Ha ha ha. Companies that used inflation as cover to jack up prices to fatten profits aren’t getting away with it. Consumers aren’t stupid. They know they’re being gouged if a company raises prices 15% when inflation is 5%. They’re giving the finger to greedy corporations.
What is it about the GOPs inability to read the US or state constitutions about voting and running for office?
a spokesman for Alabama’s senior senator maintained to the Post that Tuberville’s primary residence is an Auburn house owned by his wife and son, campaign finance documents and property records suggest Tuberville’s main home is in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida
The report went on to say that Tuberville’s wife, Suzanne Tuberville, is a licensed real estate agent in Florida and has worked for a Santa Rosa Beach real estate firm since the start of the year. She does not have an Alabama real estate license, according to the Post.
Campaign finance reports showed Tuberville racked up monthly expenses for travel to Santa Rosa Beach while Alabama travel was not as extensive.
The paper’s story also referenced a promotional video Tuberville made in July 2017 for ESPN to announce his hiring as a college football analyst. In the video, Tuberville says, “Six months ago, after 40 years of coaching football, I hung up my whistle and moved to Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, with the white sands and blue waters. What a great place to live.”:
Tuberville’s story is he regularly drives the 3.5 hours to the vacation home in Florida. And how dare you question ‘coach’ about this blatant lie.
Vicious Trollspews:
I enjoyed hearing Elizabeth Warren respond to Jake Tapper’s question yesterday by referring to POS Hunter Biden’s activities as “influence peddling“.
She left out criminal. But that’s implied, too.
Vicious Trollspews:
BLS, yesterday;
Food prices rose 4.9%.Just in the month of July.
Bidenflation touches all. Especially Queen YLB’s fucked kids.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
If I’m a lawyer representing that guy I take an early, small settlement from the city and give a public statement to the media standing with police officials and absolving them of further liability.
Then I go hard for Applebee’s and put police on the stand as my witnesses.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Police unions, which supposedly exist to represent their member cops in labor negotiations and grievances, are a pestilence on society. Like a bad virus. Case in point: During the 2020 George Floyd protests in Portland, Oregon, a rogue cop beat up a photojournalist covering the protests, sending her to the hospital. She eventually got $50,000 from the city, and the cop was charged with assault.
Here’s what the fucking POS police union said about the incident: “The police union put out a statement that day calling Budworth’s indictment a ‘politically driven charging decision,’ painting Jacobs as someone engaged in ‘unlawful activities’ and Budworth as a ‘committed public servant of the highest integrity.’ In solidarity with Budworth, the entire Rapid Response Team, which responded to protests, resigned from the unit.”
The cop later issued a mea culpa, however insincere, to avoid criminal charges. Do you think the police union apologized, or ever will, for shooting from the lip? Dream on.
Society needs police, but police unions are undermining their own legitimacy, public respect for law enforcement, and community trust in police. Cops might not be better off without their unions, but everybody else would. I’m generally pro-union, but unions aren’t all the same, and when anti-union types rant about bad unions, I immediately think of cop unions. They’re the worst unions out there, and society at large would be better off without them.
Because unlike this profoundly Stoopid troll and Farmer Jim, she actually graduated from a top law school, passed the bar, and practiced. So she knows there is no such thing.
Now is a good time to point out that every one of Farmer Jim’s “shocking!!!!!” disclosures is very old information that Bill Barr and Sweaty Pink Meatball already had four years ago.
And no charges were brought.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 So Florida has 3 senators, and Alabama only 1. What’s the big deal? Why shouldn’t a little state give one of its Senate seats to a big state if it wants to? The Constitution doesn’t explicitly prohibit it; it only says each state gets 2 Senators. It doesn’t say they can’t trade them like baseball cards. There’s still only 100 senators; it’s not like the red states gave themselves extra senators. They’re still working on that.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
To the best of my knowledge no other assault victim in the history of that jurisdiction has ever been granted the authority to set aside a criminal indictment in favor of “restorative justice”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 “She left out criminal.”
Maybe because that’s for a court to determine?
Longtime HA readers have observed there’s a very consistent thread running through Doctor Dumbfuck’s comments, to wit, he just finds everybody guilty regardless of facts or evidence and doesn’t believe in trials or the necessity of proving any law was violated. He’s a “hang ’em all, and let God sort ’em out” type of guy.
“Yes,” Wise stated after Noreika asked him whether the government could bring a charge against Hunter Biden related to FARA.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 See #2 for explanation. Btw, are you arguing for price controls? Just wondering.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 9
Now is a good time to point out that every one of Farmer Jim’s “shocking!!!!!” disclosures is very old information that Bill Barr and Sweaty Pink Meatball already had four years ago.
This, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, is why it’s not helpful for the GOP to disclose all of the dirt it has on POS Hunter Biden now.
Here you have QoS McHillbilly calling it “very old information”. This is the same QoS McHillbilly that takes information 13 years older than this and still uses it against Trump.
