I didn’t get any engagement on Twitter, and I don’t know if it’s because Twitter sucks now or because it’s just not interesting? Or both.
Anyway, the other day, I got on the light rail at Pioneer Square going North. Now what you have to understand is that the sometimes the doors open on the right and sometimes they open in the left, and between there and Capitol Hill, where the doors open on the opposite side, it’s all underground.
The person who got on ahead of me went to the opposite doors and looked out the window. Butt to the other passengers. Whenever I get that spot, it’s because I am getting off at Capitol Hill, but I always turn around so I’m facing inside the train. I can understand if it’s above ground but looking out at the gray walls of the tunnel seems… wrong? Off? I don’t know.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Trump lost in 2020.
He’ll lose again in 2024.
It’s not racist to praise, honor, and celebrate an historical tradition of kidnapping people from Africa, packing them into ship hulls like ballast for months, selling them at auction, and then putting them into forced labor, rape, and breeding programs to enrich white people.
And it’s hurtful to my feelings if you disagree.
It’s great to know that Republicans everywhere have got my back, even after I stole from their abused pets to pay for my Botox treatments.
We are all better off now than we were in 2020.
And we are all better off now that Trump is indicted.
I used to think this.
I’m increasingly unsure.
When Ron DeSantis finally announces and it flops, who will mega-wealthy Republican donors turn to next to squander their backing trying to outflank Trump rather than reform their own party?
Asking for a friend.
Well who among us HASN’T tipped off a suspect to flee from my fellow officers if we agree that the crime they committed was righteous.
Party reform is a non-starter.
Racism, bigotry, and fear are the only tools at my disposal to manipulate these stupid fucks into voting against their own economic interest.
We’d be better of if Trump had been re-elected.
It’s been a while since I’ve done a search for good news for my two sons..
Mark Gietzen, who gained prominence as one of the nation’s most zealous grass-roots opponents of abortion, died on Tuesday. He was 69.
The Kansas Republican Party announced his death. The Wichita Eagle reported that Mr. Gietzen died when his Cessna 172 crashed a few miles northeast of Chambers, Neb…
Mr. Gietzen (pronounced GEET-zin) spent nearly $120,000 to finance a recount of the decisive vote in Kansas to preserve abortion rights. That month, Mr. Gietzen told The Eagle that the expenditure would make it harder for him to renovate his Cessna, which he said he had been working on for 15 years.
The recount did not change the outcome.
69 years old? Was it getting an SS check? Does the pope go #2 in the woods?
Not anymore.. Following logically from the interminably silly, inane, insane, insipid, “seriously” deranged babbling of teh keepshit of widbee, the untimely passing of this forced birth nutjob can only be..
for my kids..
Just needs the headline:
“DeSantis Officially Enters the ‘Find Out’ Phase of His War With Disney”
GOP walks out on Debt Ceiling Talks.
“He wouldn’t give us the big red kickball AND a lolly so we just left.”
@12 – It’s probably the work requirement that has stalled things.
That almost qualifies for it’s own reddit sub.
Not quite r/LeopardsAteMyFace.
Not quite r/HermanCainAward.
Maybe it should be named after him.
I’m not sure it maters what the results are of the election. Regardless of the outcome Repukes will continually try to steal the election and have insurections. And in doing so, one day they will succeed and this Country will be governed by fascist and anarchy and civil war will break out.
So the future isn’t bright. Little babeis will die in addition to grown-ups.
Nobody is going to stop Heterosexual Neanderthals from being Neanderthals and overaken by the HN Virus (STD).
Breeding will not save them. And the FuckHump and the Supporting GOP Party have fucked over this Country for good and forever.
Noun, Verb, THE LEFT!
10. Turns out gravity is for a woman’s right to control her own body.
I’m with Gravity.
Just wait ’til all y’all get to point fingers over who is responsible for the corrupt, incompetent, senile Democrat president forced to resign in disgrace.
Me too.
Me too.
Chicken Shit Shoveler is a CI for the FBI and fed them a corrupt cop.
This is what assholes get for hanging around with assholes.
Was there this much mirth when Wellstone bought it? It predates HA so I feel compelled to ask.
All y’all wanna use a plane crash to your advantage.
Nobody used a fatal plane crash to political advantage nearly as well as did John Kerry.
