nancy Pelosi’s bishop:
Pray, too, for the soul of RBG, which burns in Hell.
You simply make shit up.
I’m not oblivious to any of the things you mention. It is that I don’t agree with the reasoning and logic of the current SCOUTS and how they interpret the law.
I actually agree with the 2A Dumbfuck. I’ve stated that before. I disagree with what they ruled recently.
Blacks were property back in the day, let the “originalists” in SCOUTS go back to that.
While you are at it, take the “right” of women to vote away, there isn’t a constitutional basis for that either. Rights to Cons are on a sliding scale too.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, please wear a condom from now on when you fuck women of child-bearing age.
You can still do your mother bareback.
I sure hope Susan Collins is okay today.
She’ll be having a nice weekend somewhere sipping Chablis with her phone turned off.
@ 13
Each of these are broad rights with sweeping implications in associated specific rights.
None of them necessarily terminate human life.
Burning church alert.
YLB, if the Senate ended the filibuster, which would you like to see it do first, girlfriend?
• Codify abortion rights nationwide.
• Spend $6 trillion we don’t have on shit we don’t need.
More Hispanic voters will go red. Today is the payoff for doing so.
Degen makes up consequences and implications that appeal to him from the standpoint of both an assumption of privilege (old white guys own stuff) and from ignorance (Degen has no fucking ideal what substantive due process means).
But Thomas’ concurring opinion announces very clearly the direction this majority is heading. The destination is the elimination of substantive due process, which ironically would also imperil Loving. But what it would also do is imperil a broad array of private property rights enjoyed either by private individuals or private corporations. It would envision a legal framework wherein, so long as a state has provided a litigant property owner with some process when either encumbering or taking their private property, then that litigant has not only no remedy, but no cause for action and thus no ability even to obtain injunctive relief.
I use that as an example because it’s a real issue, even in the era of substantive due process, that has been of great importance to libertarians, conservatives, and many liberal advocates for the property rights of the individual. Even when a property owner is unable to obtain a financial remedy (at the federal level) at least these individuals or businesses can obtain injunctive relief when they are deprived of the use or value of their private property. But without a requirement for substantive due process even that injunctive remedy disappears.
All those pro-abortion domestic terrorists, just waiting for sundown…
Burn this bitch down
My original comment @4 to @3 applies to Dumbfuck, he clearly doesn’t get it. As you point out, there should be real concerns about the direction Thomas is heading.
To put this in perspective, this isn’t even the equivalent of closing the Montlake bridge for opening day. The interstate freeway bridge is 1000 yards away. Basically, there is a crossing over the Anacostia about every 1000 yards all the way into Maryland.
THE WHOLE WORLD’S WATCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Degen better gather the ammo, lock all the doors, stuff wet towel into all the cracks, and keep the whiskey bottle close.
From the previous thread:
I’d argue that it’s[recreational wars and failed pentagon spending] yesterday’s news and move on, YLB.
Imprudent prior spending does not justify imprudent current spending
Yes, kreepshit but your “kid” is so “fucked” because of that prior spending.. your “kid” and “grandkid” will be paying for that “prior” spending. amirite?
Just applying your own babbling to you and yours.. heh.
And it’s not “imprudent” to keep the economy going after a pandemic froze it in place. But a degenerate like you is just trolling and we all know it.
@ 15
Blacks were property back in the day, let the “originalists” in SCOUTS go back to that.
While you are at it, take the “right” of women to vote away, there isn’t a constitutional basis for that either.
It’s interesting, reading Newt’s contention that the 13th and 19th Amendments are not part of the Constitution.
I wonder if he realizes that’s what he wrote.
YLB, if the Senate ended the filibuster,
Fantasy is what you do kreepshit. Me I see Manchin and Sinema.. That’s reality.
Building the white conservative Republican apartheid state. It’s not going to end well.
@ 26
…your “kid” and “grandkid” will be paying for that “prior” spending. amirite?
Sorta. Their inheritances will. More to the point, their untaxed stepped-up basis inheritances will.
And since they’ll be untaxed inheritances, the shortfall will be made up by …
wait for it …
YLB’s kids.
Gawd, I love the tax code.