If the GOP drops the bomb on Hunter Biden now it’s “old news”. If the subpoenas are issued in late summer next year and we get to see Hunter Biden’s lawyers and Joe Biden’s lawyers try to weasel out of them during the Fall general election season, it’s far more helpful to the GOP.
QoS McHillbilly understands this, of course. You seem not to.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 I dunno. The fact the false arrest occurred inside an Appleby’s doesn’t make Appleby’s culpable or liable. The tortious conduct — racial profiling, assault, false arrest, false imprisonment, malicious prosecution — was all committed by the cops. I don’t see what Appleby’s has to do with this.
Attorney General Garland appoints a special counsel in Hunter Biden probe
Gee, I certainly hope that Hunter is not still under criminal investigation by a Special Counsel during the Fall 2024 general election season. People might start to think that his father’s claim that “My son’s done nothing wrong.” is false.
Vicious Trollspews:
Why does a special counsel need to be appointed to investigate very old information @ 9 concerning misdemeanors, QoS McHillbilly?
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 16
I don’t see what Appleby’s has to do with this.
“Miss, we’re looking for some black people with a child.”
“Right over there, officer.”
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Noreika asked him whether the government could bring a charge against Hunter Biden related to FARA.
Once again, let’s all recall that this is all information that Trump and Barr had when they ran the very same DOJ and they could not make a criminal indictment with it either. And how they tried.
Random coincidence or useful signal in all the FOX Noise?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
This is the same QoS McHillbilly that takes information 13 years older than this and still uses it against Trump.
This deserves important clarification.
I don’t use the fact that Donald Trump admits that he once bragged to a bus load of complete strangers about his lifetime of accomplishments in sexual assault against Donald Trump.
Trump is who he is and we all now know and understand very clearly what that means.
I use that “13 year old” Access Hollywood tape against Republican voters and ardent Trump supporters like this troll because of what it tells us about them.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 20
Once again, let’s all recall that this is all information that Trump and Barr had when they ran the very same DOJ and they could not make a criminal indictment with it either.
What’s your evidence that the Hunter Biden laptop was shared with Bill Barr in 2019?
After all, we know that the Anthony Weiner laptop evidence was buried on Andrew McCabe’s desk.
If Chris Wray denied the existence of the FD-1023 document until he was informed that the Intel committee leaders had already seen it, why wouldn’t the FBI hide the existence of the Hunter Biden laptop? After all, the FBI had every opportunity to correct the misinformation of the 51 intel pawns who signed that false letter just before the election, and the FBI stayed mum.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It does not meet the normal standards of “false arrest”.
And the client did himself no favors by immediately and violently resisting police efforts to arrest him.
The police were directed to the client by an Applebee’s manager who identified the client as their hit and run suspect and then proceeded to record the arrest.
As I understand it, Applebee’s has since terminated the manager for her conduct.
Vicious Trollspews:
The Special Counsel is the same US Attorney – Davis Weiss – who did the Hunter Biden investigation in Delaware, who reportedly was not permitted to seek indictments against him in California or in Washington DC.
Jonathan Turley
…The question is, if Weiss always had this power to ask for an appointment, why didn’t he when he was reportedly prevented from pursuing charges in two other jurisdictions?
9:45 AM · Aug 11, 2023
Now that he’s special counsel, he won’t have to tell Congress why he was stopped from those felony indictments.
Vicious Trollspews:
I’ll be the second guy to use “let’s all recall”, after QoS McHillbilly @ 20.
Let’s all recall that this time next year there will be two separate Bidens under criminal investigation by special counsel appointees.
Hunter Biden, as of today. And his father, who is currently avoiding an interview by the special counsel appointed to investigate why he had classified information in his garage.
Vicious Trollspews:
Ya know, a simple pardon of Hunter Biden makes all of this go away.
After all, what greater love can a father bestow upon his son than a get-out-of-going-to-jail-free card?
Hunter Biden will be the Marc Rich capstone of this corrupt Democrat administration.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
This has now gotten pointless.
This is the Shit-Lord Crybaby cosplaying as Puddy, and redefining his own false claims while simultaneously introducing new false claims. It’s whack-a-mole.
We’ve previously been over all the legal and insurmountable reasons why LAPTOP can never be introduced in evidence in any criminal legal proceeding. Nothing there has changed. Barr would have been forced to reach the same conclusion as everyone else. This is the poison fruit that comes from relying exclusively on the labors of a drunken, creepy, “bring me my titties” freak and his Russian GRU adjacent pals to assemble your campaign dirt.
This is bad faith, weak, lying bullshit that does not differ in any meaningful way from “Long Form Birf Surtifikit”
Trolls be fucking up again and then pretending that their steaming pantload is yummy chocolate pudding.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Let’s all recall that this time next year there will be two separate Bidens under criminal investigation by special counsel appointees.
Current events much, idiot?
Let’s all Google Robert Hur.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 27
We’ve previously been over all the legal and insurmountable reasons why LAPTOP can never be introduced in evidence in any criminal legal proceeding.