John Kerry, of course, is the failed presidential candidate whose lame 2004 effort gave us
CJ John Roberts
AJ Samuel Alito.
Which was good for Queen YLB’s fucked kids.
And speaking of corrupt DC cops, DC police are now going to have to face some tough questions after Clay Higgins attacked a peaceful heckler in a public park and the police arrested the heckler instead of the Congressman, who can be seen in multiple videos assaulting the peaceful, completely non-violent citizen.
Being the “smart hillbilly” that he is, Congressman Higgins is compounding his crime by making false sworn statements about the incident.
Here is the attack:
Try to imagine the reactions if Ayana Pressley did this.
Look who’s back @ 7 after having his Atlanta Antifa POS ass handed to him!
The winner of the NH Democrat primary will be Hillary Clinton.
Democrats race to avoid a Biden embarrassment in New Hampshire
If they get his name on the ballot they still have to compel New Hampshire Democrats to vote for him. Not a given.
Why won’t Clay Higgins grab me and hold me close like that?
I can’t even get him to make eye contact.
Over at our house we hate paying the bills just like anybody else.
Sometimes we let them sit in a pile for a little longer than we should. And when the time comes to pay them it can be stressful. We look through the charges and have some conversations about how the money was spent.
I’ll tell you something we don’t do.
We don’t threaten to refuse to pay last months bills, get stuck with a bunch of late charges, and go into default and collections before we agree on a budget for next month.
That wouldn’t make any sense.
@ 26
Try to imagine the reactions if Ayana Pressley did this.
She and Higgins do have the same haircut.
…Clay Higgins attacked a peaceful heckler in a public park …
Touching isn’t exactly assault. And have we forgotten about mentally unhinged people being permitted to approach our Congresswomen willy-nilly? ’cause Gabby Giffords probably can still remember a little bit about her experience. Maybe.
Irony, today thy name is Clay Higgins:
WARNING: “Access” may be accompanied by uncomfortable bruising and swelling.
Perhaps Mayor Bowser can have Rep. Higgins under indictment by the time he calls her next to testify.
@10 Priorities.
@13 No, it’s probably the 22% budget cuts and 1% spending cap that have stalled things.
Heterosexual Neanderthal virus claim another victim and costs the taxpayers more money.
Wasteful spending habits and lifestyle.
@24 Who says it’s funny? There’s nothing at all funny about people like him, least of all when they face plant in a cornfield. At least he didn’t take anyone else with him. He worked for Boeing, so he knew something about airplanes.
@25 “failed presidential candidate whose lame 2004 effort”
That “lame effort” by a Democratic war hero came within one state of unseating an incumbent Republican draft dodger whose negligence cost thousands of Americans their lives.
What is seen in the video meets the criminal standard in DC. Members of the House have no special privileges or protections. The Clown Caucus chose to plan and hold a public performance event in an otherwise unrestricted public park. They made no arrangements whatsoever to control or restrict public access to their public performance. They availed themselves of the open statute allowing for the controlled use of amplified sound in designated public areas. The victim of the assault never raises his hands or even defends himself in any way from the assault by the Congressman. His voice is calm as he repeatedly asks his assailant to stop assaulting him and pushing him toward the busy street.
The victim in this case is a law student who would be very well advised to consider what his civil legal options might be. Nothing he was doing was in violation of any law. And nothing he was doing can be construed in a reasonable context to be “threatening”. The federal courts have been extremely explicit on this last point. Even “offensive” speech, or “vulgar” speech, which this most certainly was not, may not be interpreted as “threatening”. Speech itself can only be regarded as threatening within very narrowly defined circumstances and conditions. There was nothing present in the interaction to indicate credible threat in any way, other than the actions of Congressman Higgins.
Grabbing an otherwise peaceful citizen against their will and forcibly driving them across a distance of fifty feet meets the criminal definition of assault in DC.
@25 “the failed presidential candidate whose lame 2004 effort”
You mean the Democratic war hero who came within one state of unseating the Republican draft dodger whose negligence and stupidity cost thousands of American lives?
@32 After watching that video, one’s first question naturally is, “Who is this fucking idiot?” Because obviously she’s much smarter than he is, which is why he wouldn’t let her answer his questions. And the answer is: A college dropout, former cop, and car salesman.