And Republicans will try to get rid of social security. Not in the constitution.
@ 28
Me I see Manchin and Sinema.
You should see Harry Reid, YLB. He’s the one who opened Pandora’s Box.
For some reason, girlfriend, you seem to think that the next time Democrats fuck with the rules of the Senate, it won’t be as bad. You’re wrong about that, too.
the SCOTUS opinion striking down New York’s infringement on Second Amendment rights
A law that’s been in place in New York since 1911.. This SCOTUS is fubar..
Sorta. Their inheritances will.
Heh.. And kreepshit will roll the dice and let the “kid” and “grandkid” spend kreepshit’s fookin’ munee on teh liberal causes and teh smelly hipees?
kreepshit, say it’s not so…
16 not gonna happen
I see the court heading towards strict constructionism, just a matter of time before they announce that and get rid of those pesky amendments.
Your orange crush would certainly try and get rid of the 22nd.
@ 33
A law that’s been in place in New York since 1911..
YLB employs the “But we’ve always done it that way.” defense.
And neglects to include that the legislature hurriedly changed the law in the hope that SCOTUS wouldn’t opine what they already knew.
You should see Harry Reid, YLB. He’s the one who opened Pandora’s Box.
yawwwn… I see a kreepshit babbling about a Senate rule that will not be changed in the current Congress.
I don’t take orders from always wrong wing degenerates, orders to “see” anything.
The Oil Spill Lawyer that Trump put in charge of advancing his election fraud conspiracy within the DOJ appears to have about as keen a grasp on the criminal legal process as I would expect:
He goes on TeeVee to talk shit! (this is never a smart move, legally).
He makes a point of mentioning that a whole bunch of his co-conspirators were served the same day! (this does not look “good”)
Appearing on the Tucker show alongside advertisements for dick pills, hair loss tonics, and shoe magnets, he bitches about a “Hollywood” hearing.
Another idiot is doing a “Navarro”.
“But we’ve always done it that way.” defense.
kreepshit creams its jeans over dishonest kreep judges who babble about “settled law”..
@ 34
After I’m gone, YLB, it’s their money. But you miss the point.
The point is it won’t be your money, your kids’ money, nor the government’s. That’s the point of estate planning – keeping money away from POS like you, YLB, ya dumb twat.
Off-topic, but I once had to explain to Goldy that estate planning can only be done when the estate owner is alive. Saved him quite a bit of embarrassment when he sent his letter to the Seattle Times.
Nice to also see Thomas take us back to 1791.
Heh.. kreepshit babbles that he’s a nice guy and then concern trolls about Sotomayor’s “stance”..
and then there’s the matter of Thomas’ krazy-ass insurrectionist wife..
She was an anti-kult activist in a prior life and today is an adherent to the absolutely bonkers drumpf kult of personality..
an orange-tinted pos… can’t they do better?
@ 35
Newt has zero understanding of the mechanism by which the US Constitution is amended.
What a surprise.
After I’m gone, YLB, it’s their money.
Kreepshit, you can’t take the chance.. teh liberal causes, teh smelly hipees…
gasoline, lit match..
and it’s your fookin’ munee.. forever..
me? I don’t give a shit about your dirty munee.. you can have it.. I prefer it’s buried with your miserable remains.
who teh fuck ever needed that shit?
I wonder where Kavanaugh and family will be sleeping tonite.
Red state.
There will never be a bigger win for Mitch McConnell than today’s.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid had his crack at the lectern and did what he did.
McConnell followed Reid’s lead.
I see Washington D.C. has learned a few things in the last 17 months.
Jennifer Bendery
Snipers on the roof of the Supreme Court right now. Upper left.
8:15 AM · Jun 24, 2022
Coney Barrett.
Didn’t need to happen. Y’all fucked around and found out.
Think on yer sins. Especially you, Steve, while y’all clean the barrel of yer Magnum and look at ferry schedules.
forced birthers will go the way of slaveholders and prohibitionists..
prohib… what?
thought so…
it’ll take some time but it’ll happen. I’m an eternal optimist.
I know exactly how the US Constitution is amended Dumbfuck.
What you are seeing today is Conservative judicial activism.