SARs can. Emails obtained from the parties with whom the POS Hunter Biden was communicating can. Subpoenaed bank records can.
The laptop includes emails. If they were planted, there wouldn’t be identical emails on the servers of the other parties.
At this point it’s less about convicting Hunter Biden and more about dropping the hammer on him to the point that Democrats realize that neither my corrupt, incompetent, senile president nor my incompetent, unlikable vice president can be on the ticket come Fall next year.
Plenty of time left.
Vicious Trollspews:
Video of Hunter Biden’s conviction and sentencing will be useful to the GOP, no?
Heteros, get your act together. You suffer from some mental disease.
There’s a brewing controversy down in Portland.
Portland police announced not long ago that due to budget cuts they were eliminating traffic stops and enforcement leading to an EXPECTED rise in accidents. The obvious question being if this is actually the case, why have a press conference to announce it to bring better awareness to the fact that you can now do 60 on a residential street with zero consequences.
News organizations have also gathered several citizen videos of officers telling people who call for non emergencies that no one will work the case ‘because of defunding” or “The DA won’t prosecute ANYONE anymore.’ (Sound familiar Seattle?)
But the devil is in the details. The Portland police department’s budget has risen sharply since 2020s pandemic year when the city cut funding across the board for city departments. It is currently at the highest dollar amount for 2023 it has ever been in the history of the Portland Police Department. So they’re straight up lying knowing that some have heard of the defund movement and that’s BAAAAAAAAAD!
What’s clear is the police Union is playing politics and using an illegal work slowdown instead of a strike to try to extract even more funding.
And that’s why the Public should demand to burn it all down and get rid of every officer and start from scratch.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
SARs can. Emails obtained from the parties with whom the POS Hunter Biden was communicating can. Subpoenaed bank records can.
These are all examples of parallel construction that Barr and Trump already had.
So it’s very clear from this comment that the troll NOW admits that with the available evidence Barr/Trump were not able to bring a FARA indictment.
FARA has some complex intent requirements in the statute making it fairly difficult to establish the statutory elements before a GJ. Paul Manafort, who was indicted and prosecuted by Trump’s DOJ, very confeniently provided lots of evidence establishing his criminal intent to bypass registration in order to conceal income from taxes.
So this is the troll admitting to the trollish nature of the constantly shifting false claims he makes.
I get that the troll believes these false claims would “concern” liberals if there were any reason to trust them in any way.
What I just don’t get is how the troll convinced himself that anyone reading this blog would offer any trust to any of his constantly shifting false claims… about anything.
This is the same troll who created “FB friends in CO” out of thin air in order to prosecute false claims about public health officers using “expired” vaccine lots.
He’s a human Face-Rake.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 I won’t even try to follow your twisted, snaking, curvilinear logic. The fact Republicans are now “arguing that they do not have to show direct payments to the president in order to demonstrate corruption” speaks very loudly that they do not have such evidence.
“If the GOP drops the bomb on Hunter Biden” it will be news. So far, there’s no news, because there’s no bomb.
There’s news today, though. Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney David Weiss is now a special counsel with authority “to oversee the investigation and decide where, when and whether to file charges,” which ought to dispel any lingering doubt over that.
Weiss requested special counsel status, and Garland gave it to him without hesitation. Republicans are calling Weiss’s upgraded status a “cover up.” At some point, reached quite a while ago, rational people just stop listening to their bleatings.
“If the GOP drops the bomb on Hunter Biden” it will be news. So far, there’s no news, because there’s no bomb.
There’s news today, though. Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney David Weiss is now a special counsel with authority “to oversee the investigation and decide where, when and whether to file charges,” which ought to dispel any lingering doubt over that.
Weiss requested special counsel status, and Garland gave it to him without hesitation. Republicans are calling Weiss’s upgraded status a “cover up.” At some point, reached quite a while ago, rational people just stop listening to their bleatings.
@19 Yeah, except the news story doesn’t say that. You made it up. So let’s call it a theory of yours. It’s a plausible theory, but right now I’m aware of no facts supporting it. I’m also well aware that lack of any facts whatsoever has never stopped you from passing judgment on people or events. I won’t speculate whether this is because you’re stupid, illogical, or merely lacking in intellectual discipline and rigor.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 “I use that “13 year old” Access Hollywood tape against Republican voters and ardent Trump supporters like this troll because of what it tells us about them.”
What this tells us about them is they’ve had 13 years to think about it, and still don’t have a problem with it.
On very, very rare occasions, if you search through YouTube videos of people interviewing MAGA followers, you might find one that reluctantly acknowledges Trump might have some personal deficits, but they support him anyway because they like his policies. Most, however, won’t go that far.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Two Federalist Society law professors who spent a year studying Const. Amend. 14, Sec. 3, have concluded “Donald Trump cannot be president — cannot run for president, cannot become president, cannot hold office — unless two-thirds of Congress decides to grant him amnesty for his conduct on Jan. 6.”
@22 Wherein our dumbfuck armchair legal expert thinks an FD-1023 is evidence that can be used in court.
