After the Tacoma boat fire, I have been thinking about why it got so much less attention than East Palestine. It got plenty of attention locally, and it wasn’t ignored nationally. But national media and activists just haven’t run with it the same.
The visuals are as compelling, and the toxicity is probably worse. It will effect more people, because it’s in a city.
It might be as simple as it is in a city, and people have pretty fucked up notions about cities are dirty already. It might be Tacoma specific: A very diverse place, with a certain reputation plays different from a heartland town. There are also some left activists who are obsessed with blaming everything bad on Pete Buttigieg, and maybe a fishing boat isn’t an excuse to complain about him winning the Iowa Caucasus. Maybe I am too cynical.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Hey Carl, since you’re making an inane comparison, why not compare the Tacoma boat fire to the Gulf oil spill that went on and on and on until it was finally capped off?
At least both involved petroleum.
Supposedly my corrupt, incompetent, senile president will announce his re-election campaign on Tuesday.
Gee, there certainly are quite a few Hunter Biden stories this week. The whistleblower story did some damage.
And yesterday we learned that the Hunter Biden laptop disinformation effort in 2020 was led by Tony Blinken.
The Biden Crime Family certainly has some friends in high places.
“Pro boat fire” sure is an interesting look.
We’d be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
Scotty “We gotta toss out the impolite negroes’ Campbell resigned the TN legislature over the acknowledged sexual harassment of an intern or three.
House Speaker is now ducking TN media over what appears to be a misappropriation of state funds to move the intern out the building Campbell also lived in and into a hotel for the remainder of the session to cover up the abuse.
TN GOP, aren’t you glad y’all called national attention to yourselves?
I see that Larry Elder has made his in-kind donation to the Trump effort by launching his presidential campaign last night.
That’s one declared GOP black dude and another seriously exploring the possibility of running. Libbies gettin’ ready to Uncle Tom both of them.
@ 5
How much mileage ya think that’s worth?
This week two Biden cabinet officials have been implicated in corrupt political acts:
1. AG Merrick Garland is blocking the indictment of POS Hunter Biden.
2. SoS Anthony Blinken got the 51 names letter about POS Hunter Biden’s laptop being Russian disinformation going, Mike Morell testified, because it would help Biden’s campaign.
So yeah, a TN GOP assemblyman was inappropriate with a pair o’ interns. Although so far there is no evidence that he Bill Clinton’d on the clothing worn by either of them. He also wasn’t forced to pay 800 large to either of them, nor was he disbarred before the Supreme Court. I guess y’all are saving that for next week.
Queen YLB is much more comfortable driving her car these days, because she knows that the DOT is now using female crash test dummies for some of its vehicle safety work.
To be even safer, Queen YLB now wears her Obama kneepads when she’s behind the wheel. After all, she never knows when she’ll run into Goldy, does our precious Queen YLB.
A majority of Jews vote with Democrats because they’re more comfortable in the company of fellow pussies.
I did that all on my own. You ever hear my show? Follow my Gubernatorial campaign?
You’re new here right?
Woke is the new slavery!
@ 10
Trump/Elder 2024, I take it?
The old and new Chisox stadia. Thought it was a cool photo.
Mike “Torture is Justified and Legal no Matter what those Faggy Swiss say” Morell last had official clearance in 2013 so of course Gym has him in to testify about something that may or may not have happened in intelligence circles in six years later.
There’s a reason outside of Dumbfuckistan no one is talking about Gym’s hearings. Maybe we can bring in some more voluntary resignations and cal the Whistleblowers.
Y’all libbies are lovin’ the TN assemblyman story, but strangely silent about this in next-door NC:
Why is that?
“Any day now John Durham is going to file his charges because they are totally real and totally devestating.”
You’d think the Dumbfuck would learn not to immediately assume every development confirms his wildest fantasies before a single interview or fact has come out.
What we know. Someone claiming to be a whistleblower wants to talk to Congress.
What Dumbfuck claims to know, “THIS CORRUPTION GOES RIGHT TO THE TOP! Garland is GUILTY NOW!” Because Dumbfuck relies on Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post.
