– Tax them capital gains. Collect the heck out of them.
– If you’re a woman, trans man, or NB who can get pregnant and you’re under 45, King County is recommending that you get screened for syphilis.
– Councilmember Sawant can call cops murderers to her heart’s content.
– Wash your damn hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted with the fucking miracle before you see your family at Christmas.
DNC putting South Carolina first or close to it during primary season is a big Fuck You to Mayor Pete.
They’re stacking the deck against y’all, G-clown. Why does the Democrat party hate gays? Is it because they are wantonly spreading monkeypox?
Rachel Levine is a dude. Thst is all.
Biden signed the Fuck You to rail workers.
@3. It’s sad that defund social security republicans do not want Rail Workers to get sick leave.
Manchin was the sole Democrat present to vote against the expanded sick leave. It would have taken some forced birth republicans to vote for it to pass but they wouldn’t. They would rather screw workers.
If even a few Pipe Bomb Republicans were willing, Congress could pass a law providing paid sick leave for all workers tomorrow and Joe Biden would sign it. Fourteen progressive Democrat states and DC already do.
Republicans: “You may not take a day off when you are sick and highly contagious. But your baby can have a machine gun.”
What a loon – The No-vicious Loon. You don’t like the HN Virus….I understand, it is shameful.
Right now I think is a really good time for Democrats to look around and observe carefully how Republicans and “conservatives” are reacting to this ongoing episode with their presumptive 2024 nominee recruiting a Nazi youth group leader and cuddling with a massively anti-Semitic pop musician.
It’s important because I think there is an opportunity here for all of us to better understand just exactly how it is that we misjudged “conservative” and “traditional values” Americans for so long about their attitudes surrounding what we now call diversity, equity, and inclusion. I think you can see a dynamic playing out in real time right now among these people, media personalities, entertainers, political leaders, business leaders, and probably even some of your neighbors, coworkers, and family members. It’s a challenging time for many of them and you can see them struggling. And struggle can be revealing.
The struggle is to find a way to reframe the apallingly anti-Semitic things being said by Kanye West and Nick Fuentes, and their supporters, to grant them some degree of social acceptance or at least tolerance. And so we get pretensious and overwroght attempts to “explain” how Jews in the entertainment industry “exploit” artists. And even in the midst of Mandatory Nationwide Christ Awareness Month we get Xtians bitching about not being even more empowered to shove Baby Jeeebus down the throats of non-believers in every life situtation.
Some of it is a struggle to normalize and expand the Overton Window a bit more. But if you pay close enough attention what I see are these conservatives, Republicans, and trad-fam Americans struggling to discover a new way to preserve, protect, and retain their old, pre-existing bigotry. New explanations to conceal the old hatred.
This is how we woke* up one day not too long ago and realized that so much of the progress we thought had been made was an illusion. These people are consumed by these hatreds. They might not become so desperate that they gun up and head to the nearest AME church or drag show. But they won’t be talked out of them either. That was our mistake – thinking that laws, or talking or culture could or would change these people’s miserable, shriveled, damaged characters. They always seem to find some way to get past the moment of crisis and move on with the hatred fully intact. We see them nodding and smiling. And we see them refraining from the tasteless jokes and racist tropes in public settings. And we see them all paying lip-service to the ideas of tollerance, equality, and diversity. But if you pay attention to the conversations they are having among themselves, what you see is them working out new, and newly acceptable ways to communicate the same old shit.
Take the sad, weak dancing freak as an example. Under pressure it’s pretty consistent to see him revert into his stylized forms of hatred. And one of the ways he expresses this is with his ongoing preoccupied denouncements of anal sexual contact. But think of all the times he’s had it pointed out to him that anal sexual contact is overwhelmingly a more frequent practice among opposite sex couples. And by now he’s confirmed that this is of course true (if he ever even doubted it). But it hasn’t shifted his hatred one bit. Nor really has it lessened the frequency of denouncement of anal sexual contact. He realizes that he’s denouncing heterosexuals far more than anyone else. But he simply hasn’t found any better way to express his hatred when he’s under pressure. And he’s not going to give that up.
Tollerant, educated, progressive people need to realize that these people are not going to change. They are going to hang on to their hatred and bigotry no matter what. So we can’t really expect the groups of our fellow Americans who are the targets of their hatred to be protected without strong laws with teeth. It’s still a lot of people clinging to these odious beliefs and practices. Our society isn’t really going to be made safe with pop songs, or flags, or “groundbreaking” television. We need strong laws combined with strong penalties and police and prosecutors committed to enforcement.
*Absolutely intentional and non-ironic use of the word. This is what “woke” means. This is why it is so threatening to white supremacist bigots.
4)Also Railroad workers have their own Social Security, called Railroad Retirement, also goes back to the Roosevelt Administration.
4)Also Railroad workers have their own Social Security, called Railroad Retirement, also goes back to the Roosevelt Administration.
@7 well said.
And one of the ways he expresses this is with his ongoing preoccupied denouncements of anal sexual contact. But think of all the times he’s had it pointed out to him that anal sexual contact is overwhelmingly a more frequent practice among opposite sex couples.
LMAO!! It’s an obsession with that freak. Mary Kay would never give it up. Nope.. not ever..