There is no such thing as “settled law”. SCOUTS just gave the clear signal to the legislative branch to allow them to put forth legislation to removed Amendments they don’t like.
Prohibition was enacted and repealed.
US is headed to a theocracy.
Especially you, Steve, while y’all clean the barrel of yer Magnum and look at ferry schedules.
You fucked around. Soon you’ll find out.
Best that you wrap up your estate planning, and soon.
@ 50
Prohibition was enacted and repealed.
Yes, it was. But not by the courts, Newt.
@52 Yes, it was. But not by the courts, Newt.
That was my point.
Why did Mitch put so much effort in getting theocratic supporting justices? So he could champion legislation that supports a theocratic means. Without conservative justices, Mitch knew his end goal wouldn’t ever happen, a more “liberal” court would throw out any neo-con attempts to move to a more “Godly country.”
So yes, the court can’t just toss out amendments they don’t like. But what they can do is enable the radical right and evangelicals to generate religious-based laws and allow them to stay on the books.
For someone that claims to not go to church and be a “god-fearing” man, you sure hitch your pony to that wagon. I find that rather amusing and disturbing.
@ 53
I find that rather amusing and disturbing.
Wait until November, clown. You’ll be somewhat less amused.
Nah. Just unlearned one profoundly stupid, orange thing.
More to follow, soon.
How bad is November looking for Democrats?
This bad:
Dozens of House Democrats call on leaders to increase police funding
One of the signers is Elissa Slotkin, who is in serious trouble this year.
I wonder if Newt is amused @ 53 by desperate House Democrats begging their leadership to call votes so that their constituents can see them voting FOR police funding.
And by freedoms, she means funding.
Planned Parenthood CEO: ‘All of our freedoms are on the line’ after Supreme Court overturn of Roe v. Wade
Separately, Planned Parenthood has announced the formation of Red Wings Airlines, which will ferry women from non-abortion states to states in which they are permitted. It is expected that the airline will be self-supporting as long as fines levied by the NFL for domestic abuse are directed to the transport venture.
YLB can’t stop crying.
I never thought defunding police was a good idea, try and find a post were I support that concept.
I’ve had several police officers that patrol my neighborhood tell me to arm myself with weapons because they are outgunned as it is.
You don’t need to worry about Steve, you need to worry about some tweaker in your neighborhood that comes to steal your diesel or farm implements.
Thanks to the SCOTUS ruling recently, it will be easier for them to be armed. Even a tweaker can get off a lucky shot now and then, especially when armed with an AR-15 style weapon and spraying bullets because they have a high-capacity magazine.
You voted for this, think of your sins.
The horse will go with them willingly.
can’t stop crying.
bored to “tiers”…
heh. too funee..
Didn’t kreepshit babble that it pissed itself the other day?
depends, kreepshit, depends.. you know, the sanitary product for incontinent old fux..
Liberals are blessed with the Dobbs decision.
If not for Dobbs, now that there’s a gun bill just waiting for First Vegetable Joe Biden to re-learn how to write his name in order to sign, there would only be the economy to talk about between now and November.
You mean the watered down gun bill the extreme court wing of the federalist society will negate next time they rule?
And we have the attempted coup the Republicans bungled to run on
And we have Republican forced birth to run on
And we have thomas giving the go ahead to end contraception, to run on
And Republicans want to end social security, to run on
We have a chance.
Hoping to somehow finagle free reproductive care in an effort to re-establish blood flow to his penis, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has changed preferred pronouns to she/hers, and wishes for everyone to recognize her as a bona fide birthing person.
@ 64
So you’re saying there’s a chance…
I’m running errands today and won’t have time to read this thread or comment on today’s events until possibly tomorrow. There’s a lot to digest, and I don’t even have time to read news right now. So have at it guys, gals, and nongendereds, and shred Doctor Dumbfuck for me.
Come for the suction, stay for the scenery.
West Coast States Launch New Multi-State Commitment to Reproductive Freedom, Standing United on Protecting Abortion Access
Might as well capitalize on it, given your ilk and their desire to “fuck every women”* that lives in a red state.
*metaphorically speaking. We know the likes of Dumbfuck and his tribe prefer kids and barnyard animals.
