The Seattle City Council has committed to defunding the police department by 50%. Will replacing police duties with people from other city departments work? Will it provide better service? Will it reduce police shootings and other escalation of force? Will it reduce crime? I don’t know. But the status quo is not working.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
The FBI really covered itself in glory, didn’t it?
Poor Steve has completely lost the ability to construct a sentence without using the word “Putin”.
Remember The Q Clearance Pussy flailing away with the cudgel of the Seattle Police Department’s reported statistics on crime in the CHAZ?
A little context about the kinds of statistics the police report about the work they do:
It’s a pretty unique universe the way crime statistics are gathered and reported. And these kinds of little scandals are actually very numerous and have been quite well documented in the past. Often it’s created internally when senior command staff pressures division and lower commanders and shift supervisors to “show improvement” in support of whatever new program or initiative has been implemented by the folks at the top.
The really shocking thing is that there is no independent accounting process outside the divisions and almost never any independent auditing system reviewing what is reported. Imagine if you ran a division of a company and could simply report whatever numbers you liked without having to comply with any accounting standards and no concern about an audit?
Police lie. They really do. They lie on the stand. They lie to the elected officials they report to. And they lie to the public about their work. And in Chicago, when they get caught in the lie, the simply remove access to the data. We should not be making decisions about how best to transform our police departments based in any way on the numbers they report.
Speaking of “covering themselves in glory”:
Senior Administration officials told Esper and Ryan McCarthy, the Secretary of the Army, to dig for misconduct that would justify blocking Vindman’s promotion. They couldn’t find anything, multiple sources told me.
BTW, also sold the lives of US Marines for help getting re-elected.
So, yeah. That.
Black dude born in Africa authors a piece about three (of many) perceptions about a black dude born in Africa.
@ 2
Now do Nikolas Cruz and the Broward School District.
It’s not just police departments that lie. But when publicly funded school districts do it, “it’s for the children”.
QoS McHillbilly, you report nothing new or unique. It’s the public sector. Rotten to the core, whether armed or civilian. Rotten to the core even after retirement – just look at Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@ 3
I especially liked the part at the end of the piece, in which liar Yovanovitch was quoted.
Really drove the point home.
We’ve spent the last forty years keening over public school reform, improvement, and transformation, with budgets tied to performance metrics like testing, etc. and expansion of reforms to include things like charter schools.
Maybe when you can show us a cop who was required to have a Masters degree to get into the academy, or where federal grants for an MRAPs, sniper training, and blast balls have been tied to fewer civil rights violations and deaths in custody your latest whaddaboutism might begin to have some salience.
What you are so studiously ignoring is that cops lie, and we give them bonuses and new toys to kill us with. And it also doesn’t fix the problem YOU have relying on police statistics to bolster your weak arguments in favor of sport-murdering cops.
I read this sentence about lower-quality shareholders and immediately though of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, who cannot afford to own even the Series B shares of Berkshire. He’s the kind of lower quality shareholder who brags about buying 100 shares of AT&T.
GE share price today: $6.66. Not quite 75% lower than when Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit recommended the stock to Newt. Oh, and the dividend Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit used to support his recommendation is down 96% from when he offered his opinion.
Is RR still having to use a catheter to go pee-pee?
@ 7
Politicians lie and we give them two (or four, or six) more years with amazing consistency.
You try to make it seem like cops are something different. What is different is when cops stop policing, more persons of color are killed.
Gun violence is surging in cities, and hitting communities of color hardest
@6. The conservative accuses U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch of being a liar and cites was created by John Solomon.
John Solomon was an opinion writer at The Hill and is now a Fox News contributor. Solomon has a “history of bending the truth to his storyline” and “massaging facts to conjure phantom scandals. In 2017, he played a major role in pushing the inaccurate Uranium One conspiracy.
Nothing from that site or John Solomon is true, as much as conservatives want to pretend it is.
U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch told the truth and the conservatives are promoting right wing propaganda and lies. As usual. This is why nobody with any brains, listens to conservatives any more.