@3. “All You Can Beat” Daily Special at Applebee’s every day for the men in blue! Offer only valid in Kenosha!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
35, 36,
Let’s all recall that Hunter Biden was preparing to plead guilty to these various criminal charges months ago. And nearly everything that has happened since is fairly routine and not terribly exceptional or surprising, other than the immense expense being devoted by DOJ – for which there is both precedent and policy guidance.
I think it’s nuts to suggest that Hunter Biden or his lawyers ever entered into this process without the expected risk of conviction at trial and a custodial sentence. And the calculation of that risk would naturally include the statute of limitations and the possibility of Attorney General Kari Lake.
So moving to trial now puts Weis and all the included matters on a different calendar that would in all likelihood reach juries before the year is out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 “If Chris Wray denied the existence of the FD-1023 document until he was informed that the Intel committee leaders had already seen it, why wouldn’t the FBI hide the existence of the Hunter Biden laptop?”
Apparently you’ve forgotten that “the existence of the Hunter Biden laptop” went from John Paul Mac Isaac to Rudy Giuliani, and from him to the New York Post, Steve Bannon, and the FBI.
Explain how the FBI would be able to “hide the existence of the Hunter Biden laptop.” Show your work.
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
Food prices rose 4.9%. Just in the month of July.
This is bad for my kids.. It means fat repukes can’t afford to stuff themselves as much into the grave.. skinny repukes live longer.
otoh, they’ll just seek out cheap shit that is even worse for them.
full of shit politically, stuffing themselves with bad shit and washing it down w/ rotgut… to deaden the pain…
good for my kids.. well, according to the kreepshit babbling of teh widbee shit-stain.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I think the appointment of a special counsel who can’t be accused of partisan favoritism toward the Bidens is a positive development. If Hunter Biden’s influence peddling broke the law, he should be prosecuted for that. However, if this is to be an influence peddling investigation, I think it should be broadened to include any Supreme Court justices doing the same thing.
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
Talk about great broke food.. ever make scallion-ginger oil? Easy to make and fucking outstanding on asian rice or wheat noodles.. Put a fried egg on top garnish w/ chili oil and/or light soy sauce..
note to the head up its ass shit-stain: great over slices of rotisserie chicken. 5 bucks at costco. Again add a little soy and/or chili oil…
oh my.. did I just hand “free-stuff” to teh shit-stain?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The more “special counsels” Garland appoints, the more normal, and “unspecial” they become.
I don’t think that’s any concern to President Joe Biden, Senate Leader Schumer, House Minority Leader Jeffries, Associate Justice Sotomayor, or nearly any other Democratic elected official or liberal Supreme Court Justice.
But I wouldn’t want to be Brett Favre or one of his Republican friends.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“In addition, more a party makes inflammatory statements about this case which could taint jury pool.. the greater the urgency will be that we proceed to trial quickly … I will take whatever measures are necessary to safeguard the integrity of these proceedings.”
Message delivered, I’d say.
Message received?
Not hardly.
To bad for him that as a general matter the scheduling decisions of a federal district court are not normally subject to interlocutory appeal. FAFO.
The Aad Dreams of Lonely Islandersspews:
The Special Council’s name is Fuham or Durnam or something like that.
1)Wished Sound Transit re-bids tge contract for buses for tge Stride Bus Rapid Transit line on SR522. The winner appears to be BYD, a Chinese company, with a Buy American Act facility in California. Tgere is a federal law prohibiting FTA money from being used, but it appears to be for future contracts. WSDoT has a standing master contract, so the FTA rule may not apply. There’s a running joke among bus fans and transit industry employees about what BYD stands for. Their track record with BRT leaves a lot to be desired. Although a re-bid would effectively make it a no-bid contract.
38)They will find a way to get two thirds.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Robert Mueller,
John Durham,
Jack Smith,
Robert Hur,
David Weiss.
I don’t think it matters much to Hunter Biden if his plea agreement was blown up, or if Garland’s appointment of Weiss frees Weiss to pursue charges against Hunter Biden in other jurisdictions. What matters is that he escaped being duped into a plea deal that would have cured evidentiary issues in other matters unrelated to those pleas.
I think this leaves him safe from FARA charges and prepared to go to trial on the other charges knowing that the gun charges are on considerably less firm footing now that the Fifth Circuit has overturned that law within its own jurisdiction, and that the two remaining misdemeanor tax charges would normally be resolved without a prison sentence. I strongly suspect that Weiss is unwilling to grant immunity on FARA violations in exchange for a guilty plea and allocution on the misdemeanor tax charges. But I also strongly suspect that he can’t bring an indictment on FARA charges without that guilty plea and allocution. So he’ll spend a few million dollars of taxpayers money to reach the same place he is today. And Garland will let him.
Real Newsspews:
Why? Why are Heterosexual such Neanderthals. Why? Why are you killing people. The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus (STD) is out of control. It’s a Pandemic!