Don’t forget that Republican GoatBoy’s negligence and stupidity included launching the Forever War.
Clay Higgins is the living embodiment of the Dunning-Kruger effect. He’s one of these Trumpified Clowns who, having been energized and activated into politics by Trump’s racism, xenophobia, and contempt for competency, prepared himself for public service by reading encyclopedia articles about The Constitution and The Federalist Papers.
Cops in general suffer from this. Most believe their rote memorization of the criminal codes empowers them to practice the law.
He undoubtedly believes that this will immunize him from any criminal consequences for the assault he committed on Wednesday. But with any luck, he will also believe that he has no need to retain an attorney to respond if/when MPD detectives eventually reach out to interview him about the incident.
All y’all wanna use a plane crash to your advantage.
LOL! Just another opportunity to laugh at your unhinged babbling..
No more SS check for the forced birther is good for my kids and good for even for your thugs-in-training “grandkids”.. all in line with your “serious” babbling.
I’m sure the “grandkids” will toast to the memory of all those expired repukes after a hard day of “kicking the living shit” out of people you hate, funded by dark munee..
Check out kon-klown’s heels:
This Raw Story article again had a pic of Kari Lake without soft focus so, RS being a news aggregator, I went to the source, AZCentral. OMG! Not only was there no soft focus, their pic of Lake was taken in direct fucking sunlight!! OMG, my eyes are melting!!
Feel free to thank me for not providing a link.
Kari Lake’s trial to expose election fraud was like ‘one of those clown pistols that shoots out a flag — one that says Oops’: op-ed
What’s your predictions on likelyhood of the Republican debt depression?
Will Biden and the dems let republicans crash the economy? Will old people blame republicans when social security checks stop?
Will republicans support something from Democrats?
Will Biden given into the terrorists?
Will Biden do something with 14th amendment and get rid of the whole debt limit thing?
kreepshit’s favorite infectious diseases doctor and epidemiologist giving a stem winder in FL:
This happens wayyyyyyy wayyyyyyyyy wayyyayayayayyyyayay too much.
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus is thriving and deadly.
Wayyyyyyyyyy wayyyyyyyy wayyyyyyayayayayayyyy too often! The heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
Republican Mega Donor Pillow Crackhead will get to face yet another bleak, expensive lawsuit.
Having waited the 30 days required under the binding arbitration agreement the winner of Mike Lindell’s $5 million dollar contest to prove he’s an idiot has now filed in federal court seeking an order to force Lindell to honor his agreement and quit being a pussy.
This is in addition to other very expensive lawsuits awaiting Lindell for intentionally defaming election technology companies Smartmatic and Dominion.
Note to the pool cleaners: Put this account on COD
What the fuck do you expect you fuckhead moron.
Only The FuckHump Rubes are only dumber than this guy.
Never trust a perverted rapist neanderthal heterosexual who has the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
Puffy blows.
The guys are all a bunch of fraudsters and the Rubes get coned all day, serves them right.
The FuckHump is a POS Con man, along with Giuliani, Lindel, DeFuckFace, and the rest of them, etc….etc….etc.
We’d all be better off if they died in a helicopter or airplane accident.
Geee Whiz! One less Trump/DeFuckFace voter.
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus killing people, budgets and votes!
Shouldn’t the Repukes of this Country be loudly speaking out negatively towards other countries that allow abortions?
Is it just the American Fetus that they are Pro Life about? Does the little American fetus tighlty gripping little teeney weeney American flags in their teeney weeeny little hands?
Russia, there buddy and hero country has sky high abortion rate….they should be talking to Vlady about this.
I guess Russian babies are good dead babies.
@42 “He undoubtedly believes that this will immunize him from any criminal consequences for the assault he committed on Wednesday.”
Maybe he just thinks former cops get lifetime shoving privileges.
@46 Biden has to negotiate with the terrorists, so when they kill the hostage, he can say he did everything he could.
@50 That guy is smart to grab his $5 million before Dominion and Smartmatic become judgment creditors.
The latest Harris poll has Trump 58% – DeSantis 16%.
This could change, of course, if Trump goes to prison; in that event, DeSantis would be lucky to hang onto 4%.
It either the MAGAt way or the highway to hell…
Jeebus bless us all..