@ 9
To do that, AND to insert his thrice-daily suppository. He’s got his catheter-cleaning system down to a science. Mrs. Rabbit isn’t happy about having to hand-wash dishes since Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has commandeered the dishwasher for catheter-cleansing.
But the money saved helps Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit buy more individual shares of AT&T, so there’s that.
@8. Week in and Week out, The conservative seems terrified that a liberal might have more wealth and be a better investor than him and he projects all sort of foaming spit financial fantasies in the name of Roger Rabbit. It’s as if the conservative can’t feel truly wealthy if Roger Rabbit has more than he does. Why do you think that is?
Yabbut cops lie.
– Mayor of Atlanta, Monday
Conservatives must buy more ammo.
@9 to 12. It’s kind of sad that you make up imaginary friends to post set up shots just so you can agree with them (wink wink) and post zingers.
Try this, post some positive things you conservatives want to see the republicans do.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 13
Ask yourself what kind of individual does NOT feel the need to claim, repeatedly and very publicly, to be a millionaire.
There’s an easy answer: Someone who truly is one.
@15. Wanna bet people have been following the rules and asking commissions or the city councils for decades to remove that statue with no results. They got fed up with inaction and being ignored and did something and NOW you fault them for not following processes.
Did you demand the crowds who pulled down the statues of Saddam Hussain go through the commissions or the city councils to take them down?
This is tiresome. And aside from being trite and stupid, you’re leaning hard into some pretty fabulous partisan journalism to apply that label.
Just so you know, since the ecosystem of alt-right media is so reliant on aggregation copy-pasta, that statement you are relying on came from John Solomon – a guy who has been caught more than once taking payments to plant, push and place false reporting. And of course disgraced in the House impeachment report for having taken employment through the Giuliani drug deal team to promote the dirt for Trump2020.
On page 237 of her testimony transcript Ambassador Yovanovitch was asked by Mr. Meadows about a conversation between Ambassador Yovanovitch and Deputy Assistant Sec of State George Kent in which Kent described to the Ambassador his opinion about a separate telephone conversation between President Zelensky and President Trump – the infamous Drug Deal phone call.
Mr. Meadows asked her to confirm that, according to Mr. Kent, President Zelensky reacted to President Trump’s extortion attempt demanding an investigation into Hunter Biden in exchange for protection from Russian aggression as “no big deal”. Ambassador Yovanovitch responded that as she recalled Mr. Kent described President Zelensky as acknowledging that the things President Trump was talking about with respect to Hunter Biden would have happened under the previous administration, and that he could have his own prosecutor look at it. But otherwise he had not accepted President Trump’s proposal for an exchange of a political smear against his opponent for military assistance against Russian aggression in Eastern Ukraine.
Show us Ambassador Yovanovitch lying.
Or shut up. And have some self respect. At least John Solomon gets paid for this.
@17 Now apply that to trump.
Obviously cops are different.
Cops are empowered by state authority to use deadly force as well as a host of less lethal injurious measures against any one of us whenever they deem it appropriate.
That’s a pretty big fucking difference.
And you are a pretty big fucking Dumbshit for being unable to see that.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 18
Now, apply your rationale to the sentiments of those people who truly, very deeply, believe that abortion is murder of the unborn.
This is why I call you The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
@17. Honestly the conservative posts so feverishly that Rabbit just cannot have any wealth. When the principles Roger has provided over the years, are common sense industry standards. The conservative’s obsession is up there with Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren living rent free in his head.
The widely held assumption is that since being removed from his position at The Hill, and accepting an opinion position with FOX that Solomon has been paid by Trump2020 who are financing the startup for JustTheNews.
And equally widely held assumption is that The Q Clearance Pussy is incapable of going even 24 hours without humiliating himself in his slavish duty to defend a fundamentally corrupt president and party. Also plays with his own poop.
@22. I agree with you. There are parallels. and there are not.
The city council could have listened and taken down the statue and put it into a museum but they didn’t. And the crowd took matters into their own hands.
Wider society won’t listen and stop all abortions for any reason so they take matters into their own hands. However here is where that’s different.
I want abortion to be as rare as possible. we should provide family planning, and sex ed, and free open adoptions and free child care. Make it so abortion is not best of bad options. But the forced birthers won’t pay or allow for those changes. They just want to force women to give birth. So they are in the wrong.