@ 13
Mike “Torture is Justified and Legal no Matter what those Faggy Swiss say” Morell…
I believe you meant Mike “I was appointed by Obama, twice, and I endorsed #CrookedHillary in 2016” Morell.
I believe, as well, that Aaron Sorkin, through Jack Nicholson’s character, made it abundantly clear that the term is “faggoty”.
There is a Dumbfuck thinks tossing out lawmakers for DARING to speak up on gun violence is a winning issue because GUN VIOLENCE in another state.
Pop quiz: which party is 100% against curbing the easy access to guns?
Also, sexual harassment/assault by a legislator and a cover up by the GOP head of that legislature is not really the same as trigger happy random civilian who needs to be found and locked up.
But thanks for trying the, “Look over there it’s Tom and Giselle” distraction
@ 15
WSJ reported the letter first. It wasn’t just NY Post that revealed that the high-ranking POS was Garland. So did CNN.
If this was wrong, you’d think there would be pushback. And yet:
@ 17
I see you are not yet aware of the Louisville bank shooter’s manifesto.
Why hasn’t anyone yet alleged that Morell testified that POS Hunter Biden isn’t being indicted because people are protecting his POS father for the sole reason that Morell wasn’t picked by Biden to run the CIA?
Skirting the issue that Mike left the CIA in 2013 but is now your authority on the inner workings of the intelligence community about an event that could have happened in 2019.
You just can’t help yourself can you, Dumbfuck.
@ 21
Those 51 signatories to that letter: How long ago did they leave the government’s employ, and do the lengths of time since their departures diminish the collective weight of their allegations to the same extent that you seem to think Morell’s absence warrants?
And, if so, did you bring this up in 2020? No?
STFU, hypocrite.
Remember when I had that ‘Whistleblower’ in to testify and it turned out they voluntarily left the FBI and weren’t in a position to have direct knowledge of anything so I waived some papers in my hands about all the depositions of other ‘whistleblowers’ my committee had talked to behind closed doors that we were unwilling to provide any information to for Democrats on the committee or the press?
That was what…February. Was AWESOME FOR MY CREDIBILITY!
So about this 51 names…
When asked by reporters about internal police investigative procedures if the suspect is aware of the currently secret elements of an investigation the suspect’s lawyers had no comment.
“GUILTY!” -dumbfuck
On HA those circles are a near-perfect overlap.
Queen YLB thinks they would make for lovely hoop earrings.
See @6.
Because he had been OUT of the CIA for seven years by the time Biden made that pick. For all you know he was on the short list before going with Brennan.
Maybe, someone with Russia experience as an Ambassador seemed like a good pick given intelligence assessment of Russia’s intentions toward Ukraine headed into inauguration?
Who knows?
But thanks.
Like the parts about the easy access to guns even if a history of mental health problems?
That loophole that Red Flag laws aims to close. Red Flag Laws GOP legislatures are passing bills to SPECIFICALLY keep from being enacted at some future date?
Sweet Jesus. You should log off today.
DOT is now using female crash test dummies for some of its vehicle safety work.
Perhaps DOT should test a dummy on kneepads with ass cheeks spread wide for the likes of elmo and kon-klown deathsatanist.
Dummies like kreepshit have a “need” for safety too. Safety in servility. heh.
Seems weird to me that any Republican would call attention to Tennessee House GOP right now. But it doesn’t just go to how the GOP is continuing to make themselves toxic to Black voters, where this definitely gets traction.
Republican Tennessee House Speaker Cameron Sexton (perfect fucking name btw) who drove the campaign to eject two elected Black lawmakers for a “lack of decorum” following yet another gun slaughter of children, has amassed an impressive record of blatant corruption for a dude seeking a national spotlight.