We know the likes of Dumbfuck and his tribe prefer kids and barnyard animals.
And dogs.
And mules.
Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, suggested on Friday in the wake of the Supreme Court’s move to strike down Roe v. Wade that Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh misled her on the abortion issue in testimony and in private meetings.
Shocked I tell you!
Well no shit Susan, you got played. And now the rest of the women of the nation get screwed by you.
Who woulda thought?
Poor, poor Newt @ 71
Six justices isn’t five, Newt.
Poor me? Naw, it ain’t me, it is the Senator that thought she was mislead.
Those of us on the left knew those two scotus candidates would vote to overturn Roe.
“Collins added that the court “abandoned a fifty-year precedent” at a time the country is “desperate for stability.” – her words, not mine.
She is the one looking dumb.
@ 73
She is the one looking dumb.
She is the one with an excuse. Liberals looking for someone to blame should blame Reid, #CrookedHillary, RBG.
Oh, and themselves for giving Kavanaugh zero reason to give two shits about what liberals think. Y’all made assholes out of yerselves during his confirmation hearing.
Y’all will make bigger assholes out of yerselves after dark.
So, I guess when First Vegetable Joe Biden repeated the word “peaceful” three times, it wasn’t a brain fart this time.
Here’s how we know the outcry is overblown: G-clown will still suck the cocks of an any and all gay conservatives, no questions asked.
Not even “Are you clean?”
Tossing out Roe was a dumb move on the part of the Republicans. Abortion is an excellent poverty avoidance technique. We need people of lesser economic means to take charge of their lives to avoid poverty. Abortion gives them that opportunity to take more control over their lives.
I say the more abortions for people struggling, the better!
@74 Liberals looking for someone to blame should blame Reid, #CrookedHillary, RBG.
We can add Collins to that list because she could have voted not to confirm.
We can also add McConnell to that list. Sure Reid changed the Senate rules and McConnell used it skillfully. But McConnell was a sleezeball and ultimate hypocrite with what he did.
You constant spew that Hillary could have done things to change the election outcome and if she did any of those, well maybe things would be different, who knows? Same can be said for Collins, she could have voted not to confirm.
Nothing but chaos theory and butterfly effect on your part because that is all you have; that and 4 justices that want to go back in time by about 200 years and are happy to take the country with them.
Pars, you idiot. Republicans need a cheap labor source, by aborting kids, you reduce that pool.
@71 They didn’t only mislead her, they lied under oath in their confirmation hearings, which is not only grounds for impeachment, but also criminal prosecution.
While I don’t foresee pro-choicers getting a two-thirds supermajority in the Senate, these justices committed a lot more fraud than Biden’s 80 million voters did, and America’s voters could elect a Congress to settle the matter in this fashion if they wanted to. The grounds to remove them are there.
She is the one with an excuse. Liberals looking for someone to blame should blame Reid, #CrookedHillary, RBG.
So stupid of you. It’s all your fucking fault.
By the way, you treasonous fucks never did explain why you were sharing internal polling data with Russia, Russia, Russia in 2016. For use as wallpaper?
@72 And five justices isn’t six justices.
@81 By his reasoning, instead of blaming the madman who pulls the trigger on schoolkids, or the justices who put the gun in his hands, or the president who appointed those justices, or the voters who elected that president, we should blame Hillary.
It’s all Hillary’s fault. Everything is her fault.
Kari Lake’s consultant said SCOTUS protesters are “ugly, gender confused animals” that “will torch American cities,” should “be shot” or apprehended, and told followers to “shoot to kill.”
So now it’s “shoot to kill”, huh, Dumbfuck? I’m good with that. How about you?
Y’all libbies shouldn’t have made Alito’s wife cry.
Payback’s a bitch, amirite?
So far the violence Doctor Dumbfuck predicted consists of one guy climbing up a bridge, dropping his water bottle on the way up, and vowing to stay up there until he gets thirsty.
Payback’s a bitch, amirite?
Something for a low IQ traitor such as yourself to think about. But, no, you’re too stupid. You believe you’re safe.
Stupidity will be the death of you.