Just like I want that statue in a museum, not in the public square.
So once again, you are wrong.
And those principles stand in dramatic contrast to the kinds of casino style investing The Q Clearance Pussy puts so much effort into bragging about.
If you’ve ever known any compulsive gamblers you’ll recognize the pattern immediately.
@ 23
Wrong. I post repeatedly that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit lies about his wealth.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, made the mistake, several years ago, of posting his brokerage account balance. On HA.
It was a pitiful figure then. It was a figure insufficient to make Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit a millionaire now.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, I never insinuated that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has no wealth.
I have been very, very clear that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit lies about what wealth he does have.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, you haven’t been on HA long enough to understand just how much Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s posts have changed since he has been called out for his dishonesty. The reason I hammer him so incessantly is because it was necessary to change his behavior from what it was.
Instead try this: Ask yourself what kind of individual does NOT feel the need to cite, repeatedly and very publicly, easily disprovable falsehoods in defense of a FailPresident who sells the lives of US Marines for re-election help and who brags about a lengthy history of violent sexual assaults against women?
A Democratic voter.
@27 you cite the lies of John Solomon and the Confederate president but expect us to trust you about rabbit?
So, recapping The Q Clearance Pussy performance this morning, we have him:
– Whaddabouting public school gym teachers who test your kids on the rules of team handball, in comparison to cops who kneel on your neck for ten minutes until your heart stops;
– Fabricating “pure applesauce” about a distinguished public servant in order to provide cover for Rapepublicans destroying the career of an even more distinguished military officer;
-Still trying to back door a way to honor treason and slavery;
– Making fun of someone by claiming they don’t have as much money as he does.
It’s quite an impressive record. He’s really quite an impressive troll. I’m actually starting to believe Puddy is more worthy of respect.
This boycott of Goya is another stupid action taken on by idiots with too much free time.
I congratulate Doctor Dumbfuck for writing a sentence without “Y’all” in it.
Only when I talk about you. But you left out “dumbfuck” and “traitor”.
“Even when Putin puts bounties on our troops, a dumbfuck Putin-loving traitor like our Doctor Dumbfuck still can’t bring himself to write a harsh word about him.”
I already believe this is true.
@ 30
Making fun of someone by asserting that they don’t have as much money as they claim to have.
There’s a difference, and it is a substantial one.
And you wonder why I always put “dumbfuck”, “traitor” and “Putin” in a sentence??
What a dumbfuck.
I hear Bob Aced his Medical School entrance exam, but unfortunately failed the jock strap test and couldn’t make the Pros.
@34 yet you love the fact that The Hump is worth the Trillions that he says he is worth!
@33 that’s like comparing Putin with Kim Jong Un.
Both freaks to me.
@31 spoken like a champ with too much free time on his hands.
Now apply any and all of your stupid comments to date here on this blog and tell me why a gay guy can’t openly play in the Pros.
You can’t, without being a bigoted homophobic mother fucker.
If you can’t rationalize that as an injustice how can anything else in this world be unjust. You can’t. And that’s why we have a world that we have today. Your a stupid mother fucker bullshit artist, Nevermind a Putin loving traitor. You even copied the guy and got yourself a horse like him, and you suck its dick like him.
Did anyone get permission to tear dow that wall?
Did anyone get permission to build a fucking wall?
Fuck the statues! Tear them
All the guck down. Take a wrecking ball to all the Arenas and Stadiums too!
@1 Now do John Yoo. Tardy, but better late than never.
Maybe someday you’ll realize your selective outrage undermines the credibility of your complaints, but I doubt it, because you’re a dumbfuck.
@1 “Poor Steve has completely lost the ability to construct a sentence without using the word ‘Putin’.”
Trump can’t formulate a foreign policy without checking with his lender.
Not really. If we consider your commenting history here to provide context, then not at all.
You’re pretty fucking predictable, Pussy. You consistently fall back on this when every other lie, fabrication, exaggeration, distortion, and Whaddaboutism falls apart.
You obviously regard it as some kind of primate dominance display.