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus kills and kills and The Fake Moms don’t give a fuck! Hopefully one of those Fake Mom’s goes by the way of Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
Ok, time for the Friday Night Extravaganza. We don’t want to know about the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus that Carl so hated knowing about.
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & War With Russia Bombshell News –
10,000 Polish troops to be stationed on Belarus border and what does Joe Dementia and his Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Chickenhawk Warmongers do, just keep sending more weapons and blocking peace negotiations. This is how a limited war escalates to a full scale NATO-Russia war you fvcking psychos.
Our allegedly “weak” president doesn’t pussyfoot around with China. He calls things what they are.
Ha ha ha. Companies that used inflation as cover to jack up prices to fatten profits aren’t getting away with it. Consumers aren’t stupid. They know they’re being gouged if a company raises prices 15% when inflation is 5%. They’re giving the finger to greedy corporations.
Kenosha cops again. I hope there’s no riots over this, or a vigilante rampage, just a big fat lawsuit.
What is it about the GOPs inability to read the US or state constitutions about voting and running for office?
Tuberville’s story is he regularly drives the 3.5 hours to the vacation home in Florida. And how dare you question ‘coach’ about this blatant lie.
I enjoyed hearing Elizabeth Warren respond to Jake Tapper’s question yesterday by referring to POS Hunter Biden’s activities as “influence peddling“.
She left out criminal. But that’s implied, too.
BLS, yesterday;
Food prices rose 4.9%. Just in the month of July.
Bidenflation touches all. Especially Queen YLB’s fucked kids.
If I’m a lawyer representing that guy I take an early, small settlement from the city and give a public statement to the media standing with police officials and absolving them of further liability.
Then I go hard for Applebee’s and put police on the stand as my witnesses.
Police unions, which supposedly exist to represent their member cops in labor negotiations and grievances, are a pestilence on society. Like a bad virus. Case in point: During the 2020 George Floyd protests in Portland, Oregon, a rogue cop beat up a photojournalist covering the protests, sending her to the hospital. She eventually got $50,000 from the city, and the cop was charged with assault.
Here’s what the fucking POS police union said about the incident: “The police union put out a statement that day calling Budworth’s indictment a ‘politically driven charging decision,’ painting Jacobs as someone engaged in ‘unlawful activities’ and Budworth as a ‘committed public servant of the highest integrity.’ In solidarity with Budworth, the entire Rapid Response Team, which responded to protests, resigned from the unit.”
The cop later issued a mea culpa, however insincere, to avoid criminal charges. Do you think the police union apologized, or ever will, for shooting from the lip? Dream on.
Society needs police, but police unions are undermining their own legitimacy, public respect for law enforcement, and community trust in police. Cops might not be better off without their unions, but everybody else would. I’m generally pro-union, but unions aren’t all the same, and when anti-union types rant about bad unions, I immediately think of cop unions. They’re the worst unions out there, and society at large would be better off without them.
Because unlike this profoundly Stoopid troll and Farmer Jim, she actually graduated from a top law school, passed the bar, and practiced. So she knows there is no such thing.
Now is a good time to point out that every one of Farmer Jim’s “shocking!!!!!” disclosures is very old information that Bill Barr and Sweaty Pink Meatball already had four years ago.
And no charges were brought.
@4 So Florida has 3 senators, and Alabama only 1. What’s the big deal? Why shouldn’t a little state give one of its Senate seats to a big state if it wants to? The Constitution doesn’t explicitly prohibit it; it only says each state gets 2 Senators. It doesn’t say they can’t trade them like baseball cards. There’s still only 100 senators; it’s not like the red states gave themselves extra senators. They’re still working on that.
To the best of my knowledge no other assault victim in the history of that jurisdiction has ever been granted the authority to set aside a criminal indictment in favor of “restorative justice”.
@5 “She left out criminal.”
Maybe because that’s for a court to determine?
Longtime HA readers have observed there’s a very consistent thread running through Doctor Dumbfuck’s comments, to wit, he just finds everybody guilty regardless of facts or evidence and doesn’t believe in trials or the necessity of proving any law was violated. He’s a “hang ’em all, and let God sort ’em out” type of guy.
@ 9
So she knows there is no such thing.
Paul Manafort would beg to differ.
@6 See #2 for explanation. Btw, are you arguing for price controls? Just wondering.
@ 9
Now is a good time to point out that every one of Farmer Jim’s “shocking!!!!!” disclosures is very old information that Bill Barr and Sweaty Pink Meatball already had four years ago.
This, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, is why it’s not helpful for the GOP to disclose all of the dirt it has on POS Hunter Biden now.
Here you have QoS McHillbilly calling it “very old information”. This is the same QoS McHillbilly that takes information 13 years older than this and still uses it against Trump.
If the GOP drops the bomb on Hunter Biden now it’s “old news”. If the subpoenas are issued in late summer next year and we get to see Hunter Biden’s lawyers and Joe Biden’s lawyers try to weasel out of them during the Fall general election season, it’s far more helpful to the GOP.
QoS McHillbilly understands this, of course. You seem not to.
