It’s inconvenient, but it’s better that Metro take defective busses off the road than to risk an accident. Maybe I would think something else if it was one of my routes. I hope it gets resolved quickly.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
We’d be better off with a DEAD drumpf..
Rupert Murdoch too.
When yer rollin’ coal there’s no reason to give a shit about a silly bus here ‘n there.
Neanderthals, bunch of fucks!
We’d be better of if Trump had been re-elected.
More problems with your feelings?
1 – Good idea! Let’s add tp the list:
1. Xi Jinping
2. Putin
3. Nancy & Paul Pelosi
4. Chuck Schumer
5. Joe and Hunter Biden
6. Kamala Harris
7. Bill & Hillary Clinton
8. Maduro
9. Liz Warren
10. Adam Schiff
11. James Comey
12. Mitch McConnell
13. AOC
14. Ilhan Omar
15. Joy Reid
16. Don Lemmon
17. Bill O’Reilly
18. John Bolton
19. James Clapper
20. Michael Hayden
21. Newt Gingrich
22. Anderson Cooper
23. Marjorie Taylor-Green
24. John Brennan
25. Maxine Watters
26. Al Sharpton
27. Cory Booker
28. Patty Murray
29. Maria Cantwell.
30. Sean Hannity
That’s 30 for the list and a good start. We’d all be better off if all of them dropped dead today.
@6 Nothing I could say would be as articulate as Elijah’s response, so I’m deferring to him.
-the police
If police work was really about protecting the public, then this kind of shit, which is incredibly common even if it does not always result in murder, would be a rare exception.
But “helping” and “protecting” is not what police are trained and equiped to do. Yelling and swearing at the top of their lungs, gunning up, breaching, and gaining entry is. They are hammers.
And we are nails.
Sure is quiet around here today.
You forgot
Mitch the Tirtle.
Gym Jordan.
Newt Gingrich
Chris Crustie
Ron DeSanctimonious
6 Supreme Court Fucks appointed by a Repuke
And let’s just say anyone from the GOP
@9. How many of those hammers classify as Heteros? What percentage would you say?
It hasn’t been quite with the Hetero Neanderthal Disease.
More STD of the Hetero kind.
Horse. Horse. Horse.
Michigan GOP official: Shut down ‘by force’ public library with LGBTQ books
>> I thought Forced Birth Republicans were against cancel culture? Oh, LGBTQ books are different? THOSE are ok to cancel because [ Insert a Greedy Racist Incel slur here ].
This is why “Defund Social Security” Republicans lose in free and fair un gerrymandered elections.
PS According to a 2021 Daily Beast article, the Michigan GOP official, Trejo, once hosted a podcast with a member of white supremacist Identity group Evropa. Trejo also praised white supremacists at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017 as “civil rights heroes.”
Whitey shouldn’t have resisted arrest! You know that that’s what the Hebron Community is thinking, amirite.
What dreaded disease this Hetero Neanderthal Disease is
So normalized by the Heteros, it’s like it’s not even their species.
During the altercation, Trooper Jessie Rainville deployed a Taser to subdue Marzi. Marzi was tased for over a minute in total and over 20 seconds after Marzi began pleading for her to stop.
As Taser technology has improved, they no longer emit shocks in 5-10 second bursts but can now electrocute for as long as the officer keeps their finger on the trigger.
Hang the fucker! He stole all of Boob’s money!
Trouble in Paradise!
You see, I’ve said it here before, if you discriminate then expect to be discriminated against. Shame! Shame! Shame on you for not loving the lover of fuckness.
Boob knows this quite well.
You know who else lives in Florida, don’t you?
Yes, Putin’s best friend.
Good luck Ronnie!
Rut Row!
Isn’t this one of Boob’s most admired musicians?
Time for Boob to turn his back on him!
Let’s see – there’s either a wrong or a right. Hmmm. Wrong? Right? Wrong? Right? Wrong? Right? Wrong?
Fuck right! Let’s go with wrong! Fuck you Elton! How dare you politicize and voice your freedoms!
Don’t forget to add Bernie Sanders, Jerry Nadler, Al Gore, Gorge Soros and Mike Bloomberg. While you’re at it, include the entirety of the teachers’ unions, academia from everywhere, Marxist-Leninists of all stripes, the entire mainstream media and the people residing in the laughing academy.
@24 You and @6 are disappointing…
You both forget liberal female comics spouting off about asswipe republicans. They really make your heads explode. It’s fun to watch.