The freak is so obsessed with ass fucking it let itself get fucked there by that hustling zoomer redneck tenant.. That redneck figuratively fucked it in the ass and as a cigarette put a junker on blocks.
HAHAHAHA.. Too funny..
I join you in your giddy laughter and his humiliation.
But the important point is not their groveling and coping each time one of their racist, Nazi culture heroes pulls the rug out from under them, as they always do. The important point is the complete resistance to any growth and change when they are confronted by the new information. They don’t respond to new information in anything like a normal way, at least not when it comes to these hatreds they adore.
And just as important is understanding that no matter how artfully conservatives may revise how they express and defend their hatreds, those hatreds are far more extreme, far more fundamental, and ultimately far more violent in nature that we allow ourselves to believe – at least those of us lucky enough to not be the targets.
This shit they are selling, this hatred, is deadly serious stuff. It leads to murder – ultimately mass murder, potentially on a global scale. We can’t ever lose sight of how serious the stakes are when fuckers like Republicans begin the project of rebuilding the gas chambers. This transcends politics. I totally get that there are some Republicans, maybe even a majority of Republicans (although I doubt it), who are reluctant to go along with this stuff.
But you don’t stop Nazis with reluctance. We don’t need to even debate that. Because they already elected Trump once, nominated him twice, and they’ll probably do it a third time a little over a year from now. And every single fucking one of them would go along “reluctantly”. They certainly aren’t reluctant when they try to rationalize/excuse the mass murder of people attending a drag show or mass shootings at synogogues.
@8 Looks like Andrew Anglin is back on Trump fanboy Elon’s soapbox.
Sure looks like all the Hitler admirers making up the GOP influencer and donor classes are coming out of the closet now that the party is making mass murder respectable again.
I was just thinking about voting fraud again, a subject that’s hard to avoid in any election season.
Republicans think any black person’s vote is fraudulent. Some Republicans think allowing women to vote is fraud, too. And virtually all Republicans have been indoctrinated that mail-in ballots are inherently fraudulent.
But the fact they disapprove of something, or don’t like it, doesn’t make it “fraud.” If election laws allow mail voting or early voting, then that voting is legal, not fraudulent.
What’s fraudulent is Republicans’ use of the English language. The terms “communist” and “socialist” have specific meanings. So do the words “fraud” and “fraudulent.” Unless, of course, you’re Alice in Republicanland, where words can mean anything you want them to — and have no meaning at all.
@ 4
Manchin was the sole Democrat present to vote against the expanded sick leave. It would have taken some forced birth republicans to vote for it to pass but they wouldn’t.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, every Democrat who voted to pass the bill forcing the contract on the unions voted against expanded sick leave. Those supporting Democrats could have voted against the bill and enabled the unions to strike in an effort to obtain those additional benefits.
They didn’t.
The silliness of the sick leave posture will become apparent when three days from now nobody is talking about the railroad workers anymore.
@12 The title of that Raw Story piece:
Twitter unbans neo-Nazi who said women should be ‘raped and locked in cages’
The disgusting, greedy, racist, misogynist incel troll @14 said Musk would “make twitter fun again”..
Got your wish asshole.
How did QoS McHillbilly describe our resident twat YLB? Why, he called @ 11 her giddy.
It’s all there. Everything but unserious, and that one’s strongly inferred.
Everything but unserious
Heh.. What happened to your “rule” when you let that redneck fuck you in the ass?
Silly troll, you were anything BUTT “serious”…. LMAO!
Your “unseriousness” cost ya MUNEE!
Look at the greedee racist incel go!
Moscow Mitch’s hands turn more purple for another two years.
The GQP in the McCarthy kookhaus will EAT EACH OTHER for the next two years..
Shit show hearings and krazy misogynist forced birtherism will bring a record turnout of voters in 2024..
The entertainment we HAers will get from the shitheaded troll and the GQP antics will be off the charts..
Our laughter was giddy.
It always is whenever we find ourselves laughing at the deep failure and profound humiliation of shy Nazis.
This was the humorous core of JoJo Rabbit.
But unlike our hero JoJo, there will be no redemption in the final act for Republicans. Real Nazis are irredeemable.
One might even say they are deplorable.
Yours truly hasn’t seen kneepads for kon-klown deathsatanist and its “serious maga boots” from the greedee racist misogynist shy nazi troll for quite the spell..
Was it something yours truly said?
lord kreepshit can you list for us HAers the leadership of the “Independent” Party to which Bernie Sanders reports?
Job numbers are good again this month.. What happened to the “recession”? Everyone seems to squawk, “mild one in 2023”..
Too bad it didn’t get here in time to lighten moscow mitch’s purpling hands.
“Former President Donald Trump expressed support for the rioters behind the deadly January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol in a video played during a fundraiser Thursday that was hosted by the Patriot Freedom Project, a group that assists families of those charged in the riot.”
Of course he does. He sent them. He’s responsible for their being in jail. But “support” means talk, not paying for their lawyers, or pardoning them (which he could’ve done, but didn’t do, and won’t in the future unless there’s something in it for him). He may even visit them in jail to check out the cells — and measure his for rugs and drapes.
When Putin falls down the stairs and shits himself, it’s international news.
When Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit does it, it’s a regular trading day. He just misses the opening bell. Unless he chooses not to change.