@7 I dunno. The fact the false arrest occurred inside an Appleby’s doesn’t make Appleby’s culpable or liable. The tortious conduct — racial profiling, assault, false arrest, false imprisonment, malicious prosecution — was all committed by the cops. I don’t see what Appleby’s has to do with this.
Attorney General Garland appoints a special counsel in Hunter Biden probe
Gee, I certainly hope that Hunter is not still under criminal investigation by a Special Counsel during the Fall 2024 general election season. People might start to think that his father’s claim that “My son’s done nothing wrong.” is false.
Why does a special counsel need to be appointed to investigate very old information @ 9 concerning misdemeanors, QoS McHillbilly?
@ 16
I don’t see what Appleby’s has to do with this.
“Miss, we’re looking for some black people with a child.”
“Right over there, officer.”
Once again, let’s all recall that this is all information that Trump and Barr had when they ran the very same DOJ and they could not make a criminal indictment with it either. And how they tried.
Random coincidence or useful signal in all the FOX Noise?
This deserves important clarification.
I don’t use the fact that Donald Trump admits that he once bragged to a bus load of complete strangers about his lifetime of accomplishments in sexual assault against Donald Trump.
Trump is who he is and we all now know and understand very clearly what that means.
I use that “13 year old” Access Hollywood tape against Republican voters and ardent Trump supporters like this troll because of what it tells us about them.
@ 20
What’s your evidence that the Hunter Biden laptop was shared with Bill Barr in 2019?
After all, we know that the Anthony Weiner laptop evidence was buried on Andrew McCabe’s desk.
If Chris Wray denied the existence of the FD-1023 document until he was informed that the Intel committee leaders had already seen it, why wouldn’t the FBI hide the existence of the Hunter Biden laptop? After all, the FBI had every opportunity to correct the misinformation of the 51 intel pawns who signed that false letter just before the election, and the FBI stayed mum.
It does not meet the normal standards of “false arrest”.
And the client did himself no favors by immediately and violently resisting police efforts to arrest him.
The police were directed to the client by an Applebee’s manager who identified the client as their hit and run suspect and then proceeded to record the arrest.
As I understand it, Applebee’s has since terminated the manager for her conduct.
The Special Counsel is the same US Attorney – Davis Weiss – who did the Hunter Biden investigation in Delaware, who reportedly was not permitted to seek indictments against him in California or in Washington DC.
Now that he’s special counsel, he won’t have to tell Congress why he was stopped from those felony indictments.
I’ll be the second guy to use “let’s all recall”, after QoS McHillbilly @ 20.
Let’s all recall that this time next year there will be two separate Bidens under criminal investigation by special counsel appointees.
Hunter Biden, as of today. And his father, who is currently avoiding an interview by the special counsel appointed to investigate why he had classified information in his garage.
Ya know, a simple pardon of Hunter Biden makes all of this go away.
After all, what greater love can a father bestow upon his son than a get-out-of-going-to-jail-free card?
Hunter Biden will be the Marc Rich capstone of this corrupt Democrat administration.
This has now gotten pointless.
This is the Shit-Lord Crybaby cosplaying as Puddy, and redefining his own false claims while simultaneously introducing new false claims. It’s whack-a-mole.
We’ve previously been over all the legal and insurmountable reasons why LAPTOP can never be introduced in evidence in any criminal legal proceeding. Nothing there has changed. Barr would have been forced to reach the same conclusion as everyone else. This is the poison fruit that comes from relying exclusively on the labors of a drunken, creepy, “bring me my titties” freak and his Russian GRU adjacent pals to assemble your campaign dirt.
This is bad faith, weak, lying bullshit that does not differ in any meaningful way from “Long Form Birf Surtifikit”
Trolls be fucking up again and then pretending that their steaming pantload is yummy chocolate pudding.
Current events much, idiot?
Let’s all Google Robert Hur.
@ 27
We’ve previously been over all the legal and insurmountable reasons why LAPTOP can never be introduced in evidence in any criminal legal proceeding.
SARs can. Emails obtained from the parties with whom the POS Hunter Biden was communicating can. Subpoenaed bank records can.
The laptop includes emails. If they were planted, there wouldn’t be identical emails on the servers of the other parties.
At this point it’s less about convicting Hunter Biden and more about dropping the hammer on him to the point that Democrats realize that neither my corrupt, incompetent, senile president nor my incompetent, unlikable vice president can be on the ticket come Fall next year.
Plenty of time left.
Video of Hunter Biden’s conviction and sentencing will be useful to the GOP, no?
Fucking Heterosexual Neanderthals…..all of them.
You know there is very little, tiny, tiny, tiny chance that anyone involved in this example of American Exceptionalism wasn’t gay.
Shame! Shame! Shame!
Loookie, Lookkkie over there!
Heteros, get your act together. You suffer from some mental disease.
There’s a brewing controversy down in Portland.