You’re a nine-year-old falling off his bike in front of others and then calling them out for having beat up shoes.
From link @4: “The supernatural power of this position has its locus in the American church of the automobile. The sanctified right of this machine, which has dominated transportation for a century, is to keep on moving. And pedestrians who dare to step in the way of this right (perpetual motion) deserve what they get.”
Apart from the question of how an East African immigrant gets immerse in this culture so quickly, I’m compelled to observe there’s something to this, at least in a general sort of way, and this is many drivers’ attitude toward pedestrians in marked crosswalks crossing with the “Walk” sign, too.
But the fact homicide is commonplace doesn’t justify homicide …
@5 Clearly, dumbfuck doesn’t want to be a teacher if he can’t smack the kids, which may help explain why he became a Caribbean-trained radiologist in an island backwater practice.
@6 Now do Roswell.
@8 “GE share price today: $6.66. Not quite 75% lower than when” I suggested shorting it at $23; meanwhile, your pet stock hasn’t made a dime since Jan. 25, 2018.
Be careful who you call a “dumbfuck.” The world is laughing at you. Even your horse is laughing at you.
@9 No. Need a used one?
@10 “Politicians lie and we give them two (or four, or six) more years with amazing consistency.”
This comment is so fucking laughable I can’t even reply to it, because I’m laughing so hard.
It’s beginning to feel like the only “ideologies” left to klownsurvaturds, other than racist xenophobia and misogyny, are the weak whaddaboutism and Sametarianism that The Q Clearance Pussy relies on.
Cops = teachers
Lawfully impeaching Trump = smearing decorated warrior
Cops lying on the stand = politicians lying to media
Sport-murdering cops = drug gangs fighting over turf
Honoring tyrant slaver family of Hispanola = cultural nuance deserving respect
I think I found Puddy’s “Cancel Culture”.
Somehow it was not where I was led to believe.
GOP Senator Mike Braun proposes mild reform to Qualified Immunity doctrine allowing a few more litigants to access federal courts.
Tucker Carlson labels Braun part of a “race specific revolutionary movement” dedicated to the murder of police.
Charlie Kirk calls Braun a “Schumer-appeasing Marxist sympathizer”.
@51 How else can they defend the indefensible? Certainly not by appealing to logic or simple decency.
THIS is just really so completely unexpected and shocking…
… not.
I’m not gonna lie. This might not help his chances of winning the presidency.
Don’t get me wrong. Ol’ Tuck’s a shoe in for the GOP nomination. Racist incel The Q Clearance Pussy will vote for him and not even have to pretend he didn’t afterward.
It’s all a Hoax!
The only Hoax has been the fuck in the White House for the last 3 1/2 years. Oh, and Bob of course.
@54 Neff worked at Fox News for nearly four years and was Carlson’s top writer. Previously, he was a reporter at The Daily Caller, a conservative news outlet that Carlson co-founded.
and the HA trolls like pos rapey mcdimfuk and babblin’ buttspill “jockstrapped”…
A racist writer for that “conservative news outlet” – who’d thunk it?
Now do Nike. Now do NFL. Now do Kuerig.
If Goya sales go down enough a board might decide to cut ties with a CEO over his decision making. Goya may be a dominant brand but not the only one. Juanitas, Herdez and Embassa are right there on the shelf of a well stocked Latinx grocery.
Now in the past when I saw GOYA black beans on sale 2/$1 at Fred Meyer and would but them….now not so much. Canned beans and dried beans don’t vary much between brands.
Univision and Telemundo are all over the GOYA story so wonder how people who have been called “drug dealers and Rapists” feel about supporting a product led by someone who hates his customers?
Wonder how criminals walking free sits with voters?
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Foment Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Demorat Demand; Count Every Dead Cat Vote.
An Atlanta family said it received a voter registration form this week for their cat Cody Tims – who died 12 years ago.
“There’s a huge push but if they’re trying to register cats, I’m not sure who else they’re trying to register,” the late feline’s owner, Carol Tims, told Fox5 Atlanta. “I’m not sure if they’re trying to register dogs, mice, snakes.”
The Tims say they found the form addressed to the cat in their mailbox on Wednesday.