Clarence Thomas made it clear he wants to go after contraception, too. Thomas is Catholic. So is Barrett. Without those two, you don’t have a Court majority to impose Catholic Sharia Law on America’s non-Catholics. With them, you possibly do.
JFL, our first Catholic president, promised to keep his personal religion separate from his public duties, and did so. So did other Democrats. The difference between them and Republican Catholics is (1) they’re not liars, and (2) they didn’t try to force the rest of us to be Catholics, too.
Democrats and Republicans aren’t the same.
Thomas said, “We should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents.” I wonder if he believes the 14th Amendment prevents the Catholic Church from burning non-Catholics at the stake for heresy, or if he believes that’s outside the scope and reach of the Constitution?
Perhaps I was mistaken when I previously commented that the GOP wants to drag us back into the 19th century. I may have been off by several centuries.
@84 I’m okay with shooting rioters who torch cities, but there’ll be a lot of dead Trumpers after every election.
DHS knows that y’all violent domestic extremists will make J6 look like a walk in the park.
This is why 2A exists, libbies. Fuck around and find out.
My granddaughter (and your daughter) is right: the Republicans have made a big mistake with the Roe decision. As for those cheap laboroers you’re talking about, the Republicnas will utilize the cheap labor force entering the country illegally.
I love this shit.
He’s on video. When he had a brain that functioned.
She’s running.
Personally, I wanna see a #CrookedHillary v. MichelleO primary.
This guy did it right. Hooked up with a chick too old to get preggers.
This is a correct response (video included).
It won’t be as easy, but people will work the problem and life will go on. Go ahead and codify it if you think you can. I’m fine with it.
Just don’t forget about the economy First Vegetable Joe Biden tanked.
Gawd, a half-century of idiocy from this dipstick.
Here’s a letter from ol’ Joe back in 1994 in which he brags about voting more than 50 times AGAINST federal funding of abortions.
Ol’ Joe has always stood firm in his beliefs.
He firmly believes whatever he is told that people want to hear.
The RNC told me I’d get paid double today.
The RNC told me I’d get paid double today.
Once a stupid drumpfer, always a stupid drumpfer..
This guy did it right. Hooked up with a chick too old to get preggers.
Sounds like a widbee duo we all know…
the kid is not yours is it?
how many years will it be between the two stupid dances?
I want to spend money and time help better Democrats win where it’s still a toss up . Is there a web site(s) that audits liberals group and names the effective ones. I don’t want to give my money to the liberal version of a trump grifter. (And you know grifters are going to coming out of the woodwork to con angry liberals out of their money.) How can I do something remotely to help democrats in other areas win. I’m looking for options.
@103 Join the scrum at DailyKos.. ask around there. Ask around at Democratic Underground.
@ 103
Help Spanberger and Slotkin. When the Democrats are in the minority they are more likely to have a voice with the majority, assuming they survive the midterms.
Help Cheney. The seat will be held by a Republican. The only thing you might be able to help determine is which one.
FYI: None of this is snark.
Mitch played the long game, so can we.
Now that the Federalists have turned SCOTUS into a political court and revoked stare decisis, that might not be such a bad thing after all. The next liberal majority can:
Reinstate Roe v. Wade without Casey’s limitations, and overturn all the red state anti-abortion laws;
Rewrite Heller and limit guns to the well-regulated militia, i.e. the National Guard;
Reverse Citizens United, outlaw dark money, and reinstate the Voting Rights Act, federal judicial review of redistricting, a slew of overturned campaign finance laws, etc.;
Reinstate and reinforce separation of church and state;
And, of course, appoint the presidents we prefer.
Because what’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
but people will work the problem and life will go on.
So babbles a kreep who just recently farted this issue doesn’t matter.. people want to make the rent and fill the tank..
sweet platitudes… from a hack troll..
@ 106
Mitch played the long game, so can we.
Harry Reid played the short game. Mitch warned him, he didn’t listen, and Garland’s nomination went to waste.
Mitch played the long game. For six years.
Schumer played the short game. He tried to ditch the filibuster within a year of becoming Senate Majority Leader. He threatened SCOTUS justices. He had his ass handed to him with that silly abortion vote.
In the last decade I have seen zero evidence that Senate Democrats can play the long game, Newt. What’s your evidence?