Portland police announced not long ago that due to budget cuts they were eliminating traffic stops and enforcement leading to an EXPECTED rise in accidents. The obvious question being if this is actually the case, why have a press conference to announce it to bring better awareness to the fact that you can now do 60 on a residential street with zero consequences.
News organizations have also gathered several citizen videos of officers telling people who call for non emergencies that no one will work the case ‘because of defunding” or “The DA won’t prosecute ANYONE anymore.’ (Sound familiar Seattle?)
But the devil is in the details. The Portland police department’s budget has risen sharply since 2020s pandemic year when the city cut funding across the board for city departments. It is currently at the highest dollar amount for 2023 it has ever been in the history of the Portland Police Department. So they’re straight up lying knowing that some have heard of the defund movement and that’s BAAAAAAAAAD!
What’s clear is the police Union is playing politics and using an illegal work slowdown instead of a strike to try to extract even more funding.
And that’s why the Public should demand to burn it all down and get rid of every officer and start from scratch.
These are all examples of parallel construction that Barr and Trump already had.
So it’s very clear from this comment that the troll NOW admits that with the available evidence Barr/Trump were not able to bring a FARA indictment.
FARA has some complex intent requirements in the statute making it fairly difficult to establish the statutory elements before a GJ. Paul Manafort, who was indicted and prosecuted by Trump’s DOJ, very confeniently provided lots of evidence establishing his criminal intent to bypass registration in order to conceal income from taxes.
So this is the troll admitting to the trollish nature of the constantly shifting false claims he makes.
I get that the troll believes these false claims would “concern” liberals if there were any reason to trust them in any way.
What I just don’t get is how the troll convinced himself that anyone reading this blog would offer any trust to any of his constantly shifting false claims… about anything.
This is the same troll who created “FB friends in CO” out of thin air in order to prosecute false claims about public health officers using “expired” vaccine lots.
He’s a human Face-Rake.
@15 I won’t even try to follow your twisted, snaking, curvilinear logic. The fact Republicans are now “arguing that they do not have to show direct payments to the president in order to demonstrate corruption” speaks very loudly that they do not have such evidence.
“If the GOP drops the bomb on Hunter Biden” it will be news. So far, there’s no news, because there’s no bomb.
There’s news today, though. Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney David Weiss is now a special counsel with authority “to oversee the investigation and decide where, when and whether to file charges,” which ought to dispel any lingering doubt over that.
Weiss requested special counsel status, and Garland gave it to him without hesitation. Republicans are calling Weiss’s upgraded status a “cover up.” At some point, reached quite a while ago, rational people just stop listening to their bleatings.
@15 I won’t even try to follow your twisted, snaking, curvilinear logic. The fact Republicans are now “arguing that they do not have to show direct payments to the president in order to demonstrate corruption” speaks very loudly that they do not have such evidence.
“If the GOP drops the bomb on Hunter Biden” it will be news. So far, there’s no news, because there’s no bomb.
There’s news today, though. Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney David Weiss is now a special counsel with authority “to oversee the investigation and decide where, when and whether to file charges,” which ought to dispel any lingering doubt over that.
Weiss requested special counsel status, and Garland gave it to him without hesitation. Republicans are calling Weiss’s upgraded status a “cover up.” At some point, reached quite a while ago, rational people just stop listening to their bleatings.
@19 Yeah, except the news story doesn’t say that. You made it up. So let’s call it a theory of yours. It’s a plausible theory, but right now I’m aware of no facts supporting it. I’m also well aware that lack of any facts whatsoever has never stopped you from passing judgment on people or events. I won’t speculate whether this is because you’re stupid, illogical, or merely lacking in intellectual discipline and rigor.
@21 “I use that “13 year old” Access Hollywood tape against Republican voters and ardent Trump supporters like this troll because of what it tells us about them.”
What this tells us about them is they’ve had 13 years to think about it, and still don’t have a problem with it.
On very, very rare occasions, if you search through YouTube videos of people interviewing MAGA followers, you might find one that reluctantly acknowledges Trump might have some personal deficits, but they support him anyway because they like his policies. Most, however, won’t go that far.
Two Federalist Society law professors who spent a year studying Const. Amend. 14, Sec. 3, have concluded “Donald Trump cannot be president — cannot run for president, cannot become president, cannot hold office — unless two-thirds of Congress decides to grant him amnesty for his conduct on Jan. 6.”
Their opinion is non-binding.
@22 Wherein our dumbfuck armchair legal expert thinks an FD-1023 is evidence that can be used in court.
@3. “All You Can Beat” Daily Special at Applebee’s every day for the men in blue! Offer only valid in Kenosha!
35, 36,
Let’s all recall that Hunter Biden was preparing to plead guilty to these various criminal charges months ago. And nearly everything that has happened since is fairly routine and not terribly exceptional or surprising, other than the immense expense being devoted by DOJ – for which there is both precedent and policy guidance.
I think it’s nuts to suggest that Hunter Biden or his lawyers ever entered into this process without the expected risk of conviction at trial and a custodial sentence. And the calculation of that risk would naturally include the statute of limitations and the possibility of Attorney General Kari Lake.