First we discover that he broke the very same rules he cited in ejecting the two elected Black lawmakers in railroading through the motion. Then intrepid internet sleuthing discovered his official sworn property records proving he has not resided in his district for years. Then his voter registration is revealed proving voter registration fraud. Then stories break of his using his district “love nest” for his serial extramarital affairs. Then we learn that Sexton has billed Tennessee taxpayers for years for travel to and from his “home” that never took place. Then we learn that a senior protege in his House leadership team has been sexually stalking young interns for months with Sexton’s awareness. Then we learn that Sexton misappropriated Tennessee taxpayers funds to relocate one of the stalking victims to prevent investigators from finding her.
It looks like it’s too bad for Sexton that this record extends so far beyond his thoroughly racist and utterly reprehensible campaign to disenfranchise Tennessee voters by taking away their elected representatives. He’d surely have gotten away with that.
But now the national media have scented his pure Aryan blood in the water. And even the local media are calling for his resignation.
Let’s hope his soon-to-be ex-wife gets the fancy house in Nashville.
Duhr, cuz dude is most definitely not the all-powerful Republican Speaker of the North Carolina House Tim Moore.
Unless Shit-lord crybaby has him some Late-Breaking-Dumbfuck-News for us!
I’m not sure this is helping him.
He holds in his hand…
Don’t forget to put on the Playtex gloves first. 🤣
Breyer sides with the black guy.
Cheer up, libbies. For all you know Breyer might think Ginni’s a cunt.
Sweet Jesus. You should log off today.
With his being an unserious, vacuous twat like myself, I’d hope you’d lighten up. Consider that the poor sap is only now realizing that DeSanctus will never be his president.
He’s feeling The Pain, so please consider backing off.
Huge Success!
Very pleased!
A majority of Jews vote with Democrats because they’re more comfortable in the company of fellow pussies.
If you hope to shake the reputation you’ve earned as being a dumbfuck fascist, it might help if you don’t call the majority of Jews “pussies”.
There’s also that projection thing you’re doing, what with you being an obvious pussy. The folks here have seen through right-wing projection for many years now. It doesn’t play well here.
Just trying to help.
OMG!! My eyes burn. Where is soft focus when need it?
“I am not a crook”
-Richard Nixon
“I know Trump and he’s really not a pedo perv once you get to know him” – Ghislaine Maxwell
“Woody is a great friend and director” Cate Blanchett
“Harvey never treated me with anything but respect.” – Ben Afleck
She may sue Goldy.
In Tacoma, boat fires are at a disadvantage, TFD Marine units do double duty as Engine Companies. SFD, I believe Engine 5 operates a Rescue boat, but most other marine units are full time. Even did mutual aid for Tacoma Fire.
38 – Harvey Weinstein IS GOD!
Pretty much a dull week in the markets. Didn’t go anywhere.
I knew I’d find you here. Markets hell! Give me back the money you stole from my purse this morning!
@6 “Libbies gettin’ ready to Uncle Tom both of them.”
No, we just won’t vote for them. Not because they’re black, but because we don’t vote for Republicans.
Trump is now over 50% with Fat Midget having dropped below 25%.
Trump no longer even needs “winner take all” primaries to clear the field.
Frankly, I’m a little disappointed.
I was very much looking forward to watching shy Republicans sequentially indexing through a descending order of mini-MAGAts before inevitably settling on Cheeto Jesus. A series of humiliating disappointments is much more fun than just one big one.
I just hope Fat Midget can hang in there long enough to bring out some official merch. I may never get over my disappointment at missing out on the very limited WELD 2020 welding caps.
Primary Pudding Cups?
Friday Nite Kultur.. Students at the School of Rock perform “Black Hole Sun” by Soundgarden:
Despite accusations of sometimes extremely vulgar comments and other inappropriate advances, Republicans did not remove the 39-year-old East Tennessee lawmaker from his leadership position nor from his committee assignments
Well, maybe a little tolerance.
Uppity blacks? NO TOLERANCE!!
Rapey Skeeve-douche McNeckBeard junior? But white and Republican? Some tolerance. FO SHO!
QUALITY and plenty of traction.
@43 – You’re a lying, cock-sucking piece of shit. My mom has been dead for over 30 years. It’s lucky for you that everyone here is anonymous. Otherwise, I’d find you and kick the living dog shit out of you.