Carol Tims described Cody as a “great cat, indoor and outdoor” who “loved his family, loved his neighborhood” and lived to the age of 18.
The Georgia Secretary of State’s Office told the station that they did not send out the form and that third-party groups behind such applications often use mailing lists to obtain names and addresses of people — and in this case, a cat.
“Third-party groups [America-hating China Demorats] all over the country are targeting Georgia to help register qualified individuals,” it said in a statement. “This group makes you wonder what these out-of-town activists are really doing. Make no mistake about it, this office is dedicated to investigating all types of fraud.”
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Foment Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Thanks Demorats For Being Arrogant & Stupid Report –
In the Joe Biden-Bernie Sanders “Unity” platform, Democrats are vowing to provide free, American taxpayer-funded health care to illegal aliens who are able to enroll in former President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
Providing health care to illegal aliens has become a widely supported plan among elected Democrats, while the overwhelming majority of Americans oppose it. A Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey from 2019 found that the plan is the “least popular” initiative by Democrats.
As Breitbart News has reported, forcing American taxpayers to provide free health care to all illegal aliens would cost citizens anywhere between $23 billion to $66 billion every single year — a potentially up to $660 billion bill for taxpayers every decade.
Millions of Americans could face eviction in July—and it could ‘destabilize communities for years to come’
Republicans will do their best to keep the evicted from voting. Mailing a confirmation letter to their ex-homes an purging them from the voter rolls when they don’t respond.
Well, sure.
Because… CAT!
And also Schumer appeasing Marxist sympathizer!
It was only a couple days ago a couple of trolls were telling us that Georgia is doing great! Re-open! Kung flu is a libtard hoax!
135,000 American deaths
Record US Covid-19 cases
1.3 million more Americans file for unemployment
Early voting in Michigan and Minnesota starts in September
Doctor Dumbfuck could have had Pence but he and the rest of the GOP cowards couldn’t pull the trigger. Now Doctor Dumbfuck is running out of time. What to do??
Better call Putin.
This is the fourth election in which my liberal-fascist-Jihad-loving cat has voted, not counting primaries. This year she’s registered to vote in three states – Oregon, Colorado and Washington.
She’s a very good kitty! Always votes for Democrats.
@54 I don’t see why Carlson has a problem with a racist working for him. After all, he’s a racist. That’s probably why Blake Neff worked for him in the first place.
“Trump’s decision to pardon his friend and political adviser [Roger Stone] is the crescendo of a months-long effort to rewrite the history of the Mueller investigation. This has included selective declassification of intelligence materials, a ramped-up counter-investigation into the origins of the Russia probe and attempts to drop the case against Michael Flynn. The President has broad constitutional power to pardon or commute sentences. But Trump is unlike almost any other president in how he’s used the power proactively to save political allies.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I guess ya gotta expect a corrupt president to look out for his corrupt pals.
“Three Los Angeles police officers face charges for allegedly falsely identifying people as gang members or associates, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office. … The issue was first discovered when a mother reported to the department that a letter from the LAPD mistakenly identified her son as a gang member …. The department found several falsifications in the document and initiated an investigation into the officers, the release said. The department said Friday … it is investigating 21 more officers ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not all cops are bad; in fact, most aren’t. But some are. Let’s see if Doctor Dumbfuck can defend these cops.
Imagine any president turning loose a Gambino crime boss.
Perjury and witness tampering have always been considered pretty serious criminal charges. And they are charges for which quite a few big organized crime syndicate bosses have been convicted.
But not if you’re part of the Trump Crime Syndicate.
All of them go along. All of them defend the Thin Blue Line ahead of defending the law. All of them at minimum look the other way.
Thousands of police in the last few weeks with tape covering their badges, lined up, in front of cameras. Nothing said or done.
Thousands of cops arresting peaceful protesters, swearing false reports, and nothing said nothing done.
For Chrissakes, Roger, they tear gassed and arrested musicians playing violins in the park.
Sorry. They are all bad. All. Bad. Until that shit changes they all go down together.
Trump, true to form, postponed his Portsmouth rally because he was worried about low turnout, not because of worries that attendees might get sick and die.