So moving to trial now puts Weis and all the included matters on a different calendar that would in all likelihood reach juries before the year is out.
@22 “If Chris Wray denied the existence of the FD-1023 document until he was informed that the Intel committee leaders had already seen it, why wouldn’t the FBI hide the existence of the Hunter Biden laptop?”
Apparently you’ve forgotten that “the existence of the Hunter Biden laptop” went from John Paul Mac Isaac to Rudy Giuliani, and from him to the New York Post, Steve Bannon, and the FBI.
Explain how the FBI would be able to “hide the existence of the Hunter Biden laptop.” Show your work.
Food prices rose 4.9%. Just in the month of July.
This is bad for my kids.. It means fat repukes can’t afford to stuff themselves as much into the grave.. skinny repukes live longer.
otoh, they’ll just seek out cheap shit that is even worse for them.
full of shit politically, stuffing themselves with bad shit and washing it down w/ rotgut… to deaden the pain…
good for my kids.. well, according to the kreepshit babbling of teh widbee shit-stain.
I think the appointment of a special counsel who can’t be accused of partisan favoritism toward the Bidens is a positive development. If Hunter Biden’s influence peddling broke the law, he should be prosecuted for that. However, if this is to be an influence peddling investigation, I think it should be broadened to include any Supreme Court justices doing the same thing.
Talk about great broke food.. ever make scallion-ginger oil? Easy to make and fucking outstanding on asian rice or wheat noodles.. Put a fried egg on top garnish w/ chili oil and/or light soy sauce..
This guy gets into it..
He’s hilarious..
note to the head up its ass shit-stain: great over slices of rotisserie chicken. 5 bucks at costco. Again add a little soy and/or chili oil…
oh my.. did I just hand “free-stuff” to teh shit-stain?
The more “special counsels” Garland appoints, the more normal, and “unspecial” they become.
I don’t think that’s any concern to President Joe Biden, Senate Leader Schumer, House Minority Leader Jeffries, Associate Justice Sotomayor, or nearly any other Democratic elected official or liberal Supreme Court Justice.
But I wouldn’t want to be Brett Favre or one of his Republican friends.
Message delivered, I’d say.
Message received?
Not hardly.
To bad for him that as a general matter the scheduling decisions of a federal district court are not normally subject to interlocutory appeal. FAFO.
The Special Council’s name is Fuham or Durnam or something like that.
1)Wished Sound Transit re-bids tge contract for buses for tge Stride Bus Rapid Transit line on SR522. The winner appears to be BYD, a Chinese company, with a Buy American Act facility in California. Tgere is a federal law prohibiting FTA money from being used, but it appears to be for future contracts. WSDoT has a standing master contract, so the FTA rule may not apply. There’s a running joke among bus fans and transit industry employees about what BYD stands for. Their track record with BRT leaves a lot to be desired. Although a re-bid would effectively make it a no-bid contract.
38)They will find a way to get two thirds.
Robert Mueller,
John Durham,
Jack Smith,
Robert Hur,
David Weiss.
I don’t think it matters much to Hunter Biden if his plea agreement was blown up, or if Garland’s appointment of Weiss frees Weiss to pursue charges against Hunter Biden in other jurisdictions. What matters is that he escaped being duped into a plea deal that would have cured evidentiary issues in other matters unrelated to those pleas.
I think this leaves him safe from FARA charges and prepared to go to trial on the other charges knowing that the gun charges are on considerably less firm footing now that the Fifth Circuit has overturned that law within its own jurisdiction, and that the two remaining misdemeanor tax charges would normally be resolved without a prison sentence. I strongly suspect that Weiss is unwilling to grant immunity on FARA violations in exchange for a guilty plea and allocution on the misdemeanor tax charges. But I also strongly suspect that he can’t bring an indictment on FARA charges without that guilty plea and allocution. So he’ll spend a few million dollars of taxpayers money to reach the same place he is today. And Garland will let him.
Why? Why are Heterosexual such Neanderthals. Why? Why are you killing people. The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus (STD) is out of control. It’s a Pandemic!
Look at this! Heterosexual are so Violent. Heterosexual Neandertals Virus is incurable.
Costing the taxpayers big time, and I mean big time money! And the lives, oh well.
It doesn’t stop!
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus kills and kills and The Fake Moms don’t give a fuck! Hopefully one of those Fake Mom’s goes by the way of Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
Ok, time for the Friday Night Extravaganza. We don’t want to know about the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus that Carl so hated knowing about.
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & War With Russia Bombshell News –
10,000 Polish troops to be stationed on Belarus border and what does Joe Dementia and his Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Chickenhawk Warmongers do, just keep sending more weapons and blocking peace negotiations. This is how a limited war escalates to a full scale NATO-Russia war you fvcking psychos.
“Poland’s defence minister says the country is going to considerably grow its deployment to its eastern border, where NATO meets Moscow satellite state Belarus, with 10,000 troops to be stationed.”
Republicans have it figured out.
We should appease.