What a piece of work.
“A Republican Party long unified around the goal of filling the federal courts with conservative judges has been shaken by a series of disappointing Supreme Court decisions … some Republicans are now worried that the issue has lost some of its political potency and is sucking energy out of the party ahead of a critical election … and their allies are beginning to question whether they are getting the results they sought.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, boo-fucking-hoo. They put partisan hacks on the court, and then the hacks acted like judges and followed the law. What an unpleasant surprise, like a toilet overflowing.
@59 If Republicans can vote, why can’t cats vote? Cats are way smarter than Republicans.
Stone intervention by Trump clearly establishes that Stone and Trump discussed the stolen campaign data provided to WikiLeaks by the GRU.
Trump is guilty of perjury.
And the only person who is keeping him from facing that charge is Roger Stone. Stone lied to protect Trump. Trump has no choice but to protect Stone in return.
Trump, true to form, postponed his Portsmouth rally because he was worried about low turnout
Early this morning the news was saying the drumpfies considered this rally to be “make or break” for November..
Guess it’s break..
At some point people signed the Cat up for a Petco Pals membership because they thought it was cute and now the Cat according to some sold database is of voting age.
But the cat can’t sign the registration or fill out a ballot so…..nothingburger.
My dog Kylie gets credit card apppications from time to time for the same reason even though she’s a German Sheppard that died in 2005 and her remains are in the mountains near Lake Piru. Lake Piru is in the news this week.
My current dog does not have a PALS account though Kylie is still buying Kongs and Greenies and Nutro…
Police Leaders Say Portland Officers Can Cover Nametags At Protests
by Rebecca Ellis June 17, 2020
For Portland police to provide the name of an officer at protests, you have to give them the officer’s name first
Portland police did not respond to further questions about the policy and whether it limits accountability.
Police can cover their name tags so all victims can get is their badge numbers. And if the victim get a badge number, they won’t provide the policemen’s names so the policemen will not be identified and taken to task if they were being ultra violent.
Honestly, how is this any different than the people who followed the rules and asked politely at city council meeting to remove the statues and nothing happened? If this doesn’t get resolved, Eventually the crowd will take things into their own hands. There will be deaths. A few police, a lot of protesters.
@72 – And both are smarter than you and those who are like you.
How smart was it to become addicted to drugs and alcohol?
@77 how smart? Smart like these poor sad folks?
You mother fuckers should try to learn something once in a while.
Blue lives matter. Yeah, right.
So fucking sad. Risk the lives of other (doctors and nurses and their families) because you fuckers are cocksucking dumb asshole mother fuckers.
Personal responsibility, play by the rules? An abundance of Caution – a Repukes famous line oh hypocrisy.
Fuck you, you and your statues.
Go ahead, Seattle morons, defund the police. We’ll have a fucking field day fucking you up beyond recognition. It’ll be great!
Proud Boys?
Sure, Jan.
Honestly, I simply can not have a bad day as long as that video of Chris Cantwell crying like a goddamn bitch is still up on YouTube.
I can only imagine the thrilling adventures he’s enjoyed awaiting trial in a federal correctional institution in New Hampshire.
[A] Florida man and his three sons are facing criminal charges for allegedly selling a toxic solution to tens of thousands of people as a cure for Covid-19. … The men sold the toxic bleach under the guise of Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, an entity they allegedly created in an attempt to avoid government regulation, the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Florida said in a statement.” They’re probably Trump supporters, too.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m sure Doctor Dumbfuck wouldn’t do anything like this. Prescribe bleach as a Covid cure, I mean. Or go to church, much less set up a church. But he hates Biden and supports Trump, because he’s a dumbfuck.
@79 This smart: “Dozens of Mississippi lawmakers have coronavirus after weeks of refusing to wear masks”
Next up: Bleach cures, to be followed by mass funerals.r
Republicans used to just want your money and, of course, cheap labor. Now, they can get you killed. Stay away from them. And above all, DON’T VOTE FOR THEM. Voting Republican is toxic for your health.
@81 I heard the last time you got in a fight with your sister, she kicked your ass, and she’s only 12 years old.